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File: 1.35 MB, 2880x1945, Thomas Cole - The Voyage of Life - Childhood, 1842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23350637 No.23350637 [Reply] [Original]

This is a place for all things fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy regarding the New Aristocracy movement. - #2

In order not to clutter the thread here is a pastebin link explaining and clarifying everything I outlined in the previous thread:


Bronze Age or classical antiquity? Provide arguments for and against each.
What is the first indispensable historical work which the list must begin with?
Should it be FROM the period or ABOUT the period?
It's important to reason out which works are truly necessary to understand the period so that whatever knowledge comes next becomes embedded in the context of the previous (in this case of the FIRST). It is sometimes misleading to go strictly in chronological order.

Having an atlas will be indispensable so I've done some research and boiled it down to two for now:
>The Complete Atlas of World History 3 Volume Set, 1997, Routledge - John Haywood
>Atlas of World History 2nd edition, 2010, Oxford University Press - Patrick O'Brien

I've ordered the Oxford one and it should arrive within two weeks. When it does I'll see how usable it is along with Hobsbawm's "Age of Revolution" which I'm currently reading.

scientia potentia est

>> No.23350646 [DELETED] 

We are aiming for a world-European history. I say world-European to indicate that we will gather from the whole world but the the gradient of information density will be toward that which will is the core of the movement - European (Western) culture.
Hence the decision to start either from the Bronze Age or from classical antiquity. This is for the CORE list, works regarding the broader world in which European culture was birthed will be added later.

>> No.23350650

We are aiming for a world-European history. I say world-European to indicate that we will gather from the whole world but the gradient of information density will be toward that which is the core of the movement - European (Western) culture.
Hence the decision to start either from the Bronze Age or from classical antiquity. This is for the CORE list, works regarding the broader world in which European culture was birthed will be added later.

>> No.23350714

Posting this clarification that was missing from the last thread. I'm going to bed so I'll see you anons tomorrow.

The RESOURCE the new class will be built on is the SELF. It is a resource with three unique properties - it is expended at every moment without loss, it has the capacity to intentionally alter its own value, and it has the capacity to choose what it is expended for.
The TOOL is KNOWLEDGE - above all, knowledge of the self-as-synthesis. The maxim of the movement is the first of the Delphic - know thyself.
The PURPOSE is to mold individuals capable of thinking and above all - acting - in ways that are not the result of the present conditions; these people shall attempt to become anything from teachers to government officials and they shall carry the burden of knowledge and understanding, and through that burden rise above their peers and act in the name of a future cultural Imperium.
The AIM is to establish a world-European cultural Imperium.

>> No.23350968

Serious question, why would an aristocracy(social elite calling the shots or having a much bigger influence than all laymen put together) even focus on stuff like art when it's more likely than not going to be comprised of technologists & technocrats focussed on trying to solve the age old problem of as to why and how existence in all it's essence exists?

>> No.23351085

>bronze age
im sorry

>> No.23351093

This will fail like every other attempt for a number of reasons

1. anyone who has anything worthwhile to say will not post it publicly for the whole world to see in the interest of helping their own.

2. as mentioned above, already established groups each have their pros and cons, for group A to preach its pros threatens group As standing and may enrich group B who now has an ailment for one of its cons while giving nothing in turn.

3. if you wish to promote anything in a public/international sphere your message needs to be universal

in the case of Europe, know that america is its greatest threat

>> No.23351106

I would prefer to join an anti-aristocracy

>> No.23351108

oh, and our foundational texts will be old pulp and wodehouse novels.

>> No.23351120

I hope there will there be a monthly Evola seance, videotaped and put on youtube and subtitled and all..

>> No.23351140

I appreciate your threads, my /nag/ger. Why not pose a simple reading assignment and then have a discussion about it?

>> No.23351164

An assignment system would probably work best, especially expanded out from reading into other activities.

>> No.23351377

if you dont actually own any land and are not from a noble bloodline, isn't this basically just a LARPy way of patting yourself on the back for being "high brow"?

>> No.23351514

>an assignment system would probably work best
I agree
first we have to pick some works to begin the list, then I'll post assignments in every general for those who haven't read them and while that's going we will be figuring out the next parts of the list
I could pick the beginning texts myself from those I've read, or do research and get in touch with some professors I know, or sift through lit charts and archived threads on history books, etc., but I think it's going to be better and more engaging if we pool our knowledge together and figure it out (I know there are some extremely knowledgeable anons out there)

>> No.23351521
File: 156 KB, 750x1000, The Making of the Middle Sea - Cyprian Broodbank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proposal for one of the following 3 texts to be the first on the list:
>The Making of the Middle Sea - Cyprian Broodbank, 2013

>> No.23351522
File: 153 KB, 754x1000, The Aegean Bronze Age - Oliver Dickinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Aegean Bronze Age - Oliver Dickinson, 1994

>> No.23351526
File: 73 KB, 350x537, Greek History - the basics - Robin Osborne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greek History: the basics - Robin Osborne, 2014

>> No.23351532

I believe the right call is to start with a single book outlining the prehistorical era and bronze age of the Mediterranean so I would go for >The Making of the Middle Sea
but I can see arguments being made about starting from the history of classical Greece because most good history books outline enough of what came before to provide the necessary context
I haven't researched enough to find good books about classical Greece, so I am going to need help with that
Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon and the likes are going to come later - first we need a single work (or several, but as few as possible) which provide the information one would need to make sense of the in-period histories

>> No.23351653
File: 161 KB, 1982x1771, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for the American anons just waking up
Also this is an example of how a comprehensive chart could look made with the desktop version of draw io which I do not like at all - never mind the colors and the shapes, the software is just too rigid for something like this and I can't implement the exact way I want to be able to organize things
does anyone know of a software that can be used to diagrams/charts/visualizations that has more options, for example if I want to organize the information like a circular phylogenetic tree or other non-standard shapes? it has to be able to include images for the book covers (drawio can do that but I didn't bother since the overall list will look retarded anyway)
the book titles are there just to illustrate, these are not suggestions I'm putting forward

>> No.23351655
File: 580 KB, 1420x1650, 1707993455330171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the New Aristocracy's attitude towards male eros?

>> No.23351794

Have u tried looking into any old classics curricula in universities as a possible guide? Also, thsi channel may be of some help for reference books I guess.

>> No.23351935

And I like the idea of expanding it beyond reading. Aristocrats have always been at the heights of the arts, sciences, community work, and sports. Its summer. You better join a tennis club, do regular walking, take up some gardening, regularly visit arts galleries, and write proposals to the local government.

>> No.23351994

thanks, anon, I'll take a look, I had no idea something like this existed
I downloaded and looked through
>The Making of the Middle Sea
I think it's going to be perfect for a starting point, I'm considering making this the reading assignment in the next thread

>> No.23352034
File: 6 KB, 266x189, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good thread!

Aristocrat (generositas) moves, acts, and thinks in excess, never in lack.

It is found in the surplus of virtue. Of mana. Of impontentiality when every device or regime is suspended and alchemized into the primal matter.

It begins in the body. Then the mind follows. And finally the spiritual body unfolds in full divine connected body without organs (spiritual anime armour).

Christ is the medieval aristocrat. Christ is anti-christian, for Christianity was moulded into the image of the fallen world.

It starts with the diet. Then proceeds with filtering negative, distorted impressions that disrupt the spiritual body garment field.

Videogames are medium of the coming revelation. Revisit the early ones. Especially if they were present in your childhood. Listen to Bladee.

Each of us is responsible for the narrative and for the future of redemption.

Love is real. Only the fearless ones accepted in the bridal chamber.

>> No.23352041


>> No.23352090

>1. anyone who has anything worthwhile to say will not post it publicly for the whole world to see in the interest of helping their own.
I've always wondered what has happened to people who think like this to make them so jaded
this whole project might fail spectacularly or it might fail without making a sound, I am still going to slowly keep chipping away at it because it's something I believe in and I think can benefit others
I am going to make us a simple web page for the list we end up making along with some information about the idea, but first I must spend some time composing the list and going through it to fill in the gaps in my own reading
I'll make assignments so anons can join along the way and discuss the works, starting with the next thread

>> No.23352099

Do something you believe in, bro. Higher purpose. The cynics are already cursed with their own ontology centered in fear and greed.

>> No.23352129

thank you, anon
after a certain point in life decisions to begin something or to keep going or to stop become impervious to outside forces and what you're left with is, finally, a sense of what you actually believe in

>> No.23352156

>I've always wondered what has happened to people who think like this to make them so jaded
if such a simple concept escapes you i suggest you expend your energy elsewhere, your "movement" is far too lofty given your limited understanding of the world around you

>> No.23352168

Start with the Bronze Age but don't go too indepth. You should then study Latin and Greek in-depth, which is an education in the history of classical antiquity in itself. Supplement with a few classic histories like Burckhardt and maybe one modern one.

>> No.23352202

>Start with the Bronze Age but don't go too indepth
is the book I mentioned above enough for the purpose?
>You should then study Latin and Greek in-depth
I agree, but the first iteration of this initiation process is going to focus on establishing an "unbroken", extremely bare bones chronology of events, States, philosophies and literature (yet more detailed than what you'd get from reading Norman Davies' Europe)
When the first cycle is complete and we've gone through that list and have the resources online to share with others I'll come back to the beginning and start expanding
I've come across the name and I have the following question - is his "The Greeks and Greek Civilization" considered outdated?

>> No.23352204

Are you rich?

>> No.23352212

not even close

>> No.23352247

Aristocratic brothers, in each of my hands I hold one of your cocks. The very spears with which we will penetrate the upper crust. Verily, you must in turn grab my cock, and jerk it real good. Give it a nice tug, aided by your princely saliva.

>> No.23352710

maybe the word "aristocracy" causes too much needless seethe, I've been thinking of giving the general another name so anons can pay more attention to that instead of chimping out about aristocracy

>> No.23352761

you were told to look up book lists of classical educational texts in the last thread.
I was also calling you a retard for making this faggy thread, so you must have written me off as le reddit boogeyman.

the fact that you don't read is why these self congratulatory threads are insufferable, you literally need to shut the fuck up and google a reading list, and get to work.

>> No.23352780

It gives multiple probably unintended signals including telling me you're probably around 20. Usually signals like this only inform the intuition slightly and often get ignored as unreliable but we can still try to analyse them.
Besides triggering egalitarians "New Aristocracy" uses post-enlightenment egalitarian anglo ideas about "literal" clear language with strict dictionary definitions that are accessible to all so it also triggers anti-egalitarians. As a counterexample "the rosicrucian order of the emerald tablets" or whatever rests on references and context you need some knowledge to recognize.

>> No.23352950

the classical education academies have reading lists that focus too deeply on the Greco-Roman period and are not suitable for the first phase of this particular project, on top of that none have a full history course beginning from prehistoric Europe/bronze age all the way to the 20th century
I am going to use the information I gathered from them to inform the inclusion of specific texts when we reach classical antiquity
>I was also calling you a retard for making this faggy thread, so you must have written me off as le reddit boogeyman.
you raise an interesting point
I should reiterate that "new aristocracy" is the name of the movement, not the class it seeks to establish
it uses the 'clear language' of a pre-existing term because it's supposed to convey precisely what it's attempting to do - help build a class comprised of "the best", which is the original meaning of aristocracy
I am conscious of how the name makes this whole venture sound (precisely like something a 20 year old would do, and I am not 20)
I have alternatives in mind and I'm strongly considering it for the next thread where I'll post the first reading assignment

>> No.23352965

oh, I saw where the confusion came from
I meant I didn't know something like the twitch channel existed, not the classical curricula, those I started researching last time

>> No.23353009

>too focused on Greco-Roman yada yada
everything you think exemplary about Europe stems from the Greeks by way of the Romans.
certainly everything you're highlighting as fueling your new(rehashed) aristocracy.

there is no helping you.

>> No.23353041

This is an interesting idea, but I think a bit of thought will have to go into for it to be of actual value, and therefore maintain and grow in popularity. If the idea is just to imitate the aristocrats of old, then the whole thing is just cargo cult thinking.

For example, learning greek and latin is a fun exercise, but the reason those skills were held in such esteem is because they allowed the governing class to study the ideas of old, and find how to apply them to their present. We don't really need to do that anymore. If we were to learn language that would benefit and elevate us, then we would better spend out time learning Spanish, Russian, and Mandarin. The best language to learn would be better English, the English of the 18th and 19th century. That expansive vocabulary and expressive grammar, because precision of thought requires precision of language.

And, as another anon pointed out, and aristocrat is someone who acts from surplus, a very good start would be a surplus of manners. Always being good-humoured, patient, cheery and giving people time. The world has become very anti-social, to act with excessive sociality would be great fun, and a signal to others.

>> No.23353054

OP said in both threads multiple times he wants to figure out a chronological HISTORY of Europe he wants to go through. What part of that does your cum-addled brain not understand? /lit/ is host to some of the lowest IQ niggers, I swear. Learn to read before posting next time.

>> No.23353070

>If the idea is just to imitate the aristocrats of old
it most definitely is not, I specifically mention this in the pastebin, but I should probably post all the text in the pastbin here because because I'm starting to suspect people don't open the link
thank you for the encouragement and the advice, anon
>a bit of thought will have to go into for it to be of actual value, and therefore maintain and grow in popularity
that's the idea, I came here at the beginning of the beginning of this project precisely so I can make use of knowledgeable anons and use the time to whittle everything into shape

>> No.23353097

Sorry, I did read the paste bin, but I guess I really just mis-read it. I can see that you are not trying to imitate the aristocrats of old, but I felt like I had to mention it in the thread because there seemed to be quite a few anons leaning in that direction.

I love this idea and I will be monitoring this thread and posting any ideas that I think may be of some value.

>> No.23353113

Well it's probably outdated in some aspects due to archaeology and archaeogenetics but I don't know any ways in which it's completely obsolete. From what academics have told me, most of his theses have just been confirmed by new research. He also had a better knowledge of all the primary sources in Greek and Latin than basically any academic nowadays which is important.
IMO it's better to read something outdated that has mostly held up than trying to keep up with whatever cutting edge new research is being done. It takes a long time to actually come up with firm formulations based on new research, so inevitably most books that are founded on new research just give hypotheses that will be proven false in a few years.

>> No.23353137

to add, I agree about the fact that learning more useful languages is in order, but also consider this:
eventually adding Latin and Greek to the curriculum I'm making is going to permanently open the gates to the ancient world and provide a direct link to the source of many of the ideas and seeds which grew to become later European culture as >>23353009 noted
but what I'm actually after is the fact that it's going to present a filter for those unwilling to do things of no immediate utility - I am interested in the value of things beyond their use as tools for orientation, expediency and progress in the current systems of the world
I see it as a beautiful and something which will bring people closer to the European spirit which doesn't translate into anything tangible and that is precisely the point
this is an ongoing debate, so I'm not saying I'm completely embracing the idea of making the ancient languages part of the core project, which is why I've left that for a later date
anons don't read the pastebin and even if they do they have abysmal reading comprehension for some reason
thanks, anon, since you told me about it I researched the book more and I've added it to the top of the list for consideration when we get to classical antiquity
I am getting more and more information from different sources that The Making of the Middle Sea should be the first book we start with so we can embed the knowledge of classical antiquity in firm soil

>> No.23353206

Idk, sounds like a cult and/or pyramid scheme

>> No.23353225

>someone on /lit/ tries to get people to read
>Idk, sounds like a cult and/or pyramid scheme

>> No.23353377

I would include French, Italian and German. If you know Spanish and/or Latin; then Italian is really easy. You could basically read in French right away (especially and obviously if you know English). And German has so much intuitiveness and thought deep in the language inherently and cultural that it is stapple to learn; like Russian, and easier to get its case system and phonetics if you also know Russian.

>> No.23353405

[To also add to my post]

I would say learning one major or minor language in Indo-European would be useful to western thought and advancement. To be safe I would say Germanic, Romance/Italic, Slavic and Hellenic, with additionals being Celtic and Baltic for purely Indo-European languages in Europe and excluding them out of Europe.

>> No.23353500

languages are definitely on the agenda and I agree with your reasoning, my thinking beyond Greek and Latin was German because of the strong philosophical tradition and philosophy is going to be the next major branch I tackle after history, then Russian because I'm aware their literary tradition can contribute in major ways to what I'm trying to build here and it would be a counter-balance in its attitude and "world view" to the overwhelmingly western European thought that we are going to encounter (and that we are mostly steeped in in our daily lives)
after that I have no idea, but there's plenty of time before we ever get there

>> No.23353746


>> No.23354179

Thanks. I’ve been studying languages for a bit, even as a yank. Even though the belief that languages have truly unique ideas is wrong, but there are methods/patterns of thinking that can only really happen in other languages. Like Spanish being synthetic more with its conjugation and Russian more flexible with its case, along with German having the ability to create words and meanings with its utility of the prefixes and suffixes being so changable and integrating that make the newly made word intuitively or quickly understood. After studyibg these, I realized how important it is to the mind to know foreign language and the subtle impact to the culture. Like I said, the concept and context in that language could be understood in pretty much every other language, but in the same faculty of thinking and deducing.

>> No.23354856

Greetings OP, been lurking your threads from the beginning (originating from the thread about that guy distancing himself from the threads) I couldn't respond because my ip range was banned but this is good stuff. I don't know much about European history (i live in south africa) and can provide only philosophy and metaphysics.

>> No.23354917

>there are methods/patterns of thinking that can only really happen in other languages
definitely, it took me a while to appreciate that
you're always welcome, anon, we'll make use of your knowledge when we get to the next major branch in making the list (philosophy)
happy Easter to all!

>> No.23355021
File: 114 KB, 1000x640, 1000010728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aristocrats of today reside only physically within modernity - they live in obscurity, away from the eyes of the public and are completely detached from their values (mainly, that of utility)
i very much doubt you can mold an aristocrat out of a normie, seems to me not only futile, but also pernicious in that you're risking the contamination of the few remaining aristocratic circles with an endless supply of larping midwits
anyway, this thread hasnt been up for long for me to make adequate judgements about it and im also tired as shit so for now ill refrain from commenting on it too harshly and i do wish you good luck (if not for anything else a few genuine aristocrats might pop up in here and this thread could turn into a place of discussion between them)

>> No.23355058


>> No.23355065

>i very much doubt you can mold an aristocrat out of a normie
you can't, and I am not trying to
this is for those who have the capacity but not the means and structure to develop what they carry, and to provide an opportunity for real life communities made of these people to form (one day)
>the aristocrats of today reside only physically within modernity - they live in obscurity, away from the eyes of the public and are completely detached from their values (mainly, that of utility)
a lot of people understand that to be an aristocrat which is why I am leaning towards abandoning or at least folding the term "aristocracy" further into the texts instead of leading with it
what I am proposing is a fusion of some of the elements people traditionally associate with aristocracy with more modern elements in order to produce an individual capable not only of orienting himself in the structures and systems of today's world, but also of taking them apart, of changing them (and even more importantly - desiring to)
and by changing them I do not mean creating a world only for themselves or only full of other "aristocrats" - that's never been a thing, it will never be a thing and it is a pointless idea
what is this?

>> No.23355080

>what is this?
no fucking idea except the guy behind this and the twitch channel I posted here>>23351794. He goes by the name Christian Pecaut who is a political science graduate of Stanford & University of Chicago, runs a twitter space where he records himself reading many of the books of the western canon and other not-so-well known books. I posted them here not to derrail this thread in any way, but rather to see if any other anons could shed light on this as I think this may help with OP's mission. OP may very well be Christian Pecaut

>> No.23355094

>Yea I'm an Aristocrat
>Proceeds to read the most basic entry level shit possible

>> No.23355123
File: 1.21 MB, 2240x2138, 14764187131_1634c85024_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldnt aspiring aristocrats focus more on stuff like the Holy Roman Empire or Renaissance Italy Lombardy / Venice / Florence) than horny unwashed sailors and old men running around naked?
We need an internal crusade in Europe to extirpate those who, wkth pride, act like stereotypical gypsies -- and a crusade outside europe to confiscate the majority of technology from the majority of people (who only use it to destroy nature on a large scale)... anything else is just absurd wankery

>> No.23355261

I guarantee you, I am not Christian Pecaut, and thank you for introducing his project to us, anon, I'll see what I can extract from it
this is the beginning of the beginning, the aim currently is to establish the first books of the core list necessary to initiate people into European history as part of their journey to perceiving the totality of the world-European spirit (welteuropäischergeist)
>Shouldnt aspiring aristocrats focus more on stuff like the Holy Roman Empire or Renaissance Italy Lombardy / Venice / Florence)
if we were trying to larp as "traditional aristocracy", yes

>> No.23355342

Lots of history’s aristocrats could be called unwashed, burly men who were naked with swords and weapons adorned. Just cause they don’t appear or sound sophisticated and ruling-class doesn’t mean they weren’t. People respect manners in the personality, but equally confidence.

>> No.23355350

Reading even the basics is more farther from what the commonplace does and always was.

>> No.23355422

That's like saying that if you had to choose between eating dogshit and eating a fine meal prepared appropriately, you would choose the former.

>> No.23355428

all of this trifling cultural nonsense is secondary to that
get a job and build an inheritance, then you can talk

>> No.23355446

Yes, almost all my dead heroes and people I respect would disagree with me. My views are modernist while mixed with theirs. Your analogy is wrong, as you could say the difference is between sweet and savoury, rather than delicious to horrid.

>> No.23355449

>t. tard
Why are you here?

>> No.23355495
File: 172 KB, 603x869, erik hoel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may have point but I think this project may have some utilities. Overall IQ is declining, institutions and people's trust in it are collapsing, and it's just chaos everywhere. This kind of an environment is bound to generate neo-Byzantiums. If you wish to live in one and hope that it doesn't get corrupted, it would be wise to be well read, rich or atleast talented enough to be seen as valuable by neo-Byzantines. These neo-byzantiums would obviously need highly rational thinkers to decide the trajectory of their fate. On top of that, I think Op might have been influenced by articles like this https://www.theintrinsicperspective.com/p/why-we-stopped-making-einsteins
and could've felt some sort of urgency to initiate this project. You may accuse me of projecting my thoughts, and you may be right, but it certainly is not irrational to think along these lines.

>> No.23355541

Anything like this that's public will be derailed by retards like this: >>23355094
If it grows influential you'll get actual glowniggers pretending to be similar retards. Doesn't matter how apolitical you think your club is or where on the political spectrum you think you are. Anything slightly influential gets subverted by retards and the people obsessed with power in all forms. I've seen this more times than you would believe.
In 2006 reddit had almost only long informative articles and an academic culture focused on advancing knowledge. One of the founders died in jail for making copyrighted academic papers public. Like in warfare centralizing "movements" under labels makes anything associated with the label a target. Guerrilla warfare is when the enemy can't identify a source or patterns to attack. Sometimes the enemy even targets itself instead of you.

>> No.23355648
File: 144 KB, 504x366, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude we just need cultivate the family unit and community if we want to fix society, no reason to waste time reading old tomes when the objective is so simple.

>> No.23355649

I just read the article, thank you, anon
I hadn't seriously considered tutoring being a deciding factor in the upbringing of the geniuses of old but it is what I have intuited because this project aims above all to provide people with the closest they can get to tutoring in a broad array of subjects, something which anon noted is lost in today's academic world - they forgo breadth for niche depth, which is especially detrimental for the humanities
I do feel an urgency to counteract some of the things I not only see but experience daily
the movement seeks to preserve that which has proven itself worthy of preservation, and which only this age and this current piling on of events has found how to damage or erase
it also seeks to provide structure for many people who initiate themselves into higher culture but without a systematic approach they get sidetracked and never reach a meaningful place in their education and in their lives
I have had similar thoughts and there is much to consider when it comes to announcing the movement to the wider world
one thing that keeps coming back to me as I think this over is that the movement is aimed to those people who already carry within them a something not found in most others, and those people would (I hope) be able to see through any veils, misdirections and interference that might be piled on the movement
there will, of course, be those who have the necessary capacities but have nonetheless been affected in an irrecoverable way - them we have to abandon for good and focus on what CAN be done and what CAN be preserved and what CAN be newly synthesized
the movement is not apolitical, it is impossible to declare this in the current climate and have it remain so for long, so it has to preemptively declare its position and I have centered it around the notion of the world-European spirit for those who carry its legacy and who wish to adopt it as their own and spread its light
the concept of a world-European spirit (welteuropäischergeist) is constructed in a way to allow other cultures to modify it into a world-Asian spirit or other variants, each specific to the legacy of its people
diversity in differentiation (which might as well be the second maxim of the movement), not in homogeneity

>> No.23355667

you must perceive what "cultivating the family unit" as a grand action is comprised of - how you raise your children is more important than simply having them or the developmental tempo of the world would have been equal to its population growth given that the larger part of the population participates in some familial structure
and figuring out how to raise your children is just one component of cultivating a family

>> No.23355684
File: 161 KB, 490x418, Untitled picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try writing this again, but this time add a point to it. Some commas wouldnt hurt either

>> No.23355695 [DELETED] 

reading old tomes presents one of the best ways to figure out how to cultivate "the family unit", so it becomes a necessary first step
I forgot commas because I got carried away

>> No.23355703

reading old tomes presents one of the best ways of figuring out how to cultivate "the family unit", so it becomes a necessary first step
I forgot commas because I got carried away

>> No.23355717

Could you provide a routine worth adopting? Of course, starting your day early, spending time walking or working in nature, and so on are great suggestions. But what would a more refined, aristocratic routine look like in your imagination?

>> No.23355722

>The AIM is to establish a world-European cultural Imperium.
so you're neo-nazis; isn't this more of a /his/ or /pol/ discussion?

>> No.23355730
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>reading old tomes presents one of the best ways of figuring out how to cultivate "the family unit", so it becomes a necessary first step
I agree

>fiction, poetry, history, and philosophy
But only philosophy, namely ethics, out the categories mentioned in the OP would help in the endeavor. A solid ethical foundation is key and can't be found in modern academia. But most people already know what is right and what is wrong, they just lack the willpower to do it. Willpower is key and should be the focus of any autodidact/wannabe aristocrat.

On the other hand knowing about the Punic wars, reading War and peace or the Divine comedy etc could help inspire you in dark times. But inspiration can be found in many places, thus I wouldnt deem them essential.

>> No.23355740
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my bad b slippery fingers yk :/ also ur whole idea reminds me of this book

>> No.23355805

each person's routine would look quite different, depending on the circumstances of what they are looking to achieve and where their focus is right now, so any generic routine I offer won't do you much good
it is necessary to set aside time for reading and understanding, which is a slower process than just reading, so it either has to be longer periods of time or you have to accept that reading through things is going to take longer (which is why we're aiming for a core list first)
I don't think you can nor should you boil down being 'aristocratic' to a routine, the process of initiation is not as important as the totality of the initiation, in other words, if you've read through and understand the core list it's going to be irrelevant whether you got there in 5 years or in 3
the routine you adopt should serve your goals, because that's the most adaptive thing you can do, therefore the most aristocratic
lastly, any fixed routine that defines this class or any other is immediately going to be equated with belonging to that class and there will be a great many people who adopt the routine but do not belong and end up thinning the blood of the class

>> No.23355825

there are many presuppositions in what you said and I can't address them all, so I am going to count on help from other anons
what I am going to focus on is
>On the other hand knowing about the Punic wars, reading War and peace or the Divine comedy etc could help inspire you in dark times. But inspiration can be found in many places, thus I wouldnt deem them essential.
you shouldn't look at history and fiction and the rest of philosophy as a thing you consume and in return get inspiration or entertainment or distraction
the process must be reversed, you must be consumed by the work you are engaging with - then, the experience and your benefit from it become something that can't be expressed by the utilitarian equation of "give/get", though what you will get is far more than inspiration

>> No.23355834

Europe essentially already has a cultural Imperium over the World via Greece.

>> No.23355850

In what sense? What we call democracy isn't a lottery of landed citizens chosen to run the state like in Athens. Nor do we have a society of masters and slaves like Sparta. We have a Christian society where everyone are little equals except at the bank, for whose value in God we trust.

>> No.23355929

We have to do both but thinking and acting are inherently contradictory. Thinking is paralyzing. Being open to many possibilities contradicts taking action which needs to be based on trust in a specific possibility actually reflecting reality well enough for the action to work. So optimally between actions we are completely open to the possibilities but every decision coalesces that vast possibility space into a specific point. The problem is conditioning, people get used to either thinking or taking action so they became the stereotypes we know, the indecisive neurotic professor and the meathead general, Jacob and Esau.

>> No.23355948

>you must be consumed by the work you are engaging with - then, the experience and your benefit from it become something that can't be expressed
> you must be consumed by the work you are engaging with
Why? I'm sick of people using some indescribable sensation as a way to defend their argument or point or view. Its so cultish. Stop living in lalaland and clean your room already.

>> No.23356011

you can read Walter Benjamin's Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction where the idea of being consumed by the art instead of you consuming it is explored more
it's not that what you get is not expressible (Wittgenstein is cringing here), it's that it's complex and the best way to understand is to experience it
read a history book with the express intent to see the threads that connect it to your daily life
another example would be the thought process I showed a little of at the end of the pastebin file

>> No.23356051

Most logic and philosophy, even ‘newer’ stuff stems from Athens or some city in Greece. Even ideas of today have been thought of and written by and for a Greek in a prototype form. The mind-body split, subject versus object, Democracy versus Republic, rejection of Monarchy, mysticism explained by Philosophy, and even elements of Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, and even Christianity and Islam come from Greece in some form. Or came about by the logic, rhetoric, debate, dialectic, and science and mysticism from Athenians.

>> No.23356085

Buddy ofc I know what youre talking about just saying because its not exactly a complex or obscure phenomenon. Still doesnt apply as an argument for allocating limited time in such abstract pursuits. Learn to reason better if you want people to take you seriously

>> No.23356107

>Still doesnt apply as an argument for allocating limited time in such abstract pursuits.
that's good, it SHOULDN'T be an argument for almost all people because it's not for them
this whole movement is for those to whom it does apply

>> No.23356127

utterly and completely obliterated

>> No.23356137

>Completely ignores the point and tries to shift attention to a false dichotomy instead of defending his losing argument
Nigga plz, at least try to try :/

>> No.23356223

All zoomers should be shot.

>> No.23356393

Should we keep the name for a little while longer, anons, or do we switch from leading with "aristocracy"? I feel like "/IG/ - Imperium general" would inspire just as much seethe, but it's also cleaner than this

>> No.23356448

Just a reminder that aristocratic education starts with physical and musical education.
What I've seen in most of these thread is morons coming up with a plan of "how to become a mediocre bourgeoisie pencilneck educated in a few niche totally based topics" instead of a plan to truly go outside of the box of post-modernity to become something higher.
If that is what you want, go right ahead. But just make yourself clear that you are actually after the Modern Enlightenment archetype, and not the aristocratic one.

>> No.23356465

>physical and musical education.
most definitely going to include physical education as a core branch, as I find that's one of the things that changed me the most over the last couple of years, but we are for now focused on the branch concerning history
also it would've looked too much like a /SIG/ of old, and though similar in some ways, this movement is separate

>> No.23356755

I love Imperium general, actually.

>> No.23356895

As opposed to what, champagne communists (like you) getting high on their own farts? I think there are more than enough of them already...
Wanting to be or pretending to be an aristocrat --- that's the only person that is guaranteed not to be of become one.
The blocks of text you shit out makes it obvious you are a communist.
>this project aims above all to provide people with the closest they can get to tutoring in a broad array of subjects
you obviously understood NOTHING from reading that article because you are like "gee whiz they got airplanes lets build one too! get me some cardboard boxes and plastic bottles and that dead raccoon! it will be just like the one flying over us right now!"
yeaah... maybe its time you quit drugs

>> No.23356952

r u ok?

>> No.23356966

>As opposed to what
Doesn't grammatically or logically fit as reply to that post.
>Wanting to be or pretending to be an aristocrat --- that's the only person that is guaranteed not to be of become one.
How does this work? OP is just trying to communicate what his goal is and all retards like you have to offer is getting triggered over a word.
What if I'm also rich, own land and have a royal pedigree?

>> No.23357086

I've decided that the next iteration of the thread won't have aristocracy in the name so we can get rid of the triggered and of the larpy connotations
it's still going to be in the text, just not the name of the thread

>> No.23357201

-crat is le bad because it means rule. Aristosophy is high knowledge. Aristophilia would be love of the high. Philia used to be used more like filial in English, a familial like relationship not eros.

>> No.23357599

How about high or new noble, gentry, patrician, patriciate, cavalier, chevalier. Borrowing from the hold language of the Middle Ages would be a great way to different this generals purpose from the ideas and language of the modern world.

>> No.23357961

The idea is most plebian, but how about starting a Discord? Or a text-based website to keep track of readings, etc.

>> No.23358276

'kratos' means power, or strength, but you're right
now, the issue is that the whole movement is predicated on the idea that we gather together for more than our shared love of knowledge, we seek to act and bring about change, at the very least by forming communities of people who have been initiated in this social class
by the end of their initiation, people (hopefully) will not be content with inaction or with their station in life if it is too low (low in the sense that too little depends on them and their impact is too limited)
remember, the movement aims to provide structure for and form a class from a very limited number of people so that THEY can preserve and propagate the world-European spirit, of which the masses will benefit (but they, as is becoming increasingly obvious, cannot be trusted to preserve and propagate it themselves, though they can benefit from it)
so, in a way, rule of some form will be involved when the movement and the class matures
we need to comb through the words that convey our intent but also carry historical meaning
I do not think that is a good idea in terms of the people it will attract, and it is also unnecessary for now - if direct communication becomes needed, we will figure out something better than Discord
>a text-based website to keep track of readings
I am planning on making one after we get somewhere with the core history list, I'm using the time to design the UI (the first iteration will be ugly and shitty, no doubt about it)

>> No.23358383

What do you mean by world-European spirit?

>> No.23358397

I second this

>> No.23358823

I'm going to develop this concept as we go along, it's part of the philosophical work I'm doing outside of this project
an extremely simplified and somewhat incorrect way to explain it is to say that that is the common heritage (or blood::) which you carry, and which becomes realized in you (which you are the culmination of, individually, even when you are ignorant of it)
this heritage is embedded within the wider world as you are embedded within it

>> No.23358916

Ibwas reading 5+ year old BAP tweets, he was actually calling out jews. He read Heartiste which is Jq pilled
What changed? Did he start hanging out with jews? I think yeah, and he's very feminine so he adapted
What a bitch

Classical antiquity is pretty gay. Read assyrians, mitanni, linear b, egyptians

>> No.23358934

what does BAP have to do with this thread?

>> No.23358947

Most books about ancient history are LARP and incomplete, we still discover new evidence about it every year
So modernity physically owns you, got it

>> No.23358955

Abos had aristocracies with chieftains too
Agreed we must worship our whore wives lest they divorce rape us and raise up children to go to school to ask for permission to pee then go die for yidsrael

>> No.23358960

Europe is the prostitute of america which is the prostitute of jews and the rest of the world is ugandan slums or chinese factories, nice imperium lemao

>> No.23358974

>Most books about ancient history are LARP and incomplete, we still discover new evidence about it every year
I was anticipating this argument, I'm surprised it took too long
It doesn't matter whether they are larp or not because they nonetheless acted as inspiration and instruction to men who took action and gave us the world as it is
the "accuracy" of Livy's history is less important than the effect it produced as it is, for example in its influence on the French revolution
do not misconstrue this to mean that historical accuracy is a useless aim, but what we have access to in its incomplete form was, and is still, meaningful and relevant in the effect its knowledge will have on you and your actions and their consequences
did a bot farm come online somewhere or has /pol/ containment been breached

>> No.23358981

>they nonetheless acted as inspiration and instruction to men who took action
They didnt. Mallory adams bruck and others have 10000s of books sold
Its recreation
Also ancient men didnt read that. They were inrerested in war and Homer. Nobody read fucking 500 treatises from obscure sophists
Read more, it will save you from your neutered existence

>> No.23358984
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aristocrats were a warrior class before all. first focus on how to become an aristocrat through force then you can have the privilege of leisure

>> No.23358998

Warrior classes were bossed around by hereditary kings 99/100 times. A bit like ancient zogbots

>> No.23359004

l m a o

>> No.23359542


>> No.23359988

are you ready to begin, anons? next thread is going to have an assignment

>> No.23360000


>> No.23360008


>> No.23360209

>I've always wondered what has happened to people who think like this to make them so jaded
NTA, but it's the same thing that just writing this post so herculean. Because it's fucking pointless, everyone is either daft or tired of dealing with daft people. It's not even nihilism, I'm not a nihilist. It's engaging with people that seems to futile and senseless. Well over half of the people here won't understand me, and more than half of the ones that do will misrepresent me. You have no idea how tired I am. My eyes are still so very bright, but only locally.

>> No.23361051

>next thread is going to have an assignment

>> No.23361105

>I am planning on making one after we get somewhere with the core history list, I'm using the time to design the UI (the first iteration will be ugly and shitty, no doubt about it)

>> No.23361269

Yeah, like this is the thread to sage of all the coomer shit and retarded niggers and frogposters.>>23361105

>> No.23361339
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>Yeah, this is the thread to sage of all the coomer shit and retarded niggers and frogposters.
Without a doubt

>> No.23361968

I have no clue either. I can only assume it's because these threads are started by people with no technical skills.

>> No.23361974

You shouldn't do that since "aristocracy" is one of the only remaining words Europeans use that has a clear shared root with "Arya." They should hold onto it since it's already bad enough sirs claim they are the only ones with a right to the word.

>> No.23362004

>one of the only remaining words Europeans use that has a clear shared root with "Arya."
ἄριστος - From Proto-Indo-European *h2éristos (“fittest, most fitting, most suitable”), the superlative of *h2er- (“to fit, be suitable”).
Back to /pol/, larper.

>> No.23362053

anon, I somehow missed your question
if you read at least some philosophy that talks about art you will quickly realize that there are two types of art - what the masses have access to and consume which is nominally art, and real art which is a tiny fraction of what is produced (there were periods in history where it was not so)
what "technologists and technocrats" make is entertainment at best, they do not have the means to even begin "solving the age old problem"
real art will remain forever relevant to people and there is nothing anyone in any position can do to change this fact

>> No.23362115

Are you the same parvenu who made this trainwreck or a thread?

>> No.23362129

lmao no, he's trying to larp his idea of "high class"

>> No.23362620

>From Proto-Indo-European
Always, consistently beyond braindead. The other retard is also strictly speaking wrong since plenty of words share those roots including probably "air" but you're way worse than dumb or misinformed. you're actually evil and hate truth.

>> No.23362703

what you're saying makes so little sense you're probably a glowie bot

>> No.23362722

NTA, but you didn't understand them? lmao, are you sure you belong to an aristocrat class?

>> No.23362744

50% of humanity speak Indo-European as a native language and 70%-80% comprehend one. This literal domination unseen before in terms of influence in culture, thought, and civilization. Less countries in North and South America and the whole of Australia speak a non-European language than Europe itself. That’s 3 whole continents minus Europe.