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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 217 KB, 1200x1600, Franz_Kafka,_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23352136 No.23352136 [Reply] [Original]

I was about to buy into the whole Jew hate thing but then I realized this guy was a Jew.

>> No.23352138

That's part of the problem. There's a bunch of good ones.

>> No.23352140

same desu.

>> No.23352139

worse, he was czech

>> No.23352164

You can hate Jews as a group and like individual Jews.

>> No.23352166

that's my attitude towards people in general tbdesu

yeah, high school-tier edgy

>> No.23352172

Jew hatred becomes incredibly unattractive when you realize how retarded and detestable most of the jew haters are. Still not a fan of Israel's warmongering, but one has nothing to do with other. (Sure, there are probably some authors/thinkers/artists that I admire that have had antisemitic attitudes, but that doesn't change the fact that majority of jew haters are dumb and annoying)

>> No.23352174

I guess that's true. Problem is pol portrays Jews as all being manipulative evil destroyers of western society.

>> No.23352196

Just because someone is a talented artist doesn’t mean you have to like them. I love the work of Kafka and Polanski

>> No.23352201

Kafka was an outspoken Zionist

>> No.23352205

To be fair, it made sense at the time. Jews were discriminated against and all they wanted was a place of their own. Kafka was particularly insecure about his Jewishness. Unfortunately we couldn't predict the consequences of such a national project.

>> No.23352210

Some Jews are anti-zonist. I don't have a problem with them. What we are dealing with these days is not a problem of Jewish supremacy. It's a bunch of hyper capitalists using their political influence and money to manipulate the economy and culture to their short term advantage. Left or Right, doesn't matter, both sides are being manipulated. It's just that whenever they get called out for it, they throw in "I'm Jewish" card to throw people off. I doubt most of the powerful Jews in positions of power really care about their religion, let alone the people of their nation. You don't see Ben Shapiro volunteering for the IDF or even Netanyahu sending his son to fight alongside his countryman.

>> No.23352231

See, Anon, this is where you are retarded. Self-hating Jews are special because they possess something special that too many of us lack: balance between self-consciousness and inward rejection (if the balance is off, you might be a mystic or a monk). This is the beginnings of a good writer, Jewish or not. Much like how repressed fags and homo-curious straight men have many accomplished writers amongst them. This is one reason why many women are shit-tier, besides the one’s who killed themselves. You need a bit of self-disgust but not enough to outweigh the narcissism it takes to write. Kafka had the right amount which is why he asked Max Brod to burn his unpublished works, and Brod being a self-loving Jew decided to publish it and make a buck. And whether you like it or not, we are all better for it.

>> No.23352233

Zionism as a colonialist project was understood from the start. Jews, prior to the rise of Nazism, might have faced some discrimination in the west but most of it was in Russia. To Kafka it was a settler-colonial project and that is how Jews in the west often described it. Not that he would have known of course that it would grow into something that would fuck up the west for everyone else

>> No.23352245

Seriously, what is the problem with Zionist Jews? Aren't they the less problematic Jews for the West? I mean, why would you want Jews spread all over Europe and America, some which we know will never be assimilated. You have the plus of concentrating all Jews in a single territory.

>> No.23352249

Not really better because they need to parasite off another country in order to maintain their little ethnostate.

>> No.23352269
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I'm about as anti-semitic as they come but I dream of wifing a Jewess and having children with her. Ashkenazis definitely have very distinctive facial features which often makes them look comically ugly/evil and the Nazis found it easy to exploit that but for some reason I have a thing for that peculiar kind of ugliness. I would be the happiest man ever if I could convert an ethnically Jewish woman to the Path of Christ. I bet she would add some of that magic Ashkenazi genetics to mine and we would create a potent genetic mixture

>> No.23352284

They already do parasite off in way worse, stealthy ways.

>> No.23352296
File: 239 KB, 1204x1314, 1710225192245854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Jewish
>still an anti-semite

How did he do it?

>> No.23352340

>future of American Imperialism rides on the back of our stupid Jew colony that has tensions with every brown people country between them and China except for the fucking indians (also jewish)
God if only the Arabist movement went anywhere

>> No.23352345

>self hating jew

>> No.23352354

Why do people describe Palestinians as brown but not Israelis? Most Jews in Israel have brown skin. I've seen this in both the left and the right.

>> No.23352364

brown is a mindset

>> No.23352552

>magic Ashkenazi genetics

lol. love that neuroticism

>> No.23352736

hahahaha every fucking time

>> No.23352744
File: 449 KB, 1503x2000, yukio mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to buy into the whole fag hate thing but then I realized this guy was a fag.

>> No.23352754

he was masculine gay, fag gay and masculine gay are very distinct

>> No.23352763

>Path of Christ
So joining local larp community?
Your kids will be jews, and they will simply tell you to fuck off with your chistcuckoldry while reaping all the benefits of being ones of a chosen people (aliyah, local jewish networks, underground tunnels, etc)

>> No.23352771

No like all homos he was a feminine little boy who taught himself to be masculine (other examples include Rudyard Kipling, Ernest Hemingway etc.)

>> No.23352774

God I hate being half Jewish so fucking much. I hate being cursed with these rat genes to look like some Middle Eastern abomination. I literally have never felt comfortable around Whites, save for a few Greeks and Irish people. Everyone else mogs me in my own ethnicity. It's funny how the entire Western world is built upon pushing for minority rights but then there's freaks like me who look like gypsy immigrants but still have to mark myself as White since "Well where the fuck else would you go?" Armenians, Turks and Kazakhs all look more White than I do. Kafka looks whiter than I do. I'm not just a mutt, I'm THE mutt, and to top it all off I'm cursed with the same neurosis and persecution complex with none of the "tribe" benefits of being a full-blown Jew. White people are so beautiful, the real White people, but I'm not one of them. I don't think I could ever sincerely say I'm White, I'll always be this ugly, swarthy twerp, a semi-Kike amalgam of peasant underclass genes, doomed to never be able to know for sure if I simply didn't reach my potential or if the game was rigged from the start.

>> No.23352796


I know a lot of half-jewish people and they were mostly attractive, so your problem probably lies elsewhere

>> No.23352803

He died of tuberculous at 45 I think and then his entire family was exited to the concentration camps

>> No.23352812

Did you know Jesus was a Jew?

>> No.23352816

he was a good man

>> No.23352866

A few bad apples.

>> No.23352913

I was about to buy into the whole Nazi hate thing but then I realized this guy was a Nazi.

>> No.23352920
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>> No.23352922
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>> No.23352924

shut up disgusting woman. idiot bitch. franz kafka only likes maidens and virgin boys

>> No.23352933

i don't even like kafka

>> No.23352936

you will burn. kafka is god. kafka metaphysics.

>> No.23352943

He was only ethnically Jewish, his parents both converted to Christianity before he was born

>> No.23352955
File: 515 KB, 1618x266, Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 19.41.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23353024

>I was about to buy into the whole Jew hate thing
thats sad, the more educated i become as i get older the more obvious to me they are probably the biggest scapegoats in human history

>> No.23353056

lol no

They have been rejected from anything from empires and villages. There's obviously something wrong in their behavior to others that's almost universally despised. There's a pattern. You can't just say "every jewish-rejecting society from different eras and countries is wrong." Statistics and common sense are not on your side.

>> No.23353057

>the more educated i become

>> No.23353059

If it makes it any better this self hate and neurotic denigration is super Jewish so your soul is in a singular place

>> No.23353078

anti-semites are so unrational, its not like jewish people are all one big hivemind with the same beliefs

>> No.23353096

yeah. I've watched how disgusting Israeli's have behaved over recent history and found that Jewish written literature stopped me from becoming overtly anti-semitic.
reading the accounts of jewish communities around the world written by the likes of kafka, oz, Bruno Schulz, Bellow, Roth etc etc really humanised them for me and I drew back from the brink.

>> No.23353174
File: 80 KB, 493x616, mahler-mountains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the most based Jews? Here's my top 5


>> No.23353190
File: 232 KB, 1800x1200, lil-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you mean by "based"

>> No.23353231
File: 725 KB, 720x915, 1711797777362925.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've seen how shit goes down in reality, but thank god i have propaganda to prevent me from getting TOO angry lol

>> No.23353239

Not Jewish.

>> No.23353244

It's not even propaganda, just a few jews talking about their fee fees.

>> No.23353260

Proof? I literally have no other competitors for first place. It's not even a matter of bumping everyone up because of the powergap.

>> No.23353269

Prove he's Jewish. Prove something that not even academia has proven. Go.

>> No.23353283

I'm not trying to start an argument. I just know what is on his Wikipedia page. Might be bs for all I know.

>> No.23353289

Ludwig von Mises
Murray Rothbard
Ayn Rand
Ernst Kantorowicz
Abraham Stern
this is ridiculous. stealing other people's achievements and claiming them for your own tribe is a behaviour I would expect from some Eastern European shitholes. it's not like Jews have a shortage of their own notable people and not like Asspaniards have anyone elese besides Cervantes kek

>> No.23353302

I am not Jewish (at least that I am aware)

>> No.23353307

Wikipedia doesn't claim he's Jewish. It's says it's an small area of dispute with very flimsy evidence for the Jewish claim. Not a widely held opinion, let alone a fact.

>> No.23353312

>not like Asspaniards have anyone elese besides Cervantes
Is this true? Are there really no other good Spanish authors? Wtf...

>> No.23353315

this, its genuinely disturbing to hear this kind of rhetoric coming from people who fancy themselves intellectuals or at least educated. To me its a dead giveaway of an ignorant mind. When i was reading Ulysses for the first time last year i really appreciated Joyces willingness to confront anti antisemitism even though he had no dog in that fight whatsoever

>> No.23353330
File: 191 KB, 760x1049, 1696898103240428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judas Maccabeus

>> No.23353331

Spanish language authors? there are
Spanish as in nationality? not so many

>> No.23353334

What about Jesus?

>> No.23353337

>Is this true? Are there really no other good Spanish authors? Wtf...
Nah, just anti-Spanish ignorance.

>> No.23353340

How did the new world come to surpass Spain in all the arts?

>> No.23353347

Yeah I hate how anti-semites all have that belief.

>> No.23353350

Bobby Fischer isn't Jewish either...

>> No.23353356

Spaniards are basically identical to Moors on a genetic level. their culture and Iberian architecture owes a debt to the Muslims. in Latin America those elements managed to create an independent culture influenced by but different from Spanish culture

>> No.23353401

>Spaniards are basically identical to Moors on a genetic level.

>> No.23353403
File: 316 KB, 1200x1381, Las_Meninas,_by_Diego_Velázquez,_from_Prado_in_Google_Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This only happened in music and literature. They never lost their crown when it came to painters

>> No.23353455

velazquez -- very good.
but better than rembrandt?

>> No.23353571

Best reading comprehension on /lit/

>> No.23353608

Finding half a dozen Jewish heroes is the best innoculation against the delusion of antisemitism.

There are plenty of Jewish heroes to choose from. And the best ones are adept at communicating Jewish identity to a Jewish and gentile audience. And one soon learns being a Jew is just being an extra-human (as in, a very human human).

My Jewish heroes are:

Franz Kafka (the Spiritual Master)
Harold Bloom
Norman Finkelstein
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Isaac Singer
H--- and H---'s Grandpa (personal)
M---'s Wife (personal)

>> No.23353611

You shouldn't hate jews for being jews. You should hate them for being germans.

>> No.23353618

What about Finnegan's Wake? Who are we going to pin that one on? There has scarcely been a book lacking so much in tangible meaning.

>> No.23353623
File: 244 KB, 800x978, 1697424267507744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we go back to dressing like this?

>> No.23353631
File: 22 KB, 657x527, c63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I've studied Jewish history and culture, the more I've been cleansed of anti-semitism.

>> No.23353636
File: 13 KB, 212x325, Christopher_Moltisanti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are when going to finally get a BIOPIC with pic related playing him?

>> No.23353660

Stupidest idea I have heard. Besides what would a Kafka biopic even have in it?

>> No.23353664

based. I love Jews (I'm Jewish).

>> No.23353669

2 off

>> No.23353694

>And one soon learns being a Jew is just being an extra-human (as in, a very human human).
Crypto-supremacist detected

>> No.23353859

I think it's healthy to recognize a distinctly Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. The problem is if you implicate every single Jew into it. Like people will say Schoenberg and Kandinsky ruined art but you will find Wagner and Webern had more to do with making "ugly" music, the first opening the door for music to become hyperchromatic. By the end of the 19th century, people were already talking about the omnitonique (so called "atonality"). Schoenberg was just a natural progression from Wagner and Brahms. But Schoenberg's music always had strong thematic content. At the other end of the spectrum is Weberns dissolution of theme and development from music. And then come the charlatans like Cage and the Darmstadt and American schools. But anyway Schoenberg's atonal compositions are no different than the freewheeling of Scriabin in his Mysterium. But anyway there is no Jew to pin the depredation of literature on, James Joyce is responsible for "ugly" literature. I don't know enough about art to speak on Kandinsky but I personally find some of his more geometric works pleasant. Anyway I think this Jewish conspiracy has always been financial and political rather than aesthetic.

>> No.23354026

Brown hands typed this.

>> No.23354071

That’s actually true though. It’s hard for me to believe that anyone with an IQ over 100 could argue otherwise at this point.

I mean didn’t your high school English teacher tell you to always investigate the author of what you read first?

>> No.23354076

Yeah but most those good ones are self hating

>> No.23354089

I hate to quote Hitler but didn’t he say if Jews were to establish a homeland it would function as a headquarters for organized crime? Pretty sure he predicted Israel a long time ago

>> No.23354094

No, the kids always turn out Jewish and steal your genes. Their “magic” is functional psychopathy, not something you want to mix your genes with

>> No.23354221

actually very high iq post.

>> No.23354232
File: 817 KB, 1816x2354, Ezra_Pound_by_Alvin_Langdon_Coburn,_1913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

likewise, who's responsible for more bad poetry in the last century than anyone else? an antisemite

>> No.23354311

breathe bro

>> No.23354318

I don't understand whole jewish hate thing. Why should hate the old jewish couple running small deli for the crimes of evil jews in power?

>> No.23354490
File: 241 KB, 640x800, 8mjwaf2oajw31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finances and politics literally define aesthetics through propaganda

>> No.23354828

Chomsky (he basest Jew of all, except maybe Jesus?)

>> No.23354834

Seinfeld, Larry David

>> No.23354839

I guess hating Jews has become too mainstream now.

>> No.23354847

Totally agree.

>> No.23354974

Seinfeld himself is cringe. The real genius is Larry.

>> No.23355003

Schoenberg famously said after doing some atonailty, 'I have secured German music for the next 100 years.' So he probably thought of himself as german before jew. Wagner is a charlatan in my opinion. I don't think he's very good at music at all, a craftsman.

There's no jew conspiracy anywhere. Jews have been funneled into accountancy and banking centuries ago because they weren't permitted to do so many jobs back then, and because they're close knit by culture and language there's going to be a lot of them in finance. They're a smart race because they all had to read the Torah growing up which is difficult. What I'm saying is there's just as many jews who are against the finance and elite hegemony of the world as there are involved in it. If you're a smart guy with numbers then you may end up there as many jews are.

>> No.23355032
File: 47 KB, 1024x719, 1713756324071475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23355033

Yesh it was like that, is that a meme from 300bc?

>> No.23355038

Not all "Jews" wanted to be Jews. Those that generalize have collectivist and fatalism beliefs.

>> No.23355403

I don't understand how subhuman lying kikes like you can tell yourselves you're not pure malicious evil.

>> No.23355406


>In 1933, Schoenberg wrote an open letter to several Jewish musicians, emphasizing the need to “make the Jews a people once again, and unite them under a government in a determined and precise territory.”
>"It is that I am not a German, not a European, indeed perhaps scarcely even a human being (at least, the Europeans prefer the worst of their race to me), but I am a Jew."

>"It is the task of Israeli musicians to set the world an example of the old kind that can make our souls function again as they must if mankind is to evolve any higher."

>> No.23355434

Ok maybe he changed his mind over the course of his life, makes sense considering the world changed quite a lot for Jews didn't it cringe head

>> No.23355444

Did actual German.composers agree he was making German music?

>> No.23355479

If you want to find Jews in art at the time look at artdealers, patrons, critics and theorists. When it comes to avant garde painters Pisarro, Modigliani and Chagall are pretty famous. In the USA there were many more but they only got succesfull later on.
Also it seems Kandinsky wasnt even Jewish.

>> No.23355505

But Kafka literally hated himself
He was more of a jew hater than you are

>> No.23355516

One foreword guy said Kafka said something like 'How can I fell part of Jewry when I don't even feel part of myself.' And the foreword guy thought that was quite a Jewish thing to say.

>> No.23355520

are jews guilty of that non jews aren’t?

>> No.23355530

I don't know, they didn't cover that at music school, or maybe I was away that day. I think he was already quite famous having done verlacht nacht which was late romantic in style sort of like Klimt or Picasso having established they're good at painting and then veering off

>> No.23355719

I want to commit a holocaust (for real this time) with a Jewish gf.
Of course we won't breed.

>> No.23355731

I'm kind of starting to like the jews more now that everyone hates them. Just the talented ones, thoughbeit. Mediocrities will get the boot.

>> No.23355848

>Stanley Kubrick
checks out

>> No.23355866

The twitter hysteria really is classic antisemitism but the term has become meaningless to popular culture. Over a decade ago I said that in a decade I would probably be defending jews from an overcorrection in mainstream opinion and here we are. Similar things will happen with blacks and muslims, when the naive ideologues flip they tend to have the zeal of the convert.

>> No.23355901

>Similar things will happen with blacks and muslims, when the naive ideologues flip they tend to have the zeal of the convert.
It's already happening. Attacks against any individual of a group that wannabe nazis consider undesirable are seen as justified.

>> No.23355920

I don't know what happened to jews that they ended up with such an unpleasant physiognomy, even their brothers, the arabs look less unpleasant in general than they do.

>> No.23355957

That's because gentile artists who innovate and reform and experiment are usually assumed to do so in good faith, while jewish ones who do similar things are always presumed to do so in bad faith. The background of the artist can change their perceived intentions drastically, just like we treat insults from outsiders and tough love from people we know separately despite the two often sounding similar.

What people perceive as obscurity in modernism actually started with the symbolists. But all the important symbolists are gentiles so that doesn't really change what you're saying.

>> No.23356219

pol vindicated again

>> No.23356276

Obscurity is not the reason why modernism sucks.

>> No.23356284

Only David, Solomon, and Judas could you even possibly call jews. Samson’s human father wasn’t a judahite, and the angel was his real father. Abraham existed before Judah or Esau, so before anyone you could call a jew existed.

>> No.23356300

Jewess women are beautiful, but they hit the wall like a jackhammer

>> No.23356303

All women do. Avoiding the wall depends on very specific genetics together with healthy habits, not just ethnicity.

>> No.23356307


Earlier in the discussion I know, but can you extrapolate on the formula of self-consciousness and inward-rejection? That sounds like a fascinating interplay

>> No.23356312
File: 560 KB, 2424x3232, 636256159271903913-DAVID-ROCKEFELLER-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, jewesses (all Jews actually) basically fucking melt
Not like other people

>> No.23356316

That guy was literally like 100 years old there lol
come on

>> No.23356333
File: 2.99 MB, 4382x3195, lawrence-brooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was 100+, and a normal guy not a billionaire
There's "motherfucker is old" and then "motherfucker turned into a demonic goblin (Jews)"
You disagree, but now that I brought it up you'll start seeing it
Check out how Ron Jeremy and Phil Spector are looking too. Evil Jews.

>> No.23356360

That's just absolute bullshit, and I'm sure you know it.
וַיְהִ֣י אַבְרָ֔ם בֶּן־תִּשְׁעִ֥ים שָׁנָ֖ה וְתֵ֣שַׁע שָׁנִ֑ים וַיֵּרָ֨א יְהֹוָ֜ה אֶל־אַבְרָ֗ם וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֵלָיו֙ אֲנִי־אֵ֣ל שַׁדַּ֔י הִתְהַלֵּ֥ךְ לְפָנַ֖י וֶהְיֵ֥ה תָמִֽים׃
וְאֶתְּנָ֥ה בְרִיתִ֖י בֵּינִ֣י וּבֵינֶ֑ךָ וְאַרְבֶּ֥ה אוֹתְךָ֖ בִּמְאֹ֥ד מְאֹֽד׃
וַיִּפֹּ֥ל אַבְרָ֖ם עַל־פָּנָ֑יו וַיְדַבֵּ֥ר אִתּ֛וֹ אֱלֹהִ֖ים לֵאמֹֽר׃
אֲנִ֕י הִנֵּ֥ה בְרִיתִ֖י אִתָּ֑ךְ וְהָיִ֕יתָ לְאַ֖ב הֲמ֥וֹן גּוֹיִֽם׃
וְלֹא־יִקָּרֵ֥א ע֛וֹד אֶת־שִׁמְךָ֖ אַבְרָ֑ם וְהָיָ֤ה שִׁמְךָ֙ אַבְרָהָ֔ם כִּ֛י אַב־הֲמ֥וֹן גּוֹיִ֖ם נְתַתִּֽיךָ׃
As for Samson, he was a Jew because his mother was a Jewess. The question of Manoah's fatherhood is irrelevant here. A child born of a Jewess and a Gentile, or of a Jewess and a slave is legitimate.

>> No.23356388

>And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew.
The lack of cognitive dissonance in this thread is astonishing. I thought /lit/ was one of the smarter boards.

>> No.23356398

Isn't "the lack of cognitive dissonance" a smart thing

>> No.23356409

Not really. /lit/ should have been smart enough to this problem.

>> No.23356411

Oh, so you're an ESL. Figures.

>> No.23356413


>> No.23356426

You don't even understand what ESL means. Even more fascinating is how you try to use it to justify your prejudice to cover up your lack of understanding of things. No wonder you missed the obvious.

>> No.23356432

You don't know what cognitive dissonance means

>> No.23356449
File: 242 KB, 329x380, 1696787257631984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for whatever ridiculous excuse you've got cooking. What a laugh. No one would make fun of people for being ESLs if they weren't so desperate to hide it.

>> No.23356732

Why would I care about personalities? They can all be swines or all be splendid people and my position doesn't change. They have a strong allegiance to a tribe I'm not part of. That's enough to not want them interfering in any of my shit like through ADL regulating my speech or international Chabad propaganda centers.
The current uninformed prejudiced hysteria doesn't touch on those actual international crimes of jews or Israel like the illegal nukes, the focus is entirely on the evil of wanting to secure their nation state against third world leeches funded by foreign entities wanting to destabilize. Instead of talking about the very obvious public ways in which jews manipulate the world elaborate stories about secret cabals are made up and spread with the implication that only jews do this sort of thing. If you believe that you're vulnerable to manipulation from all the other tribes and some of them are much better at it, especially at being likeable which is the most powerful weapon of a manipulator.

>> No.23356798

>Problem is pol portrays Jews as all being manipulative evil destroyers of western society
/pol/ isn't just one person, but you're cherrypicking. Most of /pol/ just want them out, but as life goes on, they're becoming more and more genocidal and it's left the "I'm being edgy" stage and become the "I'm just bloodthirsty" stage. There used to be "decent jews" that people would mention. "One of the good ones" isn't so common anymore.
>Bro, people hate us for thinking we're superior to everyone else and want to control the world
>I know, let's actually just be that!
Shut the fuck up lol - They were always zionists, even before it had a name.

>> No.23356806

The perfect racist doesnt need to negatively depict outsiders. They are foreigners,external bodies.
That reason alone is more than enough to stir the perfect racist.

>> No.23357138

>Phil Spector
Mamet's tortured defense. If Spector was not Jewish, I could easily imagine Mamet riffing on how obviously guilty Spector was.

>> No.23357408

I never understood this argument. We know *why* Jews were exiled from all those regions, and it was almost always for religious reasons that have nothing to do with their national character.

>> No.23357497

samson's father wasn't an angel, retards. the angel only prophesized samson's birth

>> No.23357555

I never said his father was an angel, you idiot. Don't lump me in with that kofer.

>> No.23357715

I don't know what this post means

>> No.23357980
File: 8 KB, 220x145, 2132121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a goblin from Gringotts. J.K. was onto something.