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/lit/ - Literature

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23356255 No.23356255 [Reply] [Original]

Summer Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23348160

>> No.23356267

Good Star Trek books, bros?

>> No.23356283

So real talk:
Are you better making up your own unique races, or taking the old races and just changing little things about them.
For example, my dwarves have an affinity for fire.

>> No.23356293


>> No.23356298

Are there any magic focused fantasy books that are actually good?

>> No.23356304

What magic focused fantasy books have you read that you think are bad, so that we can guide you?

>> No.23356310

I don't know they're all a blur in my mind. I read most of the famous and well regarded ones.

>> No.23356313

That's famously unhelpful. Half (or more) of the answers you're going to get will be shit you already read.

>> No.23356320

Niggers who use legends, mythos and fantasy creatures without going into detail of what they are and expect you to know already can die in a fire.

>> No.23356324
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how many more hundreds of pages do i need to read about carrying bridges in this fucking book? i'm not even halfway through and i'm sick of the word bridge

>> No.23356327

Have you tried Mother of Learning?

Also , what do you want out a magic-focused story? Progression? Adventure? Exploring? Romance? I mean , I liked Release that Witch but it's not for everyone.

>> No.23356328

I don't remember much. Just vague descriptions which wouldn't help either. I don't remember titles that well especially stuff I read decades ago

>> No.23356331

>Mother of Learning
I read it. It was okay didn't like it much

>> No.23356347

There's not a single author who can write magic well. There's a reason why old timey fantasy had magic be vague and wizards being guides instead of MCs. Anyway the best in modern times is Sanderson who has inoffensive video game like magic systems. The problem with magic is that it makes the characters too powerful leading to tons of bullshit to make it seem like their journey is challenging.

>> No.23356353
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>Narnia's ending made Neil Gaiman seethe so hard he wrote this shlock
wtf I love Narnia now

>> No.23356365


>> No.23356377
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Picking up from the last thread, one of the mysteries in the BotNS I'm unable to decipher is the significance of the character Valeria. She's the last person Severian visits before he ends the book and we're never told what they talk about. There is something she tells Severian the first time they meet that I've never been able to explain: "I'm all the daughters we breed. And all the sons." Severian also says she seems older than she looks. After he becomes Autarch is there something he realizes about her that he never tells us?

>> No.23356379
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>Donate 1 million to my charity and I'll give you a chapter of doors of stone
I actually like this guy now since it's funny how he's still able to lead his idiot fanbase on for over 10 years. Same with GRRM. This shit is more fun than any book would be

>> No.23356383

Consider reading chinese webnovels.
I know of a few recent western series, they started out fine but got pozzed midway or in the end, I do not recommend them.

>> No.23356400


>> No.23356401
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I like this book and all but
>Falco Dante
come on

>> No.23356408

why isn't the space odyssey series on kindle?

>> No.23356412

Susan stops believing in Narnia and Aslan. She also becomes a party girl whore so she's not allowed into heaven (Aslanland). The other siblings die in a train crash but Aslan whisks them away to paradise leaving Susan alone on earth. This made tons of people seethe. Neil Gaiman then wrote some weird edgy fanfic where Aslan is evil

>> No.23356414

Stopped reading there.

>> No.23356428

I'm white so I'm fine, then?

>> No.23356447
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>> No.23356466

The other thing is that she has chosen pleasures of the self over helping others, even at a cost to herself:

To quote the Holy Quran:

266. Would any of you wish to have a garden with palm trees, grapevines, and all kinds of fruits with rivers flowing underneath and as they grow very old with dependent children, a fiery whirlwind hits the garden, burning it all up? This is how Allah makes His revelations clear to you, so perhaps you will reflect.

14. The enjoyment of ˹worldly˺ desires—women, children,[125] treasures of gold and silver, fine horses, cattle, and fertile land—has been made appealing to people. These are the pleasures of this worldly life, but with Allah is the finest destination.

21. Indeed, those who deny Allah’s signs, kill the prophets unjustly, and kill people who stand up for justice—give them good news of a painful punishment. 22. They are the ones whose deeds are wasted in this world and the Hereafter. And they will have no helpers.

21. Indeed, those who deny Allah’s signs, kill the prophets unjustly, and kill people who stand up for justice—give them good news of a painful punishment. 22. They are the ones whose deeds are wasted in this world and the Hereafter. And they will have no helpers.

>> No.23356471

When the hell are the english versions of the analyst 2 and 3 going to come out?

>> No.23356472

>To quote the Holy Quran

>> No.23356492

looking for a book where the world is grim and bad shit happens. but the characters or the plot are overall optimistic
like, imagine if the evil side on WoT wasnt entirely made up of incompetent retards

>> No.23356498

Sounds like something you should write.
But I second this request.
I think the main virtue of humanity, and the main reason we have fallen, is how well we deal with adversity, and how much we need it.
Without it, especially in the modern west, we are found wanting for a lack of a hill to climb, a beast to conquer, or a wild to explore.

>> No.23356515

Someone said last thread that Christopher Ruocchio's Sun Eater series was "Christian xianxia" - does anybody care to explain what the fuck that means?

>> No.23356523

She is one of the bigger mysteries in the story. Severian leaves her out for most of the story intentionally. Why? To protect someone he deems most valuable? Maybe. But Urth of the new sun almost nullifies that. So I am not sure myself.
What she may be talking about specifially has to do with cloning or artifical birthing since that is part of an accepted thing this world does that is never really gone into detail, it just is. Maybe like Severian she drank Alazbo soup, or has memories of something like the codes he gets with the autarch minds, but nothing really guides us to that conclusion.

>> No.23356529

Your soul is an eternal concern, kafir.

>> No.23356553

grrm has millions of dollars in his bank account and he can afford not to give a shit, not sure how our favorite faggot patrick can afford not to do shit

>> No.23356556

first law? the world is kinda grim, but it doesnt really dwell on it too much, more so in the 2nd trilogy, but that one sucks

>> No.23356561

>not sure how our favorite faggot patrick can afford not to do shit
Name of the Wind still sells. And he sold the tv rights to it as well. There was a bidding war. So yeah he's well off

>> No.23356576

Wasnt that years ago? I think i remember reading something about a movie that was supposed to be a prequel to books, but nothing became of it

>> No.23356583

doesn't matter. He probably got millions for the rights alone

>> No.23356585

Ultimately, though, if you sell the rights, you usually get paid up front in addition to whatever cut you agree upon.
I don't know his particular situation is economically, but unless he's a retard he's probably got enough money to quit the proverbial game right now and retire to a humble lifestyle.

>> No.23356599

Books where the MC is being manipulated by his allies while on his quest/mission to defeat the antagonists?

>> No.23356605

so you want spoilers?

>> No.23356606

You can pick almost any fantasy series and chances it will have that trope

>> No.23356612

Centaur of the Crime by Michael Angel.

>> No.23356616
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Bakkerbros, how do we feel about the videogame adaptation?


>> No.23356617

>You can pick almost any fantasy series and chances it will have that trope
I wouldn't count prophecy shit. That's more passive manipulation. Most of the time it's just not informing the MC of things until later

>> No.23356618

What the fuck is a Bakkerbro

>> No.23356620

>Are we in a sci-fi drought? Seems like boring YA and Booktok has invaded sci-fi new releases

Anyone? This got buried by retards.

>> No.23356623

>Are we in a sci-fi drought?
Sci-fi has been dead for decades.

>> No.23356626

If we're in a Sci-Fi drought, that's a signal for you fuckers to write some more.

>> No.23356627

You can try wheel of time if you havent read it

>> No.23356630

the opposite is of course The Prince of Nothing

>> No.23356632

>the thing that currently makes the most money is being written

>> No.23356633


Philip José Farmer has this a lot in his stories , if you are into sci-fi

>> No.23356636

I like the new indies I read so I don't see it

>> No.23356645

/lit/ can you give me reasons to read Hyperion?

>> No.23356647

I'm not into sci-fi but I'll try it out
already read it

>> No.23356656

Kellhus got BTFO in the end though

>> No.23356668

vtuber rants about GRRM and Tolkien

>> No.23356669

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23356670

It's a well written, and is a mosaic of cool ideas amd tropes. Robots, body horror, epic space battles, Transhumanism, you name it and it has it. Complete with a very compelling human story.

>> No.23356673

great post anon truly an incredible contribution to this thread and its ideals

>> No.23356679

I can't help but think she must have something to do with the mystery of Severian's sister. For there must be a Severa somewhere. I haven't read the other books so I might just need to get to it to receive the whole story, but it truly be beautiful if we could decipher everything from the first four books, as Severian claims we can do.

>> No.23356711

To get an idea of how big of a shitheel depressed subversive marxist cynics like Neil Gaiman are, they make wacko Muslims like this seem sympathetic to humanity by comparison.

>> No.23356715

I like this attitude.

>> No.23356722



>> No.23356726
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What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.23356738


>> No.23356747
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This book is more interesting about bridges

>> No.23356750

I hang out in /agdg/ but I didn't realize this was based on Bakker. Truth shines.

>> No.23356759

I've heard both good and bad about K.J parker

>> No.23356771

His books are very VERY samey

>> No.23356785

If you skip the suicidal/fanatical philosophy, the base concepts of Islam aren't so bad:
Be charitable, fuck your wife/husband only, avoid bragging, do not lie. etc.
These are all great things.
The issue is that terrorists use this to justify genocides against nonbelievers.

>> No.23356801

I'd still rather have islamist zealots blowing themselves up than communist midwits tearing society down.

>> No.23356815

So the thing is, right, that Communists are either deliberately lying in hopes of gaining power and status in a society where people with skills/education are elevated artificially or useful idiots for a regime in which a small cabal has power over a lot of exploited idiots, and most of those exploited idiots backstab each other to gain even another extra ration stamp.
Islam may be vicious, and filled with people who would gladly commit terrorism (in explicit defiance of their God's orders to not harm people who have not harmed them directly), but the explicit tenets are just.
Be honorable, do not enslave people through usury, treat those who you have power over well, remind yourself of your insignificance before God and do not live in hubris, and be a good person.
Compared to modern nihilistic and collectivist policies, Islam is the king of Philosophies and, if considered next to more competent philosophies, it doesn't make the top ten overall.

>> No.23356827

>Compared to modern nihilistic and collectivist policies, Islam is the king of Philosophies and, if considered next to more competent philosophies, it doesn't make the top ten overall.
Wholeheartedly agreed.

>> No.23356831

>So the thing is, right, that Communists are either deliberately lying in hopes of gaining power and status in a society where people with skills/education are elevated artificially or useful idiots for a regime in which a small cabal has power over a lot of exploited idiots, and most of those exploited idiots backstab each other to gain even another extra ration stamp.
That's basically the world of capitalism we're currently living in, though?

>> No.23356836

Even the poor in modern capitalism get to eat.
Meanwhile, the Soviets couldn't even keep their groceries stocked during years where they hadn't plundered another conquest.

>> No.23356839


It's a shame Wolfe never wrote anything from the perspective of Valeria not even a short story a novella would've been nice just to learn more about the world we never got much info about. I was a little bit bummed we neverr found out anything about the witches in the nieghbouring tower.

>> No.23356841

Gee I wonder if a century of infiltration by communist governments into Western institutions had anything to do with that...

>> No.23356860
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The Long March Through the Institutions is a real thing. Don't let any Commie or idiot try to argue otherwise.
It was the worst evil of the Soviets: not only to ruin their own country with a non-viable policy, but to infect other nations.

>> No.23356873

the short stories we did get helped to flesh out the world a little bit more.

>> No.23356982
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>> No.23357001

So many buzzwords. Do you have an original thought?

>> No.23357008

does gayman? He stole all his ideas from better writers.

>> No.23357040

Bitter and jaded faggots like Neil Gay-man don't deserve my creativity, only my contempt.

>> No.23357048

Gaiman is a sad person.
His profession only exists because ingenuity and defiance of norms, but he insists on (articial) norms being applied slavishly, quashing all future creativity.

>> No.23357053

The ones written by Margaret Wander Bonanno and Sondra Marshak.

>> No.23357059

Can you let your protag keep his honor in death by having him outnumbered?
Essentially, it simultaneously proves his mortality (he dies in combat), but also proves that he is strong (his foes could not beat him alone).

>> No.23357068
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Are any of R.A. MacAvoy's books worth reading?

>> No.23357078
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read the belgariad

>> No.23357109

The James Blish novelizations of the TOS episodes and the original novelette "Spock Must Die!"

>> No.23357140

What the fuck is happening

>> No.23357151

Daily reminder: Sauron loses because some halfling chad whose only real achievement, aside from being a man's man, is slamming a lot of halfling puss after the war is over, urges another man to get up and honor his word to another man.
Sauron doesn't lose because of the Rohirim or Aragorn.
He loses because one half-man told another half-man to do his fucking job.

>> No.23357165

Actually it's because Eru gave Gollum a lil push off the precipice on account of it being really fucking funny to have the devil's bitch-boy be defeated in such a pathetic way. Can you imagine how embarrassing that must be for Sauron? Across the Gates of Night all the Valar and fëa of Men awaiting the Dagor Dagorlad must be pointing their fingers and laughing at Mairon. Melkor probably can't even bear to look at him in the eye.

>> No.23357177

At the end, I'm not sure which is a crueler fate.
Being killed by a normal man who will go on to do nothing more than fuck his wife, or being killed by a twisted creature.

>> No.23357191

Sauron wasn't killed, he was buckbroken and put into cosmic chastity cage, which is infinitely worse

>> No.23357206

The fate is brutal nonetheless.
Even Hitler could only die once.

>> No.23357228

is The Court of Broken Knives edgy trash?

>> No.23357233
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what's great is that a man lives on as long as his enemies think about him and seethe

>> No.23357271

>Any books with incest?
This is the only relevant question.

>> No.23357282

>Can you let your protag keep his honor in death
This is literally one of the oldest themes in western civilization

>> No.23357299

It is a small thing, surely, that one's death meant a thing.
When a man dies in bed, he can rest knowing that he had many opportunities to contribute in life.
Even a man in his thirties may not have laid with a woman and sired a living child.
It is a tragic thing, to be certain. To die without an heir.
A man who inspires heirs, even those who are not his own, can at least keep his honor.

>> No.23357355

Don't be fooled its secretly a fujoshi novel about a sad gay femboy with angst who just happens to put in motion and grand fantasy plot with edge and intrigue.

Personally this is my shit but you really must be aware this is the otome version of GOT.

>> No.23357363

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn might fit the bill. The antagonists are pretty threatening for the most part and for a large part of the story the odds are very bleak for the main characters, to the point where I didn't know where the story was going during the last book. Highly recommend it.

>> No.23357374

I dunno what you mean by manipulated. Are you talking about the hero's allies being secretly evil? Or just normal allies that are manipulating him for their own survival?

Anyways, Wheel of Time really hammers that theme home and it really isn't a spoiler. Throughout the story Rand has to make a million decisions that can cost the lives of thousands while having a bunch of allies (and enemies) trying to stir him in one direction or the other

>> No.23357429

>I dunno what you mean by manipulated
manipulation has a clear definition

>> No.23357435

>Memory, Sorrow and Thorn
Don't read this. It has a cuck plot for no reason

>> No.23357443

the cuck subplot with Miriamele is the least of its problems

>> No.23357467

Not really.

>> No.23357472

Well, yes. But are you referring to "allies" manipulating maliciously or just allies with their own self-interest not necessarily with bad intentions? Either way, WOT's whole plot pretty much revolves around all of that

>> No.23357474

yeah it sucks, it's a huge boring slog

>> No.23357482

both. It doesn't have to be one or the other. I already read WOT

>> No.23357530

Belgariad. I hate that cunt Polgara so fucking much, bros.

>> No.23357549

>Belgariad. I hate that cunt Polgara so fucking much, bros.
this becomes dark and somewhat kino once you learn david eddings and his wife adopted children and kept them in cages in their basement

>> No.23357694
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>mfw I think Coiling Dragon is actually starting to get good

>> No.23357875

Would you also recommend "The fall of Hyperion" for the same reasons?

>> No.23357966
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thoughts on this?

>> No.23357990

This guy gets it

>> No.23357992

Damn another guy from agdg here. Nice

>> No.23358111

>Can you imagine how embarrassing that must be for Sauron?
I don't know, I think being so annoying that you get Eru himself to intervene twice is quite the accomplishment. Not even Melkor did that.

>> No.23358138

I appreciate the Muslims presence. I bet they would write better lit than the progressive Jew sois that currently control the industry

Btw is there any good fantasy stories that use Arab mythology? The City of Brass seems cool but it's written by a woman.

>> No.23358160
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Read Slumrat Rising

>> No.23358162


>> No.23358195

If you can make it past the misery porn beginning you will find a story that subverts your expectations time and again. While the authors naming sense is terrible and the twist are many, if your brain is even halfway developed you will get more out of it then all of sanderoni's books combined.

>> No.23358234

How many intellectual gorillas do you have?

>> No.23358272
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>> No.23358277

What is the manliest fantasy or S&S I can read that doesn't have a single drop of soi

>> No.23358282
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Read Tenebroum

>> No.23358284

How much rape and cucking does it have?

>> No.23358393
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>> No.23358417
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This book is singlehandedly responsible for killing my former Sanderfag tendencies
Do NOT read it

>> No.23358481

Wait are you recommending to not read it because it's bad or to not read it so more people don't stop sucking off Brandon Sanderson?

>> No.23358572

Fall was a bit of a letdown for me after Hyperion, but it's still a good story. You can comfortably skip the Endymion books.

>> No.23358655

hey i made that

>> No.23358688

I hope you make it into a proper game anon. Coming across that while randomly browsing Itch.io games stunlocked me for a solid minute as I would never have guessed something like that would exist.

>> No.23358797

The part with Kaladin carrying bridges is literally the best. No joke, it only gets worse from there. Dalinar and Shallans story arcs get better in comparison though.

>> No.23358880
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Anything by David Gemmell. Start with Legend and the rest of the Drenai books.

>> No.23358912

your opinion on Earthsea ?

>> No.23358975

sanderfag a hack

>> No.23359044

i like it. book two is my favorite

>> No.23359046

Just watch the show.

>> No.23359047

>i'm sick of the word bridge
you don't know pain until you read "hands clasped behind his back" for the 200th time.

>> No.23359048

Magic is often a cruch for bad story writing in fantasy, and sci-fi is so removed from current living that I just cannot relate at all. Anyone else with these preferences? Any recommendations for books? I'm on my second KJ Parker book and enjoying it.

>> No.23359053
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I actually like the opposite. I don't need needless words describing what a griffin or gorgon is. You should already know this as you should have started with the greeks. I shouldn't have to write like my reader just came out of first grade. I hate hand holding ass niggas. Give me Wolfe any day over whatever women is writing detailed description on harpies. We know what that is, move on.

>> No.23359055

boring slop. dropped it about half-way in.
there are no good "horror" books out there.

>> No.23359066

While the quality of recording isn't great, the performance of the voice actor in the audiobook is pretty good. In times of intense action/rush of thought he picks up the pace and it feels more intense listening to it. World building and expository choices are in an older style, but Leguin has enough mastery of prose to call it classic over outdated/cliched.

>> No.23359106

Only read sword in the storm, its pretty great. Wasnt expecint Conn to be such a ragetard

>> No.23359114


>> No.23359119

Read this one last week and it was very underwhelming, kinda comfy but ultimately boring. I picked up all of Belgariad and Mallorean on a flea market for like 10 bucks so wondering if it's worth continuing. Just felt like all of this book was an intro/prologue where nothing happened, and I figured out the "mysteries" in like the first two pages since everything was pretty much spelled out for you in the prologue. Does it pick up significantly in later books?

>> No.23359134

This book was great and I don't understand the hate it gets. The investiture science was kino and I'm inclined to believe that everyone who didn't like it simply has too smooth of a brain.

>> No.23359145

I've read the first three so far and for me first was 3/5, second 4/5 and third 2/5. I'm not getting the hype for it. Had to force myself through parts of the third. It was like she just rewrote the first book and made it worse. Her prose doesn't click with me at all either, it's way too pretentious. I'll probably still finish the remaining three in time since they're short reads and I hear they are a bit different to the first three.

>> No.23359153

It picks up massively in later books. In fact, what will probably hook you most occurs in book two, when a snake goddess tries to seduce 14 year old Garion and Polgara goes absolutely apeshit wrecking the place to keep her little boy a virgin until the right woman (i.e. the destined queen, and it won't be hard to figure out who that is) comes along.
It's the Malloreon though when people REALLY start kicking ass.

>> No.23359175

Sounds like this is the wrong thread for you

>> No.23359188
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>I hate spaceships and aliens, and I can't stand the supernatural; I know, I'll start posting in the Star Wars thread!
Are you stupid?

>> No.23359225

>Star Wars
Please go back to whichever social-aggregate you came from.

>> No.23359230
File: 35 KB, 623x450, brainlet-deflating-brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said you hated science fiction elements in your fiction and fantastical elements in your fiction, yet you came into the Science Fiction & Fantasy General. You're not doing yourself any favors by trying to deflect.

>> No.23359249

I don't *mind* magic if the prose and plot are well-written and don't immediately deus ex machina the primary conflict while completely invalidating world building and early tensions. Rand Al'Thor is Jesus H. Christ *but* he had severe inner conflict, had to develop himself, and his source of power was tainted. Instead of dungeons and dragons, I want tapers and tactics.
Historical fiction is a lot of: I was Lincoln's maid who help him free the slaves; I sat next to Diogenes as he jerked off in front of Socrates.
Star Wars? You hold Disney has an exemplar of the genre?
I don't really like sci-fi, but I like fantasy. I think part of it is that exoplanets/extraterrasterials are so alien that it's difficult for writers to actual manifest them through their writing in any meaningful way.

>> No.23359253

>You hold Disney has an exemplar of the genre?
You realize Star Wars existed for 40 years before Disney came around you underage b& mindrotted freak? I was using Star Wars as an example but you're too warped by culture war propaganda to comprehend any sense of nuance. Go jerk off Nick Fuentes' catboy boyfriend or something.

>> No.23359260

A shitpost for a shitpost, what do you expect?

>> No.23359294
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i plan to. have only been working on this about 5 months so far.
game got lots of positive reviews from anonymous playtesters this weekend. i'm planning to launch a kickstarter and also hopefully get Bakker to endorse the game in exchange for royalties.
aiming for a full release in ~1.5 years.

>> No.23359340

like >>23359153 says, the later books get really good. pawn of prophecy is more or less what you said, a book whose purpose is to establish the setting and the major players. everything starts popping off in book 2 and doesn't slow down until halfway through book 4, but hang in there until the end of the series because it does pick back up again and the payoffs are very rewarding

>> No.23359402

Awesome, I'll keep going then. Just started Malazan as well so it felt nice to have something a bit shorter inbetween those.

>> No.23359420

Robert E Howard and Karl Edward Wagner. They get mentioned a lot, and someone last thread was saying that people recommending them here has become a cliche, but they're exactly what you're asking for.

>> No.23359455

this has to be bait, right? something cool happening doesnt negate the god awful... fucking everything.

>> No.23359463

>It's the Malloreon though when people REALLY start kicking ass.
Wait so the Malloreon isn't just a money-grabbing extension to the series? I thought that I could safely stop reading after the Belgraiad and not read the Polgara prequels or anything else unless I was a super fan or something. Is that not the case?

>> No.23359584

Recommend some fantasy short story collections pls. Ideally some non-sword and sorcery stuff.

>> No.23359588

Grimm Brothers tales

>> No.23359590

With Rackham illustrations.

>> No.23359597

Has anyone have experience writing a fantasy novel? What do I do and what's expected?

>> No.23359606

>feels guy edit
big surprise another newfag who thinks everybody is the same person

>> No.23359620

General tips: write something you want to read
I see a lot of people to try writing something they're not interested in for one reason or another and they get burnt out quick
Read this (really you can skim it): https://archive.org/details/How_to_Write_Science_Fiction_and_Fantasy_by_Orson_Scott_Card/
If you're seriously writing a novel you should try to attach yourself to a schedule for consistency (check out The Clockwork Muse for help with this)

>> No.23359659

the books are meant to be predictable, which is sort of strange to say. there isn't a mystery about how it'll end, aside from the talk of two separate prophecies converging at the climax of the story. you figuring out what will happen in the first two pages is by design of the book, and as cliche as it is, it's about the journey not the destination. enjoy it for what it is, a pallette cleanser about a boy's growth into the hero, surrounded by a cast of colorful characters and adventure aplenty

>> No.23359681

Belgariad leaves a lot of questions unanswered and plot hooks unresolved at the end of book 5. Malloreon ties up pretty much every loose end in as satisfying a fashion as Return of the King. If you want a rough analogy for Tolkien, book 1 of the Belgariad is essentially the first few chapters of Fellowship of the Ring where everybody's still in the shire, and the Belgariad ends more or less with the defeat of Isengard, but that still leaves the whole Sauron vs Gondor and the Ring question still unresolved until Malloreon picks it all up.
That's all very imprecise, but I hope you get the idea.

>> No.23359739

Nobody is going to read it. Even if you were to write catering to /sffg/, not a single one of us will read it.

You can have the ideas of Tolkien, the prose of Bakker, the length of Sanderson, the nuances of Le Guin, the incest.of GRMM, none of us will touch it and call it shit on day one.

>> No.23359745

an hero, bakkerfag

>> No.23359767
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>> No.23359786

>the prose of bakker
that's a compelling reason not to read something

>> No.23359807
File: 162 KB, 746x1000, patricia a mckillip dreams of distant shores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collections by Patricia A. Mckillip:
Harrowing the Dragon
Wonders of the Invisible World
Dreams of Distant Shores

>> No.23359809

>the incest of GRRM
i laughed out loud

>> No.23359840

sorry you’re too dumb to appreciate his incandescent writing, maybe you should stick to litrpg and sanderslop

>> No.23359856

Now read Wolf in Shadow.

>> No.23359930

oathbringer did that for me. it's hilarious that people uniformly say this one is even worse because I can't even imagine something being worse than oathbringer

>> No.23359948

Um.... Woman author....

>> No.23359956
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reading these to get a gf

>> No.23359984

Best you can do is Troonella with a selection like that

>> No.23360288

read porn instead

>> No.23360293

>people actually shilling trash like the Belgariad

>> No.23360304
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did he really need six 700 page books to begin the real story?

>> No.23360326

Imagine unironically putting Daniel Greene on the cover of your book. Maybe it was the publisher's decision, I would commit sudoku in shame.

>> No.23360332
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>> No.23360365

Someone said last thread this is Christian Xianxia. Explain.

when's your next book coming out bakkerfag?

>> No.23360380

best alt-history books?

>> No.23360396

Damn I must be really be slacking because you're the second anon to overtake me lmao I'm about 80% done so far, did you at least like it? I think it's number 2 for me right now behind KoD.

>> No.23360398

Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson is the only one I've read that I remotely enjoyed, and I'd still only give it a 6/10. I tend to find that the best alt-his fiction tends to be alternate history only on accident; that is, that it was set at a point in the future relative to it, but which is now comically far in the past and totally counterfactual, i.e. the Soviet Union and Cold war still around in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequels.

>> No.23360453

is this pozzed?

>> No.23360472

you've asked this like four times now. no it's not.

>> No.23360477

>endorsed by a youtuber
>YA slop cover art and typography
>fantasy series longer than 4 books

>> No.23360497

>female on the cover
Do you even need to ask

>> No.23360502

Pretty cover, I'll put it into consideration

>> No.23360504


>> No.23360506

The main character spends hundreds of pages sneaking around to destroy four different nodes vidya-style while one of the most unlikeable bitches in the series spends that time stuck in a room talking about fantasy physics
I've heard the last Mistborn book has the same issues

>> No.23360509

Houellebecq's Summision

>> No.23360512

>one of the most unlikeable bitches in the series spends that time stuck in a room talking about fantasy physics
fuckin' Navani casually betraying her entire race but it being brushed aside because this is Sanderson

>> No.23360517
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, sandersoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't he spend some of his millions on a treadmill?

>> No.23360519

why work out when you can pull a Drake and pay brazillians to do the work for you

>> No.23360545

>expensive sports jacket
>cheap tshirt barely covering a beer gut
I do not understand this fashion choice

>> No.23360570

Fashion doesn't matter when you make Fuck You money.

>> No.23360578

People do read a lot of garbage huh

>> No.23360602

I would not be rich if it meant I had to have diabetes and dress like an overachieving ninth grader

>> No.23360656

>women exist, therefore pozzed
no wonder you homos like bakker, it's full of nothing but gay buttrape lol

>> No.23360660

You don't write fantasy novels that sell.

>> No.23360667

Sci-fi with ai mc? Read post human on rr recently and thought it was great

>> No.23360689

Yeah, I know. Just don't like fatties is all. Squandering the gifts of life as they do

>> No.23360690

Dominion by C.J. Sansom

>> No.23360704

Isn't Martha Well's Murderbot Diaries precisely this?

>> No.23360714

ooh forgot about that, I read some ages ago but haven't looked at the recent ones

>> No.23360721

Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.23360796

Black Company is just Malazan but with worse characters

>> No.23360981

No shit. Ericson was inspired by Black Company.

>> No.23361039

I had no idea

>> No.23361100
File: 126 KB, 1080x233, Screenshot_20240507-111245_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to read this book anymore

>> No.23361109


>> No.23361127

i dont understand why they hold onto their hair when it's that far gone

>> No.23361142

This was legitimately some of the worst shit I've ever read, I punished myself with my completionist autism. I'm glad someone besides myself is coming to the conclusion that Amber is terrible and publicly declaring it to be so, but I regret that others have to experience the horror for themselves rather than taking the advice of those who know better.

>> No.23361154

What he has doesn't look that bad, honestly.

>> No.23361166

In what world does it not look that bad? If you're Thomas Aquinas maybe. That's a hairstyle meant for a toupee, it looks terrible.
Obsessing over hairloss sucks, but that is like actually the worst of both worlds.

>> No.23361169
File: 360 KB, 500x572, 1707180555476355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if God was....THE VILLAIN

Brave. Stunning. Powerful.

>> No.23361170

if i were balding on the top I would commit to the cueball look desu

>> No.23361171
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Lmfao, it's seriously not that bad. He just looks like a middle aged man.

>> No.23361174

>it's seriously not that bad.
It seriously is that bad, that is unsalvageable

>> No.23361175

>wtf is that a man without hair on the top of his head?

>> No.23361176
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I don't think most people would think twice about it. I really do not think it's that big of a deal. Pic-related? Now that's bad.

>> No.23361177
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Second Apocalypse is soft disclosure.

>> No.23361184
File: 1.27 MB, 928x1190, Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 1.59.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skimmed the video and found it distractingly bad, especially whenever he would turn his head. I just don't understand the logic in committing to shaving only the top. Maybe so he can wear hats?
It isn't just thinking everyone needs to have a full head of hair, obviously you have to play the hand you're dealt, but out of the options available to him surely that was one of the worst. Not counting something like >>23361176

>> No.23361186


>> No.23361189

Keeping the sides is coping if anything, accepting it would be a shaved head.

>> No.23361192
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This is the funniest conversation I've had on this board in a long time. We'll just have to agree to disagree. It definitely doesn't look good from that angle, though. Thanks for making this thread a good one.

>> No.23361195

>it seems my follicular superiority has led to some controversy

>> No.23361201

it would be wild if someone decided to bag you 1984 style and shave your head. you look in the mirror and you're bald... damn that would be crazy

>> No.23361204

I shave my head regularly and then grow it out to it's full flowing glory just to flex on hairlets.

>> No.23361206
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>> No.23361210
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>> No.23361216

Do you realize how ephemeral your existence is?

>> No.23361218

Also, I don't know if you've heard, but it's been scientifically proven that men who brag about having hair are actually the most bald inside.

>> No.23361231

It's gong to last longer than your hairline did.

>> No.23361240

I would hate to have a bald soul.

>> No.23361292


>tears out his own heart
>gets halo'd hands
>noooo he's not a "real" prophet
>the insane rapist barbarian told me he wasn't!
>he can't be a real prophet he fucked my wife!
Cope and seethe Akka.

>> No.23361363
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what causes this?

>> No.23361365

lack of bloodflow to scalp

fungus is a big culprit

>> No.23361366

the royal society and materialist dialectics

>> No.23361387

Hormones and genetics.

>> No.23361400
File: 543 KB, 411x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of this bullshit. Fantasy novels with representation for high testosterone individuals such as myself?

>> No.23361404

Just don't grow a beard. It's such a bad stereotype to be associated with at this point.

>> No.23361414

It depends on the face and the beard, and looking like a perfectly smooth egghead is very often no good.

>> No.23361425

If you are going to grow a beard, commit and grow it to at least one quarter inch or, if you're a man, go full Muslim/Amish.

>> No.23361434

I just finished Blindsight. Pretty good book, both in terms of prose and thematic content. For context, the previous book I read was The Three Body Problem, which was complete garbage in every way imaginable

I have the omnibus edition of the first two parts of The Book of the New Sun ready to go, but I feel I'll be disappointed after Blindsight. Generally I need a palate cleaners, or at least some time in between after I've enjoyed something before embarking on a new experience, but I think I'll blunder on ahead anyway

>> No.23361508

>in every way imagineable
come on, the whole videogame to explain the aliens things was cool

>> No.23361619

>House of Leaves
I've ordered it now, I hope it's good and I wasn't memed again.

>> No.23361706

it's not sff just fyi. just in case that was your expectation

>> No.23361739
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alright, i let it marinate for a few days and i think im coming down around 7-7.5/10. a bit better than kod, the ending was a little abrupt though. i cant help but wonder if this is another "i wanted it to be one book" situation.

the verdict is in, cassandra is for hugs and paternal guidance. orphan is for bants and beer, imagine how good a drinking buddy an organic super intelligent cronenblob would be.

hadrian was really in his element in this one. he's a good dad (except for trying to kill his son on sight, tsk tsk), and its amazing how far he's come in terms of character and responsibility. it was always going to be hard to actually explain wtf was going on, but what we got was just about as good as it could have been.

anyone know if the next book is officially the last? if not, i think we've got at least two more. he said he was around 5k in the first book right? iirc he isnt even 2k by the end of disquiet gods.

>> No.23361754

I thought it was horror with a little bit sci fi?

>> No.23361756
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Finished GotM this on the weekend. Starting the week with book 2!

>> No.23361761

Is that 5k supposed to be 5,000 years old? Whew.

>> No.23361799
File: 73 KB, 700x700, 593d72nux5691-1191655299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well when god doesnt want you to die, you dont lol. hadrian is a very compelling chosen one character. the guy 1v1'd an angel, and almost didnt die!

>> No.23361809

it is technically horror I guess, but it's much more metatextual satire and postmodern "literature" (as in non-"genre", not an insult)
it reads nothing like horror tinged sff or anything normally in this general

the wikipedia description and genre tags are fairly accurate if you were curious
idk where you found a description, but I just checked the goodreads tags at a glance and they are awful. and the blurb there is deceiving on how the book reads honestly

>> No.23361826

Rate GoTM. I thought it was a solid 6/10

>> No.23361890

Like a 7 maybe a generous 8

>> No.23361894

Reave the Just by Donaldson

>> No.23361917

This dude gave Blood Meridian a 0/10 because he thought itd be like Red Dead Redemption. Not taking any suggestions from a moron like that.

>> No.23362041

Never read any scifi, should i start with dune or hyperion, got both books waiting

>> No.23362048

great post anon

>> No.23362068

read dune, dont bother with hyperion its not scifi

>> No.23362071

Serious question: what is the difference between supernatural horror (something like Lovecraft) and fantasy? Is it just semantics at that point?

>> No.23362084

emphasis, tone

>> No.23362087

read hyperion, dont bother with dune it's fantasy not scifi

>> No.23362142

calling hyperion sci fi is like calling lotr a thriller

>> No.23362157

Beware intentionally malicious statements written by those mentally scarred by that which they scorn.

>> No.23362158


>> No.23362165

Is this the new Jehovah's Witness outreach tactic?

>> No.23362167
File: 363 KB, 1047x1091, 1708821838840285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God is.... LE BAD!
>being a whore is... LE GOOD!
>what if le Bible is... LE BAD?
Stunning, brave and truly original

>> No.23362168

need a tie breaker gentlemen

>> No.23362170

>DNF after 13 chapters
I don't get the """hype""". None of the characters--so far-- stuck with me and I couldn't stay interested in the story. This book also made me realise I don't like first person POVs when reading. Maybe that's just me or maybe I don't like how Pierce Brown does it.

>> No.23362176
File: 52 KB, 451x680, Red shit out my ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I forgot the FUCKING IMAGE

>> No.23362180
File: 223 KB, 1000x1642, frank frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank Frazettas Death Dealer series by James Silke


>> No.23362193

For me first person is almost always either great or terrible. I think it mostly has to do with how the author writes it. I'm much more tolerant of third person and have a far more restricted range of how good or bad the perspective itself is. I don't seem to like second person much in general. For Red Rising in particular, there's a lot of issues for readers that are appealing for other readers. Certainly you shouldn't expect much from it.

>> No.23362222

anon the only thing i can tell you is to get through it. i asked these same questions a while back in thos general, you can go back and check the archive. the first book is a shit test. everything after it is KINO.

>> No.23362264

Brother you gotta push through, book 1 is such an outlier compared to the entire series. Book 2 onwards it becomes the space opera you've likely heard people actually like in the series and not the in retrospect very small and insignificant battle Royale test.

>> No.23362274

Because you are a glutton.

>> No.23362304

Keep going, first book is the worst of them and is very different from the rest of the series

>> No.23362348

This is my favorite subreddit on 4chan :D

>> No.23362485
File: 494 KB, 1000x1434, 9781632368232-2974776844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the sffg equivalent to picrel?

>> No.23362820

Danzig did a comic version

>> No.23362913

>depressed subversive marxist cynics like Neil Gaiman
idk about that but he is a fucking genious making stories and writes some very good books. The Graveyard Book is fucking great, and the Coraline and Stardust films are fantastic. i hope to read more of his books soon

>> No.23363252

this book is great, the next two not so much.

>> No.23363617

dead general

>> No.23363673

What do you expect from people who don't read?

>> No.23363675

more posting on 4chan?

>> No.23363688

Junior you are courting death...

>> No.23363743

>read book one
>don't pay attention to new releases for like 3 years
>book 6
christ he's pumping them out

>> No.23363777

Don't forget a handful of novellas and 3 short story collections, dude is a dedicated machine. I think I saw he's gunning for early 2025 for book 7 (which is the final one) pretty damn impressive considering they've only gotten better each novel in my opinion obviously

>> No.23363823

>which is the final one
fucking how, we have at least 3000 years of misadventures to cover still

>> No.23363880

wonder if he'd make more money from just having a patreon rather than going with the industry, if he's seriously writing at that rate all the time (it's obviously possible that he had most of this done and spent ages trying to get book 1 sold)

>> No.23363903
File: 132 KB, 673x1000, A1N3rGmCSyL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some masculine power-fantasy books?

>> No.23363907

One hundred million and two thousand years from now, aishiteru

>> No.23363942

This is the third time you've asked this question.
Fuck it, asking for feminine power fantasies as a counter.

>> No.23363943

glory road

>> No.23363945

What are some good edgy books? I just finished the unholy consult and I'm ready to read some more disgusting shit.

>> No.23363951

Feminine power fantasy is a contradiction, they want to be LADY BOSS who has an asshole man do things for them.

>> No.23363956

great post ain't it

>> No.23364000

SF/fantasy books like Rian Hughes's XX that are more experimental.

>> No.23364085



>> No.23364128

>page 4

>> No.23364139

@Labyrinth anon

some random rr shit
>Mirian Castrella, a student in her final year of a magical academy, unexpectedly finds herself caught in a time loop and haunted by strange dreams of the Elder Gods. Her plan had been to become an artificer to support her struggling family, but when the Akana Praediar army betrays her country in a surprise attack, everything changes. Instead, she finds herself delving into the dark secrets of the world, mastering magic, finding allies, and uncovering a vast conspiracy.
>However, just because the time loop can save her life doesn’t mean it can save her from everything. Mirian must navigate a dangerous world changed by the magitech revolution. Her quest to save the world from the apocalypse will lead her to battle magi and beasts, into the unfathomable underground Labyrinth<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WOW

thinking of you xoxo