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/lit/ - Literature

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23310647 No.23310647 [Reply] [Original]

Post the book with the longest word count you've read

>> No.23310661

Don Quixote

>> No.23310665

Probably Count of Monte Cristo or Lord of the Rings.

>> No.23310675

>Lord of the Rings
Oh yeah Lord of the rings might be mine then forgot it's kinda one book

>> No.23310678
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Should probably be the answer of most people here if they're well-read in any capacity. If not, no wonder this place sucks for classics discussion.

>> No.23310709

I thought the thread is about fictional books.

>> No.23310715

Christcels get uppity in every thread now

>> No.23310719

I WILL read Summa Theologica some day (1.8 million words) and will be undefeatable.

>> No.23310721

Is that le heccin' bible? Oh my stars, I'm a based trad catholic too!

>> No.23310728

>I'm a based trad catholic too!
You heathen! I am trad orthodox!

>> No.23310735

A Dance with Dragons is longer actually. It's doesn't feel it because nothing happens until the end

>> No.23310743

Reverend Insanity

>> No.23310753

whoa, so many words. so quality, so long

>> No.23310757
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>> No.23310764
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>> No.23310792
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Not a Christian. I don't think it's all that out there to expect people on a literature board to have read one of the most influential books of all time. How are you guys reading Paradise Lost, then? Or Dante, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Melville, Hawthorne, Emerson, William James, Flaubert, Shakespeare, Donne, Marlowe, Whitman, Goethe, Nietzsche, Cervantes, Blake, Kant, Hegel, etc.? I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't even read Homer, then, if you've haven't any interest in understanding what you read further than what the footnotes can explain.

>> No.23310810

>t. Low IQ and low attention span

>> No.23310819

you guys must make every thread about the Bible because you are sheep who can't think for themselves

>> No.23310822

>no refutation

you lose again

>> No.23310829

>t. Can't read longform books because of his low IQ and attention span

>> No.23310831

>Post the book with the longest word count you've read
You can't even read the OP. Get out of here, you absolute retard.

>> No.23310839

>Should probably be the answer of most people
Again, you guys must make every thread about the Bible because you are sheep who can't think for themselves

>> No.23310843


>> No.23310862

>thread is about word count, as if it means anything or somehow important
>u dont care about wurdcount? low IQ

I hate to bear the bad news but reading bigger books dont make you smarter

>> No.23310878
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Yes, I stand by that. Would you have been happier if I had said On The Origin of Species instead? It's definitely up there with the longest I've read, counting the essays my copy came with. You fucking donkey idiot, you probably haven't even read that, either.

>> No.23310944

Probably Book of the New Sun if you consider it a single book.

>> No.23310945
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>if they're well-read in any capacity
This is true and will cause much seethe.

>> No.23311027

>Yes, I stand by that
I'm sure you do because you guys must make every thread about the Bible because you are sheep who can't think for themselves

>> No.23311051

>He doesn't refute that he's unable to read long books because of his low IQ and attention span
Because I hit the nail on the head

>> No.23311104

you suck at trolling

>> No.23311112

>Everyone who calls me out for being retarded is a troll
No you just got bitched out

>> No.23311158
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>ignores argument
>repeats IQ insult
>I win!

sure thing buddy

>> No.23311166

nta, but there it is. the jaks are out. reminder that /qa/ lost.

>> No.23311181
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Don't mind me, just mogging everyone in this thread

>> No.23311186

Yeah you lost child

>> No.23311191

RuneScape mogs planescape

>> No.23311213

aww did the mean picture hurt your feelings? lol triggered and defeated

>> No.23311242

>everyone into reading has to read the same authors because...they just do okay?!

>> No.23311836

The Bible is 73 books, not one book.

>> No.23311851
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I am... defeated.

>> No.23311855

NTA but you lost. That's really sad considering your argument was easy to make.

>> No.23311952
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>> No.23312165

NTA but you never had a chance just goo goo baby tantrums. sucks to suck

>> No.23312490

Was it worth it?

>> No.23312855

Would you consider web novels as singular books? The "books" are essentially just bigger chapters in terms of story continuation. If so, I think Desolate Era takes the cake.

>> No.23312933


>> No.23314272
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>> No.23315322

To Green Angel Tower. That book is divided into two parts and each part is thick as fuck

>> No.23315327

Based Tad enjoyers

>> No.23315417

Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts. Some 900 pages.

>> No.23315720
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>> No.23315746

War and Pea.... honk shu mimimimimimi

>> No.23315776

End to end? Man I'm like 30% through. It's tough

>> No.23316224

you have been dilating a lot recently. is it because you got btfo every time you try to be uppity atheistcuck?

>> No.23316253

Absolutely wonderful book. If I remember well, a lot of the last 100 or so pages are images and shit and the book ends somewhere shy of 800, but the formatting could have been different as I read it on an ereader

>> No.23316374

Yeah, it can be. As long as you read at least a chapter or two a day you'll finish it before you know it. It's not all a slog, though; there are some great books in it. Here's a tip: don't try to read Psalms from beginning to end like the other books. Read one a day along with whatever else you read.

>> No.23317623

Correct, it’s a high 800 pages in actuality. Roberts gets teased in one of his debates about it being 900 pages though lol. Despite the length I know I’ll read it again.

>> No.23317639

ye, it's kinda shit
jew schizo nonsense loses it's lustre pretty quick

>> No.23317669

you know your kind will hang on the day of rope right troon atheistcuck?

>> No.23317675
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I won’t be responding to seethe

>> No.23317744

4chan good speak. Grow up child

>> No.23317749
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>Low t christfags when every thread isn't a bible circle jerk

>> No.23317765

you are on 4chan dilator.
same applies to you predditor

>> No.23317914
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Why are religious anons always so childish?

>> No.23317931

it was not religious anons who started attacking unprovoked.
Atheist cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.23317933

Christfags got kicked out of other boards so the ones that are here are the most unrelenting about derailing threads

>> No.23317944
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I don't enjoy longer books. I like Moby Dick but only read it because of /lit/

>> No.23317980

we control all blue boards faggot.

>> No.23318011

Is it really good? How does it compare to ASOIAF?

>> No.23318046

it's structure is similar to ASOIAF but with shittier characters also written by a cuck who is even more progressive version of GRRM

>> No.23319002

It's very good. To Green Angel Tower is book three in the trilogy, so don't start with that one. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn was the inspiration for a lot of modern fantasy. Obviously, taste is subjective, and many people say that it's slow, particularly the first half of The Dragonbone Chair, but it is worth reading, even if just to see what the fuss is about. Personally, the only fantasy series I would say is better is Lord of the Rings.

>> No.23319896
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514,827 words and it definitely could've been shorter, yet still managed to have a rushed ending.

>> No.23320107
File: 120 KB, 667x1000, 81PDe3dV6RL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible is multiple books by different authors written at different times my low IQ friends

>> No.23320123

Damn dude you really got him by posting wojaks!!! Heckin based

>> No.23320154

the divine comedy

>> No.23320247
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>t. Christie, the crazy conspiracy theorist at your mom's bible study group who always finds ways to tie the Tartarian Empire and mud floods into ancient jewish myths

>> No.23320687
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>> No.23320732

The third act lost me

>> No.23321129

Environmentalist liberal garbage

>> No.23321162

Objectively the most important book ever written, regardless of whether you’re a Christian or not. You can’t call yourself well-read if you haven’t read the Bible.

>> No.23321267

expected reading time: 300+ hours

>> No.23321393

It's mogged by 100 years of solitude anyway

>> No.23322124

not even close paco

>> No.23322126


I long to read him again

>> No.23322431
File: 106 KB, 1014x760, Mission Earth: L. Ron Hubbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.5 million words. read it twice

>> No.23322500
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Pic related, which is around 1400 pages. If I ever read In Search of Lost Time or the Mahabharata, both of which are in the 4000 page count range, then I will have reached peak bragging rights and there will be nowhere to go from there.

>> No.23322546

That wasn't the argument, faggot. Sub IQ mongrels need to stop posting forever

>> No.23322566

You can definitely see the influence it had on ASOIAF. It's surprisingly dark and violent at times without it being straight up grimdark.

Very comfy and Tad does the build up to the climax very well. It's personally one of my favorites, right up there with LOTR and I always shill it. It's more inspired by Arthurian stories than it is a copy and paste of Tolkien. Hope you enjoy

>> No.23323468
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