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23362959 No.23362959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are some good books on the psychology of extremism?

>> No.23362965

go back

>> No.23362972

Why not both?

>> No.23362980

Jonathan Bowden


>> No.23363001

The book "Pathological Alturism" actually deals with suicide bombers and how most are, bewilderingly, really nice people committed to a cause to the point of sacrifice.

>> No.23363004

The Authoritarian Personality is the best single volume, hands down

>> No.23363017

Crowds and Power

>> No.23363018

Fanon's Black Skin White Masks helps explain quite a lot about right wing extremists and ultra woke liberals.

>> No.23363022
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>> No.23363025

Nietzsche had some interesting things to say about socialists, proto-Nazis and ressentiment.

>> No.23363033

Demons by Dostoyevsky

>> No.23363037

Any ideology that doesn't seriously promote universal healthcare is morally worthless.

>> No.23363054
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Found your ideology for you. Remember, be sure to demand sketties at every opportunity.

>> No.23363061

>left wing extremeism
weather underground?

>> No.23363069

I think he means the retards on leftypol and revleft

>> No.23363079

not enough drugs

>> No.23363102
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The Nazi Cuck Porn addict starring Richfield Mulligan

>> No.23363104
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Only enlightened centrists can make accurate political memes now.

>> No.23363108

They weren't even punished. Left-wing terrorism is considered acceptable by the powers that be because they are effectively agents of that power, so they are never classified as Extremists unless they start attacking the wrong people. Fortunately Leftists do not hate the people actually responsible for the world's woes, they hate white people and their fathers.

>> No.23363107

natsocs are centrist after all

>> No.23363113

>weren't even punished
No they were rewarded with cushy jobs and awards

>> No.23363121
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Hitler and the nazis vs. Stalin and the tankies

>> No.23363141

Left Wing extremism is mass killing normal people out of spite. That's what it always amounts to.

>> No.23363151

so the guy on the left is protecting his people the guy on the right is protecting his position?
seems about right

actually it explains why academia is so corrupt

>> No.23363160

Or you could be an enlightened moderate like me and want to hang both of them.

>> No.23363165

Left wing should be "I use minorities and their civil rights concerns for money and power"

>> No.23363169

Suicide bombing seems to only be a difference in terms of commitment. There's always a chance a terrorist/soldier could die in their fight. That's how I view it anyway.

>> No.23363170

Nah, I put the right winger on a border post protecting the country from invasion, I hang the degenerate psycho before he urns down a school

>> No.23363172

Don't forget all of their fellow lefties they killed

>> No.23363173

actual left wing extremism is usually done by anarchists and called "propaganda of the deed", commies are mostly all talk.

But when in power they come up with many ways to kill people, gulags, cultural revolutions, marches out of the city to the country side

>> No.23363178

With the obvious asterisk being if you suicide bomb into only a group of civilians you are just as fucked as as somebody mowing them down with a gun. Fuck you

>> No.23363184

I can't think of anything exhaustive, but I think that is because it has only been in the last decade or so that extremism could be accurately put together under one umbrella (as opposed to leftist extremism, reactionary extremism, religious fundamentalism, etc.)

Part of the difficulty is that extremism requires a status quo to be extreme to. The current status quo in most western countries follows the same trends: dominance of business interests, a protective shell around the ruling class, the constant reshuffling of points of interest for political parties. The status-quo is not easily defined as each group of dissent calls it something different. I can really only speak of the United States but every extremism is treated the same here. What is capable of being co-opted to strengthen the status-quo is assimilated. Whatever cannot be assimilated is compromised, divided, and ostracized.

There are numerous examples in the US. BLM ostensibly started as a leftist racial activist group. After riots, it became centralized. News articles after 2021 show how much it became a part of the mainstream. There is little radical or challenging to it after that. Right wing groups are harder to assimilate and there are enough examples of Federal involvement that for practical purposes, right-wing extremism is not a challenge to the status-quo. Religious fundamentalism is also co-opted when it can (like protestantism which reinforces mainstream American political parties) and eliminated or harnessed (like Radical Islam).

I think there is enough historical data now that a broad book could bring it together, but that would be a work for this generation or the next.

>> No.23363186

You're such a lying faggot. Keep your retarded images to yourself you freak

>> No.23363191

And risk them "accidentally" crossing the border and starting a war?
Nah, rope is cheap.

>> No.23363200

That's mainstream leftism. The extremist version is using nigger lumpens to burn down poor neighborhoods.

>> No.23363203

No such thing. People from 1900 would consider you an extremist for wanting central banking and mass immigration. Also, I don't get why leftists often depict themselves as these meek twink faggots when they are effectively brutal psychopaths or retarded true believers who gain satisfaction from bullying people they hate. Anyway, anarchists tend to generally be paradoxical control freaks. They hate the idea of anyone having any authority over them and this insecurity causes them to seek power over others. The whole point of emancipatory thinking is rooted in this insecure powerlust. What they want is power, not "freedom"
You can see this in many figures, such as Adorno and other closeted homosexuals

>> No.23363205

>trigger happy schizos who would rather be slaves than believe they're wrong. Would happily kill just to be in their bubble before it pops
>people who want society to progress somewhat

Yeah, let's all just get along. Come on let's hug it out.

>> No.23363208

My neighbour Count faggot du nonce has been annoying lately it'll keep him in line

>> No.23363213

Then their uncle buys up the now much more affordable land

>> No.23363630

>Right Wing Extremism: "All my money to Israel"
>Left Wing Extremism: "All my money to Palestine"

there you go, OP.

>> No.23363642

>>Right Wing Extremism: "All my money to bombing Israel"

>> No.23363645
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>True Right Wing Extremism: Money is a convenient fiction and abstraction which must always be grounded in real production and subordinated to morality, we live in the reign of quantiy, usury is the most evil thing in human history, smash Anglo-American finance, smash Jewish globalist finance
>True Left Wing Extremism: Money is an abstraction coordinate with abstract wages, and abstract labor in a bourgeois world-picture that reduces all human activity to quantity, usury is the most evil thing in human history, smash Anglo-American finance, smash Jewish globalist finance

>> No.23363650
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>Or you could be an enlightened moderate like me and want to hang both of them.

>> No.23363656

Just say "it's the jews" and move on with your life, man.

>> No.23363674

Can’t really be called “extremists” when none of your major members face any real punishment and most of them get set up in cushy gigs

>> No.23363687

Right Wing Extremism:
>The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can take over the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical 'task.'
>(Martin Heidegger)

Left Wing Extremism:
>The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew.
>The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
>Bourgeois society continuously produces the Jew from its own innards.
>(Karl Marx)

>> No.23363709
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>Left Wing: Quantity
>Right Wing: Quality

>Left Wing: Inclusion
>Right Wing: Exclusion

>Left Wing: Heterarchy
>Right Wing: Hierarchy

>Left Wing: International
>Right Wing: National

>Left Wing: Immutable similarity
>Right Ring: Immutable differences

>Left Wing: Urban
>Right Wing: Rural

>> No.23363716

Close but you're supposed to Huu Huu and snivel something about milkies.

>> No.23363786

I've red (you)r comment for three times, and I still can't puzzle out if you are shill for the left or right.

>> No.23363797

>He kills baby animals for fun

Shut 4chan down now.

>> No.23363817 [DELETED] 

>Right Wing Extremism: I kill people for my retarded misanthropic ideology
>Left Wing Extremism: I kill people for my retarded misanthropic and also dysfunctional ideology.
Must be tough being wrong all the time, centerchads can't stop winning!!!!

>> No.23363861

>people who want society to PROGRESS

>> No.23363864

Me on the left

>> No.23363872

>>Left Wing: Quantity
>>Right Wing: Quality
stopped reading

>> No.23363887
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That's because you value quantity anon.

>> No.23363917

Anon should have made spruced the text up and maxed out the character count of 4 successive posts

>> No.23363923
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No, you niggerjew.

>> No.23363932


>> No.23363934

>look up Weather Underground on Wikipedia
>list of names of the major players
>click on them
>most are lawyers or academics or professional activists, not one mention of any of them being blacklisted from polite society for being literal terrorists
lol wow

>> No.23363998
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Instead of convincing me not to be racist
Why can't liberals convince blacks to become human?

>> No.23364013

Holy fuck you have no self awareness LMAOOOO

>> No.23364054
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>Marxist term
Go back, leftcuck

>> No.23364063

Yes? Do you think that Mao actually meant flowers when he said: "Political power grows out of barrel of a rifle."?

>> No.23364075
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Roger Griffin has mostly written about fascism but he ventured into terrorism. Very academic but interesting insight into the psychology like "heroic doubling."

Yeah. A lot of them can also be "weirdos." But, like, nice weirdos. Autists who want to be your friend. Many of them can be victims of trauma as well. They reach a crisis point, look for ways to be radicalized and punish themselves. I read a book recently by a journalist who sneaked into Grozny during the Russian siege with a group -- along for the ride was an American jihadi veteran of multiple muj wars and a young, nerdy Christian kid who went there to fight and liked to bore people with long-winded monologues about his fascination with the history of the Ottoman Empire. The jihadi made it out alive and became a bounty hunter in Mexico. The Christian kid didn't and is presumed dead.

W.U. was a group of Columbia students within the "Action Faction" of the SDS who led a student occupation in '68 (literally in April-May...). They were good at organizing students to occupy dorms, but were kind of like the "dogs that caught the car" when this larger wave of unrest happened, like their organizing and this student wave coincided at that moment, and they fell in love with themselves, became convinced that a revolution in the U.S. was imminent, and that they'd be like Che Guevara (they were HUGE fans of him). They also liked Fanon and Regis Debray.

Anyways, they tried to crash the DNC in Chicago, and expected thousands of people to show up, but instead it was hundreds, and they got walloped by the cops. So they doubled down. Like... CLEARLY the revolution is still on, and OBVIOUSLY the youth are going to rise up, they just need more inspiration... so let's... start building little bombs and setting them off. Most of those were not intended to harm people and they'd call them in, however, they actually would've killed people in one case (targeting a military dance), but that bomb prematurely exploded and killed several of their own guys. Mark Rudd, who was one of the central figures, talks about this with regret and espouses social-democratic politics now.

Some of the key players had their charges dropped because of a Wikileaks-tier scandal at the time in which some activists (still unknown) broke into an FBI office, pilfered documents, and mailed them to the newspapers which exposed illegal methods the feds were using to go after them. Basically it blew the feds' case. But some W.U. people who stuck to it after that went to prison for a long time for an armored car robbery. I think they had split off into a different group then though. You gotta remember there were different W.U. people and some of them were only doing militant stuff for a year or two before dropping out of it before the FBI spying scandals hit and they were basically working odd jobs trying not to be noticed, and tearing down their WANTED posters in the post office.

>> No.23364106

Any white man who wants to be left alone is considered an “extremist” by normtards.

>> No.23364114

>Anglos are evil
Good goy, be sure to subscribe to Unqualified Reservations!

>> No.23364118
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Wanting to be left alone is not sufficient now. Any European/Western/White male must associate based on shared ethnic heritage and must advocate strictly for the advancement of Western, European Males to the direct detriment of non-Europeans.

Democracy does help us.

>> No.23364125
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Also the "hating your parents" thing didn't really describe the W.U. people either. Rudd for example had a good relationship with his parents and grandparents while he was on the run! They refused to cooperate with the police (they were Jews who immigrated from Eastern Europe and had a bone-deep distrust of the authorities).

There was another interesting thing -- they were first-generation radicals. At the same time, there were also "red diaper babies" who took part in the occupations whose parents were CPUSA members (who frankly sounded a lot smarter) who believed in a "base building" strategy. So, they identified their base as these students, so let's focus on organizing them and building that out over a period of years. That is basically about building relationships. The "Action Faction" people, however, shut that down and dissolved the SDS because they were delirious and believed that there would be some kind of general uprising happening right around the corner.

They had a theory for this. In 1970, there was the Kent State shootings and millions of students went on strike across the country. The W.U. saw that as the beginning of a revolutionary movement, which would soon turn into a revolutionary army. Their theory was called the Foco theory which came from Che, which was about how small, armed, guerrilla groups can get the ball rolling on a revolution. Problem is, that is probably not even what really happened in Cuba because it was more complicated (which is a different discussion), and everywhere else Che tried it, it didn't work, and he was killed. He was killed in 1967 btw which was somehow lost on them.

>> No.23364141
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>> No.23364174

Good point. I see what you mean now. I could've worded it better

>> No.23364226

Any white man who doesn't actively despise himself*

>> No.23364292
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Private healthcare is better

>> No.23364473

I think (totally) private healthcare is bad for business, really, because smaller employers end up footing the costs for their employee health plan and raises the cost of production.

>> No.23364717

>Left-wing good.
>Right-wing bad.

>> No.23364733

>Subordinate the market to morality.
>Make retarded decisions in the name of morality because you're too conceited to comprehend why the market is the way that it is.
>Fuck up the economy.
>Cope by saying it was someone else's fault.
I think that sums up both sides here.

>> No.23364756
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.23364764

You’re surprised?

>> No.23364768

I guess but at the same time the masses make poor decisions

>> No.23364769

No. All theorists use both terms in academic papers, it’s not a “direction-brain” problem

>> No.23364843

>academic papers
>it’s not a “direction-brain” problem
Yes, it is.

>> No.23364869

The True Believer - Eric Hoffer