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/lit/ - Literature

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23296243 No.23296243 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite book, let others guess what you are like in real life.

>> No.23296266

would your opinion of the book remain the same were it written by a popular contemporary author?

>> No.23296283

I fucking hate Dostoevsky for this book. Nechayev was a brave, committed man who died anemic, malnourished, and scurvy-infested in a tiny prison self with his (no doubt necrotic) arms and legs in shackles for years. The Tsarist head of police offered to let him go if he named names and he slapped the man in the face (hence the aforementioned shackles.) There was nothing the least bit cowardly about him. He didn't deserve to have his name dragged through the mud by this this pussy reactionary Christcuck.

>> No.23296284
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>> No.23296300

>Nechayev was a brave, committed man
Obviously not that brave or committed, considering he spent his whole life talking about violent revolution, but never participated in one himself.

>> No.23296303
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Not actually my favorite but go ahead

>> No.23296314
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Hard to pick favorite. But this i think is close.

>> No.23296325

He was in Russia, there weren't any revolutions during the time he was alive. That was the whole point of the Nihilist movement, to use terrorism and assassinations to try to start a revolution.

>> No.23296330
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>> No.23296335
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>> No.23296351

im pretty sure he did deserve that though, people who brag about wanting to commit campaigns of amoral atheistic terrorism do in fact deserve to be separated from society
his name wasnt dragged through the mud by Dostoevsky, Dostoevsky just held up a mirror to the man. if you dont like what you see in that mirror, then thats a problem for you to solve
notice how you dont even deny anything, you just say "hes brave" and "he committed" as if that is suppose to matter in any way, as if you think being brazen and committed to real metaphysical evil is somehow a virtue that should earn him his freedom, completely nonsensical.
>" bro how dare you lock him up, he was really committed to destroying the lives of everyone around him and brave enough to frivolously gun down an unarmed man for the crime of turning away from evil. so brave bro so brave"

>> No.23296365

Idk. I can see where he is coming from even though I agree with you. In a world of inauthentic posturing, sometimes a guy who sticks to his guns to the bitter end can appear, at least at first glance, as something virtuous.
I agree that in the total summation, he isn't, but I understand that impulse to view it that way.

Terrorism also never occurs in a vacuum, generally its a product of a failing in society. Personal responsibility matters, but especially in situations where terrorism is on the rise, like a collapsing Tsarist regime, the responsible leader would look at this as a cry for help rather than solely as a threat from "metaphysical evil agents."

>> No.23296400

>the responsible leader would look at this as a cry for help rather than solely as a threat from "metaphysical evil agents."

these arent mutually exclusive

the last leader of Russia who saw the situation for what it was and actually tried to help people and made a real significant difference was payed back by leftists with one assassination attempt after another until they finally killed him, and the reforms stopped after that, that was the event that pretty much set Russia up for its collapse. i believe Lenin himself acknowledged that conditions had to be made intentionally worse for people in order for the bolsheviks to gain power. being a reformer is a death sentence around leftists because leftists cant afford to have peasants being given land and and a seat at the table in local government institutions etc. and generally having their lives tangibly improved, because real tangible progress makes people more difficult to exploit

men like netcheyev are not some beaten dogs lashing out, they are are psychopath manipulators and exploiters. greasy rats. they are slimy losers and I cannot see anything virtuous about their commitment to their own machinations

>> No.23296403

I'm certainly not excusing him or anyone else for that matter; but be careful what you choose to see in others, because you'll inevitably bring it out in yourself.
>men like netcheyev are not some beaten dogs lashing out, they are are psychopath manipulators and exploiters. greasy rats. they are slimy losers and I cannot see anything virtuous about their commitment to their own machinations
I agree that these men get it tragically wrong, but they are still just men. Not rats or some phantasm of evil.

>> No.23296423

My point was that in Demons Dostoevsky portrays the man as craven, unprincipled, and weak. None of which is accurate if you’re actually familiar with his biography. Call him evil or psychopathic and you have a point, but there’s nothing to the accusations of cowardice.

>> No.23296426

you are young and spanish

you are young and havent read much

this aint your favourite book. either you havent read it or you didnt enjoy it

>> No.23296522

Nope, far from it, 41 years old and American.

>> No.23296535
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>> No.23296551

I am young and haven't read much you're right
10 book under my belt, my favorite so far is TBK
Im now reading the trial by kafka

>> No.23296553
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>> No.23296575

Nta, but was it Pytor Stepanovich that was supposed to represent this guy?

>> No.23296577
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>> No.23296589
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>> No.23296614

he is weak and craven though, what you mistake for "principles" and "strength" is just an outward construct built around what is in reality just a collection of indulgences which he has given himself up to entirely. nothing but fatal weakness with good PR. its no different than dysgenic junkies and assorted yuppies and losers turning their failings into some kind of social activism in order to present their weakness as something greater and more noble than it really is, and to justify wallowing in their own filth instead of at least TRYING to do better, which is hard and takes effort.

>> No.23296626
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>> No.23296726

>That was the whole point of the Nihilist movement, to use terrorism and assassinations to try to start a revolution.
And you're upset he went to prison?

>> No.23296761
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It's this one.

Not him, but at that point one is just redefining cowardice to mean something much more conceited. And this is a different cowardice than what is portrayed in Verjovenski.
And really, you are also redefining weakness as something far more obtuse. Weakness is not a physical quality to you, it's the failure to live up to "virtue" and "good".

>> No.23296776
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One of my favorites

>> No.23296843

picked up

>> No.23297213

Why did Stavrogin do it bros?

>> No.23297573

what is your favourite bro?

>> No.23297584
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>> No.23297594
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>> No.23297595

a petulant twat and a fag

>> No.23297598
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I bet less than 1% of /lit/ has read this but go ahead

>> No.23297730
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drinks a lot, a little autistic but socially active

bisexual, poor sense of humor but well-dressed

secret sicko

skinny and anxious, passionate rateyourmusic user

apologies to those whose books I've not read

>> No.23297742
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>> No.23297755

How fitting, a nihilist dies infested by the lack of something.

>> No.23297769
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>> No.23297782
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stupid boring long-winded inessential ffffool


slept with one girl last summer

>> No.23297824

the nigger of the narcissus

>> No.23297849
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Responding to all the anons of books I've read myself

Has a problem with authority, bit of a gambling addiction as well

Thought the book would cure him of his addictions, probably made them worse.

Wishes they were born in a different time. May or may not like gin and tonics

Anxious, mutters under breath a lot. Gets headaches easily

Tried smoking cigarettes to look 'refined' ended up coughing and spitting all over the place, now favours elfbars

>> No.23297868
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>> No.23297900
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Sociopath, has an interesting view on art and it's value

>> No.23297903
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Here's my favourite.
I didn't read the others in the thread so will not comment on how you all are.

>> No.23298414


>> No.23298507

I read Demons the PV translation. I liked it a lot, but want to reread with a different translator. Do you have preference? I like McDuff a lot but he didn’t translate this one, I also like Magarshack but I don’t think his version exists as an ebook. Maybe Katz or Maguire?

>> No.23298516

I've (only) read the Maguire translation
I liked it, id recommend it desu

>> No.23298519

Maguire is based and redpilled as the kids say.

>> No.23298523
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You’re an atheist
You’re very conservative
You enjoy simplicity
You’re homosexual
You like rock music
You are easily frightened

>> No.23298854

Bump I want more psychoanalysis

>> No.23298965

Someone who wants to fit in to society desperately.

>> No.23298966

Either you work out a lot or not at all

>> No.23298970
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>> No.23298989


>> No.23298997
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>> No.23299009
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I don't understand having a favorite book as an adult.

>> No.23299041
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As an adult, it should be about what themes and messages speak to you personally and provide insight into what motivates and drives you as a person. Or perhaps you just like the prose.

>> No.23299060
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This or her Helen in Egypt

>> No.23299272
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kino ending

>> No.23299323
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>> No.23300056

a furry

>> No.23300059

a furry

>> No.23300088
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>> No.23300267

Based. Kinda sad that the best Russian writer was a christuck

>> No.23300269
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>> No.23300279
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>> No.23300286
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>> No.23300324

it's good but also a bit ... american