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23361311 No.23361311 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best single book encompassing all of world history?

>> No.23361314
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This book but unironically.

>> No.23361349

There isn't one. The only way to get a general understanding of world history is to read extensively but shallowly as a child. By the time you're a man you should be reading in-depth histories and biographies, not big-picture surveys, those are for children.

>> No.23361360

ok but what if I I already have a general understanding of world history but want to consolidate my knowledge

>> No.23362248

This. A year of high school world history will discuss the Roman Empire but go from the Five Good Emperors straight to Constantinople to the fall of Rome to the middle ages.

This leads to a lot of low IQ takes like "Christianity caused the Roman Empire to collapse".

>> No.23362265

Nta but the only history lessons I ever had in highschool were about WWI, WWII and a little bit of the French Revolution (the Terror more specifically, about how people would tell on eachother just like during the time of muh nazis).
Didn't even know what a Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great was entering college. School legit taught me nothing

>> No.23362282

Outline of History by HG Wells.

>> No.23362316
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There are more of course from the Chronicon series.
The earth is flat and stationary with a dome, however according to Jason and others it is some type of simulation. According to the occultists this is the fifth world and it's about 7000 years old, and since the last creation there have been numerous local and world wide cataclysms.

>> No.23363194

But you learned plenty about the holocaust and MLK Jr

>> No.23363253
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>> No.23363271

The World: A Family History by Simon Sebag Montefiore.

>> No.23363280
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>> No.23363385
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>> No.23363576
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>> No.23363583
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The only right answer, accompanied of course by the book Joyce used as its model (New Science).

>> No.23363607

If you want it in a single book that would be the Koran.
If you don't want to be a sand nigger I'm currently writing it.
It's called "Total Loss" and I'll be releasing it July 4th '24.

>> No.23363647

Unironically is not a word! The correct word would be literally, also Pic related is a very good book

>> No.23363842

It is now

>> No.23363859

The Rise of the West

>> No.23364916
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The Penguin History of the World - J.M. Roberts is the only work of narrative history that fits the bill in my mind.
Everything else is going to be a multi-volume series or more topical and thematic, even if they cover a geographically or chronologically broad range.
Of course, a one-volume survey work can only take you so far, but if you're asking this kind of question, you probably already know this.