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23251437 No.23251437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Enough Benzos and Bedevilled Eggs. What was he RIGHT about?

>> No.23251440

The woman salary gap thing

>> No.23251448

about government overreach but he took the vax anyway like a giant pussy

>> No.23251452

The whole things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time.

>> No.23251453

That policing language would kill culture
>should have killed himself while he still was at the top of his notoriety and career like any good author. Now he’s a joke

>> No.23251485

Language was always policed, literature was always subject to censorship even in America until the sexual revolution

>> No.23251487

That's not what he meant and you know that.

>> No.23251529
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Check out his dragon of chaos stuff based on Jung. Its pretty solid

>> No.23251532

>That policing language would kill culture
Now he's done a complete 180 on his view and is against free speech attacking Israel etc

>> No.23251533

He was generally correct about the dangers and destructive qualities of both postmodernism and neo-marxism.
>"neomarxism doesn't exist"
yes it does, you would learn that if you attended college, where any humanities lit crit or cultural theory class will teach you about the neo-marxists
>"his conception of postmodernism is wrong"
no its not, he correctly identifies what postmodernism is, but postmodernists are notoriously slimey and evasive and concerned with semantics and simply despise him for describing postmodernism in negative terms
>"but he's cringe"
fair enough

>> No.23251538

>same tired old "juden peterstein is wrong about da joos" criticism
we know. this thread is about what he got right.

>> No.23251547

I wish my college was "neo-marxist", you guys lied to me

>> No.23251552

neo-marxists are usually engrained in the social sciences and humanities. if you got a STEM degree or something, you probably wouldn't encounter it, and would likely never realize it was there.

>> No.23251595

Sadly untrue, it's just far more subtle. It's the culture and biases and the spin. Science is more Marxist than ever, and the growth of STEM is a sign of the cancer.

>> No.23251600

Washing your penis

>> No.23251673

Trudeau is trying to pass a law that will hand out life sentences for speech crimes.

>> No.23251681
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.23251683
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Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication. At the time it was being handed out like candy for pretty much anything because it was seen as harmless (you can easily find celebrities on late night talk shows joking about taking them). It is now rarely prescribed due to the fact it creates physical dependancy even at low doses over short periods of time and causes extreme withdrawal symptoms (up to and including death). Having an adverse reaction to a prescribed drug doesn't make someone a drug addict. There is no evidence he abused the medication (i.e. his experience became so common that the drug is hardly prescribed now).

When he initially sought treatment in Canada they wanted to give him SSRIs and misdiagnosed him. He took the initiative to research treatment options and went to Russia where a programme specifically developed for medication withdraw was available.

Immediately after his treatment he finished and published his second worldwide bestselling book. Within months he had organized and gone on an international lecture tour. He also published multiple articles and made some media appearances. He has also set up an accredited online university that will offer free degrees, organized a think tank to combat the hegemony of shit like the WEF, created an online interview series with hundreds of episodes etc...

The narrative that there was a character defining downward spiral into drug addiction is doesn't bare up to reality. I'm honestly embaressed so many people have been holding onto it for half a decade now. Imagine being so pathetically delusional that you parrot the same easily disproved ad homs in an autistic echo chamber for years on end thinking they land; in that time Peterson has gone on to much success.

>> No.23251697

>There are inherent differences between men and women physiologically and mentally through expectations put on them through society.
>Feminism teaching that we should break barriers and create equality fails because people actually deep down choose to conform to gender roles. Most girls want to "act like girls" and are interested in "girly things" while most boys want to "act like boys" and are into "boys stuff".
>Society has largely failed at acknowledging male insecurities and body dysmorphia. Even going so far as to punch down on boys and men for feeling that way while giving unfair treatment to girls and women.
>You should look at yourself before you criticize others less you become a hypocrite.
>The only true way to offset suffering is by accepting responsibility
>Post modernism is bullshit (but not for the reasons that he gives. And no, post modernism isn't just marxism rebranded)

>> No.23251703

He has become anti therapy/psychologists lately so he is right about that.

>> No.23251713
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based anons

>> No.23251719

>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
All true. He’s an Israel shill specifically.

>> No.23251728
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Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]

>> No.23251742

Thats bullshit

>> No.23251747
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and my favorite
>Peterson: I have two bachelors degrees in political science and my PHD was in clinical psychology. My career in academia has lasted over 30 years, I've authored/co-authored over a hundred published pieces, and have been cited over 18,000 times. Because of my experience and my interests, I feel qualified and even compelled to speak on the current state of culture and politics. Here's some basic and straightforward ideas about what's wrong with the world today.
>Random Person: I am an 18-22 year old who dropped out of college last month. I currently work retail and I like to smoke weed at my parents house. I'm very passionate about marxism, which I discovered through Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube. I have a pretty good grasp of the various issues Peterson discusses, since I just watched 3 YouTube videos about marxism and participated in a lively Reddit thread on postmodern politics. Let me tell you why Jordan Peterson is not only completely wrong about everything he has ever said, but an absolute pseudo-intellectual who misunderstands and misinterprets the various subjects that he has devoted his life to studying and teaching.

>> No.23251778
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>> No.23251866

Why don't canadians elect someone else? I've seen even the libs there complain about him.

>> No.23251870 [DELETED] 

>>he's a drug addict tho!
>>his office was messy once!
>>er...you don't have a dad!
>>er...wash your dick!
>>his daughter is a slut!
>>he likes the Jews!
>>he's controlled opposition!
While this should also by criticized/made fun of, it's also true that certain people only tunnel vision on to make Juden Petersteins actually reasonable arguments look just as bad as his retarded ones. Like how feds promote flat earth and other astroturfed conspiracy theories to make the reasonable ones look just as outlandish. It's well poisoning.

>> No.23251872

He's right that religion, and Christianity more specifically, is important and that it cannot just be swept away as a useless bit of archaic philosophy.

>> No.23251874

Science is pro-Marxist because scientists study objective reality

>> No.23251876

He's currently governing with the lowest percentage of the popular vote in history. He lost the popular vote to the conservatives in the last election despite that party having one of their least liked leaders in more than 3 decades.

The NDP will keep propping his minority government up until the term limit is reached though. They know Pierre Poilievre will win and are trying to entrench as much bullshit as they can.

>> No.23251877

>>he's a drug addict tho!
>>his office was messy once!
>>er...you don't have a dad!
>>er...wash your dick!
>>his daughter is a slut!
>>he likes the Jews!
>>he's controlled opposition!
While this should also by criticized/made fun of, it's also true that certain people solely focus on them to make Juden Petersteins actually reasonable arguments look just as bad as his retarded ones. Like how feds promote flat earth and other astroturfed conspiracy theories to make the reasonable ones look just as outlandish as the ones people make memes or shitpost about. It's well poisoning.
I still think he's a faggot though, even if I do agree with him on many other things.

>> No.23251991

Fair take.

>> No.23251997 [DELETED] 

>>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
Helping them how exactly lol? By getting them addicted to meds?

>> No.23252079
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The picture that killed Petersontards

>> No.23252091
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>> No.23252094

Since this thread has people who like Peterson and know his beliefs, can anyone tell me if he's an atheist or not?

>> No.23252106

if i draw this im a schizophrenic, if a guy with a phd does it he's a genius

>> No.23252110
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Sex with daughter

>> No.23252133

Peterson's in good shape.

>> No.23252145

If these were actually his opinions then I agree with those but I've read his 12 rules and watched some of his talks and in those cases he seemed to state some generally known proverb or dictum and then support it with the most eclectic and bizarre form of logic building that seemed more like an intellectual flourish than anything directly relevant. You're getting everything from his perspective in his book which seemed to over stress his impact on people and be particularly judgmental at times for someone who has supposedly studied the human condition. Last of all was any time he mentioned his ideas on parenting, it's interesting many take him to be a father figure because that was the most bizarre portion of all his writings. In conclusion, I think he's a bright man with a useful perspective but people should be cautious in seeing him as any kind of intellectual guru. I guess that goes for anyone. To that point as well, maybe that's his weakness, that he feels the need to be an authority on every subject. Lastly since Jung was mentioned in here and I believe Peterson is a fan, that's another guy that maybe I can't appreciate because I'm a midwit but I got similar vibes from him, that he would decide on an axiom and then cram as many schizo connections as he could to help justify it. Thanks for reading.

>> No.23252176

His first book is great and it's the only thing you should read of his. His attempt to marry Pragmatism, EP and Jungian psychology is admirable and genuinely innovative.

>> No.23252201

He's a truth worshipper first and foremost which strongly conflicts with his obvious belief in God that he can't bring himself to publicly affirm because he knows he can't justify it. Same with Christianity, he has a super strong affinity for it but those feelings are at war with his decades of intellectual practice that make it impossible for him to declare a belief in something that can't be rigorously and immediately defended with facts and logic.

>> No.23252228

So basically atheist?

>> No.23252237

He doesn't believe in God retard

>> No.23252271

>blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue
the whole gender debacle is a case in point. For example, contemporary gender theorists are now scratching their heads over what they call "the exclusion problem" which is simply the fact that social theories of gender (like those that say that a woman is anyone who is perceived as a woman and/or is oppressed) fail to explain these perfidious cases where, and I quote Elizabeth Barnes, "a woman is not recognized as a woman, a genderqueer person is not recognized by others as a genderqueer person, and so on"
Now, anyone who knows anything about basic logic might notice that Barnes here is simply begging the question. They act as if their own silly social theories of gender are automatically wrong simply because they "fail to recognize (trans)women as women". In other words, they automatically presuppose that women exist and that trans women are women without ever explaining just what a woman is. Because of course, the moment you give something a definition you are going to exclude everything else, namely everything that is not a woman. They are trying really hard to not be eliminativists. They also talk about how they fail to explain the phenomenon of "misgendering" but never ever mention the mere possibility that people could misgender themselves. Anyone who is not already a part of this shitpile of an ideology will think that he has entered into some bizarroworld the moment he decides to give these people the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.23252284

His analyses of Disney movies and the Bible are good. Beyond that, nothing really. The bullshit with the lobsters is just more delusion within the mythopoetic men's movement, which is as scientific and philosophical as the radical feminist's movement. I'd advise all men to avoid listening to him about men's issues.

>> No.23252286

Seems gay and schizo

>> No.23252299

The only reason progs hate him is because of the transgender shit. Zizek was just a convenient way for people to then say that he wasn't that knowledgable about marxism or whatever, all because he used the forbidden word combination of "post-modern" and "neomarxist" as if not a single marxist ever outgrew modernism in his miserable life.

>> No.23252304

Why does everyone bring up lobsters? It's the most minor and obvious factoid, I don't get why people criticize it. As if people don't know that "dominance hierarchies" are old biological stuff. Everyone already knows that and if you don't you are very stupid. It's grasping at straws to censure him for this. There are better criticisms lmao.

>> No.23252396
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>> No.23252460

I'm pretty sure it was anon

>> No.23252465

>if you got a STEM degree or something, you probably wouldn't encounter it
You wish. Even stem classes are subtly (and not so subtly) encouraging it. We could participate in free palestine protests for extra credit

>> No.23252475

The gullibility of his target audience.
But even that’s probably just his press agents

Ten years later and you people are still advertising this hack. Worse than horrors call guy

>> No.23252481
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>> No.23252488

>the radical feminist's
You could just say "feminists" since all feminism is radical

>> No.23252493


>> No.23252502

Are you suggesting that trying to act in your interest is irrational ? Also I don't get the 'whole movement ' criticism. Please bring up specific issues so people can reflect and improve. It's incredibly intellectually lazy to dismiss whole schools of thought outright.

>> No.23252540
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Hey Jordie

>> No.23252545

and thats the damn bloody thing

>> No.23252553

Great contribution, thanks.

>> No.23252567

about BANE

>> No.23252572

Destiny OBLITERATED him btw

>> No.23252577
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Humiliation ritual

>> No.23252584
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Unfortunately DEI departments mean that every single major you could possibly study will be filled to the brim with marxist faggotry, because that's what they're designed to do.

>> No.23252585

gigantist detected

>> No.23252598

He was right about everything but he was 2+ years too late. Jordan Peterson in 2011 would have been revolutionary. In 2017, he was just holding people back for shekels.

>> No.23252613

Noone cared about his psych stuff before. It's just his politics, which the last part of your post shows. This is fine but his fans try to deflect all criticism by ssying he is but a humble therapist.

>> No.23252627

Yeah. Anyway, i wouldn't reccommend men read any feminist take on whatever they think is bothering them. Feminists just see men as brute facts born of the time and place. They also seem to think they know what men REALLY think and how they REALLY feel or whatever.

>> No.23252632

Indeed. Nobody gave a shit until he spoke out against progressive retardation

>> No.23252639

>men crying bad!
I know you guys lack self-awareness but come on

>> No.23252640

>Jordan Peterson in 2011 would have been revolutionary
Wish more people read Moldbug then, cause he predicted that and more in the mid 2000s.

>> No.23252644

You're all sick, twisted DEMON TROLLS
Anonymous cowards all of you, from the deepest pit of hell you crawl out of and try to sully my good name!
God will smite you for your evil deeds.
May Yahweh gas the Palestinians and the demonic psycho incel TROLLS who comment on my twitter page

>> No.23253138

Can you give an example?

>> No.23253156
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He hasn't been the same since the coma. It's a shame because he used to be quite pleasant and interesting to listen to