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23249232 No.23249232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*disproves white supremacy on an academic level*

>> No.23249257
File: 303 KB, 960x1792, CA652440-A336-4962-A988-A43154B089B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that?

>> No.23249259 [DELETED] 

who’s that ugly jew?

>> No.23249262
File: 59 KB, 822x1024, 1696611274464633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These situations allowed Europe to thrive
>No, not those identical conditionz
>No, these enviromental pressures won't affect human development
>No, its just enviromental only and could have been anywhere
>No, that is not the right way to understand the data
>No, what are you a racist?
>No! You antisemite.

>> No.23249264

"white supremacy" is just millions of years of human history

>> No.23249268

Low effort bait thread. 0/10 Apply yourself.

>> No.23249332

The book has been debunked multiple times, and even in the book it says not to judge any group has a whole and to treat everyone on a case by case basis no matter their skin color.

>> No.23249363
File: 96 KB, 640x723, 1708583449728765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book has not been deboonked, the datasets are still referenced in modern intelligence studies. The study of intelligence has not moved forwards because of its controversial nature. Studies based on the intelligence of ethnic groups is not published (by the choice of those running the studies, not by the Universities or Publishers) because the results contradict the liberal position of equality of man. The scientists running the studies correctlty predict that it is not worth ruining their career over the trutu that black and brown are, when taken as a group, less able to problem solve because genetics plays a much greater part than enviroment.

>> No.23249364

but the zebras...

>> No.23249379 [DELETED] 

blacks are homunculi made by evil alchemists, they probably aren't even from Africa

>> No.23249477

no they're just a more primitive people because the African environment is rough and demands immediate survival. They're more animalistic therefore. Euros and Asians had to deal with the ice age and several 'x' factors of their environment where instead of brutish strength, intelligence and forethought weighed heavier in the gene pool in terms of survival.

in conclusion: African environment encourages survival. Northern environment encourages thinking, so encourages successful people & civilization. Nigger brains are stuck in the genetic past, sorry, nothing will fix that. In the space-faring future I expect the world will have given up on blacks, and just leave them behind on the since scorched-Earth to continue doing their unga bunga stuff, and we'll stop in every few millenia to see how our old ancestors at the zoo are doing.

>> No.23249487

How are survival and thinking not connected?

>> No.23249489

maybe its just long term vs short term thinking

>> No.23249494

the answer to everything is planetary segregation and mutually beneficial trade

we're not going to run out of fucking planets, pick one and give it to black people, Chinese people, Greek people, and keep them the fuck away from each other

>> No.23249499

well the issue is only 1 planet supports life (earth)

>> No.23249517


>> No.23249578

Conductive meaning easier to survive.
>drop seeds in dirt accidently
>edible food pops up all the time due to generous growing season
>migratory herds come and go
>No harsh winters to plan for

The problem is some ethnic groups are no longer capable of self-sufficency.

>> No.23249623

>The problem is some ethnic groups are no longer capable of self-sufficency.

Some motherfuckers are ugly, some motherfuckers can't feed themselves. How is that other people's problem? Who cares? Let them go extinct and reincarnate as something less retarded

>> No.23249747

>brutish strength

Do you really think they were out there wrestling with lions and elephants? Do you know anything about Africa?

>> No.23249761

papists think birds can feed themselves but black folx just can't pull it off

>> No.23249766
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>> No.23249765

As the other anon stated, it's about long-term vs short-term planning. Black people struggle with concepts that are overly abstract & complicated because their bodies & minds are the result of a rather simple environment. Why farm when wild shit grows so abundant anyway? Why herd animals when they're just naturally everywhere and easy pickings? Just go spear one, there's plenty for me and the lions too. Africa as an environment isn't mentally challenging, it's physically challenging. That's the difference. Their biology never NEEDED to change, they already fit their niche in the jungle. The rest of us are different.

>> No.23249771
File: 30 KB, 474x252, Jared Diamond BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't domesticate zeb-

>> No.23249784

I didn't want to go into detail but yes I believe African bodies are physically stronger and faster. They're also dumber. I just said brutish strength because it's an easy archetype to understand: They're brutes. Dumb, strong, fast.

>> No.23249790

the pharaohs probably created them with black magic, that's the only way to explain their non-existent history

>> No.23249798

Don't need a book to disprove something as irrational as white supremacy

>> No.23249806

Pretty much. Love how he mentions all the shit fans of the book skip over. Idk why people still thump this book like it ended racism.

It's just another fantastical story by some fool who thinks/wishes the world is fair. It isn't, and it never will be.

>> No.23249813
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>Euros and Asians had to deal with the ice age and several 'x' factors of their environment where instead of brutish strength, intelligence and forethought weighed heavier in the gene pool in terms of survival

Northern Europeans are the strongest people in the World. The idea that because one race is good at one thing they must be bad at another is rooter in a morality that does not exist in the natural world. Humanity is unequal in many ways, the african is at the lowest and most disadvantaged.

>> No.23249822


>> No.23249841

white trash are reason alone to disavow white supremacy. racist nazi-boos are just trash chuds coping they have awful personalities and cant even win at the society of their forefathers (because its an evil rigged game and has been from the start). no amount of jewscaping is going to change anything, jewscaping is literally a systemic pressure release mechanism

>> No.23249854

>on an academic level
does this mean something to redditors?

>> No.23249864
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Hello mohel.

>> No.23249869

jews have to much power is all. and they use it to critique and criticize power held by white people while somehow shielding themselves from the same type of race-based analysis of power and institutional representation. its just dishonest and thats a lot of what people have a problem with. Jews should not control all institutions not should they be immune to transparency and criticism

>> No.23249882

the real jews are white people and they have no power because they are God's chosen people and this is Hell

>> No.23249916

Normies are noticing too lately. Very interesting times, I wonder what will result of all this. The Jewish powerhouse should be scared right now, and I think they are bc new jewish propaganda has been churning out left & right after the Gaza drama started. They made a mistake placing Muslims higher on the hierarchy of sympathy than themselves, and now their liberal hounds are barking back at them.

>> No.23249946

Whoever wrote this discredited himself as a retard by the third paragraph. Actually by the second considering he unironically used the word "meme" in this supposed critique

>> No.23249974
File: 921 KB, 1201x1043, Jared diamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23249999
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x1600, why read when u can jewbait 24.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did it ever occur to you that that pre-existing pillars of power are the problem in the first place? maybe try ripping those down instead of just trying to argue for a mid-wit genocidal palace revolution. bitching about jews is no excuse for understanding society and its ills in a wider manner, in fact its almost always a retards-heuristic to dumb things down, which is often buttressed against an anti-commie inclination that prevents economic-class-systemic analysis

>> No.23250013

>modern intelligence studies
>twitter screencapped nonsense
Almost got me

>> No.23250021

>Alchemists claimed that the culture medium required for the growth of homunculi contained several biological fluids such as sputum or egg-white, and sometimes inorganic fluids like dew, but the two substances most commonly cited as essential were human blood and semen — both of which are widely believed in primitive or non-scientific societies to harbour the vital essence of life. Also required was horse manure

wow I wonder what color homunculi are? what a coincidence hahaha

>> No.23250028

>thinking two things don't belong to the same species because they look different
>implying men and women belong to different species because of sexual dimorphism
Just stay on Twitter next time

>> No.23250037

greg cochran is based his wordpress blog is great westhunter.wordpress.com
he wrote the 10000 year explosion which is a much better popsci explanation of civilization

>> No.23250055

My friend thinks they were made in a lab

>> No.23250063

>we're not going to run out of fucking planets, pick one and give it to black people, Chinese people, Greek people, and keep them the fuck away from each other
Subplot to a South Park episode

>> No.23250070

That’s the problem, that’s all academia does. What about academics who want to prove otherwise? They get shut out, don’t they?

>> No.23250078


>> No.23250082

genius, send all the niggers to pluto

>> No.23250095
File: 161 KB, 1250x423, GKID2iObwAARZ3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kike detected

>> No.23250140

Didn't Ryan BTFO this?

>> No.23250143
File: 96 KB, 700x924, abAn4Gz2_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all corvidae are the same and exhibit the same abilities, okay?
>why are you trying seperate them? Just call them blackbirds you racist. There is no such thing as 'raven' or 'jackdaws' or 'magpies'

This is how you sound.

>> No.23250165


>> No.23250167

>ctrl+f: argument
>zero arguments found
back to >>>/pol/ with your retard heuristics

>> No.23250172

Women should be bred like cattle. Feeling “safe” should only be a luxury reserved for men

>> No.23250234 [DELETED] 
File: 953 KB, 1439x2183, jew books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The argument is that you are a kike.

>> No.23250236

are you a faggot with mommy issues by any chance?

>> No.23250246

>white trash hands typed this post
Thats not an argument, especially since I'm probably whiter than you. Go seethe more about being a powerless pleb on >>>/pol?

>> No.23250256

Cleetus, isn't past your meth smoking time?

>> No.23250261

please be quiet, sit down, listen, and learn

>> No.23250269

No thanks. There's nothing to learn from your cookie-cutter jewhating chuds. Western society has systemic problem and I can't get laid? Its jews fault. Its that simple, its the biggest retard mental-crutch heuristic around, and its dominates all alt-right online cope-sessions.

>> No.23250282

you're projecting nobody is saying that. we're saying jews have disproportionate power and use it to shield themselves from criticism and scrutiny -- they should not have that much power. so please try to listen and understand. and most importantly, stay quiet

>> No.23250283

>more twitter screenshots
>A implies Z arguments
>"strawman" gotcha!

>> No.23250301

Whiteshift is a book which demonstrates that white people are being replaced. Why is this included?

>> No.23250340

>The book has been debunked multiple times
It hasn't.
>even in the book it says not to judge any group has a whole
Yes, so stop toeing the line of DEI initiatives.
>treat everyone on a case by case basis
No, you treat them as people because your intelligence level doesn't define your humanity. Your mask slipped.

>> No.23250365 [DELETED] 

Because it's written by a kike who says it's a good thing ans goyim should just accept their inevitable replacement.

>> No.23250385
File: 795 KB, 1439x1670, WITH JEWS, YOU LOOSE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not clear from your post, are you trying to be classist because you're a kike, or are you trying to be racist because you're a kike?

>> No.23250403

white people are the real jews you gorilla, do you think moses was japanese

>> No.23250405

Have you read the book

>> No.23250412


>> No.23250456

Yes, 37 times.

>> No.23250529

Of course it is, survival, I am sure requires no long term thinking, hunters and tuber gathering bantus became farmers because they were afraid of the fashion police, do you faggots listen to the things you write, its all most like you suspend your conscious brains when speaking about nogs?

>> No.23250532

>he still thinks race is just skin color

>> No.23250533


>> No.23250540

I dunno is this “faggot with mommy issues” inside your walls right now, Moshie?

>> No.23250541

Nice Jewish retorts

>> No.23250596

The natural world doesn't reflect your skewed view of fairness. Humans, like many animals, have divurged genetically as they split into different regions. It's observable that these subspecies have different physiological features, as well as behavioral and cognitive.

Quit lying to yourself. You're denying science and instincts, the rest of the world acknowledges race. It's only you American-made sycophants that are still in denial about all this, because it fractures the countries' identity entirely.

>> No.23250608

Anon, niggers will literally just stare off into space if their immediate physiological needs are met, they aren't capable of long term thinking.
Hell, they aren't even capable of conceiving the past, when they say they "dindu nuffin", they literally think what they did 5 minutes ago was some completely separate nigger from who they are now.

>> No.23250615

He's in the denial stage it's okay, he's just lashing out

>> No.23250619

>wild shit grows so abundant anyway?

You have no idea what you're talking about. Give it up already.

>> No.23250636


It's funny that there's no more recent picture of "domesticated zebras." You'd think after being domesticated, there would be plenty around that you wouldn't have to resort to a hundred yo picture

>> No.23250642

You have never met a nigga so you must be projecting your own family's behaviour.

>> No.23250649
File: 147 KB, 868x868, 9E04ACDE-46B6-47B0-8118-74AE132E5EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23250652

Imagine the pure bliss of living somewhere without any niggers.
Does such a utopia even exist anymore?

>> No.23250658


>> No.23250971

>planetary segregation
I agree. Jettison all non-whites into the void of space. Empty and cold as it is, they fit right in. Take them to any other planet and dump them, sort them if you want. Kikes get Saturn, appropriately.

>> No.23250993

Congratulations on missing the bigger picture.
One of the things that Diamond proposes is that there were no beasts of burden because they were impossible to domesticate no matter what. Zebras are shown, domesticated which says several things about his nonsense:
1. Not only is this untrue, but
2. The domestication of beasts of burden isn't even big enough of a factor to impede advancement in the way he proposes.
3. The photo shows it is possible, why would we need to keep doing it after that point when it's not as practical as what we already have in a horse. Horses are of course more practical since they've been domesticated and bred over generations.
5. No doubt zebras can have the same done to them just as we have done with horses and wolves, but it's not practical. Why the fuck would we keep doing it? Just to show you a modern picture to try and deboonk Diamond? That's a bit racist anon.
6. I skipped four, you're a faggot.

>> No.23251067

>impossible to domesticate
They were not impossible, just unnecessary

>> No.23251108

Didn't read, longer than 140 characters, back to your containment board little buddy

>> No.23251199
File: 37 KB, 695x401, kubrick nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says pygmies are intellectually superior to Europeans in this book

>> No.23251214

Rabbi, please lol

>> No.23251238
File: 2.20 MB, 805x1655, ftfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23251376

>didn't read his post because it's onger than 140 characters
Go back to your shithole site, nigger.

>> No.23251737

>Early life
>Diamond was born on September 10, 1937, in Boston, Massachusetts. Both of his parents were Ashkenazi Jewish.

>> No.23251749

/// Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station /// She threw him a look of haughty disdain /// This recognition frees logic from the epistemological discussion of secondary qualities /// Was there no postman or postmaster whom he could suborn to intercept them for him? /// As to syllogism specifically, Locke in a passage, 8 which has an obviously Cartesian ring, lays down four stages or degrees of reasoning, and points out that syllogism serves us in but one of these /// Littoral warfare includes amphibious landings /// He's a science-fiction maven who can talk for hours about fictional technology /// Bacterial sepsis continues to be the leading cause of death in intensive care units /// My husband is retreating into sullen withdrawal or making sharp passive-aggressive digs at me /// He turned away to wring out the wet shirt /// We are far too concerned to repeat the old shibboleths of the past without trying to face the vexing and intractable problems of the present /// No wonder the court feels little compunction about overturning statutes /// He is like an artist who is more anxious to produce a meretricious effect than he is to be true to himself or to nature /// The rules are set in stone, so we can't make any adjustments /// Stop being so unctuous and tell the truth /// The word limey originated from 18th and 19th century British sailors drinking lime juice to ward off scurvy /// Following a march by protesters, police tried to tear down some newly-erected tents at the encampment and scuffled with demonstrators /// The most dangerous creature of all is the nymphet, the femme fatale, the siren who will lead a good man to ruin, a common archetype threaded throughout art, music and literature /// Strategic recklessness aside, the chief problem with the plan was that it needed a weak, feckless opposition /// He attempted to tackle the nettlesome issue of police and community relations /// Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a "spoliator" /// This fetid odor is common to stinkhorn fungi, and attracts insects that help to disperse the spores /// Climate affects snow fluffiness /// He was carping from the outside, attacking and undermining all the work that was being done /// The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial /// He was peevish when he was interrupted, although most of us have to submit to interruption and try to do so without losing our equilibrium /// Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy to forget about the real political issues /// He stopped at the gas station to top off the car's tank /// Millions of dollars of election paraphernalia are destined for the bin /// Examples of status offenses include truancy, repeated running away from home, and repeated use of intoxicating beverages ///

>> No.23251831

Every single time. Every single damn time.

>> No.23251854

>alt right
What is this 2015?
You literally sound like CNN

>> No.23251859

>academically speaking it's impossible to ride a zebra and therefore europe should kill itself with dumb shit like mass immigration

>> No.23251883

must be nice being a chudditor and living in a racist episode of ready plater one

>> No.23251908

Why didn't the ancestors to current day africans derive a domesticated species of equine from the Zebra? Capturing the young and selectively breeding the tame ones and so on to make a friendlier, obedient species like those russians did with the foxes?

>> No.23252067

Don't you ever get tired of spouting this unintelligible trash all over the board? Fuck off retard.

>> No.23252089

are you stupid? japan literally has female segregated trains because of the sheer amount of sexual assault cases

>> No.23252103

post your nose moshe
this is that kike retard who claims that zebras are impossible to domesticate because they were never utilized by the same race that spent 10,000 years not inventing the wheel, right?

>> No.23252225

>doesn't know how to crosslink

>> No.23252267

It’s really simple, just take the dick and no one gets hurt

>> No.23252534

Do you think Neil Diamond is also...?