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/lit/ - Literature

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23285319 No.23285319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's see if there is any talent left on /lit/

>> No.23285331

So, did the Ukrainians drop the grenade on him or not?

>> No.23285384
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"Здpaвcтвyйтe up there!" called Private Aleksei Mikhaylov to the drone fluttering yards above the trench in which he knelt. "In what are surely my final moments of life before you vaporize me into oblivion, please allow me to perform for you, dear viewers, my imitation of your countrymen. Дo cвидaния!"

With these words of farewell uttered, Private Aleksei Mikhaylov then rolled over onto his back, screwed up his face in an expression of pathetic, terrified desperation, and clinging his hands together in an approximation of a plea for mercy, called up to the drone, "AM ONWY FAT STUPID WIDDWE HOHOL, PWESE DWONEY MUNSTA, NU DO WOWEST HUWTIES AN GIB BIG BAD FOREVA SWEEPIES! REEEEEEEE!"

>> No.23285385

Juck Fews! Have a chatgpt poem

Amidst the chaos, a soldier kneels,
His tears, a testament to the pain he feels.
With prayers whispered, he begs above,
"Stay your hand, show mercy, my foe, my love."

Above him, an enemy stares, cold and grim,
Yet, in that moment, empathy begins to swim.
For in the heart of battle, amidst the fray,
Humanity's plea knows no delay.

So, let not the grenade fall, from above's decree,
In this shared moment, let mercy set us free.
For in war's cruel grip, amidst its toll,
Compassion may yet mend the fractured soul.

>> No.23285896

Saar, please do needful and do not redeem me!

>> No.23285919
File: 268 KB, 1280x1000, Edvard_Munch_-_Melancholy_(1894-96).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each man is a world,
A planet with islands of ambition,
oceans of beliefs, and jungles of dreams.

And so for the sake a few scraps of land in one world,
countless others have been blown apart.

>> No.23285934

Fuck this is better than what I could have made in a day of thinking.

>> No.23285955

There really is no such thing as an atheist in a fox hole but I assure you you're praying to the wrong god. All I see is a hohol who dug his own grave. Pray to me.

>> No.23286996

Ivan was dragged into the war by almost mere chance as most of the other soldiers. He wasn't particularly patriotic and didn't really understood what was going on, but on the occupied village he first got to, others would drink from stashes found in abandoned stores, and so did he. The others also showed him there was more to enjoy, hidden in appartments. Although Ivan had been initially reluctant, logic dictated that no one would know what anything, so he ended up rapping 3 women. His favorite had been a 17 years old, which he knew the age, but not the name.

Now, Ivan found himself in an trench on the frontlines. The hangover and the loud bang that came from somewhere around his right leg left him disoriented. All he could make sense of was the second drone coming over him at the distance and that his leg was done for. Panic set in. His first instinc was to pray. He made a deal with God that if he lived he would fight the good fight. He would fight for peace. He would fight for prosperity and justice. And indeed he would. Surving the war meant that Ivan would became of pivotal importance to a series of reforms in the easter region that would make it a democratic powehouse of states envied by historians for its economy and justice. But war is chaos. If there is an algorithm that can predict the future of large populations, war would be the butterfly wings changing the outcome every split second someone dies.

The drone operator could see Ivan praying pityfully. Knowing that this peticular drone had had problems disengaging the grenade God may be on his side after all. He would play russian roulette. The operator also considered spending the ammunition on someone else, since this target was already severly wounded. Fuck him, thought the operator, changing the future of the region once more in the last hour as the grenade released with no problems. Who could blame the operator? His wife was rapped by a russian.

>> No.23287042

While Ukraine was getting its ass pounded in, as its men were sent in droves to die for Blackrock. While NATO was revealed as a paper tiger, and the EU economy turned to dogshit in a mere two years, there was an anon posting on 4chan, asking a pack of losers to write fanfic for the conflagration as it stood in his imagination.

The thread died in just a couple hours, but for that duration, he ceased his seething, and turned to cope. He was still a loser when the thread died.

>> No.23287929

>Amidst the chaos, a soldier kneels
The soldier isn't kneeling in the picture.

>> No.23288531

No one could deny that the front had the most beautiful clear bright night skies. Miles leveled flat. Not a light on from here to Odessa. I had a harder time finding pitch black amidst the stars. When I thought I found a spot, more would pop out.

We called it Gabriel. Like the archangel. It flew over the battlefield and its mud. And I watched it all from a beat-up screen over the controller. It was like a video game but much more boring. It had been weeks of nothing and then I found one trying to desert.

"Gregory, look." The others overhead as well and they gathered close to watch.

It ran and scurried like a pig. I gave him a good chase. Swirling the drone wide getting close and pulling back, all in good taste. They laughed. He fell into a ditch and did not stand. Once they give up, there is no point in dragging out longer. I hate it when they beg. Never beg. I did it, quickly.

"Good one, two more and you beat Vladimir's record." I shook his hand, someone patted me.

I looked back at the screen, now pitch black, and I stayed there looking into it. My reflection looking back.

>> No.23288577

How hard is it to actually shoot those drones?

>> No.23288579

>ABAB rhyme structure
I can't believe chatgpt is a faggot.

>> No.23288583

Russians are cucks, they rather throw their lives away then protest against the dudes who sent them to die

>> No.23288628

>ukrainian rada reduces the conscription age
>sudden glowposts on an unrelated board about russians being dragged to war against their will

>> No.23289158


>> No.23289201
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>> No.23289208

Glorying in the suffering of others isn't a good thing to do.

>> No.23289211

putler shill detected, how much is he paying you

>> No.23289212

Brave of that Peurto Rican to tell Ukrainians how they think

>> No.23289213

a trillion dollars now >>>/pol/

>> No.23289217

false flagger. its not like we want young russian men to die, we are upset that their currupt goverment is doing it in the first place

>> No.23289401
File: 473 KB, 1536x1287, zelensky_more_money-1536x1287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck is "we"?

>> No.23289426

Every cent is worth it to make you chuds seethe. Fighting to defend your homeland is something noble

>> No.23289448
File: 101 KB, 492x916, photo_2023-12-29_13-54-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent $100 to Ukraine's weapons fund because of this post lmao

>> No.23289966
File: 1.35 MB, 1362x2223, ukraine corruption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just sent $100 to Zelensky's yacht fund

>> No.23289985

>"Stop! I don't deserve this!" he lied.

>> No.23289988

this, "random conscript #159372" is basically hitler

>> No.23290026

Tyrants are nothing without their attack dogs. Are you saying humans have no personal agency?

>> No.23290032

The truth about war is that all sides are cunts.

>> No.23290037

Soldiers do not, no.

>> No.23290068

Underneath the wailing and the sounds of gunshots and bombs in the surrounding envinronment there was simply silence.

"I'm sorry."

>> No.23290086

There is another video with a prisoner that looks a lot like him, so maybe not

>> No.23290106

all slavs look the same tbph

>> No.23290278

retard, take a look at south slavs and compare them to west slavs. you have to be blind to think they look the same

>> No.23290517


>> No.23290529

they all look the same and are all named vlad or boris

>> No.23291061

Why do chuds go so hard at criticizing Ukraine but never say anything about Russia?

>> No.23291086

because Ukraine is used by faggot politicians to launder all my tax dollars, and russia is irrelevent

>> No.23291090

>Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoyevski, Bulgakov
Russia is based

>> No.23291091

Forgot Leonid Adreyev.

>> No.23291097

It's a literature board so obviously Russia wins out

>> No.23291098

Hardly. More of it is going to other things like the military. Get a job that pays you better if you think tax is what is keeping you down

>> No.23291106
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I agree. The current regime is Based and Trad, comrade.

>> No.23291109

No, it isn't.

>> No.23291116

I don't care about modern Russia senpai.

>> No.23291135
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>> No.23291138

TZD, simple as

>> No.23291143
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>> No.23291152
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>> No.23291154

how is that 3 day mission going boris

>> No.23291175
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>> No.23291205
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>> No.23291267
File: 137 KB, 1125x1460, russia gay bar raid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Russia was half as gay as you're attempting to make them out to be you would be on their side.
You only hate them because they're not.

>> No.23291387
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>> No.23291438
File: 2.24 MB, 1439x1967, ukraine recruiters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they aren't fighting and you're a fag

>> No.23291461
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>> No.23291469

Public Service Announcement:

Russia is winning on the battlefield
The sanctions didn't work
EU economy is fucked
NATO looks weak as shit
Ukraine out of arms, out of money, out of men

But go off and keep shilling for the donkeys in the state dept. Good use of time as the empire dodders and flails like The Mummy currently occupying the White House.

>> No.23291480
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>> No.23291482

Should have stayed home.

>> No.23291486

Also ukranian jews are embezzling all the aid money and are getting loaded as fuck

>> No.23291487

They drop their weapons and get routed, have you seen the maps this year?

>> No.23291490

Worth more than fixing rundown black neighborhoods? Damn bro... I didn't know you were zased...