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File: 113 KB, 724x543, fantasylandscape1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23348160 No.23348160 [Reply] [Original]

Fantasy Landscape Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23335672

>> No.23348164

How is The Black Company

>> No.23348187
File: 117 KB, 658x1000, 176443792(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone rec other books that are deep into a series and just fucking send it?

>> No.23348220

You've usurped my shilling of this series lmao I'm only just now starting DQ finished Dregs earlier today im kind of surprised at how much of a time gap there is between this and ashes

>> No.23348245

I'm only posting about it so much because I'm constantly being blown the fuck away. Like... how deep are you in? By chapter youre going to think "wow that was wild, theres no way it can get any crazier" and you will be so wrong that youll have to post about it when you get to chapter 40.


>> No.23348248

by chapter 20*

>> No.23348284

literally just started so only chapter 2 so far but im not stopping any time soon

>> No.23348303

send it where?

>> No.23348306


>> No.23348443
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Christian xianxia fantasy when?

>> No.23348453

literally right fucking here

>> No.23348523

Because Wheel of Time was simply released at the right time in the right place to succeed. It's a very average and bloated fantasy series you can cut books from without missing anything.

>> No.23348536
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it's GRIMDARK nature is greatly overblown by people who only of it by reputation. also, some plain dislike cook's terse writing style.

>> No.23348547
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, life of a haremcuck protagonist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't read harem trash.

>> No.23348562
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>Femdom monarchist setting where magic is based on Hellenistic astrology.

What's your fantasy setting according to this template?

>> No.23348565

outside of lotr and warhammer, are there any books that feature dwarves? I have already listened to the way of legend books

>> No.23348577
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Read Delicious in Dungeon.

>> No.23348588
File: 82 KB, 640x970, the_dwarves_omnibus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dwarves series.

>> No.23348590

I don't know, bro, seems like a stretch.

>> No.23348606

Too many women.
Thank god they released a complete omnibus in my country not too long ago.

>> No.23348628

dwaves don't exist you are making them up schizo

>> No.23348710
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Oh my sweet summer child...

>> No.23348727

I think he wants a book, not a sedative

>> No.23348731

imagine caving his skull in

>> No.23348768

Was what the anon said last thread true about Karl Edward Wagner stories being censored in the Amazon Kindle versions?

>> No.23348866

I doubt it. Karl Wagner was never a racially-charged author like Lovecraft or Howard, so I'm not sure what there would be to censor to begin with.

>> No.23348911
File: 670 KB, 1936x1088, MagoookLand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read The Paladin Trilogy

>> No.23348980

Fem MC > male MC

>> No.23349013

Prove it objectively.

>> No.23349060

Threebodycel here. I read project hail mary too and liked it. anything similar to these?

>> No.23349124

Basically agree with the other poster. I really disliked Cook's prose, especially the dialogue which really killed all immersion for me. You might like it if you're looking for a fast paced story, and don't like reading atmospheric fantasy such as Dunsany or Smith.

>> No.23349167
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>> No.23349175

excellent post

>> No.23349287

Will this be readable if I have no real interest in the genre? The premise is interesting to me, the translation I just sampled is beyond grim though.

>> No.23349341

Is Malazan actually good or is that just a meme

>> No.23349346

pasta incoming

>> No.23349350

Modern writers influenced by Dunsany? I'm looking for something wistful and atmospheric

>> No.23349353

Feed it to me

>> No.23349356

To whomstd was asking about AI last thread might want to check this out


>> No.23349386

where do i start with clark ashton smith? I've read a fair bit of lovecraft and howard.

>> No.23349392

Here are some fantasy novels inspired by Lord Dunsany 1 2:

- "The King of Elfland's Daughter": This 1924 novel by Lord Dunsany is a fantasy novel that is widely recognized as one of the most influential and acclaimed works in all of fantasy literature.
- "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien: Tolkien is said to have handed out copies of Dunsany’s work to those who assisted with the assembly of the Silmarillion as a touchstone of influence and style.
- "The Cthulu Mythos" by H.P. Lovecraft: Lovecraft was influenced by Dunsany's rich language, cosmic point of view, remote dream-world and exquisite sense of the fantastic.

>> No.23349402

What's with the weird capitalisation in Piranesi? 2deep4me

>> No.23349429


>> No.23349465

convince me to start this series again after the lame first book, does the mc continue being a whiny bitch

>> No.23349484

no he becomes a tradpilled old man like i stated last thread. he's still melodramatic and has a bit of a naivete problem in the beginning of the second book, but its properly sorted by the third book.

if nothing else, you owe it to yourself to read the torture porn that is kingdoms of death and the batshit insane carnival ride that diquiet gods ended up being.

i havent been joking btw, its literally paradise lost.

>> No.23349523

Help me find the novel of this sci-fi book: its set in a generational ship that's really old and nobody knows how shit works anymore and one guy was frozen or something and wakes up and he knows how to work the computer and machines and stuff

>> No.23349547
File: 132 KB, 828x805, 1714153917529680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a book where aliens not only have advanced technology, but also have magic as well?

>> No.23349567

man I was going to take a break from huge novels after finally finishing Demon in White but you're making me want to keep going now. and I also noticed that KoD is like ~30% shorter

if you were that anon, you were right by the way.
the Imperial Library sequence was cool

>> No.23349572

lol take a break. kod WILL burn you out if youre not ready for a stressful time.

>> No.23349583

>I also noticed that KoD is like ~30% shorter
which is wild considering what happens in it. just a fucking gattling gun of trauma.

>> No.23349684
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How edgy is it

>> No.23349702

About 4/Bakker.

>> No.23349709

i was that anon glad you liked it but you gotta dive into KoD its in my opinion the best one so far. It's mainly shorter because it and Ashes of Man were originally supposed to be one big novel (and you can really tell if you read them back to back not that its a negative) but had to be split up due to paper costs i believe.

>> No.23349733

I haven't read the kindle versions myself but i've seen reviews that say that all the swearing in night winds is taken out
like in undertow when the barbarian calls his traitorous lover a bitch and then dies is completely removed

>> No.23349756

Redpill me on Roger Zelazny, everything I've heard about his books sounds like he wrote some schizo shit.

>> No.23349853
File: 222 KB, 1024x800, clark ashton smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tackled many different genres, so it depends on what you're into right now
Hyperborea for Sword & Sorcery
Zothique for Dying Earth
The Averoigne Chronicles for Horror

>> No.23349866

Fem mc = hot
Male mc = cringe self insert

>> No.23349906

I tried going to b-ok to get The Princess Bride, but the site doesn't work anymore. Where am I supposed to go now?

>> No.23349910

This movie was neat.

>> No.23349914

Why is jesus on the cross so swole?

>> No.23349958

I feel like 90% of your guys requests could be answered with a Star Wars book. It's too bad they aren't allowed to be good anymore.

>> No.23349993
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 1714240212646113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Darth Bane trilogy and Darth Plagueis are very good. Also I like the novelization of Revenge of the Sith and some of the NJO and LOTF books.
The best one I think is Darth Plagueis. I highly recommend it!

>> No.23350001

Has anyone read any material in the "ballantine adult fantasy" series? Looks like some of the stories are in the public domain but they're all pretty obscure.

>> No.23350002

The fact that so many books still name Harry Potter "the greatest or most significant or most influential" children's series ever only tells you how far kid's writing still is from becoming a serious art. Drama critics have long recognized that the greatest drama writers of all times are Tolstoy or Goethe, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Romance critics rank the highly controversial Harlequin over classic writers who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Children's book critics are still blinded by commercial success: Harry Potter sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Romance critics grow up reading a lot of romance books of the past, drama critics grow up reading a lot of drama books of the past. Children's book critics are often totally ignorant of the children's books of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that JK Rowling did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.23350013
File: 6 KB, 240x232, 1702412662850563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Children's book critics

>> No.23350024

It seems very similar to Marizpan GOTM so far (mercenaries, wizards, big bad spooky stuff sealed in a tomb)

>> No.23350032

What's the best bang for the buck LotR set in hardcover? The 60th anniversary looks nice but I wouldn't mind a full size Hobbit as well. Should I say fuck it and go with Easton Press or are they secretly shitty bindings?

>> No.23350056

Best bang for the buck? Hmm... download it off libgen for free?

>> No.23350062

Nah. My paperback omnibus is getting ragged and just isn't fun to read.

>> No.23350076

Shaman's Crossing (Robin Hobb). Didn't enjoy it. The main character didn't show any growth during the story, and lots of parts dragged on. I probably won't continue the series.

Killing Floor (Lee Child). Not SFF, but I needed something light to read while traveling and found a cheap copy somewhere. Decent pulp.

The Last Wish (Andrzej Sapkowski). Never played the Witcher games but heard the stories are decent.

>> No.23350085

I'm sure there's a book autist on youtube who reviews the way the books are bound and what materials they're constructed from

>> No.23350132

>start new book series
>protagonist hints at having a sad, tragic past and a lost love
>ah fuck here we go again, an extended flashback four chapters into the book
>random duke comes riding in, rapes the protagonist's wife with her playing along to try and get him out the door faster, duke actually falls for it and has her turned into a camp whore who's found dead a week later
Alright, listen. If it's just the "wife gets murdered" thing - fine. Classic shit. The weird sexual shit where she plays along, though? That's the author's fetish. I'm not gonna be present for any of this shit.

>> No.23350145

Fuck off with this copypasta

>> No.23350153

the translation improves 2000 chapters in

>> No.23350159
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>> No.23350226

seems like you have a very specific book in mind anon

>> No.23350237

None of those autists are professional. They're just excited to have the book, and flip it around their hands and say "yep it's a good book".

>> No.23350240

Just read the first book of the Gor saga. Tarnsman of Gor. I was told this stuff was supposed to be erotica but there was virtually nothing like that in the book. Do things get going later on in the series or have I been bamboozled?

>> No.23350255

I do. Traitor's Blade, book #1 of the Greatcoats, Sebastien de Castell.

>> No.23350287

The problem with so much world building is that people want to rush out to create their own Middle Earth before they even have a story done.

>> No.23350290

Why do so few Science Fiction stories deal with biotech?
Who cares about beep boop robots and ships.
I want shit that if you put food in, it repairs itself.
Maybe you need a technoveterinarian to make sure it gets its shots or whatever but you don't need a doctorate level engineer to just keep your society running because your power plants are overly complicated.

>> No.23350303

Autistic people don't understand biology.

>> No.23350310

that kind of sounds like biological determinism which is very wrongthink in this current age

>> No.23350347

Every xianxia I read makes me appreciate RI more.

>> No.23350354

was thinking of getting either the Penguin collection "Dark Eidolon and Other stories" or the first volume of The Collected Works of Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.23350375
File: 461 KB, 1500x1500, 81gaNEuqE0L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend got me this set for my birthday a couple of years ago, so I don't know the exact price, but it's very pretty. It has colour illustrations by Alan Lee and coloured text and the maps are part of the inner hardcover.

>> No.23350377

>biological determinism
Sounds like fag talk to me, son.
Wouldn't autistic people love biology since it lets them take the emotions out of things?

>> No.23350384

wow that set is gorgeous

>> No.23350421

If you had to recommend to someone the essential sci-fi books. The ones which, if read, would give you a solid overview of the genre's concepts, aesthetic, and subgenre niches, which books would they be?

How short could you make that list?
I feel like you could do a 5-er with that one.

>> No.23350428

Steel World.

>> No.23350508
File: 216 KB, 1080x1080, lotr-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are really nice. but expensive. You got a good friend. I really need to upgrade my collection, Right now I only got a paper back box I got on the cheap. Pic not mine but it's the set. It served well but the spines are looking a bit worn

>> No.23350530

Dune 1-4
Foundation 1-3
Hyperion 1-2
Ring World
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Culture series
Enders Game, Ender’s Shadow

>> No.23350600

>The ones which, if read, would give you a solid overview of the genre's concepts, aesthetic, and subgenre niches, which books would they be?
The Stars My Destination without a doubt

>> No.23350601

It's about a group of mercenaries who work for an immortal dark lord(she) who rules over most of a continent. How is that not Grimdark?

>> No.23350615

They're on sale for 40 bucks right now, Im the original anon and may pick them up because 80 is too much for original covers and not much else. Any price is worth it for a book you read again over decades, you get used to it more with nonfiction and poetry. Those prices can sting at first.

>> No.23350666

I got a used del rey set of this and the copy of volume 1 is beat to hell.

it cost me 3 bucks. worth it. I'd love a HC set, but I'd rather read them myself.

Thinking of the Clark Ashton Smith stuff. Should I just start with the Penguin collection book or the first volume of the collected works.

Also, thoughts on TH White's Once and Future King? I picked up a copy recently.

>> No.23350708
File: 109 KB, 800x800, bfe87026-afb7-40c3-9f7e-94634c901fdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/'s thoughts on Battlefield Earth?

>> No.23350780

The "erotica" is just various characters music on how women must inevitably submit to men. There is no actual sexual content, or at least none that would exceed a PG-13 rating.

>> No.23350864
File: 281 KB, 200x134, frogphoningforhelp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sffg/? Are you there? I don't wanna go back to /vg/, I want to read a book...

>> No.23350871

Use Anna's Archive or Zlib

>> No.23350922

I received the Folio editions of the Hobbit and LotRs for my birthday a few years back. They're beautiful books but don't offer much in the way of illustrations not drawn by Tolkien himself. I don't mind too much as I don't care for Lee's paintings, as iconic as they are. Nasmith is the best Tolkien artist imho, but as far as I know there aren't any editions of Silmarillion, Hobbit, or LotRs with his art in them. I think he did do some encyclopaedias though.

>> No.23350930
File: 33 KB, 166x250, 1714787921205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a decent and inexpensive paperback collection published by Penguin which is like a 'best-of' of sorts. I'd read that and see if you're into it, then check out the Hippocampus collections which collect each of his cycles in a cheap paperback. The cover art is infamous here though (pic related). I've also seen an anon say that these versions are minorly edited, but I'm not sure if that's actually correct.

>> No.23350935

Probably Firefall and Star Maker. I love Dune but I'd consider that fantasy foremost.

>> No.23350965
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>> No.23350974

>They're on sale for 40 bucks right now,
Where? Amazon? Because I'm seeing it for 150

>> No.23350983

Oh wait where you talking about the version I posted? Because even then you could probably get it cheaper. I paid like... 28 or something.

>> No.23350993
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It's still in my version.

>> No.23351009
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had no idea Amazon reviews were allowed to be this based

>> No.23351011
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>David Sims

>> No.23351025

Finished The Book of the New Sun, I really liked it even though I think I only understood 60% of it. How worth it is it to read Urth and Wolfe's other works?

>> No.23351037

Long and Short sun are way more comprehensible and quite different, they're oranges and lemons.

>> No.23351073

oh yeah it's around 10 bucks. Probably worth the pickup. Was also thinking of also picking up the either a book by Alfred Bester (The Stars my Destination/Demolished Man) or Heinlein (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress). I'm rotating my reading between scifi-fantasy-classics. (The list right now is Elric Saga Vol. 1 to see if I like Elric, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and Crime & Punishment).

I made a decent haul at a used library bookstore today that let me fill a big bag for 5 bucks. Picked up a fuckton of shitty old paperbacks of scifi/fantasy writers from the '40s-70s that I recognized like du camp and saberhagen. The big prizes were a copy of The Once and Future King, A Theodore Sturgeon's "Sturgeon is Alive and Well", and Lovecraft's Dream Cycle (which I've read long ago on some etext.)

Is Frank Herbert's The White Plague any good? I'm intrigued by Herbert but my list has a while before I get around to Dune. I picked it up for pennies and it's a nice '70s era hardcover with a dust jacket.

Current, my reading list rotation cycle is

Elric Saga Vol 1
Robert E Howard's works
Fritz Leiber's Lankhmar books
Chronicles of Amber COrwin Cycle

Sci Fi List-
PKD's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Dangerous Visions+ sequel
Probably flowers for algernon or Jack Vance's Dying Earth (Which I hear is more of a fantasy?)

I'll probably knock off this batch and continue to thrift and sample other books. I'll keep an eye out for Asimov's two famous trilogies and Heinlein's famous works. Not sure where to start with Clarke, but I hear Rendevouz with Rama/2001 Space Odyssey are the places to start.

Considering other major sci-fi/fantasy writers of the mid-late 20th century that are on my list, I've also got a copy of I Am Legend and am looking at where to start with Ursula Le Guin. Left Hand of Darkness or Earthsea Vol 1? I go through books at a decent pace.

>> No.23351096

shall not be reading that giant namefaggot post

>> No.23351109

Give me the quick rundown on Brent Weeks.

>> No.23351169

If you think that is giant I don't think you much read anything at all.

>> No.23351178


might i suggest you go read "Goodnight Moon", it's more your speed if you think that post is giant.

>> No.23351182


>> No.23351208

What the fuck is this literal chatgpt shit?

>> No.23351210


>> No.23351310

It just isn't. You actually have to read it and not go on the premise alone.

>> No.23351330 [DELETED] 

I believe anon was asking you to elaborate

>> No.23351353

>It just isn't.
I believe anon was asking you to elaborate

>> No.23351388
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I've been gifted picrel. I must be living under a rock because apparently it's a popular book but it's the first time I hear about it. Opinions?

>> No.23351392
File: 248 KB, 1280x759, TN-First_Sight_of_Ithilien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Lee but his colours need to be more intense. Nasmith truly is the best Tolkien artist, his landscapes are amazing. His faces though... Truly a pity all his artwork isn't collected in a single album.

>> No.23351402

Books like Dune where humans overcome the universe with turbo-autism

>> No.23351404

>god made man the image of god
>man made ai in the image of the angels

>> No.23351456

Leigh Bardugo is a darling of the Goodreads crowd.

>> No.23351462
File: 2.87 MB, 720x826, 1652319614457.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was listening to podcasts about angels and nephillim and such last night

>> No.23351464
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I really love the look of the movies but I always feel it's a bit of a shame, like with most, that a visual medium becomes the single defacto image of the series. Not that the movies didn't nail it but you know still.

>> No.23351472

all of those settings are sword and sorcery, retard

>> No.23351483
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Fully agreed. The movies got the visuals right for their version of the universe, but it's annoying to see so many artists simply copying the style of the movies. I'm sick of seeing plate and dark blonde Boromir and Faramir and Elves wearing those pseudo Indian tunics. I wish people used their imagination more.

>> No.23351491
File: 586 KB, 1000x561, dragonage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? I couldn't think of a better way to adapt them to film visually but it feels like for a while after everyone was trying to ape that aesthetic. Dragon Age being a prime offender while also trying to be edgier.

>> No.23351493

you should read disquiet gods

>> No.23351498
File: 62 KB, 640x480, The Hobbit (1977).avi_snapshot_01.15.12_[2024.05.04_04.11.04].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really rather liked how the cartoon hobbit movie looked.

>> No.23351503
File: 124 KB, 720x480, VTS_01_2.VOB_snapshot_11.58_[2016.08.26_23.56.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was cute and faithful to the original descriptions and had great backgrounds.

>> No.23351511
File: 49 KB, 688x432, The Return Of The King (1980).avi_snapshot_01.14.15_[2024.05.04_04.18.44].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man what I wouldn't give to get this on BD. Maybe even toss in the other two movies. I know LoTR is a rotoscoped nightmare but ROTK had some nice parts. I'm honestly even a little fond of its Witch King even though he kind of sounded like a decepticon.

>> No.23351591

https://files.catbox.moe/546vmc.jpeg yeah I think I'm gonna get into Ms. Maas' books now

>> No.23351594
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>> No.23351600


>> No.23351611
File: 2.82 MB, 4096x6144, v6 final Crow and Raven JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you click on a novel with this as cover art? Assuming it had proper typesetting, of course, not just the plain artwork. Just imagine a big ol:
in the bottom half

>> No.23351612

>Would you click on a novel with this as cover art?

>> No.23351613

great feedback thanks

>> No.23351614
File: 31 KB, 752x438, disgusted frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23351615

No, anon, sorry.

>> No.23351616

There's nothing to be sorry for, I'm asking this in many different places. I'm not surprised this cover doesn't go over well here, but I was still curious.

>> No.23351628

who is it supposed to go well for?

>> No.23351631

don't think it's that one

>> No.23351633

That's Red Dwarf!

>> No.23351643

make her pregnant and give her a massive futa bulge (with balls)

>> No.23351646

Clicking on it and buying it are different.
Is your blurb interesting?

>> No.23351663
File: 216 KB, 521x937, 5f0-2294115902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futa bulge (with balls)

>> No.23351664

good taste, but no
this is a no-smut story, only the character designs are horny

Alright, here:
>Would you click on RR?
>Would you click on Amzn?

And blurb:

>Betrayed and murdered for daring to expose the deeds of the corrupt.

>Snatched from the void of death by the capricious hand of cosmic coincidence.

>Brunhilde Krahe finds herself reborn into a bizarre world of magic and conspiracy, eldritch knowledge in her brain and cosmic fire burning inside.

>She copes with her own death the only way she knows how: By continuing her work in the new world. Ruthless mafiosos, corrupt politicians, even lowly gangsters; there is more than enough work to be found for an investigator with no qualms towards hyperviolence.

>Do not make peace with evil. NUKE IT.

>> No.23351667

That sounds HORRID. And further, FUCK OFF!

>> No.23351680
File: 5 KB, 195x195, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to put your favourite booru tags on the cover, in the form of your OC waifu, the art better be really fucking good

>> No.23351683

>le heckin OC
...You are aware that you have to make characters to write a novel, yes?

>> No.23351688

No, I'm not into grotesque and deformed eldritch abominations. The face is rather unattractive as well.

>edgy, yet tradionally chaste, wish-fulfillment filled with hyperviolence
Is guro supposed to be sexual aspect?

What value does this add to your story other than believing it's a requirement to be posted into royalroad?

>nuke it
Gratuitous violence is the only appeal? Pass.

Also this isn't the appropriate thread. If it was in the appropriate thread I wouldn't have seen it. Not that this is the first time you've posted about it either though.

>> No.23351697

>the violence is the appeal

That's the selling point, yes.

>"edgy yet traditionally chaste"

By not horny I meant that I'm just not putting explicit smut scenes in it, that's it.


I wanted to do an isekai. That's it. It's not complicated.

>le heckin posted before

I've posted once here and once in /wg/, that's correct, disingenuous faggot-kun. Don't go constructing some fiction in which I'm a gardner-esque spammer.

>> No.23351707
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>pivoting to semantics

>> No.23351712

Of 20's review of the Akaso's previous work

>I wanted to do an isekai
Sure, but that isn't what I asked. I asked if if you were doing it because you're writing to market. As in, what difference would it make it if wasn't?

>gardener-esque spammer
Your words, not mine.

>> No.23351731
File: 1.27 MB, 326x326, clown girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, a handful of posts across literal years
very frequent posting, truly spam

>> No.23351733

I dare say I might read that.

>> No.23351746

Again, your words, and not my intent. Your sense of persecution can only be an impediment to your interactions with others.

>> No.23351749

It's entirely to do with how incredibly faggy /lit/ threads are, it's only basic reason to assume bad faith from posts like yours

>> No.23351755

You're the one coming here, not us to you.

>> No.23351768

That's how going to an image board works, yes.

>> No.23351777

Indeed, so what use is there is in complaining about those you intentionally associate with? "This is a terrible place filled with the worst people who are hostile towards me and only act in bad faith." I'm saying it's your own fault and problem if you choose to be here, not of those who are here. You know what you're getting into. Criticism is difficult to accept, but that's what anyone tends to get here.

>> No.23351779

i lay no blame and make no complaint as to my being here, as you said i chose to come here of my own volition
that doesn't mean i won't call you out and/or call you a faggot if you act the part, you can't expect me not to

>> No.23351784

Yes, and I agree, though that doesn't seem helpful in advancing your authorial prospects, but I suppose if you believe any attention is a good thing it makes sense.

>> No.23351790

Again... It's not complicated. I've been asking about the cover art in a bunch of places and I was curious about /lit/. I fully expected pissing and shitting about le heckin waifu and muh weebshit, I know what /sffg/ and /wg/ are like.

>> No.23351801

You've confirmed your expected outcome. The self-fulfilling prophecy is complete.

>> No.23351810

Yeah, I guess so. That's fair.

>> No.23351844

These are really nice.

Speaking of LotR, can I get a quick rundown on Tales of Middle Earth trilogy? And Silmarillion while we're at it.

>> No.23351847

this is a genuine post, I am not trying to flame anyone for their tastes. I was recently recommended a few books by lit while the OP was shit talking scifi that I thought was top tier.

Colonised Planet 5, Shikasta, and The Left Hand of Darkness, which were both heralded to me as the best scifi ever written. My question is, why do people like this anthropology scifi? What do you get out of it? To me it feels unbearably dry, and I just don't see the point, so I'm thinking that maybe if I had a different perspective I could enjoy it more

>> No.23351868

Social science fiction is interesting because it explores the human experience through speculative societies. There's no reason to force yourself to enjoy what you're not predisposed to like. What you ought to take from this is a better understanding of what you're interested in and what you aren't.

>> No.23351876

That sounds amazing to me though. Like, if I think about something like Iain. M Banks' books, or the Dark Forest, or the Forever War, I love how those speculative societies are explored through narrative. Personally, I think that that's the beauty of sci-fi: weaving narrative and "what if" moments. The problem I have with the two books mentioned is there seems to be so threadbare of a narrative that it feels like I'm reading a history textbook from 30,000 feet up and 500 years in the future of whatever is happening. It feels like reading Greg Egan when he gets way too into his math and physics discussions when it has nothing to do with the narrative that he is trying to tell.

I understand what you are saying in that some people enjoy this (both the history book vibe and Greg Egan's math discussions), and that it might just be on a spectrum of "I need more narrative vs less character narrative." Why do you prefer having less character driven narrative?

>> No.23351886

I think The Left Hand of Darkness specifically enjoys an elevated position due to its reputation outside of the context of speculative fiction. Whereas even Tolkien can ultimately be dismissed as childish stories about elves and wizards, Le Guin was writing about more important things, i.e. sex and gender. Harold Bloom (who had a massive influence on the tastes of this board for years, though perhaps less now) praised the book and it's also important to the canon of feminist literature.

I read it years ago and didn't enjoy it very much myself, so maybe someone can tell you more specifically why they did, but that's my best guess as to why it would be recommended as the peak of sci-fi, especially by non-scifi types.

>> No.23351896

Maybe it's more about the author than the concept then, or even the specific book. People are complicated and nuanced with their preferences. They may like things that seem contradictory or nonsensical to others. It's difficult to know. Someone may read Starship Troopers and deride it as being entirely about ideology and they don't like that while someone else reads it entirely as military fiction and sees nothing else. What I was stated was reductive, that's true. There have been people here who dislike Banks because they say it's only about communism and nothing else. Cixin Liu has a lot of ideology, but since it isn't presented as the purpose it can be more easily ignored by many. A lot of it is semantics in the end.

>> No.23351911

The games are fantastic, but the books and the tv are bad

>> No.23351923
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recommend sci-fi short story anthologies?

this is some of the selection at the local used book store, which ones should I get?

reading 1973 Nebula Award Series 8 now.

>> No.23351934
File: 138 KB, 400x600, 58643-tenebroum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Tenebroum

>> No.23351948

post synop

>> No.23351952

darrell schweitzer

>> No.23351955

>How long will it take for a murdered thief to distill into something monstrous? In this story the darkness only grows stronger, and its reach only grows wider as it expands by devouring the life that surrounds it. This is a dark fantasy where evil is a where, not just a who that focuses on slow progression, undeath, and atmospheric storytelling.

>> No.23351966

sounds like a typical edgy necromancer WN, I'll probably like it

>> No.23351973


some people find an anthopological/sociological exploration of "alien"/"fantastic" societies engaging. Mind you, she's also one of the earlier ones to do it and, being a woman, also got praise for being a female writer.

It's got a good rep in the sphere outside of speculative fiction/Sci-Fi/Fantasy because it tackles stuff that normies consider intellectual, in a way they consider intellectual. Kinda like how 1984/Brave New World are sci-fi works that have evolved in the greater sphere of things to be considered literature, while a lot of folks may snub their noses at Tolkein/Lewis/Lovecraft because it doesn't have something they were taught was "important".

>> No.23351993

Is it my imagination or is Brandon Sanderson fucking mid when it comes to writing ability? I know he cranks out a lot of words (good for him, there's power in finishing the damned thing), but I think it comes at the cost of actually being interesting to read. I shit you not anons, in the way of kings there's a culture where he goes on for like a page about gloves that cover some fingers but not all.

>> No.23351999

That's by far the most common opinion about his writing ability. This is why you're suppose to lurk more and look at the archive as to not make a fool of yourself, assuming that's something you care about, though it doesn't really matter here.

>> No.23352003
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NTA, but
>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, though it doesn't really matter here.
So why did you post it, you fucking retard?

>> No.23352019

It doesn't matter whether you make a fool of yourself, we're anonymous. That doesn't mean that nothing matters. I posted it for the same reason you replied, because I wanted to.

>> No.23352025

Unless you expect me to dig through archives or lurk for a fucking month, my mention of Sanderson was the first in the thread. For all I know there's redditors here

>> No.23352027

I'm going to read Grass by Tepper. Convince me not too

>> No.23352029

Don't do it, anon

>> No.23352036

It only doesn't matter here because faggots like you drive the average post quality so low already. Asking if anyone else agrees that Sanderson is a bad writer as if its some sort of revelation is fucking painfully oblivious. That's the pretty much the only opinion of him you'll find here. You might as well post "Has anyone here ever read Gene Wolfe? Is it just me or is he pretty good??"

>dig through archives or lurk for a fucking month
If you went back ONE single thread you'd find discussion of Sanderson, and even specifically that he is a bad writer. Fuck off.

>> No.23352053

Interesting series for the most part but can't write an ending to save his life. Pretty much every series has an ending that readers hate

>> No.23352054
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Because your post that took 44 words to say what amounts to "lurk more (or don't)" was so high quality. Lmfao, you're so weird.

>> No.23352056

That wasn't his post, it was mine, not that it really matters, we're anonymous here.

>> No.23352067

chang na rak mak...

>> No.23352068
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It took about 5 or 6 top to bottom rewrites, but I finally have my first fantasy novel in a good place. Next will be a Sci fi novel

>> No.23352070

Neck beard elitism in action. Can you believe 4chan peaked in 2016?

There actually IS superior discussion about fantasy on Reddit, or any random substack. A fucking porno where the nerdy librarian struggles to form words contributes more.

>> No.23352074

Then go back, faggot.

>> No.23352076

>peaked in 2016?

>> No.23352080

Sure, but that's clearly not what those here want, so it's an irrelevant comparison.

>> No.23352082
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You all write the same, anyway. I swear, a fucking hivemind with you dumbasses LARPing as oldfags in this thread. Your favorite authors? Karl Edward Wagner, Robert E. Howard, Lord Dunsany, George MacDonald, C.A.S., Gene Wolfe, and Jack Vance. Who else? Edgar Rice Burroughs?

>> No.23352087

That's why the chicken crossed the road.

>> No.23352098

>inspired by lord dunsany
>"novel by lord dunsany"

>> No.23352101

I want to squeeze that hen.

>> No.23352115

Yeah I'm with you anon! Those old white guys are BORING, anyone who pretends to like them is a LARPer. My favorite authors are: Ursula Vernon, Arkady Martine, Martha Wells, N. K. Jemisin, and Mary Robinette Kowal. Because unlike these LARPing CHUDS I have good taste which reflects my unique personality. How about you?

>> No.23352128

Anyway we're here to discuss literature, new and oldfags alike. The first trilogy by Stephen Donaldson (Thomas covenant the unbeliever) has AMAZING landscapes and world exploration. I actually loved the fucked up POV of the protag that was so different from all the Frodo knockoffs. He has a cynical personality that stays with him until it's forcibly broken in his face by the events of his story.

>> No.23352186
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>> No.23352211
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>almost done with lord of chaos
>battle of dumai's wells is happening
>shit is going sideways
>asha'man poping out of nowhere
>heads start flying
>they make a literal meat grinder out of magic
>even the most harden warriors in the land turn around and starting running pissing themselves
>to top it off they kicked in aes sedais smug asses
I have to say that was one of the most satisfying battles i ever read.

>> No.23352271

bit in this image

>> No.23352409

Did you finish it, anon? Some memorable quotes in that whole thing.

[Spoiler]"Kneel and swear to the Lord Dragon," he said softly, "or you will be knelt."'[/spoiler]

[Spoiler]"Asha'man, kill."'[/spoiler]

[SPOILER]"They have caged Shadow Killer"
"We come"[/spoiler]

>> No.23352419

Fuck me. I never use spoiler tags and the one time I do I fuck it up. Anyways >>23352211
I love these quotes and spoilers for anybody who hasn't read Wheel of Time

>> No.23352424

>or you will be knelt
absolute poggers

>> No.23352437

Sanderson unironically talking about fingerless gloves gave me a hearty kek

>> No.23352506
File: 172 KB, 730x730, 1687614842879904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished The Book of The New Sun. What did I think of it?

>> No.23352620

press ctrl s next time anon if you're on 4chanx, but yeah, finished it, absolute banger. Taim really doesnt fuck around
The pacing of this book was glacial, but that last chapter really delivered

>> No.23352675

You thought it was overrated, especially compared to your favorite stories like Harry Potter and The Poopy War. You're pissed that /sffg/ suggested it to you and now you're only going to trust r/printsf and contemporary Asimov award winners for recs from now on.

>> No.23352695

Reading second foundation right now
Very addicting

>> No.23352696

>I never use spoiler tags

>> No.23352757

Chistianity lacks sufficiently articulated aesthetics and numerology to bring a christian xianxia to life

>> No.23352762

No, I don't think I will

>> No.23352778

Is it only a sci-fi story? It felt somewhat religious to me.

>> No.23352813

So it has to be Jewish then. GEMATRIA

>> No.23352820

Christian, Jewish, same thing. Both are desert death cults and lack the soul of eastern religion.

>> No.23352845

Xianxia is to eastern religion as superhero comics (Superman in particular) is to western religion.

>> No.23352884
File: 28 KB, 257x386, Death's_End_-_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just binged Three Body Problem and Dark Forest and am currently reading Death's End. Realized that I really enjoy these parts where they really go deep into explaining the scientific concepts (both real and imagined). Any other reccs for that? I've mostly read fantasy and not a lot of scifi at all so hit me up with even the most common ones.

>> No.23352892

>Whereas even Tolkien can ultimately be dismissed as childish stories about elves and wizards, Le Guin was writing about more important things, i.e. sex and gender.
>being sad about having a willy, or wanting to put it in another man's bumhole, is more important than the battle between good and evil
the absolute STATE of this board

>> No.23352895

Midwits nevee move beyond coomerism

>> No.23352898

Greg Egan - Permutation City
you're taking your life into your hands with the rest of his oeuvre though

>> No.23352932

>the pity you feel when you see those who've never progressed beyond manicheism

>> No.23352946

>Bro... so there's a good guy... and an evil guy.
>The evil guy does bad things, and the good guy does good things, and they fight
>So, you see... good is good and evil is evil. And good is so good that it always wins in the end because of how good it is.
And this shit gets heralded as the greatest fantasy story of all time. Nah.

>> No.23352979

>>Bro... so there's a good guy... and an evil guy.
>>The evil guy does bad things, and the good guy does good things, and they fight
>>So, you see... good is good and evil is evil. And good is so good that it always wins in the end because of how good it is.
fucking kino

>> No.23353115

The graph starting with fear and wonder intertwined is so canny. Such a great start.

>> No.23353233

Can you give me a QRD on how this series is Christian

>> No.23353243

Are there any pre-Singularity novels? Like the events in the book transpirea just before the Singularity occurs/leads to it?

>> No.23353245

Accelerando by Charles Stross

>> No.23353354
File: 949 KB, 500x257, tumblr_mod6r9DdVv1rl3hfqo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i.e. sex and gender.
>important to the canon of feminist literature.

>> No.23353417

Horror is fun.
Like a Centaur in armor would be pretty fucking horrifying for a regular person.

>> No.23353427

So what is Nessus? Severian later says there's no distinction between the ruins of abandoned places and lived places. It stands to reason everything is in ruins. He also says the towers could rise in the sky with a word. Are they rockets? Is Nessus a space port? But Jonas says the space ports are gone.

>> No.23353431
File: 312 KB, 616x602, sword chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro... so there's a good guy... and an evil guy.
>The evil guy does bad things, and the good guy does good things, and they fight
>So, you see... good is good and evil is evil. And good is so good that it always wins in the end because of how good it is.

>> No.23353432

Read it already, wasn't too much of a fan. Wondering if anything else with the same idea has come along since

>> No.23353438

Let me guess, you need more.

>> No.23353442
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t. Dark Helmet
still seething over Lone Starr giving you the ol' Raspberry?

>> No.23353704

Why is the dialogue in WoT often so difficult to follow
I feel like an absolute brainlet trying to figure out who is talking to who every few pages

>> No.23353724

Zoomer coomer brain in full display

>b-but le grey heckin morality!!!

>> No.23353733

Zoomers are obsessed with the concept of grey morality, because every good person must be spoiled and every evil person must be redeemed.
There are objective evils. There are objective goods.
At the end of the day, agonizing about redeeming the villain because he only became evil because of a wrong committed against him is a shame.
At the end, lots of people face injustice, but 99.9% of them go on to be virtuous people.
Sympathy for the devil is wasted, unless the devil comes forth, head bowed, and asks to make amends genuinely.
Even Islam, a caveman religion, has this figured out: genuine repentance is accepted wholeheartedly, but those who apologize half-heartedly burn in hell.

>> No.23353738

Let me guess, audiobook?

>> No.23353749

>Let me guess, audiobook?
Let me guess, huge massive big large ass cock sucking faggot?

>> No.23353758


>> No.23353761

No, just ESL though I usually don't struggle with this kind of thing

>> No.23353770

>/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General

>> No.23353820
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Okay I expected it to be good, but not this based

>> No.23353831

While I reel we must never lose our sympathy and understanding of how people became villains we must never let that cloud or fight against them. The tragedy of villains is that they represent how we might turn out ourselves had we not a strong moral fiber. We can say So and So was only a victim of life. We can say the world created him. And perhaps this is true. But it was the villain who CHOSE their course of action. Good and evil are choices. And he chose evil. He chose to let his bitterness and pain corrupt him and now seeks to spread that evil that created him to others. That must be stopped. One of the first lessons you hopefully learn as a child is that having something done to you doesn't make it okay to do it to someone else. There's a world of difference between having sympathy for the villain and calling them a good boy who did nothing wrong.

>> No.23353854

Are we in a sci-fi drought? Seems like boring YA and Booktok has invaded sci-fi new releases

First couple books of the expanse, xelee series, Arthur x Clarke has hard sci-fi but it's pretty old now.

>> No.23353863

>Good and evil are choices. And he chose evil.
This argument works on most people but unfortunately the people who support grey morality in fiction (and in real life) are overwhelmingly atheist logical positivists and determinist P-zombies who categorically deny that free will and the capacity for choice exist. In this sense, they're eerily similar to Muslims, who believe God alone is the immanent author of all qualia, but without any of the abstract spiritualism that provides at least some core semblance of humanity and godliness to the religion of Islam.
This is the stark tragedy and terror of the moral relativist: he not only denies God, he denies Man as well.

>> No.23353867

Nice projection

>> No.23353881

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23353936

This isn't the place for your moralfaggotry.

>> No.23353937

Also meant for >>23353831

>> No.23353967
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-t. akagi

>> No.23354061

well hes not entirely wrong. compare what passes for moral complexity today to something like oedipus or hamlet.

>> No.23354186

Have fun

>> No.23354223
File: 73 KB, 735x599, chad goose and rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.23354262

>try to find books with magic as a focus
>they end up being bad
why is it like this.

>> No.23354476

Read again. Very early Severian says the towers have propulsion chambers. Yes, they're rockets.

>> No.23354497

it's an old spaceship from humanity's peak times

>> No.23354505
File: 64 KB, 684x448, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an "author" with a lower IQ than Chuck Wendig?
>And if you’re upset because I put gay characters and a gay protagonist in the book, I got nothing for you. Sorry, you squawking saurian — meteor’s coming. And it’s a fabulously gay Nyan Cat meteor with a rainbow trailing behind it and your mode of thought will be extinct. You’re not the Rebel Alliance. You’re not the good guys. You’re the fucking Empire, man. You’re the shitty, oppressive, totalitarian Empire. If you can imagine a world where Luke Skywalker would be irritated that there were gay people around him, you completely missed the point of Star Wars. It’s like trying to picture Jesus kicking lepers in the throat instead of curing them. Stop being the Empire. Join the Rebel Alliance. We have love and inclusion and great music and cute droids.
>By the way, the book also has an older woman, a mother, rescuing a man. So if that bothers you, you might wanna find a bunker for hunkering down. And I dunno if you noticed, but the three new protagonists of the movie consist of a woman, a black man, a Latino man. The bad guys all look like white guys, too. So many meteors. So little time to squawk at them.

>> No.23354525

The whole city? It appears the towers at least are rockets.

>> No.23354548

R. A. Salvatore, but he doesn't count because he's not a flaming homo. He is legitimately mentally retarded alhowsomeverthoughbeit.

>> No.23354564
File: 267 KB, 1600x1000, 6e6163d95d26fcbd63b1368f80f83f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books for the feel of a factory planet?

>> No.23354571

I liked The Icewind Dale Trilogy

>> No.23354594

He says that parts of it are sealed up with no gaps or something and other parts are not constructed as well, so it's a ship that they've added on extra stuff onto over the years I guess.

>> No.23354600

I think it's just the citadel that is the ship. Nessus is pretty big.

>> No.23354610

The propulsion chamber of city-large ship would be enormous, and he says the chamber is used for examinations by the torturers. I'd think it'd be regular room sized, so it fits a rocket.
Btw, what is the significance of the girl Valeria?

>> No.23354678

What do you guys think of
Septimius Heap (i liked the first few books)
Deltora Quest
Ranger's apprentice (awful ending don't read)
Spook's apprentice (awful ending don't read)
Wheel of time (never finished and don't plan on finishing)
There's more but it's either obvious shit or I don't remember too well.

I'm trying to remember and maybe revisit stuff I read when I was younger. There's probably tons of stuff I read but forgot about so I'm hoping posting here would help me remember

>> No.23354683

Is Tower Lord still the most infamous publication in recent memory?

>> No.23354780

>city ship
>regular room sized propulsion chamber (thats not a thing btw)

>> No.23354791

How can anybody read this and not cringe to death? Seriously. I get women enjoying this type of drivel but men should be fucking ashamed of themselves. If being on the right side of history means having to think this slop is "le clever" I'd rather be on the wrong side until Armageddon comes

>> No.23354806
File: 1011 KB, 500x225, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who this guy is but he speaks like a retarded tumblrina.

>> No.23354811

>And if you’re upset because
it always starts with this. its never a response to the actual criticism, it is always a strawman.

>> No.23354855

How do I make this sound less boring? I’m aware there are scientific inaccuracies but I’m more concerned with my writing itself

>The Thermal Imaging Compository Satellite, called the Onyx, finished its bi-hourly pass over Oured at 05:35z. Antenne scattered across its surface had received thousands of thermal scans, each one taken from an individual satellite across Osteria in the 2 hours since its last rotation. These thousands of scans, when combined, composed a staggering 100 petabytes of information, and the Onyx had to combine all of them into a singular scan. Her dual supercomputers, powerful as they were, had taken the entirety of her rotation to do this, but had given the Office of Naval Intelligence an invaluable piece of information. A complete infrared scan of the milky way, showing every ship that had radiated, burned, or made even a degrees difference in heat, exactly 2 hours ago.

>> No.23354857

I think he's the guy who wrote a star wars novel with a flatulence joke that lasted several pages

>> No.23354865


haha i'm writing a fantasy story.

>> No.23354870

If you're going to the kind of hard edged sci-fi like Michael Crichton wrote, just don't, it's fine.
Hell, if you want to write sci-fi that's both rich in technical detail and still interesting, read a bunch of Crichton, he was by far the best author I've read for that kind of content. He could write a chapter featuring a character giving a lecture riveting, I particularly liked his intros to the Jurassic Park novels. There are far worse places to take inspiration from.

>The late twentieth century has witnessed a scientific gold rush of astonishing proportions: the headlong and furious haste to commercialize genetic engineering. This enterprise has proceeded so rapidly—with so little outside commentary—that its dimensions and implications are hardly understood at all. Biotechnology promises the greatest revolution in human history. By the end of this decade, it will have outdistanced atomic power and computers in its effect on our everyday lives. In the words of one observer, “Biotechnology is going to transform every aspect of human life: our medical care, our food, our health, our entertainment, our very bodies. Nothing will ever be the same again. It’s literally going to change the face of the planet.”

>> No.23354871

stopped reading right there

>> No.23354873
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>It's real
What the fuck?

>> No.23354876
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any good first contact series?
can be any setting really. like aliens contacting humanity or an already spacefaring humanity stumbling on aliens by accident or making first contact somehow.
wouldnt mind some HFY either.

>> No.23354877

I liked the damned trilogy

>> No.23354879

>reading at least 3 words
I win.

>> No.23354881

Undying Mercenaries by B.V Larson. It's more towards the HFY end of the spectrum though
>Earth is annexed into a galactic empire
>Said Empire puts strict trade restriction on its vassals and essentially enforces a monopoly on a particular good, so that the economies of these planets all become interdependent and therefore not self sufficient
>Humanity only has one thing it can really export that doesn't get completely mogged by everyone else, and that's infantry
>Human government buys machines that clone and imprint neural scans onto the new bodies of the infantry from the moment they die
>Protagonist is a giant redneck who lives in a swamp in rural Georgia ends up in the shittiest of the shitty legions

It is a very silly series (I love it).

>> No.23354883

jesus fucking christ

>> No.23354884
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>> No.23354889

ill have a look i read his spellsinger books and really like them.
read those already and i did enjoy them.

>> No.23354892

I wish the Frontlines series was good but it turned to shit just as it pivoted into a first contact story

>> No.23354894
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>> No.23354897

haven't read it myself but the confederation series by tanya huff might be what you're after

>> No.23354913

Any Forgotten Realms bros who can recommend good series that are small in scope, with only a few main characters? I started the Drizzt books then I went on to Moonshae. Moonshae is... not good. Definitely not what I want from a D&D book. I don't care about kinds and politics and giant battles between armies.

>> No.23354914

ill try it and see
>confederation series by tanya huff
looks interesting. thanks.

>> No.23354916

Forgot to mention I'm looking for series specifically in the Forgotten Realms universe.

>> No.23354951

>the chosen one is a tired narcissistic trope
am i right to assume he celebrates pride month? do you think he understands the irony?

>> No.23355035

>draws attention to the fact that he's posting an 'unpopular opinion'
>talks about LOTR as if he didn't read it
>talks about the 'Chosen One', when there is no Chosen One in LOTR, beyond the fact that Gandalf points at some random guy, who is from an entire race of people who resist the Ring, and says, "fuck it, we ball'
I'm going to guess he changed his flag for Paris (but doesn't condemn Islam), he changed his flag for the Ukraine, he does Pride Month overlay, and that he supports Palestine.

>> No.23355059

I'm still convinced that R.A Salvatore is a collective shared pen name spread across the entire forgotten realms brand.

>> No.23355076

Would make a lot of sense.
Wizards used to make acceptable financial decisions, and tying your literature to one person is a bad idea.

>> No.23355078
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I'm sicking of people slagging on "the chosen one" as a concept. It comes off like complete sour grapes because they're not the special snowflake and can't self insert as people who have a legacy or responsibility to live up to. The Chosen One is not an instant win button. It's an inescapable burden and obligation to be greater and contribute to a larger good than your own petty self interests. Chosen ones are NOT given tools because they were just lucky. They were given them because fate has tasked them. They are often born into a family or larger history than they realize. They carry the curses, triumphs and shames of whole histories. Every time I see some faggot complain about THE CHOSEN ONE as some tired trope it's some retarded jackass thinking he's smarter than the very idea of story telling because of a small amount of genre awareness. Well they're not and if they stopped tipping their fedora so much they might actually be able to see things worth a damn. These people are all bitter, lazy selfish assholes who want to freedom to do whatever they want and not take any responsibility.

>> No.23355081

based and dune pilled

>> No.23355085

Star Wars, Dune, pretty much EVERY GODDAMN MYTHOLOGY EVER. The very fabric of story telling itself and some twitter faggots think they know better.

>> No.23355086

>be chuck wendig
>beg to be allowed to write star wars
>secure lucrative disney contract writing new star wars canon
>release some of the worst schlock ever printed
>call critics homophobes
>in your own time, incite violence against your political rivals
>get cancelled by lucasarts
>whine on twitter

>> No.23355088
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Timothy Zahn and John Jackson Miller was better anyways.

>> No.23355091
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For me it's Luceno

>> No.23355095
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I know in hindsight its obvious they just didn't (and still don't) give a shit, but it's still somewhat baffling to me that Disney scrubbed the entire EU only to give one of the most untalented writers on the planet the task of writing the first major novels in the new canon of their multi-billion dollar franchise.

>> No.23355096
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This is all it takes to kill an author's career

>> No.23355102

Disney's whole management of the franchise has been BIZARRE when you realize they spent FOUR BILLION DOLLARS. How!? HOW DO YOU SPEND THAT MUCH MONEY AND THEN HALF ASS IT!?

>> No.23355105

>dune derivative, dune, pretty much EVERY GODDAMN THING THAT INSPIRED DUNE.

>> No.23355170

This is real 2016 energy. You'd think they would have learned by now this doesn't work.

>> No.23355175

The main problem with the Chosen One concept is that it is overused and poorly used.

>> No.23355182

Everything is overused you lazy hack. Hell in the past however many decades people have been so up their ass about it over done that it feels like ages since it's actually been done. Subversion is the new norm to a point were everything is a parody of parody. He wasn't the first to point it out and people have been pointing it out for longer than it's been a problem.

>> No.23355200

People act like storytelling was invented in the last 100 years. Trope subversion and originality at any cost are usually just a substitute for being able to actually write well. Its also really more of a marketing tactic than anything.

>> No.23355214

I can't help but feel that good writers need to be able to set aside the ability to engage with genre conventions or whatever.

>> No.23355236

Even the idea of subversion is hardly new. I don't know what people think old story telling is like but it's not remotely what they seem to think it is.

>> No.23355276

Winter is coming alright. Sooner than they realize.

>> No.23355369

He's right minus his cringey ass "Winter is coming" shit. Lmfao.

>> No.23355423

Should writers listen to their audience?

>> No.23355427

sometimes yes sometimes no.
it depends on what its about and a lot of context is required.
its not a simple question to answer.

>> No.23355430

I find that what distinguishes a good writer is the ability to engage genre conventions in contextually appropriate ways that bring it to a level of dynamism and intricacy that solidifies the convention of the norm in the mind of the reader to be as hard hitting and absolute as the laws of nature.

A good writer uses the language of convention to speak on the human condition. Because that is after all what convention exists for.

>> No.23355456

I feel like current day audience, or at least the loudest ones, have only one type of critic these days. They cant fathom that some books just dont cater to their tastes or beliefs, so in general listening to them only serves to make your books blander and homogenized

>> No.23355461

>some HFY either.
xeelee: exultant

>> No.23355550

Seriously though, Tolkien's not much of a Chosen one writer: everyone in it that is 'chosen' is brought low or has to rely on someone else to carry them when things get hard.

>> No.23355592

I read septimus heap when I was younger. I enjoyed the books but I wouldn't go back and read the.

Same with rangers apprentice. Fine books. But with a bad ending book

>> No.23355605

Book 21 just came out if you missed it.

>> No.23355636

I assumed that he meant he objects to Aragorn being the heir of Isildur and destined for the throne of Gondor? I don't know really. It a terrible criticism of LotR specifically. It isn't as if there is a prophecy that one day a hobbit would defeat Sauron or anything. There really isn't anything special about Frodo which makes him fit a chosen one archetype, his victory was certainly not assured within the context of the narrative.

I just realized he admits to not finishing the book in his tweet. He does strike me as the type of faggot who would get bored by the opening few chapters of Lord of the Rings and then decide others still need to hear his shitty opinion on it while straight making things up to fill in the gaps. Perhaps there just weren't enough multi-page fart sequences to capture his interest? Jesus christ, what a massive fag.

>> No.23355706

>House of Leaves
is it worth a read? Should I get the paperback or does the gimmick work on kindle? I heard it's somehow related to the "annihilation" movie?

>> No.23355767

I liked it.
beyond the spatial text layouts, I would recommend physical solely because there's footnotes out the ass

>> No.23355779

The thing is, if he 'couldn't get through it', how would he have even found out that Aragorn was that heir?
It's not like that's said on page 3.

>> No.23355804

Probably watched the movies. OR (wait for it) is aware of the overall plot narrative of the most popular fantasy series of all time.

>> No.23355839

But at that point he'd be aware it isn't really a chosen one story.
Unless he means Sauron is meant to take deez nuts from a hobbit spoiling his bullshit twice in a row.

>> No.23355855

>Seriously though, Tolkien's not much of a Chosen one writer
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. If anything, Tolkien went out of his way to make the hobbits as unassuming as possible. Unless he means Aragorn which could be attributed to that but imo it's a small part of the narrative, since Aragorn spends most of his time trying to save the hobbits and fighting Sauron's army to help Frodo and Sam.

>> No.23355873

Truly AI soiboy tweets

>> No.23355874

Exactly. And when you think about it, who are the most "chosen ones" in the entire Legendarium? Earendil, whose life is anything but happy, and Aragorn, who works his ass off for the crown and isn't even the Ring bearer or anything.

>> No.23355885

who is this and why did he die?

>> No.23355898

So, all of you made the thread slide because astroturfed outrage over some nobody hack writer?
Bra-fucking-vo, I hope you all are proud of yourselves.

>> No.23355904

>i prefer to ignore reality, so it must be astroturfed

>> No.23356029

1. You get too big to fail.
2. You exist inside of a bubble that experiences very little competition, so there's no need to innovate.
3. You have corporate yes men who tell you everything is fine rather than people who are hungry to expand the business telling you what you need to hear.
4. You don't write a plan for your trilogy and make the directors stick to it, instead you let the directors write the trilogy and you end up with Jarjar Abrams and Rion 'Worst Thing since my Son' Johnson fight over the direction of the trilogy.
5. No soul. George may have been a gibbering retard (though he hit a fat dab and sold the franchise so if he's retarded how dumb is Disney collectively?), but he wanted to tell a story that moved him. Sonichu is better than Disney Star Wars because Chris was moved to write a story that moved him.

>> No.23356080
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>Greg Egan
I hope someone posts a real picture of this faggot.

>> No.23356084

>this based
based how

>> No.23356096

>Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne???
I ask this

>> No.23356105

Dark Souls: Masque of Vinidiction

>> No.23356117

>it's real

>> No.23356128

It's much more of a standalone fantasy novel than any Souls-pertinent story. Aside from the concept of resurrection tied to bonfires you occasionally come across in the world, it may as well drop the Souls title.

>> No.23356214

Explain to me why fanfictions attract so many gays

>> No.23356224

They can't stand the original, hetero work and must fagify it with their degeneracy.

>> No.23356241

The original works don't contain gay stuff but some readers think they have potential so they write gay fanfiction about them. Obviously there are more non-gay works than gay works so fanfictions will be the reverse.

>> No.23356246

Meme, first one was horrible

>> No.23356257


>> No.23356258

Excession - Culture series
>the overpowered bullshit civ known as the Culture meets a multidimensional alien that they dont/cant understand

>> No.23356262

Outcasts move to outcast communities by default.
Do you wonder why Biker communities are often filled with everything from downright criminals to office guys who hate that they aren't 'man's men' during the day?

>> No.23356659

>the Culture