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23320357 No.23320357 [Reply] [Original]

What some essential NEETdom readings?

>> No.23320360
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>> No.23320364


>> No.23320366
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been waging for 3 months after years of neeting and already want to kms
how do wagies do this for years?

>> No.23320395

What aspect of waging you don't like?

>> No.23320402

I was in a similar situtation.
They use movies, tv, sports, video games, drinking, etc to dull the pain.
Without these things they would want to kill themselves too.

>> No.23320407

just not gonna get a job is all haha

>> No.23320420

How can I survive without a job, negro? I don't have NEETbux

>> No.23320530


>> No.23320548

They've been brainwashed into thinking that work is a value in itself.

>> No.23320552

What do you mean?

>> No.23320562
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>> No.23320568

Brutal quote

>> No.23320570

NTA, but here's my take: it means Work for the sake of Work, Progress for the sake of Progress, and so on.
The job is never done, because that would mean people would finally settle down and settling down is not economically beneficial. And people love hearing that GDP is rising.

>> No.23320572

Yeah that's what I never get from these things, unless you lucked out on an inheritance or became a crypto billionaire or won the lottery or whatever the simple fact is that your NEETdom is time-limited by however long your parents are willing/capable of supporting you.

>> No.23320579

What i don't get is how the guys who are like 55-60+ still doing manual labour. It's exhausting even as a young guy when you are doing it everyday. Dunno how the fuck they do it everyday at that age

>> No.23320589

My dad got diagnosed with cancer and just went back to work after a few days of resting at home because not working was driving him nuts. He'd get home from a chemo session and go to work the next day simply because "sitting around at home is boring", it's just a different breed.

>> No.23320592

People at work who are like 'i couldn't not work i wouldn't know what to do with myself' scare me. Is that what i will become?

>> No.23320601

Some people doesn't like to be idle.

>> No.23320609

A classic textbook wagie

>> No.23320617

I knew a guy at my manufacturing job that was working even with his heart condition. While I was there, he had another heart attack, took like 20 days off, then came back to work. Just crazy what people do.

>> No.23320648

You're in a hobby board so I assume you have at least one hobby and therefore no. You have to understand that these people get home and simply stare at the TV for a while, sometimes they go out and hang out with other people but if they're not working then they'd have a bunch of free time where everyone else is working and thus unable to hang out.

>> No.23320815


>> No.23320913

Promise of consumption; previously laborers did more out of religious belief and duty, unfortunately this doesn't promote consumption.

>> No.23321015

They really, really like not being homeless

>> No.23321114

Yeah sometimes I think about going NEET but then I remember I like having food on my plate.

>> No.23321328

I don't know. In the UK, you can earn minimum wage from match betting which is risk-free and tax-free.

>> No.23321333

>you can earn minimum wage from match betting which is risk-free and tax-free
what does this mean?

>> No.23321341

I can't understand those people much like I can't understand someone who struggles to visualise an apple. Are they even human? Will they feel actual pain if I stab them?

>> No.23321364

Match betting is a betting strategy which takes advantage of free bets offered by the bookies. For instance, bet deposit £10 and earn a £20 free bet.
Risk-free means that you won't lose any money since it's not actual betting and tax-free means that your earnings won't be taxed because the British government doesn't tax gambling income.
In theory, you can earn £1200 or so a month but the bookies will eventually limit your accounts but you can still earn some income.

>> No.23321381

In theory. In practice bookies have all kinds of algorithms looking for this exact behaviour in order to force you into actual spending.
Making a living gambling ends up being a full time thing where you joylessly make dozens of 55p punts on results in Eastern europe. At which point you might as well work and get guaranteed risk free cash.

>> No.23321490

I don't know about those algorithms but the free bets are already the bait to attract potential customers. If you feel enticed to actual gamble money then that's your fault, not the strategy.
It's a true and tested method used by thousands of people. Does it sound too good to be true? I don't think so because it's still minimum wage and it won't qualify you for pension.

>> No.23321729


>> No.23321762

i wouod rather kill myself if my only motivation is not being homeless.

>> No.23322077
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This is indeed a terrible fate. Man does not live by bread alone. Life is empty if it does not relate to what is Good, Beautiful, and True. Ultimately, one can only be true when the rational part of the soul, man's share in the Logos, rules, for only it can harmonize and take the appetites and passions. Wagie or NEET, if we remain slaves to instinct, passion, desire, ignorance, and circumstance we are not free.

When we seek pleasure alone we are dependant on external goods which Fate and Fortune might take away at any time. This, as Saint Augustine says, we should seek the eternal goods, for we can never lose those.

We are restless until we rest in the Good and live in love.

>> No.23322113

The days and weeks start flying by. Before you know it you'll be 50 and gay

>> No.23323099

welcome to the NHK, but I bet you watched the anime already (which is many times better)

>> No.23323148

That’s brutal. Guys that age don’t even know where to start with life and it’s depressing. My dad’s like that and he has to be pushed to do things just for enjoyment. But, it’s a survival mechanism, not one from pleasure. He had a rough life, so it’s understandable. I’m just glad he gave me a better life, so I can relax and enjoy the things he couldn’t. Sometimes, I get made fun of for being lazy, but I know he prefers me living as I am to how he was.

>> No.23323153

It’s horrifying. So many of my cousins derive their value from working that they feel useless if they aren’t working and buying shit. Like they’ll buy luxury cars even though they rent apartments with other peoples. It’s a depressing cycle.

>> No.23323156

As if that is the only reason. Don’t be obtuse. The one thing I’ve learned about retired wagies is that they go right back to work part-time because they don’t know what to do with themselves. It’s brutal.

>> No.23323165

I neet therefore I am

>> No.23323171

I really want to work but I can't get a job to save my life. Some people are just born more fortunate with normie brains so they can get a job ez pz

>> No.23323191

Just find something and max out a Roth IRA yearly. You’ll have a decent sum to retire. You don’t even need to work much if you can live off as little as possible.

>> No.23323193

>the only reason
Who said it was? Don't get cute kiddo. You know full well 99% of people don't have a support network to look after them if they decide to neet it up. They don't work out of some perverse desire to serve but because life is hard as fuck and nobody cares about you

>> No.23323200

If not actually mentally ill then I recommend the DSM-5 and Stella Adler's The technique of acting, to convincingly fake an illness and apply for NEETbuxx.

>> No.23323301

Fraudmaxxing? Won't that backfire?

>> No.23323388

In Praise of Idleness is actually quite good, and a lot of the other essays in that collection are too.

>> No.23323471
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>> No.23324068

I'm a neet and I regularly read the Meditations. There is a lot written about not resenting people for failing to understand living a life of simplicity, and that all ways of living lead to the same death.