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/lit/ - Literature

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23278658 No.23278658 [Reply] [Original]

This is a poem written by the first National Youth Poet Laureate. She read another poem for the inauguration of the current sitting US president. She performed yet another poem at the 55th Super Bowl.

What does this reflect about the present state of poetry, art, and culture in general?

>> No.23278666

Women are fucking stupid, next question

>> No.23278670

It highlights the shortcomings of affirmative action. However, it is sad that practically no one, supporter or critic, will ever care what she had to say. Both sides consider her a mouthpiece and respond accordingly.

>> No.23278671

Slam poetry has destroyed poetry as an artform. People think poems are just rhyming words or hitting the return key on the keyboard. Also handmade is the wrong word, indicates social media has also destroyed art because people are just typing into tge boxes directly and posting. No thought is required anymore especially since you're only going to see a post for about 2 seconds before you like comment share. Analysis is dead and if you can't analyse a poem you certainly can't write one

>> No.23278672

we need to locate the underground volcano lair where evil alchemists created black people

>> No.23278673

At least there is some rhyme, I guess.
That said, why nobody who defends "Roe v Wade" ever comments on the juridical reasoning for it but only think "abortion good"?
The reasoning, regardless of you agreeing or not with abortion was ridiculous. The Supreme Court was right in striking it down.

>> No.23278674

the main goal of politics is to destroy art. all other aims are secondary

>> No.23278676

>or hitting the return key on the keyboard.
I remember the poem that some director wrote to an actor. He just wrote a letter but randomly pressed enter.

>> No.23278679

>We will not be masquerade
Ameribros, please explain that one.

>> No.23278683

>People think poems are just rhyming words
A large majority of people don’t know what meter is.

>> No.23278691

She's attempting an allusion to The Handmaid's Tale but it's misspelled. Since the poem is basically a platitude wrapped up in buzzwords its the icing on the cake.

>> No.23278706

>we will not be masquerade

>> No.23278708

Trips of Satan duly acknowledged

>> No.23278712

The Tiger is out poem is better.

>> No.23278740
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>sad that no one cares
About niggers? To be frank, the chief reason I call them that is because sacks of shit like you laud them to the heavens. They are objectively - can you understand that? objectively - the most worthless race, singly without merit in any artistic or intellectual accomplishment whatsoever. I doubt that they even ought to be lumped into the same species, so pitifully different is their eternal savage scratching in the dust of Africa from the civilizations of…Everyone else. Damn niggers to the fires of Hell, the abominable rotten beasts.

>> No.23278745

She's an industry plant. Pay no attention to her.

>> No.23278754

Lmao, Timmy be saying that niggers have no accomplishments while Tyrone is fucking your future wife right now

>> No.23278778


I tolerated about five minutes of the inauguration speech before I had to turn it off. It was this graceless hodge-podge of pop-culture language slightly re-arranged to seem distinct. The thrust of what she was saying is that by electing Biden we are "restoring balance to the force", to borrow the Star Wars banality, which isn't far off from her language. She has these weird little fingers as well. There are white liberals who live near me who have little lawn signs with her picture on them. Sometimes these are next to the Ukraine guy, depending on the lawn.

>> No.23278786

it's got to be a psyop. no real human would write this.

>> No.23278790

Is slam not art?
Does it only cajole you,
enroll you,
green bean casserole you?

to act,
you and me-act.
HE, SHE, and WE-act!

to a world
where the right way
never fails
to be the white way
never fails
to be master's word, master's art, master's card
in a future that does not accept American Express,

only American regress

*drops mic*

>> No.23278794


>> No.23278809

>tale of a handmade
lol EFLs really do

>> No.23278829

> objectively - the most worthless race, singly without merit in any artistic or intellectual accomplishment whatsoever.
I don’t think so. Frederick Douglass’s “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” is a great work written by a fantastic stylist. Jean Toomer is good (“Cane”). Ralph Ellison (“Invisible Man”). As for artistic accomplishments in general, look at jazz, besides blues, funk, R&B, and some of hip-hop.

I agree though that Amanda Gorman ain’t it.

>> No.23278836


I've come around to the realization that my racism is exclusively an anti-black racism. Everyone else has some merit, some sort of value that can be pointed out.

>> No.23278837

I got nothing, she doesn't know enough grammar to know proper use is "masqueraded."

>> No.23278838

poetry died after the modernists like pound and elliott, after them poetry is nothing but affirmation of liberal ideology and personal hubris

>> No.23278849
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>> No.23278868
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>> No.23278899

That fucking bridge poem from another thread is better than this, and the author was treated like a 19th century lolcow for publishing it.

>> No.23278916

Why are jews like this

>> No.23278949
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>> No.23278971

the country's run by evil jews
they control the courts and the news

>> No.23278986
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I'm against the masquerade on principle too, but I don't care about abortion

>> No.23278995
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maybe it's a copywrite issue

>> No.23278996

>That fucking bridge poem from another thread is better than this, and the author was treated like a 19th century lolcow for publishing it.
What bridge poem?
Redpill me on this.

>> No.23279013

>content by asians
>content by asian-american

It seems every movie, game, book or anything produced by asian-AMERICAN's is about how "wow it's really weird that I live in America, but also, I'm asian, wooooaaaahhh."
the only asianAMERICANs were a shit are Negative XP and the guy who made Scott Pilgrim. He's a leaf, but still a north american, and I'm sure my rule applies to most north american's anyway.

>> No.23279014

Anon's talking about the thread yesterday on William McGonagall, an infamously awful poet. For my part, McGonagall is still worse, since Gorman sorta kinda keeps something like an almost consistent set of syllables for most lines, while McGonagall wanders all over the fucking place, retard that he is.

>> No.23279036
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>> No.23279057

Am I going crazy or do handmade and masquerade not make any sense in the context of this poem (handmaiden? Is masquerade a verb? In the past tense?)

>> No.23279067

its called wordplay nazitard

>> No.23279070

Remember how she got asked about the Iliad, and said she didn’t like it because it was about a leader who could have stopped a plague but was too stubborn?
She read the FIRST PAGE and gave up—that’s not even something that happens in the Iliad, it’s in the backstory. Furthermore, the very first lines literally tell you what the plot of the epic is (Sing, O Muse of the Wrath of Achilles, Peleus’ son)

>> No.23279079

6 syllables a
7 syllables a
7 syllables a
10 syllables a
8 syllables a*
8 syllables b
7 syllables a
I'm not even going to go full stormfront, I read a half-decent African slave poet in American literature, so they theoretically exist. This looks like another Greta Dunder, just a useful mouthpiece

>> No.23279091

rhyming poetry is cring

>> No.23279095


>> No.23279129

It's almost impressive how arrogant she is. She clearly has read very little, if any, real poetry (even a bad writer who reads a lot of poetry will, just by osmosis, write better stuff than this) and yet she has zero shame about proudly displaying her work for millions to see.

>> No.23279158

Rhyming poetry can be great if it's subtle and spaced apart. Look at Keats' Ode to a Nightingale, the ABABCDECDE scheme makes it totally unobtrusive.

>> No.23279179

I'd blame niggers but I still think Death Grips is peak 2010s poetry so it can't be that.
I'll blame women instead.

>> No.23279182

What happens to an abortion deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a thing forlorn.

Or is something beautiful born?

>> No.23279184

She's providing a service and society is handsomely rewarding her.

>> No.23279208

>negative xp
Someone else itt justly described the poem in OP's pic as "platitudes wrapped up in buzzwords". This also applies to Negative XP. Do a personal favor for me and kill yourself. E-politic "art" is the murder of sincerity. Might as well hook you up to milk machine or strap you into a bear bile cage, to use a sell-out's words. We had one chance man. One chance and a bunch of ugly fucks who wanted to be famous squandered it. It was always about an aesthetic revolt -no chance any longer. Kill yourself.

>> No.23279212

If anyone comes across a good counter-poem - maybe in the bowels of twitter? - please post it in this thread.

>> No.23279214

What would a good 'counter-poem' entail?

>> No.23279226

Endorse life, and maybe touch on abortion as a tool for genocide in black community (which of course many channers favor).

I don't know. The answer is blowin in the wind.

>> No.23279230

Gorman is the F Gardner of negritude.

>> No.23279232

>he's more bothered by it being a pro-abortion poem than it objectively being one of the worst poems ever written
being a rightoid must be so fucking boring holy shit. i can't imagine going through life with my sole criteria for judging a work of art being "does it agree with my existing worldview?"

>> No.23279246

I lost the screen caps, but it should be noted that Gorman wasn’t really “awarded” poet laureate of the youth, a Jewish financial criminal basically bestowed the title upon her.

>> No.23279250
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Racism is untenable because we all know at least one person of every race who is a competent, decent, good person. At the same time, racism is unavoidable because we all know that most people do fit clear racial stereotypes. Most urban blacks are retards, boors and thugs, while most Japanese are polite, smart and hard-working. Denmark is Denmark because its mostly whites, Haiti is Haiti because its mostly blacks. If you want your country to be more like Denmark than Haiti, then you need to keep the percentage of blacks in it down. Way way down. That doesn't mean you can't applaud the rare exceptions, like Sowell or Toomer or Coltrane. But you have to accept that they are exceptions, and very rare. Amanda Gorman is not an exception: she's an affirmative action moron, and /lit/ should not even be discussing her.

>> No.23279272

>we won't pretend/fake out like a Margaret Atwood novel
It doesn't make very much sense. She's trying to say they won't go along silently (with a law that makes it illegal to murder babies) but using "masquerade" muddles it (she was looking for a rhyme with handmade(sic)). So she won't pretend it's wrong to murder babies?

>> No.23279276

>It's almost impressive how arrogant she is
The term "uppity" exists for a reason.

>> No.23279291


>> No.23279302

>Frederick Douglass
>Jean Toomer
>Ralph Ellison
Can you post one who isn't mixed? Or one from Africa? I can't think of any. Every "black" historical figure in America had significant, if not majority, white admixture.
>Booker T. Washington
>W.E.B. Du Bois
>Rosa Parks
>Malcom X
>Langston Hughes
>Barack Obama
Literally every one. It's like the "-berg -witz -stein" Jewish journalist meme; you can guess that a notable person of color is mixed even before looking them up.

That's not to say that black people are totally null and void in terms of societal contribution. That would be hyperbole. Obviously, they've made waves in limited spheres, like music. But on the whole, compared to the cultural wealth of every other race, blacks are utterly bankrupt.

>> No.23279311

Wise anon speaks words of reason

Can't have that. GET HIM LADS

>> No.23279318
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Hey now COOL IT with the RACISM, buddy

>> No.23279319

I looked up George Washington Carver only to find his Wikipedia page is written like a children's book:
>Black people were not allowed at the public school in Diamond Grove. George decided to go to a school for black children 10 miles (16 km) south, in Neosho. When he reached the town, he found the school closed for the night. He slept in a nearby barn. By his own account, the next morning he met a kind woman, Mariah Watkins, from whom he wished to rent a room. When he identified himself as "Carver's George", as he had done his whole life, she replied that from now on his name was "George Carver". George liked Mariah Watkins and her words, "You must learn all you can, then go back out into the world and give your learning back to the people", made a great impression on him.

>> No.23279338

Yet another episode of /lit/ seething about a woman becoming a recognized writer, let alone a Black woman.

>> No.23279343
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this is a prison planet and the wardens are torturing the prisoners for fun

everyone, literally everyone responsible for this intergalactic shitshow is going to hell. their children are going to hell. their pets are going to hell. you are going to hell

>> No.23279344

Yet another libtard whose too much of a midwit to recognize the soft bigotry of low expectations.

>> No.23279346

inb4 who's

>> No.23279347

>Racism is untenable because we all know at least one person of every race who is a competent, decent, good person.
This does not make racism untenable. I am the most racist man alive and I have met people of all races who I respect, cherish and love. This does not erode my preference to be surrounded by people with whom I share a common experience and understanding of the world, nor my wariness of people who are very different from me. This is the normal mode of human life.
What is untenable is bourgeois, faggy 'scientific racism' and notions of absolute supremacy.

>> No.23279352

Why care about modern poetry? There are centuries worth of poems to keep you invested

>> No.23279353

Finally, proof that I am not the world's worst poet

>> No.23279358
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I'm assuming when she says "we will not be masquerade to the tale of a handmade" she's trying to say that we (women in Arizona or wherever) won't play the roles of the handmaidens from the handmaiden's tale. But removing "be" makes the first two lines the same number of syllables, which sounds much better. I think she wanted to repeat "We will not be" in both lines, but "We will not be masqueraded/To the tale of a handmaiden" preserves the parallelism (I think that's the word) and has two lines with the same number of syllables. She misspelled handmaid, too. If the misspelling was a clever bit of wordplay it would've been cool, but it adds nothing. I dunno man.

>> No.23279369

Y’all don’t even read poetry y’all just race obsessed niggers same as this nigger. Oh yeah twitter screenshot

>> No.23279393

The formulation's retarded. At best, she meant "masqueraded."

>> No.23279423

As a work of art, there's not much to judge there. It's a mediocre polemic. I don't have a problem with a good work of art that even mocks my world view -- say, a kino like The Milky Way.

The vexing thing about the situation from my perspective is that a weak, polemic poem - straight propaganda - is being propped up and pumped up entirely for political purposes and and with the help of a compliant media. *That* is "the sole criteria" for the poem's promotion; and it's quite the laugh to suggest that the leftoids pushing it are spending *any* time "judging it as a work of art", as if they gave a shit about that. The only thing that matters is "will it move the political football in the right direction." Iow, textbook leftoid hypocrisy combined with textbook leftoid debauching of culture. Must be fun to be a lefty zealot right about now -- like being in the NSDAP circa 1932: all the organs of the state are on your side, including the courts and the police -- and they're all full of the kind of passionate intensity that does not merely accept but joyfully embraces hypocrisy.

>> No.23279438

That's not objectivity.
Also he didn't say it's sad that noone cares about blacks, just that everyone knows that particular writer is just a pawn.

>> No.23279444

holy shit i thought she was 13 or something but this nigga in her 20s

>> No.23279467
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EDI runs the publishers

>> No.23279491

It's the American Dream - everybody can be a poet now.

>> No.23279625
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>We will not masquerade
Tasteless bitch

>> No.23279648
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>the tale of a handmade

>> No.23279708

Twitter thread posters should be banned.

>> No.23279746


>> No.23279759


>> No.23279770

I mean Steve Seiler acknowledged that they have advantage in physical fitness (basketball) and improvisatory abilities (rap).

>> No.23279949


>> No.23279996

First modern poet laureate was Dryden, so every single one since then has been an improvement.

>> No.23279999

Cut his dick off

>> No.23280002


>> No.23280007

So most people are mindless npcs? Regardless of demographic? Who would’ve guessed?

>> No.23280009

IQ wise?

>> No.23280017


>> No.23280038

I like it because it rhymes

>> No.23280091

They're tearing down faggot "pride" flags now because the Mohammadeans they helped mass-import don't view them as kin, as white Christians do, and so don't feel the need to be deferent towards them in any way.

I can't think of anything funnier than that cuckold--what was his name? Something Busch, anyway the one who poured gasoline over his head and then made himself into a good leftist. For the Moslem babbies being killed in Palestine, or whatever.

Imagine how it must have felt, to realize that he was aflame? You can hear him go through the motions, the tone in his voice, as that little bit of strength nurtured by the religion he betrayed and abandoned expends itself mewling for a bunch of mud people who hate his entire race Oh, then the screaming began, and that was a most sweet thing to listen to. Flesh melting like tallow, crisping, did you know that they used to blind nonbelievers with hot irons? Yes, it is true, but what most people do not know is that you do not press the iron into the eye, you simply bring it close, it causes the eyes to milk over, to lose sight permanently but to remain intact, able to move, but blind. That to me seems far more cruel than merely burning them out, it leaves that futile hope that maybe the sight will return some day--but of course, it does not. It does not ever.

The most common cause of death for extreme burn victims is that they wake up, realize how bad their situation is, and then give up hope and die. I can only pray that this is the fate that awaited dear Ashwell, as he killed himself (and thus, damned himself) for swarthoids who, now, are going to tear down his fag faggot flags, and burn his feminist books, and rip the teeth out of his childkilling whore friends, and this is MEET and JUST, as any who would serve a foreign race to the detriment of his own deserves to burn alive. To die for nothing, to die a thief, and to die betrayed are the three just fates of the leftoid.

>> No.23280097

you wrote all of that and it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, bravo

>> No.23280114

It, like all literature, has been institutionalized and made mere speculation propaganda.

>> No.23280219


>> No.23280227

Why didn't the thread end here?

>> No.23280241

Blacks only have one joke

>> No.23280248
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>>Frederick Douglass
>>Jean Toomer
>>Ralph Ellison
The problem is not that you can't find a handful of black writers who are competent. The problem is that they're consistently second- or third-tier, and that the content of their writing is OBSESSED with blackness, as though blacks and negritude were the only things in creation that mattered. They never write about the human condition as such. Which, barely being human themselves, I suppose is no surprise.
>they've made waves in limited spheres, like music.
>Miles Davis
>Dizzy Gillespie
>Charlie Parker
There's just no fucking comparison.
>>compared to the cultural wealth of every other race, blacks are utterly bankrupt.
No, this isn't the problem. It's not that blacks or the black contribution is worthless, it's that it and they are consistently second-rate, consistently inferior. If we could just acknowledge that, we could respect it within its limitations, like we respect children's books. But by postulating 'equality,' we're driven to lift up second-rate work (and thinking and lifestyles and personal manners) because it's 'Black' and to downgrade first-rate work and people and aspirations because it's "white supremacy," Well, white supremacy reigns in art, science, philosophy, literature because whites ARE supreme, and that fact should be both honored and thoughtfully explored. Instead morons like Gorman and Kamala and Ketanji Brown and Claudine Gay are elevated to the point where they degrade human culture as a whole. White cultural pride is appropriate, and segregating ourselves from debasing sub-cultures of negritude is the most sanitary thing a society can do.

>> No.23280259
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The only ones who's getting fucked are black bois by superior white cocks. Now start sucking, buck, we ain't got all day!

>> No.23280264

Black Americans are only 8% of America and not even 8% of western civilization. For much of their history in America, it was against the law in many states for them to learn how to read or write, as literacy for slaves was illegal. Considering these facts, their contribution is pretty good for their weight

>> No.23280268

I think you're confused, this isn't tumblr

>> No.23280269

>Poet Laureate
Lmao do mutts REALLY?

>> No.23280277

Yet you seem to be upset it’s not an echo chamber

>> No.23280290
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>I am the most racist man alive and I have met people of all races who I respect, cherish and love. This does not erode my preference to be surrounded by people with whom I share a common experience and understanding of the world, nor my wariness of people who are very different from me. This is the normal mode of human life.
You are making the point that I am trying to make. We all generalize. We all realize there are exceptions to our generalizations. We all realize that those generalizations are still, overwhelmingly, valid. 'Racism' assumes that every last member of a given race has the same, awful, qualities. That's just not so. But enough members of a particular race may be, in which case guarded, defensive, responses are appropriate, up to and including forced segregation.
>What is untenable is bourgeois, faggy 'scientific racism' and notions of absolute supremacy.
Scientific racism doesn't deserve to be put into quotes. There are genuinely scientific studies concerning the differences between races and those differences are real and important. Every scientific study of IQ differences for over a century shows that blacks, on average, are at least one and up to two or more standard deviations lower in IQ than whites. By comparison to the average white, the average black is borderline retarded, or worse. That matters, and, yes, it explains why Gorman's poetry is shit, why black 'scholars' are plagiarists, why black Supreme Court Justices don't know what a woman is. Just calling people like these fools and disliking them doesn't get us anywhere. Only by understanding--scientifically--why they are what they are and handling them accordingly can we arrive at a solution. And no, I don't mean a Final Solution. Just one in which blacks' inherent genetic debasement doesn't infect and debase white culture.

>> No.23280308

>Black Americans are only 8% of America and not even 8% of western civilization. For much of their history in America, it was against the law in many states for them to learn how to read or write, as literacy for slaves was illegal. Considering these facts, their contribution is pretty good for their weight
Blacks are 13% of America, not 8%, and Frederick Douglass was taught to read and write by his slaveholding owners, so anti-literacy rules were not as rigid as you claim. but your point is moot, since the North and the Territories (not to say the rest of the world) did not have laws against blacks reading and writing. So where are the Northern or the African black Tolstoys and Dostoyevskys and Kants and Platos? Why isn't Ms. Gorman writing at the level of Dante? She was taught to read and write. Unfortunately if you going to write at even close to that level, you need more a pencil and a paper. You need a brain.

>> No.23280321

Kant is one in ten million with his education. So is Dostoevsky. Dante is one in a hundred million with education (which hardly anyone has today)

>> No.23280329

>So most people are mindless npcs? Regardless of demographic?
Yes. Most people are, whatever the demographic. The fact remains, some demographics consistently produce people of high intellectual achievement. Just look at the Nobels. Overwhelmingly, the top minds stem from the European demographic. East Asians are notably high intellectual achievers. Jews (sorry, Nazis) are exceptionally notable despite their small numbers. Muslims? Near the bottom. Mestizos? Ditto. Blacks. Rock bottom. We shouldn't focus on the average NPCs infesting every race, but rather on developing the best in those races that have proven capable of producing the best. The rest just take up space.

>> No.23280371

>Kant is one in ten million with his education. So is Dostoevsky. Dante is one in a hundred million with education (which hardly anyone has today)
Kant with his 18th century education and Dante with his 13th century education had nothing like the access to information and information technologies that we (and Amanda Gorman) have today. Dostoyevsky got his education in Siberia during a ten-year-stint in a Tsarist labor camp, whereas Gorman's pert black ass and trendy vagina is doubtless what landed her an affirmative action degree, a fawning publisher, and Presidential patronage. She doesn't write like Dante and company because, as her language usage indicates, she' s stupid. And she's probably stupid because she's black. It comes with the genetics. I know, I know! We don't want to hear it! Black Lies Matter!
No, they don't. Lies are still lies, and we're better off with the bitter truth. Stop making excuses for these second-rate figures. They don't deserve it.

>> No.23280386

It will never stop being funny to me that Jews had ride-or-die allies in White people, and yet they treated them so badly, whipped the world against them so hard, that eventually the world turned against them too for looking White. It's poetry on a spiritual level.

>> No.23280395

>Posting all this and not knowing Peterson's Liszt

>> No.23280400
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Not (as) racist as some people here, but whenever I see black people praised for their achievements, whether in art, science, politics, or whatever, I remember the Wikipedia article on Polymaths.

>> No.23280418

>> "Polymaths include the great scholars and thinkers of the Renaissance and Enlightment"
>> Maya Angelou.
The satire writes itself.
Nowadays all black people are Rosa Parks. Whitey has just got to put them in the very front of the bus to show how kind-hearted and broad-minded he is. So broad-minded that his brains spill out right in front of you.

>> No.23280429
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From poets like Robert Penn Warren, William Carlos Williams, William Stafford, Robert Frost, and Mark Strand, to "poets" like Ada Limón, Joy Harjo, Tracy K. Smith, Natasha Trethewey. How could this happen?

>> No.23280433

they only have the advantage in basketball because massas instituted eugenics to get fit slaves. African immigrants aren't especially good at basketball.

>> No.23280438

and then everyone clapped and they all agreed to let George sit at the front of the bus and Jesus himself came down and carried her up to heaven

>> No.23280448

why did Drumpf appoint a black womyn?

>> No.23280455


>> No.23280458
File: 617 KB, 882x532, 1709053994447896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LoC appoints poet laureates, and the current LoC was appointed by Obama.

>> No.23280460
File: 197 KB, 1024x1024, be angry jeffers copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not poetry, its doggerel lol...
Wise anons know that the Establishment is NOT the place to look for art, but rather propaganda (which is to say, pornography).

>> No.23280467
File: 91 KB, 680x898, 1691873080176313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeffers was too good for California.

>> No.23280469

California degenerated, sad to say...

>> No.23280490

I read this and assumed it was written by a teenager but this is apparently a 25 year old woman? that's crazy.

>> No.23280496
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1676839911194014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vs the no effort free verse

its ok buddy, just write what you feel

>> No.23280506
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>> No.23280540
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How is this possible

Is there any lower to go

>> No.23280550

ripe with the unseen
mother wards eternity
with her right to elect
such holy rite of spring
for that unborn babe
what desire has death's king?
to the dirt belongs her harvest
and her bones, our queen
should she sacrifice the seed
great dust will reign

>> No.23280852

>that particular writer
>that particular thief
>that particular rapist
>that particular murderer
Lots of particular blacks do particular things desu. How many until we admit it's not just the person, but the race?

>> No.23280857

>same monotonous rhyme
how tacky can you get?

>> No.23280925

some guys can get successful and famous and rich just for being a minority and larping

>> No.23280977

What used to make writers interesting was that they brought their unique philosophical perspectives to their work, whether it was from the left or the right or neither. Now art is a matter of orthodoxy. Having all the correct opinions and expressing them in the correct way takes priority over uniqueness or talent. The period from the 2010s to now will be remembered as a decadent poetic wasteland when nothing of value was written.

>> No.23281021

>le word sounds like... le other word!

>> No.23281174

By the reasoning of some in this thread, historical speaking, can we agree Whites and East Asians are the most genocidal, brutal, and warmongering races in this earth?

>> No.23281182

>historical speaking

depends, how many millions of years do you want to go back?

>> No.23281185

humans have only been around for 100k years and history only goes back like 6k years

>> No.23281188


>> No.23281189

you are a liar and you will go to hell and nobody will come to save you

>> No.23281206

well im just saying what i think the consensus is i am not trying to lie or deceive or be a conduit for those things im trying to express a truth and bring context into things

>> No.23281221

Say you're sorry

>> No.23281229

Horton's first two publications: The Political Economy of British West Africa: with the Requirements of Several Colonies and Settlements (1865) and West African Countries and Peoples (1868) were a defense of Africans against racist views of some European anthropologists that Africans were a physically and intellectually inferior people whose development stopped centuries ago.[9] He argued that all races have the faculty to acquire knowledge about philosophy, science and technologies that civilizations have developed over the ages.[10] Horton was the first modern African political thinker to openly campaign for self-government for the West African colonies and champion the cause of what he referred to as "African nationality".[11]
He was an advocate of an elected monarchy in which a king would be elected by universal suffrage and bicameral legislature. In regards to the economic development of Sierra Leone, he proposed the annexation and commercial development of surrounding land in an effort to raise the revenue necessary to implement various economic and social development plans.[12] In another of his publications, a compilation of letters called Letters of the Political Condition of the Gold Coast since the exchange of territory, Horton wrote about hostilities between ethnic groups in the Gold Coast and offered his views about solving the hostilities including the continuation of education in Africa.
Horton was one of the first West Africans to demand the establishment of a medical school and higher institution in the region.
This guy doesn't sound like an Isaac Newton or Da Vinci, but his descendants alone might be the few points tipping Sierra Leone higher than the rest of Africa in terms of IQ. I wouldn't put down people like this. Angelou, though is a different story.

>> No.23281230

We will not be delayed
u u / u u /

We will not be masquerade
u u / u / u /

To the tale of a handmade
u u / u u / /

We will not let Roe v. Wade slowly fade
u u / u / / / / u /

Because when we show up today
u / u / u / u /

We're already standing up
/ / / u / u /

With the tomorrow we made.
u u u / / / /

I really don't have an ear for stressed vs. unstressed, so I probably botched this one. SAD!

>> No.23281234

Formatting didn't keep my spacing for the stresses...
it was all pointless...
even more SAD!

>> No.23281241


>> No.23281246

>'Racism' assumes that every last member of a given race has the same, awful, qualities.
No, it doesn't.

>> No.23281279

Blacks shouldn’t be allowed to make art.

>> No.23281304

>the main goal of politics is to destroy art. all other aims are secondary
No, that's the goal of leftism.
Right wingers actually like good things.
If every single aspect of your country is ugly and retarded, normal people do not feel motivated to defend it, which allows communists to seize power.
Shit like this is an unironic humiliation ritual.
The fact that it fucking sucks is the entire point.

>> No.23281561
File: 240 KB, 1000x1457, Ziegler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right wingers actually like good things.
Jesus christ you're so fucking wrong and retarded that it makes me angry. You know what the most popular music among right wingers is? "Fancy Like" and "Try That in a Small Town." Most popular films? "Lady Ballers' and "Sound of Freedom." Most popular novels? Just kidding, right wingers don't read anymore. But it used to be shit like Tom Clancy.

>B-but I'm talking about far right, not American conservatives!

Glad you say so, because the far right has even WORSE taste. This is a work by Hitler's favorite painter. He banned Van Gogh, Picasso, Edvard Munch, Cezanne, Dali, Otto Dix, and Max Ernst but considered this absolutely atrocious kitsch "hang on your refrigerator and forget about it" trash the height of German art.

>> No.23281599

we will not be lowly paid
we will not be mistrel grade
To the tale of tanqueray!
We will not let Dr Dre slowly turn a lighter shade!
Because when we show up today,
We're already pouring up
With the next episode we made

>> No.23281616

Yes, thanks for proving my point.
Right wingers like good things like sense of community, order, beauty, heterosexual relationships, valor, bravery, and strength.
Whereas leftytroons only like gay degenerate retardation.

>> No.23281630


>> No.23281632
File: 462 KB, 1200x803, 'Stormtroops_Advancing_Under_Gas',_etching_and_aquatint_by_Otto_Dix,_1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot imagine how low my IQ would have to be to prefer the shit I posted above to actual art like pic related.

>> No.23281648

>From poets like Robert Penn Warren, William Carlos Williams, William Stafford, Robert Frost, and Mark Strand, to "poets" like Ada Limón, Joy Harjo, Tracy K. Smith, Natasha Trethewey. How could this happen?
In-group nepotism. The old gatekeepers picked poets on the basis of meritocracy. They might despise and disagree with Ezra Pound personally, but they judged his poetry on its own merits, not his politics or race or gender. The current poets are left-wing cunts because when enough left-wing cunts got into the judges' chairs, they chose only to select other left-wing cunts like themselves. The left has no objective taste, only self-adulation.They despise quality poetry from anyone other than themselves because the comparison shows them for the talentless POC that they are.

>> No.23281664

>By the reasoning of some in this thread, historical speaking, can we agree Whites and East Asians are the most genocidal, brutal, and warmongering races in this earth?
No. Whites and East Asians have scored a high body count because they had the intelligence to develop seriously destructive weapons but not the wisdom to forebear their use. POC lack both the wisdom and the intelligence. But imagine 10,000 nukes in the hands of P Diddy or SpotEmGottem.

>> No.23281673

Thank you

>> No.23281677
File: 1.18 MB, 1193x640, 1709819108167682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal right wing people prefer the left because it's beautiful.
You pretend the right is better because you're a marxist transvestite.

>> No.23281688

Wrong, those are both incredibly ugly and I hate them.

>> No.23281696

le based centrist at last

>> No.23281706

No, I'm a Marxist. Which is why I liked good art, such as the art I posted. You, being a retarded conservative, are incapable of engaging with the idea of a leftist who likes good art so you instead tried to strawman me into a BLM-supporting radlib who likes bad art, even though I already posted the good art that I like.

>> No.23281708
File: 26 KB, 548x548, 1712011678296164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black women using slam poetry referencing a Hulu TV show to demand the ability to kill their kids for a better tomorrow
lol, they have really had a number done on them

>> No.23281710
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281719

>You, being a retarded conservative, are incapable of engaging with the idea of a leftist who likes good art so you instead tried to strawman me into a BLM-supporting radlib who likes bad art
You did it again despite me literally just pointing it out.

>> No.23281755
File: 82 KB, 828x575, lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281766

>We will not be masquerade
Masquerade is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object like this.

>> No.23281774


>> No.23281784

Also even it could take an object (which it can't), the correct form would be "will not be masqueraded". What an awful line.

>> No.23281785

this is what i figured for jews not marxists

>> No.23281786

all leftism is jewish

>> No.23281811

>anytime someone says something that goes against my straw man of their political beliefs, they are simply lying
How convenient, you’ve got the whole world figured out bud, good for you

>> No.23281814

it's funny because leftytroons always say this

>> No.23281821


>> No.23281822

leftytroons also always say this lmao

>> No.23281823

>people are always accusing me of having schizophrenia, it’s a conspiracy

>> No.23281826

sorry leftytroons we have ur number

>> No.23281830

no, it's literally just you lol

>> No.23281833

Juvenile thread

>> No.23281854

I poo
not in your ear,
or heart,
from distance pause---I poo in
And come out
at the final count
like Nero,
of a wretched race.

>> No.23281875

She could've put "we would not masquerade" and it would've rhymed AND be grammatically correct

>> No.23281891

oh uh ms national youth poet laureate?? this random anon white chud has some feedback to improve your poetry

>> No.23281912

Every litmag is plastered with silhouettes of negresses. There needs to be an organized retort to this fucking bullshit that is published in the same spaces. Fuck. Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.23281933

Women murdered poetry. Minorities just shit on the corpse.

>> No.23281953


t. /lit/ snowflakes

>> No.23281988

They ruined my favorite scifi journal.

>> No.23281996

God forgives you

>> No.23282024

a Gormanhead enters the thread lol couldnt be me

>> No.23282270

>they had the intelligence to develop seriously destructive weapons but not the wisdom to forebear their use.
This is some poetic cope especially for cultures with Christian or Buddhist influences.

>> No.23282333

>you can't respond to political message with an opposing political message
are you stupid or something?
>but it's a work of art
No nigger, it's a political statement that happens to rhyme. It's no more art than a bumper sticker is

>> No.23282493

she's a dumb nigger that doesn't understand rudimentary english bro, it's not anymore complicated than that

>> No.23282499

Taylor Swift or my girlfriend could beat everyone here at scrabble

>> No.23282801

Something a bit pederastic about that kid, legs almost Klossowski-like.
Also, I read somewhere that Böcklin was Hitler's favorite painter; he was also Duchamp's favorite (maybe an ironic statement) and De Chirico's master.

>> No.23282844

>we will not be masquerade
What? I thought masquerade was a noun, not a verb

>> No.23282846

FPBP + trips

>> No.23282873

Suppose that you wrote something fantastic in your spare time over the years, like Stevens or Eliot. Could you actually just send it to a publisher and get published that way? Poets who do get published by major publishers nowadays almost always seem to be people who come from inside the academic system rather than from the outside. Like it's basically a prerequisite that you are plugged into that system and bring your own circlejerk of critics, fans and academics along with your poetry, so that you can become "a thing" in an official, academic sense.

>> No.23282879

It reflects that she is a political puppet and is not worth reading. I'll stick to Dante.

>> No.23282951

Think of the greatest poem of all time. Now flip through any poetry journal taking submissions this month. Can you envision that poem being published there?

>> No.23283033

>>they had the intelligence to develop seriously destructive weapons but not the wisdom to forebear their use.
>This is some poetic cope especially for cultures with Christian or Buddhist influences.
Niggers do 60% of US homicides and 69% of assaults. You honestly think they'd be peaceful if they had the brains to make nukes or F-111s? Sure, adult humans do more organized violence than killer sharks. Sharks are too dim to arm and organize. That's no reason to rank sharks over humans.

>> No.23283035


>> No.23283062

>This is a poem written by the first National Youth Poet Laureate. She read another poem for the inauguration of the current sitting US president. She performed yet another poem at the 55th Super Bowl.
>What does this reflect about the present state of poetry, art, and culture in general?
It says that the white people currently in charge like kissing nigger ass, and literary taste and standards mean nothing to them. Why do they do it? Because rich and powerful white elites--especially if Jewish--love humiliating poorer and less powerful whites, and demonstrating that they can shove what they want to down their throats. It's a case of Bud Light rubbing trannies in the faces of their Deplorable customer base. It's their way of saying, we're better than you, goyim; fuck you.

>> No.23283069

You got it the wrong way around. People who are serious about poetry and want to devote themselves to it full time tend to go into academia because that's the only way to make an interest in poetry pay for itself.
To git gud takes time. Wallace didn't get published until he was 44. Eliot came through academia exactly as you are describing

>> No.23283078

>tale of a handmade
Did you mean handmaid? What a writer. Truly in awe of the intellect.

>> No.23283096

It's poetree
Not a spelling B.

>> No.23283101

Yeah but how many great poets of the last two hundred years came from inside the academic network?

>> No.23283140

The spelling isn't as bad as the reference itself.
Like nigga read another book

>> No.23283184

The execution is poor and I'd say it lacks subtlety regarding its themes, but that's not the worst thing about this poem. It sucks because the poem is a manifestation of her own narcissism - she didn't post this to make any meaningful change, she posted it because *she* is the author.

One way to see just how badly the poem sucks is to consider the best possible poem someone could write about abortion. What would make an anti-abortionist change his mind? If he saw the mother as human. What would make him see the mother as human? If the poem were written with the love that could only be reserved for a child unborn. A better poem would be about grappling with all the emotions that come with going through such a trial; a real heart-tugger, brimming with conflicting feelings of love and loss. "Almost mother" would be a pretty good title for such a work, then again it's not my poem to write.

Most opponents to abortion forget that the average woman is human. Women like the one in OP, loud and annoying, make you think pro-choicers relish in taking away that life. If you've spoken to any woman who's had an abortion, you'll realise it's not true. If a poem like that I described were written, it would not be promoted or endorsed, because the current "feminist" stance is that "women are badasses and they need to totally put men in their place!" By which they mean: "we need to try (and fail) to beat men at their own game (and then cry when we fail because we feel inadequate, but will never admit this)". They can't beat us at our game, they should to use the advantages they have, but this is sexist. And so the status quo remains unchanged.

Honestly Americans are retarded for banning abortion. Just make it legal and try make your men more accountable for their actions like every other developed nation. Now you have to deal with this screeching before any meaningful change can take place - but that's what the senators wanted all along. If the whole country debates abortion, then the worst case scenario for the rich is that abortion is legalised and now they need to think up another distraction. If the entire country debates the best modes of wealth redistribution, then the worst-case scenario becomes a lot worse (it would involve ceding some of their millions/billions of dollars)

fpbp + checked

>> No.23283191

Poems are, and always have been, gay.

>> No.23283246

sheeeeit she spitten fo real fo real

>> No.23283292

imagine being this pussy whipped lol

>> No.23283308

>least dishonest marxist

>> No.23283347

mental illness

>> No.23283528

oh, i could beat them both, and my dad...my mom is the only contender

>> No.23283570
File: 2.32 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20240413_153450793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not mine to write either but that didnt stop me from trying

>> No.23283621

Nice to see some penmanship that doesn't look like an autistic engineer wrote it.

>> No.23283654

>No, I'm a Marxist. Which is why I liked good art

Oof moment.

>> No.23283697

i have a chemistry degree sir, im not stupid

>> No.23283701

It was a genuine compliment, I admire it.

>> No.23283772
File: 241 KB, 1125x850, muslims in film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'd rather be genocidal and culturally brilliant than peaceful and brutish, like abos.

pic somewhat related

>> No.23283795

we are well aware they don't care. that doesnt matter. their edifice is falling apart. young people are literally killing themselves and banging their heads on walls til they bleed rather than live in society as they have tried to remake it. everyone with two brain cells is well aware their degrees are paper and their ruleset is a hopeless chimaera...we have gone into the woods, and waited, and now that they have just about burnt it down around their ankles, we may come back, if we feel like it.

it is not a question of race...it is a question of the talentless, the hater of art, seeking to replace the artistic judgment with some erected, catechismical system, in which talent, that rare thing, and genius, that el dorado, have no currency.

these exist, living, at least one or two black catholic school kids who could blow me or you or any of us out of the water. i know because i've met them. they are as unwelcome in the present edifice as the "chud" of which you speak, because they rely on their genius, not on their characteristics, not on social currencies, not on anything but truth itself & the search for it.

what has happened has happened because of television and the internet. mere entertainment has taken the place of art, and the vast masses, who used to grow up revering the bible, the rhetoric of the sermon, and the precious sniffs art at hand to them, now grow up surrounded by everything, taking every genius of the past as the mere product of some irrelevant, older time...they are born staring truth in the face, if they wish to see it, but it is too bright, and they seek nothing but distraction.

they who think themselves atop the world because they rule the phonies, the cracked, the screen addicts -- well, let them die happy on their little thrones. i write not for them but to make washington & shakespeare smile where they lie.

>> No.23283831

we won it all and gave it back, an unprecedented act in the history of the world

we ended slavery, an ancient and global evil, put to death and destruction those of our fellows who would have continued it, and broke the ancient slave trade between africa and the middle east -- four millennia of suffering, trails of tears uncounted and unknown, ended at the point of a british gun.

there were grotesqueries and outrages. i don't think those belgians should ever be trusted. but are you perfect? how many hitlers, how many sultans, how many emperors, how many ancient tyrannic empires have you hauled down?

are you mad you didn't get to have some little revolution?

sorry. it was rash of us. we should have let you have some little hero and some pleasant and heroic little story. is that what you think? that we should have made you fight for it?

>> No.23283883 [DELETED] 

well the judicial "reasoning" is blatantly retarded on its face. the judges on the court lie, and everybody knows they're liars.
but libs have pigeonholed themselves into this counter-productive performance of Good Faith that requires them to pretend that rightoids are sincere, serious "people" trying to make concrete, logically sound, earnestly reasoned arguments. it's akin to watching someone shoot you straight in the kneecap with a steady hand, and then offering to teach them how to aim better because they missed the target that was 70° to their left from where you were standing.

>> No.23283889

>right wing "people"
We're reaching levels of Cope previously thought impossible.

>> No.23283906

Roe was a weird argument, but it was the best one that could hold water in the 70s.
The judicial "reasoning" behind striking down Roe is blatantly retarded on its face though. The judges on the court lie, and everybody knows they're liars.
Of course, libs have pigeonholed themselves into this counter-productive performance of Good Faith that requires them to pretend that rightoids are sincere, serious "people" trying to make concrete, logically sound, earnestly reasoned arguments, which is how the overturning of Roe - and back in the 90s, Planned Parenthood v. Casey - ends up being allowed to happen. Legislating from the Bench causes widespread tardrage when the shitlibs do it, but when the rightoid vampires do it all the libs can do is an impotent "tsk, tsk."
It's akin to watching someone shoot you straight in the kneecap with a steady hand, and then offering to teach them how to aim better because they missed the target that was 70° to their left from where you were standing.

>> No.23283911

Poetry has been a dead art for a very long time.
To anyone of reasonable mental faculties, this says nothing about art or culture in general, since nobody really gives a fuck about "poets" except other "poets."

>> No.23283933

make a logically sound argument for cutting off a child's penis and chemically castrating them on the sole basis of the child's stated personal feelings

pro tip, you cant -- its mengele tier behavior, and "libs" have been twitterized into deciding to defend it to the death...we could also go into the claudine gay shitshow but lets not.

i wish "libs" were still sane but theyre not honey, its a scary world out their now. even billionaires are acting like crackheads. this smartphone, social media shit is literally world breaking. it needs to end. it is a clear and present danger.

>> No.23283946
File: 71 KB, 673x817, cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a dead art, that isnt my problem

>> No.23284038
File: 292 KB, 1439x823, voting demographics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting married turns people right wing.
Having children turns them even more right wing.
The entire trannycrat party is carried entirely by miserable childless single women, and they know it, which is why all of their policies revolve around killing children, faggotry, and general societal dysfunction.
Yes, being right wing is normal, and the further right you go, the better person you are.

>> No.23284057

>cutting off a child's penis and chemically castrating them on the sole basis of the child's stated personal feelings
This doesn't happen. But anything is possible when you're incapable of complex thought and just rely on whatever schizoid dogshit your Masters made up, I guess.
And nobody gave a shit about the Claudine Gay thing. Nobody fucking cares about her mild "plagiarism." You degenerate spastics just throw a cacophonous tardrage any time you're reminded of where you belong in society, and the lib establishment feels obligated to bend knee to your fragile emotions.

>> No.23284066
File: 105 KB, 761x927, FdXBwqqUcAor7sC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to everyone chopping off children's penises, they're chopping off children's penises.

>> No.23284078

>"correlation literally IS causation!!1!"
>posts self-reported survey "data" about two political parties that are both right-wing
>"being a drooling rightoid makes you a good person"
That must be why so many of your corporate overlords are pedophiles. I get that you want to fuck kids, but can you keep that on >>>/pol/ with the rest of the untermensch filth?

>> No.23284086
File: 80 KB, 932x960, Ejf5S0GUcAAnlb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also everyone cares about Claudia Faggot's entire (already mediocre) academic career being entirely plagurized.
Nobody cared when you were relegated to writing papers in irrelevent journals nobody was ever going to read, people now notice when you promote these retards to presidents of what were formerly the most rigorous academic institutions in the country.
But just like with mutilating children, I'm glad these are the hills we get to kill you on.

>> No.23284091

that says she's only willing to do top surgery on minors (young-teen boys get mastectomies all the time. go to >>>/fit/ and ask them about gynecomastia), and even then only with parental consent.
I get that you're an honest-to-God, clinically diagnosed retard, and that all of your "beliefs" were fed to you by (((fracking billionaires))), but this is just basic reading comprehension.

>> No.23284099
File: 599 KB, 1638x2048, FyXY_EnXoAUb07v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the pedophile corporate overlords are on your side, not mine

>> No.23284108

>everyone cares about Claudia Faggot
categorically untrue. a bunch of drooling retards on TV pretend to care because it makes them money.
it also wasn't "entirely plagiarized," it was a few sloppy citations in her Doctoral thesis. Meanwhile, the wife of one of the people leading the charge against her copy-pasted entire passages from Wikipedia in her papers, like an actual plagiaristic retard.
These are objective facts. You do not care. You're a braindead fucking liar.

>when (You) were relegated to writing papers in irrelevent journals
I'm an engineer, you worthless spastic. I am a fit, white man, born with a penis, married to a white woman, born with a vagina, with kids, a STEM degree and a lucrative career as an engineer.
I am your Ubermensch, you stupid fucking worm. You will die under my boot.

>> No.23284111
File: 2.21 MB, 2454x1212, 1664462262714301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. No, it doesn't.
2. "only surgically mutilating a girl"s breasts" means every leftist needs to be killed by any means necessary.

>> No.23284118

>corpos pay hollow lip service to "progressive" social causes because they've deemed it more profitable
>somehow this makes them no longer right-wing because some spastic on a Taiwanese deer-fetish forum is too retarded to understand how capitalism functions

>> No.23284127
File: 227 KB, 1440x1393, trannycrat regime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Claudia Gay's entire academic career was plagurized, which is the only reason she was made president, and the only reason you're defending her. You couldn't even use a nigger with human level intelligence, because the entire point is finding the dumbest gorrilla niggers and mentally ill transvestites you can find.

>> No.23284128

i think so. i think if you look at who ceos and executives are donating to is the more progressive party

>> No.23284133

1. it literally does, you're just illiterate
2. boys get their tits chopped off all the time. you only care when those boys were born one way over the other, because you're some kind of spastic "essentialist" even though essentialism has long been written off as worthless and retarded by any functional human being

Didn't click your pic. I don't care what a 60IQ methhead slapped together in MS Paint.

>> No.23284142

It sure is good then that we've established that what (You) "think" is below worthless.

>> No.23284151

>Claudia Gay's entire academic career was plagurized [sic]
This is not true, and you don't care. You're a bloviating retard pretending to have opinions and beliefs, even though you're functionally nothing more than a hollow automaton made of meat.

>> No.23284164

I think everything is shifting toward a side more focused on globohomo external issues, against one that recognizes the country has been hijacked by elites against American citizens to use as a power base. Corporations are clearly in the former cat

>> No.23284189
File: 1.38 MB, 1413x1959, trans ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cool story, but we're already way past the "it's not happening" part to actively banning it, so if you don't want us to ban it you have to defend it, which you can't, because you're an evil gay retard.

>> No.23284202

The best part of the Claudia Gay scandal is how every leftist is hitching their wagon to that terminally ill horse, so instead of it just being a matter of one specific individual being a fraud, you're literally all corrupt plagiarizing retards with less than zero credibility.

>> No.23284287

I like the last three lines, am I a pleb?

>> No.23284320

This just means freedom is an important thing to American women

>> No.23284328

freedom to what

>> No.23284334

Freedom over what they can do with their own bodies.

>> No.23284336

do what with their bodies

>> No.23284346
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>preeti vangani

>> No.23284356

>that doesn't happen
>that doesn't count

No morals, no principles, no spine... what a pathetic little bug you are.

>> No.23284364

Look man, you can't call anyone else "an evil gay retard" with an attached photo implicitly saying that you're on the side of a pedophile - and documented pedo apologist - with an objectively measured IQ of 47

>inb4 seething and pissing over "an ad hom" instead of explaining why anti-trans grifters are such close bedfellows with documented pedophiles

>> No.23284365
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many such cases

>> No.23284376

>retards can't read
>retards can't into logic
>somehow that's someone else's fault
Do you worthless degenerates have any single argument that doesn't boil down to "leftists need to excuse and defend this fantastical hypothetical that I made up and has no basis in material reality"?
Or is your explicit goal just to waste the time of your Superiors? Is that what (You) want from me, you poor creature? My attention? This is the last shred of it that I can spare.
Kill yourself; save some resources for people with Value.

>> No.23284380

>le Slimpery Slorp is totally le real u le guise!!1!

>> No.23284383
File: 1.29 MB, 828x2110, darvo marxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no guys, the literal communist is calling is names

>> No.23284392
File: 3.09 MB, 4044x2500, antifa~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively speaking, the only thing you're going to rope is yourself, and only if we don't get to you first.

>> No.23284398

You call it slippery slope, I call it precedence

>> No.23284399

I find that that description of marxists applies to most normies. They don't really have beliefs, like they don't stop and think 'Is it actually likely for this to be true or not'. It's all just this sort of instinctive social calculus of what sorts of things they think they're supposed to say.

>> No.23284412
File: 528 KB, 674x620, who trannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not normal, that's like 10% of the population max. Sure a lot of people will go along with a certain amount of bullshit as long as times are good, but times are not good, and the amount of utterly horrifying evil bullshit coming from the left is way past that certain amount.

>> No.23284416

It's everyone I've ever known tbqh. It's all narcissism and social conformity. I was like this myself before I started to actually think things through carefully and I still do it automatically if I don't purposefully catch myself.

>> No.23284429
File: 188 KB, 1024x639, jewish transgenderism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe your friend group is just abnormally gullible, all the backlash to this stuff is because no amount of jewish propaganda will convince normal people that turning their children into sterile mutilated abominations is a good thing.

>> No.23284663
File: 366 KB, 1080x1247, Screenshot_20240411-083612~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its called manufactured consent. There is no logic or thinking involved, the population is just that easy to manipulate.

>> No.23284697

I dunno dude, everyone seems to hate this shit, we're all just looking to one another wondering when it's time to execute them to make it stop

>> No.23284700
File: 372 KB, 1080x1310, Screenshot_20240413_133931_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry has been dead for many years. I blame rap music or something

>> No.23284904

lies and the lying liars who tell them

arent you tired of lying?

>> No.23284949

This poem must be pretty low to the ground because I am kneeling

>> No.23284954

the funniest part of it all is, the plagiarism isnt even the real scandal

her entire career is built on p-hacking sociological datasets by means of arcane statistical programs that "find causality" neither she nor anyone in her field actually understands -- and anyone who actually looks into these programs finds that they are bullhonky of the highest order

trumpian retards think theyll "win" by closing down a few gender studies depts and firing some DEI administrators and some of the worst academic offenders....problem is, this shit didnt spring from nowhere. like the satanic panic, like prozac, like lobotomy, these extremist genderist and racialist ideologies are the fruits of a poison tree, namely Psychology, a spiritual faith cloaked in the language of science. this religion has infiltrated our courts, our schools, our government, our medical system, and our very language itself by means of this thin veil.

these faggots literally just make shit up. they will continue to make shit up and it will get worse. everything that is not an art or a science needs to be run out of every university. i would prefer tarred and feathered but i will settle for run out.

this will be incredibly difficult, because tens of millions of people's jobs depend on their fictions, assertions and usurpations remaining unquestioned. yet we must, or we are fucked. they have set them selves atop art and science, while denying accountability to either. this is the true rot: anyone who tells you otherwise is misleading you.

yes, people have brain-related difficulties that cause them problems. these things are properly a subset of neurology. there is simply no such thing as "scientific study of personality" any more than there is "scientific study of art" -- it is a contradiction in terms. the great lie -- the central lie of Psychology -- is that one of their "experts" is capable of statistically reliably "diagnosing" "disorders" from a one-to-one assessment of a person in the single environment of his or her own office. while collecting no material data and seeking no one else's confirmation...it is preposterous on the face of it to anyone with a basic scientific education. when they're testing your piss for weed they run the sample three times...and that's a machine that can't be biased or have moods.

these people are clowns. when you see Psychology believers in the wild, on the internet, present to them these arguments. i have. they literally scream and run, lol.

>> No.23284963
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if that were the case, there would be an active and meaningful opposition force by now. There is a difference between real political movement and bitter social posturing. Every current "opposition" group have proven themselves as impotent, uncoordinated grifters with no leader, no common goal and a very obvious interest on monetising their platforms.

Not only is there no opposition, but these grifters are actively training the population that "real political movements" are short, flimsy, bread-and-circus events which they will inevitably fall out if favor and move on to the next anti-liberal sentiment mouthpiece to chant and rally for.

The opposition has been controlled for decades, and none of them will ever call for direct action, let alone try to unite all sides for a common goal. The only time it ever came close to that was Occupy, and we all know how fast that was stopped. it wasnt stopped because "no one knew why they were there". Everyone knew why at the start. That idea was forced into their minds, and it became reality. The "protest against banks" was gradually phased out and without a figurehead to remind the people, (like with all other movements and revolutions) Occupy phased out in deranged obscurity and the confused, demoralised remnants were quickly stamped out by police. The people stopped supporting it, because they "forgot" why they were there.

>> No.23284975
File: 180 KB, 750x851, 1676226726994991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah nigga, it's an ugly and abhorrent act, and it rots those who support it from the inside out.

>> No.23284984

rap music is a billion times the poetry that academic "poets" have been shitting out for the last fifty years...not that thats saying much

the people who write "academic poetry" these days are literally just uneducated, ill-read, self-centered, sheltered, cozened, and slow...on the other hand rappers are usually a billion times better read than they let on and theyre anything but sheltered or slow, soo...its not surprising.

poetry is fundamentally an oral/auditory art. for fifty years "academic poetry" has been little more than schizo tier arrangement of dead letters on paper. if you want to write poetry, pay it less than zero attention. listen to music and read old books.

>> No.23285007

someone who gets a tattoo of a dead baby cares WAY more about abortion than the average person lol...ppl like this are 1000x more likely to turn crazy christian than the average person who got an abortion lol.

they do have misgivings and negative feelings about it -- this grotesquery is an attempt to deny, and reject those feelings, but they are very much still there. and also theyre batshit crazy.

imo women are really underestimating the physical trauma and health effects of having abortions -- and lets not forget, who are they doing this for? men? fucking men? women are undergoing abortions so fucking men can have sex scot free and without even using a condom? its deranged, and completely anti feminist. condom use is crashing because men are increasingly lazy fucking selfish pigs, and women are taking on the burden by means of birth control pills and abortions.

yet retarded 3rd wave feminists have been convinced that women "need" to have random casual sex to be "happy"....its bizarre especially considering the average number of sexual partners is only like 7 and the median is closer to 2 or 3

the question is, who benefits? men, as ever...

>> No.23285014

le dual mating strategy face

>> No.23285015

>if that were the case, there would be an active and meaningful opposition force by now.
there would be, if republicans hadnt thrown themselves at donald john trumps cheesy old feet and doubled down on it.

if nikki haley were the nominee she would win like 65-35 and republicans would sweep everything & be able to get rid of trannyshit in a ton of places

if wishes were fishes

>> No.23285017


>> No.23285033

without merit

>> No.23285034

no one hates these charlatans more than black people with actual talent

>> No.23285051

Occupy Wall Street got way too close to the truth. The elites panicked and unleashed a massive unrelenting wave of deliberately divisive garbage through every means they had at their disposal.

Race, gender, sexual orientation, weight. What do all these things have in common? They are all things that everyone has, thus they are the perfect means to maximize the division they wanted to sow amongst the lower class public. The media blitz slowly resulted in everyone pointing fingers at each other, assigning blame amongst themselves instead of at the billionaires who actually caused their misery. It's downright shocking to me how effective it was.

The only way I see this changing is if people disregard each others differences and stand united again just like they initially did at Occupy Wall Street. It doesn't seem like it will be easy at all though. From what I've observed it seems like people have embraced this finger pointing in order to protect their fragile egos. They NEED a boogeyman to explain away their own failures, to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Doesn't matter if it's whites, jews, patriarchy, whatever. The boogeyman is why they're not a winner, they can't cope with the notion that they are not perfect, that they made a mistake, that they're the only one that is to blame for where they are in life right now. If you destroy the boogeyman complex then they are forced to look in the mirror and their massively inflated egos won't permit that.

Look to one another as brothers, be both humble and critical of yourself or we're all fucked.

>> No.23285077

>Green been casserole you?
Kek. Nice line.

>> No.23285095
File: 58 KB, 326x500, 51nA-87Z5sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the soft bigotry of low expectations
This. Also, check'd.
>/lit/ seething about a woman becoming a recognized writer, let alone a Black woman.
Virginia Woolf is a writer. Amanda Gorman is a chimp.

>> No.23285124

dumbest post I've ever seen, kys

>> No.23285129

>They NEED a boogeyman to explain away their own failures
and yours is billionaires...

pro tip, you're falling for the same thing. i know a billion seems like a lot, but it isnt -- not compared to the amounts of money global corporations deal in. Apple earned $97 billion in *profit* in 2023 alone.

these corporations have no goal other than to expand themselves and increase profits. legally, they are not allowed to have any other goal. ceos, chairmen and board members are ousted in a hot second if they dare put humanity, decency, dignity, or anything else over profits -- and can even be fined or jailed for it.

almost as soon as radio & television appeared as inventions, the necessity of having some degree of content controls and oversight was obvious, as was the need to protect children from corporate advertising and corporate-backed thinly veiled promotional programming...this was why PBS & sesame street were created, along with a whole host of guideline governing what was allowed to be shown on TV and when, to ensure that content children were likely to see would be appropriate for them and at least party educational

this has not happened for smartphones -- people cant even fucking agree that kids being on their phones all the time is bad. what american company benefits most? apple. what american company would be harmed most by any restrictions on smartphones? apple.

what american company controls the devices through which nearly half of americans almost exclusively live their lives? apple.

now, you may say, my scapegoat is apple. you're not wrong. the thing is, it is possible that we could legally restrict and societally disdain the iphone and the iphone user. it will never be possible to ensure that no one in society is "elite." someone will always be above you and someone will always be wealthiest.

as far as i'm concerned, the iphone is the antichrist. (the symbology is all there, but that isnt the point.) do not use one, do not let your loved ones use one -- if they do, regard it at all times with disdain. drop it hard by accident, crack it if you can, put a random sticker on the back covering up the logo. if they get mad, fuck them, they're lost. if someone you love has entered the late-stage phase of phone cancer -- rarely leaving bed, living on delivery, and often hiding under the covers with their phone -- i'm sorry but you have to smash the thing or there is no hope. if that ends your relationship -- if they pick a stupid little screen over you -- it was done already. you might have stayed together til you died and had kids but they would be a miserable phone addict the entire time and a terrible parent. view it as if they are an alcoholic and not in their right mind -- because that is in fact the case.

this applies to all smartphones, but especially to iphones. NEVER let someone use a smartphone between the two of you when you're trying to have a conversation. stop talking until they put it down.

>> No.23285133

and your better idea is......nothing

thanks lmao


>> No.23285135

It's scandalous in itself, and the fact that every single leftist academic is defending it by saying "Yeah we all (blatantly plagurize all of our papers)" is the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.23285139
File: 14 KB, 211x206, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote Hillary Clinton ("R" Editon) and the trannyism will stop

>> No.23285151
File: 124 KB, 692x1024, 1635910013012m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of this "they're le both sides" shit.
Every single financial institution and corporation is not playing to both sides, they are exclusively pandering to marxists.
The only institution that only started so much as showing white males in a positive white in the modern age is the military, because they couldn't find enough shitskins to die to Israel after spending a decade shitting on whites.

>> No.23285227

you brick dumb fucking retard. it was only nikki haley because NO MAN IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS ANYTHING BUT SPIDERS IN HIS NUTSACK.

the fucking best and brightest of the american conservative political establishment got bonglefucked by donald john fucking trump in open debate in 2016. nothing more embarrassing has happened in the history of the country.

the best man they had this year was ron fucking desantis, a sweating wheezing squealing florida ape. that's the best Gen X conservative man there is in the country, apparently!

NO republican politician in the country could beat an eighty year old never-that-popular goomba who already lost an election. The one who did the best was Nikki Haley.

who would have guessed that the raised by tv generation would turn out retarded and incapable of running anything? just fucking everyone. fucking everyone would have guessed that.

now the raised by tv generation has created the raised by phones generation. its pretty obvious none of them will ever amount to fuck all or have an ounce of love for anything but their own fat ass at rest. lookin grim! smash the fucking phones, and wrangle/strangle/restrain/hinder/debilitate/disrupt/destroy social media by any and all means available. if your first political commandment is anything else, youre literally wrong.

>> No.23285234

>lost an election
le mail in votes sneed

>> No.23285244

you lost it by fair means or foul. you lost either way, retard.

lets accept every allegation about mail fraud, registration fraud, etc etc etc.

what does accepting all that prove or imply?


because elections used to have WAY THE FUCK more open fraud, open violence, open cheating -- and somehow, way back when in the dirty gilded age, people didnt throw this kind of fucking baby bitch pissfit when they were literally openly cheated. they organized and beat them at the game.

its also important to remember that you forefathers put the country back together after the fucking CIVIL WAR.

youre about to throw it out over spilt orange jenkem.

disgusting, degraded, debilitated, vile, venal, vulgar, fucked in the head. fuck off somewhere and die.

>> No.23285249

You sound deranged. The point is that Trump is genuinely popular so your argument is incorrect.

>> No.23285250

Be bop bix nood
We no dindu fix hood
I didn't eat breakfast tho

>> No.23285257

Holy TDS.

>> No.23285273
File: 200 KB, 1024x1011, 1599086385499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what your really talking about is the control of information, the backbone behind manufactured consent. its really not that hard to find a connection

>elon not related

>> No.23285289

It's the Catholics not the Js; Israel and the USA surrendered to the Nazis after WW2 and the German communists created this hell

>> No.23285314

You're a communist transvestite who likes her because she's controlled opposition.

>> No.23285354

post nose kike

>> No.23285361

>chuds take over 4channel
>quality of /lit s plummets


>> No.23285367

shut up stupid bitch

>> No.23285373

Dilate your face with a shotgun.

>> No.23285380

>accept our fraud or ur the bad guy
Make no mistake, the only way I would ever cede any territory to you communist degenerates is for the sole purpose of herding you into one spot for immediate extermination.
There does not exist any scenario in which I would ever allow "The People's Republic of Trannytopia" to exist as anything other than an extermination camp for leftytroons.

>> No.23285381
File: 23 KB, 340x507, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have it backwards

>> No.23285382

guys like us dont get to allow or disallow things unfortunately

>> No.23285387

I'm not sure who you mean by "us", I've been training for the last year for the explicit purpose of killing as many leftists as possible.

>> No.23285397

Lying is a sin, Hamite

>> No.23285402
File: 36 KB, 750x515, yakub_making_white_people_by_fakegamergirl1138_dg6hmss-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ancestor :^]

>> No.23285422

thats the strangest twist of historical events yet

>> No.23285423
File: 59 KB, 400x528, th-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"That's him, officer. That Catholic was rewriting millions of years of human history in exchange for gay sex in Botswana!"
"Hold my trident."

>> No.23285435

This image is so funny to me. Yeah they're a bunch of freaks, but then Buttigieg is just on a swing with his husband laughing on a crisp autumn day. The horror!

>> No.23285449

The horror is that they kidnapped some woman's infants to pretend to "raise as their own" (rape).

>> No.23285450
File: 6 KB, 250x250, angel-wise-frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his husband

>> No.23285454

So your side is correct but also your side has no one to stand behind in good faith and ... the two aren't related.

OK lol.

>> No.23285465

OK then why not shop that into the image instead of them having fun on a swing?

>> No.23285468
File: 1.12 MB, 1387x1377, faggot grooming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you hurry up and die of monkeyAIDSpox?

>> No.23285484

Oops sorry, what's your preferred pronoun?

>> No.23285508


>> No.23285535

Ffs, we're going to end up with another Hitler because of these faggots.

>> No.23285580

Hopefully whoever it is makes Hitler look like a moderate

>> No.23285588

>"be a masquerade"
>"a handmade"
>the random inconsistent punctuation
Is this girl like 80 IQ

>> No.23285773

Let's step back from the current for a minute, bobos. You're deep in the face-paint, I understand that. So let's start with some questions that might be easier for you to handle.

In 1860, when Abraham Lincoln had won enough electors to be assured the Presidency, the legislatures of the southern States started to announce secession one by one.

Once Lincoln was in office, they fired on Form Sumter of the United States Army.

After five brutal years, the rebels for the cause of slavery were utterly destroyed by the steady press of that man of God. The he was killed.

Decide, for the purpose of this discussion, whether you'd like to be a Southerner or Northerner.

How might the greatest free nation be put back together?

>> No.23285784

You speak, fool, to an old son of Cato, the heir of Cincinnatus' plow, the free fruit of the earth!

>> No.23285811
File: 118 KB, 750x1053, FyhI5qgXsAYOgjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both the Union and the Confederacy would execute you for being a degenerate nigger worshipping sodomite.

>> No.23285907

1. That chick needs to clean her nails
2. By getting *that* tattoo in *that* location, she's more or less securing that no man will ever fuck her again, ergo avoiding the trauma of losing one she loved before love could come to fruition. But she can't just *say* that she's never going to get pregnant again, because she's been conditioned to think that an abortion is empowering, that it somehow marks the peak of feminism. This is the only plausible move she can make - she doesn't need to openly admit that she regrets the "most empowering" decision of her life, but she can also comfortably ensure it never happens again by getting a tattoo so hideous just above her vagina that any man who thought it might be a good idea to fuck her without protection is immediately brought to projectile vomiting. Sure, the tattoo will remind her of it daily, but she would be anyway sans tattoo, because a mother never forgets her first child.

>> No.23285933

The Tell-Tale Tattoo.

>> No.23285938

Deep in the face-paint, as I said. I'm not telling you to vote for Biden, retard. Right now I'm voting with John Bolton or writing in Taylor Swift.

Now, are you interested in discussing the question I asked, or will you continue to fling pure muck?

>> No.23286102

Oh, /thread apparently.


>> No.23286539

Yo this is cringe as fuck
I think trying to repeal abortion is fucking retarded and I hate all of you who ate trying to do that
But political performative shit isn't "poetry" or art
Cringe as fuck

>> No.23286546

Some man will fuck or love her again, you're just confusing your hatred of women due to you being an insecure basement gremlin with popular opinion
Can't believe you wrote that much about it too holy shit yo hahahaha. Hahahahaha

>> No.23286574

Don't say you wouldn’t doe