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23327632 No.23327632 [Reply] [Original]

This man has more wisdom and experience than any western philosopher or academic. He won 60 life or death duels and even after realized he knew nothing of his success or life in general. In this context this may be one of the most significant pieces of non fiction ever produced, as he may be one of the most skilled warriors in history.

>> No.23327673

You can tell Musashi hints at Nietzsche's ideas of amor fati, affirmation, and order of rank just from reading the Dokkodo with less words whereas Nietzsche elaborates on them at greater detail

>> No.23327677

How does this solve my incel angst and get me a girlfriend tho?

>> No.23327690

By putting your fat ass to work

>> No.23327706

Looks like Ezra Pound

>> No.23327824

I don't think anybody knows what he looked like. Just a random ass cover. Apparently he was 6 foot which was giant in 1600s japan. That's not important though, it's how he draws his experience as an immensely sharp and skilled warrior to it's most basic and fundamental and how those fundamentals can be applied to any way in life.

>> No.23327850

lmao I can never take the East Asian general's win ratio seriously. Almost all of the time, the battles they won were against their own kin. They never faced other ethnicities or civilizations.

>> No.23327858


>> No.23327907

Why do I even post here are people here really this retarded? Firstly he wasn't a general he was a duelist, secondly this is a work about his realization that the most principal concepts about any "way" of life not just swordsmanship are universal. It's incredible this work even exists for us to read. It's not about touting his legendary status, it's the culmination of all the life experiences of a genius who happened to be a unbeaten samurai and a painter.

>> No.23328035
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Really nice mindset, I agree totally. You’ve convinced me to give it a read.

>> No.23328067

The Samurai were midgets with slave morality obedience. Musashi is just the best of the midgets.

>> No.23328077

The translation by Alex Bennett is a good one because he understands a massive amount of context behind the works and is also a long time kendo practitioner in Japan

>> No.23328078

Samurai were corrupt assholes that used "honor" as a cover up for their horrible deeds.

>> No.23328099

I don't think so. They actually killed themselves.

Shame and honor are not things to play around with. The Greeks and Romans knew this too.

>> No.23328101

*Tips fedora*
No question Mushashi lived in barbaric times and scholars have questioned if Mushashi had a bloodlust for proving the weakness of all other schools in Japan during his 20s. It's impossible to really say anything about his life with great accuracy because there were very little reliable historical records and famous Japanese works glorified his life into basically an anime protagonist.

>> No.23328110

You're a Gook fedora wearer confirmed.

>> No.23328114

Go back to normie basedcial media. You're on 4chan idiot.

>> No.23328119

lol at this thread

>> No.23328129

Fucking gooks can't cope with being feminine faggots.

>> No.23328137
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>> No.23328162
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Gook faggot

>> No.23328186
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>> No.23328189
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>> No.23328191

chuds v gooks
this could get messy

>> No.23328208

You got it just right. Death to the gooks.

And you are?