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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 224 KB, 1170x2033, 5b0d3b0184f02e4ba7131df727322fb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23343325 No.23343325 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite female poet?

For me it's Dakota Warren

>> No.23343333

That's Lady Dakota Warren to you, chud.

>> No.23343334

does she have an OF?
jk I like her style but don't like poetry

>> No.23343336

This pose is highly inappropriate!

>> No.23343363

I nabbed a copy of her collection at a charity shop. I was determined to read it as I have hope one day I will bump into her in the busy streets of London and impress her with my natural charm and manly looks... Reading her collection seemed like a good way to impress her, for when I finally meet her. But I must admit, despite being such a slim collection, I couldn't finish it... Too pretentious, as pretty girls tend to be, except slightly more imperious, more insufferable than the typical pretty girl. I had to unfollow her on all social media for the same reason. Although I still love you Dakota, we need more beautiful women representing white people in the poetry scene <3

>> No.23343391

I recommend you delete this post, or at least the image, before the expiry time. This image is obscene. The purpose of such clothing and such a pose is to incite lust in the hearts of the viewers. Such a woman is a product of an emasculated matriarchal society where such putrid displays are considered normal. By sharing this photo you are polluting the atmosphere of /lit/ and making our journeys towards Virtue harder. It can be proven, from scripture, from reason, from the highest moral authorities, that such a thing is gravely immoral. For the sake of your own soul, and for good morals, delete the image.

>> No.23343400

I'm gay, by the way, thought it was worth mentioning

>> No.23343402


>> No.23343406
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I agree
Delete this OP!

>> No.23343408

Catherine Pozzi
Cristina Campo

>> No.23343412


>> No.23343413

You can be ironic, but I really dislike thot posting on my lit/. We're already flooded by this sort of stimulus everywhere else.
We're not in need of more soft porn here.

>> No.23343420

>female showing no skin making a lighthearted pose
>this is softcore pornography
I'm sorry porn ruined your brain, anon, but this isn't your hugbox. Go outside and stop being miserable, women

>> No.23343422

I am not gay; I believe homosexuality is gravely immoral. In fact, I can see no other reason for thinking such pictures are acceptable other than a lack of sexual virility on your part. For, were you, like I, a healthy male, you would find such an image extremely distracting. This is why, in patriarchal societies, women are pressured to cover themselves up, for these virile men understand that female beauty is a potent stumbling-block for self-discipline and self-control. However in our emasculated society, a man like you, who represents the average, can look at such a picture and apparently feel no frustration. Either that, or, like a dog, you love to revel in your own filthy masturbatory excretions, and hate Virtue.

>> No.23343426

Since when was /lit/ overruled by faggots? Go back to /lgbt/ and stop acting as if everyone should accomodate to your faggotry

>> No.23343430

Pope Pius Xi
>We recall that a dress cannot be called decent which is cut deeper than two fingers breadth under the pit of the throat, which does not cover the arms at least to the elbows, and scarcely reaches a bit beyond the knee. Furthermore, dresses of transparent material are improper. Let parents keep their daughters away from public gymnastic games and contests; but, if their daughters are compelled to attend such exhibitions, let them see to it that they are fully and modestly dressed. Let them never permit their daughters to don immodest garb.

>> No.23343431
File: 175 KB, 375x271, city of asus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck can the picture be porn when all I see are jpg artifacts

>> No.23343444

Thank you, I forgot the Popes of history are renowned for their moral sanctity and haven't protected paedophiles... Actually, makes sense, seeing as you're clearly gay and hate women

>> No.23343449

The board belongs to the faggots. We've had a John Ashbery thread up all week and there's nothing you can do about it virgin

>> No.23343462

You are a perfect symbol of degenerate modernity, a mind warped and confused. The emphasis on modesty, so far from representing a hatred of the woman, in fact uplifts her to her rightful position as a chaste mother and homemaker. Moreover, it is impossible for a homosexual (if such people even really exist), to see the strength of these arguments, since they rely on a knowledge of the lust that is brought on by female immodesty.

>> No.23343463

>porn ruined your brain
You're the one desensitized to the female figure. In the old times they only needed to show an arm or a knee. lol

>but this isn't your hugbox.
I never said it is a hugbox. I'm just giving your a reason why a serious mod would ban these threads just like they banned our arguing from last night, out of the blue, when the tide was changing.
It doesn't contribute a single worthwhile thing to lit/ discussion. If you want to post women at least post women who were actual writers. Begone with your youtubers or idk.

>stop being miserable
Stop projecting.

>> No.23343465

What did you think of the nearly-nude photos she includes of herself in her debut collection, On Sun Swallowing.

>> No.23343477
File: 36 KB, 639x542, 1714533434334711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see a pretty girl in a picture on 4chan, I think two things. One part of me wants to take her out, talk to her and be real nice and sweet and treat her right. The other part of me thinks "I wonder how long she was wearing those shoes, and how hot it was that day."

>> No.23343478

The title should say enough

>> No.23343487

Based Pope. Really deserved his name.

>> No.23343517
File: 96 KB, 680x768, instant jealousy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrick based-man

>> No.23343577

God that color is absolutely hideous, her gays do NOT have her best interests at heart, they've gone full sabotage mode.

>> No.23343605
File: 145 KB, 750x512, 1678195304200592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she really paint that all by herself?

>> No.23343610

I'm pretty sure. Posting the pic on other boards usually causes a shitstorm

>> No.23343629

Prove it. What's your favourite poem by Lady Dakota Warren?

>> No.23343701

Same, man

>> No.23343707

>Waldun pumped this with his 2 inch chinese cock

>> No.23343708

At most she all she did was dirty talk to him as he wanked himself off. Let's be honest, lad. Not that that's an unimpressive feat, I could kill a man for such an encounter.

>> No.23343718
File: 342 KB, 2268x4032, i was born.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anna kamienska

>> No.23343735

God, i need sex

>> No.23344138

Is she related to Dakota Skye?

>> No.23344155

I know you're not white because our family names come second, after our first name which ordinarily bears no relation. Although some names are favoured among families and get cycled through the generations and may pop up a lot in the family tree. But to answer your question, Chang, no, she is not.

>> No.23344156
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1714333682737907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Haven't touched a pussy since I came out of my mom's womb.

>> No.23344170

Coomer thread but serious answer: Emily Dickinson

>> No.23344177

Kek I went to her Instagram page and it was like a pseud overload. She’s trying way too hard.

>> No.23344178

Why is she dressed the way pedophiles wish little girls dressed?

>> No.23344182

That said, she has nice fat legs and shows them off so I’ll allow it

>> No.23345341

You don't give one flying fuck about poetry, you jizz-covered hand.

>> No.23345344
File: 116 KB, 680x788, e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? Rupi

>> No.23345347

She's dressed the way men wish women dress.

>> No.23345360 [DELETED] 


>> No.23345361


>> No.23345364

Nice fed legs

>> No.23345425

Name ONE genderless poet. Gotcha biznatch.

>> No.23345429

Based. Don't do it. You'll have to interact with women. Just be a celibate chad forever.

He was making a joke you 79IQ fucking redneck.

>> No.23345438



>> No.23345460

She occasionally has good taste. However, she’s a dork that tries to be edgy and sexy and it’s really annoying. She writes better than Waldun, but that isn’t saying much.

>> No.23345471



>> No.23345490

>t. /Lit/'s most conspicuous idiot

>> No.23345495


>> No.23345501




>> No.23345534

>you 79IQ fucking redneck
Fuck off, Chang

>> No.23345623
File: 1.10 MB, 768x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Bachmann

>> No.23345669

Where to start with her? Malina?

>> No.23345736

>calling me not white when in fact Japanese who are white people also put family name first
Jokes on you, streetshitter

>> No.23346248

As do Hvngarians

>> No.23347853
File: 75 KB, 736x736, Dakota Warren legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah? what about this image?

>> No.23348045

I amazed how much she is into anal.

>> No.23348217

Kill yourself Redditor

>> No.23348243

i'd smash so hard my grandkids get pregnant

>> No.23348316

Post the one where she's doing a scorpion and her dog is making a face like he's confused and smells something foul.

>> No.23348326

too late, I spurted
ready to go again

>> No.23348327

I'd smash so hard your grandkids would get pregnant