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/lit/ - Literature

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23343802 No.23343802 [Reply] [Original]

cheetah cube edition

previous >>23341113

>> No.23343809

Life is nothing but a congression of dissapointments

>> No.23343817

Life is an integral of satisfactions

>> No.23343818

life is *it* anon
like the big *it*

>> No.23343822

you're telling me this now?

>> No.23343852

This is the worst day of my life.

I watched the person closest to me, who loved me and did more for me than anyone ever will, die. She was ill but her health suddenly deteriorated very quickly. I went to see her when I heard, only to see her barely conscious, with all sorts of wires and drugs in her. I think she just about understood I was there to say goodbye but she needed more painkillers. Then she was sedated further and died within a few hours, with me next to her.

I had to notify other people by phone. They care as much as me but had to be notified at a distance, without being by her side or seeing her in person for days, weeks, or months, which feels inhuman.

There's a big hole in my life. My everyday actions and motivations are continuing but I'm discovering that they had her as a reference point, which is now missing.

She has been ill a lot recently and intermittently in the past few years but it feels very unfair on her to remember her like that. Thankfully I have pictures and videos.

>> No.23343863

I’m thinking about buying a motorcycle. I think I’ll be bored with motorcycles within a few years, but I’d rather try it than wish I did.

>> No.23343871

I’m a Protestant Catholic.

>> No.23343874

The hell is wrong with the last chapter of A portrait of the artist?


>> No.23343882

Forgot to call into work to tell them I'd not be showing up. Hoping I am not in too much trouble but knowing my luck they probably have a fucking book being prepared to throw at me.

>> No.23343896

Nothing is on my mind, today.

>> No.23343908

Heaven is more interesting than life insurance rates.

>> No.23343925


>> No.23343928

can't you rent one out? or better yet get to know people who already have one to try it without potentially wasting time and money?

>> No.23343939

No. Besides, a used motorcycle is not that expensive. I really just need to try new things and lifestyles right now. I’m in a rut.

>> No.23343947

Wow, Jesus Christ, anon, that's awful. I'm sorry for your loss. Things will get worse before they get better, but they will. Although I do not know her, having been in love I am sure she would want you to continue on and live your life to the fullest, to be as happy as you can be, to take advantage of all opportunities to the highest degree.

>> No.23344018
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Your cheetah is now a cube

>> No.23344026

When I was about 15 or 16, I discovered a Scottish band that specializes in sad music. They went on tour in France once and a couple young Frenchmen met them backstage and to their disappointment discovered that the Scots were actually rather normal and optimistic guys. Their disappointment will forever symbolize my own frustration with art. Art can never actually mean anything. It cannot stand for any way of life, it cannot push you toward anything, it cannot bring you deeper. As one musician put it, "This music won't take you higher unless you're a moron." In 2024 it is no surprise at all what art has devolved into. All aesthetics have collapsed into visual collages with no substance, of photo-bashes with dnb and jungle playing over it because really that is what they were to begin with. You blame capitalism for the commodification of subculture, but precisely nothing in capitalism stops us from living it out. Capitalism never stopped hippies from developing their own ecological micro-communities in the 70s. I am not going to live for a car and a garage. If you are, congrats. You are easy to satisfy.

>> No.23344059

I can tell she meant a lot to you by the way you talk about her. At the end of the day, that’s really all we can ask for in this life. To be remembered as somebody important to somebody is to have lived a life that is worthwhile. So I think if you just remember who she was to you, you’re doing the memory of their life justice no matter what. When it’s all said in done, it’s all just how we choose to spend these moments we have here on earth. And the memories and impressions we stamp on others are the closest thing we get to living on in this world. They’re the only sort of memorials that really matter. The physical ones just allude to those.

>> No.23344063

Any of you guys live in Pittsburgh? How is it there? It looks like Chicago mixed with New York but smaller and dirtier with worse roads.

>> No.23344071

And really, what is it with men being so bland? You want a wife... kids... a house... a car? Money? Is that it? How could that possibly be enough? "I want to prove myself" -- so you make a couple good works of art and then the ambition is gone, and then you're 2-kids-and-a-wife mode. We are only beautiful when we strive. Muscles are meant to be used. Brains are meant to be tested. I still idolize Nestor on the battlefield, or those ancient Chinese calligraphers who having passed into middle age begin the true phase of their art. I really can't stand otherwise.

>> No.23344073

I miss you in all the colors of the sunset

>> No.23344077

Anglicanism is basically that, isn't it?

>> No.23344125

It's unfair that the delicious food makes you fat.
I should be able to eat an entire tub of ice cream without gaining weight

>> No.23344195

Unburnt calories make you fat

>> No.23344238

Agreed, aesthetics will never be radical. I've become so disillusioned with art and artists and le human condition

>> No.23344245

Bro just purge afterwards like the rest of us.

>> No.23344252

>the rest of us
>implying bulimia is normal

>> No.23344253

Listening to Bach's Mass in B minor yesterday absolutely imbued me with meaning and transcendence and belonging and purpose and divinity.

>> No.23344258

Bach is definitely one of the rare exceptions

>> No.23344283

I'm a thinker.

>> No.23344288

Whats radical when you are used to everything?

>> No.23344311

I know, it sucks

>> No.23344345

>what is it with men wanting a practical normal life? Why don't men want to be crazy space pirates ass raping Martians? Fatherhood? Family? Community? YUCK!

>> No.23344349

>Fatherhood? Family? Community? YUCK!
This quite unironically

>> No.23344355

One of the advantages of being physically more sensitive is that makes you a better lover, foreplay feels as good as sex itself, the kissing, the touching and the smell don’t compare to anything else. The downside is that some girls are just into submissive sex where they don’t really care about participating in the act and that quite a let down and boring and makes me think a lot girls don’t really care about sex itself

>> No.23344373

Dumb. You'll never understand the true value of life

>> No.23344385

You will never be a great man.

>> No.23344394

I'll be a great man to my wife, kids, and community and thats all that really matters. Personal, intimate relationships.

>> No.23344412

What is a non-bland life and tell me how yours isn't twice as bland as someone with a wife and children.
Very few people do anything more impactful meaningful than creating new life.
When you get older you realize there's nothing cool about a tortured poet or heroin addicted musician. Someone who can make great art and has their life in order is much more impressive.

>> No.23344416
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>Very few people do anything more impactful meaningful than creating new life.
Life is both easily created and destroyed, do not act as if one way of life is superior or "correct" beyond your biased perception.

>> No.23344422

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.23344427

Scooby dooby do.

>> No.23344428

This line of thinking is very lame.
>I'm going to dedicate my life to my family
>okay for what meaning
>So they can grow up and do the same thing

It's just self-sustaining. If a person's life cannot have value outside of contributing to someone else's life then what is the point of anything? So many religions like Christianity and Buddhism cuck out in this way. "ummm actually if you don't devote all your life post-enlightenment to helping others gain enlightenment then you're gonna fall into hell!!!!" Like why? Why does it HAVE to be the case that other people are the most important thing in the world? Do you not see the vacuity in this line of thought?

>Someone who can make great art and has their life in order is much more impressive.
Yawn, we already debunked this. Scroll up.

>> No.23344429

I'm Scottish diaspora but why is ever Scot band besides ACDC and The Sensational Alex Harvey Band a bunch of sad sacks?

>> No.23344433

I live about 45 minutes away from it why?

>> No.23344434

Scooby dooby dooby diddy do.

>> No.23344436

>Life is both easily created and destroyed
>do not act as if
I will

>> No.23344440

You sound 15 years old

>> No.23344448
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Ayyyy lmao we got a live one boys

>> No.23344457

If I could write what's on my mind I wouldn't be here; I'd be using the only uncensored, non-pozzed GPT out there to craft a story that makes my pee-pee go boing-boing. I can't undo the restraints which are fastened to my mind as I regurgitate cobbled together words, phrases, collocations from others. I must venture to make something of myself. It writing porn completely subdued my monkey brain that wants to jack off to jiggling visuals. I need to go back. I NEED TO!

>> No.23344469

I like that only the second post triggered you guys, when the first one contained the same message, but you weren't smart enough to notice.

>> No.23344476

Is it called being triggered when you think a post is stupid?

>> No.23344477

Yes the promulgation and multiplication of being so that others can not only partake of the divine essence but also exalt in it through love is the highest calling. Anything else is just vanity.

>> No.23344485

Why cannot experiencing the divine be the highest calling? What gives such primacy to selflessness?

>> No.23344492

If I die pussyless and without kids I want to have at least written a few dozen books. No one will respect me any more but at least they'll have an answer to the question "what was he doing that whole time?"

>> No.23344495

>Art can never actually mean anything. It cannot stand for any way of life, it cannot push you toward anything, it cannot bring you deeper.
I see two alternatives: you have never seen real art; or you simply lack what it takes to see it. Either way, my condolences.

>> No.23344496

As contingent beings, our ontology is grounded in the continued sustenance of the divine being through love. Love is the ultimate grounding of reality, and love is the expression of being as such, which is the ultimate good. The Good, being good, wants to maximize itself, which is done through the vehicle of love.
By creating new life, we literally, out of nothing, create an entirely new soul and get to share the glory of the divine essence with that new soul in love. The functional formation for this expression of love is the family.
To keep our being to ourself is mere vanity and a shadow of what life should be. That life terminates without expanding life and represents a contraction of being and therefore a contraction of love.

>> No.23344498

Go and tell us what art you're talking about.

>> No.23344503
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From Hell was excellent.

>> No.23344519

We're seeing in real time how jews make themselves into a hated minority.

>> No.23344528

Let me put it this way. If someone approached me and went, "We've been lied to, the sky is actually dark green," then challenged me to prove him wrong, I would think that certainly some bright soul out there would have the patience to develop on how he's wrong and why the sky is as blue as blue can be; but I'm not that erudite, and my automatic response would be "Retard." That's how I feel about your post. Retard.

>> No.23344570

Still hate leftoids who have harassed right wingers since 1945 and now acting like they weren’t useful idiots for zionists. They have as much blood in their hands as the Jews in the American government

>> No.23344584

This latest one is the ZOG passing an antisemitism bill which blatantly violents the second amendment. 'Right' people are starting to ask why a politician would pass such a thing

>> No.23344594

You mean first amendment

>> No.23344595

I haven't frequently browsed this board in a couple of years. My life got better after I stopped reading /lit/.

>> No.23344605

Whatever, not american myself

>> No.23344616

At this point my severely stupid brain and objectively ugly features have led me to sincerely believing I deserve to be treated poorly. Not sure if I am correct in this assumption or am just internalizing other peoples' treatment but it feels very true.

>> No.23344647

My university hosts mental health presentations. One of them was about how to deal with the suicide of someone close in your life. I watched this for two reasons. My brother recently killed himself and I needed to attend a mental health presentation and write about it as a project. There was some pretty good information in there, such as how memories effectively become tainted by the suicide. That is, every memory or association involving that person becomes a bitter and unhappy memory.
Anyway, what really pissed me off was there was some cry baby faggot who interrupted the presentation half way through to talk about himself. Apparently he literally met an uncle only once, for the first and only time about 6 months ago. His uncle killed himself about 1 month ago. So a guy he only met once and had absolutely no relationship with. And this faggot interrupts the whole session to talk about how traumatized and sad he is. Like what the fuck. What is wrong with people.

>> No.23344649

I'm excited to take a shit. This is gonna be a big one.

>> No.23344710

Scooby scoop doop dibbity doobity doo.

>> No.23344716

I brought up Bach as one example.

>> No.23344742

Based attention whore chad

>> No.23344764

No one deserves to be treated poorly. You are valid king.

>> No.23344800

i fucking *HATE* Baltimore.

>> No.23344808

Just got back from Gielinor. Good to be home.

>> No.23344855
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, 1664905663488677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imperialism, civil wars, start of major scientific/industrial advancements and fields, famous literature
>early 1900s
>major industrialization, inventions, massive wars, famous literature
>elvis, space race, everything is cheap as fuck, easy to start a family
>hippies, open air orgies, quality live music, bowie, ali, disco, punk
>everyone starts romanticizing metrosexual big business and techslop, there's still quality musicians but they're more depressed
>techslop, 9/11, techslop, techslop, techslop, techslop
>techslop, techslop, techslop, techslop, techslop
>2020s (so far)
>techslop, techslop, techslop
What went wrong? Does nothing happen anymore? Is techslop just going to cuck us all forever?

>> No.23344859

You forgot to include Trump, riots, and pseudo populism

>> No.23344866

>What went wrong?
It looks like you started hanging out with the wrong people in the 80s and it's given you a screen addiction.

>> No.23344908

Cuckservatives won't do shit.

>> No.23344922

Do any of you freaks live in Portland? Lets meet up and get drunk.

>> No.23344931

No you just want to rape me

>> No.23344939

Walking a fine line. Walking on a precipice without fear. Not worried about the fall. Cross or fall, I need to know. Falling is better than waiting and waiting and dying after waiting without knowing. Such a terrible funny thing.

>> No.23344946

my dick barely works, anon. nothing to fear. For real guys, it will be fun. Don't be shy.

>> No.23344958

i should call my mom but i never do and it will be awkward and it's late and im drunk but we never talk and I knowshe is depressed like me and takes pills (i dont) anmd she doesnt talk to her dad ever and she probaly i, why doesnt she ever talk to me? Do I need to be the one to call? I dont have much to say. I am a depressed lsoer. 'HI mom, yep still just working and reading a lot and drinking and smoking. No I dont have frtiends, no I dont have a bright futue, love you too bye'

>> No.23345075

Violent thoughts, within me is the despocable kind of tyrant

>> No.23345090

You: want to find the love of your life to get marry and live happily for the rest of your life
Me: want to find the love of my life and let her destroy me until the last atom

>> No.23345094

Fuck off I don't give a fuck if you ban me I'm better than this whole shitty board

>> No.23345102

So, nothing? Life is the same shit regardless if Trump is in power or not.

>> No.23345131

A double dose of lsd and The Passion of The Christ is an edgy idea at the time...

>> No.23345146

I just want a girl with a firebush.

>> No.23345154

I was watching that documentary about the Neonazis in Idaho and this 65 year old biker type has an 18 year old gf and she's not even ugly
It brought back all the suppressed incel rage that I have in me.

>> No.23345156

I called my mom. We talked on the phone for two hours. I drank an entire bottle of wine, and smoked for two fifteen-minute sessions on my dry-herb-cannabis-vaporizer during the duration of the conversation. I was so nervous to call my own mother I needed to get drunk and high. We talked for two hours. I learned things about her I've never known, but always wondered. I am thirty-years-old. Now I know why she doesn’t talk to her dad. I know a lot of other things now too; I know what my dad was like as a young man, how naïve he was. I know more about my mom. We talked for two hours and I tired to keep her talking about herself, because I want to know about her, and I don’t want to endure the ridicule of talking about myself. I told her I would call more, and that I’m sorry I haven’t called more. She said she wanted to text me the other day but was worried about bothering me on a Saturday, so she didn’t send the text. We said ‘I love you,’ at the same time. I cried after I hung up, because I think my mom is even sadder than I am. She is stronger than I am. I told her I would call more, but I don’t know if I will. We can’t talk about the kind of stuff we talked about tonight, every night.

>> No.23345164

It's still nice to catch up with her if you two have nothing to say.
That's how "normal people" do it.

>> No.23345189

i just sneezed while eating my breakfast hamburger. my day is already ruined

>> No.23345194

>his wife cooks him hamburgers for breakfast
>still gotta complain
God you people are so ungrateful.

>> No.23345199

'normal people,' dont feel the humiliation of life as acutly as me. I'd rather kill myself than tell my mom how feel. I've thought about killing myself thousands of times more than I've thought of calling my mom. I fantasize about suicide to sleep instead of counting sheep. A man can't tell his mom he wants death.

>> No.23345201

>A man can't tell his mom he wants death.
A tale as old as time. Sneed couldn't tell Chuck he wanted to take his store and make it the Feed and Seed.

>> No.23345205

I made cookies for the family but they're rock hard and no one wants to eat them. However, once you manage to bite through them, they're pretty nice and start to break apart pretty easily, oh well, more for me.

>> No.23345221

God, philosophy, games, fantasy literature

>> No.23345270
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I want to make friends but I cant find anyone I'd actually want to be friends with

>> No.23345278

>God, philosophy
>games, fantasy literature

>> No.23345281

There are whole threads dedicated to making friends on /soc/, have you tried there?

>> No.23345282

I need to get rich quick. My wife-to-be is going to inherit a lovely property in the country. I want to escape urban society and just move there. But I need money for certain construction/renovation projects on the land. I also cannot be seen as a parasite/pimp subsisting from a dowry. I want it to be known by everybody that I am a man of honour and dignity, so that people will see me as a true patriarch and not just a trickster. I want to have 6 children that I can homeschool and put to work on the land. I need a truck, a firearms license and a shotgun, tools, a writing hut, a place to store books, weightlifting equipment, mats to teach my boys how to wrestle & fight, a place that can be used as a classroom.
Unfortunately I am from a poor family, unlike her. I have skills in computer programming and have some ideas for mobile apps I could design. I also am leaving university in a couple of months and will probably land a job in tech (interviews are going good). I'll put all my wage into crypto or stocks or my business ideas.
Hopefully I can make it before I turn 25, which will be in 5 years. Then I will escape society and become a great writer and founder of a dynasty.

>> No.23345288
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I think I'll stay away from /soc/

>> No.23345293

That's fair.

>> No.23345297


>> No.23345304

This is so fucking gay and cringe, I genuinely wish the worst for you, if I were a religious man I would pray for you to get faced with never-ending failure.

>> No.23345315

I used to think there was nobility in war. A mutual respect between soldiers, something higher than mere barbarism. Now I realise that is a total lie. Having watched so many videos from the Ukraine conflict, I realise that soldiers are nothing but a band of bloodthirsty, murderous gangsters. So many videos out there of them bragging and making fun of piles of corpses from the other side that they’ve just killed. Not to mention all the propaganda they put out there, videos of the graveyards from the other side, “look how many of them we’ve murdered!” No different in essence from the hood niggers in Chicago. Fuck patriotism, fuck nationalism, fuck these notions of “honour” and “bravery” that powerful people try to brainwash us with so we will die and kill for their interests. If the draft ever comes for me, I will be dodging it 100%.

>> No.23345321

Cool, I don’t care what you think, degenerate

>> No.23345345

You clearly do since you took the time to respond acting like you don't care, admit it, I'm in your head.

>> No.23345350

>Fuck patriotism, fuck nationalism, fuck these notions of “honour” and “bravery” that powerful people try to brainwash us with so we will die and kill for their interests. If the draft ever comes for me, I will be dodging it 100%.
Finally, more people are getting it.

>> No.23345354


>> No.23345371

I hate the spirit you embody, the ever-revolutionising spirit of degenerate modernity, which I see everywhere around me, whose symbols I instantly recognise without need for an argument, whose enforcers I despise for your slimy psychological warfare tactics, through which you pressure men to fall in line with your nightmarish nihilistic normocracy. No tenderness in your eyes, no spirit of brotherly compassion, no attempt at understanding. No grasp of Form and the Good. Just hollow-minded nominalism, malevolence. You are the gulag officer smirking sadistically at the poor fellow forced to dig ditches for daring to think differently, hoping he slips up so you can shoot him and watch him die. A man totally trapped in his particularity, a constructed thought-prison which you have never once seen fit to question. You are the enemy I am totally set against, you are the symbol of everything I oppose, everything I have defined my life and self-conceptualisation in opposition to.

>> No.23345393

Not reading all that, lmao, glad you wasted your time though.

>> No.23345394

It doesn't even rotate!

>> No.23345397

I'm pro-Israel because the pro-Palestine people are so fucking annoying.

>> No.23345435
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hang in there

>> No.23345439
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How do you justify this? Not even to mention the countless thousands that have been displaced from their homes which are now rubble. I don't even think Israelis are ok with their government at this point

>> No.23345477

>watched some videos on telegram once
>thinks he become an expert on war
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.23345483

Did I say I was an expert? Wtf

>> No.23345488

I do not care about how many people have died, I was just joking around with that reply. I wouldn't say I'm "pro-Israel" and I wouldn't say I'm "anti-Palestine" I just think that the pro-Palestine people are extremely fucking obnoxious. I don't have a horse in this race, whichever place comes out victorious doesn't matter to me, viva la Palestine and viva la Israel, I don't care.

>> No.23345505

I'm am truly sorry, anon. Your loved one will carry on forever in you and your children. I wish you all the strength in this world.

>> No.23345557

Everyone is always memeing, but how do you tell when its actually over?

>> No.23345576

I care because genocide is evil and I happen to think that if society was filled with people like you it would be an even greater shithole than it already is.

>> No.23345580

I think the whole nobility in war shit was some mutual understanding between the nobles, that if either of them ever ended at the mercy of others, they'd be spared and ransomed instead of butchered.

>> No.23345601

It's fine if you care, it just doesn't affect me or anyone I know in any way so, therefore, I do not care.

>> No.23345608
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>London is only %38 British
>Walk down the street
>No one speaking English
You guys in small towns don't understand that it's already over.

>> No.23345611

There are so many beautiful places in the US with cheap rent and people just aren't moving to them, I don't get it, I'm not from the US but if I was there would be nothing that could stop me from moving to somewhere pretty like Siskiyou County, CA.

>> No.23345624

you don't have to type anonymous into the name field like that bro

>> No.23345627

No jobs. No women.
What you gonna do then, huh?

I mean here in Europe you could move to rural Portugal, rural Spain, rural Greece, rural Italy, rural Finland, rural Romania, ...etc and find really super nice idyllic places to live in, too.

>> No.23345631

just posting to tell you that actual original Buddhism has just about the opposite thing going on from what you posted

>> No.23345633

I know that you are a troll arguing in bad faith, but that is a really false claim.
Britain and France did not fight Hitler because they cared about the Poles. They did so out of a sense of self preservation.
The same applies in this scenario.
A country like Israel has a dangerous level of influence over our lives, and at the same time they have manage to convince the establishment that it is OK for them to commit the most heinous crimes. The routinely conduct clandestine assassinations in first world countries too.

>> No.23345645

>I know that you are a troll arguing in bad faith
I'm genuinely not, I've always been this way.

>> No.23345648

>No jobs.
I'm sure there are jobs.
>No women.
Oh no?

>> No.23345655

le epic larp

>> No.23345657

well realized anon

>> No.23345658

There are no jobs that would be suitable for a young men trying to make something of himself. And no, there are truly no women. Rural women flee to the cities in droves.

I don't mean that there are literally 0 women, but do you want to live in a place where there is 1 girl for every 10 guys in the same age bracket?

>> No.23345668

Why should men care if there are no women if they're not looking to have children?
>Waaah, I can't have sex that will leave her disappointed.
Oh no?

>> No.23345678

Well turns out, while ive been crushing on her and too afraid to make a move shes been seeing our mutual friend/coworker (we all work together.) in secret. I now know this because while I did have suspicions before hand they are working schedules that make sure they don’t work together by using their paid days off. And she’s been acting weird this week as well as basically profusely texting the whole shifts. So I don’t know how to feel. I don’t have any proof they’re breaking up or even were together but it’s one of those “it it smells like a fish, if it looks like a…” type of situations. I want to still love her but I don’t know if I can. It seemed like there was something between me and her, we talk at work and she starts to blush alot and smile when we do. But after this revelation I just don’t know how to feel

>> No.23345683

I should clarify that they would work together on consistent schedules and it’s THIS week they’re avoiding the same shifts.

>> No.23345690

Sounds like you didn't make a move and she went for the guy who did.

>> No.23345694

I know man and i know the lesson is to take this as a sign I should kill my timidity. But fuck man im almost 30 and I thought she was the one. I don’t want to be with any other girl but now I don’t know if I even like her anymore

>> No.23345700

Yeah I don't know your situation but if you're nearing 30 I'd let go of the Disney idea that there's this one girl who will be perfect for you.

>> No.23345707

You've been orbiting the office attention whore.
Happened to all of us.

>> No.23345709

I’m not saying she’ll be perfect for me I just had a good gut feeling about her, I’ve had feelings for her for like a year now and it’s only gotten worse like I can’t even bring myself to want other girls

>> No.23345712

>and I thought she was the one
Don't ever think that until you're 10 years into the marriage and she still isn't fed up with you.

>> No.23345715

Orbiting for a year?
That's crazy.
Give it a week and then go look for other women. Do you have any experience at all with them?

>> No.23345725

Is it that bad? I haven’t only exclusively thought about her that long but the past few months I’ve gone from general attraction to full blown in love since we’ve been talking more. And yes I do I’ve dated 6 girls before and been with many more. Current girl Lexie gives signs she likes talking to me so I’ve been hoping theres a chance and letting it slowburn but now turns out I’m a colossal retard. Gotta say this is one of my worst moments.

>> No.23345728

>like I can’t even bring myself to want other girls
Rookie mistake. You have not even kissed her yet, and you're already in love.
Even if you confessed to her.
Even if she gave you a chance.
You would have screwed it up.

You're a virgin, aren't you? How old? You got lots to learn.

>> No.23345734

I literally said ive been with many girls and dated 6. I’m 29 and have a body count of 30. I’m handsome and girls approach me a lot and also tinder works.

>> No.23345737

>body count of 30
bruised banana

>> No.23345743

Dude, we are all anonymous here. God have mercy. I am cringing so hard right now.

>> No.23345742





Whenever we get into the fucking spring or summer months all of them just endlessly showing off their fucking tits and hips and asses.

Everywhere I go I’m getting basically visually raped and sexually assaulted by these whores.

>> No.23345747

Just ogle the fuck out of them. Nothing funnier than seeing some slut trying to cover her ass with her hand and by stretching her miniskirt cause you're staring penetratingly at her bum.

>> No.23345829

I feel like it would prove to be an interesting case study for any sociologists to investigate where the willingness for compromise is taken as a sign of goodwill between parties and where it is taken as a sign of weakness of the one offering a compromise, where the border between the two cultures lie, and why there is a difference. I've noticed that orientals like arabs, jews, indians, or the chinese tend to fall into the latter while higher trust western societies tend to be the former. I feel like that schism is a source of a great deal of cultural miscommunication between orientals and westerners.

>> No.23345831

anemia sucks. if I get reincarnated, I want to be something that doesn't need bone marrow

>> No.23345840

What’s cringe about having had sex with many women?

>> No.23345841

>t. Perfidious Albion

>> No.23345848

Who said that life is easy? It's hard, it has always been hard, it will get easier, but not easy.
And yet, it's kinda beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.23345916

>And yet, it's kinda beautiful, isn't it?

>> No.23345928

bro is drinking his bread again

>> No.23345957

shut up. i've never drank less bread in my life.

>> No.23345988

i've thought anne hathaway is brilliant for years but now that i REALLY THINK ABOUT IT i cannot name a movie she's been in other than les mis, which was not very good.

>> No.23345996

It is the opposite. The orientals have a culture of haggling and haggling is pretty much what compromise is. Everything can be discussed and agreed upon.
The occidentals have a culture of "rule by law" where the law is some deity they worship above all else (in theory) and where no compromise can be discussed because the law dictates what must be done.

>> No.23345997

Colossal is deeply underrated

>> No.23345999

There is something seriously wrong with my dad. Impossible to have a conversation with him. Everytime I say something, he interprets it the wrong way. Just a few minutes back, he was telling me about how a specific medicine helped him. He was struggling with his words, so to assure I got his point, I said, "I get what you're saying." To which he responded, "why are you cutting off what I'm saying?" And he walked away and now isn't speaking to me. Wtf dude, i was trying to express that i understand your perspective.

The only way to bear an interaction with him is to nod and listen. Anything you share will be misconstrued and used against you.

>> No.23346003

Okay now that I have expressed the worry and frustration out in this post, it no longer exists in me. The post holds the pain. Not me. I am free.

>> No.23346004

Being more precise, one can see it as a spectrum.
At one end, everything is subjective and up for discussion. At the other end, everything is dictated by law.
The western countries are clearly a rule by law societies, but at the upper echelons of society, there is still a lot of leeway. Being rich and influential makes the law more flexible. And not just the law. Being rich, you go to a bank and the bank discusses the terms with you.

>> No.23346011

I thought you quit that job or he got fired or something

>> No.23346045

No we moved spots but it didn't help much.
I mostly just leave the office at his eating period but couldn't this time

>> No.23346048

chicago to saint louis saint louis to chicago

>> No.23346135


>> No.23346166

Life is a tensor of ennui.

>> No.23346173

Must be nice.

>> No.23346174

life is a series of losses. you start with a healthy, complete body that will gradually let you down.

>> No.23346179

Aiming to lose 10 pounds. I let myself go the past few weeks.

>> No.23346184

an asymptote of satisfaction.

>> No.23346187
File: 118 KB, 938x960, 1713949881490295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is

>> No.23346188


>> No.23346190

When you die.

>> No.23346197

Why do all postmodern novels read the same? Oh, you wrote about a nonexistent book or author...oh, you said "fuck" and "shit" in a part where people usually would expect elevated, serious prose...oh, your 17th century german peasants talk and behave like 21st century upper-middle class redditors because the contrast is so wacky and anachronistic!

>> No.23346198

Are you gay or something?

>> No.23346200

Good way to catch STDs

>> No.23346201


>> No.23346210


Things aren’t ideal, if they were you’d be singing a different tune. Try being consistent.

>> No.23346212

People meme about asian-american diaspora literature being the most insufferable type of modern literature, but you should be thankful that you don't speak Hungarian. Contemporary Hungarian literature is the literary equivalent of waterboarding, holy shit, somebody please do us a favor and nuke this country back to the stone age.

>> No.23346218

it's such a sad thing that i didn't die sooner.

>> No.23346221


>> No.23346242

Wrap it before you tap it dawg

Really rich that the app developer with class anxiety is lecturing others on "degenerate modernity"

>> No.23346244

Please expand on hungary contemporary. What's going on there

>> No.23346249

i love eating food so much bros

>> No.23346250

Most Recent Diary Entry:

I’m not convinced that the pleasures of the body will make us whole.

Today I was cumming and it instantly felt deeply real that a person I could love was an ocean that I could dive into, every moment and memory and feeling of their lives a floating molecule within vast liquid space that was mine to float through. I shook with pleasure

I’ve been the horniest I’ve been throughout my entire life in the past week. Truly insatiable. I’ve been having marathon hour long masturbation sessions twice a day and feeling like my body is rippling with heat the way you feel when you kiss someone or take your clothes off in front of someone.

Today I saw a boy working at the bakery that was so beautiful I almost fell over. We made eye contact.

If a rapist can write a song that makes me cry then somehow that makes it more moving.

Yesterday I asked Grandma about Dad, who she had lunch with. She puzzled for a moment then said that he smiled and laughed but that she could see the sadness in his eyes.

>> No.23346252

Same, what's your favourite?
For me, ice cream and mexican slop.
Or a good steak

>> No.23346260

i've literally had a single-digit number of bad meals in my life. i don't care if i'm spending $500 on good shellfish or $5 on a burger, it's all so good.

>> No.23346277

The word that would best define it by itself alone is inbred. Aesthetically, ideologically, ethnically, it is inbred and has been for generations. For around a century and half, even. Imagine if the american literary scene shrank down to NYC and american literature of the last 150 years would have been constituted of nothing else but a groundhog day of NYC jews blowing smoke up each other's ass and endlessly regurgitating the same style and themes generation after generation.

>> No.23346280

Thinking about moving to New York for a year or something. I think ultimately I’m going to buy a house back home in the next five years, but I’ve never lived in the city and I kind of want to try it just to say I did. It’s either that or I find some other far off small town to hang out in for a while.

>> No.23346296

gay as fuck

>> No.23346300
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Busriding anon in Portland here -- this time, made eye contact with a pink-haired QT as the bus pulled up to her stop, made eye contact again as she got on, and then she sat behind me. Me? I sat there and choked, did nothing. Great. Maybe tomorrow... She was wearing big headphones though, so would've been awkward if I turned around and tried to say something and she didn't even hear me lol, but that's silly because she def. was hoping I made some kind of approach. Maybe tomorrow... tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow...

>> No.23346317


>> No.23346320

why do a lot of transphobes always act so crass and offensive? like, yeah, joking about people comitting suicide really is going to make me agree with your cause...

>> No.23346322

Also, the main reason for posting: any advice?

>> No.23346325

I mean you know why, it's because a lot of people on the right don't have an intellectual foundation for their political and moral views, so to back up their instinctual feelings springing up their beliefs they resort to humor and insults.

t. right-winger

>> No.23346334

There is a nobility in a war between equals, not in total industrial war. Hell, I'd argue all warfare up to certain breaking points is ritual warfare.
You were not wrong in assuming war had a code of honor, because in many cases, it does. But that was another time.
War of annihilation between nation A and nation B is not one of the aforementioned cases. And neither is any type of ethnoreligious conflict.
Word of personal advice: It's better to emotionally distance oneself from all that. For the sake of your wellbeimg and also because people will very often try to manipulate you using corpses.

>> No.23346341


>> No.23346348

It's so hot outside, nobody wants to work, and the flies bite, all of them, even the ones that normally don't because it's currently egg-laying season for them and they need protein for the shells of the eggs, so they gain that from humans

>> No.23346372

Feels like me in California

>> No.23346378

That part of California is a total shit hole.

>> No.23346411

what are you talking about?

>> No.23346416

I think that's the schizo lady, shouting into the ether of /lit/ because the guy she's into (read: stalking) browses here, at least from what I've gleaned from reading their posts.

>> No.23346423

no i'm not that chick
i'm just having a moment

>> No.23346432

look closer

>> No.23346436

Ah. Well, I wish you the best. Also, the post-time for your post here: based.

>> No.23346442

Ukraine v. Russia is a war between equals and between brothers even.
And yet they rape each other in the butt and cut each others balls off for fun.

>> No.23346445

No, it’s because transgenders are living under a delusion brought on by severe sexual perversion which has warped their mind to the point they believe they are ontologically female. (Even though these types are nominalists and can’t even define what it means to be a woman). At the same time they insist that they are not mentally ill and that everyone else must tweak their philosophical definition of what a woman is so as to incorporate them within it, and if we don’t we’re terrible people. Not only that, but we must push this fanaticism to the point where even our children are to be injected with hormones or puberty blockers if they show some whimsical sign of girlishness growing up. It is a top-down manufactured radical ideology equipped with its own terminology and apologetics, pushed onto the masses with an effectiveness that must have been shocking to anyone who had a belief in the strength of common sense. A revolution against the concept of sex, which is older than humanity itself, and people have swallowed it. Pointing out their absurd suicide rate is a way to show that these people are fundamentally broken golems who are being used as a sort of battering ram against society rather than, as they say, instantiations of a noble cultural spirit that had always been latent in society but whcih had been unjustly repressed by a white cis het patriarchy.

>> No.23346450

i'm starting to think that "retard" diagnosis wasn't just for shits and giggles

>> No.23346460

you were doing pretty good there for a minute but then you showed your whole ass with one single word, nice job

>> No.23346463

Great men make rules, not follow them. The mediocre follow rules, but do not make them.

>> No.23346466

>can't make an argument so shriek about a bad word instead
absolute state of you

>> No.23346472

it's wet brain. it's so obvious now. i very clearly have wet brain.

>> No.23346487

If they’re not golems what are they? The only reason they exist is because of modern medicine. They’re severely mentally ill people with huge suicide rates who have been released as a sort of attack force against traditional society by the people who created this ideology in the universities and the pharma companies who benefit from it. I feel sorry for the transgender who wants to get real psychological help and is encouraged by a doctor to chop his dick off. I don’t feel sorry for the ones who have been turned into militants of this revolutionary ideology.

>> No.23346489

I mean yeah I find this agreeable (and well-written and informative) but I still don't think this means our side has to be so uncharitable and crass and offensive. Sure, pointing out suicide rates has its place and can be a useful data point to support a few different arguments but doesn't mean it has to be done in an off-putting manner of discourse.

>> No.23346496

I don't know why so many people cry about the cost of college. I filed my fasfa and was offered 7,400 dollars in Pell Grants for the next academic year. That covers literally 100 percent of my tuition. Having a part time job and living with my parents covers all my other costs. I saved more costs by transferring in from a community college where each semester was only like 300 or 400 dollars max. And yes, I'm white middle class so don't bitch at me.
There's one caveat. I actually started my first year at a state university when I was still a dependent on my dad's taxes. They offered me no grants but I got a loan I stoll haven't paid off. With the covid freeze and the new laws, I no longer accumulate interest on the loan and have to pay a net total of 0 dollars and 0 cents on the loan monthly. I accumulated only about 300 dollars of interest total.
I didn't file taxes for this concluding year because I was working under the table. I spent a summer painting houses and was able to pay one semesters tuition with that. So yes for the Spring semester I used daddy's money to cover the cost but that's because I couldn't find a fucking job for about 5 months due to every job being worked by illegal Mexicans.
Anyway, it's not some terrible crisis. Just by being reasonable any American can cover the basic costs of a state university

>> No.23346499

Do white women really worship niggers as much as the media lets on?

>> No.23346501

I meant to say I didn't file taxes for 2022.

>> No.23346502

i'm a bleeding heart.

>> No.23346506

>No, it’s because transgenders are living under a delusion brought on by severe sexual perversion which has warped their mind to the point they believe they are ontologically female.

Not all of them. There are even transpeople who are asexual. There are some for whom it's basically autogynephilia but not all are like this.

>At the same time they insist that they are not mentally ill.

This is tricky. Homosexuals are also "not mentally ill", whatever that means.

>to the point where even our children are to be injected with hormones or puberty blockers

There are extremists in each group. Extremist homosexuals wanted to be able to openly molest little boys...

>> No.23346510

Following rules is a western brained norm that is not shared across he whole wide world.

>> No.23346514
File: 1.81 MB, 2768x3609, Paulus_VI,_by_Fotografia_Felici,_1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooner or later every Western nation is going to realize that the Catholics were right all along, and they should have banned birth control like Pope Saint Paul VI suggested.

>> No.23346515

might go back to the encampment today. it feels like a little paradise. sunshine, free food/water and tons of women. also i dislike Jews.

>> No.23346520

It’s not just extremists. I have a family friend whose daughter is severely mentally ill. She hung out on transgender online spaces where they basically encouraged her to become a “they”, and now the social authorities themselves want to give her hormones and call her “they” instead of “she”, even in emails to her parents. This is real stuff that affects real people, and the institutions have swallowed up the ideology fully. The people are still skeptical but they have no will to resist, because basically nobody believes strongly in anything these days. I don’t understand your point about homosexuals, I also think homosexuality is immoral.

>> No.23346530

I need an hour of cardio everyday or I will be a misanthropic black hole to those around me, after a month of being simply happy I've even got a date.
But its all runners high and like some sharks if I stop swimming I will die.
Everything is drugs I can't simply be happy.

>> No.23346531

Yes, going to community college -> state uni is a great method of going about it. That was my plan as well. But, as you know, not everyone goes that route + there are other, more expensive schools.

>> No.23346537

i havent payed taxes in five years and in fact i don't remember how to.

>> No.23346549

>17th century german peasants talk and behave like 21st century upper-middle class redditors because the contrast is so wacky and anachronistic
I've never seen this one. Usually it's
>Hey hope you speak 17th C Plautdietsch because all of this family's chapters are written in it using Schwabacher

>> No.23346574

The CC route is at least pretty easy on its face. I did read an article that said else than 10 percent of community college students in California actually end up transferring to a 4 year institution. So it is an easier and cheaper method, but for whatever reason it's very difficult for most students to actually stick it out. I know for myself I took 5 years to actually transfer, but I like to absolve myself of that failure by citing the pandemic as being extremely disruptive to my life.

>> No.23346578

Haha for sure. Sounds like you're doing plenty fine, congratulations and I wish you the best on future success in your endeavors.

>> No.23346584

Banning birth control is totally right and correct, but the issue of catholicism was settled in the 1530s

>> No.23346588
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Cope harder, Prot.

>> No.23346596

It's pretty easy. If you're on a payroll they just send you a tax document that you just copy and paste from into a tax form.

>> No.23346601

Cope with what?

>> No.23346609

I hate myself. I have no self control. I can do alright when I stop watching YouTube and going on 4chan altogether. But I soon start thinking I’m “missing out” on interesting discussions and need to be part of the conversation. Need my voice heard, and all that shit. So I think it won’t be too bad if I go on 4chan again, just a little bit. Then it consumes me. It leads me into constant posting and refreshing, shirking my duties and making a fool of myself. Some idiot will post a thot and then I’ll eventually go to /gif/ to jerk off. It’s terrible. The only way I can stop it is when I go to mass on Sunday and vow to God I will quit all these distractions. But I always make the fallacy of thinking I can just dip my toes back in without being consumed.

>> No.23346611

Do you have conversations with people irl

>> No.23346620

so do I but if I could fully remove my tastebuds I'd do it in a second.

>> No.23346625

Only my fiance. I’m a solitary person

>> No.23346639

I feel that. I never got so much reading done as the time when, for a period of a few months, my laptop broke and I only had an old smartphone (I hate browsing 4chan on mobile for extended periods of time, fortunately) and an iPad my mom's friend whom I was living with was letting me borrow, and I would download books on the iPad and read all day after work and into the night before sleep. I often think of trying to replicate that experience but I don't wanna be without music on my PC, and furthermore I'm plenty hooked on browsing reddit on my phone these days anyway. Maybe I should try and be one of those people who go out to, say, coffee shops and various other public places to read and write.

>> No.23346644


strangely moving
the way he starts SHOUTING careless whisper.

>> No.23346646

Yikes, sounds fun
What are the thematic and stylistic regurgitation? The more specific, the better.

Also what place, if any, does krasznahorkai play in the current state of Hungarian contemporary lit? Asking cuz I fuckin love satantango

>> No.23346647

Well that's your problem. You're just hsing these sites as a stand in for real human interaction. They are a inferior means of communication and are loaded with the most unpleasant features of human thinking so the negatively affect you. Get real irl contacts. I sometimes get my need to discuss bulkshit out of the way by raising theological and philosophical problems with church friends

>> No.23346671

Looking at cities in the U.S to visit, Las Vegas looks like the most fun.
The over the top nature of it. If I'm going to visit the U.S I might as well go to the most American spot.
Anyone here ever been there?

>> No.23346679

Honestly man, the bus is maybe one of the worst places to meet anyone, let alone women. When's the last time you had a conversation on the bus where you weren't eagerly awaiting your stop?

>> No.23346682

Vegas is awful and not even that "American," depending on what you mean by that.

>> No.23346683

Yeah I've been there a handful of times. It's a fun little spot but it depends on what you plan on doing there. To maximize fun you need to drink and go out at night, stroll through casinos, and hit all the landmarks. They also have these cool machine gun ranges that Europeans love to visit

>> No.23346687

Hence my asking for advice! I mean ideally the difference is she's attractive and I'm attractive, and in our age of social atomization and loneliness and isolation, you gotta seize the brief, few opportunities modern life provides to perhaps meet someone, particularly with romantic intentions.

>> No.23346702

The landscape around it seems American, dry desert wild west kind of stuff.
The city itself is full of glamor and excess, I associate that with the U.S.
I don't plan on going on short notice but if I were to go I'd do what you just said.
Seems fun to stroll around and shop, eat like a pig and get drunk laying in a pool watching the biggest screen I've ever seen in my life.

>> No.23346710

Yeah if you go to Vegas just indulge the full decadence. But unless you're going nuts having crazy cocaine parties it gets old really quick. Definitely try a drive through the desert and see some natural landmarks. It's only a couple hours away from the Grand Canyon too, which is worth a visit.

>> No.23346715

Europeans think America is tacky and vulgar which Vegas embodies perfectly. Vegas basically leans into the stereotype

>> No.23346719

From what I saw it seems to be enough to entertain me for a week. Maybe hard to say but is it an expensive city? Compared to say a New York or Miami?
That's what would maybe stop me from going, if everything there is way expensive.

>> No.23346727

Yea it's gonna be expensive. Relative to New York or Florida? I don't know bro, I've never been there. I'm a west coast bro. Farthest east I've ever been was the border of Utah and Colorado

>> No.23346740

i don't know if men have a similar experience as they grow older, but to me on certain days of the month, my body just enters a sheer and absolute intense frenzy to bear a child. not a kind of horniness for sex or anything either, just a kind of utter compulsion that i need to be a mom, right here, right now, like a hunger or itch, something instinctive, with no relief or peace until something is done

i am talking about finding myself watching youtube videos on what to expect during pregnancy, top new parents tips and tricks, endlessly browsing amazon for baby clothes and looking at nursury room inspirations at 2 AM in the morning, because i can't sleep, this is all my body wants to think about even though it bores me to tears. because this is coming from someone who in their right mind would be a terribly unfit parent, with no financial stability, and a host of inheritable medical problems. someone who expressed no previous desire for any of this, who has sworn off children knowing what an awful they would have here

i guess instinct doesn't care about any of that. it is a mindless thing. is the world to be inherited by people with no self control? i fight these urges, i am sure there are people that just give in, for better or worse. my parents were one such couple, when they had me unplanned and unmarried in their 20s while in university, only marrying after the fact to avoid scandal

am i supposed to repeat a doomed fate with someone? to repeat a known dysfunctional cycle because of biology, i guess that is the nature of people to their core. but wow is the urge real, my body really wants one. i pray these feelings pass with time, surely it gives up at some point, once i get out of my 30s

>> No.23346747

I'll donate sperm to you if you want

>> No.23346748

How old are you?

>> No.23346755

You'll lose the urge but it will be replaced with a crushing loneliness.
A lot of people nowadays think like you do. Honestly if you think like that you shouldn't reproduce, but it's a bad sign a lot of people think like this. Deeply unhealthy, sign of decline.

>> No.23346771

I have this theory that at a certain point of population growth the DNA triggers a self destruct sequence to rid the waste from the gene pool. Anyone who seriously thinks she should not reproduce is being told by her DNA that she needs to self select out for the sake of the species. It's basically a safeguard against a lax natural selection

>> No.23346774
File: 3.23 MB, 480x852, 1709070237456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've reached a point where porn completely fails to arouse me. I haven't had a boner in months. On the rare chance I interact with one I get hard around real women but real women don't want to be around me. It's over.

>> No.23346777

I think the same.
I used to be one of these people that would try to reason with people, saying that they should do it etc.
But now I just let them do their thing. Unless it's a loved one. But other than that, if you lack the will to reproduce, you're most likely broken. Especially if you feel like that nearing 30.

>> No.23346780

>surely it gives up at some point, once i get out of my 30s
oh no lol. It gets even worse, so much so that you will let just about any loser to give you a baby, I know because im result of such, my dad was a fucking loser when my mom hit 30. He was bald, autistic, short, had no idea what he wanted with his life and a mommy's boy. Only reason why im here today is because my dad was at right place at right time, the time being when my mom had exact urge you had. This is what happens to most women desu, they hit 30, the urge makes women say ''fuck it'', chose first guy willing to marry and end up with a kid and a divorce 5 years later. A lot of my friends and my parents friends are exact same. Woman, you are fucked lol

>> No.23346781

I seriously got to the point where I encourage anti natalists to sterilize themselves

>> No.23346783

That's why you start searching for a decent man at 25. Otherwise panic sets in

>> No.23346789

Strange to think that no one else, only me, is capable of writing this exact sentence, at this very moment, in this particular place.

>> No.23346792

Anon watches literal propaganda and thinks he's found some insight.

>kraine v. Russia is a war between equals
lol no
it's a war of attrition where one side has 5x the population
it couldn't be more unequal

>> No.23346801

there are a lot more women than men that women want to marry. So either you will lose standards and just give in into urges, share a man with bunch of other ladies or become a cat lady. Yeah, Im 24, soon to be 25 and god I bet im perfect example why you should worry because this urge might make you want to marry men like me, I pity you you women.

>> No.23346802

>tfw bald, short, autistic, no idea what I want to do with my life, mommy's boy

>> No.23346803
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It's already way too late past college. Men with options want younger women. Men without options are losers. If you don't have an organic and significant relationship from 14-22 you're basically consigned to the low quality leftovers looking to exploit one another.

Honestly ask yourself if you think a man can respect you knowing you waited until you were past your prime years which were spent whoring around to settle down and become serious. He might be willing to fuck you or engage in some kind of co-dependence if they are similarly scummy, but it's impossible for the relationship to be "equal and dignified" at that point.

>> No.23346808

Why not? We're all similar integers in one simulation.

>> No.23346809

I think I just invented a humanities field

sociology of metaphysics

>> No.23346813

All of those except a mommas boy. My grandmother was closer to me than my (living) mother currently is. And I write essays and maxims and play guitar/make music.

>> No.23346817

You are the only integer that did come up with your response.

I'm different enough not to have come up with it.

>> No.23346825

Only in this particular loop. Across enough iterations the average is average.

>> No.23346826

yeah, so there is a chance for us losers too

>> No.23346827

what vegan influencer lives here

>> No.23346834

Very particular loop, this.

>> No.23346835

all of those except bald and short

>> No.23346836

Based, this is the final stage

>> No.23346845

I don't want some old hag who wants to immediately settle down and is basically just using me for my wallet.
I can get slut pussy just fine and given the choice, I will rather have my fun with sluts than go waste my time with some shriveled and used up cunt who is "ready to settle down".

Only way I would ever consider an old hag is I have good reason to believe she's a literal virgin. That would make me consider her.

>> No.23346852
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>I don't want some old hag who wants to immediately settle down and is basically just using me for my wallet.
>I can get slut pussy just fine and given the choice, I will rather have my fun with sluts than go waste my time with some shriveled and used up cunt who is "ready to settle down".

>Only way I would ever consider an old hag is I have good reason to believe she's a literal virgin. That would make me consider her.

>> No.23346853

I’ve had seven girlfriends, regardless

>> No.23346855


>> No.23346864

Why the fuck do Americans talk about each other like this?

>> No.23346869

Mercantile culture. Transactional relationships. Warped pioneer mindset.

>> No.23346873

You would too if your women were as worthless as ours

>> No.23346874

And then they'll tell you the Jews did this to them. Nation of pigs

>> No.23346876

I didn’t write that, but okay

>> No.23346880

People are objects. Women doubly so.

I'm not joking in case you're reaching for that misunderstanding.

>> No.23346882

Absolutely malding. Did Uncle Sam touch you as a toddler?

>> No.23346884
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All of those nutrients found in image

>> No.23346893

orson welles said something about the pioneer mindset/infinite frontier, this was re people who are in LA doing yoga feeling like they're part of 'the search' (he said it in the 80s)
>The search, the terrible search. This great search is mainly being conducted on the West Coast. And it is because people, pioneers, have been fighting their way to get here for one hundred and fifty years. Finally they’re here, and there’s nothing here.

>> No.23346902

I am not American.

>> No.23346905

You're American in your soul

>> No.23346906

This is all dumb and retarded cope. Literal r9k blackpill nonsense.
And no I'm not a woman.
There was a stat that people are getting their tubes tied because abortion got scraped in some states.
Great development, the people I dislike the most are making themselves sterile.

>> No.23346909

drugs and (cyber)space
neo is a very old word

>> No.23346912

I sure am. Europe is a dying continent and I would love to immigrate.
But they won't give a VISA.

>> No.23346929

>and there’s nothing here
It's literally the best place to live in the whole world.
Temperate climate and the strongest economic region in the world.

>> No.23346938

The land is beautiful, but the rest is sin

t. retired at 30, live in switzerland

>> No.23346945

Whenever I think of writing something smutty I find myself being interested more in everything around the sex rather than the sex itself, but ironically enough the sex needs to be present in the setting for me to remain interested in thinking about it. Creating an erotic atmosphere, fun character interactions, or writing sexy scenarios is just far more interesting and hotter than writing the actual act.

>> No.23346946

Switzerland is an awful place.
The people are so horrible.
I guess you live in a bubble of expats.

>> No.23346947

I usually don’t trust the perspectives of non-natives on this nation with some notable exceptions

>> No.23346954

Can you faggots talk about anything other than cumming?

>> No.23346957

I tend to think Europe is on some kind of pseudo-intellectual intelligence LARP but I’m just one guy

>> No.23346959

>retired at 30, live in a tax haven
yeah yeah that's exciting

>> No.23346960

My family is Swiss, so I just reintegrated back where I belong. America just makes people cruel and effete. English is a slave language.

>> No.23346965

>Europeans think America is tacky and vulgar
Don't Americans also think that Europe is homosexual and degenerate?

>> No.23346968
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well orson welles was an american... unless you're talking about these natives

>> No.23346970

I really regret the choice I made back in 2019.

>> No.23346971

I think a lot of you guys could save yourself the agony about women if you went gay or at least tried dating trans people

>> No.23346972

Do you speak German?
Either way, even as a native, I really don't like the insularity that is native to most European cultures.

I love how open Americans are to engage strangers and American is way less classist too.

>> No.23346974
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>> No.23346975
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Here's a guide for you burgerfags.

>> No.23346977

I'm doing ADF with OMAD on the days that I do eat. Very effective for rapid weight loss, but it's had an absolutely brutal impact on my energy level.

>> No.23346980

What's the point of that?
The whole goal of trying to get a good woman is to have the picture perfect family life.

But failing that, I can just get a young slut and have some fun for a while.

>> No.23346983

Isn't it?

>> No.23346990

You are the world's children. We'd love you and worship you from behind plexiglass if we could just wrestle that gun from your hands.

>> No.23346991

Are any of you in a career that you actually feel good about or is everyone on the internet stuck working in grocery stores or a local hospital chain?

>> No.23346996

Project manager for a construction company.
It's pretty fun

>> No.23347004

American liberals in American cities are way more degenerate than the biggest degenerates in Berlin.

Europe is more of a life and let live kinda place.
America seems to be divided between very accepting regions and very bigoted regions both of which are more extreme than the European counterparts.

>> No.23347007

why is uk narcissism

>> No.23347012

>why is uk narcissism

>> No.23347022

Spot on with the first two -- can you explain what you mean by the last sentence, "warped pioneer mindset?"

I sympathize a little with your position, but for the rest, it along with your word choice is vile and awful.

>> No.23347029

Nowhere in America is bigoted. The conservative areas are live and let live while the liberal areas are "be a degenerate or fuck you"

>> No.23347035

I'm just saying, any guy who really hates women as much as some of you seem to would do well to look elsewhere. You can have fun with a young slut (male)

>> No.23347040

You guys live in a fantasy land

>> No.23347051


>> No.23347053

I don't hate women. I simply don't respect people who don't respect me back.
And by respect, I don't mean the superficial kind. I mean real respect.

>> No.23347062

Just finished a long shift doing road work, was working on buildings in the colder months. There is more road work in the warmer months so I'm back to doing that. Long shifts on the tarmac laying down asphalt.

End up traveling to the same parts out in the country for both, real peaceful way out in the sticks. It is satisfying to put in a hard day's work and earn an honest living. Especially to eat a tasty homemade meal you earned yourself after a long day of physical labor.

Coworkers were asking me about Palestine to see what I thought, I didn't even bring it up. We talked about how the zionists are genociding Christians in the Holy Land. How they are blowing up churches like people used to down here in Alabama.

Overheard some redneck talking about "from the river to the sea" or something like that couldn't make out everything he was saying. Just some guy talking to his friend while traffic was held up for the road crew.

Polished off a cheesy chicken burrito and a tall glass of milk. Gotta find some way to pass the time (probably this) then back to work tomorrow.

>> No.23347067
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Kingsley Amis (conservative) when he was living in America

>> No.23347071

Which book should I read next?
>Vita Nuova
>King Lear
>Essays on Idleness
>The Silmarillion

>> No.23347098

doesn't johnny foreigner normally think of it as rainy depression land

>> No.23347108

I admit that this is a wild fancy, and I hesitate to tell you my thoughts. Still, I am used to being thought foolish, so I shall proceed, inviting you to make of my words what you will. Then let me tell you that I have always had a recurring dream, in which it is revealed to me - thought how it is revealed I cannot say - that everyone alive is in fact engaged in playing elaborate games, while at the same time believing themselves to be going about their ordinary affairs. Carpenters, believing themselves to be merely pursuing their trade, are really playing a game, and similarly with politicians, philosophers, lovers, murderers, thieves, and saints. Whatever occupation or activity you can think of, it is in reality a game. This revelation is, of course, astonishing. The sequel is terrifying. For in the dream I then go about persuading everyone I find of the great truth which has been revealed to me. How I am able to persuade them I do not know, though persuade them I do. But precisely at the point when each is persuaded - and this is the ghastly part - each ceases to exist. It is not just that my auditor vanishes on the spot, though indeed he does. It is that I also know with absolute certainty that he no longer exists anywhere. It is as though he had never been. Appalled as I am by the results of my teaching, I cannot stop, but quickly move on to the next creature with my news, until I have preached the truth throughout the universe and have converted everyone to oblivion. Finally I stand alone beneath the summer stars in absolute despair. Then I awaken to the joyful knowledge that the world is still teeming with sentient being after all, and that it was only a dream. I see the carpenter and philosopher going about their work as before... But is it, I ask myself, just as before? Is the carpenter on his roof-top simply hammering nails, or is he making some move in an ancient game whose rules he has forgotten? But now the chill creeps up my legs. I grow drowsy. Dear friends, farewell.

>> No.23347112

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.23347116

He's coping and so are you

>> No.23347129

I'm probably twice your age, I'm well beyond any need for cope and have too much lived experience to delude myself about women. When you get a real job you might understand too one day.

>> No.23347142

None of these

>> No.23347159


>> No.23347212

well, i didn't die.

>> No.23347218

we are so fucking back

>> No.23347358

I live in america

>> No.23347363

What year