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23378080 No.23378080 [Reply] [Original]

>the zeltgeist of the 21st century hasnt come into existence ye-

>> No.23378094

I'm still not standing with israel

>> No.23378586

Then you will be made to kneel before Israel.

>> No.23378587

Please God let anti liberalism and Heideggerian Zen be the zeitgeist for the 21st century.

>> No.23378588


>> No.23378690

Come and make me

>> No.23378701

Reading political books is pointless. Until people grow some fucking testicles and admit the problems we have are racial, no progress will ever get made.

>> No.23378776

They're not only racial, but also sexual. While western women (because you do not observe this with other races) get the ability to decide the fate of the civilization any rhetoric that appeals to their selfish feeling of moral superiority, "doing the GOOD thing", will overcome any progress made towards the creation of a dominating civilization.

>> No.23378861

"This shabbos goy's book is valuable because it shills our psyop. The important gaslights now are not about politics. They are about sabotaging the goyim lives and structures of their countries"
- (star of) DAVID CROOKS, Jew York Times


with a new psyop


>> No.23379287

Does Mr. Post-Liberal Deneen actually support Israel despite it being the essential chess piece of the post-war liberal world order? I like the book but I don’t like Deneen. He’s still just a conservative libtard at the end of the day

>> No.23379298

>he's still just a [nonsensical label] [nonsensical label] at the end of the day
hi midwit

>> No.23379317

I haven't read that book, but to be 'liber', to be free, is always a success when it happens. When it's tried to be '-ism'd', it requires rules, constraining it and annulling it. Then a new form of liberty has to be found, worked for, gained, or accumulated, and that's why the 'liberalism' fails. It works the same for any 'ism', the stems of the words are replaceable. Yet, -isming has as part of the concept-in-itself: therefore the word stems are the same.

>> No.23379325

>[has as part the concept-in-itself...]

>> No.23379333

He is a conservative liberal. This is a completely consistent term that he literally acknowledges in the book. Did you read it?

>> No.23379365

Yes I got that you're very convinced of him being a [nonsensical label] [nonsensical label], but there are only two labels that exist in this world: human, and psychopath.
And this feller here don't seem too human to me

>> No.23379370
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Books form the thought that the upcoming leaders have. Without new books, new thought and new authors, the Right will never amount to anything. All we have is psy-ops and my-own-style-of-Christian-Liberalism.

Women will always be the most vocal supporters of any system, the second the wind changes and an authoritarian (anti-Jew) worldview emerges in their country, they will eventually come to support it more so than any of the most ardent core members.

Your problem is weak men allowed this. As an example, if the world suddenly permitted (or said nothing) about striking women for percieved slights in the same way that men can fight, the world would change in a heartbeat. The problem we have is men are unwilling to strike women and will in fact come to the defense of an abusive woman if a man defends himself.

That there is the essence of the problem.

>> No.23379540

>Women will always be the most vocal supporters of any system, the second the wind changes and an authoritarian (anti-Jew) worldview emerges in their country, they will eventually come to support it more so than any of the most ardent core members.
This is no longer true with international (((media))). The system is global. It will follow you anywhere with a cell signal. Even in authoritarian countries women will read about it on their newsfeed.

>> No.23379583
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>This is no longer true with international (((media))). The system is global. It will follow you anywhere with a cell signal. Even in authoritarian countries women will read about it on their newsfeed.

Again, why is it so? Weak men, kikes and jews and there supporters, allowed it happen. We went to war to stop strong men from taking control of our future. Only now are we beginning to see the incklings that perhaps Order and Authority will reassert itself and a more natural, organic structure will be pressed on society.

>> No.23379631

>Only now are we beginning to see the incklings that perhaps Order and Authority will reassert itself and a more natural, organic structure will be pressed on society.
What makes you think that? Wtf are you seeing?

>> No.23379683

>Grossing distrust in democracy
>Political fatigue
>Open discussions of fascism and related systems
>Youtube, twitter and social .
Media unable or willing to prevent educational material being shared
>Increasing inability of modern governments to fix problems
>Awakening ethno-nationalism

>> No.23380288

Nobody is taking any action about any of this. They’re just talking about it online and you doomers mistake it for apocalypse

>> No.23380402

The right is cringe as fuck. True conservatism (i.e. fascism) will never be allowed to thrive in the confines of the current system. The only thing that will ever change anything and unfuck everything is a dramatic restructuring of the system itself, which itself is ironically a left wing solution. But for some reason, people don't get this. They still think change can happen from within, and this is incredibly juvenile and misguided. Reading "based" political commentators won't do shit.

>> No.23380413

I bet anon watches giant robot shows too. He thinks individualism will solve the problems of modernity. It's all a big zam cope.

>> No.23380993
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>> No.23382045
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>The right is cringe as fuck

>True conservatism (i.e. fascism)
True Conservatism (or any version of it) does not exist, it is only defined negatively. IE: What it is not. Fascism is not the extension of conservatism. Fascism is the uprooting of everything that comes before and the building of something new in a Right-Wing context. Conservatism was a dead worldview from its very inception.

>It will never be allowed to thrive in the confines of the current system.
Correct, which is why the system is ruthlessly baiting and persecuting any thought that leads outside of the system in a meaningful way.

>The only thing that will ever change anything and unfuck everything is a dramatic restructuring of the system itself, which itself is ironically a left wing solution.
No, it is not and this is why no authentic Right Wing movement has ever been able to rise in the West, there was one but it was swiftly surrounded by the Liberal Democracies of Modernity.

>But for some reason, people don't get this. They still think change can happen from within, and this is incredibly juvenile and misguided.
The reason it won't happen is because people who share your opinion are the majority and think that anything that superficially resembles the Left is inherently Left itself. Be it authoritarianism, totalitarianism, destruction and rebuilding.

>Reading "based" political commentators won't do shit.
Correct. Every single 'right-wing' political commentator advocates for the preservation of the system on their own terms. They want simply to roll the clock back a decade or two. They are the sophorific poison of modernity.

>> No.23382096

I didn't like it. It felt similar to marxists texts just replace capitalism with liberalism. The term becomes so vague and all encompassing that its hard to keep track of what he is even talking about.

>> No.23382128

The emigrants, from the northeast, advanced into the lands they discovered, taking with them their wives, children, dogs and herds. They march, seeking, in order to settle there, a place specific to agriculture, abundant in pasture, crossed by running waters and likely to be defended.

>> No.23382851

>It felt similar to marxists texts just replace capitalism with liberalism.
A common origin story of 20th century conservatives is being disaffected Marxists of some kind, so it shouldn't be surprising that a lot of conservative texts read like an atheist kid raised by pastors making blanket denunciations of Christianity.
Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's a surprising pattern. Whittaker Chambers, James Burnham, Norman Podhoretz and David Horowitz all went down this path.

>> No.23382853

pffff they're going to get wiped out by arabs at this rate

>> No.23382959

How many pali kids have been drone striked again? 60k?

>> No.23384303

Calm down ladies. Everyone's going to die.

>> No.23384456
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>> No.23385848
File: 18 KB, 338x388, HD-wallpaper-the-mad-chad-gigachad-in-2022-chad-memes-funny-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After WWII the big question that stood before everyone was whether the Axis had actually been right or not. This is the big question that nobody can answer because nobody can actually say it. The possibility is too blinding.

The Soviets and the West BOTH believed that something transformative had just happened, but in their blindness and arrogance they ascribed the synthesis of their ideologies that was Fascism as an arrogant and blind forgery and not their own apotheosis. In some way everyone, even people ostensibly not of these ideological or cultural camps were possessed by a millennialism. Something Aztec is happening, something prophetic, as a product of noospheric forces we are bringing into actuation the terrible product of our time.

I think the irony that people will realize is that this is all going to happen, not because we weren't understanding or kind or rational enough, but because we were too kind, too understanding, and too rational. We have lost the ability to object to lunacy because we accepted lunatic accounts of the past, obsessions that ignored all actual experience, all normalcy, and homed in on the blood-drenched minutia of war and massacre and smoothing academic buzzwords and platitudes. The cruelties which in past times we either ignored or accepted as realities of human friction, instead we used as justification to establish a state of insane surveillance, demands for humanity couched in grinding, crushing jaws of impersonal power.

And yet you can see that it is not merely cruelty or even wickedness that makes this so horrible, it is that it pretends and DEMANDS that it be identified as kind and beautiful and moral. You cannot simply retreat to your alcove like a slave and dream of freedom. It also demands your worship, and your dreams to be of it. The horrific, indifferent cruelty of the Third Reich or the Mongol Empire, these people put fucking skulls on their flags, they knew what they were. This is infinitely less distressing to me than the sort of person who would casually disassemble unborn children in the womb with pliers, on the grounds that "durr well there are too many pipo" or some similar NONSENSE and then actually grow shocked and offended that someone might find this a wicked or insane thing. How did that happen exactly, are these not the same people who would weep if some guy in a uniform shot a dog? Do they not regularly throw riots because some heroin dealer overdoses while being arrested?

So religious is the modern man that he doesn't even need a God to tell him what laws are immutable, just his own blithering insane "conscience" which was manufactured by fucking advertisement campaigns. At least in the old religions God wasn't literally and explicitly Google's HR department.

>> No.23387393
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>4chan nazis not being the unwitting attack dogs of global capitalist challenge: impossible
election tourist rightoid chuds trying to grasp political reality is always hysterical, nobody is buying your dead nazi halfwit arguments, and your orange jewish conman leader sure hell isnt going to usher in your hyper violent totalitarian wet dream in either. minds like putty in the hands of your actual fascist globalist overlords who collaborated with and allowed the highest level nazi war criminals to escape justice

>> No.23387401

ah yes its so natural it needs to enforced by a totalitarian blood orgy

>> No.23388193
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>fascist globalist overlords
conspiracy-tard, there are no fascists; they all perished by the turn of the century, but if so, then they certainly aren't globalists. Rope.

>> No.23388215

be careful around laundromats

>> No.23388238

>Reading political books is pointless. Until people grow some fucking testicles and admit the problems we have are racial, no progress will ever get made.
there were no racial problems to begin with when society was based on monarchies instead of republics

>> No.23388252

>After WWII the big question that stood before everyone was whether the Axis had actually been right or not. This is the big question that nobody can answer because nobody can actually say it. The possibility is too blinding.
ww2 is a nothing burger. the bourgeois already knew they were in full crontol of the world when they killed the russian monarchy.
ww2 only validates the bourgeois power grab: from now on the bourgeois control the entire narrative because they have no longer any enemy. the bourgeois controls the right of the spectrum with classical liberalism and the left of the spectrum with new liberalism.
With ww2 the bourgeois saw live that millions of goyim were eager to fight for the bourgeois ''democratic republics''. The goyim never fought there was an alternative, that the it's the bourgeois who created the two biggest wars in history. The goyim literally could not even think there was no alternative to republics.

>> No.23388287

>>The right is cringe as fuck. True conservatism (i.e. fascism)
Fascism is the deification of the republic, ie it's leftist

>> No.23388294

you think you're very smart for not being a dumb /pol/tard, but you're not, this is really not a very bright take

>> No.23388305

Only the reestablishment of older systems can combat the ills of Modernity: that is, a de jure aristocracy and a clear delineation of the classes. The reactionaries are the most correct of all the right-wingers, as usual; they're always the smartest. The project of reaction in the 21st Century, to me, is to strip away all the illusions of "progress" and "revolution" in the Modern period and reveal the fundamental sameness of this age with all the previous ages. The Liberal world is not that much different than the Preliberal world when you really dig below the surface; it is the illusion that this is so, the fiction of a break with the past, that holds people under Modernity's spell.

>> No.23388354

>de jure aristocracy and a clear delineation of the classes
we have this already
if you are rich and don't try to rile up dissident factions to unseat the other rich, you are above the law provided you avoid any outrageously cartoonish acts of corruption or unsportsmanlike conduct
the great innovation of "Modernity" is an open "aristocracy" whereby you pass a credit check and follow the rules to gain entry
no more wars of succession, no revolting barons or samurai, once you're in, you're in, and get advance warning of any sea changes or new players such that you can invest in them as partners rather than go to war with them
bill gates never became king because he didn't have to—the state is not a prize to take and hold as personal fief but a regulatory body for this elite class

>> No.23388359

>that is, a de jure aristocracy and a clear delineation of the classes.
So the same thing you have now lmfao retard?

>> No.23388368

None of them have titles and armies, though, is the thing. Bill Gates isn't a duke or a baron, he doesn't have a seat where he holds court, people aren't directly subject to him.

Most crucially he does not hold the power of life and death that the old aristocrats had with their loyal men at arms.

>> No.23388395

Yawn. Call me when the US isn't the world's #1 superpower.

>> No.23388400

he doesn't need a private army, he can hire retired cops to guard his mansions, and the regular cops enforce his property rights more broadly, along with everyone else's
why would he need to call himself a duke when he has something better—shares of a companies worth more than entire countries?
you don't think rich people "hold court"? you don't think they have the ears of senators, and get favors from one another? you weren't invited, sorry
he can't order your death, but why would he need to? you can't touch him or anyone else at his level, you are less alive to him than the animals on the farmland he's bought

>> No.23388411

>he can't order your death
You sure about that?

>> No.23388437

>which itself is ironically a left wing solution
Change = leftism
Abysmal take.

>> No.23388467

What is a superpower? Someone big and corrupt enough to let its ruling class launder money by playing world police? None of that play corresponds to reality. The US isn't capable of enforcing its will outside of its borders. Maybe it used to be but it's currently losing a naval war against half of Yemen. No one else likes it or takes it seriously. The US has to pay for friends. The US doesn't have the richest population. It doesn't produce disproportionately more technological advancement. No one is loyal to it. The only thing the US has going for it is being the biggest country not full of Chinese or Indians.

>> No.23388486

Yeah, yeah. I think every power has many, many problems. Predicting power dynamics, for example, 100 years into the future is a challenging task. The west has its population and racial problems. The east, right now anyway, has no racial problems but does have population problems. India and Africa have none, but they have extremely poor human capital.

>> No.23388489

The west can only survive with dynamism, speed, energy, youth, and the power of AI, and with vitality and change, we need a total restructuration of modern life.

>> No.23388858
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Understand the world is run by these people and there's literally nothing anyone can do about it except hope that the system implodes now that violent rebellion has been eradicated from the Western consciousness. The future is AI robbing people of work, craft and responsibility. The future is lite cyberpunk where everyone is fat fucking retarded cattle who care about gay sex more than anything else

>> No.23389081

>you can't touch him or anyone else at his level

this is the pleasant fiction built by the panopticon, because life is so good in the world prison nobody wants to break out.

eventually these wealthy people will hire third world assassins when they begin in-fighting. you see in a modern battlefield like the ukraine war how asymmetric power (drones, truck bombs, mines and ieds) can hand of god touch you without much viable defense.

>> No.23389140

Nothing is going to happen. People are more than content with swiping through TikTok all day after work as DoorDash delivers their Taco Bell. The world is solved.

>> No.23389216
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Oh yeah, global conglomerates/oligarchs whose entire economy is based upon perpetual war and a global police state totally isnt your form of True Fascism. Just another halfwit take, you faggots are just mad because you are losers in a quasi-fascist police state one act of war away from throwing all dissenters into camps.
Maybe instead of wasting precious time and energy that society expends on you, you should just blow your brains out instead of making non-arguments.

>> No.23389236

This entire website is crawling with braindead fascioid retards and I sincerely hope you all kill yourselves.
>inb4 tranny obsession projection
join the 41% already

>> No.23389260

nigger before the modern era states were always tyrannies that people ran to the hills to avoid. you are just are a rightoid maggot squirming around in the body of modernity simping for oligarchism while a global class of pederast oligarchs rape the planet. please off yourself and stop posting forever

>> No.23389277

Don't worry guys, the tranny with all the answers is finally here to save us from the patriarchy.

>> No.23390319

Where exactly do you imagine this was happening?

>> No.23390404

The dominant ideology of the future will either be Marxism or Islam. Given demographics, it will be the latter.

>> No.23390446

Just ludicrous that anyone could believe this

>> No.23390453

You will be made to suck Moslems’ dick.

My good man. Fuck Israel, fuck Palestine, fuck kikes , may zionists burn alive on earth , and ZOG will implode because of jewish lust for money and avarice.

>> No.23390462

Islam is a rapidly growing religion which likely will exceed Christianity in number of adherents by the end of the century. It will be the dominant ideology all the way from Central Africa to Scandinavia (while I doubt Muslims will be a majority in Europe, they have the societal momentum on their side and that translates to political power).

All of that is rendered moot if China becomes the global hegemon, at which point I expect them to start enthusiastically exporting revolution, and giving religious people of all kinds, especially Muslims, the Uyghur treatment.

Given demographic trends in Europe, Africa and China, I think it will be Islam and not Marxism that wins.

>> No.23390469

freshman-at-uni tier post

>> No.23390479

Love seeing retards screech this in response to dismissals of their baseless assertions.

>> No.23390486

>All of that is rendered moot if China becomes the global hegemon, at which point I expect them to start enthusiastically exporting revolution, and giving religious people of all kinds, especially Muslims, the Uyghur treatment.
God’s will , ironically LMFAO. But in all seriousness, I hope you are right— we already live under a regime of shadow governments where bribery and corruption are legal as lobbying and far worse and x1000 more sophisticated than Russian communism, although China imitates the west in this regards and takes western governance , totalitarianism and imperialist greediness to the next level.

>> No.23390493

>to be 'liber', to be free, is always a success when it happens.
No it isn’t. Read Rousseau , Aristotle , Kant , Hegel, Marx , Engels and Plato etc.

>> No.23390494

Well yeah, loyalty to the same lord obviously imparts more immediate trust than anything short of family.

>> No.23390495

Extraordinarily based take, saved

>> No.23390568

Islam has no institutional power outside of Muslim-majority countries and even then the vast majority of them are either incompetent or client states for the West that compromise an Islamic vision for society so they can provide oil and attract investors. Islam is primarily a cultural force. To believe an actual Islamic civilization is in our future demonstrates pure ignorance of Islam and the direction Muslims have taken in the modern world. The most authentic Islamic society in the world is Qatar and it’s tiny and hated by its neighbors.

>> No.23390593

>Islam has no institutional power outside of Muslim-majority countries
As they bear more children, their number increases, until eventually they will be the majority, which then be translated into political power, and will gain them the political scepter over the US and Europe; their are essentially a Muslim ZOG— the US under both jewish and muslim influence hurts the citizens as a whole and contributes for world degeneracy.

>> No.23390597

They won’t be the majority in the West, ever. It’s a fantasy cooked up by paranoid rightist retards. And even as they do make up a substantial minority, they have no independent Islamic political movement. They’re usually impoverished and vote for left-liberal parties as usual with minorities.

>> No.23390608

>It’s a fantasy cooked up by paranoid rightist retards
Or cooked up by ZOG sophists to distract people’s attention from judaism followers’ and zionists’ doings and malignant deeds.

>> No.23390658

That’s literally what’s happening. It’s not even secretive or anything. Just look at this PragerU documentary they’re trying to astroturf.

The quote tweets on this video have a ton of conservative accounts using the hashtag to promote the movie which they’re clearly being paid to do. They also paid to advertise the documentary on twitter. PragerU is owned by Jewish Zionists and the CEO literally fucking works for Mossad. During the massacre of Gaza you can see how convenient it is for conservatives and Jews to suddenly fear monger about Islam again and create documentaries about the supposedly inevitable Islamic takeover. They can’t make up their minds about whether the West will become a caliphate or an LGBT Marxist dystopia.

>> No.23390720


Yuval Noah Harari is , oddly enough , saying just that. A country doesn’t seek to gain more land or riches for the sake of having more of either one of them than others, but to have dominion and control over others. The individual looks and strives for power for the sole purpose for gaining more riches for himself and for the sake of having more than others; that is somewhat easier attainable by either through politics or religion.

>> No.23391804

What does Kant say on the matter?

>> No.23391888

Lots of islamic countries living in extremely sinful capitalist ways, especially Saudi Arabia.
Nothing can coexist with capitalism for the worship of the dollar corrupts it all. For Islam (or any other religion except for satanism) to truly triumph then class society itself must go.

>> No.23392039

>the problems we have are racial
Nope, they are tribal/scalar, not racial. Ethnically homgenous cultures have fought wars among themselves for milennia. For a social unit to have cohesion and peace, it must be small enough for all members to know each other. They don't have to share a skin clor, although it helps

>> No.23392188

Liberating the individual through manifesting autonomy through the application of rationality.

However, forget what the retard you replied to said, classical liberalism originated from John Locke. If you want to see egalitarian liberalism in current days, read "A theory of justice" by John Rawls. Since the 70s he's been the most influential political philosopher. There are other forms of political philosophy that are fairly popular. Such as Philip Pettit his writings on republican political philosophy.

>> No.23392213

In addition:

The gist of the difference between republicans and liberals, is in defining freedom, and how equality is reached through this notion of freedom.

In short, for republicans (in political philosophy), its freedom as non-domination. For liberals, freedom is freedom as autonomy. Government interference must be justified through some type of political participation of individuals.

Autonomy is an important notion for both, however republicans focus on creating the space for individuals, while for liberals its just autonomy interference that reduces freedom.

One or the other sometimes fits better when arguing for some right.

>> No.23392217

Liberalism failed because it replaced God with man, and the various horrors and flavors are what has followed. The godfather of Liberalism, John Locke, took believe in God as an absolute for not just Liberalism to function, but any and all political ideologies. The entire first chapter of his essays on Liberalism go over the doctrine of creation and Genesis. That this is not well known would be amazing to me if not for the fact that very few people have studied liberalism seriously.

>> No.23392237
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Stop saying stupid fucking things

Old systems fell for a reason, and will fall for the same reasons. There can not be a return to a better system, only a progression to a different one. It will lilely be undemocratic and authoritarian, given our trajectory in Europe it will also likely be pan-European and have an ethnic aspect. This does not mean 'muh fascism' by default but it will likely resemble those forms rather than any sort of democratic one.

>anything i dont like is a fascism

>> No.23392293
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>Liberalism failed because it replaced God with man, and the various horrors and flavors are what has followed.
Liberalism has not failed, it followed the natural progression that was born out of Christian theology.

>Christian Theology
>All are equal before God
>All are equal in dignity and worth
>All must be made equal

There is no failure, you just dislike the natural progression of it. It is not broken, it has not been corrupted and it has not been subverted. Like Communism before it, Liberalism is unsustainable and destroys all heritage and tradition.