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File: 949 KB, 1920x1280, 67289357304614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23376911 No.23376911 [Reply] [Original]

Found this in a thrift store in perfect / unread condition. Which one of you miserable simps gave this to a girl?

>> No.23376928

Profoundly glad that I've never been so blatantly pathetic. Keeping that shit bottled up is a skill bros.

Okay, I take it back, I've done worse, but at least my patheticisms haven't ended up in a thrift store.

>> No.23376929


what would Cormac say?

>> No.23376933

>using the word pedagogy in normal conversation

>> No.23376941

>Okay, I take it back, I've done worse, but at least my patheticisms haven't ended up in a thrift store.

Same here lmfao. God something needs to happen in regards to the dynamic between men and women.

>> No.23376946

I give to you my cock as a token of my admiration and to say thanks.

>> No.23376948

Laura didn't bother to read the book.
Laura didn't read the inscription.

>> No.23376951

Laura took dick from Chad the same weekend. Bet the book had a good view.

>> No.23376959
File: 225 KB, 750x590, 1688150270127652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something needs to happen in regards to the dynamic between men and women
Nah, I swear to you that the greatest part of it is internal. I can fuck regularly these days without having to pay a tithe of my dignity, but I'm still getting drunk on wine at home on a Saturday night trying to split hairs between "love" and "in love".

<<on-topic posting?>>

Got a book from my dad buried under my bed. Bigass tome but I can't even remember the name. Special-ordered a used copy for me, used to line the walls with all his books, "yeah I read every one of these" between fucking whores and chopping down trees etc. favourites being the spy novels but Joyce and Faulker collections up there too. Fuck you, you whoremonger bastard.

>> No.23376960

As Laura's anal sphincter was permanently loosened by a man who repeatedly disrespected her throughout the night on their first date (after meeting on Tinder), Laura thought "I should evaluate my life decisions. I should stop fucking tall rich guys like this on the first date, and fuck a thoughtful man who cares about me." Just kidding. Laura continued to be a whore and do whatever she felt like, and is now a childless 28 year old who drinks too much wine.

>> No.23376966

"pedagogy" an sheit.

>> No.23376967

Cheap, awful wine, let me add. World a fuck. 69,000,000 dead lumberjacks.
>earns a GED in the basement

>> No.23376973

>fucking whores and chopping down trees
Sounds like
Logging and Pimping
t. N. Maclean

>> No.23376981

Brown University

>> No.23376993

I'll check it out. The whores however, as far as I know, were a later accommodation, after the wife leaving and after online poker replaced reading books before bed. But the guy got his high school cert at 30-something maybe 40 and went to college for a year to work an in-town job to be around his kid (me) at the then-wife's behest, so who can look down on him? What's a little crack cocaine years down the line with all that gumption, huh?

>> No.23376999

I am Peter Bulan.

>> No.23377004

You found him? LOL The book was at Savers in Providence, Rhode Island next to Brown so makes sense.

>> No.23377016

Who's Laura?

>> No.23377031

Decent book hauls out of that Savers since it's close to that Uni?

>> No.23377044

Not really. Maybe slightly better than other Savers / Goodwills in the area.

>> No.23377051

Damn, it's gotta suck to know that you have that guy's genetics. Would be a real shame if you ended up like him someday.

>> No.23377053

It honestly feels like somethings fucked
Men are usually taught to be noble courteous knights and do all the old fashioned things
Women don't get taught anything and can be as free and wild as they want.
I'm seriously jealous to be honest. Being a woman is just objectively better.

>> No.23377063

>I'm seriously jealous to be honest. Being a woman is just objectively better.

Yeah I think ever since the big push for women in STEM started the playing field has been pretty much heavily shifted in womens favor.

Yeah sure the median woman makes less money (because of fields they themselves choose), but literally every other aspect of their existence is better. Sex, dating, relationships, friendships, health, societal goodwill, etc.

>> No.23377071

>Would be a real shame if you ended up like him someday.
haha yeah bro ha...

>> No.23377072

That's like saying being a Benares monkey is better than being a man, because everybody dotes on you, gives you free shit, and lets you get away with anything. You're still a fucking monkey.

>It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a woman satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
- J.S. Mill

>> No.23377079

Men need to start forming (metaphorical) raider bands.
It's obviously the way it's supposed to be. We're supposed to look out for each other, instead of living in some isolated bubble, hoping one woman will look at us.

>> No.23377080

Peter, is that you?

Stop writing on books. Hope you learned your lesson.

>> No.23377084

Imagine not having homies NGMI

>> No.23377086

It's not enough. You need something more like a fraternity.

>> No.23377089

It's called a Männerbund. You should read this

>> No.23377090

Blood Meridian, gifted. Never read.

>> No.23377094

Also, I was saying this before, web culture needs to lose the crab bucket shit. We need to transition into some culture of generally helping each other out, because we're all in the shit together.

>> No.23377154


>> No.23377182

anyone looked him up on linkedin or facebook? i bet he's there

>> No.23377208

found him on linkedin, seems like a good guy. i shouldn't make fun of him

>> No.23377239

Holy fuck how embarrassing
Tell him to kill himself

>> No.23377251

The most pathetic part is his ugly ass handwriting.

>> No.23377256
File: 97 KB, 1024x1024, 1697430471389021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DON'T POST ANYTHING MORE ABOUT IT! I made that mistake on a /vr/ thread about the funny old console wars BBS posts from the 90's and janny gave me a 14 day

>> No.23377257

Rightfully so leave this poor man alone lmao

>> No.23377259

Damn, JS Mill was based in every word he ever wrote

>> No.23377266
File: 2.26 MB, 480x854, most savage mogging in history.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake if you fell for retarded fairy tales that's on you. Women are perfectly clear about what they really want in men and they go for it all the time. It has been consistent for all of history.
Be strong.
Be intelligent.
Be confident.
Be emotionally secure.
You faggots act like modern dynamics are the cause for all ills, when it's your own ineptitude that fucks things up. Modern dynamics are a minor bump if you have only a modicum of social sense and some redeeming qualities.

>> No.23377269

I mean 20% of boys are raised by single mothers who will consistently poison their brains throughout the entirety of their youth, you can't blame them.

>> No.23377285

What is the beta supposed to do though? Outside of suicide which is a pretty good option desu

>> No.23377292

Lose the fanny pack and necklace
Get a better personality

>> No.23377293

I seriously just want the fairy tale man. Everything else is too shit. Becoming that kind of ideal man would still make me miserable.

>> No.23377294

>Be strong.
I cant afford to eat and I cant keep food down even if I could.
>Be intelligent.
Nobody cares about that.
>Be confident.
Why? Im not worth anything.
>Be emotionally secure.
In what? What point in my life was supposed to provide me with any semblance of a foundation whatsoever?

>> No.23377295

>Get a better personality
Since when have women cared about that? First two I couldn't agree but huh? Personality ppppppffffttt nice meme
>Becoming that kind of ideal man would still make me miserable.
This. I'd be jacked but I'd still fit in the casket after I ended it.

>> No.23377305

Obviously you've never heard of the science that is physiognomy. The spirit is reflected in the body, and so a change of personality is required for the appearance to change.

>> No.23377306

>a pointless bland world where you cant do anything but get pointlessly jacked in an airconditioned gym and taking OCD levels of care in your diet to impress women you dont even like and you find methods of making money you dont even need to do activities you dont even find fun

>> No.23377308
File: 28 KB, 463x662, images (66) (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. Women are whores.

>> No.23377323
File: 105 KB, 776x1200, adult children of emotionally immature parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it but I'm so sick of the feminine defeatism surrounding it. These fags >>23377285 >>23377293 >>23377294 >>23377306 >>23377308 take their devouring mother induced depressed worldview and pretend that it's all of reality. Just fucking cure your minds.

>> No.23377326

Im not depressed Im just not into the same things you are dude

>> No.23377355
File: 25 KB, 469x385, IMG_7281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse. I got mad at a girl when I gave her my copy of the hobbit and she didn’t read it.

>> No.23377361

god I hate gay little love letters like this, as well as cards, they're so banal and boring

>> No.23377362

Here lies Peter Bulan, he never scored.

>> No.23377363

try being raised by lesbians

>> No.23377379

You dysgenic cretins do not respect people's privacy.

>> No.23377380

His shame is a shame for the ages. Let this be a lesson to all simps and spergs. Women don't want your words or your books. They don't care.

>> No.23377385

Fucking lmao
I can't wait until women's mystique is completely dead
Imagine buying into retarded fairy tale shit like the guy in the OP

>> No.23377387

Why is no-one mentioning the context that it was clearly a note to a teacher? A lot of you are acting as though Laura's being heartless/uncaring for not reciprocating, when it's clearly a student, a younger man maybe even high school age, being overly forward (sort of subtly but not really) when it would be inappropriate for the teacher to reciprocate?

>> No.23377400

Imagine not. Thats not a good life

>> No.23377404

Doesn’t seem like it’s dedicated to a woman as a token of love at all. Nobody would ever use the word pedagogy unless they’re talking to a teacher

>> No.23377405

His name was Peter Bulan

>> No.23377407

You know exactly what I mean by that.

>> No.23377408

Because anons lack reading comprehension.

>> No.23377411
File: 1.38 MB, 796x878, 1665317385636484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wherever he is, I hope he's doing okay

>> No.23377425

You don't really need any of this. Just get good at understanding female emotions. Superior men, emperors, have been cheated on by inferior men, probably because the other dude understood her emotions. You can attract women through text without them ever seeing you. Emotions are everything.

>> No.23377536
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1648982771397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them

>> No.23377551

Not a chance in hell this is real. He probably sperged out on her a few months in and made this story up to cope.

I refuse to believe it.

>> No.23377560

Huh I also had a girl who I hung out with, would drive me to school every day, hung out after school, signed my yearbook, and I never bothered to read what anyone wrote either. Unfortunately can't check because I threw it away years ago.

>> No.23377566

>Be confident.
>Why? Im not worth anything.
you blatantly refuse to give yourself a reason to be confident by making retarded, nigger-tier excuses for being too lazy and afraid to pick up a book and go running
anyone who does not respect you is correct, people deserve compassion and kindness due to our common nature, but anything beyond that is achieved through effort

>> No.23377579

Not that anon but I've read 30 books this year and go running 3 times a week. I have nothing to be confident about.

>> No.23377585 [DELETED] 

Kys. This thread should be nuked. The name should have been blacked out. Imagine if he applied to a Jew and an employer came across this site, which has a negative stigma attached to it?
You're ruining people's lives.

>> No.23377590

Kys. This thread should be nuked. The name should have been blacked out. Imagine if he applied to a job and an employer came across this site, which has a negative stigma attached to it?
You're ruining people's lives

>> No.23377600

>Not that anon but I've read 30 books this year
side note, 30 books by may means you either read inconsequential books for fun, which isn't a bad thing, it's just they're not giving you knowledge or showing you new perspectives and ways to view the world, or you haven't been reading them carefully enough, which yields the same result
>go running 3 times a week
that IS something to be proud about, not many people irl have the discipline to do this regardless of what the internet is trying to convince you, and it's even better that you're not measuring yourself by the results of the running but rather by showing up (because that is what you have control over as opposed to what you gain from it, which is not easy to predict or measure)
I'd say that you've started down the right path and it is going to take time, but you also have to point your attention to the next step at some point which is self-perception (there are various ways to alter this, one is therapy, others are to place yourself in situations like competitions or university or courses where the skills and knowledge you are accruing get tested and you have something to measure yourself against, even at the risk of failure)
one "trick" I've learned is to think about or find people you respect (they can even be fictional) and isolate the qualities you respect in them most, then look for ways to develop those in yourself - if you respect X for being knowledgeable or kind, then it's guaranteed you'll respect yourself for the same thing

>> No.23377616

>side note, 30 books by may means you either read inconsequential books for fun, which isn't a bad thing, it's just they're not giving you knowledge or showing you new perspectives and ways to view the world, or you haven't been reading them carefully enough, which yields the same result
Or that they're short. How long do you think it takes to read a play? Not much longer than it takes to perform it. I've read a lot of plays this year. Ibsen and Moliere and Beckett and shit.

>> No.23377626

I can't comment on how he fucked up, but he sure as shit read that inscription moments after it got written, if he cared about her at all. If he genuinely forgot then IT'S SO FUCKING OVER.

>> No.23377637

>I can't thank you enough... but enough not to bother with a draft.

>> No.23377646

Honestly the love letter in the cover isn't even the worst part, who the fuck gifts Blood Meridian to a girl? Give her some Murakami or something

>> No.23377654

He didn't say that - replace women with pig.
He was a feminist btw

>> No.23377662
File: 74 KB, 640x939, d5328360c8513e07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23377676

you guys are such fucking incels lol

>> No.23377694

A book made by a tranny lover for tranny lovers. Not surprised.

>> No.23377806

Everyone in this thread assumes that it was Laura who handed in the book, but it is equally plausible that, for whatever reason, Peter was unable to give it to her, so just handed it in instead.

>> No.23377824

>see fag on steroids
Ok now this is trad.

>> No.23377913

Peter... c'mon buddy... We have all made similar mistakes. Just accept it and move on :/

>> No.23377933

But the note states "with love" ?
So kinda weird if it's meant for a teacher.

>> No.23377958

Actually, Laura is going to end up just fine and you won't have your karmic "told you so" moment because she'll find a good-enough guy just in time to wife her up. Sorry.

>> No.23377965

I can change her, bros'.

>> No.23377969

No just hit up DA CLUBB wit ya boyzzz

>> No.23378001

Yes that's why I said it was being overly forward. The first name basis is strange too. He seems overly invested in the note for a thank you gift. But "pedagogy", "attention given and wisdom conferred" (and the overly formal "hope we can stay in touch" -- rather than "we should hang out sometime" or something) are definitely things you say to a teacher but not to a girl your own age.
Sad some anons in this thread are so autistic not to infer the context and immediately default to gamer rage about women.

>> No.23378007

Basic reading comprehension would tell you this is towards a fellow faculty member and not a teacher, considering this guy works in the financial aid department lol

>> No.23378035

What "basic reading comprehension", it's literally the first time this fact has been brought up in the thread? But in retrospect that reading now does make a lot more sense. Admiring note to colleague who is a teacher.

>> No.23378043

Nothing wrong with a fanny pack. His looks cheap and shitty though.

It has literally nothing to do with single motherhood. My mother was a workaholic and absent for periods of 3-6 months at a time while working abroad during much of my childhood. And I'm more fucked up than most people on here.

>> No.23378046

The person filming that video is a male fag. You're undermining your own point by posting it.

>> No.23378069

how many souls (not merely a rational animal but a good or bad animal) can you fit in the person that did this for example

>> No.23378499

I once gifted The Iliad to my mom, maybe I should make a greentext about it.

>> No.23378505

None of these matter, just be attractive.

>> No.23378508
File: 34 KB, 333x500, Peter Bulan-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Penis Mulan
Ask me anything

>> No.23378529


>> No.23378571

Ok, not bad. In fact, borderline convincing. But
the "with love" and the fact that according to (OP) the book shows no sign of being read hints to a deliberate rejection of the spirit of the gift, "with love" hints that the spirit of the gift and the relationship were not platonic, at least in the mind of Pierre.

"with love", is that a Rhode Island thing?

Maybe Pedro was drunk when he wrote the note?

>> No.23378749

>i give to you this book
Never write like this. No wonder she dumped it

>> No.23378886

>attention given
>wisdom conferred
>dedication to pedagogy
But never read Blood Meridian?
Post Laura's reading list

>> No.23378932

“Why are you giving one of my books go a girl whose pants you’re trying to get into? Are you retarded?”

>> No.23379122

im guessing maybe you wrote this and wanted to get feedback about it. personally i think its a nice inscriptio for a gift to a teacher who you felt a special connection with.

>> No.23379234

Laura spat

>> No.23379381

That sounds so gay honestly

>> No.23379600

Being a woman is socially better. Men are still biologically superior, in spite of your brainwashing. Male intelligence has more variance so you're more intelligent than the same percentile of women. (Assuming you're on the right side of the bell curve.) It sucks if a woman affirmative actions herself into a position you want, but looking at it from another perspective, the female version of you probably wouldn't be as qualified as you are.

Beyond that, being male has a bunch of biological perks you probably don't appreciate. You're physically superior in every way. You're better at logical reasoning and don't rely as much on memorization. You don't have overwhelming hormonal mood swings constantly fucking up your rationality. You don't have to worry about getting raped if you walk outside at night. You don't spend days each month in pain and trying to stop your crotch from bleeding with adult diapers. You can jerk off and get on with your day instead of reading 500 pages of glorified pornography to cope with your cognitively dissonant rape fantasies.

Basically if you spend your entire life trying to chase social approval and sex then kill yourself at 30, yes, you would be better off as a woman. But if you find anything you care about for its own sake, and sincerely find satisfaction devoting yourself to it and being the best you can, then be glad you're a man.

>> No.23379916


>> No.23379919

Fellow Rhode Island anons? Weird feeling right now to be honest. Not kinship, of course, I’ve probably cut you off or something before - but weird.

>> No.23379929


>> No.23379940

Yeah, and?

>> No.23379946

I got a couple really nice blazers there once.

>> No.23379955

All namefags are retard schizos

>> No.23379970

It wasn't going to go anywhere anyway.

>> No.23379981
File: 31 KB, 475x421, 1709519151065952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen her in an apartment. She bent, bedicked by a Chad thrusting icarusly into her. And her slobbering and ravenous, embracing each thrust. Fuck them.

>> No.23379984

Any real 4chan loser would read what a cute girl wrote in their yearbook as soon as she gave it back to him. He definitely did call her/hang out with her but eventually frightened her off

>> No.23379988

>word words words.
The /lit/ can't meme.

>> No.23380013

americans are such broken miserable creatures

>> No.23380017

Correct! Everyone knows America is the only country with pretentious "romantics"

>> No.23380039

Underrated and brilliant kek

>> No.23380052

They are ridiculed in America like nowhere else. I might shake my head at the OP's pic but I sympathize with men who are treated like dirt by women.

>> No.23380059
File: 157 KB, 900x900, IMG_3090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23380067

People think this was someone trying to get into the girl's pants, but reading this it sounds like a gift from someone significantly older or in a higher position. Consider:
>I give to you this book as a token of my admiration and to say thanks.
Very formal writing, not as intimate as more "romantic" letter writing.
>It's been a quick year: I'm astonished by how much I've learned due in large part to you.
Reference to a single year having passed, obviously implying a year of schooling, if "learned due in large part to you" didn't already give it away.
>I cannot thank you enough for the attention you've given and the wisdom conferred.
This is what seals it for me. "Attention given" is only important to one person in a school setting- the teacher.
"With love" at the end might seem like much, but given the book, this was likely something given out in a College/University setting, or perhaps an apprenticeship.

In short, Peter Bulan likely taught this Laura in a class and gifted this to her. Surely your teachers liked you enough to give you books, right /lit/? Happened to me around ten times in elementary and high school.

>> No.23380083


you are ignoring all the other things that point towards the opposite conclusion.

the only real lesson from this find is that if you're going to make a gift of a book with an inscription, assume it'll eventually pass into other hands and it's best to leave your last name out of it.

>> No.23380399


>> No.23380404

women care about personality. It's just that
1.) Its not all the care about, and it won't carry bad appearance, status, "don't give a fuck" energy, etc
2.) Your personality probably blows

>> No.23380702

How do you come to the conclusion that he taught her and not that she taught him? A teacher can also be attentive to the needs of their students and he focuses more on what he's learnt than anything else
>your dedication to the art of pedagogy I find inspiring
This seems to be the most telling line that she was the teacher. Why would a student be complimented for their dedication to the art of pedagogy?

>> No.23380703

I’ve done like this before and had it done to me before. That’s far too long and insecure though.

>> No.23380710

I feel insane - like this shit does happen. It’s happened to me twice. Just not very often.

>> No.23380724



>> No.23380727

>You don't have to worry about getting raped if you walk outside at night.
Yes, but mugged and murdered, which statistically happens to men more often

>> No.23380748

>men that are immature manchildren who are miserable desperately demand female attention and sex
>this would cause a plague of unwanted and uncared for children to be born into the world

how selfish can you be. just devote yourself to collecting things or studying religion and get out of the way of normal people. we are going to get 100 women harems to one guy and 70-80% of men will never have sex with a biological woman ever, so get used to it.

>> No.23380763

"To teacher, with love" makes it far worse
Go watch Miller's Girl and/or kill youself

>> No.23380768

This, incels really do love their just world fallacy shower thoughts don't they

>> No.23380783

I agree that men should get a hobby instead of simping and somewhat agree with your prediction about the breakdown of monogamy. But you're ignoring the fact that a society like you described won't last either. It will eventually be outcompeted by monogamous societies that incentivize most men to give a shit, much like happened to all historical polygamy. Yours is the actual format that will create a plague of unwanted and uncared for children, because no one is going to pay child support for Chad's kids. Society will degenerate through brain drain, apathy, and social incohesion until even China and South America can overtake the crumbling remnants of 'liberal democracy'.

>> No.23380831

the ottoman empire ruled for 900 years with that model, it was largely decentralized, and the satraps used corporal punishment, indentured slavery and military service to control the male population, it worked well for centuries.

asian cultures have no desire to expand, south america is a basket case of unruly people who couldn't unite to build a regional currency or a railway, let alone pose as leaders for a decadent western world. humans tend towards a more natural state, and the past 200 years have been absolutely artificial and for most people living through them an empty and pointless exercise in progress and novelty for its own sake. women are unhappy with their rights and do not exercise them, men would prefer to be killed by their governments over being nagged and punished fiduciarily and children are doing worse now than in 1700s when at least the roving street gangs they joined gave them a real chance at upward mobility through ingenius criminal enterprise, but before then children joined the guild and artisan system and benefitted from a lifelong education and refinement of a manual pursuit, and fermale children grew up into mothers who ran their husbands household like a brutal tyrant with all of the petty intrigue and fantasy fulfillment that entails on a socially tolerable scale.

remember im just arguing for normal not ideal. the 19th century shot for ideal and the 20th century showed that makes people miserable and now the 21st is showing that it can go from bad to worse with a lot of people just checking out completely and becoming insane.

>> No.23380887

>the ottoman empire ruled for 900 years
Can you elaborate on this? I don't know much about it.

>> No.23381014

european history
>italians and germans
middle eastern history
>babylonians, egyptians, assyrians, greeks, persians, italians, arabs, germans, mongols and turks.

across roughly the same 3000 year time period, we have a much more complicated history. the genius of the ottomans was to wield dominant power as the last unifying rulers of the region, through religion, statecraft and diplomacy. they controlled the spice trade from asia and the slave trade from africa, dominating the europeans through trade imbalances at least until the 1700s. the russians alone are trying to invade them and liberate southeastern europe for 350 years. the ottoman final misstep was to align themselves with the germans in ww1 against the italians, not realizing that power was shifting and then being dismantled by the british as penalty and reparation, in a way they had to do it because of the russian threat, but it was a spectacular gamble and total defeat.

with this reading of history an argument could be made that the british and the french are proxies for the italians and germans often interchangeable depending on which century you are looking at. but since european history is written by the english and the french this has completely and conveniently slipped their notice. the english, poles and slavs are extensions of the germanic peoples. there is a complicated relationship between the italians, french and spanish they are romance speakers and derive their identity from roman occupation and christendom rather than roman resistance and paganism.

now imagine trying to do this for the middle east and maghreb and discuss the ottoman period. there is a historical analog in european history called the holy roman empire (germans) which overlaps neatly with the ottoman empire - but the history there is so complex and long that it is conveniently skipped (the years of say 900 - 1500) over because alliances change very other decade and then mentioned in the 1500-1700s in relation to the renaissance and enlightenment, and then in the 1800s as it crumbles under the napoleonic period.

i doubt any western scholar can understand the ottomans or the middle east outside of gross generalizations or focusing intensely on a narrow period. you would need to speak at least 5 languages to even begin reading the alternative versions of events told from the various perspectives.

one thing is certain, they are the world's most capable fighters, having withstood invasion and cultural assimilation from africa, asia, europe and internally among themselves for over 3 millennia. and i suggest this is largely to do with the poor access to women for the average man in the region, it must be earned through merit which rewards a certain type of genius and desire for survival at all costs. islam is an incredible piece of war technology, and islamic scholars and thinkers have been predicting world domination for many centuries as a final inevitability.

>> No.23381027

That's pretty interesting. What do you think of modern Turkey, more specifically its creation and early period? The one thing I am familiar with is that they managed to hold onto their central land against the wishes of all the powers at the time.

>> No.23381114
File: 58 KB, 537x746, Atatürk_CHP&#039;nin_4._Kurultay&#039;ında_(9_Mayıs_1935).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are currently the dominant power in the region, and dream of a return. after that shitshow failed coup in 2016 that was livestreamed on twitter erdogan convinced his people that he's their fuckup and the west (jews) want to destroy all the economic progress turkey made in the past two decades. it's too big and valuable for the germans and the chinese to ever be allowed to fail as a state (same with iran btw), 5% growth per year for 2 decades is too much money for a syria, libya, egypt or iraq liberation.

ataturk is for the turks as important as mao is for the chinks, i've never read him (i am purely an imaginary thinker)

if you've been around for a long time let's say late medieval 1300s you've seen many people come and go, typically burning themselves out by rapidly expanding and then collapsing under the management and logistical weight of balancing and controlling territory, infighting during succession and poor roads and sanitation leading to disease, plagues, famine - no rail killed the chinese in the 60s they simply couldn't move the rice around properly and didn't know where it was needed, whereas the same famine conditions hit the indians who recovered due to the british rail networks constructed a full century earlier, what lesson did chinese learn? build rail, indians? train go toot

what hurt the ottomans? they were seen as a primitive oriental power, shady and manipulative, with a cloistered elite and a useless eater population of superstitious savages. western powers aimed at carving up the territory largely to prevent any future issues with asiatic trade routes, to create a balance of power in the region and have the british administration hold a colonial or international peace. the power vacuum led to the rise of fundamentalist islam from the arabs and a tendency towards secularization and liberalism from the triple digits in the region, turks and persians.

i mean is it all just "taqiyya"? fuck knows. the same uneasy tension you see in america about china and russia (haha guys they will liberalize and democratize now that they have a modern industrial and agricultural base and participate in global trade.. r-r-right? any day now!) you see looming about the middle east as it grows wealthier and the mask begins to slip.

niggers are the true heroic spirit of america and should always be listened to and taken seriously because their scholars and deep thinkers have overcome near impossible odds to be exemplars of their particular mongrel race. so when they say there is no such thing as mathematics only white mathematics, no universals only european colonialism dressed up as universals they are saying the quiet part (that other world civilizations are thinking and planning against). that the experiment of social and liberal enlightenment progressing towards a gentler mankind was only self-sabotage hunnic hubris.

i look at this and think, oh that clever it's like spears waiting to be bundled and raised up.

>> No.23381158
File: 40 KB, 600x746, 457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread man, hilarious.

>The first name basis is strange too
I named all my uni teachers with first name, both in emails and when I wanted their attention or something. I've been called out on it once, but he was a new guy from Oxford or something, all dressed up pretentiously in a threepiece suit, starting the course with saying: "you can call me professor or sir". I skipped his course and redid this mandatory course the next year, but by then, he got his act together and was wearing sneakers and t-shirts like the rest of us. He's a nice guy now.

But I'd say "love" is a bit much to send to a teacher.
Like >>23378035 says, >>23378007 sounds a lot more reasonable.

lol, you been analyzing the female form much?

>> No.23381179

noice quality posts man, I read it with interest. Do you have some references so I can read for myself? This sounds a bit like Quigley and Spengler. What more?

>> No.23381197

Teacher's college.

>> No.23381293

protip: the more you freak out and scold people over things like this the more you Streisand Effect attention toward it. Just let it go and get on with your life. It will resolve itself.

>> No.23381317

Book of Dede Korkut
Secret History of the Mongols
The Shahnameh
Iliad (Alexander Pope trans.)

if you take an educational approach, it would be something like this:

>get some essential background knowledge about your subject, collecting and noting interesting historical information, don't speed read go slow, pause reflect, make connections
>formulate some theory you can test, in the form of a prediction with a definite deadline, or some empirical measure
>collecting current and relevant information
>test your theory or prediction, did it happen? what went wrong, what can you do better
>iterate process trying to make improvements

if you take my own personal approach:
>humans are mostly playing language games and pre-language emotional games
>these games are freeflowing and spontaneous but have rules based on the properties of the players
>what do the people you are interested in look like, their facial features and physical stature
>what is their environment, climate, food products, cities and civilization, music, type of dress, pick to categories you find personally interesting
>how do they differ from you and where is there overlap
>become you - what would you do as them, become them - what would they do as themselves, let them become you what are they doing. this translates to

to my mind this is a frivolous exercise because the holocaust (german) and anti-fascism (italian) killed any spirit of european youth that had the vitality required to face a civilizational struggle, and this died early maybe 1930s and 1920s respectively. the late 20th early 21st century solution to just transcend the physical body using the technological process and information theory is not something i find particularly convincing, sounds like pie in the sky stuff by people without sufficient technical understanding.

so europeans will lose the animus that has driven them for 2000 years, the youth will simply cease to care and adopt new identities and power will receed away from this region of the world and move to central asia, north and east africa, with the americans becoming increasingly isolated and irrelevant, likely for centuries to come as chinese hyperscale corporations (50mil+ employees, AI chairman and board, turn key manufacturing) create human plantations in every country and region too weak to build a parallel system and harvest their attention and vital energy to feed future profits and growth.

perhaps a kernel of european man will live in some martian colonial hellscape and attempt to breed their way out of the death spiral.

>> No.23381411

>new guy from Oxford
So he got Buck Broken?

>> No.23381528


>> No.23381561

>the satraps used corporal punishment, indentured slavery and military service to control the male population
I question whether they'll get away with that this time around.

China doesn't have to 'expand' to rule the world any more than America did. They've already shown they have some interest in extracting wealth with their investments in Africa.

>women are unhappy with their rights and do not exercise them
So they'll keep having babies while the rest of the planet depopulates itself. This is the best evidence that South America wins. Also keep in mind that cartels are getting their money by siphoning it out of America. When they can no longer do that people will actually have to build things to get richer.

>> No.23381575

Cult Leader: WANTED
charismatic, delusional, prurient.

Previous experience desired but not necessary.

>> No.23381610

>serial killer handwriting
>favorite author is Cormac McCarthy
>uses the word "pedagogy"
I got the ick

>> No.23381617


>> No.23381899

This. I can almost promise you that what really happened is he read it the second he got it back but was too cowardly in the following weeks to actually reach out and pursue a relationship with her. They therefore lost contact and he moved on with his life. Then years later he re-read it and as an adult, recognized the obvious opportunity he had squandered and consciously or unconsciously, he retroactively made up that story to cope. "Oh I totally forgot to read it." No he fucking didn't, he read it. What he forgot to do was act on it.

>> No.23381926


nah, he might not have even realized she wrote in his yearbook. that's just something you pass around and maybe ten people sign it before you get it back. not everybody is going to read every stupid shit in there, most likely they'll just stuff it in their bag and go home.

>> No.23381929


>> No.23382376

>love heart exclamation marks
>that handwriting

That anon probably did well avoiding her desu - looks like the work of a 12-13 year old

>> No.23382454

Blood Meridian isn't that popular here, it just filters midwits hard

>> No.23382456


>> No.23382556

If you read the book, do let me know your theories reg. the "Sunrise ".

>> No.23382570
File: 268 KB, 814x1024, 1713474916976980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It honestly feels like somethings fucked

This is your brain fighting back well deserved dysphoria so you can simply get through the day...it's beyond fucked. Within 20 years we'll have rolling blackouts and daily water quality warnings.

Today, behavior is forcibly normalized by the media, that 30 years ago would have made you a social outcast. They tell us it's all fine and dandy, but we're too disgusted with each other to even reproduce anymore.

Young men have retreated into pretend virtual worlds, and the notion that your average 20 year-old male could support a wife and two children sounds patently absurd: emotionally, financially, or otherwise. Somehow no link is made between this and millions of 3rd worlders illegally invading our countries.

Meanwhile all the young woman have turned into obese tattooed whores. In contrast to the past few millenia, there are now zero social controls to moderate the inherent "levity of mind" of females, and an inflection point is coming that will be studied for thousands of years.

>> No.23382581

OK, Womb Envy

>> No.23382994


>> No.23383313

Love finding shit in used books, it's so depressing. Either the owner didn't care about the thing from the other person or they died. The gaze at max volume.

>> No.23383359


how did all this happen?

>> No.23383376

The invention of the transistor, you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.23383378

I found a copy of Mein Kampf, and the entire inside of the cover had been filled with a letter to the teacher of whoever had brought and gifted the book.

>> No.23384272

Found a New American Bible gifted to a god daughter by her god parents. The condition of the Bible was like what's his name's baby shoes, never read if, never read is a category. 1.50$ thrift store maxing.

>> No.23384304

Maybe Laura was scalped and spat on, that's why she didn't answer him?

>> No.23384641


>> No.23384671

One of my old English lit professors sold a bunch of his books when he retired and I remember a bunch of the ones I bought had notes in them from when he was a student. That was really cool

>> No.23384680

>Okay, I take it back, I've done worse, but at least my patheticisms haven't ended up in a thrift store.
Yeah, I've stupid shit for pussy, too. Makes me cringe, really. I'm glad I woke up,tho, so congrats anon

>> No.23384686

Give us examples, anon.
I once read all of His Dark Materials because of a chick, I'm ashamed to say

>> No.23384840

>For fucks sake if you fell for retarded fairy tales that's on you
Are you a Gen Xer? This fairy tale shit was pretty much buttblasted into zoomers and millenials since we were born. It's not my fault I was a dumb impressionable kid.

But yeah, if you'r e over 18 and still believe this shit, that's on you

>> No.23384859

>I once read all of His Dark Materials because of a chick
Damn, I actually really enjoyed HDM. Never met a girl who likes that series so it could be worse.

Anyways, I remember I once read a shitty book where a bitch was in some kind of summer camp and she gets lost in the forest, so a werewolf Gigachad comes and saves her from the evil wolves. It was hilariously bad and halfway through I was like, "what the fuck am I doing?". Never even got to fuck the girl, either.

Other times I remember: I would say things just to appease a cunty girl who was basically bitching me up just so I could have a remote chance to see her tits. Or one time where I didn't stand up for myself besides a lot of evidence that that girl was cheating on me. It was really very pathetic. But gladly, I woke up at 19, became a misogynist and never looked back since. Now I got a very cool gf and we've been together for 5 years

>> No.23384905

HDM is well written overall, and the world building is impressive, but he's no Tolkien and, after the first book, his atheist preaching becomes very tedious

There are admittedly worst books to read for a gril's sake

>> No.23384913

Lmao. Best OP I've seen here in a while.

>> No.23384935

>after the first book, his atheist preaching becomes very tedious
Don't get me wrong, I agree. It's one of my biggest gripes with the series. It's like he decided to insert reddit tier essays into certain parts of the books and it just felt weird. The story would've been a fine critique by itself if he just let the story speak for itself.

As for Tolkien, yeah, that's a high bar to meet and I don't go into fantasy with the mind that they'll be Tolkien.

>> No.23385018

I’m sure the fairy tale stuff is real to some extent. We as humans would be able to conceptualise it mentally otherwise.

Seems more likely that’s it’s exaggerated rather than an outright lie. I think what our parents didn’t tell us was just how many hoops we’d have to jump through to get that fairytale outcome.

>> No.23385049

LMFAO, I literally bought Blood Meridian for a girl last week

>> No.23386137

>I'm seriously jealous
I'm not. I enjoy not menstruating and not worrying about where I go alone and when.

>> No.23386146

>Women are perfectly clear about what they really want in men and they go for it all the time.
They're literally not though, they practice plausible deniability all the time. They're clear in action - in what they practically pursue - but they lie about it constantly. Their words and supposed wants aren't clear at all. Therein lies the shit test.

>> No.23386158

Damn that guy would kill himself if he found out she donated his book.

>> No.23386286


>> No.23387434

I think there's actually a good chance that he browses this board (at least from time to time)

>> No.23387464

a wendiGoon viewer probably