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23256585 No.23256585 [Reply] [Original]

NookChads check in

>> No.23256589

im a kobo king

if i ever saw someone using a nook irl i'd attack them physically

>> No.23256591

Tranny esque post

>> No.23256592

I too am a Kobochad. I also don’t use the thing and just end up reading physical

>> No.23256595

ok nooknigger, nooker if you will

>> No.23256598

this was probably the best $30 I spent in my life. I've had it for nearly 10 years and use it every day.

>> No.23256602
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>he doesn't use an android e-reader
literally why? you can use any reading app plus a ton of other apps.

>> No.23256606


>> No.23256608

OP Here
forgot to say but i prefer the nook because it's the perfect size for dilating my neo-vagina

>> No.23256713

Not a nook-retard, but because it's for reading, not for playing Fortnite. Boox and other android-based e-reader users are the lowest of the low, and I hold no respect for them.

>> No.23256753

Holy bezels. Imagine not just going with the one and only brand and product in this space that should exist.

>> No.23256789
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I mostly use the Kobo Libra H2O. I like the functionality of the device, but the ergonomics are terrible. I have yet to find a single e-reader that's comfortable to hold in one hand for an extended period of time. The Kindle Oasis looked like it would be comfortable to use, but I refuse to get locked into amazon's ecosystem.

Btw, does Nook still do that thing where only a portion of the storage could be used for sideloaded content?

>> No.23256814

>Imagine not just going with the one and only brand and product in this space that should exist.
You mean the one product that doesn't support the most popular ebook format by far? >>23256713
>Boox and other android-based e-reader users are the lowest of the low
They're perfect for taking handwritten notes and reading long web articles. I'm not going to read a 10,000 word New Yorker article on my fucking laptop.

>> No.23256858

you mean epub which is 100% supported by it?

>> No.23256861

>NOO, I can't be tempted by using other apps because I have no disciple

>> No.23256864
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Meebook chads rise up.

>> No.23256887
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I don't know if there's been a recent update in file compatibility, but when I owned a kindle every method of getting an EPUB file on the device involved converting the file into a compatible format, which often fucked up the formatting of the text.

>> No.23256895

now it's about the only format it does support :-/

>> No.23256914

I have a white k*ndle (I pirate all my books thougheveralbeit)
It's alright but some "pixels" have started to die

>> No.23256921

>but the ergonomics are terrible
It took me a while to realize the ergonomics for books are fucking terrible too. Having to hold something in front of you on the bed for a long time is really annoying.

At least with e-readers you can use some kind of tripod that bends in the middle

>> No.23256924

>buy e-reader
>realize I'd rather have books in a physical library for immediate access and to show off what I've read (not to others but to myself)
>never use e-reader

>> No.23256936

>(not to others but to myself)
Thought you were sly, huh? Vanity-obsessed loser alert.

>> No.23256947

ah yes because a lot of people enter my house
>inb4 y-you take pics and share them online!!!
I have zero social media accounts and you wouldn't catch me dead on Middit (midwit plus reddit, clever innit)

>> No.23256952

rich guy alert, e-readers are incredible to read public domain stuff or just pirating, because books have become damn expensive

>> No.23256958

I'm a night shift hotel receptionist
fat fuck alert, maybe spend less on food

>> No.23256960

yeah lemme just buy that 30 dollar shit I won't even like
bet if you played vidya you'd support denuvo

>> No.23257025

you must be limp wristed and feeble, because i myself have no issue holding the libra in one hand.
try holding it in portrait, it's more comfortable, weakling.

>> No.23257078
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It's not the weight, it's the shape. If I hold it like pic related, it digs into my palm. If I hold it further up, the featureless back makes a good grip difficult, and it feels like it's going to slip out of my hand the second I stop being consciously aware that I'm holding it.

It's just first world bitching on my part, but I hate the ubiquity of this form factor. A more asymmetrical design with like a handle or protruding grip on the side with the buttons would be way more comfortable, but would probably look ugly and not sell well in photos.

>> No.23257197
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hold it in portrait you fucking mong
do you need everything explained to you?
should i also show you how to wipe an arse whilst i'm here?

>> No.23257291

>show off what I've read
No one cares

>> No.23257295

>indecent and dirty
what a surprise

>> No.23257307

How about Rakuten hire competent industrial designers instead. E-readers could be better as a whole, but the relatively small size of the market along with amazon's near monopoly on it stunted r&d. My 9-year-old kindle voyage isn't really any worse than the mid-range newest kindle.

>> No.23257331

you're supposed to hold it at an angle so the bottom corner rests in your palm, with your thumb on the edge.

>> No.23257390

Kindle 11th gen bros where u at? We be reading in the dark and shit.

>> No.23257401
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>sepia maxed all the way

Yup, its reader time.

>> No.23257529

I just bought the nook 4e. Barnes and noble is giving a discount as long as you have your old device serial number. I bought my first nook in 2011 and still use it.

The screen is supposed to be worse but the quality of life updates and just having a new device seemed like a good idea. Paid 70 bucks.

>> No.23257564

is the boox page any good? got a kobo libra 2 for my gf and its nice, but the onboard storage isn't that great if you want to read a lot of manga.

>> No.23257567

what apps could you possibly use on a fucking e-ink display? isn't reading more than enough for you? you need more?

>> No.23257572
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kobo clara hd with koreader is peak e-reader experience, nothing comes close

>> No.23258030

I have one and am happy with it. I have not used other ereaders so I can't compare the battery life. Right now I'm trying to find the best translation app that also includes reading words aloud. I have a sexy British lady that can read to me thanks to it's built in speaker. For manga I use Mihon which allows you to read online or download to your device.

>> No.23258053

Using dark mode whilest in the dark. Trully, we live in the tecno wonder land.

>> No.23258077

I play vidya, spent lot to build a good PC, and pirate every single game (except the few games that deserve money like Factorio and Underrail)

>> No.23258080

>is on board about reading
>cant read

>> No.23258497
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yo wassup

>> No.23258601

very nice
now let's see that cock

>> No.23258606

it would be clevererer if you didn't have to explain it

>> No.23258731

And blasphemous 1 and 2

>> No.23259042

hi midwit! not everyone is trying to be clever 24/7! thank you for listening

>> No.23259049

10 year old paperwhite 2 with KOReader

>> No.23259749
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you need more?