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23323341 No.23323341 [Reply] [Original]

i'm looking for critiques of democracy. as of now, i've read schmitt's crisis of parliamentary democracy, moldbug's open letter and escolios a un texto implicito by nicolas gomez davila

>> No.23323353

Filmer “Patriarcha”
Gasset “Revolt Of The Masses”
Le Bon “Crowd”
Le Bon “Psychology Of Revolutions”
Hoppe “Aristocracy, Monarchy, Democracy”

I’ve read all five

>> No.23323356

You should also check out Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn “Menace Of The Herd” though I haven’t read it yet.

>> No.23323359

You should also read Locke “Two Treatises Of Government” so you know how to debate the enemy at length. Be well rounded.

>> No.23323375

If you want something more classic read Plato, especially The Republic and the dialogues about Socrates' trial.

>> No.23323596

Myth of the Rational Voter by Bryan Caplan

>> No.23323810

Democracy, the God that failed

>> No.23324132

The Democratic Principle by Amadeo Bordiga 1922

>> No.23324141

La perversion democratica by Antonio Caponnetto

>> No.23324154

Why is it such a meme among the pseudo-intellectual internet dwellers to criticize democracy, when it is questionable whether we even have a democracy at all?

IF we have a democracy, we barely have any representation. It's like a whole lot of energy wasted on a strawman. The critics of democracy pretend like we have some kind of super representative socialist style direct democracy, were you go to your local council every week to vote on the next bills...

>> No.23324157

we have to protect and fortify our democracy

>> No.23324159

Get Alain de Benoist's books. Hoppe is a disgusting little neolib

>> No.23324164

considerations on france -- joseph de maistre

>> No.23324216

I just like Socrates take on the idea
Though I have to say a republic dedicated to freedom and minimizing its influence where it can’t add value has a certain ring to it. Please be kind to the idiots trying to make a republic function, they have their hands pretty much tied by demographics

>> No.23324220
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>read Plato

>> No.23324383

Chudtt von Millionentod's Zur Frage der Demokratie

>> No.23324387

Any of these critics worth reading realize that and critique democracy for allowing a mercantile oligarchy to form.

>> No.23324394

Read Aristotle...

>> No.23324395

Based lasagna enjoyer

>> No.23324405

>Gasset “Revolt Of The Masses”

This is the book that completely realigned my political views, or at least started off that process by reaching down and articulating something fundamental and philosophically intuitive within me.

>> No.23324712

i have seen only retarded donkeys saying neolib

>> No.23324725

《Panfleto contra la democracia realmente existente》de Gustavo Bueno Martínez

>> No.23324727

“When equal sacrifices are required, equal rights must be given likewise. This has been such commonplace of thought for a hundred and twenty years that one is ashamed to find it still in need of emphasis. In any case, if this principle is applied in an army, and the great saying about the Marshal’s baton that every recruit carries in his knapsack is not a mere empty phrase, everybody feels that he is in his place, whether he is born to command or to obey. If I give any offence by this, I may add that this would be an army composed entirely of Fahnenjunker.

Democratic sentiments? I hate democracy as I do the plague – besides, the democratic ideal of an army would be one consisting entirely, not of Fahnenjunker, but of officers with lax discipline and great personal liberty. For my taste, on the contrary, and for that of young Germans in general to-day, an army could not be too iron, too dictatorial, ad too absolute – but if it is to be so, then there must be a system of promotion that is not sheltered behind any sort of privilege, but opened up to the keenest competition.
If we are to come to grief in this war it can only be from moral causes; for materially, whatever any one may say, we are strong enough. And the decisive factor will be the defects of leadership; or to express it more accurately, the relation in which officers and men stand to each other. It would not be for the first time in our experience, and it would be another proof that peoples too (for it is on the shoulders of the whole people, not just the ruling class) always repeat the same mistakes just as individuals do. The battle of Jena is an instance. This defeat should not be regarded as a great disaster, but as a just and well-deserved warning of the fate to cut loose from an impossible state of affairs; for in that battle a new principle of leadership encountered and overthrew an antiquated one. Every war that is lost is lost deservedly. One must always bear that in mind if one wishes to be the winner.”
― Ernst Jünger, Copse 125: A Chronicle from the Trench Warfare of 1918

>> No.23324760

"In Your Mouth", written by My Penis

>> No.23324933
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The greeks didn't live in a time of mass democracy which necessitates representation and parliamentarism, but local direct democracy, which doesn't really apply to any state recently besides maybe CHAZ and the Occupy Wall Street Movement. They were dealing with a completely different system with different problems

>> No.23325164

I’m glad it had the same effect on you as it did me

>> No.23325168

Benoist is a third world monkey hellbent on turning the west into a carbon copy of the east. And you know damn well what that entails.

>> No.23325173

You don’t even need a book to see the flaws of democracy. Just walk outside.

>> No.23325188

This book would be way better if it wasn’t written by some cringey free market libertarian.

>> No.23325189
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Occupy Wall Street was dead on arrival. It’s really telling how much they even go co-opted by rainbow capitalism. They weren’t really about the working class in the first place. Those kinds of “people” never really liked average joes and wee about as democratic as Joseph De Maisre. Only instead of the church, they wanted turn their pet fetishes and white guilt into a religion which Fent Floyd was the martyr on the cross and the Open Society as their bible.

>> No.23325510

Popular Government by Henry Sumner Maine
The False Assumptions of Democracy by Anthony Ludovici

>> No.23325549

Yes the system was entirely different but some of their critiques are quite fundamental, i.e. the idea that stupid, disinterested, uneducated people are allowed to make important decisions.

>> No.23325572
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Latter-Day Pamphlets

>What is Democracy; this huge inevitable Product of the Destinies, which is everywhere the portion of our Europe in these latter days? There lies the question for us. Whence comes it, this universal big black Democracy; whither tends it; what is the meaning of it? A meaning it must have, or it would not be here. If we can find the right meaning of it, we may, wisely submitting or wisely resisting and controlling, still hope to live in the midst of it; if we cannot find the right meaning, if we find only the wrong or no meaning in it, to live will not be possible!—The whole social wisdom of the Present Time is summoned, in the name of the Giver of Wisdom, to make clear to itself, and lay deeply to heart with an eye to strenuous valiant practice and effort, what the meaning of this universal revolt of the European Populations, which calls itself Democracy, and decides to continue permanent, may be.

>> No.23325672

Because "real" democracy is a paradoxical impossible shit show for a dozen different reasons. Even pro-democracy sycophants like Derrida admit this.

>> No.23325678
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>> No.23325694

"Against Democracy" by Jason Brennan

>> No.23325719

I'd save you the few pages of reading a pirated copy that it takes to dismiss this one but then I'd have to write a couple more sentences