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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 158 KB, 1200x1260, 1200px-Yale_University_Shield_1.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23368683 No.23368683 [Reply] [Original]

If you didn't study at Ivy, you are illiterate. You cannot even be said to have read, let alone be learned, if you cannot get into Brown, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, U Penn, Columbia, or Darthmouth.

>> No.23368686
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I BTFO an ivyfag on twitter. I am superior.

>> No.23368693

Ivies are a joke now, bro. The illusion that the quality and caliber of person that attends an Ivy is higher has been destroyed. They simply exist on institutional nepotism, and it looks like that’s doomed as well considering 3/4 of the students are dumb immigrants now.

>> No.23368696

I never went to Ivy League but I make six figures and came on the face of a girl who went to Harvard and fucked two girls who went to Stanford, one who was married. I read a lot more literature than most ivy leaguers

>> No.23368703

Weak bait but also Oxbridge should be included

>> No.23368707

I got my PhD at an Ivy. No one cares.

>> No.23368715

>mfw I went to MIT

>> No.23368720

I got into an Ivy, couldn’t go because it was too expensive
Regardless, they’ve lost their luster. I went to a school that probably has a better reputation than most Ivies at this point

>> No.23368729
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Nowadays young colleges where there is enthusiasm are where the real learning happens. See for example Ralston College. They have a dream curriculum: ancient and modern greek course taught in Greece, indeapth study of classical texts in the original languages, lectures by Jordan Perterson given in the library of Celsus in the ancient city of Ephesus. What more can you want from a college?

>> No.23368732
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I care fren.
What was your PhD about?

>> No.23368783

Did you go? I got caught up in the meme and also wanted to go but they don't accept international students unfortunately.

>> No.23368792

I studied thin films of organic semiconductors using x-ray scattering.

>> No.23368843

No, but I think it's really cool what they do there.

>> No.23368860
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I have absolutely no idea what that is or what that can accomplish. I hope you enjoyed doing it.

>> No.23368917

Same here. Anyone bragging about going to an Ivy, much less getting a PhD from one, is a fucking moron and a gelded status-grubbing normie as well. There is absolutely nothing special going on at these institutions unless you twist their arm to provide it to you. If you are a genius and get a free ride to study something you love, and you don't care about the bad job prospects or massive opportunity cost, by all means go, and twist the institution's arm to give you an education and let you network with interesting people. But for the other 99.9% of people attending, it's an adult daycare.

>> No.23368918

okay. new to 4chan here. is this genuine, ironic, or authenticity shielded in irony??? how many layers deep does the current 4chan /lit/ poster sit in irony. or elitism and yknow the infamous right wing elitism shit. LET ME KNOW! doing immersion research

>> No.23368935
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Maybe not but this book didn't cost me $62,000 per year to read.

>> No.23368951

Most people here are anti-establishment and antinomian so the "default" opinion here is generally anti- anything taken seriously by normies. Normies liking something is the canary in the coalmine for it being bad.

>One must shed the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbor mouths it. And how should there be a "common good"! The term contradicts itself: whatever can be common always has little value. In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.

OP is being anti-contrarian contrarian to be provocative. There used to be a slight meme of posting "If you didn't go to Oxbridge you missed out on the life of the mind / you're ngmi / etc." stuff. OP may actually believe it but who knows. Likely he's playing around with thoughts he actually holds but he also equally (if not moreso) understands the opposite stance as well. This may be his way of playfully expressing doubts he knows we all have, for example, doubts about how it's an unfair system and you either have the connections and the grooming since birth to be part of the elite or you don't and you're just doomed to be a background character and janitor.

>> No.23368952

Take a dildo out of your ass first, cuz you sound like a fag

>> No.23368958

You do sound gay. >>23368952 is right.

>> No.23368966

4chan is not serious bussines, people make shit up just to annoy others. Strangely enough, it's better this way than on sites like reddit or twitter, where any reterded take is someone's genuine honest opinion

>> No.23368968

Let me clue you in on a little secret. OP is not being ironic. People on 4chan are rarely being ironic nowadays. What happens is that a thought comes in, and they simply make a post proclaiming that thought. It doesn't matter whether they actually believe it or not. They just want to see how it feels to make a thread like this and how people would respond. I think some people call this post-irony but I for one don't care much for that label.

>> No.23368981

you are both HALF CORRECT!!! WIN!! i am a dyke. PUSSY? yes DICK? NO!!!!! keep it truckin out there

>> No.23369002


>> No.23369005
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Get rid of higher education

>> No.23369009

okay yeah this makes sense. 4chan becomes an "establishment" of contrarians and therefore the most contrarian thing you can do is to loop back around. like the ouroboros...

>> No.23369010

kys fag

>> No.23369011

There's no excuse for being gay (I don't mean your sexual orientation). You should have a thoughtful, regal bearing on 4chan at all times. Twitter/Tumblr spaz-talk is undignified and beneath you. You'll never get your Kristen Stewart pillow princess gf this way.

>> No.23369020


okay so this is not a serious place. perhaps even unserious. got it.

also post-irony is probably close enough but i understand why you wouldnt wanna label "people just saying shit" with some philosophic ideology

>> No.23369044

i graduated from oxford last year and will be starting my phd at cambridge this year
do i get any prizes for attending both ?

>> No.23369047

Are you british?

>> No.23369049

you are correct, sorry my friend. i have to get it together. for kristen stewart pillow princess gf.

>> No.23369052


>> No.23369055

I finished undergrad at Cambridge. What subject did you read?

>> No.23369062

maths, you?
i got queens' college btw so any thoughts on that would be appreciated

>> No.23369072

Also maths kek. My college was a bit smaller so I don't want to share what it was. Did you do an integrated masters?
I really want to do a maths masters/phd some day but I currently hold a comfy job and feel like I'm getting too old for it (25)

>> No.23369133

It was fun and I sometimes miss doing lab work.

Yes, career-wise it was probably a terrible decision to spend five years earning poverty wages and I probably knew early on that there was no future for me in academia. But it let me work on cool stuff and put off being an adult for a few years.

>> No.23369141

What are you thoughts on Fitzbillies?

>> No.23369143

Cornell grads be like

>> No.23369155

You will forever be an ivy league grad, and others will forever be someone who went to a no name college. You're underestimating the ++rep it gets you. College is all about status. Going to Ivy league/Oxbridge is the best deal in terms of status (i.e. the only kind of value that college provides)

>> No.23369336

>couldn’t go because it was too expensive

practically all of them are need-blind and now pay for everything so not likely

sorry, not ivy league, so no prizes. you can sit in the section with the university of freiburg, university of paris etc students where you will be most welcome

>> No.23369359

Sir, I have a STEM degree, now please give me my caramel macchiato so I can be on my way

>> No.23369575

Counterpoint: I BTFO every Ivy leaguer degenerate in every competition I've entered.

>> No.23369812

you can count the great writers who went to these schools on one two hands. Given their prestige, you would expect them to have produced more.

>> No.23369831

I was about to say dick sucking competitions don't count but then I realized Ivy Leaguers are the #1s in dick sucking so the joke doesn't work

>> No.23369888

gottem, also it was hacking competitions.

>> No.23369932

>You cannot even be said to have read, let alone be learned, if you cannot get into Brown, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, U Penn, Columbia, or Darthmouth
For undergrad? It means jack shit because it's a literal lottery to get into those schools if you can't pay your way in.
For grad? Maybe. I know the legal field is more or less dominated by Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and UChicago.

>> No.23370270

lol imagine being proud to give free sex to sluts

>> No.23370385

Wrong. I've met the Ivy-leaguers. I out read them eons ago. The average Ivy League IQ is 123. The Ivies are just places where future management goes to get brainwashed for high dollar prices and the shiny slips of paper they love so much.

>> No.23370469

They have money and power. You do not. You are not educated.

>> No.23370484

That's a poor case for an Ivy League education. It seems they don't even teach you that money and power have nothing to do with education. Many of the most educated men in society live very moderately and never wield any power.

Sure, the Ivies, Harvard in particular, is a filtration school for elites, but what do I care about that? I detest elites. I spit on their existence and would spit on them literally, given the chance. As for money, it's easy come easy go. Anyone with a brain and discipline can make money.

It seems your top-dollar education wasn't worth what you paid for it, after all.

>> No.23370492

went to a community college for like 6 months then got frustrated because i had to take a remedial math course and i suck at math, so i just left to become a neet/hikkimori

>> No.23370494
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Woah, dude! Easy on the over-achieving!

>> No.23370957

What would be the European equivalent universities of Ivy league status, excluding UK of course?

>> No.23370961
File: 195 KB, 1000x871, 1694443136521551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro they literally got the talmud on their crest
that's hebrew my man

>> No.23370972
File: 362 KB, 710x526, 1645108462789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should change it to the Quaran now.
Free Palestine!

>> No.23371044

In terms of prestige, the French grande écoles. They are probably better than the Ivies since there is no affirmative action and students are chosen by a very hard exam.
In a per capita basis, some of them have a really large number of Nobel laureates and Fields medalists.

>> No.23371049

Agreed. I work at Harvard and the undergrads are uninterested in anything that isn't their field of study if they're bright, or drinking until they're blue in the face. A good portion of the kids here are nepotism/legacy/donation admissions and another good portion are diversity admissions. The students who are genuinely broght and interested in a wide variety of subjects are few and far between.
I will say that the graduate students that I've had the pleasure of conversing with have been some of the smartest people I've ever encountered. It is a genuine joy to be able to pick their brains for ideas.

>> No.23371056

I was a terrible student so I'm not even speaking of myself here, but the cat's out of the bag when it comes to Ivies.

It's incredible people still make arguments like OP's in the era of rampant affirmative action. It's a known fact that these schools will choose dumb nigs over smarter whites any chance they get - why the hell would we respect them?

>> No.23371059

Not the same anon but I failed out of a large top 10 public university (top in the state) my second year (this semester). I hate myself and I don't know what to do now. Can't get a shrink because of my career....

>> No.23371070

What's your career.

>> No.23371078


>> No.23371120

All great, but
>lectures by Jordan Perterson
you lost me there.

>> No.23371171

I went to a shit school, did poorly, and still have a chip on my shoulder about it. This is something I've been angry about for almost decade now, so I don't think it's going away even though I discussed it with therapists.

>> No.23371225

Yeah, I'd say the grande écoles are better. The two persons that I know who went there are extremely erudite. I also know a few that went to Harvard, Yale, and Oxford, and they can't compare.

>> No.23371246
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Heidelberg and Tubingen are better. At least for humanities.

>> No.23371415

>I detest elites
Yeah, plebians tend to do this. I understand you're talking about the liberal definition of elite, but the people are the ivy schools aren't "the elite." -- That's just a marketing strategy relying on what "we" pretend once was.
The elite are better than you, in every way. That's what makes them "elite." The "elite" do not give a shit about money, it comes naturally. The "elite" do not a give a shit about power, it comes naturallly. You should understand what I mean by now. Keep your cope, but recall that the "elite" are, by definition, superiors.

>> No.23371723
File: 5 KB, 132x137, 566463634346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I become an elite?

>> No.23371789

Anyone with a brain does it. Stopped reading after your first imbecillic sentence. All you are is a typical middling—filled with envy and a desire to be worshipped. You are a sickening creature and about as educated as the average person.

You presume to educate about the elite? HA! You don't know the first fucking thing about them. You are not even a decoration, much less one of them. Stupid child.

>> No.23371803

You don't. Neither you nor he has the capacity for it. He'll have to satisfy himself that his collegiate life had some meaningless proximity to power like the rest of the middlings.

>> No.23371813

is it easy to get laid in those universities?

>> No.23371828

Turns out raw multiple guess metrics proxying G factor are less reliable than the biological stock of an actual upper class/nobility. The Competency Crisis isn't a crisis of competency, rather mutational overload ensuring a permanent class of inept Yes Men without the character to ever go against inclination or self-interest. Ivies been real quiet since the Charles Lieber arrest at Harvard with his two PLA PHD spies (spike protein nano-interfaces no less, to and from Wuhan ...) and the subsequent undeclared foreign funding in the endowment tens of billions thereafter--

There's an artstic pose of the incommeasurability between the modalities of differing knowers perspectivalism and there's gradations of prevarication and steganographic sub rosa satiric comedy. If you have to ask, you'll just have to lurk moar newfag.

>> No.23371833

No, that’s for you to do, fag.

>> No.23372014

It's complicated. Basically, you're born with it, that is, it's divine right. You must be guided, but there's a component about it that can't be taught. Just do your best, anon. Self growth is important at any part of the caste. For you, I'd recommend you ignore people who have to lash out instead of self-actualizing, they're undesirables.
>stopped reading
With this, you've admitted that you're reactionary and don't know what you're responding to. Did you take plebian as an insult? Don't. You should have pride in your position in life.
>desire to be worshipped
I don't need validation, anon.
I don't want power. It's just naturally mine and comes to me. Like the power I have to upset you by simply correcting what was said, despite it not being my intention. Which leads me to this: why are you so upset? Give me the real reason, instead of some reactionary, oddly semitic, nonsense. Take your time and look inward. Are you possibly making assumptions based on preconcieved notions you have due to your upbringing and never rebelling against things outside of the prescribed list? I'm genuinely asking, I'm not mocking you.

>> No.23372236

Did you go back to school? What happened?

>> No.23372480

Sounds like you're a traditionalist of the Coomaraswamy variety, which is the best variety of traditionalism. Am I right?

>> No.23372492

I know this is bait but there are a fair amount of US colleges which are better than most of the Ivies. Pretending that Cornell or Dartmouth is better than schools like Northwestern, University of Chicago, Stanford, etc. is asinine

>> No.23372636

You're not wrong about my interest in the Traditionlist school. However, I've not read enough of Coomaraswamy to form a full opinion. However, I will note that his input, that I have read, is inline with my thinking. I was planning to dive deeper into his works within the next few years, after finishing up my grad degree.

>> No.23372679

Got to be the saltiest thread on 4chan right now

>> No.23372789

None of the Ivy schools offer studies in my field. MIT does though.

>> No.23372792

Is your field gender studies?

>> No.23372794

Why would MIT offer gender studies while the others did not?

>> No.23372905

>Couldn't into Cal Tech
>Couldn't into Chicago
>Couldn't even into MIT
lmao wordcels are pathetic

>> No.23373011

Kill yourself neponigger, your father is a faggot and you're still a disappointment to him

>> No.23373048


there aren't really any smart whites. the "whites" at these places are almost always jews.

>> No.23373050

ITT non-ivy league fags coping

>> No.23373055

the only people who say this are, ironically, UChicago guys lol

>> No.23373211



>> No.23373249

OK, Fresno State

>> No.23373292

Never stepped foot into a college but these threads no longer have the energy they used to, more proof the world has peaked in all possible ways. Enjoy being at the top of shit mountain Ivychads.

>> No.23373304

No one goes into higher education on /lit/ anymore. It’s largely an uneducated board in 2024. These threads used to be more popular years ago

>> No.23373420

a bunch of hyper-neurotic future suicides

>> No.23373424

No, it's that the college-aged cohort no longer uses this website, period. The userbase of this site is probably 50% underaged third worlders on /a/ and /v/, and the rest of the boards are 25+. They're all in discord servers or making tiktoks. You can see the same phenomenon on /fit/ and /sci/, which also used to have fairly frequent university threads.

>> No.23373432

Zoomzoom about to enter grad school here, can confirm. Everyone in my generation sees 4chan as "that scary white supremacist website" so no one visits it. Also, for some reason, online forums really aren't that popular among my generation. Some of them use Reddit but most of them have no desire to discuss their interests with strangers online

>> No.23373447

>lectures by Jordan Perterson

>> No.23373460

lmfao i can buy your family to eat my shit

>> No.23373514

I wonder if there's a secret glownigger college for truly gifted students. Like a college so elite it's existence itself is classified

>> No.23373533

those filters occur in elementary school, or are purely hereditary. the latest in life that might happen is if your research touches upon some no-no topic and you get into an "accident" where really they just twist your arm and make you work in a bunker for the rest of your life with a new identity

>> No.23373592

your gay dad raised a fag son

>> No.23373595

ok and, you didn't even have one or you wouldn't be poor

>> No.23373783

If you didn't need validation, you wouldn't be implying status or answering my posts, you absolute middling.

>doesn't want power
>literally begins the argument by asserting he has power which was off-topic to begin with
You are an imbecile. You lead the unexamined life. The McEducation of your Ivies has had no effect on you. Goodbye.

>> No.23373786

>fanboying over a literal midwit
/Lit/ never ceases to disappoint.

>> No.23373787

I just do construction work out in the country, can read and write. Used to work as a writer, now just work on roads and buildings.

>> No.23373791

>abysmally formatted sentences
I'm starting to doubt you even have a connection to the Ivies.

>> No.23373793 [DELETED] 

100x more based that fOP.

>> No.23373797

100x more based than fOP.

>> No.23373803

>hebrew letters
The most kiked universities

>> No.23373805

The USA is home to many of the top universities in the world. These schools attract students from across the globe, they are important institutions of learning and research even if OP is being a snobby about it.

>> No.23373808


I think I heard of something called Xavier's University for Truly Gifted Students

>> No.23373814

do you think they have special epic based versions of frankenstein there or something

>> No.23373817


Have not met anyone who has been to these schools that claims you are "illiterate" if you do not attend them.

That is just pretentious, many also go to these schools for connections and jobs.

They are definitely expensive, requiring a scholarship or large sum.

>> No.23373846

>or answering my posts
It was more so something of a kindness.
>asserting he has power
Yes. I assert that I have power, specifically the power in this thread that you have given to me. You're obsessing over me and you don't even know my name.
I suspect you don't know much, anon. But it's 5AM on a Saturday, and I have things to do. Have a nice night.

>> No.23373927

>definitely expensive

no they're not. they have billions of dollars. they are all needs-blind and anybody who can get in, gets a free ride if they don't have the money to pay for it. that's why so many people apply and why the admission rate is so low.

>> No.23373936
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All university is fast becoming irrelevant unless you're genuinely applying the skills learned into the field you work in. Which most "college grads" are not.

They get the paper so they can say they have the paper.

Bachelor of communications
Bachelor of business studies
Bachelor of psychology

These are the equivalent of a participation award in a primary school.

Most hiring managers care about two things, experience and personality. If you can grasp both of those, or at least pretend you can, you can get where you want.

Other than that others have already talked about nepotism, which is only the point of going to an ivy league. Your goal is not to be well read or well learned, it's to make connections

>> No.23373994

>Bachelor of communications
>Bachelor of business studies

these aren't degrees offered at ivy league schools. at any ivy it would be economics (not business) and english/english literature (not communications)

>> No.23374651

I did well in every class I attended, so they couldn't fail me out after I spent a year moping about in bed. Between that and changing my major to something I could do without trying, and it tacked on an extra two years, which left me in tons of debt.
In the end I became the loser that I was destined to be, but at least I'm a loser with a job in my field, even if it is a shitty one.

>> No.23374656

Sorry I couldn’t fit into their racial quota so I ended up going to University of Phoenix. RIP me.

>> No.23374665

>whatever can be common always has little value
But a common good is having access to clean drinking water for example. How is that of little value.

>> No.23374707
File: 420 KB, 750x969, 1699231866573809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subject of these threads hasn't existed for at least sixty years. That class of people selfdestructed in the World Wars and got replaced by managerial normiecrats during the decolonization that followed. There can be no Einsteins or Paulings in a world of household appliances and television, there can't be any Neys or Kutuzovs in the information age, Shakespeare and Jonson are out of place among TikToks and YouTube shorts. The great men of the past developed as such due to a rigorous class system, and genuine interest in constant lively debates and edifying conflict of all kinds. The rebellious British imperial frontiers regularly managed to produce greater kinds of men than can be found in the imperial centers of today.
There's simply no evidence of any lingering concealed remnants of cultured society. You have no proof of that. You're an upjumped idiot and the ultimate version of a conspiracy theorist who believes all current events are a show by The Powers That Be.
The former haunts of the elites have been completely bastardized. I went to Upper Canada College (the canadian equivalent of an upper-crust British public school) and we thought we were a big deal, but 30-50% of the students (including myself) were there on stipends. It was also full of "diverse" students and Chinese and Indians even in the early 2010s when I graduated. At the end of the day, now I am here, shitposting with the rest of you at the tail end of a painful technical education.
In that same vein, the Ivies are nothing exceptional. Keep in mind that these people read The Atlantic and take it seriously. While I was busting my ass taking extra credits in order to graduate from my Bachelor's with distinction in multiple areas, my high-school peers who went to Ivies were doing take-home exams on an honor system.
That's all a load of drunken seethe so let me condense - these people are the products of nepotism, the result of tactically degraded standards, blind fumbling morons completely bereft of respectability.

>> No.23374708

but I'm european :(

>> No.23374720

>The "elite" do not give a shit about money, it comes naturally. The "elite" do not a give a shit about power, it comes naturallly. You should understand what I mean by now. Keep your cope, but recall that the "elite" are, by definition, superiors.
Energetic well-connected nepo-babies are very literally just posers. Any moron is capable of running captured institutions into the ground for their own benefit. Peasant retards did that when they got into the communist nomenklaturas.
Superiors indeed...

>> No.23374762

>not being a normalien

>> No.23374998

American universities are good for graduate professional degree programs. The undergraduate BA programs at ivys are not even at European high school level.

>> No.23375003

A pajeet no doubt

>> No.23375005

So a pajeet then

>> No.23375014

This. Getting into a top French school is really fucking hard. Grueling exams. Not at all like the midwit SATs. No one cares that you spent your summer volunteering with handicapped trannies or whatever Harvard expects to see on your application.

>> No.23375049
File: 111 KB, 800x1095, Thomas_Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you using contractions in your writing? You stupid fuck.

>> No.23375126

What are the best french grad schools?

>> No.23375149

tlc realty show Jazz destroyed any remaining credibility of these types of institutions.

>> No.23375342

ecole polytechnique and ens

>> No.23375363

Ivy Leagues are, ironically, full of particularly retarded people.
Jaron from I Am Jazz, as >>23375149 mentioned, is evidence of this.
Jaron and his family are Jewish, by the way.

>> No.23375380

Is french higher education in general good? Talking public universities

>> No.23375433

No, lol. (You) answered me, and (You) continue to do so. Your mock condescension is a pathetic, btw. I know all too much, dumbass. That's why I've seen through you from the very first post you made. Fuck your day and your night.

>> No.23375442

>whatever can be common
CAN be common, anon. the world is large. in some places water is a common goodz and therefor of little value as it can be scooped from the air. other places it cannot be a common good, and therefore has value.

>> No.23375707

I know a girl who attended Ivy. She's an escort now. It seems many escorts attended prestigious places.

They are fishing for (you)s. The most (you)s they get, the more successful their bait was.

>> No.23376517

>being this mad
He's probably right.