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23368690 No.23368690 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this guy and his ideas? Is his book worth reading or is he just another pop-philosophy grifter?

>> No.23368779

>pop-philosophy grifter

Higher order and of more utility, but nonetheless yes.

>> No.23369119

He's videos are interesting but his old name was strange (cuck philosophy)??? Like, he's in favor of NTR?

>> No.23369123

this is my answer as well. he's the latter but in like the top 95th percentile in terms of quality

>> No.23369125

He's actually autistically deep into his philosophy. I have immense respect for this fellow countryman although I disagree with his practical ideas

>> No.23369134

As with all lithuanians, he is wrong and retarded.

>> No.23369149

Didn't know he published something. Seen a few of his videos, and what I recall, he's leagues away from idiots like PhilosophyTube or Contrapoints, while still, I think, sharing their political positions to a greater or lesser degree. His video on Stephen Hicks's book on postmodernism is accurate in comparison to most video essayists in pointing back at the texts, and his video on the similaritiesbetween Heidegger and Miyazaki is good enough that I only have quibbles about his understanding of Heidegger. I haven't seen much else, so I don't know how consistent his efforts are, but at least where he talks about things I've read, I find he's done so accurately, but it'd probably be safe to assume at a kind of pop-philosophy level that's just better than others doing the same.

>> No.23369150

How specifically

>> No.23369158

Watch his videos on german communism, it's the opposite of pop philosophy. Really dense, specific and accurate

>> No.23369173
File: 318 KB, 1690x1187, PISAMATH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lithuania is one of the lowest IQ countries on all of EU. They are all extremely slow, never get to the point or recognize the most basic things and are predisposed to criminality. Lithuanians are known throughout the world for being scammers and thieves.

>> No.23369203

Never liked him, always seemed dishonest

>> No.23369209

>seems dishonest

Just your impression

>> No.23369232

idk, NTA but i read state & revolution after watching his "marx was not a statist" video and was shocked at how misleading it was
i was a huge fan until then, now find him sus

>> No.23369233

Great video essays and quite varied in specific topics, very in depth and good at explaining dense ideas. Definitely better than any breadtube bullshit and probably surpassing some leftypol adjacent stuff in terms of video quality. His old name was much funnier

>> No.23369247

i know the guy irl and he started the channel initially as a joke to fuck around with like his old marxist analysis of shrek video as shit, but quickly found himself taking it seriously so he changed the name. the guy is fucking funny irl and has turbo chud humor

>> No.23369296

Well I’m not a leftist, so of course

>> No.23369453

Can you go over the ideas you disagree with/find wrong? I have no idea what his philosophy is other than he likes Nietzsche and Marx?

>> No.23369508

NTA but Marxism already implies ontological resentment which defeats the purpose of attaching a Nietzschean aesthetic to it in the first place.

>> No.23369512

Still waiting for a YouTuber who advocates for the polar opposite besides me.

>> No.23369518

Are there a lot of Marxists in Lithuania or something?

>> No.23369522

Hmm, that's a good point. IIRC Neitzsche did not like Communism for that reason

>> No.23369531

I am utterly convinced that forcing students to memorize symbols like chinese letters pays off in the end. I think most educational difficulties in the west stem from lack of literacy. They can read, but not necessarily understand the texts. Or, you know, PISA just tests for specific education forms

>> No.23369539

why do you believe that symbol memorization will somehow improve semantic understanding of text? it sounds easier to argue the inverse of what youre saying. that people like the chinese are less literate as they are just more concerned with memorization and quantity of syntax rather than a deeper, multi-faceted understanding of the semantics of the text.

>> No.23369568

He tried to unite Marx and Nietzsche and accidentally replicated Mussolini's Fascism

>> No.23369592

how? did he ever talk about the modern nation myth making shit that italian fascists obsessed over?

>> No.23369593

First of all, all philosophy youtubers are midwits. Every last one. No exceptions.

Secondly, Jonas CCK is a communist dimwit. This is obvious from his video on natural rights.

>> No.23369669

i disagree with him a lot too, for sure, but the guy has a masters in philosophy. you don't just get that from being a random middling IQ fool.

>> No.23369686

Far from it
Anything to the left of a liberal is looked down upon because leftism is associated with the soviet union which is associated with Russian occupation. It's very much a banana republic type country in that regard.
t. Lithuanian diaspora

>> No.23369699
File: 25 KB, 600x375, 555comeonnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lithuanians are known throughout the world

>> No.23369710

All the high IQ ones left or killed themselves

>> No.23369827

Most actual marxist (leftcom or leftcom-leaning, like Ceika, marxists who actually read Marx and don't just blindly stan Soviet Union, Cuba or China) have an irreverent, chud-style sense of humor. Just like with Marx it's not about morality for them, and unlike leftists they don't view every aspect of their personal lives as an extension of their lifestylist brand of politics. For marxist-leninists on the other hand, every occasion seems to be just a chance to virtue signal about their support of whichever cross-classist idpol movement. (One exception to this seems to be Zizek who is clearly just an academic leftist but who still has a good, non-stuffy sense of humor)

>> No.23369838

thats because marxists are chuds, /pol/ is literally lefty/pol/

>> No.23369999

Nah, /pol/ is fucking braindead. It's just that some of the chuds have a good sense of humor

>> No.23370012

Also, most marxists are just libtards in red, especially MLs (which is unfortunately the most popular "marxist" tendency)

>> No.23370050

I only saw his video on Sam Harris' Moral Landscape. The video was good but then criticising the Moral Landscape isn't hard.

>> No.23370174

He one time quoted a book from my least favorite philosophy professor. He's not well regarded in the department and once offered a class on "the philosophy of rick and morty"

>> No.23370260

Too much mental gymnastics justifying Marxism for my taste. Occasionally some rather good insights on some aspects of modern life. Obviously actually knows philosophy—when he does make a video for the masses like with his Berserk video by YouTube standards it’s a masterwork since it’s clear he knows more about Nietzsche than every other cringe “video essayist” combined who point out the obvious connection between Nietzsche and Berserk

>> No.23370267

Even me? I’m not a leftist at all

>> No.23370273

Academic degrees are for people with a lot of money to burn. Working class guys like me who have an interest in philosophy must remain autodidacts

>> No.23370315

The latter. His understanding of most philosophers is somewhat decent but his biggest weak spot, and coincidentally his most favored topic, is Nietzsche. I have trouble understanding how a self purported Marxist who reads Fred Jameson has such troubles with Nietzsche as he has. He has terminal midwit-itis and is incapable of pulling smaller thoughts into big ones without the guidance of someone who hinted at it before him.

>> No.23370344

I know someone like this and they’ve basically become a nihilist with not much to say. Leftcoms don’t like mutualists and adjacent philosophy anyways (I lean Georgist)

>> No.23370349

What's the appeal of Marxism for people like Ceika? Most people I've met in real life claiming to socialists/communists/marxists were absolutely idiotic virtue-signalling spergs - yet Ceika seems well-read and at the very least more intelligent than most philosophy YouTubers

>> No.23370452

What the fuck is with the weeaboo-ass picture

>> No.23370458

The Chinks wrote this

>> No.23370513

>the guy has a masters in philosophy. you don't just get that from being a random middling IQ fool.

>> No.23370770

Definitely thoughtful and well-read for a leftist, got quite a few things out of his videos.

>> No.23370771

The name "cuck philosophy" was a joke on Fourier (also the guy in his profile picture) who wrote some weird stuff, was very much autiatic about categorising things and featured cuckoldry as a seminal category in some contexts.

>> No.23370778

His history videos (on the german revution and left-wing terrorism) are great.
Haven't read his book but might check it out at some point.

>> No.23370793

It's the only sensible venture into politics from a theoretical standpoint.

>> No.23370801

It’s an intelligent worldview that has a strong lineage of academic rigor and political vigor. This may blow your mind but communism, like every other ideology, is complex and nuanced for the people with brains to actually think about it.

>> No.23370828

Can you elaborate more? I'm interested in understanding it
Very gay passive-aggressive response

>> No.23370837

Very gay passive-aggressive original comment

>> No.23370842

Indeed. Unfortunately, he's clueless about the right, and even repeats the "fascism is capitalism in decay" yarn. I think Keith Woods called him out on it, no idea if he ever responded. But it's rare enough to find people who have some clue about the ideology they themselves proclaim, so I guess it's forgivable that he doesn't understand his opponent.

>> No.23370847

In 2 centuries it's never produced a workable schematic of the communal society it promises because it's not possible and they don't even try because one individual, Marx, forbade it. Not seeing how it breaks past midwit.

>> No.23370853

Is he even a Marxist? All I see is movie analyses and videos on postmodernism. It's giving 2018 Jacobin/Chapo/Zizek.

>> No.23370854

If that were true, someone would've figured out how to establish a communist society without murdering and starving millions of people. Unless that's necessary for communism to be established.
t. midwit

>> No.23370866

Starving millions of people is the most important step in creating a communist society. There are no other steps. In all seriousness, the typical response of people who self-identify as communists is that communism wasn't correctly implemented in those cases. I don't know what correctly implemented communism would look like. China?

>> No.23370902

nah, mainly it was a failed attempt at adopting a rw slur for lefties and subverting its meaning (not without precedent - cuckoldry was pushed as the 'thinking man's fetish' in certain progressive intellectual circles for a good while, with various galaxybrained philosophical justifications).
it was doomed to fail from the start, of course, but the fact that he even tried that shows that there's something deeply wrong with him as far as I'm concerned. it basically boils down to treating abandonment fears and self-hatred as a virtue.

>> No.23370916

No, watch his video on Fourier and look at his channel picture.

>> No.23370947

And leather apron club is just a harmless reference to Ben Franklin :^)

>> No.23370950

>One faggot rightoid is being sneaky, therefore this other guy is too

>> No.23370951

>Is his book worth reading
Yes. If you are versed in Marx, Nietzsche or both. Had some decent ideas and pointed out some interesting parralels between the two.

>> No.23370971

they're the same picture. your team bias is preventing you from seeing the obvious subtext.
now's when some people would try to move their goalposts, but I hope you'll just be honest.

>> No.23370987

I'll be honest and tell you I'm not going to rewatch the Fourier video right now because I'm lazy, but I wasn't under the impression that Cuck brought up, in that video, that his name was an attempt at subversion, and rather he was just 'making the joke for them'. But if he does say that in the video then I stand corrected.

>> No.23371206

I think it's both. He was poking fun at the alt-right's use of the word 'cuck' by naming himself cuck philosophy (somehow) and also Fourier. His profile picture back when he was still Cuck Philosophy was also Fourier

>> No.23371476

He's an academic trying to fit in with the cool kids online and failing. Why else would he call himself cuck philosophy? Fucking retard. Aside from that, he's probably one of the few left wing philosophy/theory channels that presents philosophy in an accurate and fair way. Its clear he has a deep knowledge of his field unlike the rest of the pop philosohy and theory grifters on the youtube. His cultural criticism is a bit of a mess though. Like when he portrays Miyazaki is a Shintoist lol his video on left wing terrorism was messy too but don't get me started on history youtubers.

>> No.23371927

>Just like with Marx it's not about morality for them
this is frankly a meme, if you read young marx (who ceika is into) you'll see all sorts of appeals to morality

>> No.23371939

>and unlike leftists they don't view every aspect of their personal lives as an extension of their lifestylist brand of politics
leftcoms definitely do this let's be real here

>> No.23371962


>> No.23372147

>he doesn’t know how to t.
You just called yourself a midwit newfriend

>> No.23372627

He's never commented on Evola or Guenon, so he's shit tier

>> No.23372983

why would a serious philosopher talk about jesters and charlatans?

>> No.23373012

It's not a meme. Marx pretty explicitly abandoned his earlier moralistic views and I think Ceika knows that as well.

>> No.23373281

he did yeah, although moralism lingers here and there in his mature works, and regardless saying "it's not about morality [for Marx]" is misleading considering he was explicitly moralistic in some of his most famous writings. ceika has said he completely disagrees with althusserianism so i don't think he's aware

>> No.23373404

>ceika has said he completely disagrees with althusserianism so i don't think he's aware
to be clear ceika definitely doesn't think marx is a moralist, i mean that he must not be aware that young marx was a moralist

>> No.23373493

>ceika has said he completely disagrees with althusserianism
So he’s retarded?

>> No.23373500
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, 1874814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of videoessayist are just pseud trash.
The only decent ones are the ones that basically make documentaries, or audiobooks with images and/or animation.

>> No.23373706

That’s because academia is mostly nepo babies with little wiggle room

>> No.23373707

I find Althusser kind of like some kind of dark Marxism that led to clowns like Fisher

>> No.23373934
File: 89 KB, 800x1211, Main Currents of Marxism - 2010 Reprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Main Currents of Marxism yet? Marxism is a strong interpretation of how to implement the Englightenment vision of recreating, as they imagined, the full human flourishing of Ancient Greecian republicanism, premised on an understanding of what determines and conditions our full humanity: that is our economic relations within the republic. The French Revolution failed to restore Ancient Greece and Roman republicanism because it didn't consider the economic nature and differences between the ancient and modern world. With proper consideration of economics and how master-slave relations that exist between classes alienate both the master and the slave from realising their full humanity, a modern technological Arcadia can be acheived, or so the attractive premise goes.

>> No.23373970
File: 599 KB, 1488x1020, Fourier, The Hierarchies of Cuckoldry - contents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A very funny and excellent book about French morality, where Fourier advises to either marry a German women or accept your inevitable cuckold horns from your Juliette, Manon, or Noemie.

>> No.23374247

In other words he was a 4chan poster

>> No.23374492

All I've seen from him is a video on why Schopenhauer disliked Hegel in which he copied Weltgeist's video almost beat for beat

>> No.23375402

Brent Adkins. He quotes his book "Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus: A Critical Introduction and Guide' in his video Explaining Deleuze with drum machines

>> No.23375426
File: 92 KB, 1134x1522, P10_P1010005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man single handedly jumpstarted my fascination with philosophy which had changed me completely. He's also inspired me in the future to consider doing public works about my own countries strange "socialist" history. He shits on MLS and on socdems, he cites sources and explains shit in an understandable manner. He along with esoterica are the best /lit/ tubers honestly

>> No.23375429

A broken clock can still be right twice a day, especially if said clock is just explaining/rewording something and not saying anything new

>> No.23375432

I'm not saying the book is shit but his classes definitely are

>> No.23376268

True, that's what I was getting at, comrade

>> No.23376552

>i get my secondary lit exclusively from bordiga so i'm right
>the countless scholars who say marx was a moralist, like cohen, leopold, roberts, etc. are wrong because... they're academics
why are leninists so anti-intellectual?

>> No.23376634

Academics are full of shit. They twist Marx to their bourgeois purposes until it's unrecognizable...

>> No.23376655

Ps. And shouldn't it be obvious that academic "marxists" exclusively peddle theories that are firmly in the domain of bourgeois ideology? They're on the payroll of a bourgeois institution, after all; it's their job to produce new forms of bourgeois ideology, even if some of it is ostensivly "marxist".

>> No.23376728

New cuck video is up

>> No.23376737

Oh shit thanks for the heads up

>> No.23376872

Finished it, it's fucking mid. I think it's the first mid video he's made, you could literally get EXACTLY the same conclusion just from his delueze vid. Hell, I literally came to that same conclusion before the video was made months ago

>> No.23376950

struck a nerve did i? yes i'm sure that people who openly call for the destruction of capitalism, including people like negri who literally get arrested and fired for partaking in left-wing terrorism, are somehow bourgeois because they have a job. instead we should all read your literal who italian engineer that only terminally online hipsters care about

>> No.23376996

"Killing Margaret Thatcher in Doom" was also pretty mid desu

>> No.23377002

Idk about that. He managed to weave a neat framing device being more than just that by having the very game and mods premise be the thematic core of the video, along with generally explaining a social system and ideology that's as annoying to talk about as its name """neoliberalism"""

>> No.23377009

I'm not mad, okay. I just kind of hate academics lol... I haven't read Negri, but just calling for the destruction of capitalism means literally nothing; that's what all the marxist-leninist revolutionaries did. Then they had their bourgeois revolutions and established their bourgeois nation-states.

>> No.23377022

>I just kind of hate academics lol...
eh i don't blame you, they often suck and i agree that the scholarship on marx has been pretty mid over the past few decades and yeah a part of that is trying to ideologically conform to rawlsian socdem stuff. but i find the leninist cliche of avoiding scholarly literature on marx trite cause there is a lot of useful stuff in there and it's often higher quality than like bordiga or whoever who if i'm being frank is mostly a waste of anyone's time, i have more respect for even like mao's marxology

>> No.23377076

I mean, I do read academic marxists sometimes (along with other kinds of academics) and while I can often find worthwhile observations in their works, it's really hard for me to take them seriously as marxists.

>> No.23377348

any examples of who you have in mind and why?

>> No.23377369

>Male feminist
Lol. Fuck off with this faggot eceleb

>> No.23377726

I wish for your sake that you know that "male feminist" is generally the norm in Anglophone societies now, so deriding someone for being it is is like hating popular economics for not shitting on black people enough

>> No.23377732

>hating popular economics for not shitting on black people enough
I do this too.

>> No.23377762
File: 423 KB, 793x666, IMG_4296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His original channel name was Cuck Philosophy. He changes it after it gets semi popular so he can pursue it as a “career”.
Thus he’s shown himself to be a coward and a money grubbing whore, and we need not listen to anything he has to say.

>> No.23377775

they are not at all philosophy videos

>> No.23377798

>masters in philosophy.
Oh so that's where the liberalism came in.
Faggy hack as all college wankers

>> No.23378210

>noooo going to college actually makes you dumber i swear
ressentiment moment

>> No.23378248

That’s what I wanted to do, retard.
You just outed yourself as a spastic

>> No.23378250

>nooooo you can’t just make money doing something enjoyable you have to work 12 hour shifts in the wage cage like I do

>> No.23378786


>> No.23379548

>having a career and making money is gay
fucking kys faggot you larping as le epic powerlifting man is pathetic. the guy is one of the 0.000001% of philosophers that actually have a profitable career that isn't shit. let the guy change his damn name

>> No.23380758

Fischer has basically zero connection with Althusser, what are you talking about?

>> No.23380804

Both are Marxists and see the human condition as a hopeless one enforced by ideology

>> No.23380807

I must have been abnormal since I was an adolescent then 30 years ago

Most of them are low key rapists

>> No.23381002

>He is Lithuanian living in Norway
Why is diaspora like this. FFS his father propably escaped from communism and now his son praises a system that wanted to erase his identity.
Why do diasporaniggers are like this?

>> No.23381035

self loathing is common among diasporas that pay any attention to the fact that theyre diasporas. When it comes to politics and philosophy, there's three outcomes for a diaspora: the first outcome is that they fully embrace their identity and become a nationalist for their home country, despite not really fitting in 100% in their home country, which is retarded, you can't be patriotic for a place that isn't really home.

The second outcome is they become a nationalist for the country they reside in, and this usually stems from their inferiority complex. The problem with this is that nationalists in the country they reside in see them as just another immigrant at worst, and an uncle tom at best.

The third outcome is radical leftist politics. Since leftist politics are generally more open to diasporas (because of their progressive politics) a lot of diasporas feel more "at home" within leftist circles.

There's also a fourth outcome, which isn't that common yet, which is falling into white nationalism. Since it's primarily an American movement, and america is a nation of diasporas, they tend to feel at home among white nationalists as well, but theres a lot of overlap with this outcome and outcome #1.

I know this because as I've grown up, I've basically gone through every outcome. For a lot of people, politics and philosophy make up part of their identity, which is something that diasporas have an issue with, which makes them more vulnerable to falling in with retarded fringe ideas. I'm not saying that Ceika is like that, but it's an explanation for why a lot of eastern european diasporas tend to be more pro-communist than people back home. It's also why Turks in Germany are more pro-Erdogan than Turks in Turkey.

t. Lithuanian diaspora, raised in the UK

>> No.23381123

That's neither what Althusser said nor what Althusserianism refers to.

>> No.23381133

Is he latvian?

>> No.23381147

Considering he was very autistic on the soup, especially "cold soup", I guess he's Lithuanian

>> No.23382049

Still not wstching your shit videos, cuck

>> No.23382248

i know the guy irl and the only reason they moved is because his dad is a surgeon and made no fucking money in lithuania and made about 6x the money in norway. cck is also not an ML so i don't know why you're saying hes praising the system they escaped from

>> No.23382266

I have always suspected he has lurked this board or has spent a bit of time here. chronically online memeheads into literature are often on here it's not that far fetched.

Anyways out of all the youtube video essay his has the most /lit/ vibe out of all of them. Nice to see him mentioned here actually

>> No.23382321

Nobody truly fits in anywhere, especially if they have a triple digit IQ. Your premise is retarded.

>> No.23382335
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 5f45dba99945de33097994acd870ad5ebb3ed77745e0dbb7188752a78f98c122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody truly fits in anywhere

>> No.23382353

are you >>23377076?

>> No.23382447

no. i am the same guy that mentioned earlier in the thread knowing cck irl

>> No.23382464

yeah but i was wondering if the guy that knew him irl was that bordigist. you tend to show up in threads about him, you said that he doesn't like any anime other than berserk and akira (>>/lit/thread/19879670#p19887487)) which is false:
any explanation for this or did i just out you as a poser?

>> No.23382516

reckless anti-intellectualism like this is pretty wild when we’re currently surrounded by real life examples of students and professors at these kinds of institutions getting pulverized and arrested for being deemed too radical. have you ever had a single thought in your entire life
if academics being paid by bourgeois institutions means that they are thoroughly bourgeois and therefore unrevolutionary then i have bad news for you about literally everyone else including yourself: we live in a society

>> No.23382719

if you are referring to me (i am these posts >>23382447 >>23382248 >>23369247)
and i have never stated that he doesn't like anime, i am am not misunderstanding you. i know he like DBZ since he grew up with it and Berserk and Akira. I think he likes Magnetic Rose as well but he thinks 99% of anime is complete shite

>> No.23383073

according to the links i posted, he likes miyazaki films and serial experiments lain and the eva movie. and aku no hana was his favorite show before he saw berserk
does that add up?

>> No.23383164

nta but this looks like a very interesting read, thank you brining it up

>> No.23383175

Nobody is ever a perfect fit. I'm surprised you thought this was an epic bacon fedora opinion.

>> No.23383695

diasporas feel the same about where theyre from a lot of mixed race kids do about whether theyre white or black or asian or whatever.
https://mancunion.com/2023/02/14/diaspora-children-and-disappointing-identities/ (here's an article written by an indian diaspora in the UK in which he goes into some stuff about the diaspora, obviously he talks about it more from an indian perspective but it's pretty much the same with the lithuanian diaspora)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18081765/ (Here's a paper about the differences in mental health between immigrant kids and native kids).
This isn't like fitting in with a friend group or with people at work like you're trying to put it, it's much larger than that. A normie is secure from this because while they might not fit in at work, they know that they're Irish, fore example. Their parents were irish, irish people see them as irish, it's clear what they are.
It's about belonging to an entire nation, which has a much larger affect on people than belonging to a friend group or something.

>> No.23383707

Quentin "The Book Club" Scobie was right about him

>> No.23383716

I sympathize with where you're coming from and think being from a "complicated" background makes it harder to put these questions to rest, especially if you're a normgroid. I wouldnt wish being mixed anything on a normgroid who can't help but live in somebody else's frame instead of their own. but most of these questions are psychological and existential when it comes down to it. you may be Irish but you may just be some country boy from nowhere who'll never fully fit in with the more cosmopolitan Dublin. nobody is ever a perfect fit anywhere. you find belonging depending on what you settle for, what expectations you hold, and how far your expectations are reciprocated to the extent that you're comfortable with.

if you're a high IQ and high quality enough person, you're never going to fully belong anywhere. and that's okay. you'll find good company with Plato and Carl Jung.

>> No.23384202
File: 579 KB, 942x832, cuckolds 7 & 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite funny. Worth reading, very short.

>> No.23384437

I like what I've seen of him decently enough even if it seems to be the low-hanging fruit of shitting on Jordan Peterson and Stephen Hicks, etc. It's generally nice to see a left-wing youtube who isn't a "bread tube" artsy-fartsy pretentious dickhead.

>> No.23384481

You haven't smashed the bell?!

>> No.23384537
File: 120 KB, 896x1152, 1698144288396125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact he gave in to the machine and erased any vestiges of self-expression in his supposed life career tells everything you need to know about this (or any equivalent, really) person and the worth of his words.
Actions are always subtler and louder, if you hear.