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23274794 No.23274794 [Reply] [Original]

UFOs are a respectable topic now. What's some good UFO /lit/? schizo suggestions 100% welcome.

>> No.23274831
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>UFOs are a respectable topic now
lmao no they aren't

>> No.23274909

Jacques Vallee, John Keel, David M. Jacobs are your go to

>> No.23274959

Not a book, but I think the Grey aliens are the ancestors of humans from the planet that industrialization turned into Giedi Prime. We're their genetically modified anprim Amish colony.

>> No.23275001
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>> No.23275011

Imagine being a close-minded retarded nigger.

>> No.23275058

I think this anon is right although there was a revival of media attention. That being said there are books that are a lot more serious about the topic than others.

OP should check out the works of Jerome Clark

>> No.23275308
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Totally organic

>> No.23275540

Vallee solved the Alium question already.

>> No.23276230

UFOs are unironically angels and demons, but mostly demons.
Also didn't Jung write about them? perhaps in relation with synchronicities?

>> No.23276235

holy shit

>> No.23276273

>UFOs are a respectable topic now

>> No.23278041

This and follow-ups like Transformation

Wendelle C. Stevens

Dr. John Mack’s books

Dittoing Vallee and Keel.

>> No.23278119

6 degrees of separation?
so what does this Art Bell thing mean?

>> No.23278659

Watch the Skies by Curtis Peebles. He's a non-believer. The only issue is that the book is now heavily dated.

>> No.23278661
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>UFOs are a respectable topic now

>> No.23278802
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Picked up pic related today, since I like the author and the premise reminds me of an especially creepy /x/ pasta.

>The red night of bells heralds global catastrophe.

>Annihilation on a biblical scale. Seeing the morning is no blessing. The handful of scattered survivors are confronted by blood-red skies and an infestation of predatory horrors that never originated on earth. An occupying force intent on erasing the remnants of animal life from the planet.

>Across the deserted landscapes of England, bereft of infrastructure and society, the overlooked can either hide or try to outrun the infernal hunting terrors. Until a rumour emerges claiming that the sea may offer an escape.

>Ordinary, unexceptional, directionless Karl, is one of the few who made it through the first night. In the company of two orphans, he flees south. But only into horrifying revelations and greater peril, where a transformed world and expanding race of ravening creatures await. Driven to the end of the country and himself, he must overcome alien and human malevolence and act in ways that were unthinkable mere days before.

>> No.23279676
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>> No.23280938

You shouldn't read. You should watch those ghost hunting tv shows on the travel channel. I think that's more your speed

>> No.23281222

I remember a thread from 1-2 months ago on the same subject. I was waiting for Communion, having it just ordered and I asked for a couple of opinion on it. The anons that replied described it as a very good starting book on the subject. Read it meanwhile and I agree, a very good one. Planning to read more in-depth but I just want serious accounts. Thinking of getting "The Andreasson Affair: The True Story of a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind" next, heard it is legit. Any anons read it?

>> No.23281231

The same bureaucrats denying their existence are now willing to discuss them.
I still believe aliens are fake and it's just atheists trying to come up with their own deities.

>> No.23281351

90 iq take