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/lit/ - Literature

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23289513 No.23289513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you really be like that, male authors?

>> No.23289516

It's so sad that young people these days spend their time merely looking for inane things to complain about.

>> No.23289523

I'm genuinely amazed how w*men managed to ruin literature in mere half a century of active involvement.

>> No.23289527

yeah kinda ngl

>> No.23289536
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I don't understand why you would do to your appearance what the girl on the left does, especially since she could look ok if she put half an effort into it.

>> No.23289543

Because making yourself into a radioactive swamp monster is trendy, apparently

>> No.23289545

>men le suck!
groundbreaking stuff

>> No.23289637

every time you see a woman criticize a man you have to understand that they are just projecting their own faults on them

all the men in womens lit are names something like Xander Xeverous or Golden Stonelove

>> No.23289667

>Travis "Mad-Dog" Maddox

>> No.23289668

the thing on the left showed up on facebook the other day and i decided to click it. mistake

>> No.23289681

female authors be like
>who should I-er I mean our main character choose? The rich but only like attainably upper middle class rich gigachad who's like SO full of soul or the really really rich gigachad who's MYSTERIOUS and DANGEROUS?

>> No.23289719

It is fascinating that the age of abundance has created such decadence even though you'd expect people to work to be the best they could be...to strive for greatness..instead this..

>> No.23289720

You still got a link?

>> No.23289754

Millennials grew up in the era before mass media took over and religion was replaced by fanatism for brands and pop culture. The problem is that their culture of acceptance and diversity was coopted by the hypercorporate machine. On the other hand, zoomers grew up in this era, where there's no organic culture of any kind and where a lot of concepts such as quality or talent are dead because toxic positivism is the norm.

>> No.23289778
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I usually wouldn't agree with this but what the fuck was he doing with this book with all the women.
>b-but that was the point
yes and it was cringe

>> No.23289782

Huh... so you mean that toxic positivism is a kind of thing where, because the idea of quality or talent have been completely broken down everything is "good" and therefore nothing really is? And thats why there isn't a kind of thing to huddle around as a group for zoomers? Which makes it so that there is nothing to strive for and because of that we have mass mediocrity?

I kind of feel it in a vague cultural way. That in response to this people are seeking a kind of object or goal to relocate themselves to because everyone is horribly loss where it's all going.

As a zoomer myself I feel so disconnected to the current time... I just can't interract well with others of my generation. I try but it's hard to connect to others.

>> No.23289788

>what the fuck was he doing with this book with all the women.
he's writing women that exist in the mind of a male reader.
>yes and it was cringe
ah i seen now, you care not about meaning but consume art and solely it on a "cringe to chad" scale.

>> No.23289791

The meaning is not hard to get but that doesn't make it any better. Its no different than "I was just pretending to be retarded"

>> No.23289795

It is different. If your shitpost gets published then it will be discussed with sincerity.

>> No.23289802

There's no hierarchy of values in art anymore. You can't even call things bad or terrible because you're le uneducated toxic chud or "that isn't for you". Postmodernity has killed the figure of the genius. It has killed talent too, or rather the objective appreciation of talent. Everything can be be anything and everyone can be anything as long as they wish. Video games can be literature. A man can be a woman. There is no north star or guiding light. Such is the current state of affairs.

>> No.23289827

It wasnt cringe at all but if you cant even imagine why one needs to write these hyperbolic caricatures in a book like this and insist its still on par with le breasted boobily shit then its clear you are just a gay man. Just come out of the closet already, no one will care nowadays.
>But professori uzii tuzzi and Gallagani were le stereotypes
Apply it to anywhere else in the book and its obvious you got filtered and are gay.

>> No.23289850


>> No.23289852

>It wasnt cringe at all
Not even going to read the rest of your comment, if you have to say that then its cringe

>> No.23289864

That's fine, I know I'm right. Have a good one gaynon.

>> No.23289910

Conrad couldn't write women to save his life. Under Western Eyes and Victory were particularly bad here.

Then again with the sole exception of Iris Murdoch most women can't write men so it evens out eventually.

Not read this in particular but the women in his novels are always kind of childish.
Didn't mind it at first, but read him for a while and it gets exhausting.

>> No.23289993

>women when the book isn’t at least 50 pages of the female main character having instantaneous orgasms from 15 seconds of pussy eating

>> No.23290024

>Women when the female character isnt a frumpy chubby boring mary sue

>> No.23290031

>Women when the utterly unremarkable female main character isn't being chased by multiple perfect men, one to suit every possible taste

>> No.23290035

I want to cum inside funkyfrogbait

>> No.23290040

does bullying not exist in the west? i git beat up in high school for carrying a briefcase, i couldn't imagine stepping outsite looking like that

>> No.23290044

I can hear the sighs

>> No.23290048

Being a weird freak is now celebrated in the west

>> No.23290050
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Being a cube is celebrated in the east

>> No.23290051

Daily reminder we would live in the best time ever if not for fiat currency allowing the government to devalue the currency at will and to avoid a basic financial principle: if your debts are greater than your income, you must cut your spending.

>> No.23290058

insane how you dribbling retards constantly need to talk about your pet war.

>> No.23290073

Her name was Mary and she was a fat girl a fat round lump of a woman
Her ass was fat too and she stank like mountain dew
As she walked her ass would fart BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAP BRAP
(Authors note: I had to pull out my cock and jerk it off im sorry)

>> No.23290121

>I hated myself for wanting Travis so bad.

>> No.23290126

No, I usually don't write female characters. But when I do they're just part of the scenario, like a dog or a chair.

>> No.23290129

victimhood is aspirational in modern america. you want to get bullied, diddled, raped, assaulted etc etc in order to derive your worth from that victimhood and weaponize it against others. bullying eg trannies paradoxically only increases the appeal of the lifestyle, most of them troon out, perhaps unconsciously, IN ORDER TO experience "transphobia," and many specifically try to be as aggravating as possible in their appearance/behavior, at least online, to attract more abuse in which they find validation

>> No.23290132

I think white men just love to crossdress and suck cock desu

>> No.23290152

fags crossdressed and sucked dick in victorian london, too, that has nothing to do with trannyism as a modern phenomenon. if you wanted to suck dick you'd suck dick, trying to get strangers to call you "xe/xim" does not facilitate sucking more dick, you do it in hopes that they'll refuse and you will be able to make a scene about it, that's the aim. trannyism is the purposeful pursuit of victimhood, and so is every other grievance fandom (feminists, incels etc)

>> No.23290164

I'm not white so I don't troon out
Not my fault wypipo always wanna feel special
Tranny culture is white culture now
That's all white people will be remembered for

>> No.23290165
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female characters are a tool

>> No.23290181

right, you don't need to troon out, because you're brown, so you're a victim by default. the validation the tranny gets out of "transphobia" you've been trained to get from "white supremacy" or whatever, which is why you go around crying about whites all day. you already have a grievance fandom that you were born into and don't need to seek another