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File: 181 KB, 611x1000, rand atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23348037 No.23348037 [Reply] [Original]

You guys told me this was garbage, but it's actually extremely profound and mind liberating.

>> No.23348039

Imma "profound" your mom up her ass

>> No.23348081


>> No.23348143

Yeah, "liberating" your last brain cells from their existence.

>> No.23348348

would love to read to see what makes chuds tick

>> No.23348369


>> No.23348405

Any arguments for or against this? Or is just a /pol/b8 thread

>> No.23348407
File: 124 KB, 564x768, 1482271994347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is better.

>> No.23348408

sounds sodom

>> No.23348454

Not to be crude, but ayn rand could only be stomached by homosexual men.

>> No.23348475

you vill become a sociopath and you vill be happy

>> No.23348486

>thread that says something positive about Atlas Shrugged
>commie faggots come in to the thread to cry about it
What do you think?

>> No.23348490

Yeah, at least halfway true.

Sounds like you're mad he's right.

Reading with those sorts of motives will guarantee the book goes over your head.

>> No.23348540

What's amazing to me is hysterical Marxists have been crying about it since it was published and not a single one has actually ever read it to know the league of evil is crony state capitalism.

>> No.23348546

You got memed by salty conformists

>> No.23349530

I can appreciate it the same way I do Plato's Republic. People who are not willing to have an agenda they need to push. However, it has stuck around for the same reason Marx's Capital has. You can find. things of value in it.

>> No.23349542
File: 236 KB, 634x650, db8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP btfo in record time

>> No.23349558

this shouldnt amaze you, marxists cant differentiate crony capitalism from capitalism

>> No.23349607

The parts that used to be controversial aren't anymore. Every mainstream normie is a sociopath now. Rand is like a collectivist saint compared to the self obsessed trannies that took over "liberalism".

>> No.23349615

someone post that anon summarising the book. like the scene where Ayn Rand talks about how everyone in a train crash deserved to die because they supported taxation

>> No.23349643


>> No.23349682
File: 1.99 MB, 600x424, 1660500624155277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite all the /leftypol/ troons seething in this thread she was right about marxist in everyway and their subhuman understanding in economics and their behavior.

>> No.23349688

Why is this a daily thread?

>> No.23349880

Fpbp. OP (and his mom) Btfo.

>> No.23349883


>> No.23350848

point in case

>> No.23351071

What's my profit incentive for actually engaging with this thread then?

>> No.23351318

>3 threads already for this kikess Rothshild cocksucking whore who hated her parents and any ancestral bloodline

>> No.23351332

Why does nobody point out that it's borderline erotica? That's the most jarring thing about the novel for me, that it's a reverse harem fantasy where the Ayn Rand self insert character has to pick between business chad (steel mill guy), Italian playboy chad, swedish fabio pirate chad and John Galt himself. She alternates between steamy, sexualized encounters with each one. And some of them she fucks if I remember right, and it's rough, borderline forced sex.

Characters work 3 day straight like it's a normal thing, and it's not portrayed as meth abuse. The bad guys are all ugly and slimey looking, so it's just basedjak vs chad meme played out over 1000 pages. The novel hits you over and over again with the themes, it really could've been 1/3rd of the novel's length.

But really, even the premise of the novel is incorrect. That society falls apart and goes to shit without these 1,000 or so super geniuses who hold everything up. I honestly reckon if there were these gigachad elites among us who are basically superhuman, I'd rather kill them and accept the shit society than enable those sociopaths to have such disregard and control over everything.

>> No.23351343

>I'd rather kill them and accept the shit society
Proving that she's right and you're pure irredeemable evil actively working against the basics you pretend to value like competence, reason and not being the most disgusting cancer imaginable. You're also almost definitely ugly.

>> No.23351437

Yeah, every rich elite has gotten their through elbow grease, hard work, treating others justly and following all the rules. Things like corruption, nepotism, selfishness, and pure sadism have never ever, not once, ever entered in. The corporate record is borderline messianic.

>> No.23351450
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Interesting theory, care to back it up somehow? Most smart people jump on oppurtunity when it knocks. The best and most companies in the world are that way because of investments from a million different people. Stop coping and being a deluded retard and most importantly get a job you fucking nigger.

>> No.23351453

I have a job. Do you?

>> No.23351454

>I have a job.
I honestly doubt you do.

>> No.23351459

Interesting theory.

>> No.23353159

Yes, if you think Harlequin Romance novels are "profound and liberating."

>> No.23353181

why are people getting back into Rand all of a sudden. Was she mentioned in a Joe Rogan podcast?

>> No.23353192

Never forget, OP. The kind of industry overlord being attacked by the government in this piece is normally who's rigging the government to favour them and opress you. I bet the actual story is a competitor to the Taggarts that was smart enough to do exacly that and squash his opposition. Think about how Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others, that started as disrupting empreteneurships, keep their monopoly by rigging themselves to the government and you'll understand.

>> No.23353362

you know that the book also condemn the type of cronies you talk about ?
aslo that problem only arise from the government power and willingness to interfere in the market and it's willingness to demand lobby money to not fuck with your businesses

>> No.23353449

It’s getting memed on here. Leonard Peikoff deserves more acclaim though.

>> No.23353456

>you know that the book also condemn the type of cronies you talk about ?
Of course it does, as it should. We don't live in a perfect world. The Taggarts still should have a cousin judge or a governor husband or something of the like. Because if they don't someone else will. Exibit 1: Yellowstone

>the government power and willingness to interfere in the market and it's willingness to demand lobby money to not fuck with your businesses
My guy, this only happens under demand. When government mafias come to extort you the best strategy is to co-opt them, not to bend over or fight. You'll know if it's to just extort or to destroy you to serve their cronies interests if they accept your co-option or not.
>but that's corruption
Yes, they can afford it. Honesty is for the worker class, not the burgeoise. Me too would rather live in a world where there's products with the best quality for the best price with no planned obsolescence. Also you'll not achieve this ideal in the long term without actual brutal violence applied judiciously, but we all know if that happens again the burgeoise will just co-opt it again.

>> No.23353459

>support taxation
Only leeches died. There was zero casualty.

>> No.23353504

The idea that the "elites" are hypercompetent geniuses is pure propaganda. Even the term "elite" is cringeworthy propaganda. They're just ultra-rich psychopaths born into dynastic power and willing to do anything to maintain it.

>> No.23353561

It has some good moments and a few interesting thoughts, but overall she views all of her thoughts in a too shallow manner, seemingly severly lacking the ability to understand humans.
While I would consider myself an individualist, I highly disagree with the way she links individualism to egoism and I often saw her views more related to sociopathy than individuality.
Although I am not familiar with her biography, it feels as if she projected (a self-idealized version of) herself onto the main character and the 'romantic' relationships felt as if she thought of herself as a way higher caliber intellectual-wise than she actually was. Her understanding / description of worker's morales and business administation felt completely detatched from reality. Again, not familiar with her biography, but i got the feeling as if a blind person was describing colours, so to speak.

I agree, the harem fantasy felt like the diary of a 16 y/o that wants to get railed by chad. The book is stretched way too long and her too obvious depiction of good and evil made it pretty boring from an intellectual / critical perspective.

>> No.23353672

>it's actually extremely profound and mind liberating
That's generally the reaction socially isolated midwits have when they read literature produced by a cult.

>> No.23354317

Finally, a coherent criticism of rand. I still disagree with most of what gou said but respect man, its so rare to someone go beyond straight up misrepresenting absolutely everything about her and her books