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/lit/ - Literature

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2337232 No.2337232 [Reply] [Original]

Any fantasy or sci-fi novel written by a woman is going to be awful. They're almost always about faux-empowered sluts.

>> No.2337238

I hate fantasy that tries too hard to be dark and "mature" to win the approval of a mainstream audience.

There are no popular black authors who don't write about being black.

>> No.2337241

Anti-heroes are the worst kind of shitty wish-fulfillment characters.

>> No.2337252

/lit/ has no fucking idea what it is talking about.

>> No.2337277

I think it has to do with too many writers making a self-conscious effort to distance themselves from Tolkien. There's nothing wrong with Tolkien-style high fantasy, but there is a stigma associated with it.

I think that's why you see so many "Black-haired-girl-with-leather-pants-holding-a-dagger" and "guy-wearing-a-hooded-cloak-while-crouching" covers nowadays.

>> No.2337296
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You're wrong. Ursula Le Guin.

>> No.2337297


I've really enjoyed some of Anne Mcaffrey's books about faux-empowered sluts.

Also some of the Pern series are genuinely touching and not about faux-empowered sluts.

granted, it's all pretty light reading.

>> No.2337299

I've never enjoyed a book written by a woman no matter how hard I tried. This lead me to advoid female authors and so far I've never been missing out.

>> No.2337300

People who don't read classics or old literature are boring and ignorant. People who read biographies for inspiration constantly are pitiful.

>> No.2337302
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OP proven wrong.

Pat Cadigan ftw

>> No.2337307
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>> No.2337350

I am sick of writers writing about writers. I understand writing about what you know, but it just always seems lazy to me.

>> No.2337351

kill yourself



>> No.2337352

>There are no popular black authors who don't write about being black.

There are no popular [anything but white men] who write about anything other than whatever the fuck they are. White Men are the Constitutive Same and everyone else is the Constitutive Other, typically on a free meal ticket and condescended to by the Same.

Niggers and women are novelty acts.

>> No.2337355

She's cool. also, James Tiptree Jr (ofc there are like a billion other examples, just sayin', James Tiptree Jr was awesome as fuck)

agreed but unironically

>> No.2337367


oh, FUCK yeah. Forgot about her.
Only thing I've ever read of hers is "The Girl Who Was Plugged In", but it definitely left an impression.

wiki says it won a hugo for best novella.

>> No.2337380

i have to read all her stories in moderation because they're all completely depressing + about alienation & loneliness & death & sex & the fear of being ultimately alone and dead, except w/ aliens

so fucking rad. also, everyone totally thought she was a dude.

>> No.2337387

God Emperor of Dune was a horrible slog through 400 pages of worm-philosophy and was a definite step-down from the previous novels

>> No.2337390


that's one thing stephen king very badly needs to stop doing

the other is shoehorning dark tower mythos into unrelated books

>> No.2337400

> Ursula Le Guin.
> Good

She cannot into believable characters.

I read the first Earthsea book years ago, it was so-plodding and dull.

>> No.2337401

I've generally found that I hard relating to characters (male and female) written by female authors. This has nothing to do with the quality of the writing or the story, but without being able to make a connection with the characters I find myself unable to enjoy a book. This maybe because I primarily read as a form of escapism and wish fulfillment.

The only fantasy novel written by a woman than I can remember enjoying off the top of my head was Dragonsong by McCaffrey.

Also, since this thread is about getting shit off your chest. Fantasy novels are just romance novels for men. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

>> No.2337406

And modern American literary fiction novels are romance novels for Jews.

>> No.2337408

>Also, since this thread is about getting shit off your chest. Fantasy novels are just romance novels for men. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

Well, I mean, some of them are. Many of them. Certainly many of the most popular fantasy novels are. But there are some fantasy novels that have legitimate worth (in the same way that there are novels about romance which have real literary merit).

>> No.2337409


Check out Peter Watts' novel "Starfish"

nothing has come close to depressing me since reading that. clinically depressed abuse-cases stationed at the bottom of the sea, being exposed to constant sensory deprivation and going through stress atavism? fuck yeah!

>> No.2337410

>Any fantasy or sci-fi novel written by a woman is going to be awful. They're almost always about faux-empowered sluts.
You've obviously never read Neuromancer.

>> No.2337412

William Gibson is a dude, dude.

>> No.2337415

There is no such thing as high or low literature. All art is a waste of time.

>> No.2337416

oh god damn aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ugh i've been meaning to read him for a while but he just seems like such a chore. i should really read blindsight though.

>> No.2337417

Yep, I was talking about the empowered sluts.

>> No.2337424


Actually, I really really enjoyed Starfish.

>> No.2337427

Phillip K Dick has great ideas but is a hell of a shitty writer. Cliche and amateur.

>> No.2337443

I purposely read lesser known and obscure works.

I adore sites that list under-appreciated and neglected authors for that reason.

I don't completely ignore the established popular classics, but I'm much more motivated to buy a book when it has only a handful of reviews on Amazon.

>> No.2337447

Any fantasy or sci-fi novel written by a man is going to be awful. They're almost always about faux-empowered image of what neckbeards desire to be.

>> No.2337449

I like fantasy and sci-fi I don't read new books in either genre.

I usually just go to used book stores and get cheap copies of esteemed genre writers from decades ago.


Same here.

>> No.2337457
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I don't get the obsession of reading novels. I do it from time to time, but anyone not primarily reading non-fiction is scum.

>> No.2337459


yokel or engineer

not /lit/ material, at any rate

>> No.2337461


I feel the same way about anyone who reads non-fiction.


The key difference being that the faux-empowered man is moral, the faux-empowered woman is ammoral. lol?

>> No.2337465

>reading about facts is wrong
Oh /lit/, never change

>> No.2337472


reading about all the facts you want but calling people "scum" for having different taste than yours is pretty lame and petty

>> No.2337473

I'm not that guy you daft tit.

>> No.2337474
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>anon is one person
u fukd up

>> No.2337475


>read works of opinion
>think they represent factual information


>> No.2337476


you lack the same social skills, so w/e

>> No.2337477

>Trying to assess social skills through a 4chan post
The post said 'about facts' you moron.

>> No.2337491
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>reads completely made up shit, stuff taken from the wind
>still manages to feel superior to those who read about the World itself and the opinions of the people in it

>> No.2337493

>has never read The Handmaid's Tale.

>> No.2337495

>implying fiction doesn't illustrate concepts through narrative

>> No.2337499

As a Canadian, I have a well-developed reflex that forces me to swat any Margaret Atwood book in my presence to the ground.

>> No.2337502
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>believes the world consists of anything other than completely made-up shit
>can't come to terms with the fact that he is already living in a fantasy world, so can't enjoy other fantasy worlds

>> No.2337507

I dunno...

I, uh, really enjoy Stieg Larrsson's series?

>> No.2337510

I love the Song of ice and fire series but I can't help but thinking that George RR Martin will die of a heart attack before The Winds of Winter ever gets submitted for publishing... GRRM

>> No.2337517
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>subscribes to anarcho-leftist ideas (are you twelve?) >cannot come into terms with how bizarre and interesting, and Real, the real world is
>feels the need to read about the collective harry potters in what's-its-name lands

>> No.2337522

>ignores the fact that the only remotely coherent models of physics find no distinction between perception and reality
>keeps ignoring it

Don't have a doctorate in mathematics or theoretical physics? Turns out that YOU are the very scum you despise. Bye now, kiddo.

>> No.2337523


He's put a Theon chapter from Winds of Winter on his website.

Stannis is still being a five-star badass in the North, the letter at ADwD is probably a fake as he will likely get Manderly to convince the Boltons he is dead so they can take Winterfell

>> No.2337536

I read all of the Hunger Games novels this past week. I kind of enjoyed them.

>> No.2337548
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Maybe I'll go and get me a degree in theoretical physics then, sounds pretty interesting disclipine, now that I think about it. Go read you harry potters in the meanwhile, ”kiddo”.

>> No.2337549

I'm switching to a STEM degree, because the more I study literature and criticism and theory, the sillier it all seems.
I really do love reading and writing, though.

>> No.2337551

I like Stephen King and Harry Potter.

>> No.2337560

Greco-Roman poetry and gangsta rap are basically the same thing.

>> No.2337564


>My uni doesn't offer a degree in theoretical physics. The field must not exist at all!

Thanks for proving my point.
I'll enjoy my fantasy worlds, you can enjoy yours kiddo. The difference between us? I know what's fantasy.

>> No.2337570

You mean they're both gay?

>> No.2337585
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That is the biggest non sequitur I'v seen in my life.

>> No.2337606

I'm getting a theoretical degree in theoretical physics from my school (which may or may not exist, depending on the state of the observer) so I too can enjoy fantasy worlds. Escapism is not easy.

>> No.2337607

Overindulgent self-inserts will almost always make me put the book down.

>> No.2337609

I hate people who hate fantasy (Harry Potter, Tolkien, GRRM, etc) because it is unrealistic but then gush over surrealist and magical realist fiction.

>> No.2337612



Would be mocked by again.

>> No.2337721
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Boy, do I have the book for you!

>> No.2337840

The Myth of Sisyphus is overrated although I love Camus.

>> No.2337849

that greentext fight was the dumbest thing I've ever read. Mutually so.

>> No.2337853

Andre Norton?

>> No.2337861

Patrick Rothfuss is a hack and The Wise Man's Fear is the the most overrated piece of crap I've read in years. Calling it Twilight for boys would be a compliment IMHO.

>> No.2337867

>Monkey make sound.
>Monkey hear sound.
>Monkey think of banana he ate once.
>Monkey sad, remember happy.

>> No.2337871

this thread just proves that /lit/ is populated by dickless males and feminazis who are out to disprove a statement that's largely true

>inb4 Starcraft is sexist because ~99% of Starcraft players in tournaments are men

>> No.2337874

>Dickless males
>penis metaphors
>not a 5th grader
>it's a body part, not an ethos

>> No.2337876

well, if I'd been so inclined, I would have said "males who are ashamed of being born with a penis", because that's what feminists have done to men

>> No.2337880

That's what feminists have done to you apparently.

>> No.2337884
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I don't care if it's entry level, there's no better dystopian book. I don't care if BNW applies to today better than 1984 did, it was a warning, not a prediction.

>> No.2337886

nope, I'm labeled a "misogynist" for refusing to be made to feel ashamed for being born how I was

There is a delightful irony in how bigoted modern feminists are.

>> No.2337890

check out "We" by zevgeny zamyatim. I'm not saying it's better, but it's pretty the original template for both Brave New World and 1984 and dystopian fiction as we know it.

>> No.2337893

The irony is one sex caring about what the other sex thinks about the first sex. Male is not female, and vice-versa. To know both is to be free. To know one is to be normal. To know neither is to be God.

>> No.2337894

>I don't care if BNW applies to today better than 1984 did

It doesn't though.

Both apply.

>> No.2337895
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>> No.2337896

lol yr probably too socially inept to even be considered a misogynist
thus is /lit/

>> No.2337899

this is super true and proves that modern day relevancy does not always equal a better work.
still liked 1984 way more.

>> No.2337903

Whenever I write, my fear and admiration for black cock creeps into my stories, and they end up being half about racial dichotomy. I know this sounds like a typical stupid 4chan post, but I swear to god it's true.

>> No.2337907

lol this is best the def post on /lit/ i've seen in a week.
the pathos is imposing.

>> No.2337910


Seen it before, did not click.

Both paradigms apply, it depends on your social status and location. The poor are treated like the proles in 1984, the wealthy are the party, but they have a life closer to that ot BNW, distracted by endless consumer trinkets and increasingly medicated by the state.

>> No.2337915

>doesn't work
>doesn't work
>doesn't work

You are so cute when you think you're arguing.

>> No.2337916

At this point, I'm just rolling with it, because I don't know how else to deal with the problem, if it is a problem. Maybe I can be known as the writer who fetishizes black dick.

>> No.2337922

Trying way too hard.

>> No.2337925

what's the retort equivalent to "u mad, bro?" for feminists?

>> No.2337931
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>> No.2337936

Dunno. Maybe women are just mad that they're born with an absence. Or maybe Freud was retarded.

>> No.2337937


>> No.2337948

The Wheel of Time isn't that bad when you're comparing it against other popular series. It is only bad when comparing it against the real best of the genre. Even still, most of the books are fun for what they are.

Count of Monte Cristo > D'artagnan Romances

Most biographies fucking suck

Almost all new nonfiction-journalistic style books are fucking garbage (Thomas Friedman, the book about Henrietta Lacks, that Moonwalking book about memory, etc etc)

>> No.2337951

Reading series that won't finish for another 10+ years is fucking stupid

>> No.2337959


And why ? They're more a way to explorate the right and the wrong, and they're more realistic character since they're not stuck in one type of morality.

>> No.2338175

All the recent Hugo winners I've read have been total disappointments.

The only contemporary sci-fi I enjoy is either anime/manga or comics.

>> No.2338189

everything is a waste of time. it's why we were put on this earth.

>> No.2338193

you learn more about human experience and morality from fiction than you ever will reading science .

>> No.2338196

the fall is his best and most underrated work. yes better than the stranger

>> No.2338197


Except they don't, and they aren't. They're written by bitter neckbeards to make strawman examples of traditional morality and social structures look ridiculous, while allowing them the means to live vicariously through them as some sort of Snake Pliskin type. They're usually less realistic because they're built on a thin conceit.

>> No.2338204

article semi related. just thought it was interesting


>> No.2338209

GRRM told the HBO people the end of the series. At least we get to know who wins if he dies

>> No.2338328

I hate that any interesting female character is usually written off as a "man with boobs" by some whiny feminist cunt because "lol a man could have done the same thing".

These people want interesting female characters, but whenever they get one with any depth or moral direction, they just bitch because she falls outside of their pre-approved list of stereotypical female personality traits.

>> No.2338349

I'm so disillusioned with higher education.

I was expecting to actually learn something about literature, but all I got was a bunch of latino-marxist-queer theory bullshit.

>> No.2338364

Instead of broadening my Horizons, /lit/ has actually made me more narrow-minded and cynical.

>> No.2338395

>I was expecting to actually learn something about literature

I can't imagine what led you to believe that.

>> No.2338430

>I hate that any interesting female character is usually written off as a "man with boobs" by some whiny feminist cunt because "lol a man could have done the same thing".

Accuse them of being gender-essentialist. Their heads will explode.

>> No.2338443
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>> No.2338477

>thinking schools are places of learning

they have been marxist indoctrination camps for like the last 60 years

>> No.2338487


maybe if you're a big capitalist crybaby

>> No.2338489

yeah, they should be Leninist.

I feel your pain.

>> No.2338525
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>not studying hard science

>> No.2338530
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wrong board

>> No.2338538

>trying to be quentin
>pretending nazi's were atheists

>> No.2338540

This is entirely dependant on which county you're in though

>> No.2338542
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>implying I can't enjoy literature without an education in it

You /lit/erates and your "durr engineer"

>> No.2338591

I think literary experts arguing over various forms of literature are the same thing as ten-year-olds arguing over the best character in Mortal Kombat.

Read what you want to read and enjoy it. If you don't like it, don't read it.

>> No.2338870

I read Left Hand of Darkness over Christmas. While there were no faux-empowered sluts, there were a lot of veiled jabs at masculinity without any balanced reflection on the feminine.