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23323401 No.23323401 [Reply] [Original]

how come so many of us just waste life for nothing ?

I know it's not right. I can't help it. I have no drive or ideas on my mind to succeed. So I just rot away and hate myself. 40 years like that.

>> No.23323413

because it's easier, and you're weak.

>> No.23323416
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wastefulness is a luxury, and I live in luxury

>> No.23323417

Who gave you life?
And what were the intentions behind giving you your life?
Christ says the following
>Sell your possessions, and give alms; provide yourselves with purses that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys
Luke 12:33
Did He who made you intend for you to become wealthy? Did He who made you intend for you to win worldly fame?
What did your Heavenly Father intend for you?
Read the Bible and pray to the Lord
Ask for guidance and a light in your life that you can follow the end of your days
>The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
>he makes me lie down in green pastures.
>He leads me beside still waters;
>he restores my soul.
>He leads me in paths of righteousness
>for his name’s sake
Psalm 23:1-3
What does the Lord want of me? Faith, righteousness and obedience

>> No.23323418

used to be we worried bout when's we getting our next meal and who am I going to marry who did my cousin marry did you hear about what the family next door did in the town square lol I am hungry.
nowdays its all about that tik tok and likes and getting force feed body mania with or without the media and wondering what the fuck you're doing here when everything seems to be finished and done and you're too self conscious to live like a hedonist

>> No.23323428

luxury is vulgarity

>> No.23323430

How long into lit career for me to start understanding quotes like these?

>> No.23323437

Just read Crime and Punishment anon

>> No.23323453

What else is there to do?

I don’t think I’m capable of doing anything important.

>> No.23323454
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you're just mad because you're poor with your busy life

>> No.23323467

>I can't help it

Well there's your first problem lol

Objectively true, we're so wealthy now we can afford to support a whole class of NEETS instead of just letting them starve to death

Fairy tales for children who are afraid of the dark

You probably won't be some great historical figure if that's how you define important. But living a productive life and being a good person to those around you is important. I.e. try not to be a dick and try not to simply consume without providing anything of value to the world

>> No.23323472

> But living a productive life and being a good person to those around you is important.

I’m doing this, but it is unfulfilling.

>> No.23323480

>providing anything of value to the world
I think the answer to your problem lies in how you define this. I just had a conversation with a coworker who said they hate driving because it is "unproductive time wasting" while at the same time running the script he wrote to automate his data entry tasks. He is currently scrolling tiktok. Many people would claim that what I do on a daily bases is valuable since I make a pay check doing it but I see it as a waist of time because all I do is save money for people that already have more than they could ever use.

>> No.23323552

For situations like this, you need either a change in outlook or a change in career

I work as a payroll manager. It isn't sexy or creative work, I'm basically an accountant. But I find it fulfilling. Every week there's 200 people relying on me to do my job well so they're laid on time and accurately

>> No.23323559

NEETs wouldn't starve. They would get a job or forage for food by scavenging, fishing etc. NEETs are excessively practical people.

>> No.23323621

Can confirm. I have an aspie friend who dropped out of uni and never worked. Around 7 years ago he just disappeared, stopped replying to my messages. His sis told me that he went deep innawoods “to get a break from civilization”. Anyhow, he returned several months later, all tanned and calloused. For whatever reason he never told me what happened out there, or what motivated him to do something so drastic. It seems like there’s just no place in society for people like him

>> No.23323626

We are people out of time and place. A relic. What purpose do thoughtful, sensitive types have in the modern world?

>> No.23323633

I used to talk to other NEETs on /jp/ and quickly noticed a pattern: if a rule or restriction is self-imposed, it can be so harsh that normal people would never tolerate it, but if it is externally imposed, it must be so insubstantial that it doesn't even effect us. Many of us lived in unfinished and unfurnished concrete basements with zero human interaction and primarily ate white rice bought wholesale at the lowest calculated price because we didn't want to engage in smalltalk with female coworkers.

>> No.23323645

I wonder if it’s really possible to waste your life. You don’t really get a say in many aspects of your life. We like to imagine ourselves as captains of our destiny, but we don’t get to choose our ship let alone the seas we sail in. Whether it’s a storm or clear skies or opportunities for treasure and adventure on the horizon isn’t really up to us. We can only choose to navigate what we find. So in the end, all you really get to do with your life is choose how to spend your moments. If you spend those moments living virtuously, I think that is a good life. That is what really counts in the end, and if what brings you to living a virtuous life is to have not lived virtuous for a time, well, then maybe it’s all ok in the end. Live with virtue, live with dignity, and you’ve pretty much done everything you can.

>> No.23323662

>For situations like this, you need either a change in outlook or a change in career
Yeah that was kind of my point. The way you define value is what dictates what a worth while life is for you. Once you understand your definition of that you can either, like you said, see the value in what you already do or take steps to align your life with your values. I think the problem is that people tend to compare their values with the values of others (and find that they differ) and cross reference that comparison with what the other people have (and see that in some way it is what they want to have) and come to the conclusion that their values are some how not correct and therefore they are incapable of attaining to what that other person has. As if there aren't multiple routs to the same outcome.

>> No.23323752
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The answer is very simple. Humans evolved over hundreds of thousands of years for a very primitive environment. In a relatively short amount of time, we have completely changed our environment through technology. Your rational mind is telling you that if you want to compete and be better than other males, you should use everything at your disposal to increase your wealth, status, etc. But your primitive instincts are telling you that your belly is full, that you are safe from predators, that you have nothing to do. To bother with doing anything would not only waste energy, it would communicate to others that you live in constant fear of not having enough, a sign of low fitness.

>> No.23323767

I don't understand what adults do or what I'm supposed to do. Life is so empty nd dull. I just can't even express myself. >>23323467
Like this shit sucks. Who can possible be fine with this?
There's nothing money can buy me. Why the fuck do people even work so hard for money i don't get it.>>23323645
I don't have any choice on my life at all. I don't care about virtue or dignity.

>> No.23323770

>It seems like there’s just no place in society for people like him
there isn't. and not for me, either

>> No.23323779

I wish I could do this...there's just nothing I can do. I want to live this life. But I'm just some shut in nerd right? I'll just die painfully
I wish I was dead

I want out. There's no place for me. I'm so far away from normal. And I'll never find a place to be happy while existing in normal society.

>> No.23323780

suffer until suffering in the woods is the better option then.

>> No.23323782

Thats just not how it works

>> No.23323792

I mean it's pretty stupid how much it's repeated when Raskolnikov said it basically just to torture Sonia and see how she would react if he told her the worst possible things that could happen to her and her family

>> No.23323800

That's exactly how it works. Suffer until whatever's keeping you from doing the needful rots away. I don't give a fuck about media anymore. I don't give a fuck about a career or recognition. I don't give a fuck about women or family. Get your heart broken or contract a disease or go deep diving into the septic tank of human corruption until you come out clean on the other side. Like Andy.

>> No.23323803

Yeah thats just not how that works. That kind of logic is for normal people

>> No.23323812
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I promise you your pain will free you from itself, if you just allow yourself to feel it fully. It won't help you get the girl and your high school bully isn't going to suddenly reach out to you and apologize and offer you a position in his start-up, but it will free you from life which is the form of pain.

I'm more alien than you, I promise

>> No.23323818

You being condescending is the most normal thing you could possibly do. You make baseless assumptions nd pretend to know me and be better.

>> No.23323825

Normies have never hit their zero-point, that's why they're normies. As sure as a rock falls towards the earth, you will fall to your zero-point unless you make an effort now.

>> No.23323829

You're so full of yourself. Tske your own advice man. I'm done.

>> No.23323833

I was trying to help. As you were.

>> No.23323836

You're so dense. Its frustrating that you're preventing any real connection because you refuse to engage.

>> No.23323839

We're not on a date, fag. I said you will suffer until it's so bad you will be forced into action. And in that lies the freedom you crave.

>> No.23323844

Then I don't think you really understand suffering

>> No.23323853

I stopped convincing myself I had to be anyone. I don't think that's what life is about anymore. I look at old medieval peasants, or people in ancient imperial China or the Bronze Age: They weren't rockstars or taking selfies and high on their own farts all day. They didn't have "a life brand" of themselves (ugh). They didn't vlog their dinners. Did their lives not matter because this bullshit didn't occur? I think they did matter, in God's eyes. I think I can learn something from them too.
I don't know why Doestoevsky got hung up on this. I think Tolstoy would've said something different.

>> No.23323855

it might be good to investigate the idea of character and how people create the internal value judgements that motivate them. I recommend Sex and Character - Otto Weininger

>> No.23323860

There's a drive in you that wants to dominate, flourish, fuck, and conquer. And not in the cringy BAP sense, but in the sense that you are a conscious agent and not a passive victim of your environment. That drive is being frustrated at every turn, and that's why you've been beaten down into catatonia. Uproot that drive, or continue feeding it. Your suffering hasn't pierced through this crust yet. Mine has. That's why I am committing rational suicide at the earliest possible date. There is nothing here for me and I won't be gaslit by reality into believing that this feeling is a lie.

>> No.23323867

Imagine using Dosto, a man who couldn't even support his family because of his gambling and whore addiction, as some sort of patron paragon or motivational support.

>> No.23323885

imagine using a mathematical ecuation, something that has no brain nor acts nor exists, to try to understand how nature works.

>> No.23323904

His philosophy and spirit were clearly not good enough to overcome whatever his problem was, so he should be discarded. Sputtering equivocal banalities does not make you intelligent or purposeful.

>> No.23323909

You were created for immortality and perfection. There is still time so long as you are alive. Hope is eternal to the one with faith in the One Who Is.

>> No.23323913

NTA, but I see him more as a psychologist. Not a philosopher. He's still worth listening to, but not necessarily everything spiritual. Like I said above, I think Tolstoy would have had a different take. He saw dignity in the serfs around him.

>> No.23323949

If you don't value anything then nothing can have meaning, making a meaningful life unattainable. So I guess the question for someone who doesn't value anything (I imagine you are like this but maybe I'm wrong) is why should your life be meaningful when nothing else is? Why should you aspire for something that, to your valuation, doesn't even exist?

>> No.23323953

>That's why I am committing rational suicide at the earliest possible date.
Whats keeping you from doing it now?

>> No.23323955

What do you mean waste? There's no wasting, there's nothing to waste. You waste a pumpkin pie if you let it rot on your table and don't fulfill its function, i.e. if you don't eat it. There is no function, no final cause to life. It's not procreation, nor social responsibility, nor success, nor virtue, honor or whatever the fuck imaginary construct people cling to. And it's not an open-world game with character customization either, your wiring, biological and social, determines everything. You're just a fucking monkey, why take yourself so seriously. Accept that there's no hope to achieve your imagined constructs and ideals if you aren't wired for it and well on the path already, actively try to minimize your suffering in whatever degree you are comfortable with, and approach this existence a little more lightheartedly. On the other end of tragedy lies comedy.

>> No.23323957
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u have to begin small....
>nooo its too late!!!
Its only too late when ur in the grave

>> No.23323964
File: 346 KB, 830x1200, OttoWeininger-bildnis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The secret of the critique of practical reason is that man is alone in the world, in tremendous eternal isolation.
>>He has no object outside himself ; lives for nothing else ; he is far removed from being the slave of his wishes, of his abilities, of his necessities; he stands far above social ethics ; he is alone.
>>Thus he becomes one and all; he has the law in him, and so he himself is the law, and no mere changing caprice. The desire is in him to be only the law, to be the law that is himself, without afterthought or forethought. This is the awful conclusion, he has no longer the sense that there can be duty for him. Nothing is superior to him, to the isolated absolute unity. But there are no alternatives for him; he must respond to his own categorical imperatives, absolutely, impartially. " Freedom," he cries (for instance, Wagner, or Schopenhauer), " rest, peace from the enemy; peace, not this endless striving " ; and he is terrified. Even in this wish for freedom there is cowardice; in the ignominious lament there is desertion as if he were too small for the fight. What is the use of it all, he cries to the universe ; and is at once ashamed, for he is demanding happiness, and that his own burden should rest on other shoulders. Kant's lonely man does not dance or laugh; he neither brawls nor makes merry; he feels no need to make a noise, because the universe is so silent around him. To acquiesce in his loneliness is the splendid supremacy of the Kantian

>> No.23323973

Parents. I don't care about my lack of prospects but I won't do that to my mother.

>> No.23323990

I find meaning in precisely the opposite: In not being a fucking bitch like this and not feeling isolated.

>> No.23323992

I figured that would be the case. It very often is. Your mothers feelings are worth preserving are they? What about future loved ones? People you would deprive of the experience of getting to love you? Or is your mom the only person on this earth shitty enough to be forced to put up with your particular brand of worthlessness until the day she dies? Or maybe you think that somehow she is the only person out of billions who exist now or will exist within the next 30 years or so that could possibly love you? Not trying to be a dick btw, I am trying to understand.

>> No.23323999

Dumb it down a bit if you care to, wanna understand what you're pointing to but this is just a wall of text for me.

>> No.23324018

I have it on good authority I am repulsive and unlovable, and the world isn't beating down my door to refute it. At best, I am tolerated. I don't excite. I don't inspire. I can get along with others but I am always behind plexiglass. Not allowed to interact with real life. Always at a remove. Hired but never promoted. It feels like everyone I've ever known has been slightly embarrassed to associate with me. I'm older now so the self-indulgent pity has cooled to a resolve the other anon I was talking to seemingly doesn't understand. I appreciate you taking the time

>> No.23324026

That's because you're a bitch for fearing isolation. There are slime molds that can stand to be alone more than the average normalfag.

>> No.23324034

You do have choices though. Every moment that passes is a moment that you made a choice to do something. If you lay in bed, you choose to lay in bed. If you go for a walk, you chose to go for a walk. If you get a job, you chose to get that job. The choices may not be good or particularly exciting, but they are still choices.

>> No.23324054

I can be physically isolated indefinitely. But not spiritually or mentally: Because it's bullshit. I don't lie to myself and internalize bullshit. I live in a bigger world than myself and people can use me sometimes. This is a fact.

>> No.23324098

neither an equation is intelligent or purposeful, yet gives us an understanding. imagine that the equation was written by a very bad person who was drunk all the time. yeah, we better not use it! or imagine that the equation did not solve the problem, but just showed that the problem, in its root, its unsolvable by this equation. yeah, that couldnt be the answer...

>> No.23324107

>I have it on good authority I am repulsive and unlovable
Except for the authority of your mother which you deem to love you so much that she would be hurt tremendously by your death.
>the world isn't beating down my door to refute it
It doesn't for anyone, you have to happen upon them by putting yourself out there. Since you have dome so once already with your mother (trust me when I say that the line "but mothers have to love their children" is bull shit), statistically, you should be able to find at least a few more.
>At best, I am tolerated. I don't excite. I don't inspire. I can get along with others but I am always behind plexiglass.
I'm thunking this is a bit composed of 2 factors. 1) you haven't found your people yet. Have you lived among a lot of different cultures (talking mote general then things like ethnic background or work cultures)? Factor 2) you are holding on to bad habitual dogma of some kind that you need to work around. And Im talking things like "people don't like talking to strangers" or "I need to make my self as unimposing as possible so I don't become a bother in other peoples lives." Those things will fuck you out of aligning yourself with the thing that you value. Which I feel fleetingly confident in saying may be a loving community, family or otherwise.
>I can get along with others but I am always behind plexiglass. Not allowed to interact with real life.
This looks to me like it could be a symptom of factor 2 above but maybe there are other factors. Would you mind elaborating?
>I appreciate you taking the time

>> No.23324109

He's literally me

>> No.23324131

I don't put any stock in my mother's love. She has never been someone I could open myself up to. Mothers love because of a proximity bias. It's not unreal, but it isn't the kind of love I see others enjoying by being effortlessly themselves.

>It doesn't for anyone
Plenty of attractive men who have women fawning over them, artists who just have to record the thoughts and images in their head to be worthy of love, women who never have to become anyone but themselves. I gave up on media and deleted all my films and shows one day when it hit me it's just pretty people playing pretend. They live in actuality and losers like me gorge ourselves on their bread crumbs and simulacra.

I hate this faux poetic tone I snap into when I post on the chans. I am not profound. I'm just a stupid ugly awkward loser faggot. I've been told as much. I did find my 'people' - I moved back to my home country - and I might as well have moved to Mars. I am certainly more natural around them but I'm still behind plexiglass. As you get older you see how these kinds of absolutist beliefs are a defense mechanism, but the feeling of self-loathing is too entrenched to do anything with. So I am just going to read and lift weights until my parents die.

>> No.23324152

>Would you mind elaborating?
Hired, but never promoted. Befriended, but never asked out. "Your writing is good, but not good enough to be published." The one woman who ever wanted to have sex with me would turn the lights off beforehand. Nobody wants all of me, but they want me to see all of them, validate them, while they're basically sunbathing in desire. /blog

>> No.23324210

>Mothers love because of a proximity bias.
Not true.
>I've been told as much.
Gotta find the people that can love you.
>Plenty of attractive men who have women fawning over them
Not without going out and presenting themselves as something to be fawned over. They do have it easier as far as social lubricants go but we aren't talking about what is easy or what is hard, we are talking about what makes life worth it, and you have some idea of what that is. I understand if the difficulty gets overwhelming some times and you gotta feel pitiable for a bit but its not worth ultimate finality when that worth while thing is still out there and attainable (even if you don't think it is right now).
>artists who just have to record the thoughts and images in their head to be worthy of love
They were worthy of love before they released their art and so are you.
>I'm just a stupid ugly awkward loser faggot.
LMAO same.
>I did find my 'people' - I moved back to my home country - and I might as well have moved to Mars.
This is an incoherent statement in the context in which I was speaking in such an obvious way that it speaks to the irrationality of your total conviction. I hope you come to understand what I meant but I don't think I can put it any clearer than I did before. Its not about borders or ethnicity or anything so superficial.
>Nobody wants all of me
Not necessarily true, there is only one way to know for sure.

>> No.23324224

That didn't really elaborate anything at all btw. I thought by the way you were talking that there was some consistent behavior that made you repulsive or something. In stead its just more circumstantial self pity fuel you are worth more than you realize and its not that you don't realize because your self worth hasn't presented itself yet, but because you wont let yourself see it because you are invested in the singular experiences of your life so far. Some of which like...
>met a girl that would fuck me even though she wasn't attracted to me for some reason
appear to be diametrically apposed to the idea that you are in some way personally repulsive. I am more confident than ever that your case is one of meeting the right people and making yourself vulnerable (you can come out from behind that glass if you fight hard enough).

>> No.23324280

I'm tired of talking about myself. I do appreciate your posts. You seem like a perceptive and compassionate person. Have a good day.

>> No.23324326
File: 281 KB, 1049x648, kafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the hardest thing in the world is to truly *want* something. We tell ourselves all the time that we "would want" this or that. Having a certain kind of life, possessions, relationships... But we don't, not really, because for someone who genuinely wants something it becomes a matter of execution, of putting in time. But you can't make yourself want something, no matter how desirable you may find it on an abstract level. It's like the old distinction of "wanting to be a writer" and "wanting to write" - the former is an illusion, only the latter is real, and if you do, you find a way.

Just trace back through your life, its supposedly missed opportunities. Did you really want to take them, but were hindered by circumstance? Or were you quite ok with not taking them? There's the answer.

>> No.23324374

No worries man. Take care.

>> No.23324390

>"wanting to be a writer" and "wanting to write" - the former is an illusion, only the latter is real, and if you do, you find a way.
Whats more I think is that even the later is illusion until you actually do it. Everything is ideal until you do it. So to want something you don't and have never had always in that sense not real. Hell even to want something you once had can still be just an ideal thanks to things like nostalgia, transience of human identity and hypothesizing with hindsight that for some reason we always assume is correct.

>> No.23324398

What's "success" to you? A wife, kids, a mediocre career? A lot of people have that and they hate it. THEY envy YOU. So what is success really?

>> No.23324507

The extra fucked up thing about those things is that both of those facts also contribute to the meaningfulness of things in a positive way. How many experiences have you had where knowing exactly how it was going to go would have made it super boring? How many books have you skilled because you already know for sure what is going to happen? I know its not something that people that are at their wits end with how many negative surprises they have been dealt in the past want to hear but you have to admit that if you really did know as much as you claim you need to in order to truly want something that thing would be boring. The world needs that mystery as a component of its meaningfulness. For better AND for worse.

>> No.23324511

It's from Brothers Karamazov

>> No.23324519

He redeemed himself at the end of his life and with his literary works

>> No.23324521

And? Now read Crime and Punishment. Its literally his answer to the questions in BK.

>> No.23324530

The questions raised in BK are already answered in the philosophies and actions of Zosima and Alyosha.

>> No.23324538

Not in enough detail. Needed another book.

>> No.23324619

>It's from Brothers Karamazov
Anon I...
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - PART 4, CHAPTER 4

“Ach, you said that to them! And in her presence?” cried Sonia, frightened. “Sit down with me! An honour! Why, I’m… dishonourable…. Ah, why did you say that?”
“It was not because of your dishonour and your sin I said that of you, but because of your great suffering. But you are a great sinner, that’s true,” he added almost solemnly, “and your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing. Isn’t that fearful? Isn’t it fearful that you are living in this filth which you loathe so, and at the same time you know yourself (you’ve only to open your eyes) that you are not helping anyone by it, not saving anyone from anything? Tell me,” he went on almost in a frenzy, “how this shame and degradation can exist in you side by side with other, opposite, holy feelings? It would be better, a thousand times better and wiser to leap into the water and end it all!”

>> No.23324750

>Needed another book
BK came out like 10 years after C&P. If anything BK answers questions raised in C&P.

mb I remembered it wrong

>> No.23324884

You're correct but I can't bring myself to fully tough it out, I just end up relapsing into addictions when it overwhelms me.

>> No.23324921

That's okay. Our type is never particularly good at abstinence. We need a world of motivation just not fall ass over tits back into the hole. It is what it is. Just please stop before you develop health issues. I was so miserable and anxious and drinking and smoking so much for so long I developed heart problems.

>> No.23325035

Someone has never heard of retro causality

>> No.23325042

I've a theory if you want it honestly
I think most people here are antisocial and experiencing some form of personality disorder, and that people of this type won't really "live for something" unless it makes sense to them. If it does make sense, they'll throw themselves into the meat grinder for it, and risk or destroy their lives in service of it.
There's no just cause today. And so we cannibalize ourselves instead.

>> No.23325054

Contentment I guess

>> No.23325259

What's stopping you from being content now?

>> No.23326936

/// There's a reason the pang of loneliness hurts so much /// Incomprehensibly twisting lanes of swarming tenements stood cheek by jowl beside the villas of the rich /// Financial institutions are still reeling from the blow /// I was nervous, but seeing her allayed my fears /// Their family business is a rinky-dink operation /// I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology /// These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine /// The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration /// There's a famous statue by Rodin, which shows the soul of a young woman striving to break free of the flesh of an old crone /// He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire /// Educational reform was one of the main planks of their election campaign /// He looked unusually chipper this morning /// All the rest is not evidence, it is just scurrilous gossip and rumour /// Trying to read between the lines of CEO departure statements is a longstanding parlor game for investors, journalists and academics who study succession /// Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season /// Sarah was squalling in her crib /// The stilted conversation turned to whether horse-drawn carriages were superior to riding on camel, horse or elephant /// He started issuing peremptory instructions /// Cut it out, you two – I'm tired of listening to you argue! /// The lift is driven by hydraulics /// Bubbeleh, you've got to stop stressing about what other people think /// Whether they had been successful or not was a moot point /// She tried to hit me up for a loan till payday, but I didn’t have any money to give her /// The president's trip had all the trappings of a state visit /// It's free, unfettered window access and someone's already pulled up the blinds /// The four men were killed after a summary trial /// The bus drew up in the village square and disgorged its passengers /// Each guest had to pony up $40 for the meal /// Opening with a musical and lyrical prelude, this symphonic composition was to end with a postlude /// Dr. Mann didn't deign to interrupt his eating, but Jake shot me a second piercing squint /// They wanted me to change the title to something less gratuitously offensive /// The current standard of care for food allergies is avoiding triggers and carrying an auto-injector epinephrine pen to be prepared for life-threatening anaphylaxis /// A winding up speech which attempts to answer some of the points raised in a debate is bound to be somewhat disjointed and scrappy /// The professor's Pharisee approach to grading left no room for subjective interpretation; each student's work was evaluated against a rigid set of criteria /// With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house /// The present land system hobbles industry /// Bad service in a restaurant ticks him off ///

>> No.23327306

I cannot change the world alone. There are billions of people in the world- billions too many.

>> No.23327499
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>> No.23327527

You are suffering from comparison, comparison with nothing.
There never was any other path to this point. You took the only path here and now you are looking back and thinking "surely there must have been another path, surely it must have branched off at some point and I missed it". But no, there was no other path.

>> No.23328668

I just realized this a few months ago. I’d always “wanted” a gf, but when I finally got my dream gf (someone I knew for 20+ years, since we were kids) I was horrified to learn that I didn’t really want a gf after all.. not even her. The thing that I really want is to draw/paint. No matter what has happened with my life, I’ve always made time for that at least. Beyond that there’s just about nothing.

>> No.23328748

I didn't graduate in biology. My interests are elsewhere, apparently. Also, I waste little of life as I see it. I seed, plant, harvest, clean crops. If you are metaphoring, then I don't follow. What do you mean? Be less vague. Do you just want to coom in all women or are you trying to think bigger than your room is? Just go outside. Take off your shoes, stand in the grass for a while. Eat a leaf. Play with bugs and birds and bees. Feed mice and birds. Plant seeds in the soil and soul, see what happens. Buy a pre-grown plant and plant it somewhere. Do you think God gives you a farm if you keep being a noob at life-related skills and complain or something? Sheesh. It's work hard play hard, not complain until you receive and are wanted to shut up.

>> No.23328751

You're correct, but you're rhetorically overdoing it a bit.

>> No.23328760

...which would stop them being NEETs, because those skills require education, are employment, and / or training.

>> No.23328762

When my emotions can put food on my table...

>> No.23328833

In True Detective, woody Harrelsons character is restless emotionally, and keeps searching for a way to soothe his soul. His main vice is drinking and women.
At the end he destroys his family and realizes the problem was his lack of attention, and perspective, he thought he wanted something other than what he already had, because he never bothered to look.

>> No.23328838
File: 335 KB, 1600x1110, wolfe quote sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
