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File: 580 KB, 1420x1650, 1707993455330171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23354686 No.23354686 [Reply] [Original]

I threw out all my Mishima books after seeing this... disgusting..

>> No.23354691

Hey, an anti mishima thread, been a while. Cool memefographic too

>> No.23354692

You bought Mishima books without knowing he was gay?

>> No.23354695

But this is based and the proper way to keep women in check? Also this doesn't imply sexual intercourse, which is the actual debased part of a relationship, but a spiritual link with someone who is closer to you than a woman ever could be.

>> No.23354696
File: 7 KB, 633x758, 478lam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw him discussed a lot as a right-wing trad self-improvement author how the fuck was I supposed to know? Sun and Steel got me into weightlifting.. I can't even bring myself to go to the gym now...

>> No.23354705

>I can't even bring myself to go to the gym now...
yeah, I'm sure this is the reason, lol

>> No.23354770

Fags, fags, fags, fags, fags, fags, and more fags. Don't care. Sage.

>> No.23354827

based image. saved.

>> No.23354842

Slave morality.

>> No.23354939
File: 15 KB, 236x354, greek vase 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically had a big right wing phase in the early 2010s and Mishima and the Futurists got me out of it. I was in this facebook group about fascism and futurism that collapsed upon itself as more and more homoerotic jokes about Mishima were posted. Initially they were ironic, but they became more and more serious as one of the moderators - very young and kind of an attractive twink at first - got into weightlifting and started posting photos of himself after the trainings. A fringe of the group then started being extremely opposed to any kind of ironic homoposting, maybe perceiving that some of us (me) were not that ironic anymore. This led to a lot of infighiting because some of us, although not being homosexuals (not my case), appreciated Mishima as a writer in general and didn't want any kind of ban or moderation for ironic homoposting. The twink moderator evidently thought that this was too much and started purging homoposters. Shortly after, the group closed. I wonder if he's out of the closet now.

It was the same for the Futurists. Ironic //SPEED//posting or futureposting about destroying museums and hating "passatists" pissed a lot of Evola readers and traditionalists off, and there was even more infighting. As for me, I have happily moved back to leftwing/anarchists positions now. Bolano helped a lot, as did all good novels in general. I still love Mishima as a writer.

>> No.23355072

Go back to the gym. Stop browsing /fit/ for a while.

>> No.23355109

Can I add you on discord anon

>> No.23355180

lost me halfway through boring story

>> No.23355248

> I have happily moved back to leftwing/anarchists positions now
Plot twist, you were the faggot all along.

>> No.23355296

bodybuilding in japan is seen as an intesenely homosexual activity.
It's the entire reason Mishima started lifting. Keep that in mind.

>> No.23355354

It sucks that Japanese videogame publishers are trying to appease Westerners and their gayass gender beliefs.
A lot of games and anime would have jokes about things like that, but nowadays, even if they make it into the game they're usually censored in English.

>> No.23355360

How does it keep women in check? Who’s seeing them while your back is turned?

>> No.23355389

Based anon outgrowing rightoid retardation

>> No.23355617

The Sailor who fell from Grace with the sea is the worst book I have ever read. It is very blatant in its symbolism and it praises its nihilistic heroes in their stupidity.

>> No.23355621

You've never played bathtime boys?

>> No.23355625

What did it symbolise?