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File: 291 KB, 1200x1569, Sam_Harris_2016_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23368541 No.23368541 [Reply] [Original]

Every crypto kike like Jordan Peterson is now spewing propaganda straight out of the jidf.
I was recently listening to a sam Harris podcast and it was just Israeli propaganda about how hamas is using human shields and how successful Israel was in destroying the tunnel system.
The entire modern conservative movement has never been so compromised

>> No.23368558
File: 86 KB, 600x800, dc0yemm-3f0131c0-2a9a-4e2d-b56b-508e5f923088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's obvious who's their master

>> No.23368561

Where is he wrong though? Have you forgotten the atrocities committed on 10/7? How is it that so many "people" nowadays support terrorism? Especially against our closest ally.

>> No.23368568

Bcuz Jews are subverters, if they wouldn’t kvetch at normal uniracial sexual relationships they wouldn’t be an issue.

>> No.23368570

It's just a bit of terrorism. If it happened to the USA, then nothing like what Israel is doing would happen.

>> No.23368571

>our closest ally.
He said the meme phrase! Nice bait, fag.

>> No.23368574

>atrocities committed on 10/7?
I watched the entire go pro footage. They killed like 10 civilians at most
There were no rapes, no beheaded babies. The destruction at the kibbutz and the nova festival was obviously done by an apache helicopter.

>> No.23368575

Israel's existence is an act of terror and occupation. Imagine someone moving into your home and saying "I'm not leaving, so you have to get used to living out back in the shed. Also I control all food, water, power, internet, and goods you are allowed to receive." Any rational person in this situation would refuse to accept that and become hostile to the occupier.

>> No.23368576

I knew Jordan Peterson had gone off the deep end when I saw him posting climate change denial shit. It's bizarre how "conservatives" attach themselves to the forces of disintegration and modernization

>> No.23368580
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>The Jews don't control America, bro, that's just some crazy far right conspiracy theory!

>> No.23368581

Nice bait

>> No.23368587

>Land of the free
>Can't even protest on a college campus
So everyone can acknowledge that the USA is a failed project, right?

>> No.23368593
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Why can't the Left name the Jew? When you ask Palestinian children who killed their family, they don't say "the Zionists" or "the white people" or "the Europeans" like the Left keeps saying. They say it was "Al Yahood", the Jews. So why can't the Left tell it like it is? Why do they have to sugarcoat it (Zionists) or blame another group (whites/Europeans)?

>> No.23368608

>retard doesn't understand basic politics
Because that risks alienating normies. Even hamas doesn't outright say le Jews. They say Zionist Nazis entity

>> No.23368609

>If it happened to the USA
If it happened to the US our government would bomb and kill millions. Israel's response to 10/7 has been extremely tame; they even provide aid and warnings to civilians before any operation.

My dude, there are literally first hand accounts telling what happened. They literally killed babies and raped a bunch of women before burning their bodies. What the fuck is wrong with you?

If you don't know history, just say so. Otherwise you look like an educated fool brainwashed by Hamas.

>> No.23368613
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>> No.23368614

>My dude, there are literally first hand accounts telling what happened
>we don't have any evidence goyim but trust us we have expert reports and first hand accounts

>> No.23368628
File: 190 KB, 1190x756, 243232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are literally threatening the POTUS now

>> No.23368634

Antisemitism is so tiresome. Probably the number one plague on this board, comes from the browns jumping over from /pol/

>> No.23368641

its been like this since Regan you nitwit, the republican party was captured by neocon jews, but they discredited themselves with bushes wars and fucking up the economy, which led to the rise of trump. but trump is a zionist too, there is no escaping it.

>> No.23368643

Jews are brown, fag.

>> No.23368644

Because that’s shitty optics. Let Jews name the Jew. If you say Zionists and they scream, “no, the Jews!” that is a lot better and also makes their crackdowns look that much worse

>> No.23368655

No, but you are

>> No.23368665

>faggot hasn't seen Israel
lol lmao even

>> No.23368754

it's been like this since Kennedy was assassinated, destroying all momentum the Goldwater movement had started because "boohoo you can't ethically run against an opponent who's brains are splattered across the streets of Dallas." This resulted in the dispensationalist evangelical wing taking over the Republican party as soon as Goldwater's defeat left a void in the party.

>> No.23368776

Hundreds of first hand witnesses corroborated what happened.

>> No.23368778

Climate change denial isn’t modernist though. Climate alarmism is tied to postmodern critical theory.

>> No.23368800
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What if Hamas were the good guys all along?

>> No.23368840
File: 81 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20240417_111648_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move in to a persons front garden
>Gradually use your family network to threaten the home owners as you gradually move in
>Take over rooms
>Kill some of their children
>Kill their mother
>Use your media presence to blame them for being violent
>Continue killing and taking over their house
>Cry as you push them in to the back yard
>cry harder when they push back and take back their house

My words fail to accurately describe the hatred I hold for them.

>> No.23368987

Not gonna lie. They look kino af

>> No.23368993

They’re not though, neither side is, both want bad things for the west. Nuke the Middle East.

>> No.23369017

>Hamas, and any of the modern issues associated with the Middle East is strictly to do with Israel and support of jews
>b-but both sides are at fault

If you were a Palestinian the correct response to Israel is a military insurgency. They are genociding you.

>> No.23369024

>Especially against our closest ally.
bait better

>> No.23369033

A lot of people are prejudiced against terrorism.

>> No.23369043

>based Aryan warrior fighting against the Yids
And I'm supposed to hate these guys?? Their struggle is my struggle.

>> No.23369071

>>States objective irrefutable fact
>Durrrr must be bait

>> No.23369074

>he keeps going
Very funny, Moshe, very funny.

>> No.23369076

how come everyone condemns hamas but no one ever calls for new elections in Gaza? The last election was in 2006...

>> No.23369081

It even says agitators in the clickbait. You're even too stupid to just believe clickbait. You insert your own retardation on top.

>> No.23369083


Both sides ARE at fault. Otherwise you'd see more Arab support and sympathy for Palestinians. No one fucking likes them, and they're killed on sight at their borders.

/pol/ got buckbroken into kike derangement syndrome after 8 years of joking about trump derangement syndrome where they can't take anything critical of palestine at face value without calling it jewish shill tactics.

>> No.23369086

At my university, only a fifth of the protestors that got arrested were even students. It's just a bunch of fucking randos coming in and trying to start shit on campus.

>> No.23369088

>israel is so moral you still have to screech about an accident seven decades ago.
the rest is just internal politics

>> No.23369090

Arab governments don’t like Palestinians because such governments depends on aid or military support from the U.S. Actual Arabs care enormously about Palestine and are not the ones who vote in their kings

>> No.23369098

>israel is so moral
lol they have war crimes across different decades

>> No.23369103

>"Israel is our greatest ally, goy!!"
>objective irrefutable fact
Stop please. I'm laughing too much

>> No.23369104

This is bait but a lot of people actually say this.
I don't understand it. What happened to proportionality?
Some (para)militants killed <1000 civilians and that gives you the right to slaughter 20 000 of their women and children? What happened to proportionality? You're not killing the militants, you're knowingly murdering the civilians who had nothing to do with 10/7.
Say I wanted to genocide a population. According to your logic, I can secretly fund some people in that population to become militants, to perform a false flag on my people, and then I get a blank cheque to kill everyone in your that population I please, including any human and children? All I have to do is scream human shields and that makes it all OK?
The only justification for this absurdly immoral genocide I can understand comes from the nazis who say they deserve to die due to their low IQ/ low level of civilization (I obviously strongly disagree with this).
What's actually a good argument that makes the genocide ok? I seriously don't get it. Why is everyone complicit?

>> No.23369109

Why can't we simply relocate israel to canada?

>> No.23369112

Hundreds corroborated the Marian Apparitions, lets see you explain that, jew. Since we're on 4chan, you can explain Our Lady of Akita instead, which the entire country of Japan witnessed. Please, enlighten us, jew boy.

>> No.23369115


>> No.23369116

Point taken. Which makes it all the more stupid to lead off on a meme like uss liberty

>> No.23369127

>Our Lady of Akita instead, which the entire country of Japan witnessed
Holy kek what kind of schizophrenic childless qanon aunt accidentally stumbled onto /lit/
>can you explain
Yeah christcucks are retarded.
>In 1990, Peter Shirayanagi, Archbishop of Tokyo and President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Japan told the Italian periodical 30 Giorni that "the events of Akita are no longer to be taken seriously."[39]

>> No.23369129

>The entire modern conservative movement has never been so compromised
Not gonna lie, the Babylon Bee turning out to be a bunch of Israel First cryptokikes kind of hurt.

>> No.23369146

Has anyone made a list of all the disgusting zionist who are running cover for the genocide right now?

>> No.23369148

>muh christcucks
Reason six gorillion to become Christian. Anything that makes jews seethe this much and bring it up unprompted should be embraced just to spite them

>> No.23369159

Which religion are you claiming believed in magic wood carvings of jewesses in Japan????
YOU brought it up girl.

>> No.23369175

I'm just saying that preaching Christianity should be legal in Israel and they should be denied all military and foreign aid until it's allowed.

>> No.23369188

>Can't refute my statement
>Laughs and thinks he won
I always knew antisemites had low IQ but I never thought it was this bad.

>> No.23369189

>Babylon Bee turning out to be a bunch of Israel First cryptokikes
lol what did you expect

>> No.23369191

I love jews, hate zionists. Respond please if you're not baiting >>23369104

>> No.23369210

>slaughter 20 000 of their women and children?
Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many [Hamas-reported] civilian casualties? I know antisemites like to reduce everything to "Israel bad" but there's actually a more logical and factual explanation: Hamas uses those "civilians" (who voted for Hamas btw) as human shields.

>> No.23369230

The difference is that the surviving victims of 10/7 have no reason to lie. Hamas has been committing the same atrocities for decades, and the victims of 10/7 corroborate it. Why would the victims lie about this? They don't get paid to have to relive the unimaginable horror of 10/7. They gain nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.

>> No.23369234

> Have you ever asked yourself why there are so many [Hamas-reported] civilian casualties?
Because Israel is committing a genocide against palestinians. Killing the amalek, to quote Netanyahu. No women or children spared. Because they are heartless genocidal maniacs.
> I know antisemites like to reduce everything to "Israel bad" but there's actually a more logical and factual explanation: Hamas uses those "civilians" (who voted for Hamas btw) as human shields.
Did they invite any unbiased independent foreign monitor to observe their military actions and substantiate this claim, or is it just something to say to run cover for the genocide? Because to me this obviously looks like the latter.

>> No.23369237

The "unimaginable horror" of 10/7 pales in comparison in every metric to the horrible genocide that israel is committing right now, you monster.

>> No.23369243

>is it just something to say to run cover for the genocide?
It's a well known fact Hamas uses human shields.
Also, there is not a single credible institution on this planet that considers this a genocide.

Ok your just a Hamas sympathizer.

>> No.23369255

>Ok your just a Hamas sympathizer
I thoroughly disavow Hamas in every respect, you dishonest freak.

>> No.23369257

The populated areas of Canada have more Arabs and Pajeets than Palestine.

>> No.23369264

> On 26 January 2024, the ICJ issued a preliminary ruling finding that the claims in South Africa's filing were "plausible" and issued an order to Israel requiring them to take all measures within their power to prevent acts of genocide and to allow basic humanitarian services into Gaza
>On 15 October, TWAILR published a statement signed by over 800 legal scholars, alarmed by this possibility, urged UN, including the UN Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, as well as the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to intervene and protect the Palestinian population.[131][132][133] By the end of October, both Genocide Watch and the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention issued statements warning of the imminent risk of genocide.[134][135] Subsequently in December the Lemkin Institute stated that they viewed the continuing actions by Israel as a genocide.[136] Additionally, 100 civil society organizations and six genocide scholars[c] petitioned Karim Khan, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, to investigate new crimes in Palestinian territories and issue arrest warrants against Israeli officials.[137] These actions were underscored by statements from lawyers and groups like the Center for Constitutional Rights[138] and Defence for Children International,[139] accusing the United States of complicity in these alleged crimes.
This are very typical things that happen when there's obviously no genocide whatsoever going on.

>> No.23369271

Cope. Right to peaceful assembly is always trampled on by the pretext of "being violent". Admit it, when people were literally burning down cities and looting stores over Floyd, it was "mostly peaceful" and thus very little crack down, but some students with signs show up in opposition to literal evil in Israel and they get squashed. Motherfucking Jill Stein got roughed up by some pigs and you guys are going to claim it was justified. Wild.

>> No.23369277

>It's a well known fact Hamas uses human shields.
It's a well known propaganda talking point to run cover for a genocide, is what you meant to say.

>> No.23369293

Explain how genocide is wrong for Israel to do against an opponent in war.

>> No.23369298

give me list of all peaceful protesters against israel that got squashed

>> No.23369303


>> No.23369311

Where is proof Hamas uses human shields? Video preferred. Thanks.

>> No.23369312

I could do that but I would justify Hitler and the Nazis in the process.

>> No.23369314

The answer to such questions is simple: imagine you were a palestinian civilian in gaza/rafa right now and have nothing to do with the war and just want to live your life. What would you do? Answer: nothing you can do, because you're about to be genocided by IDF. Good luck.

>> No.23369316

The end goal of decolonization is the entire world thoughever

>> No.23369322
File: 646 KB, 1068x1045, Screenshot 2024-05-09 233548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro palestinian girls are so pretty wtf

>> No.23369324

Because they're dumb, upper class white women.

>> No.23369331

love seeing conservatives fracture on israel. the left horseshoe'd back to being kind of based again

>> No.23369333

Opposing genocide is not dumb. It's the only right thing to do. And they are stunning and brave for it.

>> No.23369338

Based genocide opposers cannot stop getting blessed with digits.

>> No.23369345
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Jay Dyer and Alex Jones are much better.

>> No.23369348

Not a genocide.

>> No.23369352

The political "Right" and "Left" are relativistic determinations, they concretely exist as the most decisive ideological opposition present in the politics of a particular epoch. In the postwar West this opposition is fundamentally of a racial character, the antagonism of Aryan supremacism and egalitarianism. Hence why there is no spectre which looms larger over contemporary political discourse than "nazism."

>> No.23369358
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 1714240212646113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson supported the "vaccine" so I don't trust them.
Jay Dyer and Alex Jones in contrast were always against the "vaccine". Also Jay names the jews.

>> No.23369364

But you should support the vaccine because the vaccine's possible negatives is still better than not having the vaccine's possible negatives. The vaccine is the lesser of 2 evils.

>> No.23369381

Can’t see her face though

>> No.23369383

You guys fracture on everything else, THOUGH

>> No.23369387

No, you shouldn’t

>> No.23369391

Objectively you should. You don't have an argument why you shouldn't. The survival of the population is better with a vaccine, therefore it's better because survival is necessary for the survival of a population.

>> No.23369394

there has never been a better time to hate jews for the optics and chuds are still sitting in their basements replying to chinese spambots kek

>> No.23369398

>Sam Harris
Lol, OP is retarded.

>> No.23369402
File: 635 KB, 901x897, Screenshot 2024-05-09 180631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah here's your "christian satire page" bro. at least they got destroyed in the comments

>> No.23369405
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>love seeing conservatives fracture on israel
Yeah, anon. It's totally the conservatives fracturing and not the libtard/leftoid alliance that brought us such classics as "firey but mostly peaceful protests" and "her penis" lol.

>> No.23369409
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But it says so in 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. Why are they trying to deny this?

>> No.23369415

beats me. maybe they made a deal with the antichrist. many such cases

>> No.23369416

I know palestinians living in America. They've all told me how they're treated in Arab countries. It's not just the governments, no one fucking trusts them. They're treated like rats. It's just that the Arabs dislike the Israelis more, because it's a bunch of Europeans-that-have-forever-believed-they-aren't-European getting dumped on their land, particularly some of their holiest sites. They all saw what happened and Jordan and want nothing to do with them anymore.

>> No.23369443

I don't like this snarky sort of humor. It is very effeminate and it has a liberal mentality behind it, even if it's a conservative group in this case.

>> No.23369447

>I don't like this snarky sort of humor. It is very effeminate
It is. spend some time outside of America and you notice how effeminate it really is

>> No.23369448

Boomer evangelicals believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God except for the parts that say negative things about Jews.
They really are that cucked and pathetic.

>> No.23369450

Yeah. If they want to differentiate themselves from passive aggressive libtard dreck like The Daily Show (TDS lol)/John Oliver they need to embrace being otherized as mean-spirited and satirize them gloves off.

>> No.23369476

It's Jewish humor. The owners of the bee are jews.

>> No.23369579

They went and made judeo-christianity real.

>> No.23369628
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The obvious truth is that modern conservatism (Shapiro, Peterson, Musk, Walsh, etc) and the associated branches of liberal rationalists (Hitchens, Dawkins, Weiss, Pinker, Harris, Ali, etc) are all just imperialists shills fighting for the maintenance of Western and American hegemony against what they believe are the biggest external threats to it, namely Islam and leftist progressivism. They have no real ideological principles. It's as rank and tribal as it gets. The West is good and everything else is bad. The West is allied with Israel so therefore we must be Zionists. It's that simple.

The key to understanding them is that since they pledge allegiance to a fictional war of liberal democracy vs. "authoritarian" actors, they can't confess any internal flaws with liberal democracies in the West. Islamic militancy is a threat to the world because Muslims just read the Quran and lose their minds; it has nothing do with the malignant influence of the West and Israel in Middle Eastern countries that gave rise to terrorism. Woke progressivism is a Marxist conspiracy that infiltrated Western societies; it has nothing to do with the organic culture of liberalism and modernity, it's a foreign threat by some shady people. Zoomers hate Israel because China brainwashes them on TikTok and so we need to ban TikTok; it has nothing to do with them simply forming their own opinions after seeing footage of the atrocities in Gaza.

Their conservativism is relative. Every one of these people are capital L Liberals and they don't hide the fact that they are, but the average normie is unaware of how liberalism works so they're fucking stupid enough to believe that they're actually dissident voices. These are all obvious facts that I'm saying to anyone with an IQ that isn't room temperature but the average person is unaware of this.

>> No.23369634

Sam Harris is a Democratic party voting liberal and not a conservative.

Also, Israel is America's greatest ally in the Middle East.

>> No.23369638
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If they are "western imperialists" like you say, then why are they so anti-white and anti-Christian?

>> No.23369644

The modern West is a cosmopolitan technological society that erodes boundaries of race and religion. Why wouldn't the intellectual stewards of the West disapprove of those things? That's what liberal democracy does. It destroys nations and value systems. Liberal conservatives are ok with that so long as it means the supremacy of the countries doing it. It's not rational but that's the whole point, these people are fucking idiots.

>> No.23369647

Why are the aesthetics of these normie youtube channels so ugly? That picture looks like shit.

>> No.23369654

October 7 was an attack on military bases mostly. IDF responded with indiscriminate fire from helicopter gunships which resulted in all the civilian casualties

>> No.23369661
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I don't blame Israel for retaliating against savage Muslim terrorists.
There are lots of much better reasons to criticize Jews. Why do people pick the worst reason? It seems orchestrated.

>> No.23369674

They knew they were getting attacked. They let it happen just to have their genocide and steal more of their land. While crying wolf about how this is le new Holocaust and get more American aid. This encompasses every reason you can criticize Jews for. I'm not sure why anyone other Jews would side with Israel here.

>> No.23369697
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Will the west ever have a non-kosher right wing conservative again? Even if only from a pragmatic perspective, it seems like it would be the perfect opportunity for a smart and savvy politician to fill that role since it is completely vacant.

>> No.23369703
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>> No.23369707

>I'm not sure why anyone other Jews would side with Israel here
Because this:
>They knew they were getting attacked. They let it happen just to have their genocide and steal more of their land.
is nonsense.

>> No.23369715

It makes perfect sense. What's the issue?

>> No.23369727

>Israeli officials obtained Hamas's battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show.

>> No.23369730

There’s more evidence to suggest this being true than the idea that they were totally blindsided by Hamas.

>> No.23369756
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But if this is true then why do they want to preserve Israel and Jews as an ethnic and culural group, while refusing to do the same for white Christians?

>> No.23369767

What exactly are you objecting to here? They obviously are using human shields. Do they even deny that? They carried out a big attack and then immediately fled into dense urban areas to hide. They didn't even contest a lot of the Strip.

Hamas and their supporters obviously think this is justified, but it's basic facts that they started this war and then immediately fled the field to hide underneath civilian buildings. They have been sort of up front about that with all the shit about "everyone wants to be a martyr."

I just don't know if it's true. I am sure they all hate Israel, but losing doesn't make you popular. Plenty of Soviet memoirs have it that people hated the Nazis but also hated Stalin and the party for losing and refusing to let civilians evacuate war zones

>> No.23369773

Is Sam Harris conservative? I always thought he was an atheist liberal.

>> No.23369776

>lol what did you expect
Well I thought their church jokes were good natured self-depricating humor, and I thought all their jokes about woke bullshit put them on the right, but it turns out all this shit is just
>jews invent the greatest evils mankind has ever had the misfortune of dealing with
>other jews rub their hands jewishly together and go "hello fellow goyim isn't this very evil? I'm on your side for calling out this evil!"
>"also we must give all our money to israel"

>> No.23369805


No, you're right. He's said genuinely, truly deranged things about Trump, vis-a-vis Hunter Biden and the laptop. As a sufferer, his unwarrranted hatred of Trump is so crystalline and complete that (to paraphrase what he actually said without twisting its meaning), Hunter could literally have had cp on his laptop at the time that the story was being suppressed and it wouldn't have factored into his choice as a voter in any way.

If anything, Sam Harris should actually LIKE Trump, for the same reason that I do. The number one thing that I like about Donald Trump as a person, as a human being, has absolutely nothing to do with his business, his trash talking, or his political adventures. My favorite thing about Donald Trump as a person is that he is clearly not a religious man, that religion plays absolutely no role in his personal choices. Hence his mispronounciation of books of the Bible including numbers (Thessalonians 1, etc). He pays the jesus lip service that all presidential candidates do. If Harris were more intelligent he would recognize this creditable irreligiosity which he shares with the man that he claims to hate.

>> No.23369810

What's the difference? They're all the same anti-woke crybaby faggot grifter Zionist fucktards

>> No.23369817

>Muslims just read the Quran and lose their minds

>> No.23369818

this dude is a retarded spic tho

>> No.23369862

What the fuck does this have to do with literature

>> No.23369863

We are discussing writers and their ideas in this thread. Faggot.

>> No.23369881

Sure you are

>> No.23370005

The Marian apparitions and Lady of Akita go against all common sense, scientific knowledge, and even religious scripture. It is obviously no more than a peasant superstition for Jesus's mom to 'appear' in random places, do random things, and leave. On the other hand, for Hamas to kill hundreds of Jews when given the chance is entirely in keeping with their character.

>> No.23370362
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Jews are evil. They world is finally seeing their true face.

>> No.23370619
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Watching every crypto go mad in real-time has been some of the best parts of the Al Aqsa Flood.

The glow is beautiful.

>> No.23370623
File: 151 KB, 1250x423, 1700541484676386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our closest ally.

>> No.23370626

>If it happened to the USA, then nothing like what Israel is doing would happen.
You mean like 9/11 followed by over 20 years of blowing up arabs?

>> No.23370636
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That's what Blacks in South Africa do for area denial as well. Amazing how scummy they are.

>> No.23370640
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That's irrelevant anyway. They would respond the same regardless of any foreknowledge.

>> No.23370645
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>My dude, there are literally first hand accounts telling what happened.
How naive are you. There are 10 million first-hand accounts of the holocaust, and they're just as believable.

Jews like you really expect us to swallow that nonsense again? It's not going to happen. The holocaust is deflated, and you will never be able inflate your phony Al Aqsa Flood atrocity propaganda.

>> No.23370725

I already named one, Jill Stein. Quit being ignorant on purpose.

>> No.23370730

And you chose not to believe it because....?

>> No.23370741

i'm really curious if hitchens would've been pro-israel
at the end of the day he was a bloated fat alcoholic anglo pig but he did have some honorable moments in his life and maybe a genocide would've been enough to shake him back into his old self

>> No.23370745

yeah you're right the guy who agreed with everything george bush ever did or said and wanted more wars, more torture, and fewer civil rights at home is truly a lefty progressive
yeah so do a lot of triggered republicans who are mad trump is more popular than they'll ever be, your point?

>> No.23370754

>The only justification for this absurdly immoral genocide I can understand comes from the nazis who say they deserve to die due to their low IQ/ low level of civilization (I obviously strongly disagree with this).
Honestly I am not a political person but this whole thing is making me sperg out like you wouldn't believe precisely because of this - i.e. that this is an entirely racist, nazi operation conducted by /pol/-tier boomer racists with the support of their retarded sons and yet they try to market it as self-defense or to somehow morally justify it. It's fucking insane. I would prefer them actually stating that they just hate arabs and want to kill them.

>> No.23370756

anon these are bad baits

>> No.23370758

they're everywhere lol
if you go to twitter there's a million boomers who post shit like "YEAH HATRED AND BIGOTRY WILL NOT BE TOLERATED" then their feed is shit worse than what groypers would ever retweet
i hate boomers so much it's fucking unreal, die you disgusting old pigs, fucking die

>> No.23370760
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>muh human shields

>> No.23370849

What else do you call hiding in a tunnel system under a civilian population while attacking a nearby country? Any country would attack back, and Hamas has chosen to locate where they can only be attacked while civilians are attacked.

>> No.23370856

>Drop 5 times as many pounds or explosives as as Germany in the Blitz or London by January.
>Kill 33% less people with 5 times as much ordinance despite a way lower dud rate, total air superiority, and laser guided bombs.

They clearly aren't trying to maximize deaths. And the Germans weren't trying to "genocide" the Brits when they killed more people with way less explosives. Using the word "genocide" for any killing of civilians is retarded. In the Blitz the goal wasn't th eradication of Brits, it was to inflict civilian losses to get them to surrender. But Israel isn't even doing that.

When Mosul was retaken from about 10,000 ISIS resistors something like 25,000-40,000 people were killed. Mosul is 33% less populous than Gaza and was defended by 25% as many militants and yet deaths were on the same level. Genocide? No, no one cares because it was Arabs killing Arabs and expected losses for urban warfare where one side embedded with civilians and won't let them evacuate.

Russia wasn't guilty of "genocide" in Mariupol, just callous indifference to civilian losses and occasionally directly targeting civilians for punitive purposes. But if Israel killed the same % or Gaza's population as Russia in Mariupol it would be 200,000+ dead. Likewise, the US wasn't trying to "genocide" Germans or Japs during the fire bombing/nukes, despite killing over a million people combined. They were trying to force a surrender.

You Zoomers are so histrionic though that all war has to be "genocide," except when it is browns killing other browns, in which case you sleep.

>> No.23370859

> anon is right, I don't care

this should be on /pol/

>> No.23370861

To be fair, sandniggers aren't human so it can't really be called either genocide or war crime.

>> No.23370865

Netanyahu helped Hamas gain funding and power. Every single person who has died in this conflict is explicitly the fault of Netanyahu.

>> No.23370900

I know this is a troll post but it really shouldn't be neglected that Hamas is just consequence of Israel's existence and as such only of secondary concern. The destruction of Israel as Israel (this is not a call to genocide but an ending of the zionist ethnonationalist, colonialist project similarly to how the destruction of Nazi Germany was not a genocide) will consequently entail the destruction of Hamas.

>> No.23370905

>Israel's response to 10/7 has been extremely tame; they even provide aid and warnings to civilians before any operation.
Erm sorry chud but you should APPRECIATE that I'm going to destroy your hometown for absolutely no benefit to anyone okay?

>> No.23371114

Ok. How does that make it a "genocide" though. You know, you can criticize a country without claiming it is commiting genocide. The US didn't commit genocide in Iraq but that doesn't make W. Bush's Iraq policy acceptable.

Hamas and the Israeli hardliners made good bedfellows in that both worked hard to derail a two state solution and peace. But in the end, Hamas was the more relevant factor in derailing the peace process. Israel offered the PLO statehood in 2000 and they rejected it because Hamas had outflanked Arafat and was wondering working hard to ensure that access to the Israeli labor market would be curtailed (spiking unemployment from 5% in the 70s-90s to 33+% since) precisely because "if everyone is more miserable they will support total victory more."

But Israel didn't force Hamas to do these things and it didn't force them to throw a coup after winning less than 50% of the vote and only like .5% more than the PLO. They didn't force Hamas to never hold elections again and rule through torture and disappearances despite 70% of Gazans in 2020 wanting to see them disbanded. Of all the people who have had an influence of Hamas, it's not like Bibi is one of the top ones.

>> No.23371132
File: 178 KB, 1500x1000, 01campus-protests-ucla-sub-hptc-threeByTwoMediumAt2X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peaceful protest btw. Just like BLM.

>> No.23371144

>m-muh palestinian genocide
>It's just a genocide, okay?
It's surreal how these left-wing extremist talking points made it onto 4chan. The casualty figures throughout this entire conflict are pretty low. Gaza has seen an increase of population over the past 20 years. Israel is informing people where they are going to strike. Civilian deaths are unfortunate but civilian deaths do not make a genocide.

>> No.23371149

What does "plausible" mean in this context?

>> No.23371155

Yeah the IDF is telling the civilians where to go to not get bombed and then bombing those places.

>> No.23371159

Bruh jidf is working overtime today

>> No.23371164
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stfu retard

>> No.23371167

This isn't even true. At the beginning of the conflict Israel told people the go south. Up until now, basically all the fighting has taken place in the north. Israel is telling everyone on earth they are about to invade Rafah, do you think it's all a ruse and they won't actually do it?

>> No.23371172

>no arguement
>must be jidf.

>> No.23371194
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Pilpul, kike. We will see Israel fall in our life time and the jewish (small) majority fall to the numbers of arabs. Well done.

>> No.23371235

>European Revolution
That guy has been fuming lol
couldn't be more crypto jewish if he tried

>> No.23371239

Jews are brown.

>> No.23371242

/lit/ - Alt-Right Pussies Cry About Literally Everything

>> No.23371360
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Disgust and hatred of the jew is one of the oldest topics of literature. Why do you repulse all peoples, throughout all of time?

>> No.23371403
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get stabbed faggot

>> No.23371509
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I don't support Palestine and I don't really care about the war. However, I don't understand this cope that JIDF is doing now where if you criticize Jews then you must be a leftist SJW. Everyone knows that the leftist woke nonsense was started and perpetuated by Jews in the first place. Even actual boomers are figuring this out.
It just seems like a very desperate and failed cope to try to associate anti-Jewish opinions with woke leftists.

>> No.23371516

It’s certainly working with the Right

>> No.23371521
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Even my boomer Republican dad has figured out how the liberal woke stuff is all Jewish in origin and he's been telling his boomer friends about it.

>> No.23371526

I've been noticing the tactics that both right-wing and left-wing Jews use to garner support for Israel. It's all based on shame and identity politics. To right-wing people they tell them that they shouldn't support Palestine because that's like BLM, that's supporting terrorists, or that's supporting brown people (Jews are brown btw, yet say this shit). To left-wing people they say they shouldn't support Palestine because gay rights or feminism don't exist there but in Israel they do exist, or that Israel is ackshually a decolonization thing and they should support it. Only one group fell for this stupid trick, I guess you know which one.

>> No.23371552

Conservatives have always supported Israel, dumbfuck. Half these 'conservatives' that are masquerading as anti-zionist thinkers are far-right retards. You are an intellectually compromised nazi fucktard, not the 'conservative movement,' whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.23371559

Actually the Old Right in America was anti-Jewish but they were replaced by the New Right in the 1960s.

>> No.23371571
File: 160 KB, 637x1162, GNLCOguWEAAXLCR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's over for you

>> No.23371575

You are Jewish.

>> No.23371585

I misread it a "executed" the first time

>> No.23371593

>Chris Jewers

>> No.23371598
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So this is what Palestinians look like? I thought this guy was Jewish but he's actually Palestinian. He looks more Jewish than a lot of actual Jews.

>> No.23371602
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>Everyone knows that the leftist woke nonsense was started and perpetuated by Jews in the first place. Even actual boomers are figuring this out.
>It just seems like a very desperate and failed cope to try to associate anti-Jewish opinions with woke leftists.

With the realization that the jew is not, and has never been, a friend an authentic right-wing can form. For the first time in years i am excited and hopeful to see what the future holds.

The jew is desperate and scared.

>> No.23371603

>I was recently listening to a sam Harris podcast
y tho?

>> No.23371620
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>The jew cries out in pain as he strike

>> No.23371656

>>it's been like this since Kennedy was assassinated,
it's been like this since the british revolution and the rise of the freemasonry

>> No.23371745

>I will respond to your well reasoned evidence based post by showing that someone on Twitter is a blood thirsty moron.

Great counter argument. Now please show me one (1) example of a successful attempt to dislodge a fighting force of 30-40,000 from a dense urban area that didn't result in significant civilian casualties.

>> No.23371765
File: 88 KB, 900x797, C22F8455-28EE-4B09-9F5D-D0C5FBC9AACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know it’s propaganda or not? We’re you there to witness what has been going on in Gaza? If not you are putting your faith in whoever journalist you have decided to trust to tell you what reality is. It seems absurd to make friend enemy distinctions based on the decision of which journalist to trust to tell you what is going on in a mother continent.

>> No.23371766

Leftists are anti-white Marxist pussies.

>> No.23371795
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The modern right is just Left-Lite. They are also anti-white as they have completely disavowed ethno-centrism, blood and soil and all connections to race and heritage.

>> No.23371797

It's funny because actual genocidal acts, e.g. whole villages of x group being lined up against a wall and shot, has happened in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. No one really gave a shit then. When Assad opened up on protestors with belt feds and later nerve gassed villages the lib opinion was actually "nothing should be done because le aggression against le browns is bad."

The only difference here is that libs see Jews as hu-white, which makes them le colonizers. When browns slaughter other browns on much larger scales it's a shrug.

But the funny thing is that about half the Jews in Israel are as brown as any Arabs because they lived in the Middle East for the past 2,000 years, only getting expelled to Israel after 1948.

Like wise, Kuwait actually did fully ethnically cleanse their Palis, over 400,000 of them, and Qaddafi ethically cleansed his Palies too (and the Lebanese certainly tried) and that was "browns gonna brown."

The irony is that libs actually embrace a sort of hyper racism in that only whites can be morally accountable. But it's silly anyhow. If the Swiss attacked France and killed 6,000 people, or whatever a similar ratio would be, you can bet your ass Zurich would have JDAMs flattening apartment buildings if the Swiss group involved was using them. And you'd almost certainly have tens of thousands of civilian casualties. Nothing in Gaza is exceptional; it's what happens when a military starts a war and then flees the field to hide behind civilians, and literally any country on earth would do the same thing.

>> No.23371805

Isn't the Israeli demand just that some Hamas leaders turn themselves in and the rest just put down their arms?

Why is using your own city as your funeral pyre not frowned upon? This is some Hitler's last stand level shit. They started a war they clearly couldn't win and now would rather see everyone in their city die than face the consequences.

IDK why no one is saying they should surrender. That would end the war today. Someone winning a war isn't going to just stop because the side that started it says "no, we're hiding." That seems obvious.

>> No.23371836

>Isn't the Israeli demand just that some Hamas leaders turn themselves in and the rest just put down their arms?
Because they're trying to genocide all palestinians.

>> No.23371862

Genocide is wrong no matter who does it.

>> No.23371876

They call it genocide because there’s a metric fuckton of documentation of Israeli politicians saying they want to destroy Gaza, colonize it, kill women and children, that no innocent people exist in Palestine, and that they want to ignore international law. Maybe if they don’t want people calling them genocidal then they should consider not saying those things every single day for 7 months, but they won’t, because they genuinely just want to wipe out Palestinians. Soon enough retards like you will be looked at exactly as we see Iraq war defenders today

>> No.23371880

>Israel First
I mean... the Bee is mostly filled with evangelicals. People should have seen that one coming.

>> No.23371885

I would really hate to think that you’re posting all of this for free, it would be much more reasonable if you were getting paid to shill

>> No.23371895

>Greta Thunberg
Is she even relevant anymore? It seems like the media moved on from her.

>> No.23371912
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Kek, this reminded me of a story.
>~18 years ago in HS, have undiagnosed 'tism
>Shit's popping off in the Levant
>Civics teacher uses the opportunity to have us formulate our own peace plans and present them to the rest of the class
>Some kids draft pro-Palestinian plans, some kids draft pro-Israel plans
>My plan is to completely blockade Israel and and Palestine until everyone who wants to fight has killed each other off and then re-establish Mandatory Palestine so that neither the Jews or Palestinians have rights or civic responsibilities because that's the only way they'll ever be able to live in peace
>Absolutely everyone else in the class starts bitching at me, to my great confusion

>> No.23371915

i hope you die painfully
israeli animal, you're a blight on the civilized world
and if you're just a western cuck that's even worse

>> No.23371924

Proof? Why haven't they just been hammering the Strip with dumb bombs and incendiaries? Israel is entirely capable of carrying out a Dresden/Tokyo style bombing run on Gaza and killing several hundred thousand in a day or two. Likewise, the could easily round up the hundreds of thousands in the north and just shoot them against a wall.

So if their goal is genocide, why risk commando raids and ground incursions when they could just burn the whole city down?

>> No.23371925


>> No.23371932

>Mediterraneans in West Asia aren't brown

>> No.23371933

I see, so is genocide the act of saying you want to exterminate a people or is it the act of actually doing it?

If "some people advocate for genocide," is equivalent with commiting genocide then it is a fact that in the USA there are active genocides of blacks, Hispanics, and even whites, since plenty of people in the USA claim that they want to kill off everyone of x race.

However, genocide, as generally defined, is an act of killing off an entire group of people. It is not equivalent with "some people from x group advocate genocide." If it were, you could as well say the Jews are currently being "genocides" by the Palestinians, no?

>> No.23371937

It could be genocide or not genocide. We actually don't know yet.

>> No.23371942

And genocide involves intentionally killing a whole group of people. Stuff like this:

>On 20 January, under the command of Fatah and as-Sa'iqa, members of the Palestine Liberation Organization and leftist Muslim Lebanese militiamen entered Damour.[11] Along with twenty Phalangist militiamen, civilians - including women, the elderly, and children, and often comprising whole families - were lined up against the walls of their homes and sprayed with machine-gun fire by Palestinians; the Palestinians then systematically dynamited and burned these homes.[12][3][11] Several of the town's young women and girls were separated from other civilians and gang-raped.[3] Most estimates of the number killed range from 150 to 250, with the overwhelming majority of these being civilians; Robert Fisk puts the number of civilians massacred at nearly 250, while Israeli professor Mordechai Nisan claims a significantly higher figure of 582.[3][13][14][15][16][17] Among the killed were family members of Elie Hobeika and his fiancée.[18] For several days after the massacre, 149 bodies of those executed by the Palestinians lay in the streets; this included the corpses of many women who had been raped and of babies who were shot from close range in the back of the head.[14] In the days following the massacre, Palestinians and Lebanese Muslims exhumed the coffins in the town's Christian cemetery and scattered the skeletons of several generations of the town's deceased citizens in the streets.[14][3][11]

However, it does not seem that "any combat against insurgents who embed with civilians," should constitute genocide.

When the Iraqi army and Peshmerga killed 20-40,000 civilians trying to dislodge ISIS from Mosul was it genocide?

No, their goal was to remove the opposing force. The opposing force hid behind civilians and so many of them were sadly killed.

>> No.23371944

It's not "some people". It's both government officials and citizens.
>is an act of killing off an entire group of people.
Or intending to.
>If it were, you could as well say the Jews are currently being "genocides" by the Palestinians, no?

>> No.23371949

Oh, so Hamas doesn't intend to kill the Jews in Israel? We have plenty of their statements to the contrary, and they are the government of Gaza.

So, by your own definition, that genocide is when "members of a government say they intend to kill off another group," then it certainly seems like Hamas is guilty of a current genocide, no?

I'll help you out. Genocide is when you actually kill off a group of people. Not anything to do with words.

See >>23370856. Deaths in Gaza are par for the course in similar battles. Nothing bespeaks genocide.

>> No.23371954

Also, in Rwanda the genocides were able to kill 700,000+ people in 90 days, largely with machetes, clubs, and fire.

But apparently Israel "intends genocide," and yet has killed nothing like that number in over half a year with total air superiority, artillery superiority, etc? How do you explain that one? Why haven't they pulled a Dresden on Gaza?

And Dresden, BTW, was not even a genocide. It was perhaps a war crime, but the goal wasn't to drive Germans to extinction, it was to make them stop the war.

>> No.23371991

Sam Harris isn't a conservative.
Correct. One day you'll realize that the blue/red dictomy in the US is an oversimplification and being a "conservative" means more than "being someone I don't agree with."

Actually, no. You're too dumb to grow up.

>> No.23371995

>Genocide is when you actually kill off a group of people.
So the Holocaust is not a genocide, then. Why do Jews keep whining about it? They still exist after all. Compare the Palestine civilians killed by Israel and then the Israel civilians killed by Hamas and see which one is the biggest massacre. Come on, rabbi. In your heart of hearts you know what's going on is wrong.

>> No.23371997

Because genocide isn't a legal term, it's a moral term.

>> No.23372011

There’s no movement. The right wing broadly is politically disenfranchised. What you’re talking about is a loose network of online intellectuals who play phony “gotcha” games and engage in intellectual masturbation. And to be clear, that’s true even if you’re talking about the people who aren’t stooges or Israel.

>> No.23372015

It won’t be long until the world has enough of your race. Soon we’ll snap out of this 80 year delusion of treating Jews as the greatest representatives of civilization and seeing you as the subversive murderous scum you are

>> No.23372032

/// Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways /// There is usually a period of shakedown with new technology /// Sit down and have some lunch, then go round and do the glad-handing afterwards /// If you need help, just call on Mike. He can come at the drop of a hat /// That rinky-dink shelf is likely to collapse if you fill it with books /// James Addison Baker was the consummate master at actually getting things done in Washington /// I could hear the champagne fizz as he poured it into my glass /// In all human affairs, there is virtue in a successor's not being a precise simulacrum of the predecessor whom he or she follows /// The country's criminal and civil courts were creaking at the seams in spite of efforts to shore them up /// The boat was hit by a squall north of the island /// This is a draft manuscript waiting for an editor to impose coherence and to smooth over mangled grammar, malapropisms and political oversimplifications /// Children who expect a supportive response to their emotional displays are more likely to express emotion, whereas children who expect a negative interpersonal response report dissembling emotional expression /// People left so much food on their plates and crumpled a few dollar bills down, as though it were an offering, expiation for the wasted food /// The most erudite people in medical research attended the conference /// In issue two, Chang wanders around gibbering like a raw-meat lunatic /// Hope you got enough poontang to last you till next time /// Companies blame the economy for the lay offs, while workers chalk it up to bad management /// He was reeling a little. He must be very drunk /// Two new natural-gas plants should help slake the country's demand for power /// Roses climbed the trellises /// In 37 years with British Rail, I saw how station staff always bore the brunt of public anger over fare rises /// He's constantly switching up his cadence and his delivery /// I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog /// We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room /// What you've got to do is to ///pal up with the fellows; then they'll stick to you /// You should do the math for your project rather than accept someone else's fuzzy accounting /// Next in line would be his surviving siblings, and the progeny of any deceased siblings /// Muttering under my breath, I chose a pair of russet trousers, a cream poloneck angora and lambswool jumper and a tweedy jacket /// The chits are drawn sequentially to determine the current order of play /// He was battered unconscious /// Docks are like open parking lots, whereas a slip is equal to a dedicated space /// It really bummed me out that she could have helped and didn't /// Local hospital closures are deeply emotive /// After the last election, the Republican Party tried to bring former conservatives back into the fold ///

>> No.23372054

Israel helped install a terrorist government as a pretext to bomb the people into oblivion and put pressure on nearby Islamic countries to take them as refugees. It's genocide because the explicit goal is to kill or remove a group of people to annex their land.

Also, the whole project of Israel is ludicrous, imagine if someone moved into your house and said "I'm not leaving. You just have to get used to living out back in the shed. Also, I control all the food, water, power, internet, and goods you have access to." Any reasonable person would refuse to accept that and become hostile to the occupier. In fact, if you owned a gun, I'd bet you would shoot such a home invader, and rightly so. That's the point, the entire state of Israel is illegitimate to begin with and they are committing rampant war crimes, and you want to equivocate over the word "genocide" like it grants you some holy high ground to split hairs on atrocities.

>> No.23372063
File: 1.15 MB, 1382x1223, Scofield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anglo-Protestantism completely went of the deep end around 1900. Scofield is often cited as a leader of "judeochristianity" ziotestantism.

>> No.23372067

There was a schism in the left movement because of the Progressive Stack. It was noticed that Jews were actually incredibly privileged as a group, so instead of the minority oppressed status the Jews wanted to receive, Blacks and Muslims and Feminists dropped them down the list to the status of oppressors along with the Whites, or even worse than the Whites. Look up the women's march, it ended up being positively anti-semetic. Funny how the tides turn.

>> No.23372120

Assad never did any of that, lying deceitful Jew.

>> No.23372173

You can tell he’s Jewish because they all use the exact same propaganda angles of whining about Assad and making comparisons about Dresden

>> No.23372199
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I see the JIDF are getting time and a half today.

>> No.23372249

nothing about conservatives here

>> No.23372482

>If the Swiss attacked France
This argument is retarded since Gaza isn't a country it's an open air prison operated by Israelis. If France had a concentration camp full of swiss citizens then the latter would be justified you retard.

>> No.23372698

And morally speaking is what constitutes genocide?

Seems to me it should have something to do with trying to eradicate a people group.

>> No.23372701

>Sam Harris
Back to /pol/ you go.

>> No.23372719

>I mean... the Bee is mostly filled with evangelicals.
No, it's filled with jews pretending to be Christian.

>> No.23372724

>Israel installed Hamas
I seem to recall them narrowly (like 0.5%) wining a plurality of the only vote in Gaza, slightly edging out the PLO, although still getting less than 50% of the vote. Then Hamas through a violent coup, fighting a war with the PLO, after which it ruled through violence and repression, crushing any dissent and getting referred to human rights groups for disappearing and torturing their own people and ruling like an organized crime group.

But anyhow, when Hamas overthrew the PLO shortly after their only election they claimed, not without some evidence, that it was because Israel and the US were conspiring WITH THE PLO to overthrow them. More well documented, both Israel and the US were supporting the PLO diplomatically and materially in hopes that they would win future elections (which Hamas never let take place).

Of course, you know fuck all about the region and think parts of the Israeli security apparatus leveraging Hamas against the PLO in the 1990s is equivalent to a 30+ year conspiracy to get them into power, despite a mountain of evidence that they were very interested and involved in trying to get the PLO back in control there.

Likewise, they didn't offer them statehood in 2000 as some major ploy to have Hamas attack 30 years later so they could kill 1.3% of the rapidly (Africa tier) growing population as a master plan for their "genocide."

Israel has not tried at all to move the Gazans to any other country because they know it is a total non-starter. Egypt blockaded Gaza harder than Israel prior to 10/7 because Hamas supported insurgents there. Their actions synch up pretty much with their stated goal, capture and kill all Hamas leadership and install a new government. And no, showing random Israelis have said some gross stuff is not "evidence" that outweighs what we have seen in half a year of military strategy. I am sure some people in Israel DO want to just kill the Palestinians. They have not won the policy debate at all.

Refer to the other posts above and show me one (1) example of urban combat on this scale with drastically lower losses. You can't. If you look at Mariupol, you're looking at a much higher % of the population, and that also wasn't genocide. If Hamas surrendered tomorrow, bombs would stop falling. But of course you probably know that are will keep up the unsupportable claims based anyhow.

>> No.23372798

Ashkenazis are white and the same thing as Europeans.
Mizrahi don't cause nowhere near as much problems.
Whites are a Faustian hypocritical race that only knows how to destroy in the name of "progress". The sooner you destroy yourselves, the better.

>> No.23372823

you're brown

>> No.23372832

K. I don't really care what people see me as. Some people think I'm le white because I have light skin, others think I'm brown because I do not have ancestral origin to Europe. It's just trivial idpol garbage driving from Euroshit we wuzzing.
My dislike of your Faustian hypocritical race transcends such petty reasons. Kys, Faustian mentally ill garbage.
My reasons for despising you cannot be purely rooted to idpol.
You and Ashkenazis are the same.

>> No.23372836


>> No.23372903

>Concentration camp
Israel unilaterally forced all settlers out of Gaza 20 years ago. They also stopped all management of Gaza. Hamas rules Gaza.

The problem is that Gaza borders only two countries and Hamas has decided to support terrorism in both and essentially declare open war against them. Shockingly, when you declare war on your neighbors they don't keep their border with you open. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.23372958

stop bombing children israeli, your pilpuling is pathetic, get with the times and stop talking about 20 years ago. people hate israel for the crimes its doing this very second

>> No.23372964
File: 141 KB, 746x748, 827389127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a frame of reference for all of the inexplicable pro israel posters

>> No.23373020 [DELETED] 

What is it with dead children and modern Westerners? You see one dead baby and you lose your minds. Doesn't matter if it's an adult or elderly. Dead baby = "I'm losing my mind!"

Seeing dead human babies honestly doesn't bother me as much as seeing dead songbirds that collided with skyscrapers, especially if those babies are my historical enemies.

>> No.23373024

What is it with dead children and modern Westerners? You see one dead baby and you lose your minds. Doesn't matter if it's an adult or elderly. Dead baby = "I'm losing my mind!"
Seeing dead human babies honestly doesn't bother me as much as seeing dead innocent songbirds that collided with skyscrapers, especially if those human babies are my historical enemies.

>> No.23373081


>> No.23373085

Maybe if Israel hadn't setup minefields in the Sinai the Gazans could just fuck off to Egypt on foot, and Bibi wouldn't have to bribe the Egyptian state to airlift them out?

>> No.23373088

Sounds like regular big eva lol.

>> No.23373128

I will NEVER forget the 6 million who died on 10/7

>> No.23373135

I mean, probably, although I don't have a problem with most of evangelism, I do have a problem that they've been psyoped by the people who killed christ pretty fucking hard.
The main thing is I thought Seth Dillon was actually Christian, but he's just a jew who pretended to convert to Christianity but still unequivocally supports all jewish interests at the expense of white/american interests, while only preaching against the worst aspects of "wokeism" that JEWS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE!

>> No.23373157

>He didn't realize that the moment he was shilled in /pol/
skill issue

>> No.23373216

>6 million who died on 10/7
>not 9 million
Good job at showing your antisemitism.

>> No.23373229
File: 185 KB, 493x471, IMG_5658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am sure some people in Israel DO want to just kill the Palestinians. They have not won the policy debate at all.

>> No.23373246

I need to make a sacrifice to attone but I'm all out of foreskin

>> No.23373253

Egypt is absolutely, hands down, not letting the Palestinians into Egypt. You have zero grasp of the regional history or if recent Gaza/Egypt relations if you think this is a remote possibility.

Recall that even before the bad blood when Egypt ruled Gaza they kept the Palestinians herded into squalid camps, denied them citizenship or freedom of movement, and ruled them with a military dictatorship in order to "keep the fight alive."

You also have to consider every other neighbors experience with taking in a large number of Palestinians (i.e. coup attempts and civil wars) and that Hamas is literally an offshoot of the group the Egyptian military couped in 2013. Egyptian public opinion is also not hot on taking the Palestinians.

Much of the region is like this, Jordan having become the major exception but only after the Palestinians killed the Jordanian king and tried to take over the country. In Lebanon they kicked off a war that ruined the country, repleat with many mass execution/gang rapes on their fellow Arabs. Kuwait expelled their large (like half million) Palestinian population and Libya did the same. Recall this is a region where different groups have been genociding each other quite a bit lately and that the Palestinians have managed to develop bad blood with literally everyone, their latest fuck up being jumping on the Islamist surge that peaked with ISIS. Even Iran seems to be cutting them lose. Hell, their own political leadership in Qatar seems done with the ground leadership that led this total fuck up and denies having anything to do with it.

>> No.23373419

Look, I just think all the Muslims who suddenly found their conscience these last months, they should make room for the Palestinians

>> No.23373422

Working their way towards 6 million dead Palestinians

>> No.23373484


>> No.23373492

Anti-semitism is sin

>> No.23373496

Jews and Palestinians are literally the same people just with different words attached. It's hilarious

>> No.23373526

Left/Right was invented for the French Revolution to divide us. Every celebrity/personality you see on tv, hear on the radio, and view on the internet is a controlled cia/mossad/british intel.

>> No.23374629

Pretty sure that if Switzerland was run by a government calling for the annexation of France and the removal/massacre of all the French in France, while carrying out terror attacks over and over on France, they would also seal their border. Likewise, if Switzerland further sponsored and aided terrorism and coup plots in Germany and Italy (like Hamas has done for Egypt), then they would seal their border too.

When your official doctrine is essentially that you are at war with all your neighbors and can/will use attacks on civilians and terrorism to prosecute that war, you can't act shocked when your neighbors don't keep an open border with you.

From the 70s-90s the Occupied Territories were significantly wealthier than the surrounding Arab states due to their access to the Israeli labor market. They had 3-5% unemployment for those three decades. Then Hamas carried out a terror attacks every 2-3 weeks for most of the 90s because they didn't want Palestine to become its own state because independence and improved living conditions would make people "not hungry enough for total victory," (the will of Allah). This finally resulted in the border being closed due to the constant attacks. Since then, unemployment spiked to 25-33% since and the Palestinians went from being significantly weaker to significantly poorer than the other Arabs. But it isn't even just that; in the WB, under PLO rule (which is hardly stellar), income had grown to twice that of Gaza before this war. Why? Because the PLO doesn't have genociding the Jews as it's official platform and doesn't carry out terror attacks or support plots to overthrow the state in Jordan (anymore, they sure used to lol). So they have trade and get on much better. But Gaza was blockaded harder by Egypt than Israel before the war.

But you can't point to the collapse of employment and living standards in Gaza in isolation. It is a direct outgrowth of Hamas policy and indeed Hamas has openly stated that this was a goal, to keep people "hungry for victory." And then in the 2010s you had serious protests against Hamas. A Pew poll on 2022 found over 70% of Gazans wanted Hamas disbanded, elections held, and their weapons taken away. How did Hamas respond to protests? Even more brutally than Israel, with violence, disappearances, and torture.

Hamas is not beholden to its people. It's weapons come from Iran. Its money largely comes from organized crime and siphoning aid. They don't need the support of their people so they can do things like "let's start a war in a surprise attack, then immediately flee into urban areas and refuse to defend most of Gaza, we don't need to defend our people like a normal military because surely they are happy to be martyrs."

Israel is fucked too but this will never end with Hamas around. That's why it's probably a long term good thing that Israel is 95% going into Rafah, that Hamas has essentially a 0% chance of military victory, and will be dead soon.

>> No.23374635

Based on all their prior actions it's pretty clear that the Hamas leadership will let Israel go into Rafah, kill another 5,000 civilians fighting their soldiers, and then and only after all the death and destruction, agree to exile. This is their MO in how they have done anything. They will attempt to smuggle themselves out or will finally surrender after maximum damage has been done to Gaza, having started a war and then sat in a bunker on a mountain of supplies while their people died and starved for 8 months.

Hamas has long been like 80% Mafia at the top, only 20% jihadi. The foot soldiers are true believers. The leaders managed to amass hundreds of millions to billion in their prison and have luxury penthouses in the Gulf. They are not going down with the ship.

>> No.23374638

A convenient worldview for a dimwit neckbeard.

>> No.23374639

Israel kept killing all the competent and principles leaders and letting the corrupt crime boss types live. So, it's at least partially their fault that Hamas is this retarded and not a good negotiating partner. Anyone who could have exercised pragmatic control on them got blasted and now what is left are essentially crime lords and dyed in the wool snackbars.

Sometimes, helping to make your opponent dangerous retarded and self-centered backfires.

>> No.23374735

Idk man. I've met some jews and they all looked white. It's like jews don't all look identical. Maybr you yourself are just speaking from your expetience vonsidering you come from a brown country

>> No.23374767

>One day you'll realize that the blue/red dictomy in the US is an oversimplification and being a "conservative" means more than "being someone I don't agree with."
you mean the thing that was the essence of my post? are you, like, illiterate, kike?

>> No.23374794

Bait kek but why do boomers think Israel is an ally of the west? What do they contribute to western national security? What did they contribute in Vietnam, in Iraq? They aren't allies if they have never fought alongside western forces but boomers never understand this.

>> No.23374798

>modern conservative
you have to realize conservative just means capitalism and military action. thats all it is so of course they all shill for israel. it was co-opted after world war 2.

>> No.23374803

>Why are they trying to deny this?
evangelicals dont read the bible. its all through their "preacher" who happens to say exactly what they want to hear.

>> No.23374818

>how liberalism works so they're fucking stupid enough to believe that they're actually dissident voices

>> No.23374834
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maybe for you prottietards.

>> No.23374868

My favorite one is the rat that runs LibsOfTiktok. Her tweets now can be read as "See fellow whites? We are being oppressed too (despite the fact that antiwhite propaganda was started by jews)!"

>> No.23374891

>Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any man, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel's spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.

>> No.23374902

>as human shields.
They're not human shield. They're actual combatants. The whole point of guerilla warfare is to collapse the distinction between civilians and combatants and direct all things within a given space against the enemy.

>> No.23374949

Because they aren't against Jews as an ethnic group, they oppose Zionism because it undermines the moral worldview they've espoused post-WW2 and find it especially egregious that the Jews are the ones doing it.

>> No.23374963

>ITT self-proclaimed Nazis pearl-clutch about the moral evils of conventional war against an incompetent foe because the Jews are the ones waging it

>> No.23374968

Kek. Hang yourself Goldstein kikeovitch

>> No.23374976

The only realistic Arab strategy is to let Israel use their population as target practice and hope it arouses pity in the West, which will somehow initiate an improbable chain of events that will lead to an army of Islam defeating Israel and expelling or exterminating the Jews.

>> No.23375050

It’s /lit/libs and /polit/ finally having something to agree on. You’re right that if this was about Belgians massacring niggs in the Congo nobody would GAF. It’s an intra-Semetic war that only matters because one side has wormed their way into being concidered “WASPs minus Jesus” and the other as “muh poor oppressed peaceful browns” in the western collective consciousness. In the end, the only thing that’s surprising is thinking Jews won’t stick up for their literal mythological homeland over any political ties in their “land of exile”.

>> No.23375083

Not really. Since WWII nonviolent protest have been significantly more likely to be successful than violent insurgencies (which, contrary to popular opinion, fail way more often than not). Israeli society would be particularly vulnerable to such a movement, and so would their economy due to its reliance on trade with the first world. In fact, a leftist government was prepared to give Palestinians a state in 2000 despite a huge wave of terror attacks largely due to Jewish and Palestinian non-violent pressure. But Arafat, feeling outflanked by Hamas, turned down statehood point blank, not even negotiating on it, claiming right of return (basically, we get it all) was non-negotiable.

But the Palestinians haven't been able to go any great length without doing terror attacks and making statements about genociding the Jews, and so they have never been able to implement such a strategy. They are losing their window as religious nuts become an ever larger proportion of the Israeli electorate too. If they played it smart, they would have had a state for 20 years (although Hamas would be defunct so you can see why they tried to tank that; better to be king of a rubble heap I guess).

Palestinians in the OT used to make up a huge part of the labor force and that meant general strikes could have been quite effective. However, they lost that leverage with the non-stop terror attacks of the 90s (like 1 every two weeks) which stopped the use of labor. It also spiked their unemployment rate from 3% to over 30%, basically an abject disaster for everyone but Hamas.

>> No.23375106

I guess nonviolent protests COULD work in theory, but I figured that you genuinely cannot expect Muslims to refrain from terrorist attacks when they reach a critical share of the population and are not in a position of dominance in a given society.

>> No.23375107

>But anyhow, when Hamas overthrew the PLO shortly after their only election they claimed, not without some evidence, that it was because Israel and the US were conspiring WITH THE PLO to overthrow them. More well documented, both Israel and the US were supporting the PLO diplomatically and materially in hopes that they would win future elections (which Hamas never let take place).

This. The idea that Israel "made Hamas" shows people have not bothered studying the history at all but feel free to opine on it. Israel leveraged Hamas at times, and certainly Israeli politicians used them as a boogey man at times, but the overall trend for the past 20 years has been trying to get the PLO back in charge because they are much more sane.

Ironically, Abbas had no problem condemning the gang rapes and shooting toddlers, where as leftists in the West and some in the US Congress thought this was a bridge too far.

>> No.23375111

Israeli Arabs are like a third of the population and have generally not been involved in terror. They certainly face discrimination but the wealth gap for them vs Jews is lower than the White-Black or White-Hispanic gap in the US. They enjoy full citizenship, voting rights, etc.

So much of this could have been avoided if the Arab countries had given their Palestinians the same treatment instead of corralling them in squalid camps and placing them under military rule in order to "keep the conflict alive."

>> No.23375147
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What if a new kind of western imperialism took over, one that is pro-white and socially conservative instead of liberal democracy??

>> No.23375151

Based Jew obliterated everyone in this thread so bad they refuse to respond to him. SAD! Anti-Semites have no response to logic

>> No.23375164

>patting yourself on the back
lol cute but the faggot ziosuck never replied back to me.

>> No.23375174
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Any "conservative" who shilled for the covid vaccine (Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, etc.) should not be trusted.

>> No.23375190

Gaza is half the size of Singapore or Chicago, the idea it's possible to just move civilians off to the countryside like it's WW2 britain and someone is consciously choosing not to is farcical.
Such insultingly stupid propaganda is the main reason I've no sympathy for Israel in this war.

>I would prefer them actually stating that they just hate arabs and want to kill them.
If you translate tweets in hebrew from high ranking officials you'll see plenty of it. it's hilarious to watch: people who're playing the victim, crying about being the poor little liberal democracy attacked by fundamentalists in english will then say things in hebrew that would make Hitler seem like a moderate, conciliatory multiculturalist.

>> No.23375191

Writing history essays about why Arabs are retarded as if the entire world doesn’t already know that doesn’t say anything about why it’s ok for Israel to kill 30x as many people as in Oct 7 with our tax dollars while crying about genocide and anti-Semitism. Nobody is replying because nobody is getting fooled by a fucking JIDF poster.

>> No.23375263
File: 61 KB, 718x899, 1715255309350444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad (Southern Baptist) says that Israeli Jews and American Jews are two different groups. He really likes Israel, but he says that American Jews are Satanic.

>> No.23375368

based boomer

>> No.23375372

American Jews support Israel. They're the same Satanic scum. Boomers are just brainwashed.

>> No.23375782


>> No.23375812

The amusing thing about parasitical swine like this JIDF sychophant is that their position is simply the regime position. Their belief is that America and Israel are correct and every single other country is wrong and billions of other people are wrong. Biden is right, the mainstream news headlines are right. Israel does nothing wrong and the only reason people hate it is because they irrationally hate Jews. These people spew their worthless fucking venom pretending to be unfairly maligned victims while everything they say is literally the state-mandated institutional consensus that the ruling parties of the West dictate. They want you to think they're going against the grain for reiterating what Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Netanyahu believe. That just about summarizes every liberal these days whether they lean more on the left or right.

>> No.23375876
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post yfw we will see the fall of Israel in our lifetime

>> No.23376012

>Doesn't address a address a single point
>If lots of people believe something it must be true!
Yeah, just like the world was flat because people thought that at one point.

>> No.23376031
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>> No.23376220

>American Jews are Satanic
How does he reconcile the fact that americans jews do support israel?

>> No.23376233

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.23376345

Hatred of the jew is amongst the oldest subjects or writing. Overwhelmingly, great men, authors and thinkers have written countless pages of what happens when the foot is taken off the neck of the jew.

>> No.23376457

3rd comic i've seen and they all have been perfect. who makes em?
captcha: mppwar

>> No.23376676

>being critical of Israel is just like believing the earth was flat!
typical libshit imperialist drivel

>> No.23376726
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"Imperialism" makes them sound a lot cooler and more based than they really are desu.

>> No.23377816


>> No.23377940
File: 243 KB, 1875x1350, palestine-land-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh cool story bro

>> No.23377946

I bet he doesn't even know Jesus Christ is the lord and savior

>> No.23377947

Go spergout on /pol/

>> No.23378022

No offense. Your dad is a retard. Hope you redpill him

>> No.23378219

> Why can't the Left name the Jew?
The left is the Jew anon

>> No.23378233

this desu

>> No.23378238

This is a /pol/ satellite.

>> No.23378244

What happened between 1947 and 1949?

>> No.23378246

Isn't that just an appeal to majority and the naive belief that old = good and right?

>> No.23378284

>It's like jews don't all look identical.
yeah. there's like a couple different phenotypes

>> No.23378340
File: 65 KB, 850x400, 1696951017795901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is losing.

>> No.23378360

Nope, nazis lost and they're loosing again

>> No.23378365
File: 1.65 MB, 4320x2688, Screenshot_20240512_111210_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is accurate. But what people fail to realize is that the Modern Right is also part of the Left. Small Government, (Classical) Liberalism and Libertarianism are all just as damaging, if not more so longterm, than a Left Wing government. The destruction of all structure, order and duty is the result of Modern Right Wing discourse, this is inherently a Left Wing goal.

>> No.23378366

Thanks to your shitpost no doubt

>> No.23378368
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>> No.23378372

What the FUCK does left, right, liberal, or socialist even mean?

>> No.23378376


>> No.23378377

Jews don't control anything. Their period of vigour and potency dates back to the times of David and Abraham in the Bible. They can only have degenerated ever since, and as we know, degenerates can't mantain power. I relentlessly count them with the pleb cattle masses.

>> No.23378388

>Both sides

>> No.23378407

>you mean the thing that was the essence of my post?
It wasn't, that's why you labeled Sam Harris a conservative, but I was quite aware you thought it was.

>> No.23378409
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That all men, women and children should aspire to be equal, be it through government fiat, capitalism or inherent spiritual worth

That duty, obligation and strict hierarchies are fundemental structures that must be imposed from the top down.

Almost anything is permitted, provided it does not directly harm or impinge on another.

Management of the common weal away from private interests.

>> No.23378413

/pol/ hopes everyone on both sides is killed

>> No.23378419

even more trannies
trans everyone
no trannies

>> No.23378420

/pol/ is satire

>> No.23378444

>no trannies

The idea that there are no trannies on the modern right is bullshit and you know it. There are countless troons and trannies, Blair White, Caitlyn Jenner and Lady Maga spring immediately to mind. Because they do not actively push it, does not mean it actively persecutes them. It simply stops them performing in front of kids.

>> No.23378455

>The idea that there are no trannies on the modern right is bullshit
No, he's right. The people you named see through the anti-freedom bullshit of the left and end up amongst the right by default. If you're right-wing you reject language games concerning gender ideology and see people like those you mentioned as mere exceptions that prove the rule.

>> No.23378457
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>I would prefer them actually stating that they just hate arabs and want to kill them.
>If you translate tweets in hebrew from high ranking officials you'll see plenty of it.
>But the funny thing is that about half the Jews in Israel are as brown as any Arabs because they lived in the Middle East for the past 2,000 years, only getting expelled to Israel after 1948.
That's like a Subliminal rap video (Israeli rapper) where they're saying the Old Testament God is here, bitch, and they're going full Barak on people and they're not talking about not Barack Obama. That is, the ancient Jewish ruler who destroyed the Canaanites:

One of these guys' parents is from Iran and Tunisia. I have seen pro-Israel the left-wing anti-colonial discourse around by saying that a majority of Israeli Jews at this point are from MENA countries, not Europe. But the pro-Israel types don't mention that the shift to the right in Israeli politics was in tandem with them rising up in Israeli society. The more liberal / peace camp types tend to be Ashkenazis, while the Mizrahim are not. The animosity towards the Arabs is more personal. The attitude is closer to people on the Western far right a few years ago who made pro-Assad memes during the Syrian civil war that said "curb your terrorism." This complicates the argument that Israeli aggression is the epitome of Western racism and colonialism.

>i'm really curious if hitchens would've been pro-israel
Christopher Hitchens was pretty consistently hostile to Israel throughout his life.

>Everyone knows that the leftist woke nonsense was started and perpetuated by Jews in the first place.
If you squint at it, you can find Jews spreading that nonsense. But anti-Semitism isn't really about "Jews" or "Israel." It's about a hole in your own theory of the world, and inability to account for things which have stopped making sense (in religious terms it's a splitting off from your oneness with God, while Jews are at some distance from their own God, they're not "one" with God). The left-wing fixation on Israel as the epitome of all the evils of Western racism and colonialism is similar because their own theories are less adequate at describing the world as it is, so there's some dissonance there. Like, this post-colonial discourse from the 60s? This is during a time when Western cities are filling up the descendants of colonized people, when the center of the world economy has moved to East Asia, and when some of the most aggressive and imperialist regimes are not Western. You necessarily have to mystify things a bit.

>> No.23378475

Freedom and the entire American political landscape is Left-Wing. Democracy, mass man, capitalism-as-a-means-of-equality is all Left-Wing. If you are Right Wing you would know this.

We have sheered off fully half of the entire political spectrum, namely that which deals exclusively Right-Wing themes. Nothing in the West is Right Wing, we are forbidden from discussing those concepts that are on the Right.

>> No.23378487
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>But anti-Semitism isn't really about "Jews" or "Israel." It's about a hole in your own theory of the world, and inability to account for things which have stopped making sense (in religious terms it's a splitting off from your oneness with God, while Jews are at some distance from their own God, they're not "one" with God)

Stop lying, follow our laws and join the host nation, these three things encapsulate the root of all jew-hate.

>> No.23378494
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>The animosity towards the Arabs is more personal.
The other thing, btw, is that the Holocaust is a story of European Jewry but it's not the story of MENA Jews. They have their own history of expulsions and pogroms and their family members having to flee these places because angry crowds were coming for them with knives. But that's not the Holocaust. It's something different. Like the Farhud. There's just a lot of dissonance in the narratives in every direction around this issue.

Even the contradictions within these universities about "safe spaces." You make protecting minority students' emotions and feelings the utmost priority, and "safety" takes precedence over "knowledge." But what happens when your safety becomes a threat to my safety? Or, Jews necessarily have to become "white" in this theoretical construct otherwise the whole damn thing is going to collapse.

Even trying to fit Israel into a great-power framework vis-a-vis NATO and Russia/China doesn't make sense either. Did you know the Eurovision singer, Eden Golan, is on the Ukraine "kill list?" She was born in Russia and had performed in Crimea, which was apparently enough to get her on it, but if Israel really controlled the West, or vice-versa, presumably they could have gotten her removed from the list?

But I think everyone's conceptions, theories, frameworks for understanding the world are really undergoing breakdown right now. It's exciting!

>> No.23378507

>There are countless troons and trannies, Blair White, Caitlyn Jenner and Lady Maga spring immediately to mind.
None of those subhumans are right wing, or they wouldn't have trooned out by definition.

>> No.23378514
File: 101 KB, 700x579, cain-killing-abel-unknown-19th-century-e1697400902456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Jewish.

Genesis tells the story of Adam and Eve. They get kicked out of their paradise and kicked into history. From there on, they have to work for a living, suffer the pains (and joys) of asymmetrical relations between the sexes, and eventually they die. That's the world you and I live in. But as it happens, they also have kids: two boys named Cain and Abel. That's a joyous occasions, but by the time they grow up, Abel figures out how to relate to the Creator. In contrast, for whatever reason, his brother Cain hasn't. That’s okay. No harm done. We each proceed at our own pace, for our own individual reasons.

Had Cain politely asked his brother to explain whatever Abel knows about this unclear challenge of living with God in history, then Abel -- who's a nice fellow -- would probably have been happy to share what he knows. But Cain thinks it would be swifter and more "authentic" to do what he'd really rather do, which is ... kill his brother.

>> No.23378521

The difference between the left and right isn't pro/anti "freedom", it's that the right wants freedom to do good things, and left wants freedom to do bad things.

>> No.23378546

>Freedom and the entire American political landscape is Left-Wing. Democracy, mass man, capitalism-as-a-means-of-equality is all Left-Wing.

>> No.23378605
File: 81 KB, 900x750, thomas-carlyle-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very little in America is Right-Wing, its very foundation is based on the refutation of the concepts of nobility, class and natural hierarchies. It has always fixated on the market as a means of sharing wealth and equality rather than government. Right-Wing does not mean free-market or gun rights.

These are not the differences of anything, if you truly think that you are not qualified to be in this discussion. Turning Point USA is proud of you.

It is anon. The more you read political theory, the broader the spectrum becomes and the narrower the space Western, Liberal Democracy occupies.

>> No.23378622

>These are not the differences of anything
They're actually the only difference that matters.
I am right wing because I like good things, and leftists are pathologically opposed to good things.
I like clean streets, safe neighborhoods, and good schools, and leftists think that all of those things are fascism and must be opposed.

>> No.23378704
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Nothing of what you said touches on the metapolitical thought that ins They all are focused on the masses. Nothing is grown, nothing is conserved and nothing is protected. The economy is all that matters and everything is oriented downward from it.

>> No.23378752

That's because I like good things and you like getting high off pseudophilosophical farts.

>> No.23378770
File: 125 KB, 720x606, 1697233677901438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a Materialist. I am not. To quote a great man "Honour, not bread, at all costs."

>> No.23378789

False, many good things are immaterial, and your philosophy is pointless if it's not about creating good things.

>> No.23378836
File: 112 KB, 1080x594, Screenshot_20240512_140207_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You failed to mention abstractions and the immaterial until i did, thus proving you do not include them in the metapolitical motivations. To you political thought is focused entirely on comfort and desirable material conditions.

>> No.23378848

>jews literally go full mask off reveling themselves to be more ingrained in western government/institutions that we thought, doing a genocide
>omg you can't say what people like the nazis warned us about that's wrong
At this point is more about normies unable to cope that everything that they were taught was mostly a lie and that's one of the reasons the jew grow so strong and never will judged properly

>> No.23378968
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> Say I wanted to genocide a population.
Even believing the Hamas reported numbers they aren’t putting a dent in Gaza’s population. Double the deaths and it’s still nothing - again assuming the goal is to eliminate them all, this isn’t working. It’s not like it’d be hard to actually kill them all, you wouldn’t go in with soldiers at all. Just blockade and starve them.

Urban warfare against regular army is bad enough. Against an entrenched army of terrorists/insurgents deliberately hiding among civilians? It’s fucking impossible to avoid innocent deaths. We have plenty of examples of this from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, the US and other western countries get grilled for civvie casualties. But the west is also the only people willing to fight with arms tied back to prove a moral point. This moral compass is something nobody else even pretends to uphold. So by which standard are we condemning them?

Israel tried the Mossad assassinating the leaders thing. Didn’t work.
They tried policing these areas in person. Didn’t work.
They built a wall and coped with getting constant rocket attacks from Gaza built from the resources that were supposed to let them build infrastructure and an economy.
Well that didn’t work

What serious options are there that aren’t just some variation of “you can’t fight back and have to take being killed”?
This isn’t an issue you can just run away from like some US foreign adventure. It’s like Mexico launching rockets for decades over the border with the stated aim to kill all gringos and “retake greater Mexico”.
Be honest; how long do you think the US would put up with that?

>> No.23378992

>It is anon.
Nope. You don't understand what conservatism means and associate it with standing still and a lack of social progress. Simple as.

>> No.23379017
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I fully understand conservatism. It is an empty worldview that must scramble to collect any detritus that the progressive party forgets about and claim it as its own.

All that it preserves is GDP. It kills everything else and holds aloft its dead corpse. Nationalism, Family, ethnic-pride, heritage, all of it is ruined under it's aegis.

>> No.23379020

shut up idiot

>> No.23379095

>I fully understand conservatism.
The pic you posted as a means to encourage your personal bias says otherwise. Didn't bother reading the rest of what you wrote.
>society is on an inevitable path towards freedom
Leftists and libtards will never learn.

>> No.23379173

The same criticisms are leveled against it 100 years ago as it has now. Once it was (rightly) againsy desegregation, now it flaunts color-blindness as if it was a viable alternative to anti-racism. It was against gay rights but now advocates for gays as long as they are traditional. It argued for seperate but equal as a means to counter the repeal of slavery.

Every single issue and value American Conservatives have ever had has been given up on the second they think they have the wrong opinion or it no longer serves their (economic) interests.

You did not read because you know your position is a cope.

>> No.23379239

body slammed that libtard idiot

>> No.23379312

It will be exciting when you get a bullet in your head

>> No.23379327

>actual JIDF thread on this board
Lit has fallen

>> No.23379350
File: 85 KB, 850x400, Unity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF are working over time right now. They're everywhere, it is wonderful to see them coping and seething as their world collapses around them.

>> No.23379367

Same old essays, same old arguments every single fucking time
>Israel isn’t unique, it’s just anti-Semitism that motivates you!
>But what about Assad and Sudan!
>Hiroshima and Dresden were fine so why is destroying Palestine wrong?
>Any country would do what Israel is doing!
>You are all just jealous of Israel!
>But what about the rockets from Hamas!?

Extraordinarily boring people

>> No.23379376

They are not people.

>> No.23379951

>everything positive that has ever happened in human history is due to leftwing politics and if wasn't for conservatives we'd be living in a utopia
Do I even have to read what you wrote or does that pretty much sum it up?

Anyway, you're retarded.

>> No.23379980

Last post for Israel is America's greatest ally and is a liberal democracy in the Middle East worthy of international support

>> No.23379990

This is why people hate jews. Your disingenuous niggling hits normal people like spittle in their faces.