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File: 211 KB, 578x542, 1714429374736846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23337892 No.23337892 [Reply] [Original]

Trad Chads

We can't stop winning!

>> No.23337907

20 minutes? What happened?

>> No.23337911



>> No.23337916

Dugin is completely irrelevant in Russia.

>> No.23337946

Some of the full videos of some episodes are only available on his website if you subscribe. I subscribed to watch the Steve Kirsch (pbuh) interview and intend to continue with my subscription.

>> No.23337960

Traditional modernism is hot right now

>> No.23337965


>Traditional modernism[...] [SIC]


>> No.23337978

Dugin is a lolcow except without the lol. There is nothing funny about his eccentricity, he is just an insanely demented Maoist Third Worldist. I'm not engaging in hyperbole here, there is just nothing remotely right wing or traditional in his thought at all.

>> No.23337986
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What did he mean by this

>> No.23338047

Either a sobriety bracelet or something one of his kid's gave him.

>> No.23338064

You are a liar. I have read before that people who use all caps are habitual liars and you prove it

>> No.23338068


>> No.23338074

has anychud watched the john david ebert + dugin interview? i want to but i'm scared of cringe

>> No.23338075

Dugin is not a traditionalist. He has invented a kind of pseudo-traditional political theory which has the advantage of supplying Russia with a new sense of historical destiny. That destiny is entirely worldly. A Russian version of American secular power. Americanism with patronymics.

>> No.23338104
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>> No.23338108

when you dive deep enough you eventually get a begrudging respect for niggers and the nigger way of knowing. that's all.

>> No.23338134

Little cuck feeling angry? Aw, poor cuckboy

>> No.23338142
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>all the boomers getting Dugin-pilled right now

>> No.23338176
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Based and Trad, comrade!

>> No.23338182

Very strange reply. I am not pro-America or pro-Russia. Nor am I a liberal in any sense.

>> No.23338185

You are anti Dugin

>> No.23338187
File: 191 KB, 391x285, Screenshot 2022-11-27 152006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respecting niggers
It's so trad right now.

>> No.23338201
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>> No.23338211

It's for people who like traditionalism but only as long as they can keep living in a modernist society because of the economy and technology and stuff.

>> No.23338237

>t. assmad amerimutt

>> No.23338320


>> No.23338354
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Dugin is a satanist chaos magician. Just because he is vocal against western elites does not automatically make what he says worthwhile. His aim is to attack the mind of whoever is foolish enough to listen to him.

Honestly most of the far-right is demonic is some form or another: nihilism, paganism/occultism, outright devil worship. And most of the Christians aren't truly pious; They just want to bring back the fifties instead of focus on the Kingdom which is not of this world.

>> No.23338547

When you're such a contrarian you think Dugin and asperger's is worth platforming

>> No.23338563

>rightoids want people to believe that russians have absolutely no influence in american politics or elections

>> No.23338604

Yes I am, why does that connote "cuckboy." I dissent from modern sexuality, LGBT, pornography, non-monogamy etc.

You are being a simpleton and not grasping my very basic point it seems. If you grasped it, you could explain why it is incorrect to you. Can you do that or not?

>> No.23339078

Dugin calls Nick Land and Reza Negastani satanists though. He presents himself as rejecting the proposition of anti-humanism, of wanting to move beyond traditional human essentialism from what I've read. That's why he is against trandsgenderism and cyberpunk.

>> No.23339357
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Go to cube

>> No.23339397

Tucker has gone full paid russia shill. I can't believe I listened to the man before.

>> No.23339432
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what is there to respect about niggers?

>> No.23339434
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paganism is based
christianity is a load of jewish horseshit. 'world to come' huh? sounds like tikkun olam, jewish new age babble to me. aquariuan age hippie shit. get back in your water pot, pisces

>> No.23339436

what's going on? i used to be a straight man, not anymore

>> No.23339480

Any thread with this guy’s name in it elicits immediate seethe without fail, curious.

>> No.23339484

Fucking pussy used to feel good. Not anymore. Now I'm gay.

>> No.23339624

Ok, then go live in a mud hut in a forest without running water, sewerage, electricity, internet, heating, etc. Live the trad life.

>> No.23339635





>> No.23339641

So you're being hypocritical? Modernity created those things.

>> No.23339649

Because he's not a philosopher, just a charlatan who asserts positions and then wiggles his fingers while saying "Russia's dasein" as if this made the positions defensible. Give me Heidegger, give me Junger, give me Schmitt, but good god Dugin can fuck off forever.

>> No.23339665

He basically just let Dugin ramble on about how he thinks liberalism is a problem and it’s leading transhumanism and tranny worship.

>> No.23339669

John hadn’t quite lost his mind back then so it’s not so bad.

I think John had and still has this idea per Spengler that Russia is a sort of peasant/barbarian pre-culture and so is more likely to take the mysticism of Dugin seriously. He says it’s only Westerners who insist that Dugin isn’t taken seriously in Russia and that Russian elites do take him seriously.

>> No.23339672

What I basically dislike about Dugin is that he does this sleight of hand by conflating progressive-liberalism with liberalism generally, and misidentifies William of Ockham as a highly influential thinker. In reality, liberalism is a political theory that includes many different variants and even totally conflicting ethical mandates, which he knows but won’t make clear, and William of Ockham can be said to display a cultural tendency at best rather than said to be an influential thinker. Dugin is an opponent of not only progressive-lineralism, but liberalism, and even pre-liberal Western sentiments you’re liable to find in the Renaissance and Middle Ages. He is anti-Western broadly, but won’t make that clear to his Western interlocutors for obvious reasons. I don’t care that he draws from Heidegger or Evola, people whom I disagree with. I care that he’s not entirely honest.

>> No.23339681

Everything elicits seethe from people now. You can’t talk about anything without somebody seething.

>> No.23339684

If Dugin is the best philosopher Putin can drag out to justify his barbarism, he's already lost.

>> No.23339692

All he’s doing is trying to synthesize pre-modern and post-modern philosophy from a Russian perspective. Both are critics of modernity, which Dugin opposes, and so both contain valuable critical insights that can be used in his view. That’s why Dugin can on one hand appreciate the writing of the Orthodox Church Fathers and on the other hand people like Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, and Martin Heidegger. All of them were anti-modernists. And the unique situation that Russians face is a society which is at once pre-modern and post-modern, people who are convinced of the ethics of Orthodox Christianity, but are without sincere belief in Christ, who want to be a Christian kingdom of a Tsar, but live in a world of internet technology and atomic warheads. So he’s trying to write for his time.

>> No.23339694




>> No.23339697

Where do you people come from? How are you this childish and naive?

There is no way you are real posters. You must be paid shills. It’s just believable for it to be otherwise.

>> No.23339699

>the Ukrainian government murdered his daughter
holy based

>> No.23339713

Guys, I think this might be propaganda. What does our public education tell us to do in these cases again?

>> No.23339734

Wtf I loved based Russia now

>> No.23339755

I just don't understand why the American right wants to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine so badly. Ukraine giving away some land to end the war is one thing but outright supporting the invader?

>> No.23339768

if ukraine gets glassed, politicians will be unable to use it to launder my tax money

>> No.23339771

>Aleksandr Dugin

>> No.23339774

>bring back the fifties instead of focus on the Kingdom

>Paganism is based
Unpack this. Give examples

>> No.23339780

>American right
Like who? NeoCon right supports Ukraine?

>> No.23339821

Why do conservatards suck off Russia so much?

>> No.23339823

why are you trans

>> No.23339828

Enemy of my enemy. They truly are the sovereign citizens of the world with no concept of borders.

>> No.23339833

I don't think you got him there at all, bud. Right now it's probably better to be transexual in the west than be russian in...russia.

>> No.23339838

why are you trans tho

>> No.23339842

In order to make a point.

>> No.23339844

>the invader
Your deployment of a Manichean binary shows how little you know about geopolitics. I have to laugh because it's truly depressing how people like you can still exist with the wealth of information at our fingertips. Countries invade each other. Get over it.
Who says we want to justify it? Bottom line is it's not our problem. Ukraine is nothing but a kleptocracy that functions as a black market clearinghouse for the 1%. What Tucker is doing and what all journalists should be doing is trying to understand how Russia reached a point where they felt compelled to invade Ukraine. I guess it's easier to just call them the bad guys and go back to your little life where you never learn shit nor develop a coherent perspective on the world.

>> No.23339856

>Unpack this.
Stop talking like a faggot. Paganism is literally based in European culture. Christianity is foreign. That should be all you need to know.

>> No.23339858

what was the point of trooning out tho

>> No.23339870
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>They truly are the sovereign citizens of the world with no concept of borders.
I was reading a book about the second Chechen war and one of the Chechen commanders was describing the Russians as a godless people with no faith or nation. Then it reminded me of Stalin joking to the Yugoslav partisan commander Milovan Djilas about how German social democrats were late to a conference in the pre-revolutionary years because they had to get their tickets confirmed, and he was like, can you imagine Russians ever being like that? They'd just hop the border. Those crazy nastyass Russians just go wherever they want, will eat or drink practically anything, look one is even eating a cobra... ew!

>What Tucker is doing and what all journalists should be doing is trying to understand how Russia reached a point where they felt compelled to invade Ukraine.
I think something basically went wrong with the Russian political system which is not what Tucker is asking about. They don't have a durable system, and there's no clear program for succession of the president, who has been in power for more than 20 years. There was even a mercenary boss who went rogue and drove tanks toward the capital -- only in Russia! But I get the sense the ruling clique was facing a point where they needed to transition and they didn't know how to do it, they figure (or fear) that everything will fall apart (there's historical precedent for this) and they'll just get put up against the wall. Not because they really deserve it (because I doubt they believe they do) but because the people who replace them will be in a position where they can do that to them. Ukraine is a kleptocracy? Well look at Russia. They come across to me like the mafia, and so the situation escalates into this large-scale Eastern European mob war, and there's a big sorting out process between the people in the family and the people who are not. If you're not loyal, you get GTFO from Russia.

But it's not like they had a really good reason. But when people do something, or they feel like they have no choice, then they'll come up with a very good reason to justify whatever they were going to do anyways, and they can hire some philosopher like Dugin to come up with something. Most of the time, people like him (in different countries including the West) are working to rationalize or justify what the elites and leaders are doing.

>> No.23339892

>y the American right wants to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine so badly
>supporting the invader
Imagine parroting this yellow journalism nonsense as if it were a fact. Conservatives were against divesting from traditional energy resources exactly because it empowered states like Russia, retard. Now that the mess has been made we have to deal with it realistically--this means that we're either going to continue to prolong a war causing the death and misery of millions, to who knows what end (our leadership doesn't like us thinking about this too deeply...see a wounded child and hate Russia), or we're going to have to come to terms with the strengthened position our liberalized political establishment handed the Russians on a silver platter. Meanwhile, we're supposed to forget all about what lead us to this point and who provided the means to serve up the piles of shit with which we're dealing.

>> No.23339894
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But there's a great deal of mystification going on here. They've found it necessary to stimulate (or simulate) what Russia is doing as possessing some heroic, mystical, spiritual and selectively trans-historical character to mask (including to themselves!!!) the unheroic and grubby reality of the actual drama that's playing out. The reasons are basically bullshit and the leaders are criminals but they try to create a reason why you're going to die for them because that's calling doing your duty or being a revolutionary or saving the world from a Satanic evil that has possessed the West or whatever. Pick whatever you like from the supermarket of ideology. This is not exclusive to Russia btw. But Dugin coming in as an ideological contractor of sorts is like the Nazis in Iron Sky who are going to help Pres. Sarah Palin of the U.S. win re-election:

>> No.23339901
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Checked and unfortunately based.

>> No.23339907

>there's no clear program for succession of the president
Are you retarded? Russia has never been a democracy. You're not dealing with a country like the one you live in. How fucking myopic can you be?

>> No.23339928

Funny, when I posted that I was referencing the conservatives. Truly a match made in heaven.

>> No.23339944

>paganism based on European culture
Based, Venus of Willendorf and Rock Art apologist.

>> No.23340134

Something about Democrat money laundering and biolabs and NATO homosexual super soldiers and inflation and uhhhh Biden bad.

>> No.23340149

Is that a red armband?
Im not even surprised, but I wouldnt have expected him to be so blatant about it.

>> No.23340150

Recommend reading material

>> No.23340160

Well, in all fairness, modern society (particularly Westernized/Western-led culture) is accelerating so fast some ways in certain social trends and globalist PC-approved viewpoints, that even something like a “modernist” viewpoint of the early 20th-century, plus some harking back to ancient traditions, is more or less enough to get one seen as “some uber-reactionary stuck in the past who can’t get with the times.”

Russian psy-ops and some of their strange views really mindfuck me. I hate the normies who jump to calling every conservative or conspiratorial viewpoint they dislike online “Russian shilling/Russian bots/Russian troll-farms”, but it’s still known that those exist, and I’m certain they have a big interest in pushing psy-ops in Western countries through manipulation of social media. It’s known that in fact Russia seems to do this both by targeting the respective “far-left” and “far-right” communities of the West. Goal seems to be to sow dissent in Western countries, turn the populace against each other and their leaders, as well as get all the support they can in favor of Russia or at minimum away from Ukraine. (I am not saying U.S., NATO, and Ukrainian corruption does not exist and there weren’t significant provocations toward this war from both sides, I’m just saying it as I say it, which should be clear to any clear-thinking person, that Russia clearly would have a vested interest in pushing such views).

>> No.23340161

> I’m just saying it as I say it, which should be clear to any clear-thinking person,
I’m just saying it as I see it***

>> No.23340164

It's kabbalah moron.

>> No.23340169

it has to be blackmail of some sort, like Epstein videos that Trump and/or Putin keep in a vault somewhere.
The sheer amount of Republicans cheering on Russians is uncanny, given that not even 10 years ago they were still pushing cold war memes.

>> No.23340172

>only democracies have to deal with the succession of power


>> No.23340178

Dugin is the most transparent, ridiculous tradlarper ever. He's perfectly postmodernist, as is everything in current russia. The propaganda system was explicitly designed that way. On a side note, it's interesting how Russia seems to be the sandbox where the ideas of western intellectuals are played out in reality, be it anarchism, marxism or postmodernism. The west meanwhile manages to avoid their actual implementation, and the current tranny craze, too, shall pass.

If you want to understand it better, read the fiction texts by Surkov rather than Dugins drivel. Surkov used to be something like the Kremlins propaganda mastermind. He wrote a novel one might translate as 'Nearzero' (Oкoлoнoля) under a pseudonym, about the utter cynicism that gripped post-soviet Russia. 'Nothing is true and everything is possible' by one Peter Pomerantsev is another good read.

>> No.23340198

>>only democracies have to deal with the succession of power
Who are you quoting?
>They don't have a durable system, and there's no clear program for succession of the president, who has been in power for more than 20 years
When has Russia had a clear idea of who their next leader would be? Not since the Romanovs. What you're doing is projecting the idea of instability when Putin has been the exact opposite for Russians. In fact, this is the reason he has been in power for 20 years and dancing around the idea that regime change will somehow lead to Russian prosperity is idiotic beyond words.

You're a retard, anon. Instead of regurgitating things you've come across in your echochamber maybe you should talk to an actual Russian and find out why the fuck they love Putin so much.

>> No.23340226
File: 486 KB, 768x967, Beeldenstorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuck is a kabbalah practitioner but that shouldn't be read as inconsistent with his interviewing Dugin. It is reasonable to believe that Dugin is also a practitioner of kabbalah given that he is quoted as having said "Kabbalah is the greatest achievement of the human spirit". If you still look to Tuck and Doog for guidance then you are lost to perdition in a way that no man can help you. It's over (for you).

>> No.23340227

>What Tucker is doing and what all journalists should be doing is trying to understand how Russia reached a point where they felt compelled to invade Ukraine.
I did a deep dive on Thucydides last year and my insight was, essentially, other than natural resources and fear of NATO (born of Germany marching into Russia via Ukraine during WWII) was that Russia was effectively experiencing a shame response engendered by Ukraine's flirtations with western liberalism, regardless how real it is. They both also have borderline personality disorder and Slavic women enjoy being beaten. They are militaristic Spartans compared to the West's Athenian merchant empire. Moderns always discount honor as an impetus to wars, hence the average libtard doesn't get it.
How far off the mark is this description.

>> No.23340261

Not literature.

>> No.23340305

Dugin is a philosopher and the sad fact is that the quality of conversation you'll find on /lit/ regarding these things is far higher than /pol/ (the only problem is libtard undergrads regurgitating standard nonsense but they're better than chuds posting about Jews at least).

>> No.23340314

This bait gives me a chance to explain the situation.
The US acts like a bully who invades your personal space and says, "I'm not touching you! I'm not touching you!", spreads awful lies to everyone, intimidates your friends to drive you apart, and pesters you and steals your lunch money everyday. If you try to retaliate then you get jumped by his henchmen and stabbed.

>> No.23340317

Even Crowley called other people satanists and instead of himself.

This is blatantly demonic and anti-traditional:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

>> No.23340318
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>> No.23340322

... I mean, is he wrong?

>> No.23340323
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>unpack this
what does that even mean?
>some examples
look to the stars and you see the evidence of My Gods etched in white across a great obsidian mirror. where is your god to be found amongst the stars and the suns?

>> No.23340325

If you're going to call it bait at least provide a more intelligent counterpoint. All great powers do that shit Russia included.

>> No.23340331
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>muh tax dooolers

>> No.23340335

Killing one woman is nothing compared to the liquidation of an entire verminous nation.
Dugin unironically won, to the last ukrainian

>> No.23340341
File: 138 KB, 1280x740, Fo8-3q1WYAY4NUZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sacrificing you daughter to own the libs

>> No.23340364

I don't need to explain to anybody why your bait is bait. Russia didn't launch the war because of some oriental honor response or age-old warrior sentiments. A strong pro-western Ukraine could threaten Moscow itself, as we've seen from their random publicity stunt bombings during this war.
>All great powers do this
Sure, to differing extents. But America founded its global empire on soft colonialism, lawfare, and strangulation of its former allies; it spreads insane social corruption everywhere and wholeheartedly engages in it itself; and Americans at the start of this war were asking why the Russians didn't just carry out terror bombings to win, like NATO did in Serbia and Iraq.
It's the most vicious effeminate homo empire to ever exist, can't be argued

>> No.23340373 [DELETED] 

Kek, I hate piggers but he's unironically right
Real heroes would trade their entire family for the depopulation of just one enemy settlement. Ask any Ukrainian.

>> No.23340380

Kek, I hate ziggers but he's unironically right
Real heroes would trade their entire family for the depopulation of just one enemy settlement. Ask any Ukrainian.

>> No.23340386

No one has to justify sending support to Ukraine either then, or justify Ukraine fighting to the last man

>> No.23340387

Thank you for the effortpost.
>Russia didn't launch the war because of some oriental honor response or age-old warrior sentiments.
I was not saying that was the only or even primary reason Russia was invading but a significant aspect that Westerners could not emphasize with due to it being a guilt culture, but fair enough. I do think the rest of your analysis is correct.
>But America founded its global empire on soft colonialism, lawfare, and strangulation of its former allies; it spreads insane social corruption everywhere and wholeheartedly engages in it itself
I won't argue but how is Russia different. Prosperity would make it gay too, if other empires are any indication.
>It's the most vicious effeminate homo empire to ever exist, can't be argued
What is its sekret realpolitik reason the US has its assets in Ukraine besides enforcing globohomo then.

>> No.23340415

>I won't argue but how is Russia different. Prosperity would make it gay too, if other empires are any indication
Hell they didn't even need prosperity to be ground zero for faggotry throughout the late USSR.

>> No.23340475

Also if Russia indeed isn't an honor culture then there is no earthly reason why they aren't just America with more poverty. The only thing that would keep a country from acting the way the US does is honore.

>> No.23340485

Targeting someone's daughter because you don't like their dad is pretty fucking degenerate behavior.

>> No.23340490

Politicians shouldn't be giving my money to any other country, including and especially to kikes, niggers, and hohols.

>> No.23340528

It was intended for him. If you're not prepared to die you shouldn't be a nazbol desu.

>> No.23340537

so you both are a degenerate and you suck, proving him correct

>> No.23340566

You bring up proof but have no proof Ukrainians blew up the car.

>> No.23340573

And you are ESL. People who warmonger but won't pick up a gun and fight deserve anything they get. The Israeli lobby should all have to fight. The demilitarization of the body politic is the source of every single degeneracy.

>> No.23340589

> you deserve to have your children murdered because you said something not nice
> no this isn’t degenerate at all
You’re a third worlder btw

>> No.23340592

> if you have political opinions your kids must die
> no this isn’t barbaric at all

>> No.23340604
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then why are you bragging about it retard?

>> No.23340606

Nowhere did I say his children should die, the bomb was meant for him you retards. Oh I forgot Russian shells and bullets are magical and pass through noncombatants. I respect Dugin as a writer but the amount of crybulling Slavs beggars belief. Semitic levels.

>> No.23340607
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>is a kabbalah practitioner

>> No.23340613

Furthermore you'd not see me crying if a single western militarist pundit or politician faced the wall. Hell, half of them deserve execution.dpps

>> No.23340615

>Nowhere did I say his children should die
yes, you did thoughever:

>> No.23340623

Wasn't me.

>> No.23340626

Yes it was.

>> No.23340638
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>We must kill all Ukrainians
>NOOOOOO you can't just kill my daughter, you mean Ukrainians, oy vey!
I'm not giving the Ukrainians credit, but I certainly don't feel bad for him.

>> No.23340665

the fact that you don't feel bad about killing some random other person who wasn't calling for genocide objectively makes you a degenerate retard and invalidates your views on anything

>> No.23340676
File: 47 KB, 361x306, main-qimg-486a3d29e8e878519ff7b2adba3472de-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are militaristic Spartans compared to the West's Athenian merchant empire.
I'd say they're more like nomadic types, more Viking really, which is by definition offensive, aggressive, expansive, destructive and territorial, but lacking plans and organization. Modern-day Russia, the ancient Mongol Empire, the Xiongnu confederation, and the Turkic Khanate are in this category.

>What you're doing is projecting the idea of instability when Putin has been the exact opposite for Russians.
Yeah, I understand that. In fact, the younger you go, the more conservative pro-Putin you will find Russians. But it's not just about preserving Putin, but preserving the system that Putin has built without Putin (because he's going to die eventually), does that make sense? There's a whole generation of people who are Putin's age who are going to retire in the coming years, and they need to transfer power to the next generation.

>> No.23340692

why? it's just a bracelet

>> No.23340704
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>just a bracelet, goy.
Reminder that Dugin himself said Kabbalah was the greatest human achievement in history.

>> No.23340715
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Reminder that these statues were erected in eastern Ukraine recently after based puccia occupied the area.

>> No.23340722

Why is it only 20 min long?

>> No.23340724

One can feel bad for all the civilian casualties of the war, including the soldiers, without feeling bad for the aggressors.
>I'd say they're more like nomadic types, more Viking really, which is by definition offensive, aggressive, expansive, destructive and territorial, but lacking plans and organization.
Yeah that's a more direct comparison considering they're significantly descended from the Rus. Anglos have very little Norman admixture on the other hand which is why they are overcivilized.

>> No.23340732

I know Slavs don't see the trees for the forest and look at families as units but no one is being callous towards his daughter. It's a tragedy his daughter died. The only comedy comes from "crying out in pain as you strike," as the Jews do.

>> No.23340743

I wouldn't support Ukraine solely based on the fact that their leader dresses up like a woman and dances in gay music videos.

>> No.23340746

except when you start bragging about killing the daughter out of nowhere like this thread, and are only now backtracking when called out on it in a very kikeish fashion

>> No.23340764

Dugin talks about left and right liberalism but the right thing should be center liberalism.

Individuality while men remain in their natural position. Xenophobia only against tribalistic immigrants who fail to integrate. Homophobia only against homosexuals who commit crimes.

>> No.23340767

Well I didn't post the image so take it up with the other anon.

>> No.23340768 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 531x359, based.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn't support Ukraine solely based on the fact that their leader dresses up like a woman and dances in gay music videos.

>> No.23340773

But you did post that image, you are that anon, and I'm taking it up with you.

>> No.23340778
File: 102 KB, 800x450, 1687716710497439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what, faggot. Why are you feigning moral outrage over one nazbol bitch getting blown up when thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed or displaced, including small children? You are a sham.

>> No.23340786

I know this is difficult for you to fathom but not everyone west of the Hajnal line shares a brain and keyboard. Good bait though.

>> No.23340793

I used to be in some pretty serious reactionary circles and got into Dugin. His philosophy is retarded.

>> No.23340796

Hot with who? Some niche Twitter circles? All this internet larp shit is irrelevant irl

>> No.23340801

>His philosophy is retarded.
Yes but not his critique of the West.

>> No.23340803

>Dugin himself said Kabbalah was the greatest human achievement in history.
That's funny. As mysticism goes kabbalah is a pretty shitty version of it. Barely better than new age spirituality (tho it is a tad better)

>> No.23340809

Don’t confuse these idiots with facts.

>> No.23340811


>> No.23340815

Does he make the argument that ockham directly led to Modernism? That's not exactly a radical or uncommon view right?

>> No.23340821

The American right isn't justifying it, they're saying America's geopolitical strategy is outdated and shitty.

>> No.23340840

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

>> No.23340901

so not only are you that anon, but you're also trans

>> No.23340918

>just a bracelet, goy.
I'm not sure why you think snapping a rubber band against your wrist to prevent intrusive thoughts is jewish mysticism.

>> No.23340978
File: 224 KB, 2424x1326, 4c0765b2-3a26-4a93-be09-3cb459f95aea_2424x1326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The American right isn't justifying it, they're saying America's geopolitical strategy is outdated and shitty.
There are a lot of people on the American right who would prefer an American-European-Russian alliance against China. That's what Tucker Carlson seems to believe, and these guys think it is just crazy to push Russia into the Chinese camp when what the U.S. should really be doing is a reverse Nixon/Kissinger maneuver but with Russia instead of China (which is the new "USSR").

But I suspect some of the Atlanticist liberals who are more anti-Russia than they are anti-China want to be more aggressive towards Russia precisely because Russia is weaker than China and is in long-term decline. Sure, Russia is in an expansionist mode now, but this like short-term junkie energy while the long-term statistics for Russia are really fucking dire:

Fareed Zakaria thinks the U.S. made a strategic error pushing Russia towards China though. But this strategy of being more aggressive to the weaker power is reminiscent of British policy in the lead-up to WWI. The Russian Empire in fact posed a more serious challenge to British global interests (in Central Asia), which is why the British opted to appease Russia and go harder on Germany. That led to an alliance with Russia in the war. Also, one of the motivations behind Nixon going to China was not necessarily because China was weaker than the USSR, but because China over the long term was going to grow, and they knew that at the time, and the USSR was acting as an expansionist power. Or at least that's how I think they saw it.

>> No.23340987

Also Russia turning toward acting in Europe, particularly the Balkans, in the lead-up to WWI was also a result of the catastrophic defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. Russia couldn't make any more moves in Asia so they shifted westward. There's a book about the diplomacy involved called "The Sleepwalkers" which is really good.

>> No.23340989

>this is the best reasoning chuds have for letting hundreds of thousands of young men dying

>> No.23340993

Supporting Ukraine is what's causing all the casualties though. Without western support the war would have ended very quickly and with relatively few casualties.

>> No.23341001

that's an interesting analysis, but trannycrats just use jewkraine to launder taxpayer dollars and that's the extent of their geopolitical aims

>> No.23341044

Is it worth watching?

>> No.23341120
File: 370 KB, 647x645, 1714082811889473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavic rhetoric ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.23341133

I admit, I'm oblivious to most of Dugin's opinions, but this one seems quite extreme even for him. Can you link the source of the original quote in russian?

>> No.23341170

So epically based and tradpilled that he cheers on his country's Mongol Muslim armies raping and genociding the world's last pure white ethnostate (it's okay though because their president is a jew) while those same Muslims massacre and displace his own people. How knuckledraggingly retarded must the American right be to fall for the world's most obvious psyop?

>> No.23341181

ukranians are slavs

>> No.23341194

From this interview
I can't find the original.

>> No.23341218

Seems to lack a bit of context, I'll try to find the original.

>> No.23341225
File: 268 KB, 600x400, map-articleLarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One party has benefited from Russia having its military, demographics, and economy raped, and it sure ain't Russia.

>> No.23341231

better clips here

>> No.23341243

Makes sense. Idiots think Putin ruined Russia on purpose because he is secretly a Jew. Not so. He had major facial reconstructive surgery, side effects are why he bloats so much. He was originally from the Far East. His real name is Pooh Yi-Tin. His father was a devotee of Mao.

If you look closely at videos of him from inside Russia you will often see in the background images of a bear kneeling and offering fealty to a dragon.

>> No.23341248
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>> No.23341257

I'd rather Ukrainians die by their brothers' hands than being exposed to the long drawn out humiliation ritual that globohomo inflicts on western nations and which results in genocide anyway. Also no one's genociding anyone in Ukraine you histrionic swine. Flooding a prosperous nation with non whites on the other hand is in fact genocide.

>> No.23341273
File: 129 KB, 500x713, 1686291312149154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with brothers like these, who needs muslim rape invaders?
> Flooding a prosperous nation with non whites on the other hand is in fact genocide.
and yet that's what is happening in the donbass with dagastanis being sent by the thousand; bus loads of them. Of course you're unaware of that which means you're a naive faggot or a dishonest shill.

>> No.23341285

Russia becoming a vassal of China will never not be funny to me. In 2000 there were 20,000 Chinese citizens in the Russian Far East. By 2014 it was 800,000. Then Russia asked them to stop publishing the figures. But it's probably like 20-25% Chinese now and then due to demographic collapse the next largest ethnic group is Mongolian followed by natives.

If it wasn't for the fact that China already has total access to the resources with the Western firms out I could totally see "independence" movements if Russia doesn't effectively keep acting like their natural resources colony.

>> No.23341431

Did my best with translators, text should be close to his rambling speech and more or less match the order of words in russian, not going to bother with subbing.

those dead heroes in the union house, they've already made their decision. They fell for the freedom
of southeastern Ukraine from the neo-nazi scum of Kiev. I think that to be ukrainian today, frankly, after this...
I'm ukrainian myself. You know, I have ukrainian, my ancestors are from Poltava.
I'm ashamed, I'm just ashamed, for that small, but still.
substantial part of my blood. And I want that blood to be purified
by the blood of the scum, of the Kiev junta, and I really can't stand to carry this
ukrainian blood until I see the execution of the bastards who carried out the iniquity
of May 2nd. This is serious, this is the voice of blood. I wouldn't really joke
with this kind of thing, and I believe that there is no right that this wretched thing has to some kind of
western ukrainian statehood centered in Kiev. In fact, I
realize that the Southeast will never be in this bastardized state.
but these people have no right to control even Western Ukraine.
If it's not on the ground, as long as what we're seeing is happening, no one will sleep well.
no one will sleep well. So really, only normal people should rule
this beautiful, in fact once beautiful Ukrainian people. This
wonderful amazing... (video stitch) with which we are connected, everything.
It's just Kiev, while the nits in Kiev, is actually a Russian person, a person who
who comes from Kievan Rus, that's our roots, can't exist in peace.
Either it really needs to be wiped off the face of the earth and rebuilt, or the
people really have to come to their senses. I think what's needed in Ukraine is
a total people's uprising in all its territories, in, in all its regions,
an armed uprising against the junta, not only in the southeast, otherwise the same thing
the same thing can happen in Uzhgorod, and the rusyns are already occupied. The same
same guys occupied the rusyn home where they gathered to solve their own
perfectly peaceful problems. The same thing hangs over the Hungarians,
under the Carpathian Rus, over the russians, over all of them, in fact, over the ukrainians too.
We remember, in fact, who, who was abused by
Sanya Bely deceased - ukrainians like himself. It's actually
not some foreigners at all, and what did he start doing? He was stopped, but
now even worse people are coming. We haven't seen the atrocities of
Sanya Bely, he just pulled some guy's tie, it was a very ugly scene.
it was a very ugly scene. But what we saw on the second of May, it's beyond all limits. I think kill, kill and kill.
There shouldn't be any more talk there should be no more talk. As a professor, I think so.

Decide for yourself if this at all matches that made up quote from the pic. Unless there is another source — I don't see it.

>> No.23341442

It's an extremely liberal translation but nazbols have a liberal relationship with reality. Everyone they don't like is a Nazi etc.

>> No.23341444

Also thanks for your hard work.

>> No.23341466

You mean the fake quote is a liberal translation? That's putting it mildly.
>Everyone they don't like is a Nazi etc.
What if Ukraine is he biggest nazi cargo-cultist country at the moment?
Some google maps, must be incomplete but enough to get a perspective.

>> No.23341522

>there's no clear program for succession of the president
This is blatantly false. After Putin will come Nikolai Patrushev.

>> No.23341544

Are he's books useful/interesting or is he a sad Soviet Boomer like Putin? The interview made me curious but most of what he said was not new to me.
pic unrelated.
This makes the "de-Nazi Ukraine" thing Russians say make lot more sense. Thanks for giving me some insight on how Russians feel about the war.

>> No.23341549

Yeah its definitely the people defending their homeland and not the invaders you retarded chud. Every dollar sent to Ukraine has been worth it and crying isn't going to stop us from supporting them.

>> No.23341567

I live in America and almost no one here supports the Confederacy despite monuments having formerly (prior to 2020) abounded. People recognize that the Union thoroughly assblasted the Confederacy during our Civil War (which I imagine this Irredentist in Slavic country conflict will be remembered similarly). I really want to talk to people like you who are pro-Russian but emotionally divested enough to make coherent arguments but I still can't see Nazism as anything but a boogieman to Russia, similarly to how it functions here with regards to the Jews. I do not believe the videos of Russian soldiers being crucified by Azov were genuine, though of course I could be completely incorrect about everything.

>> No.23341665
File: 1.27 MB, 1294x830, letak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine if you don't see, it just takes so much effort to really show what it looks like from another perspective. Some documented atrocity can always be attributed to small subsets of people or even a single person, so it's not a proof, especially if it's of dubious origin. However these streets and busts from gmaps, they weren't renamed and built overnight, most of them appeared after Ukraine got separated. It's a relatively fresh history, and your civil war to collaboration in WWII is what apples is to oranges. You wouldn't be allowed to see it until you really start to dwell in slavic portion of the internet, going through archives, etc. It's a lot of commitment, so you are trying to satisfy your curiosity just by talking with someone like me because it's essentially insurmountable effort if you aren't some polygot historian. Well, it's also an insurmountable effort to properly compile my observations over the years, and not just the recent 2 years, but over three decades. I'd need to be a historian myself and write a bunch of books.

I'll just say that nazism in Ukraine did not reach the critical mass yet, but it was slowly going up with every new generation, and there is 2 main ideals behind it: Ukraine is going to be given everything by western countries if ukrainians do their bidding and that russian existence should be miserable. It's not a boogeyman, but it's given an ok by the western leadership because this time it's obviously beneficial to them. They swipe some things under the rug, glorify things that don't deserve it, etc. Remember the applause for Yaroslav Hunka in Canadian parliament and watch how israely ambassador justifies the nazi cult because Ukraine "is in search of their heroes".
This is precisely why you will need to lurk in the slav corner of the internet and know the language to understand the implications properly, our info fields are sabotaged with noise when it comes to matters of another culture.
tl;dr the talk is not worth it, it's just depressing after so many years of the same points being made and never amounting to anything
bonus https://files.catbox.moe/cvid8s.mp4

>> No.23341688
File: 79 KB, 903x727, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, the younger you go, the more conservative pro-Putin you will find Russians.
Thanks for demonstrating you have not idea what you're talking about. Pic-related. You should actually try talking to Russians.
>But it's not just about preserving Putin, but preserving the system that Putin has built without Putin (because he's going to die eventually), does that make sense?
Not really. The US and it's allies are more than happy to fantasize about the destabilization of Russia and this bias bleeds into assessments. I already alluded to one way earlier (i.e. pretending a destabilized Russia with a power vacuum won't be an even bigger mess than what we have now) while the other neglects the nature of regime change in Russia over the past 100 years (i.e. Russia likely won't collapse without Putin in charge and the reason he's in power is that he turned the country around). Give the devil his due.
>There's a whole generation of people who are Putin's age who are going to retire in the coming years, and they need to transfer power to the next generation.
This is a meaningless observation, anon. It's literally true of every generation throughout all of human history. Also, the whole "transfer of power between generations" thing exemplifies why I initially called you out by saying "Russia isn't a country like the one you live in." It's not a liberal democracy ffs.

>> No.23341857

You can shove your muskovite university loaded poll up your rectum. Until you sample from each region, polls are useless, these are always done with cherry picked people.

>> No.23341926

Not literature.

>> No.23342123

>outspend Russia 2:1
>still lose because you gave it to a corrupt gritting jew
I mean if you hate America, then yes wasting all our money for no benefit is good

>> No.23342161
File: 159 KB, 1024x721, 1703950902223210m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pave your roads lol

>> No.23342165

How much has Russia spent to logjam aid in comgress kekw

>> No.23342167


The 20th-21st century American identity is based on total prostration before the mongoloid (Muscovite and Han). America's first "world power" act was unquestioned support of white mongoloids in the mongoloid revolutionary war, then unquestioned support of red mongoloids as soon as the tides turned; nuzzling the mongoloid shoulder exactly as a woman nuzzles the shoulder of a man. America saved mongoloids from physical extermination in both World Wars. America not only "industrialized" the mongoloids, but sanctioned them as human, the biggest Political travesty in known History (this, incidentally, is the origin of all so-called degeneracy, from Han toxicomania to Muscovite pederasty). To this day, Americans believe in nothing but the fact that Russia and China are Geopolitical holy ground, the Holy of Holies.

>> No.23342199
File: 133 KB, 487x662, foundationsofgeopolitics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here read his book on geopolitics? Anything to it?

>> No.23342209
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>> No.23342210

>Julius Evola, Rene Guenon, and Martin Heidegger. All of them were anti-modernists.
All of them are products of the secular enlightenment are garbage

>> No.23342221
File: 13 KB, 303x335, 0a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That they tell you

>> No.23342232

>In reality, liberalism is a political theory that includes many different variants and even totally conflicting ethical mandates, which he knows but won’t make clear, and William of Ockham can be said to display a cultural tendency at best rather than said to be an influential thinker.
No, that's the propaganda created by the humanists to get rid of the monarchies and balkanize politics for the plebs.

The truth is that there is only one humanism-atheism-capitalism but humanists keep making up various flavors, like classical liberalism, social liberalism, nationalism, communism, to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of markets to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

the bourgeois created humanism and their revolutions precisely to remove any theology bigger than the bourgeois society, so that the wageslaves can ''create their own goals'' , ie self determination, and be an active ''citizen''. This was at the time of the bourgeois invention of ''nationalism''. Nowadays the bourgeois manages the other side of its self-made individualism with the exact opposite (equally controlled by the same bourgeois), ie perennialism, internationalism , interdependence ie ''being a citizen of the world''.
You have to understand that in a balkanized atheist supermarket of political sides, the bourgeois control all sides, all the narratives. It's the bourgeois who choose what narrative is trendy and what narrative will be frowned upon through the bourgeois means, ie mercantilism and legalism.
Overarching this balkanized supermarket of atheist sub-religions, there's indeed a contrived inorganic theme to get the wageslave going. The bourgeois academia was never about truth nor science.
Any new fad in democracy stems from the merchants and the bureaucratic agents, and they go along the flow, not planning some 4dchess like atheist chuds keep fantasizing.
Right at the beginning they were vilifying monarchies, then they started their self aggrandizing narrative of industrialization, then colonization, then they created 2 world wars, then they started mass consumerism thanks to feeding the peasants with industrial goods, then they started decolonization and now they finally found the perfect match between the mercantile activity and the atheist cravings for virtue signaling: wokism.
This is thanks to women being educated with bullshit studies, women controlling the bureaucracy, women controlling the HR department in megacrops and women being the major consumer in democracy.
Wokism is the ideal life of the atheist and woman: tons of consumerism and at the same time tons of false introspection, because they are the biggest hypocrites on the planet. Merchants and Bureaucrats and Women have no capacity for criticism, which makes them the best candidate for running the show.

>> No.23342281
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>> No.23342332

Poor Zelensky like a Hebrew King of old, wedged between Egypt and Babylon.

>> No.23342524
File: 1.06 MB, 350x150, !!!1700821291452489.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"random other person"
His daughter fully supported her father and his views retard, bet Fuentes didn't tell you that, he was too busy watching tranny porn and making friends with negroes

>> No.23342541
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this like when you pretend to be mad at capitalism so you light dumpsters on fire

>> No.23342745

Stop crying.

>> No.23342819

>However these streets and busts from gmaps, they weren't renamed and built overnight, most of them appeared after Ukraine got separated.
That's an important caveat however, I believe most of our Confederate monuments were erected after reconstruction, so it's similar to a degree.
>It's a relatively fresh history, and your civil war to collaboration in WWII is what apples is to oranges.
Our civil war definitely isn't comparable to WW2 but I believe the war in Ukraine is effectively an Irredentist conflict in a similar vein, with states succeeding from the empire. I think that justifies trying to get Ukraine back it's only the brutality I find shocking even if the ends are justified.
>You wouldn't be allowed to see it until you really start to dwell in slavic portion of the internet, going through archives, etc. It's a lot of commitment, so you are trying to satisfy your curiosity just by talking with someone like me because it's essentially insurmountable effort if you aren't some polygot historian.
I believe you here. You also just have to understand people throw the word Nazi around here like it doesn't mean anything. Of course Nazis didn't kill 20 million of our population so I have to trust you see these shibboleths they're spouting as genuine.
>Ukraine is going to be given everything by western countries if ukrainians do their bidding and that russian existence should be miserable. It's not a boogeyman, but it's given an ok by the western leadership because this time it's obviously beneficial to them. They swipe some things under the rug, glorify things that don't deserve it, etc.
This has always been the saddest part ro me, that anyone would still believe our political elite about anything. That said I have similar suspicions towards the Kremlin. Thank you for the videos I will study them.

>> No.23342856
File: 36 KB, 564x423, hiv-graph-statista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao so when do you deploy?

>> No.23342912
File: 70 KB, 713x663, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's where the graph from >>23341688 came from too. Checkmate, faggot.

>> No.23342925

Dugin is an actual satanist, he is also called "Putin's brain" which is something to think about.

>> No.23342938


The Russian government has been cracking down on Christian clergy that denounce the war, just as the Ukrainian government has been suppressing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for doing the same.

Both are zionist governments, just as the US government is zionist. Both the Kremlin and the CIA played a large role in instigating this war, but the economic and political elite profit immensely from it. They want to prolong the war like in Afghanistan.

It is the Christian poor that are sent to kill each other for the zionists.

Ukrainian or Russian, when you pull that trigger and kill that Christian, you are killing him for the zionists and that is a fact.

>> No.23342970

I accept your confession

>> No.23342976

Damn...I wish I lived in a shithole like Russia...

>> No.23342979

Cool. Stay mad.

>> No.23343030

>400 monuments in ukraine to nazi collaborators
what the fuck

>> No.23343079
File: 236 KB, 638x642, 1689340676656769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no trannybros

>> No.23343087

Anythings better than being a commie

>> No.23343183

>what the U.S. should really be doing is a reverse Nixon/Kissinger maneuver but with Russia instead of China (
Nixon literally started detente that allowed the Soviet Union to focus away from Europe and instead on putting pressure on other rival communists' efforts, and namely China's.
Making friends with Russia is Nixon.
Reagen is a lot more what you are believing in by being overly friendly to China to force russia to its knees.

>> No.23343194

This makes the most sense to me, both sides getting zogged.

>> No.23343346
File: 228 KB, 800x619, 1689822782569095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Dugin is a satanist chaos magician. Just because he is vocal against western elites does not automatically make what he says worthwhile. His aim is to attack the mind of whoever is foolish enough to listen to him.
This is the only good post itt.

Meanwhile you idiots argue about whether or not Dugin actually gives a shit about blacks when the obvious reality is he only larps as such in order to capitalize on and worsen racial tensions in the west. He's a literal glow-snow-nigger, his only purpose is to exacerbate and destabilize the enemies of Russia.

>> No.23343366

>How far off the mark is this description.
Far. Ukraine is/was and forever will be of enormous strategic significance to Russia. It has nothing to do with nukes or any other copes coming out of pol, WW1 and WW2 were effectively about Ukraine as well.

>> No.23343381
File: 1.75 MB, 988x516, SOMEBODY_POISONED_THE_WATER_HOLE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these memes are so bad and forced and unfunny and demented they aren't even on the level of leftist memes

tell me the truth Rajeesh, how much are you getting paid to spam 4chan with your shit?

>> No.23343419
File: 53 KB, 778x292, Screenshot 2023-04-05 111324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> just as the Ukrainian government has been suppressing the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for doing the same.
You're wrong. They aren't after churches that denounce the war, they went after churches that operate as an ideological arm of the FSB and Kremlin; churches that support russia, pic related.
>you are killing him for the zionists and that is a fact.
Wrong, the defending party has the moral high ground and is absolved of murder; self defense.

>> No.23343621
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x2712, Ukraine propaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the zelensky regime is pro tranny which makes them evil and must be wiped off the face of the earth by any means necessary

>> No.23343679
File: 135 KB, 1196x876, 1683350746885718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, wtf.

>> No.23344360

Unfathomably deluded, touching grass probably can't save you now.

>> No.23344374

That's why I compared it to the Peloponnesian war, it's a conflict for regional hegemony. Crimea is like the Isthmus of Corinth. Agree about everything else.

>> No.23344400

>you people
its probably a chat-gpt bot that gone haywire. probably picked up on the thread that contained a few key words like Russia, Dugin and such and it started posting its pre-set propaganda.

>> No.23344648
File: 232 KB, 727x720, 1688845133256651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the defending party
You should educate yourself, Ukraine did a landgrab at the fall of the USSR, they are "defending" what was never theirs. Yeltsin literally said the USSR would never allow states to secede from the union while taking large chunks of Russian territory with them, directly naming Crimea and the Donbass region. Afterwards Americans and NATO chimped out and forced Yeltsin to agree to an unconditional dissolution, but it's obvious to anyone with a brain this was going to be cause for war in the near future. Russia was weak at the time and couldn't do anything about it, now they can and are. And why wouldn't they? Crimea was given to Ukraine by the USSR in only in 1957 with the understanding it'd remain part of the USSR. Is it part of the USSR today? Obviously not.

>> No.23344658


The dying Soviet Empire was strong armed by the US into an extremely unfavorable deal. Consider it a lame version of the Treaty of Versailles. Either way the Ukrainians tried to steal from Russia and are now paying the price.

>> No.23344682

It's also worth pointing out the USSR ultimately let any and all states vote to withdraw peaceably. What did the Ukrainian state do? They violently suppressed the results of referendums within their territory where the citizens of Crimea overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia.

The idea of Ukraine as the victim in this scenario is comical. They have been courting the enemies of Russia and oppressing Russian citizens within their illegitimate territorial bounds since the 90s.

>> No.23344734

based scholar anon

>> No.23344775

>pic related
Uh, your pic didn't have anything to do with the claim you made.

>> No.23344823

Dugin is retarded and Olavo de Carvalho destroyed him

>> No.23344934

Just some fag Russians decided to use to push Ivan Ilyin’s political philosophy onto retarded americans.
He isn’t relevant in Russia and the fact people bought that these were his ideas only goes to show you how much of a retarded prole they are

>> No.23344969
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No the real knee slapper is watching the US right wing propagantize against Russia and for massive military investments to fight Russia over 70 years, including a spat as late as Mittens Romulan vs Obummer, where Obummer helpfully informs the voting public Mittens is living in the past of red scare propaganda, only to have everyone do a musical chairs number and suddenly the right wing cries about every missile they pushed to fund being used against Russia, the enemy they railed against for 70 years!
How very dare the left wing give these Russia killing weapons to a country that kills Russians with Z E R O US casualties?

Meanwhile the antiwar left is busy asking for more money to the military industrial complex.
Oh but it gets even better because the far left commies are busy saying “USA evil, west bad, based Russia dindu nuffin leave her alone!” as if Russia is still the Soviet Union and not a tsarist larping righto dictatorship. But even that isn’t the grand finale of the Aristocrats joke because the far right is busy using the same talking points about the west promising Russia some kind of lebensraum in perpetuity.

And if you’re aware enough for all this to make you vomit there’s also the Israel shitshow where all these positions are incoherently flipped around.
Nothing about any of this makes any fucking sense whatsoever. It’s not even “politics changed”, when it’s the same fucking people who have 40 years on the record swapping positions like it’s a game show.

>> No.23344977

The 2012 election was 12 years ago. Like, no shit things have changed. Imagine being in 1972 and saying some retarded shit like "But Barry Goldwater said something back in 1960!"

>> No.23345000
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>> No.23345074

>typo in first word of first sentence
Wow, that's a great source you have there! Lol

>> No.23345079
File: 541 KB, 1017x1002, sdvdsvvds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's translated, retard.

>> No.23345128

wtf is the point of this thread? what is the topic we're supposed to be discussing? I don't get it.

>> No.23345132

The inevitable victory of kabbalistic nazbols, and, presumably, the effect that'll have on literature

>> No.23345133

based lads

>> No.23345190

Narrative warfare -- identify the weaknesses of your enemy's "story," the contradictions and the things that no longer serve their OWN people, and offer them a story that addresses what your enemy's story lacks.
The only end goal is power, transferred from the hands of your enemy into yours. Once the power is in your hands, you can pursue whatever story you'd like.
Anyone who buys into this shit is dumb.

>> No.23345210

Good post, first such in this thread. We really could use a politics board that's not whatever /pol/ is these days.

>> No.23345244

death to ziggers!

>> No.23345248

Dugin isn't even a court jester, a court jester is at least listened to by authority figures
He's a schizo curiosity in Russia

>> No.23345280

It's strange seeing people despise him for just providing interviews. He's no mind controlling you to agree with Putin or Dugin.

>> No.23345286

Ironic, considering the amount of people who take him seriously in America is far greater than the amount of russians who take him seriously

>> No.23345319

>succession of power only happens in democracies
Are you the kind of person who thinks the Praetorian Guard were fancy window-dressing bodyguards?

>> No.23345331
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>> No.23345387

I'm sure the Ukrainians would be thrilled at this analysis of a 4mex user with delusions of grandeur

>> No.23345391

Lol, so you worship your race and not God

>> No.23345395

I used to think there was nobility in war. A mutual respect between soldiers, something higher than mere barbarism. Now I realise that is a total lie. Having watched so many videos from the Ukraine conflict, I realise that soldiers are nothing but a band of bloodthirsty, murderous gangsters. So many videos out there of them bragging and making fun of piles of corpses from the other side that they’ve just killed. Not to mention all the propaganda they put out there, videos of the graveyards from the other side, “look how many of them we’ve murdered!” No different in essence from the hood niggers in Chicago. Fuck patriotism, fuck nationalism, fuck these notions of “honour” and “bravery” that powerful people try to brainwash us with so we will die and kill for their interests. If the draft ever comes for me, I will be dodging it 100%.

>> No.23345434

As citizen texas oblast, I also will not ever fight for nazi american pigdog empier.

>> No.23345452

Ah, geopolitics, the Russkie’s get out of jail free card. You have to have at least a PhD level understanding of Geopolitics in order to fully appreciate the necessity of brutalising your neighbours. Every Ukrainian woman raped, every Ukrainian child maimed, every young Ukrainian lad whose head was blown off from a drone strike, every Ukrainian home destroyed and family displaced — all of this is justified, you see, because… Geopolitics! Never mind the fact that NATO is obviously terrified of a nuclear conflict and for that reason has refrained from getting involved directly in Ukraine, thus demonstrating that the fear of a “NATO invasion” was a complete and utter lie. Never mind that the invasion has prompted more countries to join NATO and has given NATO a renewed purpose. Never mind the fact that Europe will now look to get itself off the Russian tit.

I mean, seriously, do you believe this is anything but a fucking power grab for Putin’s oligarch friends?

>> No.23345462

Don’t you understand how propaganda works? The Putin interview actually was good for Western propaganda because Putin was so shallow minded and inarticulate that it is hard to see anyone coming to agree with him by watching it. But Dugin in this interview was appealing to a conservative audience in the West by claiming that Putin is a defender of “traditional values”. This will undoubtedly sway the minds of people who are sick with the current system.

>> No.23345478

>Ukraine giving away some land to end the war is one thing but outright supporting the invader
It’s impossible now. How is a peace treaty to be negotiated in such a brutal war? If Ukraine “gives up land” it is basically spitting in the face of all the Ukrainian men who died or were maimed defending it, all their families and friends too. I mean you have to grasp the absolute horror that Russia has committed here. Take yourself out of the objective stance of a westerner and put yourself in the shoes of a Ukrainian. Many of your brothers, uncles, cousins, friends are either maimed or dead. Civilians have been massacred in some towns. The cities that you knew, whose names ring familiar in your ears, with whom you associate the faces of your loved ones, are now rubble. Prisoners of war have been tortured, castrated, beaten. Families have been displaced. A massive refugee crisis has been caused, and many of those refugees will never return, which will result in a demographic catastrophe for your nation. Everything you hold dear has basically been trampled, spat upon, and destroyed. How is a peace treaty even possible? I’m afraid this is a blood feud that will only end in complete victory for one side. Let’s hope the Ukrainians win.

>> No.23345498

Are you a fucking idiot? Dugin is a hardcore supporter of the war, which has murdered many more Ukrainian daughters and sons. It was obviously very wrong for his daughter to have been targeted (assuming the bomb wasn’t meant for him and got his daughter mistakenly). But this fucking guy supports the killing of Ukrainians.

>> No.23345536

I think you're wrong. I think the Putin interview had a goal that you misapprehend. He was able to frame the history and the context on his own. Typically, it is framed by the west, or the international community. That interview wasn't aimed at the west's moral majority; it was aimed at the global south, the third world. And dissidents within the west, the disaffected.
Dugins stuff is the same thing. They're very clever in how they go about this, Russia has always been vastly more skilled at propagandic warfare, war of the mind. If we go by DoD documents, it wasn't until sometime in the early 21st century that they even became aware of memetics and their relation to war, or conflict between powers. Meanwhile, the Soviets had a department of psychological war in the 30s...I forget the name. It wasn't psychometrics, but something like that, a compound word that effectively meant "psychological, narrative warfare," memetic warfare.
Putin framed a historical narrative, Dugin is framing a philosophical narrative. Point being, what underpins power is the narrative. Hard power is useless insofar as it can only go so far, the hearts and minds of the global masses are won through narratives. Russia has understood this acutely for a hundred years at least, and is very skilled. What they have done is waited for the west to exhaust itself through hedonism and greed, to the point where it has rendered its own mythos into a contradictory, nonsensical hypocrisy. This is seen not only by the outside world, but even felt by the west's own citizens; whether right or left wing, hence all the extreme, alternative ideologies springing up all over the west.
I say all this as a citizen who cares about his country, not because I want them to win out. I just understand what they're doing and give credit where its due, and I am afraid that our leaders either don't understand it or don't know what to do about it.
The narrative has been broken and they are now "re-framing," something they've probably been waiting to do for decades.
This is just power politics, they don't believe what they say; but they understand that he holds the narrative in his hand, guides and shapes the world. In other words, holds and molds power.
Right to rule, legitimacy.

>> No.23345564


Good posts

>> No.23345605

An opinion you have because you’ve just turned 13 and it seems like a lifetime ago. You also have no idea about the history, because you never got around to it in school.

>> No.23345606

>He's a schizo curiosity in Russia
I keep hearing this but it doesn't seem to be true at all. His "Foundations of Geopolitics" has been adopted as a textbook by a military academy in Russia, and fits pretty well with what Russia is doing. His "Fourth Political Theory" seems seems similar to the whole Russian World drivel.
Influence can be exerted by various means, and Dugin doesn't need to be some grey eminence whispering in Putins ear to have it. Putin, after all, is another mere human who picks up ideas that are in the air, and isn't above being persuaded by his own propaganda machine. How much of its guiding principles goes back to Dugin, I wonder. If the key figures that affect the discourse are influenced by certain ideas, they can go a long way. Just like Obama and Biden didn't need to be lectured to by postmodern anti-colonialists during their presidency for the latter's ideas to take hold in the US.

>> No.23345607

The problem is it’s not an expertly crafted narrative at all. Russia’s narrative only succeeds insofar as it represents itself as a bulwark against western degeneracy. The vision is purely negative. It’s not like they’re a communist power anymore who have some sort of principled ideological vision. No, it’s just an openly oligarchic mafia state which happens to be mildly socially conservative on the surface.
It’s obvious when you look at the weird contradictions in Russian culture. Here you have a supposedly Orthodox Christian post-communist country where a militant atheist communist like Lenin is publicly honoured. A propaganda system that tries to appeal to the right in Europe while launching invasions on the pretext of destroying nationalism in Ukraine. Has any leftist even ever fallen for the “denazification” angle? The propaganda is so tone deaf it’s unbelievable.
I mean, does anyone even believe Putin’s lies? He blew up Prigozhin and then claimed he didn’t know who did it. I swear, Russia is like a nihilistic hell hole where nobody cares that the president is an open Machiavellian who is lying to your face.

>> No.23345616

then you should probably stop bragging about killing his daughter over problems you have with his words, as it ironically proves his words right

>> No.23345619

The thing you're not taking into account, is that for legions of people around the world who live in conditions you cannot even begin to comprehend, who's hearts are hardened, the criticisms you make, while true, don't hold the same ring when they hear them. And the things you value about where you live, don't hold the same value to them.
I'm not saying they'll be successful. I hope they're not. There are things that we can do. But you need perspective.
And unfortunately, it appears as if our leaders are resorting to their common reflex: threats, military actions, etc. Instead of understanding narratives, or grappling with history and the pain felt by the people of the world.
You are a starving denizen of a third world nation. All you have ever seen or known is a thoroughly broken world. You watch your parents get disrespected everyday, everyone else seems to be in the same position around you. You see giant multinationals come in and build out toxic waste farms in your environment, and treat and pay people very poorly. It is hard to survive or find a moments rest. Many people resort to crime just to survive, or to afford some semblance of leisure.
One man says, we want to make you free. It doesn't mean much. Another man says, we want to rid you of this condition you are facing. Neither one is telling the truth, but which one sounds more real to you? Which one sounds more applicable to your situation?
Do you care about some vague notion of freedom, or social justice, or do you care about being able to afford bread and not having to live in a materially broken society?

>> No.23345637

>openly oligarchic
That's a bit of a misconception. There are no "oligarchs" in Russia, there are people allowed to hold on to vast amounts of money as long as they don't step out of party line. There is no protection of property rights, it can be taken away by the Kremlin on a whim. Khodorkovsky was an "oligarch", but it turned out it gave him no political power whatsoever. In practice, Russia is as monarchic as under Ivan the Terrible.

>> No.23345639

>it proves his words right
Why do you think “bragging about killing his daughter” is worse than “supporting the war which kills many more daughters”.

>> No.23345660

Ok but Russia is not going to lift the third world out of poverty. I don’t think third worlders even believe that. They just hate the west and so support Russia. That’s what I mean about them having a negative vision; their only appeal is they’re against the west.
Billionaire fraudster engaged in financial crimes, prosecuted and sentenced then fucking pardoned by Putin and allowed to keep a substantial part of his wealth and flee to Switzerland.

>> No.23345679

>They just hate the west and so support Russia.
Yes, exactly right. This is what I was alluding to before. All of your critiques are things that mean nothing to westerners, because westerners are invested in their own power bloc, so they have no need to choose between a series of bad options. But people who's backs are against the wall do have this need. Not all of them support Russia, not all of them support us, it depends on what decisions they make. Some of them don't pay attention either way.
But you were critiquing these things as if their clear corruption and hypocrisy is something we don't possess in our own way, and something the rest of the world gives even half of a shit about when evaluating their options. They don't. In their eyes, we are all corrupt and self interested monsters, it depends on who seems like they will benefit them the most.
The issue for us is that we were in charge for many years, and treated the world like shit in many respects, where as these people were not in charge, so they do not have a track record. They use this fact to craft a narrative.
You underestimate, and call it a negative vision. It is not solely negative. It is negative against our narrative, which is a potent factor since we were incumbent and our actions are known and felt and seen, and positive in terms of what they're selling, which is unproven and therefore has some weight in its lack of a track record.
Again, I do not root for them, but I believe in seeing things with a sober mind as much as possible. In many ways, our track record has some positive attributes, and to the extent that this can be effectively crafted into a positive narrative that counteracts, this is an asset.
But it all depends on what people choose to believe, not necessarily what is true.

>> No.23345685

I agree, Zelensky needs to be held accountable (executed)

>> No.23345691

because she never said that, and the fact that you keep repeating "it's okay to kill a completely separate person over what someone else said" shows you're a retarded degenerate and unfit to continue breathing my air.

>> No.23345698

I don’t agree it was ok to kill her, I believe that the Russians are guilty of killing many more daughters

>> No.23345703

You cannot blame them. I mean, you can, but it would be pointless and useless. Men do things like this because they become convinced. Look at our side of the world, it is not so different. Look at /pol/. I am sure at some time in your life, you have said something embittered and dehumanizing about someone else, another group of people. You did this because you were scared and enraged by something you saw and interpreted as an attack on you.
I think it was Goering, after the war, who said "it is the same in every country. You do the same thing in the USA. What does a farmer care about a war? He just wants to return home to his farm. To get him to care, you must teach him that there is an enemy out to destroy him and everything he loves. Once he is afraid, you can convince him that you have a plan to deal with the source of this fear. Then, he will fight and die for you."
It is awful to see men acting like this, but do not make the mistake of thinking they are monsters. They are just men, and they've been taught a certain view of the world, of who is coming to get them, who to be afraid of, and someone told them they have a plan, and they believed them. When you are afraid of something and you kill it, in the moment, it feels good. It doesn't make it right, but you're wrong when you say they're just gangsters and murderers. They think they are doing the right thing. And I mean that for any side in any war.
When 9/11 happened and we went and killed a bunch of goat herders who had nothing to do with it, the men killing them weren't monsters or gangsters. They were operating under the belief that it was necessary to neutralize a threat to their families, themselves, all that they know and love. If you call a soldier a gangster, then you must call the entirety of mankind gangsters.
Or you can attempt to understand them. It hurts me to see all of it, too. But don't lose sight of reality.

>> No.23345716

which has nothing to do with bragging about kiling his daughter over something he said

>> No.23345757

kekd out loud at your silly jiff

>> No.23345807

Tucker Carlson loves Vladimir Putin more than Trump loves getting peed on

>> No.23345810

reminder not to have any more kids

>> No.23345812

The interview seemed pretty neutral to people who's minds haven't been turned to mush from HRT.

>> No.23345813

>something he said
the thing he said was that Ukrainian daughters should be killed, which equivalent or even worse than the people laughing at his own daughter dying as a sort of cosmic justice to him (although an injustice to her)

>> No.23345817

right, you're justifying a third party getting killed in a terrorist attack over something somebody else said, that's why you, personally, deserve to die

>> No.23345818

>neutral to minds
yeah, sounds like Fox to me

>> No.23345821

Why are you guys still arguing about this? You've stated many times that you don't think she should have died, but that Dugin sucks, and then he just keeps repeating back to you that you're happy she died. Why are you continuing to entertain an idiot? Are you an idiot?

>> No.23345827
File: 554 KB, 1427x2548, fox news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox is a radical leftist tranny outlet

>> No.23345834

no, he thinks it's karmic justice when someone is murdered over words a different person said

>> No.23345836

Just shut the fuck up man.

>> No.23345839
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>> No.23345978

i want to know why people support russia. does there exist a reason, beyond nationalism and the nationalism equivalent to cuckoldry?

>> No.23346008

>by the USSR in only in 1957 with the understanding it'd remain part of the USSR
Khrushchev was a retard and would be considered the worst leader they ever had if not for their last decade

>> No.23346066
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all the bad people say russia is bad, therefore they're probably good

>> No.23346185

Liberalism and capitalism freed millions of people from literal slavery and made their lives happier, healthier and better.

>> No.23346199
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>> No.23346203

Cool story ivan

>> No.23346227

case and point

>> No.23346241
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>273 replies and 55 images omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.23346485

Ironically Stalin was a demonic psychopath and still better than everyone that followed him. Those are the fruits of communism, it's the most anti-merit system that can exist.

>> No.23346614

Where do I watch Carlson's interviews with dugin

>> No.23346685

he got that bracelet from a guy in the steam room

>> No.23348141

zigger schizophrenia post

>> No.23348147

everytime someone says this, it is infact not good posts

>> No.23348150

>And unfortunately, it appears as if our leaders are resorting to their common reflex: threats, military actions, etc. Instead of understanding narratives, or grappling with history and the pain felt by the people of the world.

jesus christ ziggers are pathetic, this fucking concern trolling and crybullying to justify and insecure tyrants ego driven wars and thirdie inferiority complexes

>> No.23348153
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>Honestly most of the far-right is demonic is some form or another

You, and those like you, are the reason the Right have never achieved anything since the 1920s. It is you who campaigned to alienate the logical end game of the Right Wing from its Liberal Core. You cut the Right off from its extremist element, from its energy, from its ideological basis. Which is why now you see men saying they can be women, groomers actively abusing your children in school and worse. Why gays, jews, blacks and more infest every institution and every part of the world. Why women are trying, and failing, to compete with men.

It is all you. All your fault. You disarmed and repudiated the very aspect of the Right which defended against it.

>> No.23348168

Based Bowden poster
You're not alone.

>> No.23348179

Nobody's justifying jack shit you retard. Explanation isn't justification

>> No.23348195
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>get btfo by sourced facts
>regurgitate buzzwords
yep it's butthurt

>> No.23348241

your explanation is justification in and of itself, you are giving putin and retarded thirdies far too much credit imagining that there is some actual reasoning going on with them, its all ego or the lack thereof, pride and humiliation

>> No.23348246

sounds like projection to me

>> No.23348262

get thoroughly disregarded zigger, your INSANE attempt to justify a retarded war that has gained russia nothing as some calculated move or a response to the US or some bullshit about soviet nothingburgers. Its retarded, just like you are retarded and the kleptocrats that are your masters are retarded.

A coping thirdie with a chip on his shoulder that russia (or his equivalent shithole) has and always will be an despotic brown dump:
"Z! 2 more weeks! said the zigger"

>> No.23348266

Your butthurt doesn't change the facts.

>> No.23348267
File: 1.21 MB, 1439x2491, ukraine six months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad I guess lmao

>> No.23348271

putin invaded ukraine because of his enormous ego and wanting to be le heckin peter the great, all the thirdies online cheering him on are doing so because of their inferiority complex towards the west and love the idea of something bringing it down to their level

>> No.23348273
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this is why you're losing

>> No.23348274

your facts are not facts at all, its bullshit and fueled by pure copium

>> No.23348282


>> No.23348294
File: 473 KB, 1536x1287, zelensky_more_money-1536x1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until what, the gay jew runs off with $400 billion more of your tax dollars while putler steamrolls ukraine?

>> No.23348298

I sourced everything and it's all easily corroborated by a 2 second google. It's not a fact Crimea wasn't part of Ukraine until the 1950s? WRONG. 2 seconds on Google!

Enjoy seething impotently and trying to gas light the world, but you're an obvious and dumb liar.

>> No.23348307

white supremacists*

>> No.23348314

do you know how insignificant the amount of money that the us has given to ukraine? (its actually military aid primarily not pallets of cash you ignorant serf) do you know just how much richer and more powerful the US is compared to russia? did you know russia has an economy comparable to italy? america has thrown pocket change into ukraine and by doing so has humiliated russia forever, dont talk about money spent when you are spending blood.

>> No.23348322

cope cope cope cope, russia invaded not because of some old borders that dont matter, but for putins pride, and to make himself popular. you stupid fucking thirdie, lines on maps dont justify a fucking thing, its not the year 1900 you stupid fucker, putin only lost when he took crimea, sanctions and isolation and not total norht korean imitation, you are FUCKED putin is now going full totalitarian, and when he dies you can roll the dice to see if another one of his warlords doesnt start a civil war like last year. YOU ARE FUCKED

>> No.23348324

*and now total north korean imitation

>> No.23348325
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so why are you losing lmao

>> No.23348328

> we've spent a trillion dollars humiliating this poor country that hasn't been relevant to 99% of the planet in 30 years
> it's not real aid! It's actually just military aid that we instantly buy extremely overpriced contracts to replace.

Yes, great use of American tax money Chaim.

>> No.23348329

>2 more weeks posting again
worlds 2nd military btw but keep gloating about insignificant villages and towns you spend thousands of lives for, for no gain. none.

>> No.23348338

>we've spent a trillion dollars humiliating this poor country that hasn't been relevant to 99% of the planet in 30 years
less than a hundred billion (we united statesians can say that of a hundred billion when talking of our government) and if poor little irrelevant russia didnt want to get humiliated, it shouldnt have started a war of aggression. faggot

>> No.23348347
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you certainly don't sound like you're winning, you sound extremely upset that you're losing lol

>> No.23348349

I love that these defense contractors waved a few pride flags and now leftists are unironically interventionist blood thirsty warmongers.

Also the Destiny fanboy needs to go back.

>> No.23348362

>2 more weeks posting with a boomer facebook meme
all you ziggers are the same, and when you are still fighting in a year, you will say the same shit Fuck Off

>> No.23348365
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Lmao, Yeltsin is LITERALLY ON RECORD saying they won't accept what is/was the 'current' borders. Please keep going though, this is hilarious. You substitute your total lack of information or knowledge with blind rage and buzzwords and it makes me laugh. You must think it's a coincidence we've been rearming Ukraine since the fucking 90s and that Putler just appeared from the ether because he enjoys evil right? Continue, by all means. I love hearing dumb nigger cattle talk because it spikes the hell out of my own self esteem through comparison.

>> No.23348368
File: 1.56 MB, 600x338, 1685415709181835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely malding lmao

>> No.23348380

we have been through this you stupid shit, its means nothing, real life is not eu4 you dumb shit but you fucking barbarians dont see that, you have no justification, america was never going to invade russia you dimwit cattlebrained retard, what the FUCK are you even saying? this war is because putin wants to be le hecking tsar. and hes MURDERING YOU to sate his own retarded thirdie pride. fuck you

>> No.23348383


>> No.23348393

CNN said it, so it must be true.

>> No.23348396
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No need because I'm winning

>> No.23348402

you arent.

>> No.23348406

This is too retarded to be someone pretending to be retarded making it all the better. Tip top fucking kek.

You actually think Russia is suffering because of the war? Western credibility has never been worse meanwhile Russia's middle class is the healthiest it has been since the 60s. Why don't you repeat the line about how Russian casualties are sky high next while Ukrainian grandpas are sniping MIGs with their old hunting rifles too.

In the end Russia has a legitimate casus belli and anyone with a brain and memory better than a goldfish knows it. Ukraine will be a rump state and the US will move on to their next color revolution project to repeat the cycle again. And you will still be here, seething impotently.

>> No.23348413

>You actually think Russia is suffering because of this war
you are so fucking delusional its insane, you are stuck playing fucking eu4 in real life while your country and its people are fucked to death, you are dying in droves, your economy is getting sanctioned to death, its FUCKED there is no future for russia putin has made sure of that. see >>23348322 because i dont want to have to type it all out again, but trust me, YOU ARE FUCKED

>> No.23348415

Stfu, NAFO shithead.

>> No.23348422

sit down thirdie, you have a hole to go die in so get on your golfcart and hop to it

>> No.23348423

this guy's right you know

>> No.23348434

this guy's right you know

>> No.23348449
File: 62 KB, 640x846, 1600163568985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23348676

How did western libshits get so invested in this conflict in particular? This level of derangment is not seen in any other conflict. Is it because muh Putin Drumpf connection?

>> No.23349045

their television told them it's the current thing, that's literally as deep as it gets

>> No.23349828

>the shill cries out as he shills you
fuck off this website zigger thirdie retard