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/lit/ - Literature

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23321970 No.23321970 [Reply] [Original]

What Kant was trying to do was tell philosophers
>why the fuck are you trying to run "does God exist.exe", "Total Annihilation" and "Do we have a soul.exe", at the same time on a 1998 IBM you fucking retard. It doesn't have the specs to handle it.
But some other retard had to say
>works fine on my machine
So Kant had to lay, in detail, the specs of the computer, what could be added, what came with the manufacturer, what could be inputted/ outputted, as well as all the general principles of a 1998 shitbox, so he could try to definitely say what programs could be run and what couldn't.

This analogy is useful in explaining the limitation of the human intellect, but fortunately the human brain as material correlate to the human intellect is organic and capable of growth and change in a way an inorganic electronic computer is not. To run DoesGodExist.exe on an inorganic electronic computer you would need a computer that already had those specs, if not, you'd have to get a new computer, or upgrade with after market parts; on an organic computer, you can start with one that may not be able to run it yet, but can, in time, develop and grow itself to be able to run it. And the same goes with the human body. In fact, this is what I believe the Greys to be. Imagine the intellectual capacities of beings with significantly more vast and complex neural matter correlate, even a more complex physiological matter correlate as a whole. Kant actually addresses this in the first critique as well:

>It is, moreover, not necessary that we should limit the mode of intuition in space and time to the sensuous faculty of man. It may well be that all finite thinking beings must necessarily in this respect agree with man (though as to this we cannot decide)...

>It may be true that there are intelligible existences to which our faculty of sensuous intuition has no relation

>...the categories do in some measure really extend further than sensuous intuition, inasmuch as they think objects in general, without regard to the mode (of sensibility) in which these objects are given. But they do not for this reason apply to and determine a wider sphere of objects, because we cannot assume that such can be given, without presupposing the possibility of another than the sensuous mode of intuition...

>we cannot form the most distant conception of the possibility of an understanding which should cognize an object, not discursively by means of categories, but intuitively in a non-sensuous intuition...

and so on.

>> No.23321989

Yup, nice analogy anon, and good that you recognised the organic/inorganic distinction. Almost feels like the analogy could be extended and researched further as a possible basis of a Land-style essay. And bring in the schizo alien stuff to attract even more internet weirdos. I'm not sure if Land has ever said anything about aliens yet w/r/t Kantian philosophy?

>> No.23321993

kant was a tranny tho. sorry :P

>> No.23321997

i hate meta physics so much. why dont you spend all that brainpower on something practical?

>> No.23322001
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You ever heard of Karl Freiherr von Prel?

>> No.23322121
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I am fascinated by this idea that Kant laid out a very skeletal foundation for a kind of Phenomenology of Higher Beings especially wrt his notion of intellectual intuition.

I NEED a Kantian interpretation of pic related.

>> No.23322463
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>> No.23322498

>What Kant was trying to do was tell philosophers
>>why the fuck are you trying to run "does God exist.exe", "Total Annihilation" and "Do we have a soul.exe", at the same time on a 1998 IBM you fucking retard. It doesn't have the specs to handle it.
>But some other retard had to say
>>works fine on my machine
Honestly, there's no way to disprove this, making it's one of the top-tier Dark Triad bluffs you can do. You're basically telling the other person that they're too intellectually deficient in some way to get the argument.

>> No.23323139
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>You're basically telling the other person that they're too intellectually deficient in some way to get the argument.
You get it

>But by far the greatest difficulty lies undoubtedly in the subject itself. The latest school [German Idealism] has expressly characterized its philosophy as an ESOTERIC SCIENCE [emphasis added], which would at all times remain confined to the narrow circle of the initiated; yea more, which is also intended to be solely confined to them, inasmuch as what constitutes it philosophy is, that it does not lay aside the veil which is impervious to the eye of the unitiated-- its scientific garb.

>> No.23323145

Lol, nice.

>> No.23324078

>this is what I believe the Greys to be. Imagine the intellectual capacities of beings with significantly more vast and complex neural matter correlate
Greys are biological robot slaves of an insectoid-like race, and are part of a telepathic hivemind. They don't have minds of their own capable of philosophy.

>> No.23324590


>> No.23324655

nothing matters

>> No.23324668

metaphysics matters

>> No.23324683

More like running "space" and "time" without synthetic a priori knowledge, e.g. distinguishing time from space. It's really in-your-face the first time you get it.

>> No.23324713


>> No.23324729

>he doesn't know anything

>> No.23324744


>> No.23324749
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This is you.

>> No.23324757
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Mark my words anons, history will show the German idealists to have been right all along. The current realist common sense metaphysical paradigm is an ever present farce since the time of the dinosaurs (subhuman intelligences) and the descendants of these same dinosaurs have lived on this same earth, and continue to live on this same earth, not necessarily among us, but beyond our major population centers. They have had millions of years prior to the emergence of modern homo sapiens to develop their metaphysics to a degree incomprehensible by the limitations of the present stage of human cerebral development. As Hegel has said, reason runs far ahead of understanding, and this is true: The world is rational, that is, in principle, understandable, but that understanding is progressive and also depends on the progressive development of the physical counterpart to the mind, that is, the nervous system and brain. Have you ever noticed the size of the heads of the Greys? The Blues? Even the Reptilians? That's right, their cerebral capacities far exceed anything we humans are currently capable of, or can even dream of given our current cerebral development. But the German idealists already knew this even 200 years ago, and the limitations Kant set for the human understanding in 1781, are just that: HUMAN limitations, or rather, the limitations of humankinds present cerebral constitution, which, as a our evolutionary theory has made irrefutably clear, is not static but dynamic. We can and must catch up to our current more evolved overlord species (often considered extraterrestrials, although this is also a misunderstanding through ignorance). Ultimately, the categories of the understanding are the necessary conditions for the transcendental unity of self consciousness, this is true, but we need not necessarily stop there-- that unity need not be limited to SELF consciousness, it can, and must, be expanded to RACE consciousness, a Hive Mind, if you will; a super-organism composed of smaller organisms all consciously controlled and identified with ONE consciousness. This way and this way only can we defeat the more intelligent species of creatures on this Earth that have dominated us for centuries. The alternative is indefinite servitude and submission. Gott mit uns.

>> No.23324792

I wish there were more anons like you Kantposter then /lit/ wouldn't be such shit

>> No.23324950


>> No.23324967

Henri-Charles Peuch - Gnosis in Time from Man and Time: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks.

>> No.23325126

have you heard of franz hartmann?

>> No.23325129

No. Who is he?

>> No.23325137

So kant took 7 million words to say what the Asians said in small booklets 3000 years ago? Wow what a genius

>> No.23325140


He gives an interesting phenomenology (albeit for those with ears to hear) of a certain type of non-human intelligence in Magic Black and White.

>> No.23325152

What page? Or can you post the passage?

>> No.23325161

Every nation and every time has their apportioned seers. What makes the Germans superior is their scientific exposition of truths beyond the pale of the current Lockean zeitgeist.

>> No.23325166

I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader

>> No.23325169

Idk about that being a metric of superiority. I think they have overactive minds which causes an inability to be concise, and too little ability to accept chaos, which results in their domineering tone. It's evident in their absolutely ghastly language, compound words run amok, and in their political history of, well, trying to dominate without subtlety.
I'm German btw.

>> No.23325181

You can't expect me to rifle through 300 pages of theosophy for the juicy bits. Oh well

>> No.23325197


>> No.23325217

Grade A thread btw

>> No.23325432

You can't do anything practical without a metaphysics dummy. Knowing what is real, the whole point of metaphysics, is the grounds for doing EVERYTHING else.

>> No.23325509


>> No.23325536
File: 503 KB, 864x768, Magic white and black, or, The science of finite and infinite life - Franz Hartmann (Theosophist.) - Google Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I feeling generous

>> No.23325945

>t. doesn't get the difference between an argument and an aphorism

>> No.23325948

>thinks metaphysics is impractical
You wouldn't get it.

>> No.23326814

If germans were so smart and superior how come you guys lost twice in world wars? You aren't as superior and good as you think.

>> No.23326890

bro uses gpt to summarize wikipedia articles. cut him some slack.

>> No.23326927

Reddit post

>> No.23328413
File: 218 KB, 780x351, IMG_2213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys lost twice in world wars
>t. doesn't know

>> No.23328475

Top shelf thread btw

>> No.23328545

He hated Jews, and that's all that matters when it comes to credibility.

>> No.23328553

as in good or bad?

>> No.23328567

Good. Same goes for Heidegger.
>Verification not required.

>> No.23328660

jews are based tho

>> No.23328976

>Lockean zeitgeist
The fuck does this even mean?

>> No.23329008

They're not, but instead of arguing that point, I'll just draw attention to the fact that Greeks are basically jewish, since most people on here tend to think of Greeks are the heroes of white civilization.

>> No.23329012

wtf is this true?

>> No.23329041
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Let me elaborate.
They're not 100% jewish, but the haplogroups of jews, greeks, italians and the kurdish people, are all much closer to eachother than they are to other haplogroups.
Using some weird infographic I didn't fully understand it was shown that Greeks, Italians and Jews (each represented by some blob on a "map" of haplogroups, all overlap eachother, and ofcourse all the typically jewish characteristics, of curly hair and big noses, and sneakiness are all observable in the latter two ethnicities. Everyone's heard of a "Sneaky Greek" and as Tony Soprano said, "Italians are jews with better food."

The letters Alpha and Beta in the Greek language are derived from the Hebrew Alef and Bet.

Also pic related. They may have been big brained intellectuals like Pythagoras who had a weird cult that invented the Pythagorean Thereom which probably is super duper good in complex math/science, but the greeks were big into gay shit. I wanted to cope post that it might just be late greek when they had fallen to jewish tricks, just like the decadance of late Rome, but that cope-post is hard to do when you see so many big names in my pic related infographic.

If youre interested in more info, @me and I'll see if I can think of anything else.

You may have seen people shilling for Vikings/Nordicism. I think these are the same people who hate christ-on-stick and were greek shills 6 months ago. Are Vikings actually based and redpilled? I don't really know. But I do remember reading the 13th Warrior (or Eaters of the Dead) by Michael Chriton where it states that Vikings had no need to punish pedophilia since there was no interest in it.
They probably got their satisfaction from raping MILFs, I guess.

>> No.23329044

based grecojews

>> No.23329059

I may as well add, that if you watch the Sopranos, there was one scene where the authentic Italian garb this guy was wearing looks Middle Eastern / Islamic as fuck, so there is some legitimate non-meme basis for the idea that Italians aren't white. If they want to fight the good fight, then I won't ostracize them, but this is.

Also ironically Mateo Salvini who was running to be the leader of Italy on an anti-immigration platform looks indistinguishable from some of the Muslims he wants to deport.

>> No.23329073

Oh and just as jews had 12 tribes that warred with eachother, Greece had no central "Greek Empire." Though this can be explained as a result of the environment, they had a bunch of separate warring city states (see The Hellenic War, and so on.)

And Greeks made much of their money as a sea-farring merchants. Tony should probably say that "Greeks are sea-worthy jews."

>> No.23329160

>Greece had no central "Greek Empire"
For a brief period, the Macedonian Empire was the most powerful in the world – the definitive Hellenistic state.

>> No.23329179

>The letters Alpha and Beta in the Greek language are derived from the Hebrew Alef and Bet.
No. They are both derived from the Phoenician you insufferable idiot.

>> No.23329183

Do you not know who John Locke is?

>> No.23329206

>No. They are both derived from the Phoenician you insufferable idiot.
If thats true, blame this jew for misleading me.

>But first the alphabet, our alphabet was descended from the Greeks.
>The Greek alphabet was itself descended from a semetic alphabet.
>Alpha and Beta come from Alef and Bet.

>> No.23329210

I think he was stymied by your german.
He thought you were talking about Michael Moore and got really confused.

>> No.23329224

the simplest text to read and least gay one in that image is aristotle

>> No.23329247

I blame you for being retarded enough to be misled

>> No.23329266

no that anon is a special kind of retard

>> No.23330722

>We can and must catch up to our current more evolved overlord species (often considered extraterrestrials, although this is also a misunderstanding through ignorance).
What are they? More like Vallée style interdimensionals?

>> No.23330731
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>> No.23330872


>> No.23331100

based and true

>> No.23331531


>> No.23332375
