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23376559 No.23376559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I want to create an American mythology like Tolkien did for England. Make some suggestions of things I should include.

>> No.23376560 [DELETED] 


>> No.23376562


>> No.23376566


>> No.23376568

I think that Jojo Part 7 did it already

>> No.23376569

Smokey and the Bandit.

>> No.23376573

>what are superheroes/comics
I know you mean a literally book in terms of literature like Tolkien did, but DC and Marvel basically are the mythology of the USA.

>> No.23376576

Stephen King has spent a lot of his career trying to do this, desu.
The Stand and the Dark Tower are supposed to be mythological or biblical style epics about America.

>> No.23376580

The central banks would be the main villains, obviously.

>> No.23376584

>I want to create an American mythology like Tolkien did for England.
So take the greatest works of American literature and butcher them into a story for your children.

You do have a wife and children?

>> No.23376596

America is a synthetic creation. It has no roots, no folklore, no common identity, none.

>> No.23376609

Mormonism is American mythology.

>> No.23376624
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>> No.23376625

All nations are, they're Enlightenment inventions of the nascent or actual bourgeoisie. No more than a day's walk away they are a different people.

>> No.23376629
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Irving helped lay a lot of the groundwork for an American mythology already. You can build off of what he started, and you can start by reading this volume (pic-related). I'm personally using it as a reference for my standalone fantasy book about a group of frontiersman who fight cryptids, trade with Indians, explore, and so on and so forth.

>> No.23376631

>I want to create an American mythology like Tolkien did for England.
Harriet Stowe did that with Uncle Tom's Cabin.

>> No.23376668

brainwashed retards stealing my fucking foreskin

>> No.23377754

Tolkien tapped into the myth of "Merrie England", i.e. the feeling that at some indeterminate time in the past things were rural, low-tech, and basically cheery and friendly. A sort of lost "Golden Age". The Shire is rural England — part fantasy, part reality (more reality than people these days realize, I think).

The USA has naturally created its own similar myth. It's the Wild West. You have to decide whether to use this (perhaps altering or expanding it) or go for something completely different.

The big change that's taken place in the USA is the move from rural to urban living. The Wild West is essentially a wide-open landscape. These days most people live in cities. So where writers try to create a completely new myth, they usually go urban, to reflect this, e.g. Dhalgren by Samuel Delaney. (Charles Dickens did something similar with Victorian London.)

I don't think this can ever work, because the countryside is life and cities are death. But you might feel differently.

Suppose you want to try to update the Wild West mythos with modern technology? Just going by feel, I think you could do worse than watch some road movies.

The feel of someone driving huge distances, stopping off at little towns for ADVENTURES — there's a poetic vibe to this which has a lot in common with the old Wild West, but is also quintessentially modern. It can incorporate the modern urban landscape (Drive, for example).

Quite what you do with this is another matter.

>> No.23377757

mound building red haired 6 fingered cannibal giants with egyptian jewelery

>> No.23377809

>You do have a wife and children?
My wife has children.

>> No.23377814

Robert E Howard was the American Tolkien and even he realised that an American mythology was worthless, which is why he focused instead on tall tales and yarns, because that was the source of American literature, unlike the mythology of Europe. Read Howard and Lovecraft and continue their neo-romantic project if you want to do anything worthwhile.

>> No.23377823

You're unqualified. How do I know? You asked /Lit/.

>> No.23377829
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>I want to create an American mythology
Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster already did that for you nearly a century ago. You're welcome.

>> No.23377839
File: 128 KB, 900x506, truth justice and the american way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why so much american media boils down to WHAT IF SUPERMAN BUT BAD. Op, there already is an American mythology. And it's unbeatable.

>> No.23377852

Superman is a tree without roots, like all goyslop.

>> No.23377858
File: 270 KB, 1024x790, superman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superman is THE American icon and you should be thankful someone created something culturally so insanely powerful for (You). American cultural hegemony is also thanks to this.

>> No.23377863

donkeys and elephants

>> No.23377870

America just doesn't have a legendary past that could be mined for a ye olden times fantasy setting. The space opera seems like the most fitting genre for an American mythology that's as grand as Tolkien's, it connects to the myths of the Frontier, spreading civilization throughout wild, uninhabited regions and running a soft-power empire uniting many worlds (nations) around some idea.

>> No.23377872

Sorry op and >>23377754, Blood Meridian already exists.

>> No.23377881
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>myths of the Frontier
already debunked

>> No.23377892

>my standalone fantasy book about a group of frontiersman
>based on the writings of someone who lived his entire life in New England
Anon, if you ever do publish a work about frontiersmen fantasy or not, it's not Irving you'll be judged against, it's McCarthy.

>> No.23377909

Magical Negroes
Hidden Figures
Peanut Butter

>> No.23377915

The problem with OP is that the are so many excellent American writers and each have already covered through their work a defining aspect of America
The South and slavery? Uncle Tom's Cabin, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn
The Wild West/Frontier? Blood Meridian
America as THE force of good against evil and tyranny post-ww2? Superheroes, Marvel & DC Comics
So what's left exactly that is distinctly american, not merely regional, and hasn't been already covered by a better author than you?

>> No.23377923

So, Star Wars?
>inb4 but they are movies
There are Star Wars books too.

>> No.23377926
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Nazis lost
>Multiple examples in this very thread
wtfs wrong work this board

>> No.23377928

its got to have cowboys

>> No.23377930
File: 910 KB, 3264x2448, star wars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is too late for that too.

>> No.23377932

multiple examples of works that already exist

>> No.23377936

Yes, Star Wars is a good example. It worked very well as mythology, didn't it? Also, Dune or Asimov.
I don't know whether OP means to be perfectly original and do something nobody has done before, but other anons have pointed out that that's not really possible, a lot of mythology has been created already. But, for instance, JK Rowling managed to create a new mythology for Britain post-Tolkien that worked out really well.
Btw, X-Files might be worth mentioning as another sort of American mythology: noble law enforcement up against American urban legends, technological threats and shadow government conspiracies...

>> No.23377937

More like Star Trek, though oops, that also already exists.

>> No.23377942

>OP means to be perfectly original and do something nobody has done before
That's the vibe I get.

>> No.23377948
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Lol, get rekt, Liam

>> No.23377952
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>> No.23378829

Superman is just one character placed into our normal world. Not much world building

>> No.23378831

Something fake and gay? Already exists

>> No.23378837

No, they aren't. Keep your reddit views for reddit.

>> No.23378838
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As an outsider if it doesn't have
>Machine guns
>Twin peaks references
Don't even bother

>> No.23378844

BM is historical fiction, nothing mythic about it.

>> No.23378846

>what is Krypton
>what are Superman villains (Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Darkseid, etc. etc.)
>what is the Justice League
Are you retarded?

>> No.23378851

The Burgâr; the ancient beast who has cursed Americans with eating only burgers making their cuisine a nothingburger

>> No.23378857

Ah, so you think there really was a Judge Holden who just happened to possess infinite knowledge on all subjects, acted exactly like Satan in Paradise Lost, and will just never die?

>> No.23378858


>> No.23378862

1. it should be multicultural, include magik systems like voodoo

2. you should look into the many cryptids of america and use them as mythological creatures. thunderbird, sasquatch, moth man, etc

3. instead of knights they should be cowboys and outlaws

4. of course, instead of swords it should be guns

>> No.23378865

Is the Judge in the room with us right now?

>> No.23378874

Yes they are, and only a blind idiot would deny it.

>> No.23378877

I-I don't know actually

>> No.23378880

No, they're not. They're not even myths, retard. Let alone national myths of America.

>> No.23378905

Myths are merely narratives that play a fundamental role in a society. Are you telling me that superheroes didn't play a fundamental role in shaping the idea of the US as the great bastion of freedom and liberty against evil and tyranny? Especially during the Cold War, where the cultural opposition to the Soviet Union was Truth, Justice and The American Way? What a dishonest take.

>> No.23378926
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Superheroes are such strong American myths they actually influenced the course of WW2. You are an idiot.

>> No.23378953
File: 61 KB, 499x669, 11108856_938218756209425_2438266486138729502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, superhero comics just shaped the entire American popular culture since ww2 on and the very idea of what is american and what isn't, guess they aren't myths at all.

>> No.23378967

The myth is the American Revolution. A bunch of merchants and slavers were fed up with paying taxes to England, a mother country which was also trying to prevent the colonies from expanding into the frontier because that meant more war with the Indians, so the local opponents of metropolitan authority created an ideology of liberty and the abolition of strong central authority, which would permit the expansion of trade and the frontier unhindered. The Civil War is similar enough, there was a problem with expansion because adding new states to the union was complicated by the need to maintain parity between northern and southern electoral power. The Civil War thus spread liberty south and allowed for the final settlement of the west. So a successful American myth is about the right of expansion being thwarted by someone who wields an arbitrary veto, who must be violently overcome, but also defeated rhetorically and ideologically, in the name of freedom. It cannot be an empty violence of pure greed—even if effectively that is what it accomplishes all the same—but a morally righteous one. Nobody under 60 cares about the Cold War. Americans do not think about Superman when they think about themselves and the national identity. Superman is just an immigrant savior who becomes more American than the Americans, it's an inversion of the American myth, which of course contributes to its success by tapping the same material, but also more generically heroic mythologies.
Americans could essentially start with Tolkien if they are going for a mythological ethnogenesis like he wanted to do for the English, since "Americans" are predominately an English people from 1600-1800. But to enrich this to be inclusive of the fact that America is a pluralistic society of settlement and migration, which will be the obvious objection to the Tolkien model, something like Irish mythology should be imitated since it covers a succession of mythological colonizers and invaders battling one another to ultimately result in the nation. GRRM does this somewhat, albeit in a more old and thinly political world way.

>> No.23378975

there is also this

>> No.23379002

>americans were predominantly english
Yeah sure, except for Indians, and the black slaves imported from Africa, and all the Spanish colonies, and Louisiana which was French too…

>> No.23379009

Probably a lot of non white people. You know... the real Americans.

>> No.23379027

There's plenty of existing folklore to synthesize it out of. Paul Bunyan, Johnny Appleseed, jackalopes, chupacabras, the legends that have accumulated around the founders... Maybe also some characters from popular fiction that everyone knows, like Superman.

>> No.23379064
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>Ah yes, the all-english history of California

>> No.23379088

California es Mexico
>according to 2020 census Hispanics and Latinos of any race were 39.4% of the state's population, making it the largest ethnicity in California

>> No.23379104

>GRRM does this somewhat
If Daenerys is supposed to be America then Jon Snow who kills her at the end, who is he supposed to be? Don't say Israel

>> No.23379106


>> No.23379126

slaves were literally not counted as legal persons in the early republic
the Spanish colonies belonged to Spain, not England
Louisiana was a French colony, not an English colony
Americans, in the sense of residents of the Thirteen Colonies which became the United States, were predominantly English; that's a historical fact regardless of what happens after 1800

>> No.23379131

Did you read my post or not?
>"Americans" are predominately an English people from 1600-1800.
When does California become a US territory?

>> No.23379177

>Americans, in the sense of residents of the Thirteen Colonies
Too bad the US today is more than just New England, so a mythology based on New England people is not going to stick with people from California or Texas or Louisiana or Mississippi who all have completely different cultural and ethnic roots than a Yankee. You're making the same mistake Stephen King did, the US is more than just Maine. The american culture that sticks together a californian with a new yorker came much later and is actually better represented by Superman than John Smith, yeah the Pocahontas one.
>"Americans" are predominately an English people from 1600-1800
And even that is false. Black people had been forcibly imported to American soil since 1776. You can claim that they were not seen as people but they were still humans and they were not seen as foreigners to the land.

>slaves were literally not counted as legal persons
Doesn't mean they were not people, and this fact influenced the culture inevitably. Is there anyone who questions the fact today that black Americans are 100% American?

>> No.23379186
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>"Americans" are predominately an English people from 1600-1800
English ancestry is an extremely small minority in the USA.

>> No.23379195

Did you read my post or not?
>But to enrich this to be inclusive of the fact that America is a pluralistic society of settlement and migration, which will be the obvious objection to the Tolkien model, something like Irish mythology should be imitated since it covers a succession of mythological colonizers and invaders battling one another to ultimately result in the nation.
zoomers are a scourge upon literacy

>> No.23379208

>English ancestry is an extremely small minority in the USA
yeah in 2020, not in 1720

>> No.23379214

also your map is almost certainly counting "scotch-irish" people in appalachia as irish which is a little complicated historically since they were neither ethnic irish nor catholic

>> No.23379222

America has never been invaded unless you're admitting the natives have a rightful place in your "mythology" which is not what you are saying at all, so your comparison doesn't make sense. Save for the first english settlers, who are a small minority, US history is all about people being taken there against their will (slaves, immigrants forced to emigrate from their homeland by shitty life circumstances) and battling against the dominant group for their place in society. It's even happening now with all the illegal immigrants from Mexico. Again, Superman the adopted alien resonates much better as a myth than John Smith raping 12 year old Pocahontas.

>> No.23379226

>US history stops in 1720

>> No.23379255

Can't be done unless you're an Injun or one of the original settlers because the current US has no peoples.

>> No.23379256
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>US history is all about people being taken there against their will (slaves, immigrants forced to emigrate from their homeland by shitty life circumstances) and battling against the dominant group for their place in society.
Which is why the small group of underdog rebels vs Evil Superman/Evil American Empire archetype works so well and is so prevalent in american media. OP, you aren't going to invent anything that hasn't been done already.

>> No.23379263

>America has never been invaded unless you're admitting the natives have a rightful place in your "mythology" which is not what you are saying at all
I gave several options in a single post, so it's understandable you are terribly confused, since it wasn't a single looping tiktok soundbyte that played over and over until you could get the singular idea.
Everything that makes up the present day United States is the result of a violent process of conquest and plantation (the English first used plantation to refer to settling English and Scottish people in conquered portions of Ireland to better control it, Americans use it to mean a place where enslaved Africans and their descendents picked crops). Superman is a distinctly modern myth, he arrives in a fully settled America as an immigrant, but if you are going for something more in touch with a Tolkien style mythology you would have to go further back in time, and in America that's the English colonists driving back the Indians, evicting the French, raiding the Spanish, importing African slaves, allowing in other Europeans for need of white bodies and also for the simple reason that they got there first (e.g. the Dutch in New Amsterdam), England itself being integrated into Europe (the Kings George were a German dynasty and had land in Europe), religious toleration policies, and so on. So I said the Tolkien model is not very good for this dynamic, and you'd be able to better capture the waves of different American mythological founding stocks by looking at examples like Irish mythology which has all the different seaborne invaders
mythology takes place in the distant past, so we didn't have Hungarian Puerto Rican Korean Jewish Italians when the first American settlements were being built

>> No.23379291

>mythology takes place in the distant past
What's this retarded take? Mythology takes place anytime anywhere. You yourself recognized Superman is a myth, retard, you just don't like him because it's already a perfect myth created by someone else.
>Irish mythology which has all the different seaborne invaders
>the complete opposite of the entire US history
That's fucking retarded you fucking idiot. Who are the invaders in America? The black people that you put chains on and forcibly dragged into your home? The immigrants you invited and forced into ghettos because you needed their labor? The natives and mexicans who were there before you?

>> No.23379296

Indigineous Americans and their stories, the crossing from Greenland, and the American Romantics, with the likes of Walt Whitman.
As for thíngs: hamburgers, cars, tipis, totem poles, backpacks, horse carts, building materials, and farming materials. Workman's tools, and throw in some hedonistic quasi-pleasurable substances, but nothing that'll kill or set back, as a distractor.

>> No.23379313

you're being very literal and unimaginative here, i have pointed out the shortcomings of doing a direct imitation of the tolkien style mythology-for-england for america and suggested an alternate model like the irish myths which are more plural in terms of identity
superman is not a myth about the origins of the united states or americans as a nation, he is a hero myth he basically comes from heaven like heracles and then comes to embody the american spirit of fighting oppression
surely you see a difference here in mythology in the sense of an ancestral mythology that is meant to explain how this or that came to be and the superman story having mythological motifs in order to express values about how we should behave, you can of course mix the two but superman did not create the united states, found its cities, establish laws among fighting peoples, sire its races, etc. he arrived in it

>> No.23379336

I'm not the anon you replied to, but you could scan the history of Americas in the scientific, factual manner plus its prehistories, connecting dots and thinking of stories, typing, writing, or recording then.

>> No.23379339


>> No.23379349
File: 475 KB, 1500x2250, disney already tried nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your suggestion is retarded because AMERICA WAS NEVER INVADED, idiot. Unless you count the first english settlers invading rightful native land, but no, you aren't counting that so your suggestion is bullshit.
There are zero invaders to battle. There is an established group that wants to oppress all others for being racially and/or culturally different, but it's already there, since THAT was the invader originally.
>myth about the origins
Talk about moving goalposts. So that's what you want now? But even that has already been done to death. Pic related. And since history is well-documented in this case and we know that the colonists were absolute pieces of shit to the natives, spreading disease and causing starvation, your whitewashed shit is not gonna fly. It's not "creating a mythology" it's inventing lies and bullshit just like disney.

>> No.23379356

Isn't this what the Wizard of Oz is?

>> No.23379364

Now I'm confused. If you just want to write a literal history then you wouldn't be doing anything Tolkien at all. There was no Battle of Pelennor Fields. There was no Sauron. It's not real English history—not even the Shire is historical. Mythology is inherently "inventing lies and bullshit." And I agree no one should write anything new because it has been done before, especially not new mythology. There is no place for fiction in a society with oppression. We can only highlight grievances and demand they be solved before we conjure anything else. Don't you have a college graduation somewhere to not attend?

>> No.23379374

Read some Washington Irving for inspiration

>> No.23379389

>origins of the united states
The white man came and genocided all the innocent native men, women and children, then the white man cried OPPRESSION! when he found out some of the women and children had survived, but not enough to make a slave caste.

So the white man imprisoned people from a continent away just because they were of a different colour, and brought them to his home, and tried to make them slaves forever. However, some other white men hated these black people so much, they told the white man to stop bringing them to his home, so the white man decided to rape as many black women he could and force his own sons and daughters into slavery. The white man was so evil and depraved he didn't recognize his own seed and committed extreme evil against his own blood.
At the same time, the white man wanted labor for his factories too, but not black labor, so he called on people who looked white but he didn't think they were really white. These people took sympathy to the oppressed black people and together they fought the white man until he was defeated. Even so, it took centuries of battle, in the street and in the court, for the white man to start seeing other people as his equals - and some white men still seethe with hatred at the idea of not being allowed to murder and oppress with impunity. The white man is evil and needs to be contained or he will only bring hurt to the world.

Here's your US origin story OP, no need to thank me.

>> No.23379398

Not mythology. Go back.

>> No.23379400

Tolkien didn't have to contend with a documented history of oppression against other races. Is your mythology going to portrait white people as the objective evil they are in US history in your origin myth?

>> No.23379404

>Myths are merely narratives that play a fundamental role in a society.
That's not true. Myths are partly historical. People believed them. Superheroes are just postmodern fantasies. Everyone knows they're fake.
> What a dishonest take.
Anything is dishonest when you make up your own definitions then disregard as dishonest anything that contradicts that.

>> No.23379405

That's just war propaganda, not a myth.

>> No.23379414

There already is one of the settlers and westward expansion but it's only for the American europeans who built the country and it's more clearly derived from tall tales and colonial politics.
For everyone else there is only religion and that's distinctly foreign mythology.

>> No.23379416

Mythology of what? You have decimated your myths together with your aboriginals, and the first thing someone thinks of the US is either a burgerland of global imperialism or the Wild West.

>> No.23379421

If they are objectively evil then what story is there to tell except a pastoral rewilding of america back to turtle island? If it is evil to conquer and rule then our would-be heroes will have to be willing to smash the crown and pardon the vanquished at the end of the story. All you Smiths and Joneses and Millers and Browns, lay down your arms and your bibles and go back to your farms and fur trading posts, you shall not cross these rivers again so long as true freedom endures.

>> No.23379429

>Myths are partly historical
Ah yes the historical myth of Zeus turning into an eagle and kidnapping a little boy to sodomize him into oblivion. Pedophiles have always existed in history, but that's not what the myth is about, eh.
>Everyone knows they're fake
Just like all the myths about the goodness of white people and America.

>> No.23379441

Oh so like your father, Jamal?

>> No.23379444
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Start with these then.

>> No.23379445

You don’t actually know any

Injuns had no concept of property

>> No.23379446
File: 1.57 MB, 2048x1365, solomon northup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they are objectively evil then what story is there to tell
The story of the oppressed? Are you such a racist you don't even want to tell the stories of the people you oppressed.

>> No.23379450

Thanks mate, never heard of these. If anyone's into stuff like this, check this Australian one called "The Great South Land" by Rex Ingamells. When I first heard about it, seemed impossible to find online so I tracked down a hard copy.

>> No.23379464
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>If they are objectively evil then what story is there to tell
The truth?
Daily reminder that white people in colonial Virginia in 1662 passed a law that mandated that children of slave mothers would inherit the legal status of their mothers. So children of enslaved women would be born into slavery, and guess who raped female black slaves to sell their own children?

>> No.23379477

so write a history book? are you going to fact-check the lord of the rings to make sure it complies with the history of modern England?

>> No.23379489

You retarded cretin, people have compared events in lotr to historical events, battles in lotr compared to late roman battles for example. But that shit is distant and obscure. You want to create "myths" about the first settlers, like Disney did with their fake and retarded portrayal of John Smith who in reality was a pedo and a rapist, you are going to get called out for fabricating offensive lies about documented history. Don't complain when everyone calls out your book for being demented bullshit.

>> No.23379499

If only there were a native people whose history and myths go into the distant past... too bad white people wiped them out and killed their culture

>> No.23379503

There's mythology and there is bullshit. When you write how the first settlers or the frontiersmen were good despite the fact that they genocided an entire population and committed extremely evil acts against people who could not even defend themselves, that shit is just unacceptable.

>> No.23379542

the lord of the rings is not the same genre as pochahontas
on that note the bulk of the colonists are depicted as greedy bigots in Disney's Pochahontas

>> No.23379552

Howbcould you deny this? Maybe not pre 21st century, obviously, but Marvel is pretty much known in every corner of the current zeitgeist. Marvel has unironically become the myths of current day USA

>> No.23379558

Just like your reddit memes, faggot
Nice boogeyman, fag.

>> No.23379560

They are not myths. See: >>23379404

>> No.23379561

>the bulk of the colonists are depicted as greedy bigots
They are depicted as merely gullible. See how everything is magically resolved, no hard feelings after John Smith takes down the ugly villain. It's historical revisionism, Disney is bad for doing it and so are you.

>> No.23379563


>> No.23379566
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>I want to create an American mythology like Tolkien did for England. Make some suggestions of things I should include.
too late

>> No.23379569

You do realize Tolkien didn't like Disney when he was alive, and would have surely found the so-called Disney renaissance repulsively sanitized, yes? I suspect you are trolling in bad faith at this point since you seem to deliberately and creatively misinterpret the topic along with everything and anything said about it.

>> No.23379572

>You don’t actually know any
Ah, like Tolkien knew everybody in the ring saga.

>> No.23379575

I don't care what Tolkien liked or not. The history of the US is well-documented, any attempt to whitewash it will get rightfully condemned.

>> No.23379577

>Injuns had no concept of property
Jesus, the lies the fragile progeny of invaders tell themselves.

>> No.23379597

...so write a history book? are you going to fact-check the lord of the rings to make sure it complies with the history of modern England?

>> No.23379598
File: 63 KB, 318x424, 344343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're late, bud. This is the American Iliad.

>> No.23379599

Die, leftist

>> No.23379633
File: 85 KB, 800x800, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23379639

Am I going to fact-check your white bullshit and call you out for writing a racism wank piece.

>> No.23379700

Isn't it more like they had the concept of individual possessions and of land being the territory of a nation, but not of personal ownership of land?

>> No.23379925

well, we all know what american culture is centered around

>> No.23379937


>> No.23380026

what is up with these retards doing absolutely everything they can to miss your point?

>> No.23380184

already done, mormonism is it but not a joke unfortunately.

>> No.23380289

>That's just war propaganda
Like the Iliad

>> No.23380365

That's basically On the Road.

>> No.23380391

Based. Now for the fun part: Now that it's been centuries and you live in the most progressive and idealistic society to ever exist specifically built by the evil white men, make them regret changing.

>> No.23380392

If the roles were reversed and the Indians "discovered" Europe and had they had the same technological advantage, then they would have done the same thing to whites in Europe, you retarded shitskin.

>> No.23380431

Native american myth, most likely. Tolkien drew on the myths of his land

>> No.23380463

Reading your post, what popped in my mind was the idea the America's 'merry england' was 80s mall culture.

>> No.23380487

Or like most homogenous races, they knew the land was theirs, but that doesn't mean it was for sale or that any lease was permanent.

This is a race that burned millions of miles of plains to drive migrations and encourage new growth. Confidently terraforming certainly sounds like they thought it was theirs.

I agree it was as of two alien races meeting however, and I don't blame the early Europeans of the North for their perspective. But trying to justify it centuries later with old lies and oversimplification is the mark of the easily offended.

>> No.23380516

Westerns, unions fighting against capitalist structures, and superheroes, that all you got unless you want to make worthless chud shit

>> No.23380524

Then Tolkien isn’t myth either. Moby Dick or War of the Worlds is myth then.

>> No.23380539

Look at the things you loved as a child, that made you feel peaceful and honest about yourself, things your parents loved that always seemed immutable to your existence, things that you just took for granted that they would always be there because they were right and true and everyone knew it. Then look how they've changed and been taken from you or corrupted by totalitarianism and blind progress, and write about that. That's literally Lord of the Rings.

>> No.23380546

>Myths are partly historical. People believed them.
Materialist post-hoc rationalization.

>> No.23380560

>Keep your reddit views for reddit.
>calls Tolkien "english mythology"

>> No.23380566

It recently passed through my mind how americans below retirement age seemed to have stopped caring completely about WW2. Not in the sense that people are less trigger-happy about pulling the nazi card but that nobody cares about either the pacific or the european theater of war. It seems like a boomer thing, just like old-school civil war remembrance stopped being relevant sometime around or before the era boomers were born. Civil rights as a myth completely eclipsed every other mythological era of american history. Like, who gives a fuck about the war of independence anymore? Or the colonial era? People only talk about the latter to blame white americans for "living on indian land" and shit.

Not an american btw

>> No.23380567

Current society has been built by jews, who are not white according to anyone who bitches about modern progress in society. Did you know the creators of your most beloved superheroes are jewish immigrants?

>> No.23380598

>the most progressive and idealistic society to ever exist specifically built by
*the jewish immigrant community
fixed that for you

>> No.23380625

How so?