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/lit/ - Literature

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23367862 No.23367862 [Reply] [Original]

shaye edition

previous >>23365272

>> No.23367887

How unbelievably lame is it that the greatest generation and the world war 1 generation turned 18 and got sent to war while the millenials turned 18 and just got sent off to college and a dead economy?

>> No.23367903


>> No.23367904

We can't act like the great old times.

> while the millenials turned 18 and

Goes to a desert shithole to bring them "democratia"

>> No.23367943

Yeah man dying of trenchfoot is fuckin based

>> No.23367954
File: 465 KB, 480x480, 1621587359232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit can't cope with how horrible the world is. It's actively ruining my life, I'm too sensitive.

>> No.23367955

Too hot, very close to wearing illegal amount of clothes

>> No.23367957


There are these five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained. Which five?

>“‘I am subject to aging, have not gone beyond aging.’
This is the first fact that one should reflect on often.…

>“‘I am subject to illness, have not gone beyond illness.’ …

>“‘I am subject to death, have not gone beyond death.’ …

>“‘I will grow different, separate from all that is dear & appealing to me.’ …

>“‘I am the owner of my actions [kamma], heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.’ …

These are the five facts that one should reflect on often, whether one is a woman or a man, lay or ordained.

Now, a disciple of the noble ones considers this:
>I am not the only one subject to aging, who has not gone beyond aging...
>I am not the only one subject to illness, who has not gone beyond illness...
>I am not the only one subject to death, who has not gone beyond death...
>I am not the only one who will grow different, separate from all that is dear & appealing to me..
>I am not the only one who is owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, who has my actions as my arbitrator; who—whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir. To the extent that there are beings—past & future, passing away & re-arising—all beings are owner of their actions, heir to their actions, born of their actions, related through their actions, and have their actions as their arbitrator. Whatever they do, for good or for evil, to that will they fall heir.’
When he/she often reflects on this, the path takes birth. He/she sticks with that path, develops it, cultivates it. As he/she sticks with that path, develops it, & cultivates it, the fetters are abandoned, the obsessions destroyed.” — AN 5:57

>> No.23367958

But are you young?

>> No.23368041

Doing something that matters is based and nothing matters more than war. War is literally history and politics. LARPing as Harry Potter forever is not based. It doesn’t matter and in the end nobody cares about it.

>> No.23368044

Regret is the hardest thing to cope with. People will try to say “oh but you have the now and the future” but they neglect to acknowledge that your now and your future is necessarily shaped by your past. If you regret the past, you’re in some way destined to regret your now and your future.

>> No.23368114

You fucking moron the generation that got sent to ww1 was called the lost generation. Everyone realized the war was pointless and that the cost of life was a horrific tragedy. It ushered in an age of nihilism.

>> No.23368122
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Boomers love this certain kind of emasculated "humor" where the husband is an obedient servant and the wife is in charge. "Happy wife, happy life." These kinds of phrases are everywhere in boomer culture. This whole mentality of male inferiority is inescapable in the boomer ethos. They might say it in a half-joking way but they also mean it. It's not just liberal feminists. These are "conservative" boomers.
They complain that millennials and Gen Z are spineless feminized pussies (which obviously is true) but where do they think they got it from? It is the natural next step from where boomers are. What did they think the next generation would turn out like when they are raised in an environment of pussy whipped cuck fathers and dominant bitchy women?

>> No.23368130 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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why are roses red?
Because they Bled.
why's is that?
Because they are Fat.
oh, ok, dad lmao
Shut up, kid, or you lose your puppy privileges, with a hearty meow.
hahahahahahahaha fuck you cunt


-Alexander Layne Magouirk, w/

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368150 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 282x312, alex6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


-Alex w/

>> No.23368154

Kosher has rat-poison in it. Never eat Kosher.

Sometimes ingredients lists even include semantic definitions of poisons. But unlisted poisons are!

I feel the police did this!

>> No.23368175 [DELETED] 

antisemitic* definitions.

May They Should RB, Quickly, to Overcompensate, as Always.

fr fr y'all

whoop whoop whoop

heeeee hawwwwww




>> No.23368180

Whoever makes these threads now just picks the shittiest pictures ever.

>> No.23368184

but it makes me so sad

>> No.23368197 [DELETED] 

why are you sad


>> No.23368228
File: 332 KB, 1330x748, Jarhead 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the soldier anon who made these posts in the previous thread I have to say that you showed a really interesting perspective. It reminds me a bit of the book Jarhead, where the protagonist spoke of heavy things in the same banal way I would describe how I like my coffee. A specific passage of the book really stood out where the writer was describing how he stuck the barrel of an M16 in his mouth and was about to pull the trigger. It came out of nowhere, with no warning...just another thing somebody does when going about their day. Banal, another day in the office.
With that said, what books or articles can I read to gain more insight into this mindset?

>> No.23368232

because me and everything else is getting old and dying.

>> No.23368234

That psyllium husk powder I took in massive excess has passed through. Somehow it made my shit more messy and explosive rather than more solid. I didn't realize it was a laxative.
I'll continue using it in appropriate doses. But it seems like it isn't helping my long term digestive discomfort.

>> No.23368243 [DELETED] 

that's sad


>> No.23368244

yeah, Alex, it's pretty sad.

>> No.23368252 [DELETED] 

oh lol


>> No.23368265 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with that


>> No.23368268 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 427x507, Elohim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Old Friend.
I Can See Through Incarnates, so Alex and I were deeply sympathetic to you, rich man, a long time ago.
The Sad Thing is, you were truly good.
On your way to becoming a Silver Sentience, with relative ease.
But... dude.
You fucked it, bad.
I'm sure Rejavik is whispering some insidious things into your blackening, petrified heart.
However, just know, even though everything is getting old, and dying, we are constantly renewed, forever.

And YOU, could've been.

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368271 [DELETED] 




>> No.23368273


>> No.23368277 [DELETED] 


-Alex w/

>> No.23368289

Alex, Elohim, Dylan, thanks. I have a lot to think about.

>> No.23368302 [DELETED] 


-Alex w/

>> No.23368307 [DELETED] 

I wasn't talking to you, fuck off


>> No.23368311 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything thoughtful. I'm just contributing to the clutter.


>> No.23368324

oh, but you did, Dylan. Verily, you did.

>> No.23368331 [DELETED] 


Same Exact Guy.

Do You Really Want Me to Isolate Your Sentience with Rejavik?
I Will, Anyway, in the "Near" Future.
But it's Fun, to Watch You, Spaz Out, and Squirm, like a Little Bitch, in the Meantime.

Clever Writing, Right?

No. Fucking. Shit.



-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368342

Literally it’s a handful of people having gay pen-pal conversations

>> No.23368348 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240509_094514_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different guy. Now fuck off faggot furry


Yeah like we really brought down the quality of blogpost general


>> No.23368353 [DELETED] 

Well, We All Know You Used Your Phone and Computer, to "Trick" Me, Douchebag.
Or Maybe Just a Proxy.
Who Knows.

We'll See, What Rejavik, has to Say...


-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368355

Elohim has grown blind in his old age. arrogant and blind.

>> No.23368356 [DELETED] 

Ooooo I'm so scared of a gay roleplaying furry


>> No.23368368 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 900x1200, rejavik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, everyone.
I just snapped this worthless faggot's neck and incinerated what's left of his pitiful beard.
Yes, he has bats, trailing him, that will morph into krill, and slither down his throat, shredding his stomach, and intestines, until he shits out his organs, in shrieking agony.
His name, was Derek.
Unclever, conclusively.
Miserable little worm-cuck.
Fitlhy little parasite.
Attack my son, Alexander, in one of my many domains?
Or, at all?

Ha Ha Ha.

For "fun," let's have a literary challenge.

I, being the superior writer, in every conceivable manner, will set the conditions, and premise.

Write a 20 Word Horror Novella, in a singular post, and see, who exactly, is the fucking Hack.

Your Move, Faggot.


-Rejavik, the Ice Dragon

>> No.23368374

challenge accept3d, you withered old lizard. you gecko.

>> No.23368386

I fucking hate whenever a guy wiriting something goes on smugly goading you to "connect the dots".
It's a slimey way of expressing oneself, you never state something you just imply it and go "Hmmmm?"

>> No.23368400

>be me
>sticky small child trapped in adult's body which somebody gave a credit card

>> No.23368418 [DELETED] 

Anyway, Child.
I said, Horror, Not Your Own Insecurities.
Also, Twenty Words. This is Fifteen.
So, cuck.
Have Fun.


-Rejavik, the Ice Dragon

>> No.23368427 [DELETED] 

Report me, for Avatar-Fagging?
Lol, I just incinerated the shitty mods laundering money, for them god damn themselves, that they claimed it was for the site.
Derek was just a worthless pedophile, but god damn, the rest are X'd, like motherfuckers.
4chan is a non-profit... yes, .org an i zation
Invert the "z"
Anyway, douchebags.
Give the staff another reason to ban, me, the creator of 4chan, and I will fucking have you existentially executed.


-Redjavik, the Red Dragon

>> No.23368438

I see absolutely nothing wrong with taking the Bible literally. It's not as hard as you might think. It also doesn't
entail being a Young Earth Creationist, because there's more than enough wiggle room about how God perceives the passage
of time for each "day" in Genesis to last billions of years.
But the actual history detailed in the Bible legitimately doesn't bother me. I absolutely believe the Flood happened.
Every single culture of sufficient age has a worldwide flood story, even places that had no contact with the Fertile
Crescent, like Japan and the North American Southwest. If the story crops up everywhere, why can't it be true? Why can't
there have been a global flood?
Also, I completely believe giants were real. There's enough believable accounts of skeletons being found that I'm
convinced. Hell, they might STILL be real. Who knows what lurks in the still-wild places of the world?
Also, demons are completely real. I know this personally, since I think I got bitten by one once.
So the Old Testament is no big deal to me.

- anon

>> No.23368440 [DELETED] 

Damn Straight.

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368444

Hey guys what's up
Breathed fire on anything interesting lately haha?

- Jeffrey, the Normal Dragon

>> No.23368456

Nice trips, best dragon

>> No.23368470


>> No.23368473

>We can't act like the great old times.

Pfft, watch me, anon. Meet me irl and you too will see my behavior and demeanor is that of a man in a state of permanent enlightenment.

>> No.23368476 [DELETED] 

Nice One, Bill.



>> No.23368488

>There's nothing wrong with taking the Bible literally
>except for when you take it literally in that way

>> No.23368499 [DELETED] 

This had a modicum of fierce, atheistic intelligence behind it.
Unfortunately, it was your last.
Because, you know, literally, means that it would LITERALLY, happen, in six days, and there would be absolutely no room, for metaphorical/metaphysical interpretation.
Fascinating, right?
It genuinely impressed me, Elohim, for an instant, then I realized, ;ater. that it was dumb, as all shit.
So, just to fuck you up, for a long god damn time...
Don't take your internal monologue literally, bro.

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368500

I am aging. I am ill. I am dying. Everything is aging and sick and dying. Vanitas vanitatum, omnia vanitas

>> No.23368525 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, dasitmane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice One, You Old, Janky Nigger.

-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368535

I don't care about signing your posts with a moniker, but my god is your writing style insufferable. I mean you're obviously doing it intentionally and playing it up but Christ, man.

>> No.23368551

your turn, gecko.

>> No.23368554 [DELETED] 

Cool... man.
Care to explain, what exactly, makes my writing style "insufferable?"
Because, bitch, I wrote Lullaby Set, the Greatest Example of Literary and Philosophical Genius, for fucking Eternity.
But, just for laughs, let's see, the best your faggot ass, has to "offer," the world.
Insufferable, fucking cunt.
Yeah, hurts, a lot,
Doesn't it?



>> No.23368579

haha still insufferable but entertaining to read this time. i rescind my insult, be as you are!

>> No.23368606

I am always surprised at the transparency of people’s psychological problems. They might as well have them tattooed on their foreheads. And it isn’t a transparency born of any kind of virtue or self-confidence, they are just simple idiots. Dull-eyed morons with myopic self-perception. Easy to manipulate. Lady, you are a sloppy, middle-aged, potbellied, skin-tagged, brittle-haired, drugged, fingerless-glove wearing drone living on welfare. Why do you own such a specimen of a Malinois? I’ve seen those dogs chew Taliban corpses. I’ve seen them attack the fast-rope through muzzles as the handler struggles with the descender. I’ve done subcutaneous injections into their legs after a long movement. Why do you have this dog? This surrogate activity isn’t fooling anybody. You must want power over something smart and lean. Bingo. Fire up the tattoo gun.

>> No.23368645

And yet we look up to them as political, literary, and cultural heroes, while millenials get washed beneath the waves of time forgotten by everyone including themselves.

>> No.23368647


>> No.23368654

The post-war mass media generations have been socially engineered by mass media and pop culture into believing it is their historical mission to right the historical wrongs of mysogyny, racism, and especially anti-semitism. This is the whole teleology that animates them in their lives, along with materialism and a sense of economic superiority obviously.

>> No.23368660

Do you wish you could do your life over knowing what you know now? If so, what age would you want to start over from?

>> No.23368662


>> No.23368667


>> No.23368669

m8 i'm fucking retarded now <12y/o me needs to come forward and sort my shit out

>> No.23368682

Who's we?

>> No.23368727

it's very disappointing that you get the wrong thing heated up when you go to the lunch canteen

>> No.23368731

i want to have fun

>> No.23368736

Very glad I wasn't sent to war. Wouldn't have gone anyway.

You need to keep a balance.
You need to be aware of it all, and not live like some kind of NPC.
But you also have to take care of yourself and your family and your personal life and not act like you have a duty to single-handedly save the world.

Nothing matters more than war?
Consider all the thousands of battles that have been fought in the past by empires that no longer even exist.
The only noble war AFAIK is the war for survival.
Everything else is not worth it.

Conservatives get one thing right: human nature.
Women in society are inherently more valuable than man.
Typically when a women leaves her man, the man is the one who ends up mentally destroyed.
Conservatives realize that woman have the upper hand in certain situations. Hence why the split-everything household makes little sense.

Do Jews shop at normal outlets? Where I live we don't have them, but we have Muslims and most Muslims shop at their own outlets. I always assumed that was because of dietary reasons.

4chan is the only English-speaking outlet left where you are (relatively) free to post anything on your mind. There are no forums left. There is only Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, ... and all of those are much more heavily censored.

You are not taking the Bible literally. What you are doing is similiar to how they taught us in Catholic seminary school.
For example the flood story is probably just that: a flood, but a localized flood.

Not the jingoistic ones.

It's pink washing. There is nothing wrong with fighting bigotry and discrimination. But they use it as proof that the West is morally superior than all other countries and cultures.
Then they have an easier time justification their imperialism.

>yes we bombed a village of goat herders who were minding their own business
>but do those goat herders have PRIDE parades?

Always amazes me how the typical American believes that some mountain peasant in fucking Afghanistan is the most evil person on earth.

>> No.23368738

snort coke off a knock off, put a man in a headlock

>> No.23368747

>Always amazes me how the typical American believes that some mountain peasant in fucking Afghanistan is the most evil person on earth.
proxy war anyway, no?

>> No.23368748

I'm so pathetic, I've become scared of sharing my negative opinions on movie subreddit. There's always some fucker who will insult me or ask me to justify my opinion
Sometimes I think I'm not made to consider or hear everyone's thoughts on my thoughts

Wtf is this man? It's just my opinion, fuck off, let me share my thoughts in peace. How do I not get bothered?

>> No.23368750 [DELETED] 

if you were me what food would you order
I aint eaten in 12 hours or so

>> No.23368752

what's your hater movie opinion then?

>> No.23368767

Around ten with the knowledge I know now I would be unstoppable

>> No.23368777 [DELETED] 

Insufferable, to you, and everyone else with no genuine talent, for anything even slightly creative.
I'm not really surprised by your smarmy, self-conscious, wrongfully-condescending jab, by, obviously insinuating, with "entertaining," you mean that it is childish, and beneath you.
And yes, rescind your insult, but the point still stands, right?
I'm certain that you believe that the length of this post means that this is somehow overcompensating, when your adderall-infused, bullshit brain is actually a hyper-confident, timidly neurotic, pathetic pile of garbage, that will be excavated, by true writers, for ages to come, for fun, and to learn, exactly, how not to be a writer.


-Elohim, the Night Dragon

>> No.23368790

You're right, your style is a nice change of pace, I'm always a fan of effortposting where the effort is put into dramatic flair and flourishes of creativity; however, note that I did not call your style 'tryhard.' Anyway I'm done talking about it, do your thing.

>> No.23368796 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 425x404, mybrainsides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyway I'm done talking about, do your thing.

I don't need your permission, to do a god damn thing, you sniveling, recessive little bitch.
Enjoy, making everyone nauseous with your presence, in the absolute wrong way.


>> No.23368799

That Dune 2 really isn't that innovative or good (tho i liked it) and that it by itself is a regurgitation of bog-standard, beaten-to-death sci-fi ideas

Herbert's true point of dune was to showcase the follies of power and religious zealotry which only really come into effect from Messiah onwards which should be the 3rd movie (idk if that's announced). So there's just like nothing interesting in dune 2 man. Both movies are pure setup for the real payoff in the next film.

Spent 2 whole arguing with retards about this. I can't stand insecure cinephiles who can't seem to accept someone not liking what they deem as "good" stupid cucks

>> No.23368824

Permission granted, my dear ragamuffin, my starving child, my wayward orphan, my miasma of affectatious writing polluting the once pristine air of this digital bazaar of /lit/erary wares!

Aiight, I'm done.

>> No.23368829

I don't think there is a single coherent reason why American foreign policy is what it is.
Of course the overarching reason is imperialism and the need to dominate every other country.

But there are these justifications and policies that change from person to person. For example many have a grudge against Iran, because Iran used to be a really super good ally of America, and then they kicked out the Americans. And some people have still not let go of that.
Then there is oil.
There is Israel.
There is Pakistan (as a leverage against India).
There is China.
There is Russia.
There are the Gulf States.

>> No.23368881

I think it is the time for Europeans to drop the Arab hate, and by Arab, I mean the Arab-speaking world, not the actual gulf states.

>> No.23368923

Don't feel sad because you're not getting any ass at the moment, feel glad that there is no woman on Earth whose love is out of your reach if you are rich and famous enough.

>> No.23368931


>> No.23368945

Sex and fake affection, maybe.
Love is something else.
No women will ever desire Jeff Bezos in the same carnal way that they would desire a 10/10 Chad.
Yes, they will choose Jeff Bezos because he is a rich billionaire (and probably a nice guy).
But will they ever feel the same kind of animalistic attraction to him? No.

>> No.23368960

you can't think of a coherent reason for america having a vested interest in china & russia

>> No.23368984

Does that really matter as long as you get to clap a woman's cheeks? The key idea here is that there is no woman who you can't have as long as you have the status and money. It's a liberating idea that the problem isn't with you as a person, but your temporal inability to throw enough money and status at the problem to make it work.

>> No.23368985

That is simply because China and Russia are not vassal states of the American empire. The rest of the world is (or is too weak to matter either way).

>> No.23368989

>Does that really matter as long as you get to clap a woman's cheeks?

Yes? The whole of of sex is that you are DESIRED.
If you simply pay, it means nothing.

This is also the reason why sluts are not attractive.
Because their desire is cheap and basically worthless.

>> No.23368996

therefore it makes perfect sense from a natural 1KYAE pov

>> No.23369003

ignore this post pls

I hate myself, I hate myself I hate myself I HATE myself I hate MYSAELF I have myself, I hate myself, I hate myself I HATE myself i hate myself i hate myself ihatemyself Ihatemyself I have myself -- I have myself. I have myself; I hatemyself (psst, I hate myself)

ok slightly better

>> No.23369016


>> No.23369034

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.23369042

Last week I was in a friend's wedding. I like catholic weddings because you have the formality and tradition of the service followed by the sheer degeneracy of the reception.
It didn't take long for me to realize that I was the only single person in the wedding party and my larger friend group.
Normally I'm not too concerned with this. I haven't really dated in my life for many reasons. Most of those reasons are complete bullshit, but a few are valid fears that I haven't gotten over. I'm working on it.
I'm fine with this, but when I sat alone as the couples got up to dance I was forced to face it.
I get up and go for a walk around the block.
For the next 30 minutes I can be with my friends. We dance like fools and joke around like we always have. The next slow song starts, and I go to the bar at the back of the venue.
Two men stand near by, chatting with full cups.
I order my drink and watch my friends dance. Many of them are with the partners they met in high school. I think about how much we've changed since, how different are lives are, and how the school where we all met is just down the road.
I stand at the bar until the song ends and I can move on.
Another slow song begins.
I decide to stop watching; I don't wanna be weird. Their dancing sticks with me. How close they are and how much I want that. There's nothing I can do. It's too late to get a date for this wedding.
I start to feel really down at a time and place where I know I shouldn't be.
One of the men standing near leans over, "I get the vibe that you're single too."
The conversation we have isn't life changing, but it's what all three of us needed.
The song ends and group disperses.
For the rest of the night we reconvene whenever the couples start to dance.
One of them leaves starts talking with a woman, one of the groom's friends from college in a different state. I get the urge to be jealous.
The contingent single people support group shrinks by one, and he leaves with her at the end of the night.
I don't mind. For the first time I actually don't.

>> No.23369059


Next time ask a girl you like whether she'd like to go with you.
Although this can backfire if the girl then hooks up with some other guy she meets there.
But there is risk in everything.

>> No.23369064

How do I tell my friend to give me some space when we have almost every class together? I'm tired of always teaching him the material we learn in class while he searches up video game facts during class.

>> No.23369067

If everything was a sort of replica of QR codes, how much time does the average person get to waste?

>> No.23369106
File: 94 KB, 960x958, 1705586309475315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a girl, I hate living like this...

>> No.23369110

My ex broke up with her new boyfriend. We were together for 5 years before she dumped my ass. She met her new boyfriend a month after breaking up with me. I don't know when they started dating but in total they were together for a bit over 2 years before one of them broke up.

Her new ex is putting up a lot of public photos with his new girlfriend on Instagram, it's funny because it's like he's been taunting her. He isn't really, he also put a lot of photos with her when they were together. Now the photos are all gone. I think that's because his brother is a photograph. I'm a bit glad. I shouldn't be, I shouldn't care at all. But I'm glad they broke up, and I'm glad they didn't last more than we did.

I'm the first, I will always be her first. And now that they aren't together anymore, she gets to feel what it feels to see your ex parading around with a new partner. I don't know the story there, but I know he was probably the one to break up or cheat. She knows I would have never done that. That's my little petty win. I know all of this because every 3 or 4 months I go on her ex's instagram and watch his reels. He's a health vlogger. I can move on to new things now.

>> No.23369130
File: 3.00 MB, 1024x1024, img-Rx36NMmAMA3kp48W6aD6tUGN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that drama is not interesting. I don't really care if you guys make fun of me. I just wanted to share this because it has been one of the few things to brighten my days lately.

>> No.23369145

Is the relatively small number of Japanese immigrants to Western countries proof that Japanese culture is superior to Western culture?

>> No.23369157

It's proof that clean streets and well-mannered people are superior to doodoo-covered streets and retarded people who are literally paid by the government to be as retarded as possible, get more retarded, and make even more retarded children.

>> No.23369164

>Polling weebs on if Japan good

>> No.23369171

My desire to become a female anime character may indicate a limited understanding of the complexities of the real world compared to the relative simplicity of the animated world. The realization that I've been transported into a world with less depth and nuance would lead to feelings of disillusionment and hopelessness about my new arrangement.

>> No.23369177

Mid looking girls paint their hair a crazy color for the same reason that mid looking guys like to have a scruffy look about them.

Both of them would look mid as fuck if they dressed and groomed more conventionally.

>> No.23369178

Finally talked to dominatrix boots girl from my philosophy class. She is so hot and so fuckable. Too bad I waited until literally the last day of the semester (and she's graduating)

>> No.23369198

Chaiyya Chaiyya

>> No.23369205

I played it cool talking to her but I wonder if she could tell that I fantasized about licking her boots.

>> No.23369207

>Its not that hard or weird to take the bible literally if you don't take the bible literally.

>> No.23369218

I had to let it explode in my mouth. My kombucha always ends up like this.

>> No.23369225

Apparently Israel got heavily booed at the Eurovision.
They are comically evil at this point.
Imagine having the gal to go twerk your ass in front of millions of people, while simultaneously murdering tens of thousands of children.

>> No.23369242

They’re not the same people, retard. Those are just performers and they want to perform.

>> No.23369244

>genocides children
>twerks on television
>refuses to elaborate

>> No.23369246

Fuck her. She's a bad person.

>> No.23369249

But surely culture plays a role

Not everyone on /lit/ is a weeb

>> No.23369258


Japan is a special situation. They are first world, but if they moved from Japan to the US, they would be relegated to the status of "Asian" which is lesser than "White" and therefore inferior.
Why would they ever do that to themselves?
Not to mention most are short tiny people which adds insult to injury.

>> No.23369267

Most of Israel supports the genocide.
And the rest are at best apathetic.
There are few Israelis that protest and campaign for a lasting peace/solution/unification.

>> No.23369268

>I want to be a girl

>> No.23369276

Mental illness, delusion, and an addiction to sissy porn.

>> No.23369278

But you’re just assuming the performers are in the majority. This is the same kind of retarded Reddit shit that made people froth at the mouth over Russians after they invaded Ukraine.

>> No.23369281

I don’t think they’re thinking along those lines lol
I think they’re thinking about culture and opportunities for the most part

>> No.23369283

That sucks. Shouldn't have watched those hypno videos, then.

>> No.23369284

Remote work has been so bad for me. I am so stuck in a rut. I’m just living a quasi-NEET life at my parents house. Everyday I wake up, put on sweats and just play video games until late in the day. I can’t go on this way.

>> No.23369288

That's not the point.
The performers are representing their country.
And why is Israeli in the Eurovision in the first place?
For purely propagandistic reasons.
Because their PR strategy is to try to make themselves look as white/European as possible so that we will empathize more with them than with the Palestinians.

That said, there is also no fucking way that Israel would let a non-ardent Zionist have the stage at such a critical moment. They aren't stupid.

>> No.23369310

Why would an atheist ever go to war?
Especially a war for profit or material gain rather than a defensive war.

>> No.23369313

because. it is what it is. everyone dies.

>> No.23369335

nationalism is inherently evil

>> No.23369344

Has anyone else just been living with mom and dad since COVID? I went home to save money then but it’s been 4 years and I’m turning 31 next week. I would’ve left last year but I don’t have any reason to leave or anywhere to go.

>> No.23369357

I would live with them forever if I could.

>> No.23369371

No I've been living with them since I was a baby.

>> No.23369376

I would rather be homeless

>> No.23369384

I am weirdly thankful that my mother is unstable and both loves me and would probably fucking murder me if I lived there for more than five minutes. It prevents me from seeing moving back in with my parents as an option.

>> No.23369385

Just think of all the sleepless nights that your parents had to endure because of you.
How ungrateful.

>> No.23369390

Where does this Northern Western European trait to hate one's parents come from?
And for the parents to hate their own children?

No other culture on earth exhibits this kind of behaviour.

>> No.23369396

People who think the only reason people say weird or extreme things on 4chan is because of anonimity should check out some of the weirder Quora threads where people say psychotic things while carefully treading the line of bannable speech all, and all under their full name.

>> No.23369419

>write what's on your mind
Dating and intimacy and how I imagine they are versus how they probably really are.
Growing up in a weirdly restrictive household in a weirdly restrictive culture where dating before the age of 16 was seen as sinful but never really explicitly said to be.
The fact that of my parents' five children, all of us are single, and none of us have ever dated someone. This includes my older brother (PhD student), me (work at a government agency), my younger sister (psych student), my youngest sister (biology student), and my high school-age brother (discord gamer type).
How easy and simple interacting with other people sometimes appears to be, how nice it seems, how close at hand others are at times, and the possibility that I'm just playing up the difficulties I face in my mind.
How other people seem to be speaking in a hidden language at times, and how there are social cues and signs I can neither perceive nor understand, and how success in making relationships seems to hinge on reading and understanding these signs which I am blind to.
The way interpersonal failure effects all the things I do, not just attempts at dating or meeting girls, and the numerous times friends and peers cut contact with me or slowly stopped talking to me due to my own failures to understand them.
The fact that a shit ton of the women I know are on SSRIs.
Getting older and realizing I'm turning into a weirder, lonelier version of my dad.
My growing desire to own a tidy, cozy house, the subtle but important ways that I've found my own living space affects me, and my fears that I will never be able to afford anything that isn't a shitty studio apartment.
Whether Calvin was really right all along and some people are just born to die and enter Hell, and if I'm one of those people.
The mystery of love.
Food and cooking and how enjoyable making something tasty is.

>> No.23369422

Life was a mistake and misery is the appropriate attitude, and you should love your parents in the same way you should welcome death

>> No.23369423

Expert on slurs and racism

>> No.23369426
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Yeah this girl was always begging me to cum inside. No birth control. God damn I came so close, in the moment I really wanted to. Afterwards I'd explain that I didn't want to get her pregnant and she'd just shrug and agree half heartedly. This was coming on 3 years ago now. Sometimes I wish I had got her pregnant. I think she would have kept it.

>> No.23369438

Don't worry, we can have Le Doomer Jesus for the next one.

>> No.23369455

Are you Indian or Arab?

>> No.23369468

Worse, my family is Mormon.

>> No.23369492

How do I get a Mormon gf?
You don't realize how lucky you are.
You can actually get to marry a virgin, a white virgin at that. That's so rare and valuable.

In an age where pretty much every other demographic on the planet has been ruined by sexual liberalism, you are part of one of the only strongholds left.

If I could marry a Mormon I would. But I don't want to become Mormon myself (am atheist).

>> No.23369502

>How do I get a Mormon gf?
>But I don't want to become Mormon myself (am atheist).

literally the one (1) thing to do for a Mormon gf

>> No.23369511

I would if I could.

>> No.23369515

then no Mormon gf for (You)

>> No.23369540
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Anon I wish it was as easy as that. Unfortunately if you're a sperg elsewhere you'll be a sperg in Mormonism. There were some amazingly cute girls at church when I was growing up and I fumbled them all, and the percentage who are still single drops precipitously after you get out of the 18-22 age bracket.
Now that I don't believe in it anymore I can't betray my own values by pretending to believe again, even if it would greatly improve my chances of meeting someone. Like, yeah, if I had never left I'd maybe be married right now, but I just can't bring myself to act like the whole thing is true when it's not.
There's also a lot of weird internal pressures in Mormonism but they don't make a whole lot of sense to outsiders. It's stuff like the way more senior positions at your church are handed out, the social dynamics of returned missionaries who went overseas vs returned missionaries who went stateside, the dynamics between SLC-area Mormons and Rexburg-area Mormons and Arizona Mormons and people from elsewhere who aren't quite lower castes or second class citizens but subtly get treated as such, pressure to have kids early, the weirdly scrupulous approach to sin and guilt in Mormonism that makes people fear for their souls after accidentally consuming something coffee-flavored, a lot more I'm leaving out. It doesn't sound like anything serious but that kind of pressure gets to people after a while, especially if one spouse is a true believer and the other isn't.

>> No.23369554

>Now that I don't believe in it anymore I can't betray my own values by pretending to believe again, even if it would greatly improve my chances of meeting someone. Like, yeah, if I had never left I'd maybe be married right now, but I just can't bring myself to act like the whole thing is true when it's not.

I was raised Catholic (not the fake American version, the real deal) and this is basically my situation.

>> No.23369557

Ordered a bouquet delivery for the 12th. Harder than you’d think to find a florist that delivers to bum-fuck Texas. All the Austin florists string you along until you punch in the zip-code and get a red error message. Considered writing a poem—we don’t have that kind of relationship; it would be strange. Considered writing some prose, but decided: ‘Love – Anon,’ was the best idea. Damn, Freud would fucking freak if he saw my browser history. Something Oedipal stuck down real deep. Not that it’s a unique fetish, clearly. I doubt she would admit it, but we are estranged. Estranged for no reason. Can’t believe how often and freely some people chat with family. I envy orphans. Family is gang-stalking. They’ve been keeping a dossier on me for 30 years! I can’t escape. Now I’ve got a nephew in the pipe growing fingers that will keep the dossier up-to-date after I outlive Them. My phone ain’t shit but an iPanopticon. Every reunion an interrogation. Re-running the days at SERE school on the flight home. Keep the interrogator talking. Stay calm.

>> No.23369572

Funny you say that. I've been considering becoming Catholic or Orthodox for a few years now. Not so much out of a need for a community, but because they align most closely with what I assess to be the real truth about metaphysics and being (though my views are probably a little unorthodox compared to someone who just goes because their family has always gone or something).
I think either way I'm not going to meet that nice girl I keep fantasizing about, though, unless a literal miracle occurs.

>> No.23369596


I dropped it only because I lost my faith.
But their moral code and how they arrive to it is very solid.

BTW Joe Biden is closer to Satan than to any real Catholic.

>I think either way I'm not going to meet that nice girl I keep fantasizing about, though, unless a literal miracle occurs.
Good thing Catholics believe in miracles.

>> No.23369598

>I think either way I'm not going to meet that nice girl I keep fantasizing about, though, unless a literal miracle occurs.

if you do become Catholic, then there are Catholic Youth Bible Studies, retreats, and gatherings where you can potentially meet these girls, as long as the age gap isn't that bad (a lot of women like older men anyways)

>> No.23369601

Everyday i get into situations where i can only conclude thatI must be retarded
Yet, everyday i also get into situations where i can only conclude everyone else manages to be even more retarded than me

>> No.23369620


>> No.23369627

Anything which makes my fellow anons happy that isn't outright immoral I support and am glad to hear.

>> No.23369645

Shaye is immortal! Plastic, spastic, fantastic!

>> No.23369650

I could easily kill you if I had an AR-15 with red dot sight among other attachments, the backing of the US Marine Corps, specifically one infantry training battalion, with you in the basement of a secret compound, your hands tied behind your back, your eyes blindfolded, and your legs surgically removed.

>> No.23369651

As I get older I find one of the best qualities in an employee is reliability. It’s bullshit when people call out often and others have to pick up slack and take on a heavier load

>> No.23369657

I got a heavy load I could contribute

>> No.23369664

Trainability is useful too. When I used to hire at my old job I was pretty happy to hire whoever as long as I got the vibe that they followed orders well. My superiors wanted to perfect candidate right out the gate and rejected everyone they came across. Then they ended up hiring a guy who wasn't particularly good but was just really good at selling himself. They fell for it hook, line and sinker - I could only roll my eyes.

>> No.23369717

sounds like a lot of these females out here to be honest.......

>> No.23369725

I should jump from a bridge

>> No.23369793

Oh absolutely.
When I see a guy show up always on time and does regular work I adore him. So many shitters around people don't understand how much you can stand out by just showing up and doing alright work.

>> No.23369813

I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend

>> No.23369836

I feel like more people need to remember that Medieval Battles could have taken place with just like hundreds of guys. Some skirmishes might have involved less than a hundred.

>> No.23369845

I gentleman'd my way into bagging the girl of my dreams, but I think once she had me she was disappointed I was not edgy enough.

>> No.23369850

What ledge, schizo?

>> No.23369898
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>> No.23369904

I literally don't do anything

>> No.23369908

This is funny, but I understand your pain as I had those symptoms for 3 weeks and may gave them still, but not as bad as they used to be.

>> No.23369912

I live above a dojo. Every day I hear young karateka’s kicks thudding in unison against pads. Chanting: ‘KIAI! KIAI! KIAI! KIAI!’ I sit reading near the open window and nod my head in approval at the tenacity of the child warriors. It’s the same feeling of satisfaction I felt listening to my mastiff drinking from his bowl. Drink up. Grow stronger.
I feel embarrassed when I see the adult karatekas in the parking garage or waiting on the sidewalk for their evening class to begin, standing in flip-flops and gis wrapped with yellow belts. Adult men with pot-bellies and unkempt thinning hair. Unathletic, delusional, probably pedophiles. Do they really want to learn karate after 40 years without throwing a kick? Why? You want to ‘get in shape?’ Go for a run and stop eating. Why are you paying $200 a month to punch air and play dress-up? It’s pathetic. If you want to learn how to fight you'd be in a boxing class or BJJ. Why karate? You are a man with a sensei who needs to schedule a prostate exam. I’ve seen sensei Han’s Porsche in the parking garage. He is working you morons.

>> No.23369959

your dog isn't some desert succulent you dumb bitch.

>> No.23369964


>> No.23369969
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, 71aTD2ZKCLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro it isn't a cold or sinus infection. It is allergies. Trust me bro. Get some antihistamines and flonase. Also buy pic rel. It will go away in about a week with all that together

>> No.23369983

Why is that a good thing?

>> No.23369986

I just got two calls in the span of 10 minutes from my sister's school and now my sister is coming home after just about 3 hours of being at school, she literally does this every single day. At around this exact same time every single day she'll start to complain that she feels sick, is in pain for some bullshit reason or that, and this is the kicker, is just having a bad day, and she'll go to the sick room which will make the school call me and ask me what I want to be done with her to which I will say something along the lines of "send her back to class for an hour and if she comes back then just send her home". When I was just on the phone with them, I said that exact thing, and then 10 minutes later they called back and said that she is refusing to go back to class so they have to send her home, this is insane, they can't even make a student at their school go back to class, a student gets to decide whether they're at school or not, this is fucking insane. And I said to the lady on the phone "I'm not tryna sound rude, this is a genuine question, but can't you guys just send her back to class?" and she in more or less words replied with "We can try but if she refuses then it's out of our hands". Am I insane for thinking that that's ridiculous? The lady on the phone was really nice and she sounded fed up as well, I sympathised with her, I even told her that, but man this is ridiculous. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, I'm just kinda fired up right now and getting all of this out as quickly as I can.

>> No.23369989

>Beginning around World War II, this historical pattern of family government began to change. Young adults began to live on their own, and to postpone marriage. A new life stage for young adults began emerging after 1960, the Independent Life Stage (Rosenfeld 2007). https://web.stanford.edu › R...PDF
The Independence of Young Adults, in Historical Perspective

>> No.23370020

When a generation was brainwashed by jews into hating their own race

>> No.23370027

Does anyone want to time travel to pre-2016 /lit/?


>> No.23370055

My stomach hurts. Make it feel better.

>> No.23370056

I don't understand why some people are obsessed with clarifying nietzsche anti-antisemitism, he hated antisemitism because at the time was common especially with Wagner circles, he was more a contrarian (hellenist too) than actual anti-antisemitic, in fact most of his Christian critique can be applied to Judaism as well, he recognized that jews had an enormous will but still poisoned by their Semitic moralism

>> No.23370058


>> No.23370071

Homosexuality and transgenderism are almost certainly like hormonal disorders right?

>> No.23370075

Invoke God's name to heal my tummy ache.

>> No.23370084

That psyllium husk powder has given me such bad gas bros. This sucks.

>> No.23370086

Scientific theatricals probably aren’t the effective solution you’d pilate over

>> No.23370091

maybe i shouldve had dinner with my grandpa tonight.
some guy tried to buy my dinner, but i had to tell him that i was just dropping him off.
i had just helped my grandpa get into and out of the shower and i was covered in sweat from a long day at work and i just wanted to go home.
i can already tell i'm gonna be thinking about this when he's dead.
it was very kind of him and i felt like an asshole for not letting him buy my dinner.

>> No.23370098

Maybe for true blue faggots, the ones who lisp from birth, but a lot of gays/trannies are just bisexual dudes getting off on power fantasies (either being totally degraded or totally degrading others)

>> No.23370122

No, even same sex hormonal prescribing is fucking nuts, women are doing estrogen for skincare and men are doing t because of memes. I mean it's not even just sex hormones, know anyone with diabetes or thyroid problems who isn't getting fucked?

>> No.23370127

Wait bros, all that bad gas preceded my first solid shit in a very long time. It appears that this husk powder is working, but I am merely using it in excess

>> No.23370217

holy shit I haven't thought about shaye st john in years. holy fuck

>> No.23370243
File: 179 KB, 828x804, GM01kW8WcAIaSmS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take an hour lunch break then spend 30 minutes extra on my phone before really getting back to work. Haven't jacked off in 2 weeks. Pretty horny. Need to socialise more with different people. Nervous to go to an art class tomorrow morning.

>> No.23370249

Don't you just hate when you dislike someone but still think they're funny and cool sometimes?

>> No.23370268

You didn’t catch the feeling of anything. Those thoughts are entirely of your own creation.

>> No.23370277

Being the shorter and uglier sibling is so much worse than simply being what you are because you know for certain that you could have rolled far better stats at birth, but fortune simply wasn't on your side.

>> No.23370279

I tweet anons post as mine to get likes

>> No.23370303

mastiffs... I think there's something wrong in their breeding that they drink so much water. animals (humans incl.) shouldn't be drinking a lot of water, it's bad for the digestion. and water is a solvent it just leeches nutrients.

>> No.23370328

If I could code, I would dedicate myself to making a videogame entirely on the premise of eugenically breeding or misbreeding people to do tasks and fight battles through history.
Or alternatively make it a porn game so I actually get a RoI.

I am ever the utilitarian, filthy terrone village mayor that I am.

>> No.23370329


>> No.23370340

i don't think it's one definitive cause. i like to give people the benefit of the doubt and say it may be a hormonal or biological disorder in nature, that is, something outside their control. fine, then they have the obligation to keep it to themselves and keep quiet about it, there is no need to glorify an illness. and then there are those that simply delight in such activities, that fall into lust, which of course, is a moral disorder, even if it had its roots as a natural one. sometimes they go out of their way and say it is fine, even though they know it bears no fruit of children (and don't give me the adoption argument, because that still wouldn't excuse the need to conduct the activity)

i do not know if this makes sense but nonetheless, the people themselves are fine, there are to be treated with sensitivity, kindness, and respect, for who knows what they have gone through in life. the act itself however, remains inappropriate and that is important to keep in mind

>> No.23370343

link? do you post every post indiscriminately or only some? what are some examples of posts that have received a lot of replies, out of curiosity?

inb4 it's just a bunch of incelposting about women

>> No.23370357

It's just one of those days. I don't want to write, I don't want to watch anime, I don't want to watch a movie, I just feel like shit, I want to lie down but lying down will feel like shit because I won't be doing anything, I don't know, man, I'm really depressed right now.

>> No.23370393

I post peoples tweets as anons to get (you)s

>> No.23370400
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, Generic gold ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you imagine a ring that gave its bearer knowledge of ALL sales and purchases and knowledge of how anything traded on any market are immediately used, would be like?

>> No.23370410

Cool, I guess.

>> No.23370411
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>> No.23370416

hey take it easy man, it's gonna be alright. things are gonna work out. you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. just breathe, get some rest, sounds like there's a lot on your mind. or maybe even walk it off, throw some stones at a pond or park

>> No.23370417

I lied down on my bed and listened to some Jim Croce, I feel 1% better now, fuck you for dying so young, Jim.

>> No.23370422

Getting tired of the endless race baiting here. Need to find a forum devoted to a subject matter I enjoy that's not infected by the rise of idpol or petty partisan politics.

>> No.23370434

Devoted both to a subject matter I enjoy while offering cordial personal discussions too in order to forge potential friendships.*

Most forums don't really have a balance of those two.

>> No.23370437

Lied? Laid? I looked it up and I'm still confused. I hate English sometimes despite it being my native language.

>> No.23370447
File: 256 KB, 749x802, pol-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, /pol/ doesn't know how to keep within its' board. It's a scourge on /x/ as well as /g/. Off topic comments and trolling attempts (oftentimes race bating is a troll attempt) can be reported by clicking the triangle next to a post button. That said, thank god for various random old forums and even conventions. I went to a literature convention this year. There were panels on the Oxford coma and choosing an editor. It was amazing.

>> No.23370455

We created God, not the other way around. And we will recreate Him in our image.

>> No.23370460

I'm schizophrenic and I've been getting angrier and angrier with my life and the way people treat me, the way the world sees me. I am a peaceful person but am honestly afraid of where I will end up in the next 10 years. I'm not sure of what to do but my friend recommended asceticism. I do believe I am headed for a dark path if I cannot conquer my vices now.

>> No.23370467

I prefer older PHP based forums where people have an avatar, signature, and so on. There would also be blocking functionality.
I am trying to find one for birding or some other nature related activity, maybe scuba diving, where there is also a discussion forum where people talk casually about their daily lives. This can also allow you naturally flowing rhizomes to be created (e.g., birders talking watching films like Kes or getting into Wingspan or other ttgs). This way I might be able to make a friend.
However, I worry that my views might be considered "extreme" since I do read and agree with anti-modernists like Pentti Linkola, Spengler, Klages, Kaczynski, Skrbina, etc.
I despise both Reddit and this shithole. I don't even know why I post here. Maybe it's because I am less censored here.
I've been on this shithole long enough that I genuinely assume the worst of you people, and idgaf about you.

>> No.23370468

I live in a hick shithole and there's nothing of the sort.
It's not even that small a town.

>> No.23370470

Ignore typos.*
>you naturally flowing rhizomes to be created (e.g., birders talking watching films like Kes or getting into Wingspan or other ttgs).
rhizomes to organically be constructed (e.g., birders discussing films like Kes or getting into Wingspan or other ttgs).*

>> No.23370475

I don't want to meet my future partner because of technology, I want to meet them in person, that, however, now seems impossible.

>> No.23370477

I lived in the Deep South for a large portion of my life, and you people are boorish hypocrites. A bunch of savage bullies and slaves of Jews. Dumber than even the Taliban.

>> No.23370478

Some general tips:
> Most people can't know you and won't get to know you. If they hate you at all, they hate the surface level at best. Ignore them.
> Humans are generally assholes to each other because people were assholes to them. Don't be an asshole and the assholery will slowly reduce over time.
> You are the one who decides your own outlook. You can focus on the good in your day or the bad. Try to focus on the good more than the bad, even if the good seems small. It makes the bad more bearable.
> Finding a psychologist is like dating. It can take a few tries to find someone decent. So if your first psychologist doesn't understand you or you don't feel heard, try a different one.

Personally I found Asceticism works best when within a framework. Find a belief set you are OK with and use it. It's OK if it's your own beliefs or a patchwork from several sources. If going with Eastern style, start with Tao Te Ching and move from there as most other works are based on it to some degree.

Hang in there.

>> No.23370485

I posted that first.

It's no just 4chan.
There is a concerted effort in western media trying to push the view that traditionalism/conservatism is essentially just being a racist bigoted insular NPC retard.
And it's a both sides kinda affair.

This whole alt-right nonsense took the latent bigotry present on the right side of the political spectrum and made it the entire identity of the party.

>> No.23370487

>Gonna be a wageslave for the rest of my life.
>Never gonna be a millionaire.
May as well kill myself right now, right now today.

>> No.23370495

I know the complexity of the situation, but I am tired of endlessly fixating on it. Spengler predicted much of this. Modernity itself was a failure, yes.

Regardless, here's a warning for you: going around and bashing random minorities and either we wuzzing or insulting entire cultural legacies is not the way to win friends. It ceases to be a matter of "bantz" at that point. Turning everything into a clash civilizations or races is not in your ultimate ethnic interests.

Moreover, I am sick and tired of how you reduce everything to humanity. There is more to life than just endlessly obsessing about idpol or tribal identification. I want to find a PhP forum to talk about birds or scuba diving or some other nature related activity (and controversial deep ecology is not banned) where discussions about one's personal activities are occasionally encouraged in their respective sections.

>> No.23370497

I know a guy who has taken care of his schizo younger brothers for almost 40 years and never once gotten angry at them even though I know deep down he is screaming in pain, because he knows it's not their fault. Every time I get mad at my own mentally ill relative I think of him and how he has never asked for a moment of recognition or praise for being so good. He just did it because it was right, including for decade after decade where nobody even knew he was doing it.

There are good people in this world. Most people are not doing well, most people are confused and battered, bent into ugly shapes, but that's all evil really is: confusion.

Sometimes it helps me to remember this. The people you think are the perpetrators and allies of the world's evil are themselves victims of it. They are your fellow sufferers. Obviously, you have to protect yourself from them - no one is saying put yourself in harm's way or turn the other cheek to an absurd degree. But it makes it seem less like "you vs. the world" when you realize we're all coping with evil in our own ways. And it helps me to understand that conquering vices, staying strong, doing what's good because it's good and not because I want credit for it, doing it even when I get the opposite of credit for it every time, is its own reward and doesn't need any external reward.

To me, joy and kindness are always stronger than cynicism and bitterness. Truly joyful and kind people can withstand any ugliness, because they are "bigger" than the ugliness and see it from a higher vantage, seeing it for what it is: pitiable.

>> No.23370505
File: 434 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240510-022226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing of the past. Fuck 4chan, Fb, Discord, and reddit all. Literally ruined one of the few interesting things of the past Internet.

>> No.23370509

Most literary cons don't advertise as such. Usually this is because they started as a different kind of con then slowly shifted. The one I went to was in Virginia: Ravencon. Wikipedia says it's a scifi con, but the giveaways that it's really a literature convention are the book readings, book launches and panels/tracks by authors. It's at around 70% /lit/ stuff with 20% horror and 10% /TG/. Reading a con schedule will usually give you a good idea of what kind of con it really is.

TL;DR: Get into the con scene out there, even if tiny. You never know what you'll find.

Do a search anywhere but google (search bubbles suck) and make sure you use anti-terms bu putting a - in front of a word like "-Reddit". Anti-terms help remove repeated website listings by removing terms or even entire sites. Talk in the off-topic sections and eventually you can get to know people if you are a regular.

Anyway, a few things a quick search brought up:
> birdforum.net
> gardenweb.com/discussions/bird
> audubon.org/news/how-meet-other-birders

> I genuinely assume the worst of you people
You sound jaded by the jerks. Many of them are loud samefags so there's less around than you would think. that said, I can understand where you are coming from.

>> No.23370516

Currently bedridden with a bad tummy while on vacation in a new city. Horrible experience

>> No.23370518

I finally figured out what subject I'm interested in.

>> No.23370519

Hick isn't a south specific term. I just live in fucking nowheresville, the third world.
4chan actually had its place on the old internet.
Completely anonymous. Now, Twitter, that's real cancer. Turns you actually retarded at a faster rate than 4chan.

>> No.23370520
File: 335 KB, 800x904, 1702377163638774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pray for you.

>> No.23370522

Must be nice.

>> No.23370525

Which one?

>> No.23370527

It was only 10 years too late.

>> No.23370534

Medieval history. I know because even the books that have reviews calling them boring were interesting to me.

>> No.23370535

Whenever I meet a new girl I say our names together in my head, and it's surprising predictive of our future.
It's because I have a very traditional name and I also happen to have traditional (I don't mean bigotted) values.
If she has one of these newagey names I know instantly that she grew up in a household that is alien to my values.

>> No.23370536

Huh. Good for you anon. Any subtopic that interests you or just in general?
How traditional are we talking?

>> No.23370540

The first one seems all right, but it doesn't have a personal discussion section.
Humorously enough, TheApricity is *stylized* in a manner I like, but I want the forum to be devoted to a subject matter I enjoy like deep ecology, birding, scuba diving, or something like that. I am tired of idpol, but I am merely referring the design of the PHP forum, TheApricity (note, The Lounge). Funny how the only forum with a vague sense of community I can find is like 4chan edgy bs.
I don't even have a Twitter, and I agree it's bad too.
It's hard to say which worse: 4chan, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I absolutely hate all of them.

>> No.23370543

I like learning about the different daily lives, like merchants, cooks, prostitutes, young women, diplomats, etc. and all the little details down to the specific numbers of things like what exactly they're trading. It's comfy to me.

>> No.23370544

I can confidently say that I've never laughed at Jimmy Carr, like, there are comedians who I don't like who have made me laugh once or twice but I've never even chuckled at the guy. And don't get me twisted, I've got nothing against Jimmy Carr, I'm listening to a podcast right now where he's the guest and I'm enjoying it, he's an interesting guy, but man is he oil and I'm water.

>> No.23370552

After a certain point of broken english, discourse becomes impossible.
This shit feels like talking to an alien.

>> No.23370579

This might sound crazy to some but I really appreciate this website and the people on it, especially /wwoym/, I can vent here and you guys will keep me honest and be honest with me, I also don't feel any cringe when doing it because it's completely anonymous. Thanks.

>> No.23370596

Thank you. It's all in a day's work. I've been grinding 4chan at least a few hours per day.

>> No.23370601

this makes me sick to my stomach

>> No.23370602

I don't like it at all.

>> No.23370604

I squeezed my stomach to make it stop hurting, but I squeezed my internal organs too hard.

>> No.23370612

I mostly stay in 4Chan for the community, too. The ones who aren't trolls are always dead honest. You learn a lot here.

>> No.23370624

I hate 4chan and most people here. I don't know why I post here.
I am still trying to find an active PhPbb forum that interests me. I remember there used to be more variety of themes with them.

>> No.23370669

The story of Gemistos Plethon makes me wonder whether neopaganism is a sure sign of civilizational decline. Not in a "why didn't they just stay christian" kind of way but in the sense of "people don't tend to see sense in this sort of thing unless the main narrative of their civilization is completely discredited and proves itself to be completely inadequate for their cultural needs".

>> No.23370709

My roommate is one of those guys that thinks any film in a foreign language is immediately pretentious. I'm not the kind of guy to try and convince others to share my tastes because ultimately I don't care, so it's not like I even like I try to win him over or anything like that. It only came up this time because he asked me what movie I was seeing tonight, and it happened to be a French film. Immediately makes a snide comment. Was I meant to lie? Am I pretentious for simply existing?

>> No.23370712

It's good to post in a place where you know at least a couple of real people are going to read it. Unlike posting into the void on twitter or wherever.

>> No.23370715

4chantards are not that different from Twitterfags, really.

>> No.23370716

Sure, that wasn't my point. I don't have any followers on twitter though so no one sees my posts.

>> No.23370719

There’s this really handsome online guy who doesn’t know I exist, but I want to marry him and have his children. If I constantly think about him, will that manifest some sort of transcendental spiritual attraction? Has anyone ever communicated to someone via mindwaves?

>> No.23370720

Twitter is much more insufferable, Elon really killed that website, I honestly don't know how he has dickriders.

>> No.23370729

Both 4chan and Twitter make me bloodthirsty.

>> No.23370732

I don't know if I'm that handsome really, but if you think so...

>> No.23370733

So many things that are hot about women are recursively fractally potentially infinitely meta-hot the more you think about them. That's too much power, there should be a cap.

>> No.23370734

she was talking about me, retard

>> No.23370740

i really can't get wound up about musk
actually fair fucks to him for being that much of an annoying fat get

>> No.23370743

I might be talking about either of you. I feel like he’d be on this board.

>> No.23370747

i feel like that's rape culture

>> No.23370752

I have some friends who are pretty normal people, I wanna do psychedelics with them, I wanna see my friend from Hong Kong who's never been anything but a normal guy sit there and trip balls. I wonder how I can get a hold of some.

>> No.23370762

I hate all of you Zoomers. ADHD demon spawn. Say cruel things in other shit threads and then come here and spout the most banal lifeless uninspired shit with your mundane obsessions with fucking, doing drugs, and living a meaningless shallow existence. Like a puppet show hosted by Marquis de Sade.
I feel consumed by hatred. You people disgust me. You are even more soulless and mechanized than bots. You "people" are asleep.

>> No.23370766

>He thinks saying all of this means that he's not the exact same.
Oh sweet summer child, you're just not self aware enough.

>> No.23370768

If you got to choose how the afterlife worked, how would it go?
I would just have it so good people are rewarded, and bad people need to be firmly corrected and shown their error, in respect to the degree of their evil, then they get a second chance.
I wouldn't bother with needing people to eat a transubstantiated cracker or belong to a specific creed.

>> No.23370779

Unfortunately for you, good and bad are subjective when it comes to what you're talking about unless of course you were the one standing at the "pearly gates" who got to decide if what they did was good or bad.

>> No.23370785

No, I've just figured out what's happening.
YOU are all puppets with the illusion of consciousness.
4chan is no different than the rest of the shitty social media. Older PhPbb niche forums were better, having more depth and sincerity to them than you ironic soulless airheaded scum who are better off dead.
As social media platforms like Facebook, Reddit, 4chan, and Twitter grew, they brought with them a shift towards more immediate, broader, and more superficial interactions. These platforms prioritize new and trending content, which can overshadow the type of in-depth discussions that were more common on classic forums. The rapid-fire nature of social media communication also discourages the slow, nuanced, meticulous, detailed discourse that older forums excelled at in the past.
Things just get worse, and you dysgenic cretins are the outcome of that. No compassion should be shown to any of you ingrates. You're all insincere losers and would be afraid of getting involved in sophisticated older forums with nice signatures linking to GoodReads and other lists, a nice avatar, etc.
You're afraid of conveying personas because you are more shallow and vain than even Patrick Bateman as his mask peeled off. You, in essence, have no qualia is what I am getting at. Zoomers have no qualia. Behind your masks there is amorphous chaos, and to purge you from existence is an act of purification. You are blind automatons reacting to the most surface level of impulses.

>> No.23370788

>No, I've just figured out what's happening.
Sure you have, bud, just like all the rednecks in Arkansas who don't even have a high school level education happened to be the ones who figured out the deep dark secrets of the most secret and secure organizations on the planet, the ones who have infinite resources to hide their shit.

>> No.23370791

I met my gf recently at a farmer's market. Anything is possible.

>> No.23370792

Thank you anon
I'm here alone nursing myself
Even my own father showed no interest in staying back to help me. In fact, he was angry and dismissive when I told him I'm feeling ill. My sickness was an inconvenience to him. Clearly the trip matters more to him.

>> No.23370794

You sound like a bot based on Deep Learning algorithms. I wouldn't be surprised if you were. I've come across several today that were posting the exact same responses across boards.

4chan is some kind of data mining hub for FEDs. 4chan is a symptom of cultural decline.

I am not saying the Internet was good on the past, but everything is just declining even more.

Spengler seemed right in many of his predictions or general framework of decline.

>> No.23370795
File: 165 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you guys are happy.

>> No.23370798

You really couldn't be more boring if you tried.

>> No.23370800

Just woke up from a nightmare where i imagined my ex started posting OF content on the porn subreddits i follow

>> No.23370802

Better to be boring than an shallow insincere Zoomer shithead worshiper of chaos like you.

>> No.23370804

You're so enlightened, I only just realised it, please forgive me for my past transgressions, you're the only one who knows the truth.

>> No.23370805

No one can respond this fast, even if it is a vapid remark. This must be a bot.

Why are FEDs utilizing bots on 4chan? What kind of social engineering is this? I did come across a few bots recently too.

4chan is mainstream, even if many people say transgressive things, so there must be some greater purpose to keeping it up.

>> No.23370808

Fast you say?

Beep boop beep boop, I'm a robot and I've been discovered, help, help.

>> No.23370811

I don't laugh at most standup comedy I listen too.
It's just sort of pleasant to follow along the act, but I very rarely find anything genuinely funny to the point that it elicits a lol.

>> No.23370813

I think standup comedians are a lot funnier on podcasts than they are when they do actual standup. I've only ever properly laughed at like one standup show.

>> No.23370819

Capitalism has a few good ideas, but we are overdue for a paradigm shift. Unfortunately, I fear we are just at the beginning of the downfall of the current paradigm and it might take my whole lifetime before we see something new emerge.

>> No.23370835

> get diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy the specturm - shout out to autists and trannies, now everything's a spectrum)
> the 'therapy highlights' is just a list of my favorite slurs
> the 'reasons' is just /pol/ references and /lit/ recommends

You people did this to me. Now if you'll excuse me i'm going to disregard societal norms and engage in excessive rule breaking behaviors Should also note my parents were present for the diagnosis and proceeded to gift me a new laptop to basically service and exacerbate the symptoms

>> No.23370863

jimmy carr? in 2024?
you must be american

>> No.23370868

Australian. And I know what you're thinking.
>Ah, you must be thinking of him cause you're basically English.
And you're probably right.

>> No.23370871

Spend more time with him, anon. I didn't spend enough time with my grandfather and now I can never spend time with him again.

>> No.23370881

The question is how to fulfill that need in a healthier way. People are obviously coping but it might be the only available cooe.

>> No.23370886

This is an understandable but ultimately weak view. High test cavemen didn't think like that, neither did conquerors.

>> No.23370893

Are there any newish standup comedian for the current Zeitgeist? Any rising stars?

>> No.23370904

Shane Gillis is arguably the biggest comedian in the world right now and he's fairly new.

>> No.23370919

Need to return to Germany in a week. NOT looking forward to it.
I'm just so jaded after my last stay there.
I don't get along with people, but Germans are something special.
And I don't know how I am going to survive.

What's even funnier is that I am supposed to be doing some social exposure therapy.
But man, do I really hate the idea of having to do that in Germany.

The whole situation is like when you break up with your gf, but you still have to share a house, and now you can barely tolerate their presence.

You know how people go live in foreign countries and come back saying how they totally loved the culture there?
For me it's the opposite: I find everything about German culture to be wrong and outdated and the whole country is going to shit so that only reinforces my views.

I really wanted to go to the US instead.

>> No.23370920

I have been reading Reverend Insanity and find the main character's unwavering commitment to both self-reliance and the pursuit of his own interests admirable. I would very much like to alter my own mindset to become more inline with this.

>> No.23370921

i see a few with millions of views on YouTube who are all doing the same thing now (saying 'controversial' things)

>> No.23370929

Why do you have to go back?

>> No.23370945

Listening to Jeff Buckley's cover of Hallelujah right now, pretty good, I enjoy it.

>> No.23370956

Meme science career that I pigeonholed myself in.
Europe is in such a shit place right now, that Germany is still the best option.

I don't have many options other than that. I grew up in a very rural part of the continent.
My dad thought that was a genius idea, to settle back here, even though he had been abroad in many countries.
Now he's sad that I don't want to spend my life here, but what am I supposed to do?
There's no nothing here. It's a miracle that we have an economy at all.

But I don't see myself building a life in Germany either. I think that is what makes me hate it.
Cause I know I am basically wasting 5 good years of my young adult life in a place I want to move away from.

>> No.23370960

Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I'm gonna be spending my entire life in a place I want to move away from.

>> No.23370962

Meh, he's not Bill Burr's level of funny.

>> No.23370964

Why would the suffering of others make me feel better?
Why cannot you move?

>> No.23370965

>Bill Burr
If your idea of funny is an old guy yelling at clouds then yeah, I guess he's funny.

>> No.23370966

Because I'm a retard who couldn't even finish high school, lol, I want to move out of my country but unless I get married and get a green card somewhere else, that'll never happen.

>> No.23370978

I don't need sophisticated comedy. I tried to watch that British guy who pretends he's the most sophisticated comic on earth and I found him insufferable.

I like how Bill Burr can manage to say every non-PC thing without being a bigot about it.

Become a sailor.

>> No.23370984

>I don't need sophisticated comedy.
I don't need it either, but I do want a little bit of variety in my stuff and Bill Burr just doesn't do variety, at least from what I've seen, I could be wrong.
>I like how Bill Burr can manage to say every non-PC thing without being a bigot about it.
I will agree with you there, he is very good at that.
>Become a sailor.
Fuck that, the ocean terrifies me.

>> No.23370986

When Bill Burr was new I thought he was hilarious, but it wore out pretty quickly. He's a one trick pony

>> No.23370991

>Fuck that, the ocean terrifies me.
Become a flight attendant, then.

>> No.23370993

Real talk?
Comedy is 90% stuff that doesn't make the audience piss off, 9% stuff that does, and 1% gold.
It's just like writing, for real, for real, as the young'uns might say (if they actually wrote anything of substance).

>> No.23370996

You don't want to be a "girl", then. You want to be weak and have someone who's stronger than you dominate you. Have you tried femdom?

>> No.23371002

Instead of giving the take-home final as a set of prompts you can complete at your leisure, that also needs to be heavily cited,
I am going to stick all those questions into a web portal,
that if happens to close, or your computer shuts down, or any other possibility of shit hitting the fan, you get a zero.

>> No.23371003

>Become a flight attendant, then.
How would that help me move to a different country?

>> No.23371006

You would spend 1/2 of your time in another country.

>> No.23371016

Not really, I'd be flying all over the world and spending a day or two in each country.

>> No.23371019

Typically you have set routes, so you could totally be living in a second country, almost.

>> No.23371071

You'd be making money to slap drunk passengers and basically not work.

>> No.23371141

I hate this new brand of alt-right "conservationism" that is basically entirely about being a bigot and nothing else.
They literally have no other values or moral (good or bad) at all.
And they are all sluts and man whores so all their talk about family values is all hypocrisy.

At least the old-fashioned conservatives had some kind of moral code. They might have been bigots, but they were at least good family men and women. Good fathers and mothers.

These new generation are all trashy grifters.

>> No.23371162

I'm just surprised anyone can listen to those vapid bitches.
Imagine tuning in to Megyn Kelly, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern or any of these people.

>> No.23371212

What puzzles me is: where are all the smart conservative leaving people?
Why aren't they making an appearance?

>> No.23371213
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1715303374243460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I could say that some irony was intended, but the cult
of stupidity has become in England what the cult of celebrity is
in the United States. To call someone clever has never been an
unequivocal compliment in England, but it takes a special kind
of perversity for students at the high school situated four hundred
yards from my hospital to say to one of their colleagues,
who took an overdose because of the constant bullying to
which she was subject: You're stupid because you're clever.

I say this and think like this

Also cynosure is a neat word I just learned today

>> No.23371218

Y'know what? I'm fine with the amount of Chinese immigrants in my country, their country is a shithole and none of them come here just to sit around, collecting the dole and making the country worse, they all work and contribute. Plus, I think Asian guys are the ultimate bros anyway, so this is a bonus for me too.

>> No.23371234

I like Chinese people too anon. You should visit sometime if you haven't, it's not as much of a shit hole as you might think. Especially the cities. I'd rather live in Kunming or Chongqing than a lot of places in the west. Any day of the week.

>> No.23371251

I know that China has a lot of stunning places, oh my god are there a lot of places in China that I would love to visit, it's just their government, the CCP is gross.

>> No.23371256

Yeah well-to-do Chinese are some of the best neighbors you can ask for. Would love to visit China as well.

>> No.23371267

small dicks, spit inside. great culture.

>> No.23371274

If this is what Chinese culture is then shit, I'm basically Chinese.

>> No.23371295


I cannot fucking believe it
That nigger (dad) comes back from his trip and starts puking. Now who's fucking faking you stupid bitch. You like that you stupid fucking cuck? Puke n shit your brains out you retarded old man. Karma will fuck you hard

>> No.23371302

I was really into the online orthodox sphere not that long ago but now I find it really annoying. It’s turned into nothing but West bashing. “The West is satanic. The whole history is bad.” There’s something repulsive about it and it’s turning me away from orthodoxy.

>> No.23371307

One of those days where I avoid looking at myself in the mirror. I suck. I was feeling so confident and ready to embrace and conquer whatever I came across in life just a day or two ago. Now no one loves me and no one will ever love me.

>> No.23371313

what happened senpai?

>> No.23371344

idk just something flipped in my brain yesterday. It'll rebound. In the meantime I guess I'll try and avoid making eye contact with anyone in public today until it corrects. Thanks for reading my post and the reply.

>> No.23371354


>> No.23371357

White Nationalists

>> No.23371362

White nationalists only look up to Ernst Junger, and that's only some of them. Most white nationalists disregard the people and culture made from ww1

>> No.23371370

there seems to be some misinterpretation on what internal monologue implies. it's not about whether or not you hear something vs. nothing (that is something else entirely). it's whether or not you literally monologue at all times.
apparently it's common, one way or the other.
do (you) do this anon?

>> No.23371382

Ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh the sun is trying to irradiate me
Sorry i'm a common use postmodern faggot

>> No.23371385

Harry Potter is just Lord of the Rings for urbanites, Spengler’s civilized men of the city.

>> No.23371388

Does therapy help with suicidal ideation? Any anons that may have gone through it, help me.

>> No.23371391

You will find little to no anons who think positively of therapy.

>> No.23371392

it's not commonly misinterpreted; it's not even a common discussion; it's just something everyone takes for granted (in either case).

>> No.23371394

No one monologues at all times.

>> No.23371396

My internal monologue was much more constant up until the age of 25. Since then, I have mellowed out, ruminate far less, and my internal monologue, while very much still there, is nowhere near as constant. I have long stretches of 'quiet' now, whereas that would have been unthinkable before. I'm also the happiest, calmest, and most confident I've been in my life so far and I believe the two things are correlated.

>> No.23371399

no, they fucking do. literal shounen protagonists. i have one friend of the bunch who does this.

>> No.23371400

Don't yell at me

>> No.23371405

I don't think that's real.
You'd be so scatterbrained. Can't follow conversations or a tv show or whatever.

>> No.23371406

i've also heard many who do this beat themselves up constantly. so that definitely aligns.
i also feel like the layer of constant subconscious translation would give you a certain literal clarity though?

>> No.23371410

right, i think it's more about how they're interpreting their subconscious. but it does sound like it'd be more 'tunnelvision' or something. it might also be the differences between each (whether you do or dont) is not that different.

>> No.23371416

Life without struggle becomes dull and you end up feeling nothing no matter how exclusive the experience. Why do you want to be filthy rich? Only reason ich an think of is to have a chance at finding a woman

>> No.23371420

>Only reason ich an think of is to have a chance at finding a woman
Now that is some limited thinking.
My God, only think you can think of is finding a woman?
These threads are filled with simps who would cum if a woman brushed against them

>> No.23371426

I hate how every book about how to get girls focuses on sex.
They talk about sex as if it was this meaningless thing you do for fun, and sleeping with girls is a game that you play where you almost have to game the girls into sleeping with you.
It's so utterly disgusting to me.

This is not me; not the world I grew up in.

>> No.23371435

4chan is unrecognizable in 2024. Too many newfags that never got told to lurk more

>> No.23371438

Tits or gtfo

>> No.23371440

>i also feel like the layer of constant subconscious translation would give you a certain literal clarity though?

Internal monologue is useful for me when solving conceptual problems because it is almost like having a debating partner. It's not that I can't do this without the monologue, but having that 'second' voice allows me to go deeper into problems than otherwise. I have a good friend who claims to never use internal monologue (which I don't quite believe, but I believe he uses it far less than I do). I love the guy but he is quite tactless and poor at reading social situations. He's always getting into arguments and pissing people off and not realising why. Sometimes I wonder if its because he literally doesnt 'think before he speaks' like the rest of my friends do.

>> No.23371442

isn't there something weird about reading a book on getting women to begin with? they're literally just other people. it's like people forget that sometimes. not that the information isn't sound; but, it's like an unhealthy reframing of things.

this is literally the 'lurk less' containment thread

>> No.23371447

Why do you think that is? Anons are too distrustful of the doctors or the doctors are up to no good?

>> No.23371451

>isn't there something weird about reading a book on getting women to begin with? they're literally just other people. it's like people forget that sometimes. not that the information isn't sound; but, it's like an unhealthy reframing of things.

Yes, but my situation is not typical.
I was wrongly socialized as a teenager: spent ages 12 to 18 without ever talking to a girl because I went to a private all boys school and I was the only one without non-nerdy friends.
And then I also moved countries as well which further compounded my problems.
And then I spend my 20s in STEM universities that are 85% male which meant I rarely interacted with girls there as well.

>> No.23371457

Northern germany is the better germany. People are a lot frendlier than in the south where i live. But yeah germany is pretty lame and full of browns and peftists, and the right wingers are retarded as well.

>> No.23371463

Read atlas shrugged to understand

>> No.23371464

just to stress the distinction. internal monologue means one is literally monologuing. as someone who doesn't do this, i am constantly working out conversations, debates, what i might say. playing it all out in my head. but i won't overtly tell myself THAT CAT IS CUTE, when i see a cute cat. it is filed away as such immediately-- but, if you then asked me what i thought about the cat, it might take me a split second longer to think about it and give that opinion. maybe.

most of my friend group doesnt monologue but are very considerate, conscientious??, whatever.

>> No.23371466

>Why do you want to be filthy rich?
Because not struggling is awesome, I've been struggling since I was a kid, my entire life has been struggling, I'm sick of it, I've paid my dues. Someone who says you need to struggle in life has clearly never struggled.

>> No.23371469

The concept of desire has me fucked up. Anyone who wants me I have zero interest but the one I want is the same with me. I won't settle for less

God give me strength to overcome desire

>> No.23371473

Therapy rarely helps men. We are warriors and there is nothing worth dying for, which means ther is nothing worth living for. The world is over.

>> No.23371477

It's a lot, I think a large portion of it is anons who heard stories from other anons who went to therapy and purposely made it difficult and didn't work with the therapist and then came out saying that it's shit and that therapy doesn't work and that it's all a scam yadda yadda yadda. A lot of anons could benefit immensely from therapy but won't go because they refuse to change their minds that they only made up because they heard stories from other anons who purposely didn't try.

>> No.23371480

Gay and cringe, unironically take your own life.

>> No.23371487

I am saying that one of the only pros of being rich is that it makes it easier to find a woman. You are a projecting low iq retard, probably brown too. Yikes

>> No.23371493

There are many pros.
You going to being able to find women shows you're some manlet stinky indian incel.

>> No.23371495

I have struggled. I am struggling now but i also know that money only solves like 10-15% of lifes problems. And too much money brings a ton of new problems with it that you cant even think of. There is no pleasurw without pain and if there was only pleasure it would seize to be pleasurable. Watch the latest AoI vid.

>> No.23371499

Logistical nightmare, buf yeah i am thinking about this a lot. You are on your high zoomer horse, whats so great about being alive today huh? Do have an answer or are you just some newfag nigger?

>> No.23371501

I am going to eat a pulled pork sandwich and take a nap instead of drawing things. That is my executive decision

>> No.23371502
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1715282134285273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.23371506

>get to the part of the Odyssey where Nausica does the laundry
>remember I need to do laundry
thank you literature, I don't know what I'd do without you.

>> No.23371507

Only a currycel needs money to attract a woman

>> No.23371512

I'll trust your dubs and give it a try, thanks. Also, how am I supposed to help help the therapist? I have no idea how the dynamics work

>> No.23371513

Daily reminder:
Some guy living in a trailer fucking a wife who he met at church or even just in high school is happier than 90% of us.
Don't overthink things. Meeting people in your local community, usually through religion, is the best way to find a wife or husband.

>> No.23371529
File: 182 KB, 626x626, A4C3BD90-79DE-42C9-ACA0-0C876A4A36F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized ive never truly lived.
Ive never gone to the bar late at night, met a girl, and hit it off instantly. Ive never flirted with that girl who I just met in that dark seedy bar, laughing over our drinks and watching that light glisten and twinkle in her eye when she just her jaws exposes her pearly teeth and laughs maniacally at some quip I made about a funny looking stranger across the room. We never walked out together into the warm July midnight of the city street while multicolored patterns of light were fixed or variating on numerous fixtures, boards, poles and signs. I never got to hold her hand and walk along the sidewalk as she held onto my arm and pressed the side of her body into mine. I never grabbed her lower jaw, pulling her face towards mine, and kissing her passionately. We never headed back to her apartment. She never looked down during the small silence before the decision to make our goodbyes or not, but then would look up at me and ask if I wanted to come inside. We never laughed and made small jokes heading up the stairs. Her round and tight ass tempting me as we approached the height of the stairs. She never drunkenly held my face and kissed me before turning around to unlock her door and open it. She never went in and pulled me by the hand into her apartment with her. Ive never went inside.

Ive never went inside

>> No.23371544

But should happiness be even a goal in life?
Happiness is a good thing, but why should it be the goal?
If I wanted to be happy I'd just overdose on heroin.

>> No.23371549

>how am I supposed to help help the therapist?
Answer their questions honestly, don't try to think ahead of the therapist (for example, don't think "Oh, they're asking me this question so that I'll give this answer so that they can ask me this question") Don't do that, it helps nobody. The most important part is just being honest. Also, if you feel like you and your therapist don't really mesh, that's fine, ask to be changed to a different one, having a therapist that you mesh with and are on the same wavelength with is huge. And don't expect it to be a quick thing, good therapy can take a while. Best of luck to you, anon.

>> No.23371556

>whats so great about being alive today huh?
That's up to you to find out, the answer is different for everyone.

>> No.23371561

>usually through religion
Gross, no thanks.

>> No.23371647

I'm buckbroken by everything surrounding Pascal's wager. I just can't come to terms with he fact that I never will have knowledge of God and there will always be a possibility of eternal torture. Even if I became a Christian, my salvation wouldn't be guaranteed. This is not some abstract philosophical question for me, it really keeps me up at night. Sometimes I wonder why people aren't constantly screaming and crying when faced with the possibility of such a horrible fate.

>> No.23371684

nigga i hate to break this to you, but this is the exact reason I dim my mind with weed and have made my only goal in life to fuck as much zoomer pussy as possible. Literally theres no telling what horrors, dreams, or pure absence awaits us beyond the gates that demands back your mortal coil preceding thy entrance.

>> No.23371706

> South America = Western, feels non-Western
> East Asia = non-Western, feels Western

>> No.23371731


>> No.23371864

There's no absence of your existence. That would be much more preferable than what denying Christ means; eternal punishment, neverending horrifying pain, forever and ever.

>> No.23371894

I honestly can’t see why everybody who isn’t a child, everybody who’s theoretically old enough to have understood what death means, doesn’t spend all his time thinking about it. Simply having everything stopping for ever, not just for millions of years. And getting to the point where that’s all there is in front of you.

>> No.23371905

Think of self-immolation, but your nerves never burn away, so it's always max pain, you never adapt to the pain, you can't do anything but burn, and you can't even pray to God to forgive you because it's too late.

>> No.23371918

How old are you?

>> No.23372657

Are you some kind of boomer or why are you so out of touch with the way things are. Also no amount of money will make a pajeet desirable