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23247044 No.23247044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just finished reading this
holy shit how can anyone justify the Nazi's action? is it just plain ignorance and/or edginess?

>> No.23247047

Let's just day the nazis were a bit... twisted. Most normies wouldn't last a day in their world. They could be the most perfect angel, or your worst fucking nightmare - your choice

>> No.23247086

In most cases they just convince themselves it's fake desu
People will say Jews deserved it but that's just to try and piss you off, if you really press a kraut lover on what he believes sooner or later the conversation will turn to denial

>> No.23247087

spend some time around /pol/ and you will find that neonazis basically all have two faces, one of which is basically an entire headcanon construct about hitler and the nazis that exists in order to justify their support in the face of criticism, while simultaneously, the other face proclaims support for hitler and the nazis for everything they pretend they arent.

every/pol/tard knows jews are evil vermin and wish they could be treated as such to save the white race, and they love hitler and the nazis for their work on the jewish problem, but once you ask them about it, it tuns out hitler and the nazis actually loved jews and put them in summer camps and dindu nuffing to a single jewish hair on a single jewish head because nazis are peaceful and just want peace

/pol/tadrs spam "war is actually le good" shit and post about being epic pagan warriors pursuing "greatness" through war in the name of Caesar and Alexander and "might is right" and gush over or based imperialism is, blah blah blah, in mein kampf hitler writes about the same shit, his imperialistic plans for europe and potential wars he will wage against germanies neighbors in order to restore germany to tho "glory" it deserves, and /pol/tards gush about Hitler's militarism and aggressive imperialistic "warrior" attitudes, and his return to glory through strength of force, but then you point out how hitler fulfilled the plans he wrote about and started conquering his neighbors, triggering world war 2 by attacking a nation the UK had a defensive pact with and destroying his people in the process, OH BOY, suddenly Hitler is all peace and love and wouldn't hurt a fly and dindu nuffin and it was all everyone else's fault but Hitlers because Hitler is a man of peace and love bro and we all know war is actually le bad now!

>> No.23247259
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>> No.23247262
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>> No.23247267
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>> No.23247270
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>> No.23247275

why does this meme leave out the part where Hitler didn't just "save the economy" and live happily ever after, but following his own belief system which he himself wrote extensively about, plunged the nation into a war of aggression that decimated the entire nation?

thats generally the part people who arent jews hate Hitler for

>> No.23247298

>starts war of aggression
>sends millions of germans to kill millions of other whites
>"makes Germany the center of Europe" for only a couple years before it is completely flattened because it was sustainable anyway because he started a fight he couldnt win
>entire continent is left in ruins

wow heckin based! such a monumental accomplishment!

>> No.23247336
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I'm not so much interested in Hitler or Nazis but I really do look up to Goebbels and consider him a /lit/ icon. He was obsessed with Dostoevsky and achieved his doctorate in language and literature. He wasn't a war hero, he didn't hypnotize the nation using some secret mind technique of 'propaganda', everything he wrote in those slogans and speeches comes from the real expression of those literary feelings that other literary critics only analyze and theorize about. Goebbels represents the last expression of the individual author and his possibility of existence and his organization of the world. It may be he killed it or just had to be the last representation of that extreme cultural achievement, and for all the sin and immorality it had to be a punishment of death. He was a true 'reader' type his whole life, exactly the type of person Dostoevsky writes for and he used that literary power to overcompensate into that totally extreme situation, it's really amazing and impressive. To me Goebbels created everything that had style in the third reich, it was what he imagined, he wrote all the speeches. And all of that chaos came from literary feelings

>> No.23247349

unfortunate that the nazis ended up burning dostoevsky's books along with Tolstoy and a host of other Russians

>> No.23247373

He Talked here in this video.
Not too short take a look.

>> No.23247375
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does anyone here agree with this anon who said this in 2014?.
>Adolf Hitler did not view himself as evil.

>> No.23247381
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>> No.23247388
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>> No.23247391
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>> No.23247395

>he just did what he thought he had to do with the best intentions

he didn't "do what he thought he had to do with the best intentions" though, what is this person even basing this conclusion on? he literally lays out in mein kampf in the chapter where he talks about conquering eastern Europe that its all about making Germany into a big dick superpower as a matter of pure egotism as he believed Germans "deserved" greatness. thats not "necessity" or "whats right", thats just pure superficial ambition, and the entire nation was obliterated in a war of aggression he started to fulfill it

>> No.23247421

>obama and bush aren't evil
>global elites who sacrifice children
They are textbook evil, kikes just project their misdeeds to others. They wish Hitler was half as evil as they are.

>> No.23247528

It's mid.

>> No.23247542
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Time Travel.

>> No.23247574

>graphologist writes some notes in ball point pen
>uuh this means the entire diary was written in pen and hitler was actually nice to jews and this is an example of why the jews are evil and nee to be dealt with

nazi intellectualism is hilarious

>> No.23247575



>> No.23247602

>plunged the nation into a war of aggression that decimated the entire nation?
I agree with you in that the le heckin based poltard pagan imperialism meme is dogshit but this is not true. There are extensive historical records of Hitler doing almost everything in his power to avoid war. In fact, before Poland he had managed to gain land without shooting a shot.

The only reason he invaded Poland was because Chamberlain gave Poland a war guarantee to protect them if either Poland or Germany attacked. The British had nothing to back up that guarantee and when Hitler took the Danzig corridor (which had a bunch of Germans willing to become part of Germany, btw) Poland was left to die and the british were completely btfo. WW2 was not a war of aggression started by Hitler, it's much more complicated than that

>> No.23247611

>he literally lays out in mein kampf in the chapter where he talks about conquering eastern
Bscause fuck Stalin and the bolsheviks, that's why. What happened after WW2 to eastern Europe after Stalin gained control proves he was right about expanding to the east

>> No.23247642


this is pure fucking cope, holy shit

>There are extensive historical records of Hitler doing almost everything in his power to avoid war
right, he did everything except not invade Poland and start the war
and by "almost everything in his power to avoid war" you of course mean offering Poland an ultimatum where he demanded they give up Danzig and free use of the corridor. literally "give us territory or we will invade you". yea bro it sounds like he tried everything, he even demanded they surrender territory so he didnt have to invade them right away like the half a dozen other countries he just invaded! truly he exhausted all options before taking this absolutely necessary step of taking by force what he couldn't demand willingly!!
>In fact, before Poland he had managed to gain land without shooting a shot.
yes, he annexed multiple territories from his neighbors, beginning a clear pattern of aggressive expansion, but the allies appeased him trying to avoid war, and he went on the world stage and lied saying he would not keep conquering, but then immediately continued his invasions anyway

>The only reason he invaded Poland was because Chamberlain gave Poland a war guarantee to protect them if either Poland or Germany attacked.
"poland had a grantee from the UK" is not a very good reason to invade poland and start ww2

>WW2 was not a war of aggression started by Hitler,
yes it was, you literally just described how it was a war of aggression started by hitler. first hitler kicked off a series of invasions in which he began annexing various territories. his neighbors were rightfully nervous. Poland set up an alliance with the UK in case Germany tried to invade them next, and Hitler decided to invade poland, knowing full well the UK had a defensive pact with them, thus starting the war with an act of German aggression, the invasion of poland, after a long series of multiple other acts of german aggression.

>> No.23247666

this video is good very shot but good

>> No.23247681

that's why he sued her father for his contributions? cause he made some notes?

>> No.23247695

the much conference is truly damning

Hitler agrees to not to fully invade Czechoslovakia and only annex former German territory, and in exchange,the UK signs a peace treaty, in an attempt to appease hitler with some german territory and prevent the war

a few months later Hitler wipes his ass with the treaty and invades Czechoslovakia anyway

yea bros he literally did everything he can to prevent another war! Hitler is a man of peace!

>> No.23247706

Yeah yeah, the whole situtation is sad, but I don't care because I'm neither Jewish nor German.
>you have to care!
Kikes and Krauts don't care about the genocide of my people under Kemal either.

>> No.23247722

I tried to bring up to these people that aside from the Jews, Hitler and the Nazis also drafted an entire plan(The Hunger Plan) to starve and enslave the vast majority of Eastern Europeans. They says this was fake news and just a plan to help secure the Reich more food.

They then will bring up the Morgenthau plan which is near identical to the hunger plan(only milder) to deindustrialize Germany and claim this was a deliberate attempt at ethnic genocide and one of the greatest crimes against humanity. They act as if wasn't shelved the instant Truman took office.

>> No.23247749 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>holy shit how can anyone justify the Nazi's action? is it just plain ignorance and/or edginess?

Neo-Nazism is 99% pure undiluted contrarianism. Hence why they do things that are objectively diametrically opposed to National Socialist ideology such as

>make ludicrous claims that the NSDAP wasn’t actually being serious by repeatedly proclaiming that Jews were subhuman and equating them with vermin (i.e. something that needs to be exterminated)
>that the Nazis would have loved pre-1960s America (despite virtually all Nazi propaganda depicting Americans as mongrels and degenerates who would be exterminated when the time came)
>shilling for the Russian invasion of Ukraine (you know, Russia, the Neo-Soviet state whose entire national identity is based around defeating Nazi Germany in the Second World War)

>> No.23247753

>"poland had a grantee from the UK" is not a very good reason to invade poland and start ww2

Hitler didn't believe Britain would honor the agreement. What so amazing about this is that the whole reason Germany got involved in WW1 was because they believed Britain would honor the neutrality Belgium. Its the same mistake. Germany got its self into 2 WW because they refused to believe British military promises.

>> No.23247789

Danzig is rightful German clay. It was an excuse, they sat around waiting for him to do what they knew would happen, even screaming "why won't he take Danzig" out of frustration. They wanted war and then acted like it was all Germany, they didn't have to guarantee shit.

>> No.23247803

>waiting for him to do what they knew would happen

lol literally "they made a defensive treaty with Poland because they knew Hitler was being a aggressive and expansionist and might invade poland"

of course they knew it, he literally wrote a book about it. that doesn't reflect well on Hitler my guy, that just proves that he dug Germany's grave with his invasions

>They wanted war
they literally gave Germany a bunch of territory in exchange for a peace treaty with the UK that would have prevented the war, until Hitler wiped his ass with it and invaded Czechoslovakia.

>> No.23248054 [DELETED] 
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>holy shit how can anyone justify the Nazi's action?

>> No.23248084

i wonder how people like you present yourselves within school or the workplace,

>> No.23248102

>you of course mean offering Poland an ultimatum where he demanded they give up Danzig and free use of the corridor. literally "give us territory or we will invade you".
And I'm the one coping kek. Did you even read what I wrote? This happened after everything else was exhausted, after the war guarantee was given. Hitler literally tried to diplomatically solve the danzig corridor. This is a fact. Of course there was an implied threat of force but there is almost ALWAYS the threat of force in diplomacy, otherwise what leverage would a country have over another? You don't even know what you're talking about.

>but the allies appeased him trying to avoid war
You're either lying or you watched some shitty WW2 3 minute rundown on youtube. Churchill is on record for having pushed WW2 to happen to an insane degree. Yes, it's true Hitler pushed his luck and went all out in terms of his expansion (which he did without attacking, btw) but that doesn't necessarily equate him going berzerk and going on the offense one day out of nowhere as you seem to be making it out to be.

>"poland had a grantee from the UK" is not a very good reason to invade poland and start ww2
Giving a guarantee to a war leader with a shady history with no sort of defense to back it up is not a very good reason to risk a world war. I'm not saying Hitler didn't have any blame in this but to say that all the things the allies did to lead up to ww2 are faultless is absurd. It could've all been avoided

>Poland set up an alliance with the UK in case Germany tried to invade them next
UK offered it up. Poland had no reason whatsoever to not diplomatically solve the danzig corridor problem and in fact, had every incentive from Hitler himself. As Hitler was doing these negotiations, Chamberlain set up the pact which Poland signed without any real necessity since Hitler was willing to negotiate. In fact, if I remember correctly even after the pact was known worldwide Hitler still tried to bend himself over a barrel.

Even Chamberlain admitted this a huge blunder, for Christ's sake

>> No.23248107

>Hitler didn't believe Britain would honor the agreement.
And they didn't, btw, not in any significant sense. They essentially set up Poland to die. It's the reason why eventually they had to go to Stalin

>> No.23248122
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Is that why Rudolf Hess tried to Peace treaties with U.K.?
Honestly read this JPG

>> No.23248128

>Hitler doing almost everything in his power to avoid war
>In fact, before Poland he had managed to gain land without shooting a shot.
are you seriously this fucking retarded?

>> No.23248147
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Not an argument

>> No.23248149

>You dont get it, they didn't give him what he wanted so he had no choice to start the war and destroy his entire nation!

that still makes it Hitlers fault anon, are you fucking retarded? Hitler manufactured this entire scenario in the quest for more land. He is the one who decided he wanted to annex territory from Poland and began pressuring them for it, this isn't something he stumbled into, it was a situation he created.

>You're either lying or you watched some shitty WW2 3 minute rundown on youtube

no i am not lying, the fact that you didnt even know about this is pretty fucking hilarious

>It could've all been avoided

yea no shit, the UK literally signed a peace treaty with Germany to try and stop it from happening, Hitler signed it then destroyed it a few months later by invading terrirory that wasnt even former german land

it could have been avoided if hitler left well enough alone and start the war by invading poland.

>Poland had no reason whatsoever to not diplomatically solve the danzig corridor problem

doesnt fucking matter retard, not an excuse for Hitler to start a war

>> No.23248151

Not familiar with Rudolf Hess.

As for pic related, I somewhat agree. I think if the allies wouldn't have jumped into the fray, the most likely outcome was Germany and Russia duking it out

>> No.23248172

>that still makes it Hitlers fault anon
This was essentially the allies's argument on why ww2 was justified.

>yes, let's pressure a country to NOT negotiate German land with Hitler peacefully, that will surely calm things down. Also, you know how we completely assblasted Germany after WW1 and Hitler managed to regain back land to the cheer of his own people? Yeah, let's also not let him do that. We'll also guarantee Poland's safety even if we have no fire power or intention of doing so! We'll sure show him! And also, let's bring Russia into the fray so that they can bring in le heckin comrades to help us!

>the fact that you didnt even know about this is pretty fucking hilarious
What exactly did they try to appease with? After all was said and done and the ball got rolling? Miss me with that "le heckin good allies" bullshit

>the UK literally signed a peace treaty with Germany to try and stop it from happening, Hitler signed it then destroyed it a few months later by invading terrirory that wasnt even former german land
I love how you never go into detail about what exactly happened here kek keep being dishonest.

>it could have been avoided if hitler left well enough alone and start the war by invading poland.
Danzig was German territory and the people in it wanted to go back to Germany. Giving Poland the ultimate decision of when the war would start was absurd. This is key, btw. The war guarantee didn't specifically state it would work only if Germany invaded but if a war broke out, period. This implied that if Poland shot the first shot and Germany shot back, UK would jump in the fray. Which they didn't anyway and just let Poland to die.

>doesnt fucking matter retard, not an excuse for Hitler to start a war
>it doesn't matter if someone waves a gun in your face. It's not an excuse to try and take that gun away.
Gotcha. Allies were le good guys XD

>> No.23248192
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>that image
>hitler just wanted to restore germany's border bro! just trust me

funny, In mein kampf hitler describes the restoration of german prewar borders an "inadequate half measure" and even "a crime", and talks quite extensively about how they need to conquer more and more land in continental europe in order to become a super power

>The demand for restoration of the frontiers of 1914 is a political absurdity of such proportions and consequences as to make it seem a crime
>By proclaiming the restoration of those borders as the political aim of their activity, they keep mending the crumbling league of our adversaries
>if it could actually be realized, the outcome would again be so pitiful that, by God, it would not be worth while to risk the blood of our people for this.
>For it should scarcely seem questionable to anyone that even the restoration of the frontiers of 1914 could be achieved only by blood.
>The boundaries of the year 1914 mean nothing at all for the German future. Neither did they provide a defense of the past, nor would they contain any strength for the future.Through them the German nation will neither achieve its inner integrity, nor will its sustenance be safeguarded by them, nor do these boundaries, viewed from the military standpoint, seem expedient or even satisfactory, nor finally can they improve the relation in which we at present find ourselves toward the other world powers, or, better expressed, the real world powers. The lag behind England will not be caught up, the magnitude of the Union will not be achieved; not even France would experience a material diminution of her world-political importance.

>As opposed to this, we National Socialists must hold unflinchingly to our aim in foreign policy, namely, to secure for the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth
> we National Socialists must go further. The right to possess soil can become a duty if without extension of its soil a great nation seems doomed to destruction. And most especially when not some little nigger nation or other is involved, but the Germanic mother of life, which has given the present-day world its cultural picture. Germany will either be a world power or there will be no Germany. And for world power she needs that magnitude which will give her the position she needs in the present period, and life to her citizens.

>And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our prewar period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the prewar period and shift to the soil policy of the future.

yea trust me guys, he didn't want war bros! he just wanted to restore the prewar borders!!!!!

>> No.23248207

>bro you dont get it hitler had to invade because they wouldnt give him the land peacefully!

once again ,this still makes Hitler the aggressor

>What exactly did they try to appease with?

they virtually waived half the terms of the treaty of versailles then made a deal where he would be allowed to take back former german territory in czechoslovakia in return for a peace treaty with the UK that garenteed no war between the two. which Hitler signed then immediately threw in the trash

>Danzig was German territory

you fucking idiot, it doesnt matter if you have a claim on territory, that doesn't justify fucking declaring war on a nation with allies you cannot defeat and fucking your entire nation and race into oblivion

>> No.23248215
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>Y-you can't just solve stuff diplomatically... because you just can't, OKAY?
>he wrote something in the funny book, see?? He said "blood" and "go further"!!

>> No.23248226

>Anne Frank died of disease. Not deliberate execution via gas or etc.
>Was scared of being raped (presumably by fellow jews) if she was caught and sent to a concentration camp
Uh, Holocaust bros? This feels slightly weird and off narrative.

>> No.23248227

Hitler literally calling the restoration of former German territory "a crime" in its inadequacy and calling for more territorial expansion beyond the former borders in order to elevate germany to super power status pretty clearly demonstrates that the restoration of prewar territory was neither the goal of his government nor a valid avenue for preventing conflict

do you actually have an argument or are basedjacks the full extent of what neonazis are capable of?

>> No.23248234

>We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east.
/thread. I never argued by the way, that Germany didn't want to expand. Hitler specifically states his beef being with Russia, not with the british empire even after their bloody past.

>once again ,this still makes Hitler the aggressor
I never said he wasn't and it doesn't disprove anything.

>that doesn't justify fucking declaring war on a nation with allies you cannot defeat and fucking your entire nation and race into oblivion
This is the crux of the matter. The allies were fucking retards, first of all and provoked unnecessarily. Second, this myth that "Germany couldn't beat the allies" is not true. Britain had nothing to back up their threat or defend Poland with, which is why they ended making one of the worst mistakes in history, which was becoming allies with Russia.

To extend an olive branch, I think all sides were fucking retarded and sperging out. But that narrative of "oh boy, le good guys got together to defeat the big evil funny mustache satan man" is a fucking hilariously reddit take

>> No.23248239

This was also meant for this post


>> No.23248242
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1584746073382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this myth that "Germany couldn't beat the allies" is not true

>> No.23248248

Again, I never said that Germany didn't want to expand. You're just doubling down now because you know that in the funny book he explicitly states having their eyes to the east and drills a hole into the "Hitler wanted to take over the world" meme.

>b-but he still wanted to expand!!
To that I say, fuck Russia. We should've let Germany and Russia duke it out and leave the rest of the world out of that fucking stupid war

>> No.23248253

Yeah keep doubling down kek I'll wait and see what proof you have that western Europe actually did do something to back Poland. You can't simultaneously believe that the UK alone was capable of beating Hitler and also that they had to get the world together to beat the funny mustache man.

>> No.23248255

>again, I never said that Germany didn't want to expand

anon I made that post in response to the image in this post >>23248122 which Explicitly makes the statement '"Hitler only wanted to restore germany's prewar borders"

if that image is not yours then my post is not directed at you.

>You're just doubling down now because you know that in the funny book he explicitly states having their eyes to the east and drills a hole into the "Hitler wanted to take over the world" meme

no, im just posting direct quotes from Hitler where he talks in detail about how he explicitly does not want to just restore germanies prewar borders, once again, in response to an image that made that claim. if you are not the one who made that claim then the post was not directed at you, big brain.

>> No.23248268

Thought you were addressing me. Carry on

>> No.23248270

>I'll wait and see what proof you have that western Europe actually did do something to back Poland

well they honored their alliance and entered the war, that was certainly something . Hitler literally could not even touch the UK mainland outside of bomber runs, and anyone with a shred of sense knew after ww1 that as soon as great powers went to war with eachother, more allies would join, which they did.

it should be pretty fucking obvious to anyone that Hitler's deranged ambitions to plunge Germany into an expansionist phase in continental europe in the the era of industrial warfare post ww1 was a fucking ticking time bomb destined to blow up in his face and destroy his people. can you seriously fucking look me in the eye with a straight face and say otherwise? that you actually believe that in a post ww1 world, a great power like Germany going rogue and invading all their neighbors with the explicit intention of becoming the dominant super power wasn't gong to blow up in their face? you would have to be a fucking lobotomy patient to defend this shit

>> No.23248277

Ah yes, the allies that wanted war so bad that when they finally got it, they sat around twiddling their thumbs for half a year. Why do you think it's called the phony war?
Not to mention they had plenty of chances pre-1039 to get their war, which they spent on appeasement instead.
Lmao, are you seriously trying to argue, that Hitler was a decent guy because he tried annexing other people's shit diplomatically first, before opting for war?
Of course he'd prefer to get land for free over having to waste men and material on it, are you stupid? The point is that you don't go around annexing other people's shit, no matter the method.
Churchill wasn't in office during the appeasement
>the allies's argument on why ww2 was justified
The allies got invaded, why would they need a justification for a defensive war?
>This is key, btw. The war guarantee didn't specifically state it would work only if Germany invaded but if a war broke out, period
And you don't happen to have a source on that? Best I can find is Władysław Wszebór Kulski in THE ANGLO-POLISH AGREEMENT OF AUG. 25, 1939: Highlight of My Diplomatic Career
>4. Poland would be obligated to assist Britain in case Britain were involved in hostilities because of its defense of the independence or neutrality of a European state.
Poland joining Britain in the defense of another independent state is very different from, as you describe, Poland shooting first and Britain joining in.

>> No.23248287

The people arguing in this thread seriously need to read The Origins of the Second World War by AJP Taylor and The Chief Culprit by Viktor Suvorov. They clear up a lot of dumb myths that the victors subsequently wrote to justify the war, without lionising Hitler. There was no German master plan to invade Western Europe, just opportunism in the face of prevarication from Britain and France. And Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union was a panicked response to the Soviets moving to cut off Germany's oil supplies in Romania and iron ore supplies from Norway, and had no chance of ever succeeding.

None of Hitler's (and Stalin's) actions during the war make any sense until you ditch the self-serving and largely nonsensical narratives of the Western allies. Quoting a book that Hitler wrote while running a political campaign 20 years before he gained power doesn't magically override the mountains of evidence that point against a German master plan.

>> No.23248292

>the Soviets moving to cut off Germany's oil supplies in Romania and iron ore supplies from Norway
The Soviets had the ability to do that, yes, but I don't remember them "moving" to do so. In fact Stalin had toyed with the idea of asking to join the Axis up until the invasion kicked off

>> No.23248303


The Soviets annexed Bessarabia and Bukovina from Romania in 1940, which put them within easy striking distance of the Ploiești oil fields.

After the Winter War they built a naval base in an area of Finland that they annexed, which the Germans saw as a direct threat to their iron ore supply from Sweden (not Norway, I got the two mixed up).

If the Soviets had attacked the Romanian oil fields or prevented the Swedish iron ore from reaching Germany, then the Wehrmacht would have been crippled. Even before Operation Barbarossa, the Germans were already facing serious limitations on petroleum supplies. A surprise attack in which Stalin hit those two locations first would have been catastrophic, and Hitler knew it.

>> No.23248367

I just find it hard to take it seriously when the people trying to convince you that nazis never killed Jews are also the people with nazi flags and praising hitler while calling for the extermination of jews

>> No.23248390
File: 181 KB, 1024x668, 1674906539076086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the work day at the JIDF going?

Let me tell you a secret. Two things can be true at the same time. In the context of someone's argument on why Jews are bad, it doesn't matter at all if Nazis were bad.
People dislike Jews for what they have done and what they are doing. For this reason they find some solace and inspiration in the Nazi struggle. That is all there is to it.
And yet you are here crying over a party and a population that have been crushed and individuals whose only crime is to fantasize about a time long gone because they are powerless against their oppressors.
The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you.
You are the maker of your own undoing.

>> No.23248447

>my guy
Go back.

They did nothing because they had fuck all to do about it, they got fucking slapped and underestimated Germany. US had to bail everyone out with a shitty pretext of "oops Germany totally got one of our ships" and then Japan went full retard with Pearl Harbor. If the US really wanted to go to war with everyone who ever sunk one of our ships, how come we haven't glassed Israel yet for the USS Liberty? Really makes you wonder.

>> No.23248487

We are still here talking about him and so are the Jews. No one remembers his political opponents. If that's not an accomplishment what is?

>> No.23248820 [DELETED] 


I'm afraid you misunderstood, I meant that Neo-Nazis suffer from profound mental retardation and that when trying analyze their beliefs, you have to approach it from the perspective of someone with a sub-90 IQ

>> No.23248822 [DELETED] 
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>holy shit how can anyone justify the Nazi's action? is it just plain ignorance and/or edginess?

Neo-Nazism is 99% pure undiluted contrarianism. Hence why they do things that are objectively diametrically opposed to National Socialist ideology such as

>make ludicrous claims that the NSDAP wasn’t actually being serious by repeatedly proclaiming that Jews were subhuman and equating them with vermin (i.e. something that needs to be exterminated)
>claim that the Nazis would have loved pre-1960s America (despite virtually all Nazi propaganda depicting Americans as mongrels and degenerates who would be exterminated when the time came)
>claim that Hitler wanted peace (after practically bankrupting Germany on rearmament)
>shilling for the Russian invasion of Ukraine (you know, Russia, the Neo-Soviet state whose entire national identity is based around defeating Nazi Germany in the Second World War)

>> No.23248839

>They did nothing because they had fuck all to do about it
Okay, so you're telling me, that the allies where hellbent on war, but missed every chance they had to declare it before Poland.
Then in September 1939 they finally got the war they wanted to bad, but the instant it broke out they changed their mind because they underestimated Germany and decided to instead just sit at the border and do nothing?
Does this make sense to you?
>US had to bail everyone out with a shitty pretext of "oops Germany totally got one of our ships"
Are you thinking of RMS Lusitania? Wrong war, buddy.
The US fought Germany, because Germany declared war on the US

>> No.23249166

i dropped it halfway or something.i feel her father wrote the entire book
something just ticks me off while reading it

>> No.23249211

>Okay, so you're telling me, that the allies where hellbent on war, but missed every chance they had to declare it before Poland.
Because they had no pretext to justify it. You have to shed this 3rd grade view of "pushing a funny button to start a war", you still have to take your citizen's motivations, too. Once Hitler called their bluff, like the other anon said, they had fuck all to do about it.

>that Hitler was a decent guy
Not my argument. I'm just saying that Hitler isn't this crazed, land-hungry heckin Darth Vader that the post-war propaganda paints him to be and that if you read each and every step that caused ww2 you'll understand that each country had their (selfish) reason for doing what they did

>Churchill wasn't in office during the appeasement
Doesn't necessarily matter. He still had influence.

>The point is that you don't go around annexing other people's shit, no matter the method.
>other people's

>And you don't happen to have a source on that?
I'd have to look it up later when I have the time, if this thread is still alive. But yes, I do

>Poland joining Britain in the defense of another independent state is very different from, as you describe, Poland shooting first and Britain joining in.
I know, which is why I pointed out how bizarre it is. Again, I'll have to find the source of that specifically but I do remember that. Not that it explicitly states this but the guarantee was vague and with some odd implications that if Poland chose to shoot the first shot, then Britain would technically have to jump in (which they wouldn't have anyway because they had no way to back their bluff either way)

>> No.23249217

>Because they had no pretext to justify it

They had pretext in 1936 and chose to do nothing.

>> No.23249223

*COULDN'T do nothing. Well, I guess technically they could've but they knew they would've gotten their asses handed to them

>> No.23249247

One of the reasons why the trials were so controversial was because the judges were effectively sentencing men to death for crimes that were also committed by the allies such as the Katyn massacre and the fire-bombing of dresden. For those who don't know, the sheer size of the dresden inferno caused a literal firestorm where people were being sucked into the flame or suffocated

>> No.23249316

What happened to /lit/? Re*dit invasion? Midwit infestation? Jew subversion? I cannot understand how anyone within their free medium of expression on an anonymous imageboard can proclaim loyalty for unsubstantiated propaganda unless they have a religious conviction in it.

>> No.23249523
File: 2.10 MB, 1576x2324, Holocaust-The-Journal-of-Historical-Review-January-2000-Belsen-atrocity-propaganda-typhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23249525


>> No.23249532
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>> No.23249600

>different people in a group have different viewpoints
Shocking, I know.

>> No.23250054


>> No.23250606

Kikes are losing control of the narrative. Imagine reading this thread (on fucking 4chan) and thinking that this is just pure organic outrage at heckin evil Nazis for killing innocent Jewish girls during the """"Holocaust"""". The same website responsible for keeping antisemitism alive and well for the past 20 years is where ordinary """decent human beings""" go to voice their discontent with an (appparent) massacre 80 years ago. Not a single person buys it. All astroturfed kikery. Free palestine. Down with Israel. Hitler did nothing wrong. Christ is King etc.

>> No.23250645

>The same website responsible for keeping antisemitism alive and well for the past 20 years

>> No.23250695

ok ok yes stormfront did the heavy lifting. but /pol/ is where these ideas were pipelined to the mainstream. more normies took the red pill on /pol/

Forgot to sage this gay Jew thread

>> No.23251168

>He takes his historical facts from propagandist fantasy books

Nazis were ignorant but youre plain dumb if you believe everything the winning side advertises and spreads including and take it factual that book

Theres a high chance youre reading fantasy written by an adult man posing as a 13 year old girl

>> No.23251176

Are you insane The Holocaust was the epitome of inhumanity
>Here's an excerpt from Elie Wiesel's "Night", a Holocaust memoir.

>He seemed to be telling the truth. Not far from us, flames, huge flames, were rising from a ditch. Something was being burned there. A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small
children. Babies! Yes, I did see this, with my own eyes … children thrown into the flames.

>> No.23251188

a lot of jews lie about stuff like this. even today they are lying about this kind of stuff. they dont really have qualms about lying and exaggerating, they dont' view us as deserving of the truth like they are. as a people they dont buy into the concept of the categorical imperative

>> No.23251197
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>> No.23251261

>people still talk about him because he destroyed his entire nation with either catastrophic incompetence or immoral intent
>this is a great accomplishment because people talk about that time he fucked up literally everything

fame for the sake of fame is sucha hilariously stupid value system

>> No.23251364

It's funny how you never once mention that there were Former German towns that were being massacred by the Polish. Do you choose to pretend those massacres didn't happen, or are you ignorant on the topic?

>> No.23251413

>yup, I totally definitely saw it.
>after disembarking the roller coaster early (I survived even though so many didn't)
>and escaping the eagle cage (I survived)
>and managing to escape the masturbation machines (I survived, my mutilated cock was fine!)
>and leaving the gas chambers (I survived those too)
>and escaping from the electrified floor (I'm a very lucky Jew to be alive and write about all of this you see)
>and having a shotgun twisted until it was aimed at me while I held it and forced to pull the trigger like a Tok and Jerry cartoon (luckily I survived that too)
>all that and I am a survivor! who saw the babies, how awful. No, nobody else saw it, but it was real in my mind

"Weasel" is appropriate but doesn't even begin to describe how slimy kikes really are. He and many others just straight up fabricated this shit, Israel was literally built up from this hoax.

>> No.23251495

>Former German towns that were being massacred by the Polish

didn't happen

>> No.23251500

>It's funny how you never once mention this completely made up thing that never happened

>> No.23251507

The gas chambers and mass cremations didn't happen either, but everyone always kvetches about those.

>> No.23251518

If you have time read about this

>> No.23251653

Even if true, burning corpses is literally the standard procedure and the only thing you can do in a typhus epidemic

>> No.23251678

Isn't most of this book just them hanging out in the attic
The nazis barely even do anything

>> No.23251827

>each country had their (selfish) reason for doing what they did
That's geopolitics, every country is selfish. Always.
But there's a bit of a gulf between trying to maintain the status-quo through (failed) deterrents out of selfishness and trying to conquer half the continent out of selfishness (complete with a plan to enslave or eradicate the people living on it)
>other people's
well that's the fun part about revanchism. You get to pick and choose an arbitrary point in time and say that those are your "true" borders. Guess how many overlaps there will be, if everyone does it.
>Because they had no pretext to justify it
But they did. Germany broke several treaties and there was nothing to stop France and Britain to just say No at the Munich accords.

>> No.23252011

>because he destroyed his entire nation with either catastrophic incompetence or immoral intent
That's what you do. Don't project it onto others and pretend it's true.

>> No.23252031

Nazis completely destroyed nationalism in Europe and with that European power on the world stage. They set the most perfect stage for this self-flaggelating dogshit we see today in western European nations. They sent who fucking knows how many of the best sons of European nations to their deaths. Regardless of how much of a /pol/ tranny you are defending these losers is retarded, especially if you're European or anti-communist.

>> No.23252084

Nobody actually had to go to war with them. Other nations sent their own sons over some fucking clay in Poland, which was rightfully German to begin with, contained 90+ percent ethnic German population, and wasn't actually worth a damn to anyone but Germany and maybe Poland (but not really, it was just the arbitrary line in the sand). Then the convenience of the "Holocaust" allowed for Israel to be formed, it was too much of a perfect storm. Everyone else was waning in a time where Germany was rising, they were simply jealous. Germany and Russia could have just split Poland rather peacefully and nothing would have happened.

>> No.23252175

I'm just gonna say it.
Anne Frank was cute. When I read her diary as a middle schooler I fantasized about her.

>> No.23252277

>If people just let Germany do what they wanted nobody would have died!!!
>They were just getting areas with 90% ethnic Germans!!
>That's why they invaded and took over Czechoslovakia and why Hitler mentioned very explicity about his dreams of eastern Europe being a massive area for Germans to expand into
Right so.

>> No.23252318

40 beheaded babies

>> No.23252651

>Every post on this website was written by the same person