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/lit/ - Literature

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23353603 No.23353603 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23353606

all three are non-entities mogged by Wagner

>> No.23353613


>> No.23353624

Wagner is still an ant compared to Ovid.

>> No.23353634

wagner did not create a language though

>> No.23353644

Puffed up and ephemeral. Uses cruel and crude old myths. He's a non-entity, he means nothing to me.

>> No.23353648

Any retard can create a language. Tolkien’s Quenya is beautiful, but it is still a copy of celtic tongues that any autist with enough time could achieve.

>> No.23353654


>> No.23353662
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Wagner is 1000x greater than Ovid or any other Roman poet.

>"Ovid's metamorphoses is an example of poetic trifling with religious allegories, - as outlet for degeneration of religion. Ariosto toyed thus with the sagas of the middle ages."

>In the evening we read Ovid, the day before, Lucretius. R. says, “It is in effect literature for the refined people in their villas, there is nothing popular about it, but it captivates through its erudition and wit—in short, its refinement.”

>> No.23353675

Imagine thinking Wagner's plots are good. /classical/ reporting in.

>> No.23353681
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>Ovid's metamorphoses is an example of poetic trifling with religious allegories
>religious allegories

>> No.23353705

Wagner's plots are literally perfectly structured with every element significant and essential. Completely unlike Tolkien's ramblings.

>> No.23353847

>citing Wagner to prove why Wagner is superior
not very smart are you?

>> No.23353857

I wasn't aware that Wagner was in close competition with Ovid in his own lifetime and is too biased to offer a fair criticism.

>> No.23353880

I don't really remember the plot of The Ring because it was just one unrelated thing happening after another. But iirc it starts with a guy being indebted to a giant who built his home, so he pays him with the eponymous Ring.

>> No.23353932

Everything in the Ring follows on from the previous. It starts with Alberich stealing the Rhinegold and forging a Ring, then Wotan steals the Ring and pays the giants with it. In the rest of the Ring Alberich and Wotan are trying to get the Ring back.

>> No.23354265 [DELETED] 
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>Uses cruel and crude old myths

>> No.23354273

Lord Dunsany clears

>> No.23354294

Where I can get a pedo hat like Georgy's?

>> No.23354741

Yes Tolkien was a language nerd. That's why the best part of his work is the prose and the worst part is the actual characterisation and plot.

>> No.23355712

No fuck Wagner I say.
He had the whole of Asgard's casts and the tragic heroes of the Norse who, despite knowing their destiny, fight through life with tooth and nail. And he makes of "The Rings" the most boring love story I've ever seen. And don't even let me start on the Phantom Ship, this shit has literally 0 stakes or an interesting book. Ghost is sad so he gets non-ghost gf. WOOOOOO What a way of using the fucking Flying Dutchman, you kraut fuck.

>> No.23355725

Gross. I don't know why some "men" claim the one doing the fucking isn't gay. Inserting your erect penis in some dude's shithole is completely sick.

>> No.23355727

Stop posting stupid shit.

>> No.23355985

Anon do you have any idea where you are.

>> No.23356015

The middle one should say “has a good idea and doesn’t write a book”

>> No.23356394

Ovid writes faggot shit about ftm trannies.

>> No.23357953

The more I listen to Parsifal the more I like it. It's not at all what it seems.

Wagner was a master at hiding the true meaning and only making it so that those who know can take it. Kind of like the grail itself.

>> No.23357977
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Ovid is my poet.
Do not talk about him like that

>> No.23357994
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>Unprovided with original learning, unformed in
>the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of
>composition, I resolved to write a book.
You missed the next tier after Tolkien, OP.

>> No.23357997

A lot of things have changed since his time. I finally realized how the modern world allows for new possibilities.

>> No.23358015

A new possibility being a deflationary, decentralized international digital currency perhaps?

>> No.23358031

That's not what I mean. We have a lot of knowledge that they didn't have and the way life begins for a child can be drastically different.

Modernism and Postmodernism allow for completely mew possibilities because all cultures are in the chopping block. I can see the lies beneath them all.

>> No.23358042

JK Rowling
>Rips off boarding school literature and writes a book.
GRR Martin
>Has an idea and writes an unfinished book.

>> No.23358074

culture manifests in the soul, ideology is an extension of culture which is an extension of the souls response to the body's inborn knowledge interacting with various environments.

>> No.23358082


>> No.23358142
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>completely mew possibilities
I'm on to you

>> No.23358200

Your soul is your own. Everything else corrupts it.

The brutal Romans turned into lazy Italians.

Le tigre.

>> No.23358331

The Return of the King is quite possibly the best thing I've ever read.

>> No.23358542
