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File: 64 KB, 495x495, 412761246_7635141969831172_8879308987473262301_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23265458 No.23265458 [Reply] [Original]

r&r edition

previous >>23261732

>> No.23265461

fortified flour keeping me alive

>> No.23265469

are you vegetarian

>> No.23265490

no just fucked genetics

>> No.23265491
File: 877 KB, 1080x841, GKgsYhYWcAAI5Gm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for my friends to arrive bathing in the morning sun, listening to melancholic songs, and being reminded of better days i spent alone was the most joyful vignette of the trip.

>> No.23265496

Why is she eating her own hair?

>> No.23265500


>> No.23265501

I need to stop drinking. When I am drunk I become a fullblown extremist and shout things I do not even beleive in. I become aggressive and think I am invincible despite being physically mediocre and not at all a good fighter. It's a surprise I haven't gotten my head caved in yet, or ended up being fired due to some of the extremist things I loudly exclaim in order to get a reaction. Sometimes I feel as if I am cursed to be an emotional retard for the rest of my life.

>> No.23265502

for sustenance

>> No.23265513

Sometimes I feel as if most western Europeans and first worlders outside of East Asia and Israel all act and think like Americans.
I don't like that drawing very much.

>> No.23265521

i need to brute force some nutrients into my cells because the version of the gene that normally does it in other people i got doesn't know how to spell and gives the wrong password all the time

>> No.23265525

Getting more and more annoyed with my 'girl best friend'. She's the least interesting person in my life right now. I don't know how her boyfriend, a rich and objectively hot pharmacy student, copes with that. Thinking of that, I think I know how. She keeps complaining that he goes out to fish with his friends all the time and never has time for her. Bro has had enough for a long long time. I don't know why he didn't dump her like six months ago. I'm not even her boyfriend and I want to break up.

>> No.23265529
File: 188 KB, 437x432, Mandala-of-Amitayus-Tibet-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering the blues. Anytime lately after a particularly big or fun weekend with family, friends etc. the next few days I am so sad. I suppose it's my dopamine dropping or whatever. All part of life. I am just sad that it goes so quickly and yet feels so long. Working full time I feel like the weeks just pass and I have no agency over the direction of my life. I know its not true but it 1) not only feels true but 2) is substantively true for what 95% of the population? I should be less harsh on myself.

>> No.23265530

Huh, that's unfortunate. I'm sorry you have to live with this, but it seems fascinating, what is the name of your condition? I'm a Biopunkfag.
From an eugenic standpoint, I don't think you should breed if its a genetic thing.

>> No.23265533

You should both dump her and become gay lovers. She'd never recover from it.

>> No.23265534

>... all act and think like Americans.
i pity anyone who wasn't around for some time in the analogue era, for pre and early internet.
the world was infinitely larger. anything was possible. and someone from another city or school was almost alien-- speaking of which, immigrant actually aimed to joined our society.
normalization has since been violent.

>> No.23265535

i don't want to sound like a crazy person but have you looked at raw primal diet

>I'm a Biopunkfag
i don't think you should breed

>> No.23265536

>eugenic standpoint
kek, maybe you should know more about genetics before trying to practise them at home

>> No.23265541

s*, join*

>> No.23265562

I happen to enjoy making up stuff that isn't strictly scientifically possible. There's a lot to explore, like sci fi stories with FTL. I'm not one for hard sci-fi, and even that has a very wide horizon.
As said above. And also yes I know like doesn't necessarily beget like but it's still a good rule of thumb.
But to be fair, I was a bit meanspirited, I'm sorry anon, that was an overstep from my part.

>> No.23265565

>I happen to enjoy
so fucking lame

>> No.23265568

Existing is lame. You just haven't realized it.

>> No.23265569

i happen to enjoy existing

>> No.23265572

Which is why you are lame.
We live in Lameworld™. In the Lameverse, created by Lameard Lameson from Lame Comics Inc.
It's actually a very good comics series.

>> No.23265574

argh its hurting my stomach

>> No.23265586

>raw primal diet
that won't work for me as a stand alone. there's an acquired kind of the condition you can treat with a special diet, but i need a special diet and doses of supplements that would fuck up a normal person and to avoid some food/drugs that wouldn't fuck up someone with the acquired kind

>> No.23265593

what's it called, the thing you have

>> No.23265594

Going to propose this Saturday

>> No.23265597

>pls gib 4chan ur genetic code

>> No.23265602

oh right

>> No.23265613

I propose you suck on my dick haha nah congrats anon hope he says yes

>> No.23265650
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 1507462636435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's weird how nothing motivates me to change

my dick isn't working well anymore very likely from low testosterone and destroyed cardiac health, I even think it's causing my hair to fall out

I still won't exercise and I haven't seen sunlight in months, I sit in a chair 16 hours a day in between sleeping

I'm getting fat too and have developed bitch tits and the sugary sodas I pound down constantly I can't even taste anymore, I still won't change my diet

I'm getting painful cysts on my arms and legs likely from being a dirtbag, I don't want to shower or do laundry

I'm almost completely out of money and will be homeless when that day finally arrives, I don't want to seek work

all of this is pretty funny because I always figured come real necessity I would get my act together, everything from my life to my masculinity are withering away and I don't like it but honestly who cares...I don't think I do...I just want to keep drinking mountain dews and grinding in this shit MMO I hate while barely managing to masturbate to ever more vile pornography

>> No.23265654

>all of this is pretty funny because I always figured come real necessity I would get my act together
most likely you will, not when you're right up against it (in my experience), probably a year or two after you're right up against it, and mostly by coincidence.

>> No.23265655

>not living in your mother's basement
goddamn it anon it's the one trope that matters to our media image and you go in hard on all the other stereotypes. can you at least move back in with your mom before you kidnap a 12 y/o?

>> No.23265664

my parents are both dead

what family I technically possess I've never met and are on the other side of the planet

I'll probably be dead by then

>> No.23265665

Sounds like you need a near death experience to wake you up

>> No.23265666

Dishonesty is not only not bad, but rather you would have to be a retard not to be dishonest in an argument if you can get away with it. Arguments exist to be won, who cares by what means as long as you do so?

>> No.23265667

Is the idea that England hasn’t had a legitimate king since 1066 extreme? Morbid curiosity. I don’t necessarily have anything against Normans as a individual people but it seems England never had the chance to develop a uniquely Anglo-Saxon culture, and they’ve always been traditionally blended with other cultures any other place they’ve taken root.

>> No.23265671

Childhood is thinking it’s Ancient Egypt
Young adulthood is thinking it’s Ancient Greece
Mature adulthood is knowing it’s Ancient Rome

>> No.23265672

takes longer than that to die from mtn dew

>> No.23265674

It is the makeup of the elite that matters, not necessarily the person of the king himself. If the anglo-saxon elite was healthy and numerous enough to assimilate the normans rather than be completely replaced by them then things would have worked out just fine.

>> No.23265676

I've never been closer to death

>> No.23265679

this has always been my gripe about debate. the goal is win the argument, not be right.

>> No.23265686

>have to lie to win argument
>automatically lose argument as a result

>> No.23265687

The only reason people know about Frances McDormand is because she's married to one of the Coen brothers. Do you really think she would've been cast for any of those roles if she wasn't bangin' Joel?

>> No.23265688

Do you think the Anglo Saxons successfully took root here in America and evidently continued where Harold II left off or am I getting way off base here?

>> No.23265691
File: 28 KB, 626x418, priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that post
>satan trips
Checks out. Begone, vile devil!

>> No.23265692

If you have no family then you have no one to disappoint. At the moment you seem to be using this fact as an excuse to allow yourself to degenerate, but you could use the same fact to do whatever you want. I guess you already know this.

>> No.23265694

that would be based, and gay

>> No.23265699

I have family but mom & sister don’t get along with me. My stepdad and brother are cool though. I’m a 41 year old man.

>> No.23265702

>Do you really think she would've been cast for any of those roles if she wasn't bangin' Joel?

I mean probably not but you could really say that about anything. Casting is not a meritocracy, and besides she's very good. You could ask yourself, would Joel and Ethan Cohen have ever made films half as good if Joel had never married Frances? Hell maybe they would never have made movies at all. My point is you can't know the counterfactuals, so who cares?

>> No.23265715

During the last four weeks it's been heavily overcast almost the whole time, and raining at some rate or other for half of it. It was really beginning to get on my nerves. This morning is a remarkable contrast to that. Songbirds went kind of nuts this clear dawn, but are weirdly quiet now that that the sun is well above the horizon and has that slightly blinding look. Excellent start.

>> No.23265721

Yeah, one forgets this site is old enough for some users to be middle aged.

>> No.23265725

Incel's are the modern age's eugenecists, I don't know why, but I find this very funny.

>> No.23265728

sometimes i'm lying in bed in the morning watching youtube, and the dawn chorus suddenly starts getting so loud outside my window, it's drowning out the talking, and i feel like i'm in lost in translation or something

>> No.23265731

So glad I left my rainy old country behind for the Caribbean.

>> No.23265733

vitamin d-maxxing

>> No.23265734

There's two birds by me who are in love and sing their song to each other when they're approaching the nest. I think they must have met when someone was taking something out of the back of their car.

>> No.23265746

I tried to get up early and go for a walk this morning because my therapist said to do that every day so I can get better usually I just pace around my apartment for hours or walk on the treadmill in the gym in my building to get my 10 000 steps in every day but she said pacing isn’t healthy and I need to go outside but I immediately started having bad thoughts and getting really anxious and then I started crying on the sidewalk after I’d been walking for like 15 minutes and I couldn’t stop crying so I had to turn around and go home before anyone saw

I hate going outside here because everything reminds me of you the reason I got so upset was that I kept thinking about one specific time I had walked down that street in the early morning before it was the day after it happened in July and I had been up all night crying because you were so mad at me and you hated me so much and I didn’t know why and then the next morning I had a early dentist appointment that I had to go to and I remember walking there in this horrible daze entirely consumed with this blank numb feeling and it felt like nothing was real and nothing would ever be okay again and now every time I walk down that street like today I think of that day

and there was another really sad time walking down that particular street it was later on that year mid November a week or two before the bad thing happened and at the time I felt like things were already on a downward spiral because I thought about you all the time and I knew you knew but you wouldn’t say and my world was narrowing so much and I knew it was rlly bad what I was doing but I felt like I had lost control and I couldn’t stop so I had gone downtown to walk around and try to take my mind off of things and I had gone into the used bookstore to buy some books and I had found a paperback copy of Winesburg Ohio which was one of my favourites that I didn’t own a physical copy of so I was happy and I had spent like 45 minutes talking to the man who worked there and we had had a really nice conversation about a lot of different things and then as I was leaving the store I looked back for a second and noticed the poster in the store window for the first time and suddenly it was like my nice evening was tainted by thinking about you all over again like I could never escape these reminders of you and then I had to walk home down that street in the dark and I was trying not to cry but I couldn’t help it

I’m never going to be able to stop thinking about it and nothing is going to get better I keep searching for reasons to believe that maybe you didn’t mean it and that if I keep trying I can find the right words to make you understand and forgive me one day but I know it isn’t real because the truth is that you hate me so much and you hate me forever and there’s nothing I can do and I know that but it hurts so much to think about it that I have to keep telling myself it isn’t real

>> No.23265747

Men need to go back to demanding women stay virgins until marriage or things are not going to improve.

>> No.23265753

Life is better when you get out of work and are able to do stuff outside with good weather.
Thinking back to when I lived in the Netherlands. The amount of times I had to go to work on a dark, rainy cold day only to come back to that same dark, rainy cold weather..
Not worth it. I also used to work even more hours than now.

>> No.23265755

Is there no way to just avoid that street altogether in your walks?

>> No.23265756

I wish I was in America to see the keyed solar eclipse... you Burgers are so lucky...

>> No.23265764

I liked her in Fargo

>> No.23265769

When it comes to loudness, chaffinches are kind of crazy, and at their best in that sense around 10AM, in the middle of June.
Where to? I've been there only briefly. in late December, and sometimes wonder what it's like in Charlotte Amalie or St Maarten now.

>> No.23265772

I moved to Aruba.
I highly recommend the ABC Islands (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire)

>> No.23265780

I still remember the girl I crushed on for the entirety of my final year of high school. To this day, i just don't know what happened to me. My life became solely centered around this girl and getting her to like me when she was probably a bit of a dyke.

>> No.23265781

Not really because it’s one of the main streets right next to my apartment building and I was trying to go somewhere this morning that’s located on that street and i used to go for long walks outside all the time when I first moved here but most of the other routes that used to be my favourite places to walk have even worse memories associated with them so I always avoid those ones and my one favourite place to walk at night for a long time that has a more neutral association I can’t even get to right now because the bridge to get there is under closure until I don’t know when

>> No.23265783

>she's very good.
She's fine.
>would Joel and Ethan Cohen have ever made films half as good if Joel had never married Frances?
Their movies would've been the same, she's never the one that elevates the movie in my opinion.

>> No.23265794

Unironically, have you considered moving? If those memories haunt you so that even good things like that day at the bookstore can't really neutralize it, it might be the best way about it until you make peace with them.

>> No.23265823

I constantly bite down really hard on the inside of my mouth, whether it be the inside of my cheeks or the fleshy parts under and around my lips, I'm biting, and I'm biting hard. Sometimes I'll pierce the skin, it never hurts but it is a pain to not bite at it while it's healing. I don't know what it is, I just can't stop. It may be a tinge of autism, I remember back in school I bit down on the back of a push pin until it broke in my mouth. And sometimes when I lose a game instead of screaming or slamming my fists, I'll bite down on my fingers. I'll also just clench my teeth really hard sometimes cause the pressure feels good.

>> No.23265830

Pretty rare place to be posting from. I grew up in and lived my whole life within driving distance to Chicago.

>> No.23265838 [DELETED] 

well girls being virgins when they get married was perfectly sensible in the days when there wasn’t any birth control. it's outdated.

>> No.23265842

I know of at least one other Aruban poster. I see him on /sp/ and /pol/ sometimes.

>> No.23265844

well girls being virgins when they get married was perfectly sensible in the days when there wasn’t any birth control. it's outdated.

>> No.23265916

I can’t even move right now because I have to stay until December at least so I can graduate

>> No.23265917

This place can be kind of telling, if not as much now as it was in, say, 2018. I suppose my rarest confirmed sighting was with a guy who lives in one of the farthest eastern reaches of Russia. Never met anyone here who's obviously been to or lives in Hawaii.

>> No.23265933
File: 203 KB, 1068x534, slavbeauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavic village girls are the prettiest girls on earth and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.23265948

>Posts two pictures of the most basic-looking women you could imagine.

>> No.23265962

Precisely. They aren't unrealistically flawless. They don't look like plastic dolls. They're not vain enough to refrain from hard work. They're down to earth, yet feminine. They're modest, caring nest builders. They love and respect men. Their beauty is all natural. They're superior to modern Western women in every way possible.

>> No.23265963

Personally being able to own a woman like piece of property sounds sounds really enticing right now

>> No.23265967

bit too old for my taste

>> No.23265969

pornsick mutts are allergic to the natural feminine by design. forget them, more beautiful loving earth mothers for you, based/zased/keyed anon

>> No.23265968

Right now, my house is out of groceries and I’m out of a job I dunno how lucky you think I am but it ain’t me.

>> No.23265974

I didn't know it was possible to sound so gay while talking about how hot women are.

>> No.23265975

>pornsick mutts
You sure spend a lot of time dwelling on us, Ivan.

>> No.23265978

drinking beer > having sex
prove me wrong

>> No.23265981

I know two people that do. Curiously enough both are black metal fans.

>> No.23265982

Case in point

>> No.23265985

If reproduction was easier to procure it wouldn’t be a huge issue

>> No.23265988

admiring women too much is gay behavior

>> No.23265994

>it's gay to love women
Classic 4chan

>> No.23265998
File: 21 KB, 175x203, napd-seminole1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not calling anyone ugly, but those two aren't examples of natural beauty. women following their natural diet would have broader, fuller faces.
thin lips, slim facial structure are signs of unhealthiness, determined by environmental factors, and lack of nutrition in your ancestors diets (in russia they eat bread bread bread).

>> No.23266000

Imagine living in the southern tip of Illinois. Totality swept past there in 2017, and will yet again this 2024. How often does that happen within a generation in any place? Once every few thousand years at least.

>> No.23266005

has drinking beer ever been so wonderful it made you call aloud?

>> No.23266011

Its cloudy for like half the areas. which is a kick in the balls because yesterday there wasn't a cloud in the sky

>> No.23266018
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1920, PXL_20240407_220512365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about switching my major from psych to philosophy. I'm too innumerate to do anything other than pure humanities imo

definitely not rich enough to make this choice tho. idk

actually legitimately hate my parents for encouraging me to read and then doing everything in their power to prevent me from going past HS. literally disowned me for going to community college. hate those freaks

>> No.23266024

If you don't think "They're modest, caring nest builders." is one of the gayest things you've ever read then I don't know what to say.

>> No.23266025

The girl on the left has a fuller face, she's just at an angle. Neither look unhealthy. The point was to get a brunette and a blonde in there.

>> No.23266029
File: 50 KB, 554x554, IMG_2946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>dropped out of high school
>make a meagre living, but live simply and contentedly with my gf
>my family’s been giving me shit about it for years
>”hurr you should go to college and get an office job like your cousins”
>also they have no idea where I get my money
>tell them I’m a web developer
>these boomers, who can barely operate a refrigerator, proceed to shit on web development
>it’s blatantly obvious they asked one of my cousins and memorized some anti-web dev talking points
>if they knew what I really do they’d have a brain aneurysm:
>I make oil paintings

>> No.23266037

It gives me a boner to read it and makes me want to impregnate Slavic village girls

>> No.23266039

Im not comfortable being sexual with girls.

>> No.23266043

I was when I was a teenager, I think if a girl asked to suck my dick now though, I'd be terrified.

>> No.23266072

I'm one to mock zoomspeak, but I actually like "let him cook" as an idiom.

>> No.23266076

I've known only two. One is an urbane school chum with a great sense of humor and very committed to his old lady, if not married. The other is a mild mannered heroin addict, if that is he still lives. I'm kind of a fan of English and German anything when it comes to music, if not much when it comes to metal

>> No.23266084
File: 23 KB, 325x386, Fig.69 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signs of checked development. every single indigenous group has a wider face. wider, more symmetrical lips.
you've got a warped idea of natural. brainwashed by (probably initially) disney and then weird online circles.

>> No.23266097

I've dated Russians who grew up in villages, not all of them had wide faces.

>> No.23266102

Doesn't count if they're under 12, dude

>> No.23266107

What does that mean? They grew up in villages but I dated them when they were living in cities in their 20's and 30's.

>> No.23266129
File: 129 KB, 1200x675, ezgif-1-e3a04d3f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i didn't have russians in mind. i meant primitive peoples, tribes.
the yakutsk people follow a healthy diet though.

>> No.23266136

I'm going to infiltrate Chabad Lubavitch and find out what they're up to.

>> No.23266142

the fuck is with this hey arnold lookin' azz anon spamming wide head propaganda? football heads lost, get over it

>> No.23266150

nothing!!! don't come in here!!!

>> No.23266151

thinking of never working ever

>> No.23266159

Gotta work

>> No.23266163

i got hung up on the facial narrowing thing. it's just a frame of reference for the fat-soluble vitamins being deficient in the diet.

>> No.23266164

More money would solve my problems

>> No.23266166

I have no passion for anything anymore. Math, science, history, even my paltry attempts at trying to improve my writing skills, no desire to do it. I sat with 2 books on my lap(one of them is the cloud book, sue me) and no screens for more than half an hour and just couldn't open them. Had weeks of intense passion about math(would literally rather go without sleep than put the analysis book down) and now it's gone.I don't know if this is burnout, some covert form of self-hatred, or a combination of those two, but I don't want to do anything, not even degenerate activities like video games or trash TV. I hope that tomorrow is better.

>> No.23266168

Why not?

>> No.23266170

mo money less problems

>> No.23266177

i wish i could fuck like a normal young person ie be a bit of a slut but i’m basically impotent if there’s not tequila or xanax in my system and even then i look like a deer in the headlights

>> No.23266184

It makes me too anxious and I really makes me feel stupid on not knowing that to do, like they look at me and expect me to do things but I dont know how. Like watching me being a stupid frustrated kid and judging me. touching other body like putting your hand into fire.

>> No.23266190

not really

>> No.23266193

I didn't get enough sleep

>> No.23266211

Same, it's gotten so bad I masturbate to only women I think are ugly because I start crying at women I genuinely find beautiful.

>> No.23266215

I kinda want to start acting (even more) like a schizo after the eclipse just to mess with my family.

>> No.23266226


>> No.23266249
File: 99 KB, 251x238, 1626538429774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally disowned me for going to community college.
What the fuck?

>> No.23266307

Kind of want to go to the local-ish book store but I'd have to drive down there and I feel like it'd be a waste of time driving just to buy a book or two when I can just use amazon

>> No.23266371
File: 55 KB, 768x512, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I left to go kill myself last night, I felt completely numb.
I looked down the bridge thinking
>Why am I not sad?"
I am completely disconnected from myself. I get the feeling that if I were a normal person, I would have fallen to the ground sobbing. I want to ask someone what I should be feeling. Am I normal? Or am I not even capable of understanding how a normal person feels? I was thinking during my walk that I "felt" something horrible deep inside, but that the "thing" walking towards its death felt nothing. I distinguished between the "thing" that was feeling pain and the "me" that was trapped somewhere unable to verbalize or otherwise interact with the world. That "me" is probably screaming in despair, begging to be let out. Is this God's blessing? To make the pain go away?
To put it into perspective, I was almost breaking out into smiles while walking to my death. No reason. I wanted to crawl somewhere dark and never get up again. What is wrong with me? What even am I?

>> No.23266382

Love how the eclipse comes every other year or so, but each time people pretend like it’s going to be decades or another century before it happens again.

>> No.23266390 [DELETED] 

if you do carry on, this is a cool image for your legacy.

>> No.23266397

if you do carry on, this is a cool image for your lore.

>> No.23266414

wake me when the sun eclipses the moon maybe

>> No.23266421

Psychology is baby shit man. It'll be easy.

>> No.23266426

I'd accompny a buddhist monk as he travels to through the world just in case he encounters the Buddha on the road and I can kill him.

>> No.23266479

you'll try before he reincarnates agent smith-like into the monk next to you and snaps your skinny neck like a twig

>> No.23266509

I was cracking a joke based the quote, no need to get mad. And regardless, why would the Buddha kill me? He is the Buddha, he is beyond that.
And that's not how reincarnation works, anyway.
And the Buddha doesn't reincarnate, dumbass. That's the point, he has achieved total enlightenment, total detachment, total liberation from thought and desire.

>> No.23266522

I liek eclipse.
Shame I can't directly look at it.

>> No.23266532

sungazing is actually good for us.

>> No.23266535

I'll glance at it during totality and then go back to wageslaving.

>> No.23266538

Maybe I'll also sneak a peak.

>> No.23266539

it's too late to take it back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbOTn4KQCAE

>> No.23266597

I'm afraid of living. If I turn off this computer now, I'll be forced back into the world. I'll be forced to think.
This is just the illusion of respite. As I sit here the world keeps on spinning and spinning, I keep getting older.
I need to leave, but what if I can't ever come back? What if all my distractions really disappear forever? What will I do then? I will have to live.

>> No.23266605

all of my "mental health problems" are actually just inflammation from bad diet. unfortunately I cannot stop eating slop.

>> No.23266609

Damn I wish I wasn't autistic. I keep ending up in conflict with people without understanding what the fuck I did or why the other party seems so upset with me.

>> No.23266615

i be getting texts from girls like 'do you hate me? i can't tell'
i think i make faces without knowing

>> No.23266625

Might be my face as well. I've had people ask me why I look so fucking angry or if I'm okay out of nowhere while I'm just chilling by myself. But what can you do about that?

>> No.23266633

>everyone is getting glasses and acting like they’ll see the eclipse even though it’s obviously overcast
Why are normies like this?

>> No.23266634
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>> No.23266645
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Almost every gril I've been with has armchair diagnosed me as an autist. I think they sense it in the vibeosphere.

Just carry on chillin.

>> No.23266653

>I think they sense it in the vibeosphere.
something in the eyes

>> No.23266667

we live in hope

>> No.23266669

The word hubby is the most disgusting word in the English language

>> No.23266681
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>Y’know, the thing about an autist, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he avoids ya in the corner of the room, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he tells ya about trains in Japan, and those black eyes roll over white, and then...

>> No.23266695

What about sissygasm?

>> No.23266703


>> No.23266706

Dad was in car wreck yesterday. He’ll be fine but it looked like he wasn’t gonna make it for a while. Don’t know what to do. Just wanted to tell someone.

>> No.23266719

Not even close

>> No.23266725

just be by his side.

>> No.23266738

i didn't take off work today for the eclipse and now i'm getting fomo

>> No.23266751

We should always endeavor to wonder at the permanent thing, not at the mere exception. We should be startled by the sun, and not by the eclipse. We should wonder less at the earthquake, and wonder more at the earth.

>> No.23266774

Why don’t more countries have an autobahn? It seems like a major missed opportunity to make up the gap between highway transport and high-speed rail.

>> No.23266775

emerson said
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile

>> No.23266778

open an autobahn in america it'd end in tears

>> No.23266794

in cope*

>> No.23266828

These days the posters in this thread leave an impression that they havent completed even 15% of lit core

>> No.23266843

I can barely reed

>> No.23266895
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Just think! some night the stars will gleam
>Upon a cold, grey stone,
And trace a name with silver beam,
>And lo! ’twill be your own.

That night is speeding on to greet
>Your epitaphic rhyme.
Your life is but a little beat
>Within the heart of Time.

A little gain, a little pain,
>A laugh, lest you may moan;
A little blame, a little fame,
>A star-gleam on a stone.

>> No.23266937
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3rd day of working in a clothes retail chain. My job is just to unpack, tag and hang the clothes away and to occasionally check the empty stalls for clothes that people don't want.

Lots of polish women and arab men here. The arabs tend to talk bad german, if any at all. The polish women can speak german and seem pleased or suprised when I answer them in polish.

I feel like the arabs don't respect me because I have long hair and nailpolish.

The store plays top 40/pop all day. I fucking hate Flowers by Miley Cyrus.

>> No.23266940

poles in uk don't like germans

>> No.23266954

Seems like the same people who convinced some Christians that Jesus was a Jew so they should worship Jews are now trying to convince people that Jesus was either a brown-skinned Arab, who are the real Jews, or a black-skinned African, who are the real Jews.

>> No.23266959

have you tried being less gay?

>> No.23266983
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Faces are everything

>> No.23266994

I feel in charge.

>> No.23266996

for me it's all about the face

>> No.23267000
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Everyone has an instinctive judgment about a face. Its everyones goal to give their offspring an advantageous face.

>> No.23267009
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>tfw dont have advantageous face

>> No.23267014

signifiers of health

>> No.23267021


>> No.23267032

>mfw no face

>> No.23267037 [DELETED] 

no face no case

>> No.23267040


>> No.23267043
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>> No.23267045

The eclipse was spectacular, lads, I pity anyone who won't get to see it.

>> No.23267071
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My best friend broke up with his girlfriend recently. They still live together (no sex). I went over to see them yesterday and my friend was encouraging me to cuddle with his girlfriend and kiss her (he wasn't joking and he was saying it to both of us really hoping we'd do it. He definitely wasn't saying it passive aggressively or anything. I ended up cuddling with her. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.23267073

He wants you, the homie, to get some.

>> No.23267092

option A: he's a cuck and might be fapping to it as we speak
option B: he doesn't give a shit (they broke up after all) and is just trying to give (You) a good time, in which case he's surprisingly based

>> No.23267095

What a sniveling parasite. I'm gonna beat him up and rape his ex

>> No.23267108

Will it be rape at that point?

>> No.23267113

I can literally just look up a video of it.

>> No.23267119

rain or hail, sam will do the best he can
til they dig his hole. he is a man.
he’ll go too, like all those kings
you read about, and on him sings.
heart is big, with room for the angels
and his devil too. yes, sir.
i heard his reply, under your laughter,
‘...shoot you first and myself after.’

>> No.23267153

Weird dream last night.
I was in a new city all alone driving in my car looking for a place to say. I drive around aimlessly like im searching for something i can't find. Went to a hotel but then I was also a kid again and my mom was driving me to go on a playdate or something.
Dream shifts and im a leader of a country in a strategy game. My advisor is this milf shapeshifter.
Something terrible happens. There are like gladiator games. And in the games i make a public mistake i can't walk away from revealing something i shouldn't. I go back and the milf is beckoning me to bed to have sex but there's a guy already there that looks like my father....
I've sex with the old hag but this old guy is underneath her while i do it. But then he teleport to the right and just watches us
As im having sex with her suddenly her mouth opens wider and wider till her entire body opens up collapsing into itself like a snake trying to swallow me whole. She's grinning malevolently the whole time. Then i wake up

>> No.23267168

Wear a mask till it becomes your face

>> No.23267209

(It never will)

>> No.23267250

Shine your light on me save me please

>> No.23267257

can I pee on you?

>> No.23267264

You're always wearing a mask. The mask differs with the occasion. It's not a matter of convergence of mask and face but that the totality of the masks constitutes the face. Further, the masks may be altered, acquired or discarded as required.

>> No.23267301

race war NOW

>> No.23267313


>> No.23267333

can we have it later? I've got another 2 hours of watching graph charts on how the west is falling

>> No.23267350

Sure, I just find it fun to say. I often chant it at random moments throughout the day.

ceasefire NOW ceasefire NOW race war NOW

then given the side-eye and furrowed brow stare from the crowd, in my daydream.

>> No.23267384

I was hanging out with this girl while I was really horny and it was a great time. She was funny, interesting, beautiful, and all around great company. Then I spent time with her after gooning a bunch of times and was not horny at all. She was plain, boring, bossy, and all around bland. Man I really gotta be more careful about being horny around girls. They seem like entirely different creatures

>> No.23267388

now you understand why we endured so long as a species

>> No.23267390

Oh you're the German fruitcake again. Hope you get jihaded

>> No.23267426

I'm a dumbass. I was curious about getting into physics, but I can't even figure out loop quantum gravity.

>> No.23267456

Any literature about overcoming life regrets and the sense that certain paths are closed off?

>> No.23267459


>> No.23267467

did u guys see the solar eclipse

>> No.23267471


>> No.23267480

The rise of big business is the single biggest problem the conservative wing in America faces today. Thomas Jefferson was actually right about this topic.

>> No.23267493
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>> No.23267496

What is the career plan for you guys that want to be writers? I’m curious about this because I’m 30 and have not had publishing success. I think it’s time to grow up and get realistic…

>> No.23267501

30 years old. No job. No assets. Never been kissed. Virgin. No friends. No family. No where I can go. Nothing to say.

Oh career plan?
1 bullet

>> No.23267559

A bit dramatic l don’t you think? It’s just money.

>> No.23267566

>No assets.
>Never been kissed.
Not good but typical
Not good but typical
>No friends.
Not good but you could get some
>No family
>No where I can go.
Not true.
>Nothing to say.
Not true.

So you’re approximately normal then…

>> No.23267573

Why did you even make this post

>> No.23267585

>Why did you even make this post
i believe he was shining a different light on your post

>> No.23267600

I did, was outside for like an hour. It felt like evening and the birds were going crazy

>> No.23267606

Rent free

>> No.23267643

>rent free even though we were the ones who came to the thread and brought it up
n-no Canada is n-not the same thing
you're all amerigga to me, sucker

>> No.23267644

Big missed opportunity for European right wing though not to push for repatriation of white Americans

>> No.23267648

Post 3 of your favorite poems, anon. Do it.

>> No.23267653

>she reads poetry

>> No.23267663

I'm at work now and constantly am watching porn

>> No.23267676


I was once in a sexual harassment training at work that was actually pretty interesting, and I actually learned some useful info. The presenter indicated a study which had shown that about one sixth of all employees surf porn at least a little bit while at work (I think they may even have specified that this occurred on work devices!) I never do but when I was pretty checked-out from the old job and nobody particularly expected me to do anything I took to just reading the news for 10-20 minutes at a stretch, at one point I just hid in my office and looked at news websites for an hour or so.

>> No.23267679

I'm scramping right now. It's jerry-building.

>> No.23267697

yeah, I'm in a music 'scene' where this happens all the time. being horny and off the drink will make everyone and especially cute girls feel like great company. Then you realize that it's only fun because the mood you're in is one of fueling energy to the interaction. once you get less horny and less drunk you feel as though the girls are dolls or more accurately, pinball bumpers that need a ball to hit them before they light up. it's so tiresome especially when you see the same girls who expect you to keep up the energy but you'd rather never talk to them again.

>> No.23267700

interesting stuff, thanks for sharing
I'm watching it from my phone haha, too risky to watch on computer

>> No.23267728

Cutie pie at work talked about the apartment she bought with her (I suppose) boyfriend. We're the same age. I would wonder what the fuck has gone wrong with my life if I didn't already know, but man. People are building homes, having kids and living life as God intended and I am stuck here in this liminal void.
The path I'm treading is lonely. I'm doubting myself at every turn even if I know what I'm doing. I won't be able to offer a nice future to my loved ones if I don't carry on but... I miss her. I will continue for another year at most and then start looking for a partner. I won't be able to do it alone otherwise.

>> No.23267730

her boyfriend is 10 years older than her you dumbass

>> No.23267739

Yeah some of my mom's friends' kids are married and own their own homes with their spouse while I'm still living with my parents. I feel your pain, man.

>> No.23267745


>> No.23267749

I hate being around people. I hate trying and failing to understand them over and over.

>> No.23267781

fuck those people man, stop comparing yourself to other people and do whatever you want to do yourself, it's only in your eyes do they look perfect and flawless but in reality they all have shittton of their own problems just like you. you have to look at what you want to do and the kind of life that you want to lead. Life's too short to spend it in misery and constant comparison to someone else, trying to achieve some unrealistic utopian standard

>> No.23267810

i want to be 9 years old waking up at 4am to go the airport again.
i want to be an old man swimming in the choppy ocean.

>> No.23267870
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Regards to the true vibes.

>> No.23267878

fundamentalist Christians. though the world was going to end in 1972 and their entire life has been a cope filled crabs in a bucket mentality since. literally sold all their earthly possessions to some "prophet" and permanently tanked all possibility of my family ever being anything but trailer trash. fuck them

>> No.23267882

>you're in is one of fueling energy to the interaction.
>pinball bumpers that need a ball to hit them before they light up
damn, very astute. I hate this feeling, with all people not just women. Lots of retarded fellas like this too.

>> No.23267888

French brie on supermarket bread. Ain't nothing in life as simple a pleasure as that rotten fetid fat smeared on that rosemary french bread. Slap salami on - that's heaven.

>> No.23267924

i'm just like that. i'm such an easy like if you know how.

he's wrong though isn't he? with girls you can sort of get away with murder.
i've been with girls while coming down off coke, being sooo awkward, acting autistic af and they still want to sleep with you. looks are probably (obviously?) most important aspect.

>> No.23267933

>be me
>buy ridiculously expensive fancy melon while high
>go home and forget about it
>get high and read anon talking about eating brie wrong
>remember melon
Thank you, drugs, you have the best plans. >>23267882
Eat it with jam, you weirdo.

>> No.23267934

You not >>23267882 who I mislinked

>> No.23267937

you missed

>> No.23267938

I shouldn't be operating machinery

>> No.23267944

How does one eat Brie? It's all mushy and stuff, figured its meant for spreading on bread. I'll try it with fruit preserves next time, berry or citrus? perhaps fig?

>> No.23267955

Berries are usually best, especially the sharper ones because it cuts through the fat. Spreading it on bread is right but with sharp fruit, even if you just eat the fruit whole, it is perfect

>> No.23267961

i'm afraid of the zoomers

>> No.23267962

i knew u fags dont read shit, poser suckers

>> No.23267964

I feel like I overuse the word 'that,' so much so I find myself no longer sure if it's actually required in many spots I use it in. For example, 'the notion we like pizza is true' vs. 'the notion that we like pizza is true.' Is 'that' necessary there?

>> No.23267967

It's the business of the future to be dangerous

>> No.23267974

seems like a stylistic choice. 'that' can add variation in the rhythm of the sentence or bring attention to what you want you the reader to focus on. That seems like that, anyway.

>> No.23267991
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just found out my uncle fell for one of those scams where a "woman" gets you to send her money promising she will move here and start a relationship with you. things obviously went south when he couldn't send her any more money and he literally was like "she was just using me to send her money shes crazy and doesn't spell things right, shes not right in the head " and blah blah blah, obviously since its probably an indian dude or something, then, despite seemingly coming to this realization that he was being taken for a ride, he is immediately like "anyway now im getting married in like 3 days to a different girl, i just have to send her $300 and bank information first and she will depisite her inheritance in it and she wlll come and we are getting married"

jesus christ, man.

hes going around telling people this shit too. I am stunned

>> No.23268015

the kiss by r graves
born yesterday by p larkin
the secret agent by auden

>> No.23268035


>> No.23268040

I'm sick and tired of seeing my ex majority of the days of the week. I see her at school and at raves. I hate the memory of the empty promises and hateful things said. I hate the feeling of there being a ghost consistently in my life that can't be interacted with ever again. What an embarrassing consistent feeling.

>> No.23268047

Frying up eggplant to eat on rice with eel

>> No.23268050

Is his name William?

>> No.23268068

Instead of misunderstanding and getting hurt by the world and other people I could just fall into a confused mental abyss and lose contact with reality. The possibility seems more tempting every day.

>> No.23268083

If you can’t even tell which ones are real then you’ll only be sad all the time and it will just make everything worse

>> No.23268095
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Maybe, but it's not like any other choice I could make would make things better.

>> No.23268106

You think a consistent state of skepticism will help much? Maybe it will, maybe it's what you need to be able to see truth and accept truth. The truth for you, being, everyone is as confused and hurt as you are and none of the hurt is done intentionally. It's like that Death Grips line
"Push me and they will be slain
Drag this past the point and claim
That shit as if it was your name
Like it's attached to yours with chains
Own it till shit goes up in flames
And there really ain't no one to blame
No one to blame, it's all the same
Like blurred faces on subway trains
Can't take it man, can't take the pain
Pain of the game
Makes me insane
Makes me fuck up my whole thang"

>> No.23268115

Oh for sure. It's just [that] I've lost the ability to artfully determine the times when it's genuinely necessary anymore vs. optional for style. (was that 'that' needed? ahhgg!)

>> No.23268143

You feel as though you’ve drawn a bad lot in life. In response to this, you have chosen to spit in the face of God, balk at the universe itself and spurn the very notion of a happy life. Moreover, while recognizing this in yourself, after coming to this realization and engaging in self-reflection upon it, you have refused to even begin to change anything about yourself until you feel that God, the universe or what-have-you decides to make it up to you and make effort worth your while. Forget meeting the world half-way, you’ve refused to lift so much as life one one-trillionth of a finger and you’ve told me so yourself.

At present, you stand as a caricature of some weird amalgamation of Dostoevsky’s Underground Man, Nietzche’s Last Man, and MIlton’s Lucifer. Unlike Lucifer however, who failed to recognize the inadequacies in himself, you have taken it a step further and in recognizing those inadequacies, far worse you know them but refuse to do anything about them until you are convinced that God Himself has personally made ammends for the wrongs that have been inflicted upon you by an uncaring world.

>> No.23268153

Thinking about joining the army

>> No.23268154

Don't if you're an American.

>> No.23268169

I slept all day yesterday and today, up until 5pm ish, and that was after staying up all Thursday night into Friday, went to sleep Friday night, slept normally and then stayed up all Saturday night and crashed Sunday mid morning.

>> No.23268213

at this point I know that the good feeling from the beginning will never come back and I can never be happy like that again I understand that so all I want is for the bad feeling to go away so that things are at least slightly tolerable even if I can never actually be happy but it hurts so much all the time and the bad feeling never leaves

>> No.23268219

Fuck it, why not. Just don't expect to live out some Band of Brothers fantasy.
t. in the army

>> No.23268239
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>All because of you!
>I believe in angels
>Not the kind with wings
>No not the kind with halos
>The kind that bring you home

>> No.23268257

How can atheists see the literal sun disappearing in middle of the day and not ask themselves "damn, maybe I should turn my life around"

>> No.23268258

08.04.24 - not good enough to be happy not awful enough to seek real change

woke at 4pm. tears in my eyes in the first 5 minutes after waking up. wanting to go to the gym. looking at the grey sky instead. listening to iories Too Close over and over. taking 4 tilis and ordering subway, 5 minutes of "happiness". the music makes me want to go to monday night downtempo party. wanting to go and then realizing its the wrong monday. i wouldnt have gone even if it was the right monday. i just want to dance but i would have to talk to people there that know me. it would not be so bad. the thought of going and dancing really excited me. the thought of talking to anyone did not. but i would get offered drugs which would be welcome.
havent left the apartment in 3 days.

>> No.23268298

I am

May as well go for SF though

>> No.23268314
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been there nig. gtfo asap. dont expect her to make a human move that solves your problem. we are just tools for them. if we are not useful for them anymore they have no reason to pretend to be human beings. they just emulate human feelings in order to trick us into giving them attention and resources.

>> No.23268321
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wrong pic

>> No.23268329

yeah especially since he said 'rave'. the pinnacle of trash women. even worse if by school, he means art school.

>> No.23268343

I just took a shit, and when I wiped, there was not a trace of shit on the toilet paper. A perfect shit. My diet is usually awful, so I can't even remember the last time this has happened. God damn, I feel proud.

>> No.23268400

i'm psychologically straitjacketed by this automatic mechanism that beats down all my efforts as pointless. it happens everywhere in my life. this part of me lets things just slip through my fingers and laughs as other parts pound sand and sob with regret, this drive to self-futilization.
it derisively laughs at the human dramatization of life as i become upset at my circumstances and distress, as my body decays and my mind loses its structure like a cotton ball pulled apart by a million little fingers.
it revels at having the keys to each of the doors to these nice places, but never using them, sometimes even throwing them through a sewer grate.
literally fucking why?
like fine, i'm retarded, okay?
i was wrong. i don't know anything.

>> No.23268459

everything ends all things end and you can never trust anyone the world is hostile and no one is safe like for example something I think about a lot is how my aunt was with her husband for nearly 20 years and they had two kids together and she thought they were a happy family and everyone who knew them believed he was a great guy and then while they were on a family vacation he suddenly dropped the bomb that he had been cheating on her for the past three years and he was divorcing her to be with his affair partner who was pregnant and then he just walked out and booked a plane ticket home and left her alone there in the hotel to break the news to their kids and after that he gave up custody and started a new family and barely made an effort to see his kids ever again

and that’s my worst fear because how do you ever get over a life shattering betrayal like that and find the will to carry on and how would you trust anyone ever again? and the really fucked up part is that my aunt didn’t even do anything wrong like she’s a very kind and generous person who was loyal and supportive of him and she didn’t even let herself go or anything she always stayed in shape and took good care of her appearance and yet he still left her for his coworker who was objectively less attractive and had a weirdly masculine horsey face with a huge chin and a really gummy smile

anyway the moral of the story and the reason I always think about it is no matter how hard you try to do the right things anyone can leave you at any time and there’s nothing you can do to stop it like you could fall in love with someone and marry someone even and share all of these major life experiences with them and truly believe that they love you and care about you only to have them abandon you with no warning after two decades together?? no one is safe and you can never trust anyone ever nothing is real and you can never know which ones are real and so many people I know will casually talk about having a whole string of exes and I’m not even trying to be judgemental at all I just genuinely don’t understand how they can cope with that emotionally and move on so quickly and find someone new because every time love ends doesn’t it hurt so much??

like I can’t cope with the pain of being rejected or abandoned over and over and I can’t even forget what happened or love anyone else or trust anyone anyway so my only choice is to be alone forever but the loneliness is so unbearable and nothing is ever going to be okay again

>> No.23268490


>> No.23268506


>> No.23268586

I'm getting hit with a torrent of depression again. Will again go to the bridge. As usual, when I arrive, I will feel completely numb, get self-conscious about being seen like that, and then continue walking to the "other destination."
I don't know what's wrong with me. If God tried to save me last time with those police, I don't know what the intent was. I'm barely hanging on by a thread. I just want it to be over.

>> No.23268591


What is this dreary hell hole?

>> No.23268603

You might wear the mask all you want, but you will never be the mask, it will never be you.
>It's not a matter of convergence of mask and face but that the totality of the masks constitutes the face.
I disagree, that's just one's acting range, the face is what is underneath all the masks once stripped away. The only person to ever see our true face might very well be ourselves. With pointed glimpses from close ones and people in truly anonymous E-forums.
> Further, the masks may be altered, acquired or discarded as required.
But one cannot alter ones face. The masks come and go, but the thing beneath stays constant.

>> No.23268608

Minneapolis, Minnesota.

>> No.23268627

Saw my grandma yesterday after a couple of months and she actually cried. Had a nice talk over drinking ouzo about the time she and grandpa were raising me and stuff. I'm getting old and sentimental but it's ok

>> No.23268694

its not supposed to be like this and I’m so tired everything feels exhausting and it’s so hard to get calm and control my emotional reactions because i feel so distressed and on edge all the time i feel like there’s no point in even trying any more it seems easier to just give up on life completely because nothing is enjoyable

i can’t write anything worthwhile because im like psychologically stunted or something now and i can barely make myself read like before when i was sad i could at least derive some satisfaction or emotional catharsis from reading a lot of poetry and things like that but now everything i read just feels like a painful reminder that i have to avoid completely because i can’t cope with those feelings at all so i can’t even enjoy reading anymore i tried to reread a different translation of my favourite book but it upset me so much that i had to stop

i can barely even go outside ever since the bad thing in January everything triggers thoughts about you saying that and all the bad things that have happened here and it hurts so much so i haven’t gone outside any times except some of the days for class or go to therapy or the doctor or to the drugstore to get prescriptions the only other time i went outside was today when i tried to go for a walk after picking up my eclipse glasses but then i got rlly upset and had to go home so quickly and then after that i went outside again to the park and watched the eclipse and everyone around seemed so amazed by what was happening but i just felt numb and outside myself like nothing mattered and i wasn't really even there

i just want to hide so no one can see me and know what i did by looking at me and somehow sensing my awful thoughts or that I’m a bad person i feel like i have no reason to get better because i hate myself so much for what i did to you that i know i don’t even deserve to get better or be happy and no one can ever love me or trust me now because everyone would hate me as much as you do if i confessed and even if i can get somehow get functional again which I don’t think i can i'll never actually be happy and all i want is to love someone and have them love me back but i have to be alone forever now so what am i working towards exactly a pointless office job and going home to eat single serve microwaved lean cuisines every night and feed the cat and then cry myself to sleep for the next sixty years and then die alone in a nursing home? that’s not even living i used to have a lot of dreams and goals and projects like the ones you mocked me for abandoning but I’ve completely lost myself and there’s nothing that I want out of life anymore or even care about getting because i can never actually be happy again and the bad feeling never goes away for more than a few minutes

the best that i can hope for is for the new psychiatrist to give me enough meds that i just become totally numb and can’t think so it doesn’t hurt anymore

>> No.23268709

Im only capable of imagining a hug and a kiss on a cheek from a girl with red hair.

>> No.23268710

Due to my inexperience, I have a childlike view on romance and love. I’m well into adulthood so I’m afraid of confessing this to anyone, because most adults don’t pursue dating with the sole purpose of experiencing romance. Many of my peers don’t believe in it anyways. So whenever they ask me why I’m still single, I lie and tell them that I’m “focusing on myself”, when the reality is I do not know where to start with pursuing men and dating. I truly have no idea how I will find what I desire, maybe I won’t. There’s also this brainrot theory that people think romance is a social construct created in early human literature and thus, it doesn’t actually exist. I obviously don’t believe this, but it’s made me realize that romance has very much died in the modern world if people are viewing it as some old-world concept. It makes me depressed to hear that.

>> No.23268721

>it’s so hard to get calm and control my emotional reactions because i feel so distressed and on edge all the time
Cut the hrt treatment and meditate

>> No.23268739

So you want a gentleman guy?

>> No.23268748

the government should just give aimless young men a lil cabin and a small plot of land to farm in exchange for revoking their right to vote

>> No.23268751

I’m not even on hrt i would never take hrt because I’m not even trans so i don’t need it? You are not real and all you do is trick people and lie and say bad things

>> No.23268757

i'd take it. i don't vote or believe in democracy anyway.

>> No.23268764

Jesus man it was a little joke, don't get your knickers in a twist. All I do is troll people but it's always in good fun

>> No.23268768

It’s not fun and i hate you,???, it’s not fun at all and i hate you and there’s something wrong with you

>> No.23268771

Ok whiny bitchboi

>> No.23268772

boss wouldn't let me go outside to see the eclipse because I already used my lunch break, I hate being a wageslave

>> No.23268826

I really need to talk to you so i can get calm but you won’t answer me ever because you’re angry and you’re going to be angry forever and it’s so hard to not text you but the more that i do it the more that you hate me and every time you ignore me i get more and more agitated and it becomes harder and harder to stop I’m sorry i don’t even know why it had to be like this i don’t want it to be like this anymore

>> No.23268859

Assuming you are a woman, it is absolutely possible for you to experience this. If you're a man then it's over.

>> No.23268872

I went to the totality zone but it was cloudy. Still bummed out about it

>> No.23268888

there's some kind of bird that lives around where I live. they don't make a sound during the day, then go all at once at night. it sounds like at least a hundred of them warbling at once.
I'm pretty sure it's the same sound that was used in some old games like Quake, as swamp ambience. don't know what species it actually is though.

>> No.23268905

Give me your best /lit/ argument to convince someone that (for the sake of argument) definitely doesn't have any chance of wanting to live, but it too terrified of the method of suicide available to him., to kill himself.
In short, write an argument (as a literary exercise) convincing someone to commit suicide. I want it to be novel and heartfelt, not a typical "kys fag."

>> No.23268908

Why don’t you want to live?

>> No.23268917

I do, I'm just asking for an interesting novel argument.

>> No.23268922

I don’t believe you.

>> No.23268927

Why waste time in this manner if one were suicidal? Anyway, it doesn't matter that much. Just looking for some /lit/ ideas.

>> No.23268934

What a stupid question to ask. You should feel embarrassed

>> No.23268949

You’ve been posting in these threads about how you’re planning to commit suicide for weeks?? Obviously you are looking for encouragement to do it so I’m not going to give you any arguments because I don’t want you to die I only want you to live and get better?? Don’t do it

>> No.23268951

I dreamt of my grandparents last night, mostly my grandmother and I was a child and in her arms and back at her home and everything was fine. I woke up and cried a little and wanted to go back to the dream so much.

>> No.23268963

My heart is slightly swollen and it hurts. Emotions are the worst sometimes.

>> No.23268970

What happened?

>> No.23268976

I was over at my neighbor's house, who are family friends, to celebrate the oldest daughter's graduation from highschool. There was a bathroom upstairs that I went to use. On the staircase that was slim she was coming down. As I passed she smiled and pushed her butt into my crotch.

>> No.23268978

Myocarditos from the vax

>> No.23269009

Anon, wake up! You're stuck in an Updike novel!

>> No.23269036

NEW >>23269034