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23273989 No.23273989 [Reply] [Original]

"What's This?" edition
Previous: >>23269034

>> No.23274018

ruins it when the wwoym has a lame pic

>> No.23274023

I don't think it's lame

>> No.23274024

pls no bully

The OP pic is fine.

>> No.23274029

can't stand tim burton

>> No.23274037

deterritorialize the figure. forget about tim burton

>> No.23274044
File: 136 KB, 1080x1098, IMG_0494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is already dead in the water and it's the pic's fault!!

>> No.23274045

You need to be born into a culture with an emphasis on extended family and an international network of diaspora who can suggest girls for you. Most of you are out of luck for that.

>> No.23274050

You are Jewish!

>> No.23274054

you can't, his egos flooding every corner

>> No.23274055

If I had a GF right now I wouldn't even want to do sexual things to her chest but rather just use it like a pillow to rest my head on and feel its soft warmth on my cheek while I fall asleep.

>> No.23274058

Me too.

>> No.23274063

I don't see the point in investing myself into an art or science where I'll be pointlessly mediocre at best, providing busywork where others will actually produce worthwhile theories. My writing is of the same calibre, able to reproduce the style of my inspirations without even an elementary understanding of what made the originals shine. I'm aware that this mindset could be an excuse to not try more than anything but when I'm faced with the see of delusional midwits out there and how they write I see no reason to believe that I'm not one of them; going through the motions until a chink or sir takes my place, probably doing about the same or slightly better. I agree that my mind is clouded by self-hatred but that also limits my ability to take critique in full and get myself out of this, no matter how I nourish myself.

>> No.23274075

all girls want candy

>> No.23274077

Last week I woke up to my gf stroking my hair.

>> No.23274085

>not your dick

>> No.23274088

Too bad women are retarded caddle who will slit your throat at the first chance if they think It's beneficial to them. They look so innocent and cute when you're watching them from a far.

>> No.23274089

Join me outside to smoke a cig, /lit/

>> No.23274096

you've made a stranger you've never met (most likely across an ocean) go buy a pack of camel blues
how's that make you feel

>> No.23274100
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Like this but with marb black 100 in my mouth, looking /fa/ af

>> No.23274107

If the world hates introverts so much, why aren't we being euthanized?
Why do you guys even like coffee/alcohol? It tastes weird. You are weird.

>> No.23274113

I have nothing to impress others.

>> No.23274114

Coke ain't bad. Maybe it's because I'm physically addicted but I can't imagine drinking coffee only on occasion. I feel like either daily or not at all.

sounds like you could use some substances!

>> No.23274121

I actually love the taste of coffee, in all it's forms. It's pretty much why I still drink it. Alcohol on the other hand I can't stand, hate the taste and hate how it makes me feel.

>> No.23274125

>sounds like you could use some substances!
Painkillers, maybe. My leg has been hurting since I tripped back in mid February. I'll go see the doc again next week.

>> No.23274127
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fit check

>> No.23274136


>> No.23274137

a girl said something about coffee that stuck with me: when you get older you stop tasting the bitter and just taste the coffee. it struck me as a good metaphor for life.

>> No.23274139

sorry your opinion means very little to me

>> No.23274140

Tramadol is a good one too

>> No.23274141

Enough to make you reply, druggy

>> No.23274147
File: 2.06 MB, 4032x3024, 7144BA19-6F2B-485A-AFEE-F560BE2B3F26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brotha’. I’m getting on methadone myself but I’d for sure still enjoy coke if presented with the opportunity.

>> No.23274153

Completely sober and I don't have the drive to read right now.

>> No.23274155

oh yeah i'm never trying H (inshallah) because I know I'd fucking love it

>> No.23274169

lol yeah it truly was love at first use for me -- well, initially with the vics I stole from a family member like a year before. Fortunately for me I still get a pretty good high from methadone, for most it just keeps them at baseline. But yeah enjoy the blow, this next cig I'll smoke in our celebration.

>> No.23274170

also can we talk about my private detective skills here:
talkative, fancy cigs, posting on 4chan. I knew you must be on some class A

>> No.23274173


Slight correction: it's an old pack. Inside I got one camel crush menthol and one marb black 100.

>> No.23274175

sadly, this.
also, check'd

>> No.23274182

Everybody is asking why house prices are so expensive and nobody is asking why all these houses are so shitty and ugly regardless of price. It’s like everything built between 1880 and 1980 is fucking hideous and everything built after 1980 is Chinese crap with paper thin walls in some sprawling suburb.

>> No.23274187

bon voyage

>> No.23274188

sadly, this.

>> No.23274190

have something to impress yourself with and guess wat nigguh..

>> No.23274197

fuck off, i am abusing opioids for over 2 years and this shit is no joke. its not worth it.
t. waiting for detox and rehab

>> No.23274226

Yes! At long last. I can feel the power coursing through me!

>> No.23274255

Dunno I just get it off guys at work.

>> No.23274256

This reminds me of a certain term I found months ago on urban dictionary called horseshoe-pillow
>The act of "ultimate female-chest-sharing" by an amply-endowed lady while canoodling in bed with her snuggle-bunny. It begins with both cuddlers facing each other and the guy's re-positioning his pillow down on the bed a little ways so that he can nestle his head up underneath the gal's chin; he then gently lifts the gal's "upper" boob and settles his neck deep into her cleavage so that his face and neck are totally surrounded by the luscious warm softness of the gal's throat and bountiful chest-pillows. It has to actually be experienced to fully appreciate how truly "past heavenly" this position feels.

>> No.23274260

Eid mubarak, lads. It's been a good day. Lots of warmth.

>> No.23274262

My parents are holding me back from achieving my full schizo potential.

>> No.23274267

lmao I love these posts

>> No.23274278

One time, I botched a suicide attempt. One of the results of this was the only pants that I have being covered in a modest amount of blood. For an entire month I went to work, met with family, etc while wearing that, since I had nothing else to wear. A long time has passed, and I still wear it. The bloodstains are gone now, though.

>> No.23274342
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Every incel is a fakecel. There are no truecels

>> No.23274348

Deep down inside, I'm still a 14 year old emo boy pretending to like Tim Burton for scene girl pussy

>> No.23274353

You say that until you actually get a gf and her lovely milkers are just begging to you to be sucked

>> No.23274356

When I was in high school I pretended to sleep because I wanted my gf to do this. She did not do this and instead judged me because she knew

>> No.23274359

Just buy new pants you fucking retard

>> No.23274361

I don't get the "soft mommy gf" thing

>> No.23274364

I have been told by a few people that my style is something between redneck and emo. I'm not sure how to feel about this.

>> No.23274368

Are you the anon who posted your copies of Swann's Way in one of the wwoym threads a few weeks ago?

>> No.23274374

Fuck off kike, one is more than enough.

>> No.23274401

That's not a mommy gf thing. It's just a guy that wants to experience genuine, warm intimacy.

>> No.23274428

i wish i could rewatch mad men without a 300 hour commitment

>> No.23274447

>Everybody is asking why house prices are so expensive
Nobody has asked that

>> No.23274451

I chuckled

>> No.23274457

Same, but I’ll make an exception for gin and cider

>> No.23274461

Nah. I've mentioned methadone before though, lol.

>> No.23274465

I’m autistic so no sniffing for me!

>> No.23274475
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I'm completely ready/in absolutely no way ready.

>> No.23274477

If there is anything to be grateful for, it's that I'm not the eldest child. I am the only boy, but that's no longer as big of a deal as it used to be.

>> No.23274488

my balls hurt today from fapping way too often last few days
gotta take a break at least for 4 or 5 days

>> No.23274492

Try edging for 16 hours and see if that helps

>> No.23274498
File: 1.35 MB, 1170x884, IMG_3942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon from a few weeks back was me, and I’m not the person who you’re responding to here, lol. He has good taste in books though.

Any thoughts on Swann’s Way? I really loved the Modern Library revised translation when I read it. I’ve started reading the Penguin Classics translation by Lydia Davis to see how the two compare, although I’ve been too distracted to come up with a definitive opinion on anything yet

>> No.23274506

it gets easier anon

>> No.23274519

>INVOLUNTARY celibate stops being celibate when the opportunity arises
Truly mindblowing, anon.

>> No.23274525
File: 224 KB, 680x668, 1710805069982709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stop wanting to be a girl and that makes me cry.

>> No.23274534

when good things happen the hypocrites say they have done good from their own hands, and when bad things happen they say it is because of the Lord. In truth, it is precisely the opposite!

>> No.23274538

congratulations. nobody is ever ready btw

>> No.23274540


>> No.23274553

you mean like fapping but not cummin?

>> No.23274562

Cope fakecel

>> No.23274565

Today I held my dog’s urn in my hands. Ten years gone. I composed such a photograph and dreamed death of car exhaust. To die, to sleep, to dream - yes, yes - we know it all by now. Rotten leaves’ falling on dead grass. Still wet like snow. We framed that too, you know. You wanted a renaissance, well, here it is. Written into the vinyl siding. Inside the attached garage, diesel fumes dance against the attic. Today I aired it out and went back to bed.

>> No.23274574

I always wonder about the crucifix in the hall. Does it stand too tall?

>> No.23274585

Damn and I've been fighting my mom for possession of my brother's urn. When she became homeless she gave the urn to a stranger instead of me, out of nothing but sheer spite.

>> No.23274586

clever girl

>> No.23274593

You just haven't urned it yet baby. You just haven't urned it my son. You just haven't urned it yet baby. You must suffer and cry for a longer time

>> No.23274598

Yeah, I'll "cope" with some pussy if that's how you see it. Have fun being oh so true to yourself by screaming at the pillow so nobody hears you at night next time you get lonely.

>> No.23274648

Last night I tried to search for all information about the girl like that is available on the Internet (not doxxing, I already know her full name and address from our IRL interactions). The results were scarce: I only found a blurry pic of her with a face mask and sunglasses and a high school assignment. Her Internet presence is practically non-existent and I almost never see her outside; when I ask her relatives about her, they change the subject quickly... a weird aura of secrecy

>> No.23274651

I hope your child doesn't end up being a weirdo like me.

>> No.23274653

I wanna get wasted and drive my car around town. I’ve done it before! Oh fuck, I wish I could booze-cruise my Volkswagen around town - completely blackout drunk and cooked on pot edibles. I would drive past the library, the garden, and the ice cream parlour. Oh dick and balls, I’m excited to drive my car into the empty hockey arena parking lot afterwards I’m done driving. And pray to God my car gets high by lightning. And pray God hits my car with lightning
. My car hit with lightning : explode in a big ball of dieselfire killing me instantly. My car cook me from God!s lightning. What the fuck?, they buried me under the ice of the hockey arena. All hockey is mine now to see from the ice.

>> No.23274656

internet stalking is not a very good idea, how about asking her in real life when you see her?

>> No.23274658

Do you know anyone who you would say has a remotely interesting biography? I don’t.

>> No.23274659

I don't want to be one, I just want to look good in cute frilly dresses. Oh well.

>> No.23274663

I want to get drunk and browse Pixiv, but I'm too sleepy for that right now. I'll try to take a two hour nap and then try to do it. I hope that I will be able to wake up on time, since it is now (almost) summer and the fucking shitty sun is up for something like 20 hours a day. I prefer to get drunk/browse Pixiv when it's night and dark everywhere.

>> No.23274666

What if you drove your volkscar into the sun and died that way? Drive up and into the sun. Any death is an obliteration of time in all directions. The timeline is simply destroyed. To die is to cease all experience and memory. To die is to end all existence. There never existed anything at all. Annihilated nothing. Universe never.

>> No.23274669

This is a cry for help. I am balancing too many things in my life and I need to go monkmode. I need to throw away my phone. I need to write poetry. I need to stop traveling. This is a cry for help.

>> No.23274677

I think God is real. I look at the crucifix and confess that Jesus is Lord. I crucified him. My sin buried me under the backyard, Earth consume my lungs.

>> No.23274683

The other day I looked up someone on Wikipedia and noticed he died on the day I was born. Too bad he most certainly died hours after my birth, it would have been fun to LARP as his reincarnation.

>> No.23274701

Under the stars under the stars under the stars. Remember the stars. And the moon. The moon is always there.

The night is mine alone. Sanctified and defiled. The piano fights through the digital. Son of the moon infinity dances. And sleeps.

Beautiful girl of the moon, you are mine. Against the jaws of this wolf. Sleep sleep sleep.

>> No.23274704

>internet stalking is not a very good idea
>asking her in real life when you see her
I rarely see her, only when she's leaving or entering her house

>> No.23274718

Stanley Kubrick is honoured as a minor deity in the permanent night

>> No.23274748

Right now I feel okay and whenever this happens I always hope that it will last but lately my calm lucid moments never last more than a few hours before the bad feeling comes back and then I get so upset that I can’t think clearly anymore

>> No.23274783

Write what’s on my my mind? Well: bibi dobi da. Bibi don-gers baba da. Wib dib bundo ponvers dada-ga. Bunda wondon tidi bo. Dunbad tidi bo. That’s what’s on my mind.

>> No.23274808

>only when see her when she's leaving or entering her house
>think you "like" her
You guys have never progressed past middle school

>> No.23274812

Do you think careers in investment banking, private equity, big law, etc. are worth it? If you get in, you’re pretty much guaranteed to make $200k+ within 5 years and you’ll make more than that for as long as you continue working. The downside is that your life is a miserable life of working all the time and everyone hates you. You can never run for office or be a best-selling novelist because you sold your soul.

>> No.23274827

>The downside is that your life is a miserable life of working all the time
That's the case with most jobs except you get paid $40k instrad of 200k

>and everyone hates you.
That's the case with most high paid jobs, no matter what you do, people will hate you as long as you make a lot of money

>> No.23274837

As I said before, I have talked to her some times and she's an absolutely delightful girl

>> No.23274852

Do they really still use huge ass chunky CRTs for ultrasound imaging?

>> No.23274862

Most jobs suck and you are going to have to do one so might as well get a high paying one

>> No.23274864

why not exchange contacts and ask her for a coffee then and see what happens?

>> No.23274867
File: 337 KB, 680x650, 1703418853491489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an ultrasound done on my balls once, because I got an epididymal infection that made my left nut hurt really bad and they decided to ultrasound it to make sure it wasn't cancer or anything. The nurse who performed the ultrasound was a woman, which was kinda awkward since she had to lather up my balls with the ultrasound gel and I had to focus on not getting a boner.

>> No.23274868

Browsing /pol/ has taught me any idea can and will be turned around to mean its opposite.

>> No.23274877

Will a vodka enema hurt, how much will I shart, and how dangerous is it?

>> No.23274904

Sounds quite dangerous desu

>> No.23274907

Well, I’m not in that situation. I’m making about $75k and I don’t work that hard or that much, but I can go to private equity and double or triple my pay for double or triple the time, effort, and stress.

I think there’s an opportunity cost question though. If you work 80 hours per week for $200k, is your life really that much better than if you work 40 hours per week for $100k? What if you could work 40 hours per week for $100k and then take those additional 40 hours you would’ve worked and do something independently that nets you an additional $200k, bringing you to $300k total. Or what if you just dedicate 20 hours to writing, which is your passion?

It’s not as simple as you make it sound.

>> No.23274927

>my balls started to hurt before and i got really really worried
>i went to the doctor
>she was a woman which was crazy
>i start getting an erection
>she’s like drop the drawers
>i'm thinking 'i'm gonna see if she even says anything maybe she'll just go around the erection'
>i drop my boxers
>massive boner
>she’s like 'oh this is normal this happens sometimes'
>so she breaks out a cold spoon
>starts tapping the tip of my penis with it
>until it eventually loses its steam
she was a great doctor

>> No.23274933

I don't have passions or interests so its l the same.
I think I'll take working 10 hours for $25k though

>> No.23274968

But if you work an 80 hr per week job, you will never will. I think you really overestimate just how psychologically torturing jobs like this are.

>> No.23274974

Had a shot of vodka and I'm almost crying from the description of Alaska in this video
No it's not literature.

I hate myself so much. I wish I were human.

>> No.23274985

I’m so upset that I fucked up the timing of my graduate applications. I’m a whole year behind because of it.

>> No.23275057

work is real stressful but money's good. however money isn't everything and some problems you can't fix with money. love of money is the root of evil, if you do decide to pursue this line of work you gotta be sure you're morally grounded or you get swallowed. god bless anon

t. works in industry

>> No.23275092

>Be Chilperic
>His bro Sigebert gets a nice Visigothic Latina as a wife
>Gets Viso-latina wife
>I hate her so much
>Proceeds to kill her
Wtf is his deal?

>> No.23275095

I don’t even want to pursue the line of work. I just really regret not entering a good and prestigious career. I’ll be entering my 30s soon and I figure I don’t have the prerequisite biography to do what I actually want to do, but I can still do something that makes a lot of money. I feel stuck between that or nothing.

>> No.23275134

To bad I ain't gay cuz I bet I would be really good at sucking dick.

>> No.23275177

Should I take the $30k cash I’ve saved up and travel around for a few years or should I put that toward a house downpayment?

>> No.23275184

Sometimes I just remember this woman I used to work with on the night shift at the grocery store.
She was shortish and had a very pugnacious kind of prole face, a gap in her smile from the divergence of her front teeth. Probably in her late thirties.
Always wore black skinny jeans, thick eyeliner, and neon eye shadow.
Drank a bunch of energy drinks every night.
Nice enough lady, but her entire being exuded this concentrated stench of unwashed pussy.
Stocking shelves in the same aisle left me on verge of gagging single every time and I would have to race to finish the pallet so I could breathe.
How does someone even smell like that? She must have had a bottle of fermented pussy juice that she spritzed onto her self at regular intervals each day.
God, I'm wretching just at the remembrance of her.

Let this be a lesson to you, Anon: If you want people to remember you, you must smell rememberably.

>> No.23275193

Fuck off man.

>> No.23275212


I CANNOT take it anymore. I'm so sick of being alone. Its just so embarrassing. Its a fucking tightening noose around my neck. My life is running out and I have nothing good in it. I could be amnesiac and not miss a thing.
I'm just so exhausted. Its grinding me down so bad. I feel like I'm being attacked from every angle. Please just let me meet a nice girl. I feel I've been alone since I was born. I don't care how pathetic I sound anymore.

>> No.23275230

she just called me crying
they said she was going to die
I'm not sure how to feel
it's not even from the cancer this time
she didn't deserve this

>> No.23275232

I'm in the same boat. No idea what the fuck the "solution" is or if there even is one. I'm pretty autistic and avoidant so it doesn't hurt as much as it probably could but it still stings.
Maybe I'll just live like this for the next 60-80 years, maybe something will change, and maybe I'll just wake up one day and not be able to handle it anymore.

>> No.23275243

Lmao wtf

>> No.23275244

I don’t get it bruh are you using dating apps at all? I know they suck but it’s just the way the world is now. Almost no relationships or dating seem to start in person, some but mostly not. I hope the best for you anon, you’re probably going to hate me for saying this and think I’m humble bragging but I’ve gotten called handsome and cute irl and online like hundreds of times and yet I don’t have much luck in person. When I talk to girls they’re either shy or uninterested and I can’t tell which. But like I’ve had a lot of experience sexually and like I said get called those things a lot. So I guess the point is, you’re doing Whatchu gotta and you likely aren’t ugly, gods just giving you a tough game to play a good set of cards in. I hope the best for you anon

>> No.23275248

its worse if you have the older generation breathing down your neck telling you all the shit they got up to and shaming you for not having that. but nobody I know lived like they did. i just do my best to ignore the past and never compare myself. its just too shitty. i live in a huge city and im active but im more isolated than someone in a remote village.
despite all the shame tactics and the stuff in the news i am not some exceptional lover. no fucking way am i special. everywhere i go online its people struggling with this. and they're not all extremists or some horrible unsuitable person that "deserves" it. its bullshit.

>> No.23275249
File: 2.42 MB, 4160x3120, 20240410_155802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nurse in me? What is this, a prostate exam??

>> No.23275258

I'm 27 and couldn't care less about getting laid.

>> No.23275263

I've tried dating apps but I seriously am just not built like that. I spent an hour scrolling through and I didn't like a single woman. It made me depressed. I don't work like that. I can't see a picture and read some text and suddenly care. I don't get what I'm even supposed to be looking for. I have no guidance with this stuff at all. I get complimented constantly. But I just have no idea at all what is supposed to happen. At this point its gotten to my head. I'm so inexperienced. I'm mentally like 12 when it comes to this stuff or worse. No woman my age or even 10 years younger would ever want to put up with me.
I'm just tired. I know I'm supposed to focus on other things but those things don't mean anything to me.
I don't see the point in ever owning a house when its just going to house me.

>> No.23275267

Its not about getting laid.

>> No.23275275

Ah, the old cold spoon trick, she must be from Utah.

>> No.23275278

I care about being loved even less

>> No.23275288


>> No.23275291

Ok so, my assumed yakubian mayo monkey, my assessment is that you’re not attracted to most girls on these apps right? If so same here which is why I hardly message any back. It’s unfortunate but most girls are fat now (tbf a lot of men too) and generally actually pretty women who, I assume, meet your standards (and mine as well for that matter) are so rare. The main difference I see is that I just have lower standards for casual sex (I know it’s a point of shame, and it is, I’m just a horn dog). Yeah as far as messaging it’s boring as hell too and useless especially if you don’t act thirsty for them cause their texts are usually dry as hell. Anyway man idk what to tell you. I deff don’t think lowering your standards is a good idea nor would you deign to do so. I’ve dated a few legit pretty girls, with good personalities but it’s been few and far between and most only cause I’m pretty social and met them through friends. I’ve been head over heels lately for this girl I work with, Lexie, for months cause she’s the only truly pretty and sweet girl I’ve met in years

>> No.23275298

Why do you shit the discussion with your godfaggotry? Keep it yourself.


>> No.23275331

do not bother with dating apps the amount of women under 30 who are single moms or have fucked themselves up with obesity, scarring themselves permanently with skincare products and makeup and tanning or don't even speak English is unreal.

its all so gross and sex obsessed. the hell is wrong with people out there. the bad decisions in life are all obvious. just stop and do the right thing

>> No.23275386

As long as people are willing to lower their standards (both morally and in terms of things like looks) for a quick fuck it will always be like this (or keep getting worse).

>> No.23275393

you don't have to be an Ivy graduate to get your foot through the door anon, but you do need the will and guts of one to really stand out and move up. i'm a dropout myself but if you can talk your way into things then you're a shoe in

remember, employers fundamentally and ultimately care if you can help them make more money. if you simply have a track record of sales, closing, getting things done and doing the job right, you can be hired anywhere and any time. all businesses value people that helps their clients which in turn help the business, not just people solely concerned with helping themselves. you got this

thete is no need to be upset anon. i am not ashamed of my faith, it is a part of who i am and part of my story. only a fool would feel anger at things outside their control

>> No.23275406

It's not about being ashamed or not. This is not a forum about religion so don't bring it up and keep it to yourself.

>> No.23275414

NTA but This is also not a forum about employment, college, depression, or any number of the things mentioned in /wwoym/ you retarded faggot. You are a dumb fuck, close your eyes when you see something you don't like.

>> No.23275416

Chill the fuck out, dawg. If you hate benign, casual expressions of faith so much just fuck off to reddit.

>> No.23275422

Dude's post wasn't even about religion. He was giving very normal advice of "don't become greedy and materialistic because it doesn't do well for you (e.g. mental health or ethical character)" and only mentioned god as an idiomatic expression on the level of "good luck," but your reading comprehension is so low or you got so triggered that all 80 of your IQ points decided that that made his whole post about religion.

>> No.23275449

i just want to join the others in calling you a whiny faggot, whiny ass faggot

>> No.23275454

I fumbled everything.

>> No.23275457


>very normal advice of "don't become greedy and materialistic because it doesn't do well for you (e.g. mental health or ethical character)"
Doesn't do well? How do you know that?

>> No.23275462

You seem to like that word very much.

>> No.23275465

you seem to like swallowing cocks very much but hey you have your thing, i have mine

>> No.23275469

>Doesn't do well? How do you know that?
It's as irrelevant to your point as if he were to have said
>Please eat broccoli. Broocoli will give you energy to handle the tasks ahead of you... Do not fret, broccoli will save you. Please eat it in the morning, afternoon, and evening. God bless you anon.
Because "don't be materialistic" is common advice no matter one's religious status. There's a whole secular redditoid movement of minimalism and whatever else. You just have low IQ.

>> No.23275483

>Because "don't be materialistic" is common advice no matter one's religious status.
I am past that entire god idiocy. I am asking where is the proof or is there even a proof that being materialistic is detrimental in some way? Sure it's common advice but objectively is it true?

>> No.23275495 [DELETED] 

This isn't /adv/ keep it to yourself.
This is a literature board keep it to yourself.
Does this look like an economics forum to you?
This is a literature forum, keep it to yourself.
This isn't /r9k/ keep it to yourself.
What, does this look like >>>/fa/ to you?
Not >>>/tv/ dude.
Does this look like >>>/s4s/ to you? Keep it to yourself.
Is this /lit/
Not your blog, keep it to yourself.
Keep it to yourself, Christian. Go to /adv/
Not /adv/ /r9k/ or /a/
Not >>>/adv/

Not an exhaustive list. Anyone else wanna pick up the slack?

>> No.23275502

I don't give a shit. It's irrelevant to my point. His post wasn't about God and definitely wasn't off topic if that's what you sperged out about over the guy he was responding to who was literally asking for /adv/ice.
Your complaint was that religion didn't belong in /wwoym/, not that he was fulfilling anon's request.

>> No.23275503

Fucking autists like you should be put down

>> No.23275504

What help do you need, anon?

>> No.23275532

He said "money is the root of all evil" which is attributed to a some apostle from the bible. Therefore his advice was grounded in religious teachings.
It is in fact a shitty advice (not just becsuse is comes from religious teachings) but also because there is no real evidence that suggests it's true.
Religion does not belong here on this site except maybe on /x/ .

>> No.23275534

I wish I had the discipline to read every book ever written.

>> No.23275537

I can confirm that saying anon.

>> No.23275553

Fuck jannies

>> No.23275560

Your word holds no weight.

>> No.23275567

>Religion does not belong here on this site except maybe on /x/
That's your opinion, retard
>Therefore his advice was grounded in religious teachings.
It doesn't matter how poor quality you think the advice is, it's no less relevant. Even quoting a biblical passage is meaningless; Russel quoted Plato yet he's not a Platonist.
Non-materialism and asceticism are not unique to religion. If someone asks for advice as to whether they should dome a rando and the response is
>Don't kill people because it's illegal and bad. Especially if you have no good reason whatsoever, it's just senseless, "thou shalt not kill" and all.
Is not "religious advice," it's just normal advice.

>> No.23275583

Thanks for the (You)s

>> No.23275603 [DELETED] 

Me too thanks

>> No.23275609

me too thanks
it was just making fun of an anon that got triggered, I don't mind any of those posts.

>> No.23275614
File: 3.92 MB, 1920x960, 1709726747980383.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I have to find this site? It just condemned me to be human garbage, while others get to do this and enjoy life. So unfair.

>> No.23275616

>It doesn't matter how poor quality you think the advice is, it's no less relevant. Even quoting a biblical passage is meaningless; Russel quoted Plato yet he's not a Platonist
That same anon said "god bless", non religious people do not say that to others, just that phrase alone proves that his post is religious, quoting another phrase from the bible proves it again.

The advice itself, even if it was not a teaching from the bible, has no real proof and is likely not to be true. Your example regarding killing is full of contradictions also from I know biblical advice "though shall not kill" prohibits all killing but a secular version allows for many exceptions, so it's not even the same advice anymore.

>> No.23275637

christianity is a kabbalic feminizing humiliation ritual

>> No.23275642

thou shalt not kill was stated less than a chapter away from a list giving reasons one can kill. Now you're just proving you're also completely ignorant.

Boohoo nigga, not everyone is as dumb as you.

>> No.23275649

Bataille was such of moralistic bitch boy

>> No.23275651

True, I haven't read that garbage (nor I am planning to), my limited knowledge of it comes from religious idiots constantly talking about it.

>> No.23275734

Not true if you are truly pathetic they will be impressed and shock at how someone can live like that

>> No.23275750

God is testing me. But I'm gonna dig in my heels and act purely out of spite. I'm tired of being the good boy

>> No.23275759

I’m a pretty modest person but I’ve realized I am better than almost every anon in almost every way and this board offers nothing. Goodbye

>> No.23275773

I think I’ve not suffered enough and that’s why my writing isn’t as good as I’d like. My life sucked when I was younger, but it’s actually very easy and comfortable now. What to do…

>> No.23275785


>> No.23275791

Bad love affair? Functional low level addiction? Feuding with the neighbours over local council bylaws? Ham radio hobby? Plenty of ways to complicate your life without tanking it.

>> No.23275793

You will be back within the hour.
Few people who feel like making an announcement they are "Leaving" or "Quitting" something ever actually do.

>> No.23275841 [DELETED] 

I started drinking yesterday and now I completely understand why people are alcoholics. I feel more in tune with my emotions, even though these new emotions are negative, I am simply "glad" to have emotions. I still have not cried. What reason is there for this perplexity, and to what might I be able to attribute this phenomenon to? Why can not I feel emotions in a "real" way, and why does alcohol cause me to feel more humanlike?

>> No.23275843

Just got back from a high school volleyball game. Time to read.

>> No.23275857

Write like you were formulated as a parody of Jack London and Hemmingway.

>> No.23275863

I've suffered a lot and my writing still sucks

>> No.23275880
File: 97 KB, 640x456, Lady_Macbeth_Cattermole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got drunk and now fully understand alcoholics. I feel more emotion. I was not human before and I am still not.
I wish I could receive some form of help. I wanted to feel someone next to me or touching me without disgust for myself. You know? The feeling when you put something filthy on a dish of food, regardless of whether you throw it away or not? I feel this disgust when I touch or am touched. I am defiling someone else. I want to feel like a real human, but I am not.
My greatest wish all of my entire life was to be an actual real human. I remember as a child feeling as though I were a disgusting rat. If it were possible, I would change. I want to hold someone and cry, but even drunk I write this expressionlessly without any strong emotions. I tell someone on the suicide chat my feelings and they end the chat out of the belief that Inkustn br trolling them. What am I, to be so imukand as to be inbeliavble?

>> No.23275895

Consider writing something that is not a degeneracy next time or at least try to make it somewhat unique, less boring and unexpected kind of degeneracy.

>> No.23275902

This is my real actual request from my real heart: pray for me. I don't know what I need or what will fix me. I believe in God, ut my inabilty to feel love makes it so that I am ibavle to feel "faith" properlh so called. so I am left "cut off from the Lord," faithless thoigh a believer, and unable to be saved. I do not know what I need. I do not actually think and sequence of events would make me want to live. A gf? No. I would o ly live to make her hapy. Money? Don'y care. Maybe true faith is necessary. If I could feel God's love, I could live o matter how oainful. Then, pleasepray tbat I feel it before I die.

>> No.23275904

>less boring and unexpected kind of degeneracy.
Idk i was surprised by
>What am I, to be so imukand as to be inbeliavble?
and I think it might be the best sentence I read all day. But i'm high on /lit/ so I guess that's a small pool

>> No.23275912

What dk you mean? what did I write that whas ton you unbelievable? I was not writing fiction. What do you want me to write?
I almost think I felt a real emotion. My face is still expressionless. I believe it may be possible, with the consumption of more alcohol, to feel emotion.

>> No.23275917

The h in properly was not typoed when I wrote it therefore some sort of error.

>> No.23275918


>> No.23275945

No one is unable to be saved.

>> No.23275975

I cannot reasonably believe that I can be saved ib my current state for these reasons:
1., I am unable to feel God's love. I do not know how to explain it, but my prayers and such feel like formalities, because there is no connection between God and I that I can perceive. Before and after ptayer, I feel the same. However, reading about Jesus' love for the world and sinners makes me cry, one of the only things on earth to do so.
Although you are causing me negative emotions rigjtl now (usually I am not imparted negative emotions by rude posts) I feel almost like the feeling related to crying when you say that. The reason for this is that you make it more than simply apparannt how different my experience of the world is from normal people, and it fills me with hopelessbess. For exampel,I sometimes browse /soc/ on mental illness and whatever thread to see people similar to me, but none are actually like me in kind. Everyone would view me as a fictive entity, like you. But if you want, please contonue to heap abuses upon me, for you will make me happy if you make me sad. I want to feel like a human, like you.

>> No.23275979 [DELETED] 

Everything is embarrassing all the time. Also fuck all Muslims everywhere. I piss, shit, and spit upon the stinking, putrescent corpse of their disgusting prophet, as well as douse it in pig blood. Fuck Mohammed.

>> No.23275987

What if while you slept you were transported into an alternate dimension where a few seconds here was many days there, and you went on a grand adventure with a party, got married to the beautiful woman you traveled with, settled down and had kids in a nice cottage, but after 8 hours or so you were transported back and lost all your memories as you woke up?

>> No.23275990

You are boring, you keep posting the same nonsense when I told you to come up with something original.
I have lost interest.

>> No.23275995

There's a book series literally about this (well minus the forgetting part). It's called the Circle Series by Ted Dekker.

>> No.23275999

Whay original thing do you want me to come up with? You frustrate me by the accusation that I am speaking nonsense. Please elaborate. I am growing "sadder." I do want to drink more alcohol, but my chest is hurting due to consumption of alchohol, which is normal for me.

>> No.23276019

You have made your point which is to denigrate me by saying you have lost interest, however, I am currently smiling for I gave discovered you ruse. In fact, I knew what you were op to before then. However, this smile is a lie. "Amusement" is different from happiness or an absence of pain and suffering. I am suffering when I am smiling. However, I am more than likely not suffering because of you. You did make me amused, I believe this may have been your inyent. thank you anon. My eyes are tired of being opened.

>> No.23276028

The ruse is that you will not respond, however, must you have still holdnon to interest, it is possible. I am falling asleep, but I may stay awake until I am normal again.
Right now, the one thing zi want more than anything is to hold someone. Male or female, obese or not, ugly or no. I want to feel like someone determined that I was worthy of caring about. Has any anon tlhad this same thought?

>> No.23276037

No one will ever love me. The flour of my youth is gone. I wasted it by fearing that I would waste it. I am a disgusting, ugly, early-stages balding 25 year old. I am unworthy of anything at all. Yet still my face is emotionless. Still my eyes are tearless. Anons are prone to hyperbole, but I mean this when I say it: I really do hate myself. At some point I will kill myself. I don't want to sleep.

>> No.23276039

Touch my cheek for five seconds and you will give me reason to live for five years; How free love is to give, yet how rarely given.

>> No.23276051

whatever you get clingy

>> No.23276057

Nebula streaming service and its consequences has been a disaster for Youtube Scienceslop/Natureslop/etc.
I can't even find one decent channel that posts semi regularly (as long as uploads aren't one every 2 years I'm happy, but I would enjoy it if it was every six months or less) before they drop the :
>Oh yeah I partnered up with Nebula™ and now dedicate all my time to electrocuting gerbil testicles behind a paywall in my new Nebula™ show titled "Shit no one cares about with Bennet Greene", next youtube video is coming fucking never. Kill yourself.

>> No.23276058

I think Lexie does like me, we've talked a few times in the past few days and she keeps blushing and smiling when we do, and i've caught her staring at me multiple times. we always make eye contact when we talk. she laughs at my jokes. I really think I might have a shot with this one bros :') the problem is she avoids me sometimes or atleast seems to want to. like we'll be clocking out for break and she rushes by me or something, but then alot of times she initiates conversation with me (usually about something work related) and i know that should be a sign shes not into me but she does literally every other indicator that girls i've been with usually do (laugh at my jokes, smile/blush when talking, eye contact). so I'm thinking it's 3 possibilities, she's shy, she has a boyfriend, or she just isn't into me. and frankly i don't think it's the last one. she's not extremely physically attractive conventionally and i've always had little issue attracting female coworkers. when we do talk (again SHE initiates much of it) she always does the signals girls who i've been with usually do. plus alot of times if we catch eachother she smiles and blushes hard. i say she might have a bf for two reasons, every guy at my place flirts with her or tries to and yet she doesn't ever date or pursue them, and she's always texting on her phone if not working, getting flirted with, or interacting with me.i don't know how to explain it without sounding delusional but there's just usually a pattern of behavior women who have liked me have done, such as sarah from my old job, and literally Lexie mirrors her interactions. its uncanny how similar its been.

but then again i could be crazy, but she's so pretty and when we talk she starts to smile and tries to hide it and we look into eachothers eyes often. I can tell there's atleast some attraction there

>> No.23276081

I think I have to cut off some of my family members and I’m very upset about it. I’ve already cut off some as well as my friends. Soon, I will have nobody left…

>> No.23276093

I think I might kill myself. If you commit suicide you go to hell forever, so I might as well go out with a bang. Prostitution is legal in my country so that one is sorted. I have never done drugs before so I should also try that. But where do you get drugs from? If I was the kind of person who was readily able to obtain drugs I don't think I'd be considering suicide. I don't know a single person I could ask about this and I have never noticed any shifty looking men wearing hoodies on street corners. Guess the drugs are ruled out. At the very least I can drink lots of alcohol. Would a prostitute be willing to hug you or is that weird?

>> No.23276102

what country are you from? trying to find real hookers in the US sucks ass atleast in michigan

>> No.23276111

jew induced narcissism epidemic is truly a bitch. but its the only way. cut em out. they will only keep hurting you. worst part is they are not conscious of what they are doing. awful.

>> No.23276113

Australia. It's legal across the entire country, but not all states allow brothels or pimps.

>> No.23276129

>no pimps
How is that a bad thing, though the lack of brothels would suck. But Im already dealing with that in the “land of the free”

>> No.23276133

I went reading in the woods the other day and found multiple ticks on me when I came back. I hate how many there are these days, I can't go reading in the wilderness anymore

>> No.23276140

I'd write and illustrate a manga about a girl stalking some guy in the not!USSR. Under the guise of it being part of a government sponsored scientific pairing program.

>> No.23276145

The pimp is probably just the old lady who runs the brothel. Not some dodgy guy who collects underage runaway girls and forces them to be whores. Can't have a brothel without a 'pimp'.

>> No.23276149

I wish I could make manga

>> No.23276152

I am in a dilemma. My mom is undergoing major surgery but I'm not speaking to her as both my brothers are now dead on account of her abuse. I'm not sure what I would do if she died in surgery after I refused to speak with her.

>> No.23276154

I wish I could too.
But my art is very shit and my writing has been described as mid.

>> No.23276180

One can dream, however. Maybe I read some manga and try to bootleg the art without any of the equipment or skill.

>> No.23276182 [DELETED] 

>easily fatigued
>born with tinnitus
>horrible vision , contacts not an option
>knees rotted away before I turned 25
>can't keep food down
>weak soft voice that can't yell

All my life I wanted to be big and strong like a hero but it seems everything is against me to make me a nerd instead. I'm tired of always being tired and in pain.

I think I've been depressed in some way since I was born. But ever since I graduated college 5 years ago its gotten so bad. I can't hold ANY job either. I can't compete at all in the job market of my city even for minimum wage. I'm so ashamed in my degree I don't even list it anymore. I spend all my time catatonic in bed or aimlessly walking round posting on 4chan loitering in random places.

I just hate being alive. There's nothing I want and that bothers me. I never had any passions or talents. I was just mindlessly groomed by the know nothing adults in my life because I was vaguely "smart" relative to who knows. Yet they cultivated nothing in me.

I'm so sick of this nasty world and its nasty adults that do nasty things. Even in this very thread I can't escape it. I felt trapped. There's no way out. I want a new name in a different place with a new life.

There's nothing keeping me here anymore. I wish I was Canadian so I could get MAID.

I can't bring myself to give a shit about money or women or possessions or having a family
I can barely float as it is.

The thing is me trying my absolute genuine best looks like laziness to others...
I've been fired from the lowest tier jobs possible because I'm just so slow and barely present all the time.

I can't do this anymore.

>> No.23276208

I've got phimosis.

>> No.23276210

Read fantasy books.
Watch fantasy anime.
Play fantasy CRPGs.
Listen to fantasy ASMR.
Look at fantasy artwork.
Dream about fantasy scenarios.
Wish for a fantasy afterlife.

>> No.23276219

every time I run my hands through my hair I pull out like 1-2 hairs, is this normal or am I going bald

>> No.23276261

>watch something on youtube that is obviously dishonest and retarded
>type up a wall of text explaining why they are dishonest and retarded
>delete the comment before posting because there's no point to effortposting when it's just going to get either ignored or swarmed by dishonest and retarded drones
I hate how many times I have done this over the years.

>> No.23276265

Happens to me too.

>> No.23276280

This is my shower routine:
>rinse body, hair
>wash hair twice, three times if it's really dirty; face is washed at this same time
>rinse hair/face
>blow nose
>apply apple cider vinegar to hair/scalp and beard
>apply conditioner to hair and beard
>while conditioner is in my hair, I move onto the rest of my body (my hair takes about as long as everything else)
>soap up loofah scrungie with soap
>clean arms, armpits, chest, belly, sides, then crotch, one leg then the other leg, ass, back
>scrub face with loofah
>clean my bunghole
>all this time the conditioner has been in my hair
>rinse entire body + hair
>apply apple cider vinegar to skin
>rinse (thoroughly)
What do you think?

>> No.23276282

I’ve been mulling over starting a publishing house but I did some research and I think I’m in a bad locale for it. If I want it to be successful, I’ll probably have to move but I’m not sure if that would be smart given my situation here.

>> No.23276294

I wish I could go back and do things differently.

>> No.23276304

It’s a sign of relatively slow balding.

>> No.23276305

I had an estranged family member ask to see me before they died. I didn’t go and I’ve always regretted that.

>> No.23276311

Looked it up, according to the not all that trustworthy media its normal to shed some hair a day. as long as its less than a 100

>> No.23276328

Damn.. I've been shedding ~130/day

>> No.23276418
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>> No.23276421

Lost 101 yesterday. It's over. The Norwood Reaper has come for my soul. The hairline has fallen.

>> No.23276504

I need to get out of here. This living arrangement is starting to be bad for my health and for my lifestyle.

>> No.23276563

I'm getting an ultrasound done in 3 weeks!
2 /lit/ babies will be born, keep us updated

>> No.23276580

Got insanely drunk at a wedding on Saturday. Must have had 3 bottles of wine and then a shit load of beer and a couple of cocktails. I think I'm still feeling the effects of it and its almost Friday. I'm not hungover but I'm all emotionally dysregulated. Not too different to how Id feel in the days after taking ecstacy back in the day. Randomly I saw a video of John Mayer recently and he describes a 6 day hangover he had that convinced him to stop drinking. I'm in my late 20s now I guess this is just where my body is at. On a sidenote I want to fuck that split tongued bitch.

>> No.23276594

At this rate, Florida is going to be chud Taiwan in about 20 years.

>> No.23276643

The only solution is megadosing twelve different Unnamed Albanian research chemicals while eating a shitton of carrots and/or killing yourself.

>> No.23276694
File: 817 KB, 813x762, 1685022129884918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there are no "introverts" or "extroverts"
just like there aren't "transgenders" and "cisgenders", or "heterosexuals" and "homosexuals"
there's just the normal/good/ideal/default type of person, and then there's everyone who for whatever reason is failing to be normal.

you just need to learn to socialize. it's a skill. practice. You will feel better. I felt better. I thought I was an introvert, turns out I just needed to find the right people to hang out with


>> No.23276701

all of these mentioned false dichotomies are fabricated on purpose to stop people from self-improving and instead teach them the vile practice of "self-acceptance"
>no honey you aren't a freak! It's just that SOME people are "born" different and that's "OK"! embrace it!
No! Don't embrace it! Being "introverted" is a flaw of character. So fix it. Work on it.

there are no "plus size" people either. Those are what i like to call "people who are failing to be in good shape"
Why would you embrace the state of failing to be? Don't call yourself an introvert. also don't be gay either

>> No.23276716

Just like evolution is not a matter of superiority but rather popularity with some randomness mixed in, so is the artistic evolution of mankind a story of popularity and randomness rather than a story of the best and the greatest being passed on to the future, if such a status could even be established about something as nebulous as the arts.

>> No.23276728

Where the hell do people find the energy to become activists

>> No.23276730


>> No.23276733
File: 123 KB, 717x960, 1709642284884398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, still no fucking gf

>> No.23276735

A jew once said, even if you aren't interested in politics, politics will be plenty interested in you sooner or later. Activists just prefer to remain ahead of the curve rather than be dragged along by history.

>> No.23276774

Usually they start in high school or college because left-wing activism is the 21st century equivalent of learning violin and leading student government, but they get paid to do it full time once they graduate.

>> No.23276779
File: 29 KB, 560x560, bcrcd4972vj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need me a girl like this.

>> No.23276782

Fucking old faggot piece of shit

>> No.23276818
File: 368 KB, 640x967, 1693146689000640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes this thread reeks of old /r9k/ (no idea how it's like nowadays and I'd rather not know) with all this
>tfw no gf uwahhhh she would totally fix me /b/ros I wish I could talk to people
and it's such a teenager thing that it's hard to take seriously.

>> No.23276834

tfw no gf is on my mind and you wont stop me from writing it down FAGGOT

>> No.23276861

I just really had to say it. I don't mind complaints when you're angry/upset as you strive to become a better person; I don't like complaints for complaint's sake, or wishful thinking. None of your flaws will get magically erased nor will you suddenly become a more social person just because there's a cute girl beside you, or behind you, and that's something you should've figured out a while ago.

>> No.23276898

I don't think this being an adult thing is something i'm cut out for

>> No.23276912

I think many subhuman autistic freaks would do a lot better if a normal person stooped down to pick them up and help them act normal. That such a scenario would ever occur is wishful thinking, but if a cute girl magically decided to take up the task of helping one of these people it would be immensely beneficial to them. Complaining about it is useless and very annoying when viewed from the outside. The only realistic solution is suicide.

>> No.23276917

I’ve always wondered if living in California is secretly great.

>> No.23276919

I've pissed in a girls mouf before

>> No.23276940


>> No.23276961


>> No.23276966 [DELETED] 
File: 3.67 MB, 640x480, 48d32997ad75d3a2e795b140600dc07f (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23276971

It's interesting that no attractive fully Filipino women exist, but i've seen several 10/10 half flip women

>> No.23276977

>Hapa women a fairly cute and well adjusted
>Hapa men are ugly and turbo schizophrenics
Why is this?

>> No.23276978

I've offered to help useless incels for months now and they never follow up.
They just want to whine bitch and complain.
No girl will lift you up, it isn't an anime.
This mentality dries up pussy like you wouldn't believe. It's troonish thinking.

I used to be a tfw no gf poster in 2011 /mu/ days but I'm at a whole new stage now. /lit/ will transform from tfw no gf posting to 30 something year olds talking about their family.

>> No.23276984

Welp since you're offering could you help me out? I'm not really an incel I just never really tried to get a date.

>> No.23276995

WMAF vs AMWF children, look into it

>> No.23277008

which type of arrangement

>> No.23277010

Sure, give me some stats first.
Age, looks (be honest), country, money, living situation, experiences with girls, raised without a father?
And why no dates yet, not interested, anxiety or what?

>> No.23277030

Why is it that hapa women are always fatally cute? Is it maybe some weird subconscious fetish?

>> No.23277036

>looks (be honest),
I would say that I look fairly average but that being said I look kinda ugly with a bad haircut
>living situation,
I'm a college student living with my parents
>experiences with girls,
>raised without a father?
>And why no dates yet, not interested, anxiety or what?
Mostly lack of interest. I'm not rushing to find a relationship but that being I'm completely clueless on what to do if I want one in the future.

>> No.23277101

what was 2011 mu like? just anco and itaots?

>> No.23277122

Seems like an average guy so getting a gf shouldn't be too hard.
Are you at all comfortable talking with girls?
If yes it's easy. You could download an app, have some decent pictures taken (go to /soc/ for advise) and get to setting up a date.
Do NOT spend a lot of time texting women, it's a complete waste of time. I have gotten many dates by just going
>initial greetings (reference something from her profile, better if it's somewhat humorous)
>how's it going/what are you up to
>no more than 3 back and forths further you say you'd like to take her out for a drink, ask het phone number so you're off the app
>schedule a date on Wednesday/Thursday
>always a bar date or comfy terrace drinks

Then take it from there. If you need tips while on a date I can give it too. It's just a few pointers.
If you're already good at making conversation you can ask a girl you know irl out but I'm guessing that's not the case.

It was great, plenty of Anco and itaots. In my music library I still have a LOT of albums from 2010-2014 because at that time everyone on the board tried to out-hispter each other and searched for obscure indie releases.
A lot of it sucks but it's nostalgic for me now.
feelposting was big then too, it used to be a real thing on a lot of boards until they banished it to r9k.

>> No.23277133

My boss is such an idiot, dude. He wants to do all the wrong things. I guess the silver lining is that it takes a lot of pressure off me by virtue of my role.

>> No.23277179

>It was great
when i first got there it was all NOIDED. did you listen to duster pre blow up?

>> No.23277191

Think of yourself as a spy in enemy territory, pretending to be one of them but secretly plotting their overthrow. Bear it in mind all the time.

>> No.23277194

I thought Death Grips was fine, never bothered me when they got big.
I'm not a fan of Duster. I have their first album but when I listened to it years ago it didn't click with me.

>> No.23277201

buying beer 4pm on a thursday. the girl is extra nice to me.
my ex-con old school gangster friend called and said he wants to take care of more of my expenses just cos i'm doing him a favour.
life is all right really.

>> No.23277207

so what the hell kind of music u like fella

>> No.23277208

Reading this post I started to doubt whether I was actually on /lit/ or reading one of my text messages from a friend.

>> No.23277213

Do you guys think the rise in technology use has influenced the rise in autism or at least the self diagnosis of autism? I know there are other factors like higher age at which women are giving birth, changes in diet, etc but people can all agree that autistic individuals are often dependent on technology

>> No.23277216

Not that anon but as someone who started browsing /mu/ in 2009 right as MPP came out, eventually you gotta move into classical as you age (listening to Bach right now). Though here and there this past month I've listened to a Fishmans and Ariel Pink album a couple times, but never anything new/unfamiliar that isn't classical.

Sorry, I know you weren't asking me.

>> No.23277222

your friends sounds like a bit of a legend

>> No.23277232

In my /mu/ days it was a lot of Big Black, Husker Du, Minutemen and the more Psychedelic bands like Stereolab, MGMT, Can.

But nowadays it's mostly folk music with some indie rock. Think Mojave3, Michael Hurley, old Bluegrass/ Vampire Weekend, Sidney gash, The Smiths.

How about you?

>> No.23277234

i moved into classical almost immediately as a pretentious teenager (after jazz)
then immediately moved back out as i got into music scenes living in london
jp shoegaze never fully sat right with me (they just play too fast?)

>Sorry, I know you weren't asking me.
don't apologise for that

>> No.23277236

>the self diagnosis of autism
Yes absolutely. My wife is a therapist and has so many patients who read some shit on tumblr and decide they're autistic. They don't want an actual diagnosis (or rather, they don't want to risk not being diagnosed) and will turn down referrals that might lead to such

>> No.23277239

I do listen to some classical but I don't really have the time to sit down and listen to music like I used to. Now I listen to music when driving or doing chores.
I do like classical when studying. Brahms and Robert Schumann I like

>> No.23277245

ahhhh. i went off the patrician deep end as a 17 yo /mu/tant, my fav band was thinking fellers union local 282, i liked sun city girls, scaruffi stuff, mercury rev, stereolab also (but also modest mouse & 90s indie).
now i like ... innumerable things

>> No.23277252

Can't believe I left out Mercury Rev, Boces was my favourite album for a very long time.
If I was at my PC I could post the 'top 50 albums' I made back in 2012.

>> No.23277255

yeah I do. all the EMF radiation also
>changes in diet
I've never met someone who's agreed with me on this before. wow
and I've done no research on it but also I'm willing to believe it's vaccinations

>> No.23277264

yerself is steam was my no. 1. i love hearing about this stuff. it was such an interesting time in my life.
did you have a last.fm? did you ever meet people (girls) irl with the same taste.

>> No.23277280

Also not that guy, just feel like sharing this now. Most of the bands I listen to on a regular basis are basically japanese. Nowadays I'll listen to a few metal bands I still like (Galneryus, Unlucky Morpheus, Light Bringer), some interesting rock stuff like Tricot/JYOCHO for Math Rock, Spangle Call Lilli Line which I honestly don't know how to define even though I like them from time to time, and Ayaka/Eir Aoi for pop songs (fortunately not the kind of J-Pop garbage you might be thinking of).
Just so you don't call me a shameless weeb, there's this 2019 album from Furor Gallico which I'm quite fond of, and sometimes I'll grab some old song or album from bands I used to listen to more often, like Shaaman, Avantasia, Transatlantic, Ewan Dobson, etc. Other than that, sometimes I feel like listening to classical, medieval or mongolian throat singing.
Actually, I have noticed that I haven't been listening to music like I used to. Not because I no longer like music, it's just that often I'd rather listen to my own thoughts if anything at all. I have always liked quiet places, silence in general, but it seems that I've grown fonder of this. Can anyone relate to this?

>> No.23277285

do you have any opinions on what specific changes in diet have an influence? I was thinking moreso all the problems we have with food in general these days, including highly processed foods, chemical fertilizers, and how some fruits and vegetables have lost their nutritional value over breeding practices to make them tastier or better looking

>> No.23277291

I agree with everything you said there
and I think humans should be eating mainly animal foods and (this is where I'll lose you) eating them raw

>> No.23277300

I did have a last.fm, had the scrobbles and everything.
Took it off after like a year, made me self conscious about what I listened to.
I did not have any girls who really liked what I was into. I tried but they never really got into it.
First crush I had I gave her The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. I was nervous getting it from my bag but she liked it. Said her mom commented on her new music and how she liked it as well. My current gf is into R&B and I'm not at all familiar with that.

>> No.23277313

I was just thinking about how my life completely fell to pieces before I even started high school

>> No.23277316

Yoo I just read some Ludwig Goggins his kosmogoneitzschen eros. Shit's good. Look the quote 'WE' is no more a mere meme 'tis real in the eternal recurrence sense. 'We, the Gamers.' Shall we return to the great Palestine? Which is of course not of fleshy realm. They can keep it.

Luigi Kellog's forbidden social critique NO his anthropo-deitific theory of mysterial fitness. That is what I tried to express in the last installment: Descartes split the three fold vision essence—is the subversion like Ray Peat's Blake PhD thesis. 'sus.' Here those able on the imaginative level enter the gamer realm where the law is play as the expression of the divine through kosmogonetizschean eros. Keep shitposting, bros. Love you all.

>> No.23277318

I too started to enjoy and almost exclusively listen to classical music as I got older. 31 now and it's about all I listen to, though there are still a few albums from the 70's and 80's I enjoy.

I've really been loving Alexei Sultanov lately. If you want to hear one of the greatest interpretation of Tchaikovsky's first piano concerto look no further:


>> No.23277319

>raw animal foods
Meme fad diet for insecure men

>> No.23277329

I also adore Sultanov; his Scriabin Piano Sonata no.5 is perhaps my favorite rendition of my favorite piece of music, off of his Live in Japan release.

>> No.23277338

How is that possible when it's based on hundreds of thousands of years of pre-history

>> No.23277339

t. disguised werewolf

>> No.23277340

Are you sure? One of my closest friends began a diet of raw red meat and butter exclusively and he's one of the most in-shape, secure people I've ever met. His doctor says he's never seen clearner blood, either. Now he's also an avid weightlifter and runner, but my point is, that you should not be so quick to judge others for what you do not fully understand. That is unwise. Sure, it could be a diet that a YouTuber uses to make several clickbait video's and base a personality around, but he doesn't do that.

>> No.23277342


>> No.23277343

Based Sultanov enjoyer, I have only listened to a few of his recordings but I plan to make more headway with him this month. One of my ex girlfriends was Russian and she said the classical pianists in Russia consider him as one of the greatest ever.

>> No.23277350

yeah suburbs was a good choice
it's weird i went home with a girl recently and she put on tame impala
/mu/ '11 sounds way more normie to me it has to be said. but ey we might be the only two people in this thread who listened to bee thousand(?)

>> No.23277365

I was gonna do a day of Bach, particularly his cantatas (now playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPRzCY-POus&list=PLbjehjwCyczhBuRLYaBh7iUSifF6diL08&index=29)), but now I for sure have to listen to some Sultanov today. Cliburn is my usual favorite for Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto no. 1 but I'll check out the version you linked in a bit.

>> No.23277367

I'll check out Cliburn now. Any other Sultanov performances you'd recommend?

>> No.23277372

I've only heard that one Live in Japan CD, which has the aforementioned Scriabin sonata and a bunch of Chopin and some Rachmaninoff, so I'll also be seeing what other recordings he has today myself, lol.

>> No.23277376

That Cliburn release though with the Tchaikovsky no.1 and Rach no.2 Piano Concerto is an absolute wonder, you'll love it.

>> No.23277377

Oh yeah I liked Bee Thousand. Liked Alien Lanes more.
Music attracts a more normie crowd compared to the other boards. Especially in the early 10's you had an entire hipster culture.
I'm sad it's gone, zoomers only have extremely online music or hip hop which is dying.
Maybe with the new Country music revival they can head out and create a culture around it.

>> No.23277384

I loved Bee Thousand. There's a stretch of songs in the first half of the album IIRC that is *perfect* as far as poppy, idiosyncratic indie rock music goes.

>> No.23277385


>> No.23277389

There's just no fucking winning

>> No.23277402

>Liked Alien Lanes more
same. then i listened to it too much and went back to bee thousand (more feels imo). unbelievable that he pollard made two incredible albums and everything else (incl propeller) was rubbish.
yeah you're right. though actually i'm really into a lot of the overlpayed tiktok cringe songs that got huge, crystal castles, phonk, etc.

>> No.23277406

loses it at 'her psychology today' doesn't it

>> No.23277854

Had a mental breakdown at home for reasons related to previous posts, ended up revealing my power level to my mom all at once. She just told me the obvious; at the end of the day I'm responsible for me, not Schlomo and treating JewWorld as a prerequisite for taking action in my life(since that's the real root of it, not thinking I'm a midwit or a shitskin or weak-willed or anything) is idiocy. I was too angry to take this for what it was and heard it as "just forget you ever woke up, you'll never change anything" which sounded like "let the Jews win." I can feel that I've contradicted myself somewhere but can't see it upon re-reading, so I still don't think I'm of sound mind to interpret that conversation.
Return to primitive times, swing your sack around while taking orders at Burger King.

>> No.23278244

Looks like I might have a case of arthritis from being an immobile NEET lying in bed with his notebook, reading /lit/. Feels bad man.

>> No.23278339

When I hit 25, I had to start doing calisthenics or I'd get pains throughout my body.

>> No.23279096
File: 458 KB, 500x493, 1625243354413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Access course to university won't accept me because I didn't do very well on the tests I did over 10 years ago
>If I can't find a way to get in I'll have to wait another year to even start the year-long course to start the 4 year course for Uni
Is it unironically over bros? I'm really not sure what my options are.