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File: 65 KB, 512x512, yarvin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23252220 No.23252220 [Reply] [Original]

You're like: holy cow, I was in this Overton window. I was in this sort of little box. And then I'm like: how do I get outside of the Overton window? And then I'm like: wow, I need to get outside of the whole Overton building. And then I'm like: wow, I don't even think I'm in a municipal Overton anymore. Right? You know? And so once you're outside, you see the present as a sort of little dot in time, which is subject to the same kinds of follies and foibles that every other period is subject to. First of all, it's very relaxing. You know, you're way outside in the country. Nobody else is there. There's no screaming. There's no cars. It's just, like, fields of, like, totally alien, you know, corn. And you're like: wow, I've never seen plants like this before, and nobody's yelling at me. And if I were to describe what I see, nobody could even really hear it. And this is cool. And I feel kinda relaxed about this. And the other thing about sort of escaping from the box in this way, instead of gradually arguing people into, like, you know, the way libertarians debate where they'll basically gradually argue people toward these kind of free market ideals, etcetera, etcetera. And instead, I'm like: no. Actually, what needs to happen is we just need to come in and just blow up your whole reality. And that is not typically thought of as a mainstream pitch. And the reason why people don't think of that as a mainstream pitch is that they're stuck in this sort of Norman Rockwell republic of: you know, we're gonna have our town meeting and we're gonna debate these issues and, I don't know, are the taxes too high or do we need to make this investment on our, you know, our future or whatever. Right? You now, we're gonna participate in this policy making process as an educated nation. At least we're gonna simulate participating in that because we're actually, you know, under the instruction of Walter Lippman's, you know, journalist. Right? You know, and the sword given to the Japanese emperor or whatever. I'm like: I bet that thing isn't even fucking sharp, you know? And the, don't tell me it's all, like, plus seven katana of, like, like, vanquishing whole armies, and the emperor is just like he never wants to use it. You know, I don't think it's even sharp, you know. And in fact, it might even be just a handle. And he's like: I've never drawn this sword, you know. So you're like: okay, this is a farce. I mean, let's say you took a moderately ironic movie from the early 20th century such as, say, Inception. You've seen Inception. Let's take Inception and let's go back and let's show it to a movie audience from 1960. They would walk out. They would be like: did someone put something in my popcorn? You know, I've heard about Cary Grant and this LSD experiments. You know, maybe that's what's going on here.

>> No.23252236 [DELETED] 


>> No.23252289

I actually like his style of speaking. Also he has improved with pretty much every interview so far and even made references to people calling him fat recently kek. He lurks here.

>> No.23252368

I like his style too. Though having just read an entire podcast transcript where he talked for two hours without any questions, there basically was no structure, no destination. It was more like a stream of consciousness performance piece with many interesting individual points but little architectural solidity.

>> No.23252422
File: 24 KB, 180x466, OTA1MzAyNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look like THE stereotypical 90's computer nerd?
psy-ops all the way down, I swear.

>> No.23252441

there is undoubtedly a look. I worked with a programmer who is a clone of Gilfoyle, equally intelligent. psy-ops all the way up

>> No.23252444
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>> No.23252457
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>> No.23252480
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>> No.23252484

He just needs to lose weight and he would look cool as fuck.

>> No.23252521

For clueless people, he's talking about the Overton window:

>> No.23252525

thanks destiny

>> No.23252527

Imagine thinking people might not know what the Overton Window is
Are you a zoomer

>> No.23252543

For those who don’t know, he’s referring to members of “Generation Z”:

>> No.23252557

Fucking kek
I guess you got me

>> No.23252573
File: 171 KB, 768x906, 1711830889525740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's easily the best living intellectual. He's the only one worth really taking on as your teacher. Not only should you read every Moldbug essay repeatedly, and listen to them--just ABSORB them--you should read what he recommends. It'll help you a hell of a lot more than college. Spiritually, anyway.

>> No.23252637

I mean I agree more or less. He's low-key the real star intellectual of the Right, not Peterson or any of the other retards.

>> No.23252650

>Spiritually, anyway.
He's actually an atheist. Not that this excludes spirituality. But in that regard he isn't the classic reactionary.

>> No.23252665

He is one of these people that I want to listen to but also just absolutely cannot stand and want to pick apart. My big gripe with Curtis is that he is simply a liar. He lies all the time. If he didn’t lie so much, I wouldn’t have so many bones to pick with him. And the fact that he’s become a darling of the chronically online right is something of a sick joke since what he’s basically calling for is a sort of atheist and Jewish friendly liberal-progressive dictatorship that literally lets parents transition their kids but is capitalist and and vaguely racist. I can’t imagine a bigger horror show to be honest.

>> No.23252677

Name 5 of his lies.

>> No.23252697

Jewish aristocrats in America, the sort of people who were recruited into government by the New Deal, the idea that startups actually have done anything at all when the majority of them never produced a profit and a majority of those never brought a product to market, that the modern equivalent of the Viking raiders or Teutonic armies is the Silicon Valley startup scene, that the Dimes Square scene isn’t cringey and shitty. I could go on, but there’s five for you. The last one is disputable by the way.

>> No.23253188

>the idea that startups actually have done anything at all when the majority of them never produced a profit and a majority of those never brought a product to market
How is that a lie? That's like saying that in the history of evolution most species have gone extinct. Yes, but the underlying process of selection created the human brain. The majority of startups go extinct and that's how you get Microsoft. The selection mechanism optimizes for the most successful outcome under the competitive pressure of laissze faire like conditions. And there is no such selection mechanism for democratically elected governments in today's world.

>> No.23253201

His essays are usually interesting, even when I disagree with him. And most of his pronouncements should be taken with a grain of salt.

>> No.23253256

where is this from

>> No.23253281

I mean as opposed to economically. Moldbug's on a good spiritual path

>> No.23253286

He makes even the better thinkers, like Hanania, look childish

>> No.23253303

This podcast:
But I just read the transcript with this AI thingy:

>> No.23253644

I had a computer nerd Gilfoyle friend in High School. He was even into Satanism and Demonology and stuff. Mike Judge knows the people there as he worked in the industry.

>> No.23253757

I legit love his writing style. Really captures that gen-x uni computer nerd voice.

>> No.23253773

I feel like this is a general underdog problem, where the right feels like everyone who doesn't want to wipe them out with extreme prejudice on sight like mainstream libs or lefty radicals do must act that way because they are friends to the right. That's why the online right is such a fertile ground for grifters, because all you need to do to endear them to you is not be openly hostile to them from the very beginning. On the other hand the online left is a much bigger and far more lucrative market but it's also far more volatile due to the constant radicalization and unending struggle sessions and witch hunts initiated by the community.

>> No.23253791

I got deep into the UR rabbit hole and I would read his stuff hours at a time until late at night. He also introduced me to Carlyle's account of the French Revolution which is an amazing book. He has a talent for highlighting little historical facts and tidbits that undermine your whole worldview. He really is in a league of his own intellectually.

>> No.23253819

He was banned from hackernews for asking "Why should women have the right to vote?"
But you can't see his censored posts without having an account and changing settings.

>> No.23253848

its weird how well people used to write on the old internet

>> No.23253850

In his essay on the Holocaust he explains how clever his essay is going to be - 'it performs a sort of Jedi mind trick on you' and then goes on to explain why the Holocaust definitely happened.

This alone explains why he's been astroturfed into some kind of relevant intellectual.

>> No.23253889

deadass fr fr no cap

>> No.23253937

>the idea that startups actually have done anything at al
you know, I think FAANG pulled off some impressive shit

>> No.23253969

FAANG is just DARPA misspelled.

>> No.23254011


Yes Moldy, it's the Calvinist universalists who are giving unconditional support and billions of dollars of free weapons to Israel.

>> No.23254041

>star of the intellectual right
He's a kike apologizing cuckold who wants faggot tyranny and death to all whites. He is not part of the right except according to the most jewish political paradigm in history.

>> No.23254097
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>> No.23254110

It is explained how it’s a lie in the green text you idiot. These companies were scams. They were trading cards for PE firms.

>> No.23254126


fuck off nigger

>> No.23254158

Firstly, calling Microsoft a "scam" overlooks the impact it has had on technology and the global economy. From its founding in the 1970s, Microsoft played a pivotal role in making personal computing accessible and widespread. Their development of Windows, Office Suite, and later ventures into cloud computing (Azure) have been game-changers. This growth trajectory doesn't exactly fit the bill of a scam. Your analogy to "trading cards for PE firms" misses how these companies and PE firms operate. Private equity firms invest in companies with the intention of improving their value through strategies like restructuring, enhancing operational efficiency, and guiding strategic pivots. Tech companies often do have innovation capabilities and market influence that go beyond the speculative trading often associated with "trading cards." I get that part of your argument might stem from concerns about overvaluation and speculative trading in the tech sector, which can sometimes feel like a high-stakes game of trading cards. The tech industry has indeed seen its share of hype cycles and market corrections. However, companies like Microsoft have shown resilience and growth over the long term, proving that there's substantial value and not just speculative trading at play.

>> No.23254171

African tier post

>> No.23254176

I'll admit that I dont have what it takes to be a member of the moldbugian aristocracy, but how do I become a lackey? I feel like I would make a great henchman.

>> No.23254213

fuck off nigger

>> No.23254229

Because he technically was, that whole alt.conspiracy and general Usenet scene was like that

>> No.23254230

I’m pretty racist but damn

>> No.23254236

Still a fundamentally African tier post

>> No.23254492

That reminds me. What’s his favorite poetry meter type? I forget the name. It’s not something mega-popular like iambic pentameter.

>> No.23254522

the point is they're the ones who came up with the egalitarian lie which predates the civil war and is the main principle of our current ideology

>> No.23254566

i enjoy uncle yarv but lately his writing just seems... stuck? its the same spiel every time. the delivery has gotten tighter but the content is the same. like, the best course of action is to just wait around for the next caesar to show up? maybe make an app or a media company while you wait. just seems like hes more interested in faggy poetry readings than building the next regime these days

>> No.23254612

i like curtis.

however i would like him to get on trt like bezos and simply just post physique/remove his shirt to justify his arguments rather than having to hand hold his interlocutor through first hand accounts of histories to justify a point. it would expedite the discussions and do well on tiktok for him.

>> No.23254660

fuck off nigger

>> No.23254662

He is my favorite Jew.

>> No.23254666

Can I be your favorite Jew

>> No.23254689

>He's the only one worth really taking on as your teacher
thank god we still have books from when smart people were alive

you internet brained retards crack me up

>> No.23254705

read Coleridge's speech at Bristol before you claim any of these mongoloid engineers can write or think

>> No.23254709
File: 13 KB, 300x196, panda_blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23254711

The two posts you quoted don't agree with each other to begin with.

>> No.23254722

bad at clicking, still right

add Disraeli on national vs philosophic government to your list

>> No.23255283

he's slaying

>> No.23255286

His old hairstyle is better.

>> No.23255341

>he’s basically calling for is a sort of atheist and Jewish friendly liberal-progressive dictatorship that literally lets parents transition their kids but is capitalist and and vaguely racist
I don't understand the appeal, he's like a gayer version of destiny. Is he a part-time cocksucker too?

>> No.23255805

He's spiritually an anglo; give him a break.

>> No.23255818
File: 95 KB, 750x502, king lear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I considered the idea of monarchism for like 2 seconds, even if the king is based, his offspring can end up retarded or just incompetent. If you could solve that problem i would be all in with monarchy

>> No.23255829


>> No.23255840

Because he is. He is literally a tech nerd that failed at being both an startup entrepreneur and an academic so he turned to blogging and grifting for the terminally online right because his ego convinced him that he could bestow some aristocratic wisdom on the ignorant masses peasants of right wing politics

>> No.23255845

If you’re a lefty retard or a total mouth breathing chud that reads nothing, yeah you could learn a bit from Curtis. From everyone else who can read and think, there’s nothing profound there.

Besides, if you think this overly intellectual circlejerk is going to have any meaningful influence on politics now or in the future, you haven’t been paying attention.

>> No.23255850

To be fair, his politics and thinking are very different from Destiny. Destiny, as far as I can tell, is a sort of basic bitch liberal with the most pseud talking points imaginable. Yarvin is not that. Yarvin is a good bit more thoughtful and deeper than that, even if I dislike what he says.

>> No.23255856

Post the audio

>> No.23255860

Correct. Right wing politics since 1945 is vapid veneration of a business-class aristocracy, exaltation of crony crapitalism, and owning the left. If you do any of those three things, you’re welcome on the right.

And the simple reason for this is that the progressive left won. They literally made genuinely reactionary politics as well as right wing progressive politics illegal in 1945 and then they made Christian pre-liberal politics illegal in 1947. The progressive era through the post-war years were a total onslaught of victories for the left and they won. The right has been resigned to this sort of mix of idealizing the classical liberalism and neoconservatism ever since. Now that the progressive left has morphed even further, they’re even folding disgruntled progressives and neoliberals into the right. Isn’t that nuts?

>> No.23255864

>that failed at being both an startup entrepreneur and an academic
This is a lie. He quit his PhD at 19 to join a startup which ended up paying out enough for him to live on for two years.

>> No.23255865

Curtis mentioned this problem at one of his IRL meetups. You basically genetically engineer the offspring. He personally knows people already working on it.

>> No.23255886

You’re not even close. I spent 3 years as a IB analyst selling tech companies to Pe firms. I’m pretty certain of how they operate but I guess I have to admit defeat because you pointed out one profitable company that got off the ground with Pe funding after being spun out multiple times including by the CIA’s investment fund. This reply is a waste of my time.

>> No.23255893

If you know anything about startups, you know living off their comp for two years is abysmal, especially back then. Also, I somehow suspect we’ve never received the full story on the PhD.

Look, it’s fine. Neither academia nor startups are for everyone. The world would probably be a better place if nobody did them. But this whole philosophy he’s built around this idea that startups are so effective at business unlike the legacy institutions and somehow they’re the modern analogue to Caesar’s legions is fucking ridiculous. It’s literally the raving fantasy of a tech nerd who turned to politics instead of Warhammer 40k or D&D or whatever.

>> No.23255896

Duly elected Presidents can be retarded and often are. The fact that you can have a bad monarch is not a refutation of the efficacy of monarchy. Besides, a good monarch can always just adopt or appoint another good one. It doesn’t have to be strictly hereditary.

>> No.23255907

yeah, but if the president is a retard then you just vote him out

>> No.23255910

And vote in another retard…

Democratic elections are basically a popularity contest among suits selected by oligarchs who don’t have the nation’s best interests at heart. It enviably subordinates the process to money. You cannot even run if you don’t have money. Elections are expensive. These factors don’t exactly select for virtue or competence.

>> No.23255911

Can you though? Either way what you can't vote out is the faceless administrative state. But really, that Anon's analogy is flawed.

>> No.23255921

he is already cool you 300lb fat fuck

>> No.23255930

>PhD at 19
How does that work?

>> No.23255936

And this is exactly the point. Is it possible for a democracy to elect a competent leader? Sure, right before he inevitably leaves office for the next buffoon after a short 4 or 8 years. But yeah, they can elect a competent leader. But the problem is that democracy inevitably breeds an oligarchy, and it’s an oligarchy of money. The oligarchy of money gets to decide who stands for election and you better believe they’re not deciding to put forward someone who fucks with the money, not even if it’s for the good of the people. You ever wonder why ever Republican politician supports Israel? Could it be the Israeli donations? You ever wonder why ever Democratic politician supports big pharma? Could it be the big pharma donations? This is how democracy works in reality.

>> No.23255937

Gifted school as a child, they speed run you through the grades if you're intelligent enough. He has a confirmed IQ of 160+

>> No.23255938

>an oligarchy of money
Hard disagree. Also, I generally don't think it's a good idea to focus on politicians. I think the institutions, NGOs and transnational bodies hold the majority of power when it comes to the US regime.

>> No.23255950

I don’t see how you could possibly disagree. lol. I mean it’s so out in the open and obvious.

All of those institipns you mentioned hold sway primarily through money. Politicians are lawyers and they literally sell their legal powers to the highest bidders, such as corporations, NGO/s, universities, PACs, high net worth individuals, etc.

>> No.23255960

>killed his wife
>got away with it
Don't worry it was DA CATHERDRAL that let this happen not the Synangogue

>> No.23255979

He also mentioned on a podcast once that this had stunted his social skills a lot

>> No.23256060

>they’re the modern analogue to Caesar’s legions
another problem is, Caesar was tall, strong, brave, handsome, well-spoken, an excellent popular writer, and presumably big dicked.

none of these tech guys have a shred of that, they all hide away as much as they can & when dragged in front of Congress, they get beaten to the ropes like macgregor against floyd...and the people in Congress are no floyds themselves, really, making it all the sadder.

if there is a Caesar in the present day it's literally Taylor Swift -- once you interpret her albums as popular messaging akin to De Bello Gallico it all makes sense. Check out her latest album - the intellectual turn is coming. Presidency is a real possibility for her in the next 4-8 years -- she can pick up a law degree lickety split, I have no doubt.

>> No.23256062

i 100% guarantee you that me or either of my parents could beat his ass at scrabble without a contest

if these people impress you, you are dumb

>> No.23256103

>I don’t see how you could possibly disagree. lol. I mean it’s so out in the open and obvious.
What is? That money is used by people? Yeah, no shit. Of course it's obvious, money is easy to track and define. It's fully formalized. What's not easy to track is personal connections, influence, expert power, manipulation of procedure, etc. Have you ever thought that 'it's obvious therefore it's true' is not the best argument nor heuristic?

>All of those institipns you mentioned hold sway primarily through money
False. Most UN agencies cannot use money to influence anyone for example. Many, many NGOs do not campaign using money and instead produce research, intelligence and propaganda material.

>they literally sell
No they don't. They don't 'literally' sell shit. No actual sale of anything ever occurs. Now of course, a more charitable reading of that argument would involve ignoring the word 'literally', in which case, yes, money is involved - but if you think it's just money and nothing but money, you are, once again, completely wrong. In fact if you completely took money out of politics, little would change on a procedural level, not just because the administrative state and its auxillaries would remain in place, but also because instead of money they'd just completely rely on influence, prestige and personal connections.

>> No.23256112

Yeah he has some social quirks, especially in person.

>> No.23256138

I don’t think there are any caesars today and the question is a little misguided because it implies that we non-Romans would necessarily look to someone in the style of the Caesar. We don’t look to Caesars or to tech bros. In fact, we actually kind of look down on both. The last person we looked at like that was probably Teddy or Franklin Roosevelt, but that was a different time, with a different people. Today, we like orange hustlers and well-spoken black professors and engineers. But we hate the tech bros. Everyone knows this. So the whole thing is sort of ridiculous. It’s like the worst possible take.

But anyway, performing artists and celebrities are always more Nero than Julius or Augustus Caesar.

>> No.23256292

What happens when the retard President is smarter than 90% of the population?

>> No.23256305

Bad kings are a problem but usually don't destroy a country. You just have to endure them.

>> No.23256478

It's the hu white admixtures
I am whatever reflects upon me and it choose to reflect. Am I my shadow?

>> No.23256567

What ideas have you or your parents come up with

You've met him? What quirks?

>> No.23256954

>just give absolute power to the king/ceo
>global orbital power strikes at the ready to establish and enforce the dominion of the king/ceo
>citizens carry guns that can be turned-off by the king/ceo 's whim
>everything will be solved

aight imma head out

>> No.23256988

He kinda looks like a jewish version of YongYea with more hair.

>> No.23256992

You don't trust the benevolent reign of Yarvin the First? He has proven himself countless times in bloody Internet battle debates and on the killing fields of Silicon Valley, where only the mightiest Startup legions survive.
Even Caesar, Hannibal and Alexander would kneel in front of the first and greatest Marshal-CEO in History.

>> No.23257036

Very organic thread, sirs. One rupee has been deposited into your accounts.

>> No.23257056

We know fuckall about how the brain works and it's going to be several generations until we can genetically engineer good personaliyies. There's also the nurture wildcard... a superhuman baby could still grow up to be a dysfunctional shitbag if he was abused.

>> No.23257959

you don't know half enough of the caesar story. aside from being born into high roman nobility, he was already widely known as the hottest stud in rome at age 16 -- then he had an enormously glorious military career full of personally valorous deeds -- then at age 36 he was elected Pontifex Maximus, essentially Pope of Rome.

the Pontifex Maximus fulfilled the ancient religious duties of Rome's displaced kings, but was prohibited from bearing arms. Caesar's pursuit of political & military power while Pontifex Maximus was, in itself, 20 years before his assassination, already an enormous transgression of the norms of the Roman Republic -- it was tolerated because of the chaos, illegality, and massacres of the civil wars between Marius & Sulla, which had already shredded any real respect for the laws & traditions of the republic.

to begin to understand Caesar, you need to imagine what would happen if a man, already widely regarded as sexiest alive, were elected Pope -- and then ran for President, while still Pope.

don't get so confident just because there isn't a Caesar right now -- men that big might only come around every one or two thousand years. "black swan" don't you know.

taylor swift is from an extremely wealthy old-money family (the closest thing to nobility we have), she's the global top artist & also regularly engages in rather fantastic physical feats (such as singing entire albums while running on a treadmill for hours straight) -- and, you may have noticed, her presidential race endorsement is arguably considered the most important in the country. no one alive is closer to gaius julius caesar than taylor alison swift, and that is a cold hard fact.

also, we of course don't have a pontifex maximus, but we do have a poet laureate. kind of similar?

>> No.23257965

I've heard that there does exist
concern about a basilisk.
Men, as ever, may derange
to wondering or thinking that
a robot may be pecking at
them, in some way, tat, tat, tat,
and all I have to say, me me,
to such a fearful one as he,
is that that basilisk would be
a snake of most determined mind,
and wonder not at this man-kind,
but might among these men he find
a few he'd sniff with nose of ghost --
not many so -- and him - toast toast!

>> No.23258000

Closest we've gotten is drumpf. taylor swift, give me a break.

>> No.23258032

that fat fuck LOST retard

Caesar never lost anything, that's why they had to kill him

taylor alison swift has never lost anything either. just her mere presence apparently inspires superhuman feats of football. (kidding but this is about narrative. "the biggest pop star's boyfriend made the winning play of the superbowl" is not, you know, something that happens every day.)

i'm not sure if you noticed, but the last thing kimye ever did was try to cancel taylor swift by calling her a snake. they got voldemorted for trying to touch her... kanye went basically immediately insane, and him and the kardashians are gone gone gone. that was also the start of the end of "cancellation" as an all-powerful thing, if you hadn't noticed that either.

taylor's done a lot -- she's only 34 and she's already won at music... there's nowhere further up for her to go in that world...yet she's not the kind of person interested in going down, gracefully or otherwise. to go further up, she needs to start another mountain. the only question is what it will be.

>> No.23258065

This is retarded as fuck, you all need to stop wasting your time with this shit and just read anything more worthwhile.

>> No.23258067

Peak delusion, you simps are something else.

>> No.23258092

i dont doubt someone might try it but imagine being tinkered with to serve someone else's purpose rather than being born a human. someone tinkering with your genes could easily include killswitches such as allergies to secret compounds. as it's in everyone else's best interest for no one to be a voodoo priest with genefucked slaves, its necessarily necessary to put people expressing such intentions in positions where they can't engage in such activity, including in the ground.

>> No.23258116
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x2048, tumblr_8b7055ce06e2266bee91d3b386575b43_bad70989_2048 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only song i thought was even okay from her early career was the one with the short skirt and the bleachers. blank space would be okay if not for the "running - crying - perfect - storm" swiftian moments...and just so, Caesar is not Vergil.

she is a shark of a businessperson. her recentest coup was this: she broke with her long-term recording company, which was very unfavorable for her under the terms of her contract. They kept the rights to all of her recordings and her share of the proceeds, if the contract were broken, was low.

However, they did not keep the rights to her songs. She re-recorded every album - thirteen in total - and re-released them under her new label to colossal success. Every re-recording is now above the originals on every major streaming service.

That's called a gut-and-garrote. Then she went on tour and made a billion bucks in a year. Sha-boom! Taylor is her own woman. And here's the thing: she had to have planned this in advance. She had to gamble that she would be able to re-record all her albums excellently. That alone is a feat. It's like she shot an arrow up ten years ago and just caught it.

To her literary credit, however, she is a bit of a John Dee. She leaves hidden messages via numbers and capital letters that end up referring to future songs or albums. At least, that's what her everyday girl fans are able to find. Considering she just marked a sigil for herself, I think you should do some reading. April 19 <3

>> No.23258117
File: 340 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_c49cb7822d8e3fdfcd171690075aee4b_747a5c8d_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the liner. I see something already - I'm sure you're all familiar with that adorable S.T.C.

>> No.23258159

he's not overweight retard

>> No.23258196
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overweighter than me bitch

>> No.23258197

>two years

wow that's nothing

>> No.23258209
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im gonna be less spicy than that on second thought

>> No.23258221

>I don't do sources because anyone familiar with them will dismiss me as derivative and/or defective versions thereof

This State Department ghoul may as well be Sargon of Akkad for Gen Xers, mid. doesn't begin to describe the levels of AstroTurf going on here. Put this bad faith dark dwarf to rest already.

>> No.23258223
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>'Dark Elves' watch television and the e-ntertainment act him and the Canuck put on are equally benighted.

>> No.23258288

People here greatly misunderstand his ideas.
They attack this strawman of theirs and are then left with a hollow satisfaction.

>> No.23258480

he's a midwit jew who killed his wife, why should I be impressed?

>> No.23258528

hey sexy what's your address and phone number?

>> No.23258551

That's fine anon; you do you do.
I wish you a fine day.
Call your parents to wish them the same, will you?

>> No.23258554

>you do you*

>> No.23258560


>> No.23258565


>> No.23258571
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>umm umm umm like you know carlyle umm umm wrote this book umm ya know umm umm about the umm umm french revolution umm umm umm

>> No.23258581

>in the land of the the 5'5", the 5'6" man is king

>> No.23258585

this is so unbelievably spot on kek

>> No.23258685

Get a hobby. She's good enough at singing and playing guitar, but she's promoted and (((allowed))). You're portraying her as some master strategist. She probably just had her group of attorneys tell her she could redo her songs and went with it. She was born to be successful with her rich upbringing. There's nothing particularly special or desirable about her, even her looks fade as she walls with no children. By 40, she'll still be popular with teens and shallow women who think she's 'empowering' but she may just fucking kill herself at the top after being a dried up old woman with 0 kids. Unless her boyfriend impregnates her now, this can only end badly for her. The bit about him I found pretty funny too, you act as if the narrative wasn't planned well in advance of the Super Bowl. Give me a break.

>> No.23258691

Ah, I knew you had to be the faggot pretending to "gotcha" people with this slop. Haha, I trucked you! WORLD FAMOUS SINGER-SONGWRITER TAYLOR SWIFT WROTE THIS! The name attached or not, it's still on the level of a middle schooler. As many accurately guessed in that thread, a dumb cunt wrote it. This has no depth.

>> No.23258781

Yep catfishing girls with software drugs, thanks robot me

Remember kids, rape is not a debate

>> No.23258815

So what even is The Cathedral?

>> No.23258832
File: 95 KB, 1280x640, The-Antisocial-Network-Memes-to-Mayhem-Netflix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usenet scene
Eternal September is back. There's now a documentary about us. Every normalfaggot with a Netflix account will soon be flooding into 4chan to see what it's all about. Where do we go now?

>> No.23258854

Raymond Carver story, pretty good
Or just read Foucault and Gramsci

>> No.23259238

>From everyone else who can read and think, there’s nothing profound there.
This my opinion on Yarvin as well.

>> No.23259244

It’s easy. You lie!

>> No.23259250

> No they don't. They don't 'literally' sell shit. No actual sale of anything ever occurs.
lol ok. It is a simple fact that they do.

>> No.23259267

Most of this is an enormous exaggeration. Julius Caesar was a minor figure in the upper echelon of Roman society until he was in his later 30s and equating Pontifex Maximus with the Pope is a misunderstanding of Roman religion. He was also never “sexiest man alive” or any sort of analogue.

This whole thing is schizo bullshit to justify your bizarre Taylor Swift power fantasy.

Besides, you literally missed the point of my reply. The analogue for us is not remotely similar. We don’t have the same values as Romand and admire different qualities. We consider womanizers more like buffoons and competent leaders in the military, politics, business are for us almost always more intellectually and charismatically gifted than physically gifted.

This whole thing of yours is nuts lol.

>> No.23259320

Look, Trump is a significant figure in politics but he’s not remotely analogous to a Julius Caesar. Unironically, the closest we’ve had to that in the modern era are Adolf Hitler in Germany, and the Roosevelts as well as MacArthur in America. Oswald Spengler saw some kind of Julius/Augustus Caesar analogue in Britain’s Cecil Rhodes, I guess because he was such an ardent imperialist.

>> No.23259322

Why do you not assume he’s trolling?

The loose coalition of academia and media companies for the most part. He calls them The Cathedral because they’re in the business of spreading and affirming progressive dogma. Everyone hates the name but nobody really disagrees with the point.

>> No.23259420

It's not the cathedral - - - - it's the le syanogue!!!

>> No.23259425

If trump had sent in the national guard to aid his supporters on j6 he would have been a perfect analogue for julius

>> No.23259449

I don't find it curious at all that a Jewish liberal writer would choose one of the most significant symbols of Christendom as the personification of Evil.

>> No.23260067

>You're portraying her as some master strategist. She probably just had her group of attorneys tell her she could redo her songs and went with it.
completely missing the point - willful ignorance?

long-term planning aside - the mere act of saying, at 36, "fuck it, break the contract, i'll record all my albums again, and do them even better this time, and they'll beat out all my original versions that I recorded at 22" is the most gigantic balled thing done by an artist in any of our lifetimes.

you may not get this, being apparently retarded, but not every musical artist is capable of recording flawless, possibly-even-better versions of their own songs ten years later...doing that, in the short time that she did it, and then going on tour for over a year straight right afterward...it's borderline superhuman.

she knows as well as you that pop stardom doesn't last forever. do you think she's stupid? that's why a turn is coming, just as it did once she'd become the biggest country star. remember that? she turned that crown down without a second thought and started up pop mountain. now she'll do it again. there will likely be a serious, intelligent carole king style album in the next few years, which will infuriate you, because it will be actually kinda good. then comes the transition to elder statesman.

also, she could easily afford to have 100 of her eggs IVFd by surrogates with sperm from 100 different seven-foot-tall doctors. kids, retard? you think she cares about kids? she's on a higher plane than you. not that i think that sort of thing is right, mind you. what's more, she could have 1000 eggs frozen now and then do the IVF thing with surrogates when she's 80 and needs some entertainment. youre kinda dim arent you?

>> No.23260072
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>wake up
>eyes barely open
>legacy news informs me another secular atheist hypercapitalist jew e-influencer is the new "right wing" guru i love who has "charmed" me

>> No.23260077

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.23260080

>it's still on the level of a middle schooler.
that's about the level she's been writing on for 20 years. her former middle school fans now have middle schoolers of their own, and both of them worship her like god.

do you think she got to be the global top artist by being stupid? she writes at a middle-school level because the average american reads at a middle school level. it isn't complicated.

as you say, she's from an elite family. she could've done anything or nothing and had one of the easiest lives ever lived by a human. taylor swift, however, like a commoner, wanted to play music. she could already be CEO of some bank or another if she had just gone into her family business. if you were born into that family, you would have taken the easy money. most would, because most people are lazy.

but taylor didn't take the easy money (and neither did I). it's difficult for proles to understand, but actual elites are beyond money.

>> No.23260135

>Julius Caesar was a minor figure in the upper echelon of Roman society
like taylor swift.
>until he was in his later 30s
taylor swift is currently 34 so...yeah i'd pay attention to the next few years
>equating Pontifex Maximus with the Pope is a misunderstanding of Roman religion
dice latine si potes
to what Roman office would you equate global #1 artist?

>competent leaders in the military, politics, business are for us almost always more intellectually and charismatically gifted than physically gifted
what do you think might happen if someone put together all three?

understand, nincompoop, that i'm not saying taylor swift is going to make herself dictator of america. she, unlike almost anyone else these days, believes in the american experiment. the comparison to caesar, and not octavian, should make that evident. but i never know with you tools.

>> No.23260152

Fuck off retard.

>> No.23260155

you're dog dumb, kind of like the big mouth

julius caesar didn't have to send a crowd of fucking cringe goons to interfere with elections lmao

the people & the majority of the senate offered caesar a crown as king of rome three times, and he refused it each time. he know that such a crown would mean his death at the hands of the old republicans.

if you want an analogue for trump, you'd do better to look at spurius maelius.

the only reason the old republicans of america haven't done away with the big mouth is because he is a joke, and they don't want to dirty their hands in touching his vile self.. they handled the kennedys like the gracchi. do not fuck with those people.

thing is, they don't get that the danger is not him, himself, but rather that he makes a joke of america, and his reelection would start her on an inexorable path toward doom, even if he himself is far too incompetent, lazy, and disloyal to make much of a tyrant.

not that he is alone in the bejoking -- if you want a closer analogy to our times, read up on marius vs sulla and milo vs clodius. if they ever burn the capitol as a funeral pyre for some tranny then we'll know exactly how much time is left til hike.

trump on the right, trannies on the left - who's sticking to the middle path? does there remain a single great american dynasty?

>> No.23260159

feel free to leave the thread worm

>> No.23260161

Never post this picture again

>> No.23260169

Fuck off retard.

>> No.23260176
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>Adolf Hitler in Germany
ugly little meth head retard who lost the one war he fought and then shot himself
FDR was a great man but no one would say he seemed divine -- it also wasn't that rare for consuls in times of crisis to have multiple terms in office even though they weren't supposed to, and we didn't even have a rule about how many terms one could serve until after FDR
Teddy was a good dude & to some extent a military man but he was more or less iced out of his own party after his term as president... as much as the internet loves him now, he wasn't singularly popular then
it would be more reasonable to compare the Roosevelts to the Brutii or Scipii
highest office prime minister of the cape colony lmao. didnt even conquer the thing himself. not even a crassus

Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy had auras of divinity...such a thing is dangerous to have.

>> No.23260179

it seems i've reduced you to gibbering. apologies

>> No.23260190
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>> No.23260271

Fuck off retard.

>> No.23260437
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>the nurture wildcard
This is the best case for hereditary rule in the first place. If everyone knows which children will rule in the future they can be extra careful about their upbringing. You can even build an entire college to vet and train child development experts for them.

>> No.23260531

I'm still learning about Moldbug and reading his essays, but something about it feels incoherent to me. I broadly agree with a lot of what I'm reading, but it feels like he's a strange jewish dude that's pulled between his ideas and the communities that he's grown up around and that he lives within. It's like some kind of weird fusion that appeals to nobody.

>> No.23260633

Sending crowds of goons to interfere with elections was standard operating procedure for politicians in late republican Rome, and Caesar was particularly good at it.

>> No.23260688
File: 493 KB, 538x714, moldbug has a girlfriend and you don&#039;t she&#039;s half his age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder Moldbug has a girlfriend and (YOU) don't.

>> No.23260697
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>what he’s basically calling for is a sort of atheist and Jewish friendly liberal-progressive dictatorship that literally lets parents transition their kids but is capitalist and and vaguely racist.
You don't actually understand what he's saying. Moldbug is incredibly eugenic, but he takes pains not to present himself in a way that would be off putting to those susceptible to reason, he wants his ideas to be palatable to the center while being applicable and intended to the extreme.

This is extremely obvious to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.

>> No.23260704
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>Jewish aristocrats in America
How is this a lie? What does it even mean? lol

>the idea that startups actually have done anything at all when the majority of them never produced a profit and a majority of those never brought a product to market
Moldbug never claims many of them produced a profit or a product. In fact he claims the opposite.

>that the modern equivalent of the Viking raiders or Teutonic armies is the Silicon Valley startup scene
Never said this as far as I know, post proof/context.

>, that the Dimes Square scene isn’t cringey and shitty
Moldbug would agree with this.

All in all I'd say you failed to name a single lie of his, which is embarrassing, because there's a good many you're clearly too dumb to actually recognize.

>> No.23260716

The worst king is better than the best democrat even through pure statistical analysis.

>> No.23260732

>All in all I'd say you failed to name a single lie of his, which is embarrassing, because there's a good many you're clearly too dumb to actually recognize.
Not him but what did he actually lie about?

>> No.23260761

He constantly exaggerates the effectiveness of China and sanitizes the Xi regime, I'd bet even money he's on the CCP payroll.

>> No.23260830

you should read about the brooks brothers riot. do note -- that one worked. the big mouth's shit show, on the other hand, was a joke.

if youre going for a "first as tragedy, then as farce" kind of thing, that would be one thing..but it still doesnt really work, because tragedies & farces both require pathos. crassus' comeuppance, while fitting, was not sympathetic, and thus he has no tragedy.

>> No.23260841

im dating marilyn monroe

>> No.23260848

if hes eugenic what am i?

>> No.23260861
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a genetic dead end
there's something beautifully poetic in knowing 10 boomers will have reproduced for every 1 zoomer who go on to blame everyone but themselves

>> No.23260871

how old do you think i am?

>> No.23260875

mentally about 12 or 13
men do not post half naked pictures of themselves online for their fragile self esteem

>> No.23260896

dodge kek

you think i'm cute

>> No.23260914
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Citizen, let us walk anon in the garden.

>> No.23260948

with talk like that it's even worse than earlier suggested, I give you 3-5 years tops before you start trooning out, you've already got the requisite delusive capacity down pat

>> No.23260956

i already have all 6 of my wisdom teeth in son

>> No.23260980

>atheist and Jewish friendly liberal-progressive dictatorship that literally lets parents transition their kids but is capitalist and and vaguely racist.
>I can’t imagine a bigger horror show to be honest.
I don't think we have to imagine it, we're living it right now
And this man is supposed to be an unconventional thinker?

>> No.23261149

I mean I got internet in middle school in 1993 and hoped on alt.conspiracy soon after.

>> No.23261470

and as for my capacity, find the triforce ITT

>> No.23261671

>this post brought to you by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, with generous funding from the US State Department

>> No.23261691

I'm reserving judgment on this fascist until I learn what he thinks of the fate of the Huguenots (my family)

>> No.23261695

He probably hates the Stuarts which are mine

>> No.23261701


>>I actually like his style of speaking.
he speaks like the average american : devoid of any vocabulary and passing as a baboon

>> No.23261774

Rent free huh?

>> No.23261798

>. The tech industry has indeed seen its share of hype cycles and market corrections. However, companies like Microsoft have shown resilience and growth over the long term, proving that there's substantial value and not just speculative trading at play.
yeah that's the past. Nowadays tech stagnates. Apple, Google, MS, META etc, don't innovate anymore. They will be the new IBM.
They know this and this is why they started offering dividends and buying their own shares to make the stock price go up over 10 years, oddly enough right when the bureaucrats put the price of money at 0% what a coincidence, before the crash in the next decade.

>> No.23261802

can I suck ur dix?

>> No.23261817

/// Many central points of the concept were debated and challenged, such as whether the presence of a charismatic leader was a major influence on ethnogenesis /// This immunological tolerance can be influenced by intrauterine infections /// Planting trees helps offset carbon emissions, contributing to enivronmental conservation /// The room is lit by four fluorescent circular fixtures overhead, which reflect off the white lacquered surface of a large conference table like ring lights off a pupil /// As such, the solid stem auger was used in instances where bentonite was encountered in neighbouring boreholes /// Farley’s package last year included $15.14 million in stock awards, which also vest over three years with an ultimate value dependent on performance /// On weekends they hustle tourists on the waterfront /// What if the moment's prevailing mood is hard to pin down - sometimes voluble, sometimes glum? /// She loved the gracefully high ceiling, with its white-painted cornice, the heavy brocade curtains and comfortable chairs /// Though the name may make this degree sound like fluff, the course of study is quite rigorous /// She was asked a couple of questions about her private life and got a little prickly /// In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey /// He was attracted by the hothouse atmosphere of Britain's top schools /// Sounds of revelry came from next door /// And though early storytellers call her a "seamstress," conjuring visions of prim needlework in the parlor, she was, in fact, an upholsterer, a profession that attracted both women and men /// He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike /// It is stowed away for safety in some unused nook of the piano, which is rattling away by my side /// She seems to spend all her time yapping on the phone /// The single market would work better if it were not hobbled by frequent and often violent currency fluctuations /// His generally demeanor is that of a very dopey bear with a big appetite, usually thinking of food in the most inappropriate moments ///

>> No.23261836

It's false in all republics. A republic is a tool to put the merchants and public servants as the ruling class. Public servants are a proxy between the merchants the plebeans when things go wrong.

>> No.23261907

Rightfully expelled from France for being ISIS-tier iconoclasts backed up by foreign powers? But I imagine he would be grateful to them for spreading liberalism and irreligiosity.

>> No.23261957

>taylor swift is from an extremely wealthy old-money family (the closest thing to nobility we have), she's the global top artist & also regularly engages in rather fantastic physical feats (such as singing entire albums while running on a treadmill for hours straight) -- and, you may have noticed, her presidential race endorsement is arguably considered the most important in the country. no one alive is closer to gaius julius caesar than taylor alison swift, and that is a cold hard fact.
taylor swift is the new whore for the zoomers paraded by the media industry . Before her there was britney spears, before her madonna, before her monroe. All prostitutes, all idolized by whores and their coomers.

>> No.23262047

He's married actually. She's quite cute and tiny.

>> No.23262102

>This account doesn’t exist
Feels bad man

>> No.23262252

>CTRL-F "Jew"
>Only 14 responses in 189 replies
Record low for a thread about a Jewish member of the RW. Curious how BAP threads have 60-70% jew naming.

>> No.23262318

>CTRL+F "but I digress"
>0 results
This is even more disappointed in a thread about his speaking style.

>> No.23262910

theres literally no eivdence taylor swift has ever had sex with anyone kek

if you read interviews with travis kelce he literally doesnt even talk about being around her...like his plan for the summer is opening a steak restaurant with patrick mahomes

i'm sorry but if i were really in a mutually ecstatic relationship with the biggest woman on the planet my plans would probably be bigger...

TAS is 34 - not the youngest pop on the chart - and yet she's still so singularly popular that she sucks up all the air in the room...literally no one gives a single fig about a single zoomer generation "star" -- they're all completely forced and gay... all the women are empty headed ex disney child stars and the men are gutless ninnies. I thought it was really odd that post malone was getting so much play (and he even has a feature on Taylor Swift's forthcoming album TTPD) but then i thought, who else? there's nobody. it could be me but i'm technically a millennial too kekkle

the difference between TAS and empty headed ex disney stars is that disney scoops children from average (or nouveau riche) families -- people who don't have the confidence to stand for their own ideas & their own career against the industry. (and their families don't have the ability to help or protect them either.)

TAS is from an elite, already wealthy family and had no need of money from the start. Thus TAS could go - and went - against the advice and intentions of every single one of her agents and producers when she broke with country after rocketing to its summit. They - the country industry - threatened to tank her musical career entirely if she broke with them. They would have been content to milk out a few hackneyed, passionless albums and ditch her for a younger blonde when the numbers started to droop. If she'd done what everyone around her said to, she'd already be forgotten, like the first wave of zoomer "stars" already are.

TAS went her own way & she's still herself - very few, it seems, are so.

>> No.23262932

its evident you have no plato

a republic is an association of citizens who are equally bound by and subject to the law, no less and no more

this does not imply anything about any particular degree of franchise or responsibility of government to popular will. those norms derive from the notion of democracy, a political philosophy of different grounding.

thus rome & venice were both republics, despite their degrees of popular participation & representation being very differnt - likewise zhonguo and the usa are both presently republics. great britain, by comparison, is not: it's a democratic monarchy.

>> No.23262941

bap tried hiding he was a jew, yarvin never hid it,

>> No.23263334

>impregnate zoomer literary hipster girl
>dump her and move on
>she happily raises your jew-quadroon offspring as she enters a hippy phase

>> No.23263376

good god i absolutely hated reading that. who is this retard so i can avoid reading anything by him ever again? and why in the fuck would any of you praise him? that was drivel