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23332180 No.23332180 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain this phenomenon?

>> No.23332186


>> No.23332189

Kek that's actually so true

>> No.23332194
File: 74 KB, 900x607, chris-farley-with-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always hoping that about people that say that too. Fuck.

>> No.23332212

Where do I start with Plekhanov?

>> No.23332218

Explain meme pls

>> No.23332227

They want liberals but they get revolutionaries instead (exception is Stalin)

>> No.23332240
File: 26 KB, 358x400, AVT_Gueorgui-Valentinovitch-Plekhanov_6183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my life, like every person, I have made many mistakes. But my main, unforgivable mistake is Lenin. I underestimated his abilities, did not consider his true goals and fanatical determination, and was condescending and ironic about his maximalism.

>I introduced Lenin to the circle of famous and influential European Social Democrats, took care of him, provided him with comprehensive assistance, and thereby allowed him to stand firmly on his feet. Moreover, in 1903, at the congress of the RSDLP, I supported Lenin in the dispute between Lenin and Martov, which ultimately led to the birth of Bolshevism.

>Once established, Bolshevism quickly gained strength, partly because its tactics and slogans were attractive to the underdeveloped Russian proletariat, and partly because of Lenin's extraordinary persistence and titanic capacity for work. Unfortunately, it was no longer possible to correct my mistake. My mistake has already cost and will cost Russia very dearly.

>Lenin is an integral type who sees his goal and strives for it with fanatical persistence, not stopping at any obstacles. He is very smart, energetic, extremely hard-working, not vain, but painfully proud and absolutely intolerant of criticism. For Lenin, everyone who disagrees with him on something is a potential enemy who does not deserve a basic culture of communication. To achieve his goal, he will do anything, even an alliance with the devil, if necessary.

>Lenin is a theorist, but for an educated socialist his works are not interesting: they are not marked by any elegance of style, or sharpened logic, or deep thoughts, but on an illiterate person they invariably make a strong impression by the simplicity of presentation, the boldness of judgments, the confidence in the rightness and the attractiveness of slogans.

>Lenin is the Robespierre of the 20th century. But if the latter cut off the heads of several hundred innocent people, Lenin will cut off the heads of millions. In this regard, I remember one of the first meetings with Lenin, which, in my opinion, took place in the summer of 1895 at the Landolt cafe. The conversation turned to the reasons for the fall of the Jacobin revolution. I jokingly said that it collapsed because the guillotine cut off heads too often. Lenin raised his eyebrows and objected quite seriously: “The Jacobin Republic fell because the guillotine cut off heads too rarely.”

>> No.23332244
File: 23 KB, 250x167, Kaplan_fanny_1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fate of Robespierre is known. Lenin's fate will not be better. But I don’t wish him the fate of Robespierre. May Lenin live to see the time when he clearly understands the error of his tactics and shudders at what he has done. The path of the Bolsheviks, whatever it may be, short or long, will inevitably be brightly colored by the falsification of history, crimes, lies, demagoguery and dishonest actions.

>Everything that has been said about the Bolsheviks - their tactics, their ideology, their approach to expropriation, their unlimited terror - allows us to say with confidence: the collapse of the Bolsheviks is inevitable. The terror that the Bolsheviks rely on is the force of the bayonet. I admit the idea that Lenin, relying on total terror, will emerge victorious from the Civil War, which he so persistently strives for. In this case, Bolshevik Russia will find itself in political and economic isolation and will inevitably turn into a military camp, where citizens will be frightened by imperialism and fed with promises.

>But sooner or later the time will come when the fallacy of Lenin’s ideas will become obvious to everyone, and then Bolshevik socialism will collapse like a house of cards... The future of Russia will largely be determined by the length of time the Bolsheviks remain in power. Sooner or later it will return to the natural path of development, but the longer the Bolshevik dictatorship lasts, the more painful this return will be... A country cannot be great while its citizens are poor. The wealth of the state lies in the wealth of the citizens. The true greatness of a country is determined not by its territory or even its history, but by its democratic traditions and the standard of living of its citizens. As long as citizens are poor, as long as there is no democracy, the country is not guaranteed against social upheaval or even collapse."

>> No.23332246

Unless they want the grave digger of the revolution.

>> No.23332881

On they want Russian Communists but end up with Ben Schwartz, Hitler, an /r/AsianMasculinity mod, and Mario.

>> No.23332901
File: 17 KB, 282x252, 1685853187470862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Pashukanis
Or are we counting that as Western Marxism nowadays?

>> No.23332940

Who is top middle on the left hand side?

>> No.23332961

I'm tired of the Internet telling me morality is a spook and all this shit about moral nihilism that they use to justify their imperialist worldviews wholly denying Lenin the true respect of his genius and the ACTUAL moral nihilism of revolutionary terror. There is no man more machiavellian than Lenin except perhaps Stalin.

>> No.23333065

pavel axelrod?

>> No.23333117

Is this from anything in particular?

>> No.23333124

none of the people on the right are Russian

>> No.23333131

his testament from 1918

>> No.23334069
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, mceyl3jmpjy61-2342660599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was too based to be left alive