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23375915 No.23375915 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to choose between the plays of Shakespeare being wiped from human record and memory, or every other play being wiped out, which would you choose?

>> No.23375923

Shakespeare. With him gone, we can appreciate overlooked playwrights.

>> No.23375936

realised the poll is ambiguous
vote for the one you'd destroy

>> No.23375970

Obviously all other plays. We will always find new mediocre or moderately good playwrights, but the genius, whom our civilisation and culture is built on, is a once in a millennium figure.

>> No.23376027

Shakespeare so that I don't have to read cis white males any longer and can appreciate literature written by BIPOC voices from marginalized communities

>> No.23376065

this isn't me, the vote is about the ones you'd keep

>> No.23376068

What the fuck, what does the vote actually mean?

>> No.23376073
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Hmmmm anyway...
>Favorite anime
>Favorite Book

>> No.23376074

Shakespeare is worth more than every other playwright in history put together. Yes, even the Greeks.

>> No.23376083

i definitely wouldn't want to wipe out this play in exchange for keeping Shakespeare.


>> No.23376090

surely the first folio has more value than your 4chan meme ancient greek haha woman so dumb play

>> No.23376093


>> No.23376094

Nah Billy is overrated

>> No.23376116

suck me a fat one, Billy.

>> No.23376875

Obviously Shakespeare is the best playwright. But ALL other plays combined contain so much valuable information on history, culture, linguistics etc. that they're far more important.

>> No.23377099

Shakespeare without second thought

>> No.23377155

Madoka Magica
Franny and Zooey

>> No.23377452

Death Note
Crime and Punishment
...Hold on a second...

>> No.23377547

Pick an arbitrary figure. 12. Name 12 plays which could be called great. Of that 12 at least 9, which is another arbitrary figure, are by Shakespeare. That leaves 3 on our list, for all the other writers who ever lived. Is that putting it too strongly? Well raise it to 5 you can't go higher than that, and Shakespeare remains, immortally, number 1. Among all dramatists the first, the greatest poet, in terms of sheer accomplishment, very possibly our greatest man.

>> No.23377569

Gurren Lagann
Poetic Edda

>> No.23377588

Utena or Patlabor 2
Man and Earth by Ludwig Klages

But Antigone...

>> No.23377595

Shakespeare's entire works can be reconstructed from the titles of books written by MFA grads; so I pick the other thing.

>> No.23377609

>Aeschylus or Shakespeare
Just kill me instead. I can't make this choice.

>> No.23377612
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*stabs you the millisecond you finish speaking*

>> No.23378325

Rosencrantz and Guildernstern are Dead gets really confusing if we choose to get rid of Shakes.
Shakespeare wrote 38 plays. Maybe 20 are great.
The Greek tragedians have 31 surviving. Then we've got all the Romans, the French big three, Ibsen, Chekhov, Beckett, Miller, Williams, Wilde.
Plus Shakespeare never wrote a classic farce, which I'm sure we all agree is the peak of live drama.
Not looking good for the Stratford Man