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/lit/ - Literature

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23325709 No.23325709 [Reply] [Original]

Jo K.R. is cool and writes literary fiction.
(get it? her name can be rendered as Joker, like the Joker from JOKER)
What do you enjoy about one of the few women actually writing literature?

>> No.23325713
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She's based, troon. Shit bait.

>> No.23325720

She set herself way too high a bar trying to write a spy story in a world where casual teleportation, mind control, and time travel are a thing, but I'll give credit where credit's due. She's the first author I ever read who captured how in your teens, school days tend to all bleed together until you don't measure in distinct days/weeks so much as good and bad "runs"

>> No.23325759

"He [Harry Potter] is the prism through which I view death in all it's many forms"
- Kathleen

No bait except 'bate here but thanks for the compilation.