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File: 618 KB, 2310x2560, SIPA_00547237_000011-e1533073455561-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23245387 No.23245387 [Reply] [Original]

What made her flip and become the queen of chuds?

>> No.23245390

She is still a left-winger.
The only thing is, she still retains part of her rationality rather than following their denial of reality.

I'm a conservative and I don't think we have much in common, ideologically.

>> No.23245391

She is just a liberal that hates men

>> No.23245392

being british is divine punishment so she's mad

>> No.23245395

Terfs are not in anyway friends with chuds
They only have hating trannies in common
Terfs are still misandrists and still hate white men
They're still radical feminists after all

>> No.23245397

What? A status quo almost billionaire shill who doesn't like the more absurd parts of idpol is left wing?

>> No.23245405


>> No.23245407

that pretend to be women*

>> No.23245457
File: 548 KB, 1355x1672, Screenshot_20220122-112056_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HP was some of the most milquetoast conservative criticism there is, it was always odd that it developed a lefty following

>> No.23245461

Cthulhu swims left.

>> No.23245462
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>quoting fantano unironically

>> No.23245470

Personal wealth earned honestly is not incompatible with left wing views, and not all leftists are socially liberal.

>> No.23245479

>Using a wojack unironically

>> No.23245490

Not really true, once you recognize one feature of reality others follow

Look at Annie Slatz of Reduxx (pagliacci the hater), she shits on pajeets constantly

>> No.23245504
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>le hecking left and right
Wagner was a national socialist (far right? but it was against the conservatives, so it is actually not far right?), undeniably one of the greatest artists. Before a certain point in time the hecking left-right dichotomy doesn't apply anymore. Political categorization is retarded when it comes to art and artists.

>> No.23245526
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mald more

>> No.23245528

based DiD poster

>> No.23245557

“Terf” is probably one of the dumbest cultural Marxist terms I’ve ever heard of.
Trans excluding radical feminist. A word created back in 2008.
As if the only people who exclude trannies are “radical feminists”, which doesn’t make any sense, because even non-feminists, normal humans, and egalitarians don’t buy into the tranny crap.

>> No.23245567

Imagine thinking that leftists are immune to criticism.
She didn’t do anything; leftists adopted insane positions because of Obama’s tranny wife, and not everyone fell in with them.
Obama is responsible for the explosion of trannies since he made it easier for lunatics to get life-altering surgeries under Obamacare, and even forced the military to cover tranny surgeries.
No one ever talks about this.

Pretty simple. When leftists go crazy about tranny BS, former leftists will look like conservatives in comparison.

>> No.23245597
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The thing is, she never flipped. She only had the wrong opinion over what is a woman.

>> No.23245610

Wagner was an extreme conservative willing to go radical if it were ever possible. This is the only rational position and every great artist has it.

>> No.23245730

This is what /mu/ does to a motherfucker

>> No.23245746

This. Certain men are starting to get the preferential treatment that was formerly reserved for women and she can't stand it. She still hates chuds.

>> No.23245788

Millitary trooning is the funniest thing.
I know two t ladies who enlisted just to get free gender treatment and they were both sexually assaulted while on duty lol.
Apparently the army is rape central

>> No.23245804

But normal people don't have a foothold in elite institutions. Feminists do.

>> No.23245815

She doesn't like men
She thinks trannies are men who are sneaking around trying to rape her (weirdly narcissistic delusion, which is another thing)

She literally hasn't changed in the slightest, and you shouldn't think she's "based", when all she is is a feminist.

>> No.23245835

I'm not even really sure what a "conservative" is. Just someone who doesn't want things to change? That's everyone, when exposed to the right circumstances.

If you mean "Christian, and vaguely stodgy and anti-sex", then no. Plenty of those have been good artists. Tolkien, William Peter Blatty, Johnny Cash...

>> No.23245867
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>milk toast
i will eat breakfast now

>> No.23245874

The modern "left" has nothing to do anymore with what the "left" used to be. Rich people, status quo people and people in power are overwhelmingly "left" wing nowadays.

>> No.23245877

You don’t understand. Voldermort IS Hitler! And also Trump.

>> No.23245901

politics make me want to vomit

>> No.23245907

because we really cant make anything change through political systems? like they are set up to intentionally limit what people can change?

>> No.23245991

>Look at Annie Slatz of Reduxx (pagliacci the hater), she shits on pajeets constantly

Yeah but she still hates men though. She just hates gay men and Indian men more because she sees the constant sexual horniness as the most high octane form of a male disease.

>> No.23246000

since pol tards cant comprehend nuance, ill explain it, she isnt a chud, she is a terf, she hates men to the point she hates men who even turn into women.
In all likelihood she is a neoliberal of the new labour variety, i think she is friends with tony blair even, socially liberal, but dont dare talk about workers rights, or now, trans rights

>> No.23246071

she's given away more money than you'll ever earn in a thousand life times anon.

>> No.23246086

She just came in with the right idea, at the right time. Impeccable sense of timing and her ideas were fairly novel and interesting. Not much else to say. They're books for children and teenagers. Her politics? I feel like she's stretching herself far too thin on an issue she won't make any real change to. I guess it would be wise to just step back but I guess it's too late for that now given she'll die on that hill.

>> No.23246097

she's not a terf
I don't even think she hates trans people as much as they claim. Her main problem, even after all these last few years of controversy, is that she doesn't like the loss of rights, power, and safety cis-gender women are losing in favor of trying to shoehorn trans-women into women spaces. She doesn't want to eliminate trans people, she just wants cis-gender women's issues to come first or be taken a seriously as they need to be. And she's right! For instance, trans-women don't need to have a say in cis-gender women's health issues. And although it's statistically not common, trans women absolutely should not be competing against cis-gender women in sports. The last bit of news I saw about her an this mess is her still arguing with people on the difference between gender and sex, people have been trying to muddy the definitions. They spent years screaming at people that you can choose your gender but not change your sex, and now whenever anybody refers to a trans-person's sex, and the fact that a person with the gender of woman, but one that has no womb, ovaries, and vagina canal, but was instead born with a penis and testicles, shouldn't have a say in certain women's issues then everybody is ready to call that person a Nazi.

>> No.23246149

And if anybody thinks this isn't true or an exaggeration. Why is it always trans-women coming into women's spaces causing issues but the opposite doesn't happen with trans-men? Why are cis-gender lesbians being ousted from LGBTQ communities for not wanting to date trans-women? Trans-men take their hormones and shut the fuck up, they don't come into male spaces and demand that men should have pumping stations, maternity leave, and period hygiene products available for men. They don't try to force straight women or gay men to date them.

>> No.23246157

No she loves BWC, it is literally what women live for

>> No.23246158

>Why is it always trans-women coming into women's spaces causing issues but the opposite doesn't happen with trans-men?

Because men don't have special rights or privileges to be usurped.

>> No.23246159

None of this is happening. You’re just transphobic.

>> No.23246174 [DELETED] 
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>Wagner was a national socialist

They serve a Neo-Soviet government so that makes them leftist

inb4 wrong Wagner

>> No.23246176

Go talk to some women anon, pay attention to the news. People tried to throw high school girls under the bus for not wanting to compete against trans athletes or for having the nerve to be upset about losings athletic scholarships to trans-athletes.
No reason to ignore that it's a real issue.

>> No.23246205

>Trans rights
What does this mean?
Trannies should have the same human rights as anyone else. That’s it.
Trans rights does not include forcing taxpayers to pay for $100k worth of plastic surgery to lop off tits and dicks or to create festering axe wounds.
If trannies want to be trannies, they should do it themselves or pay for it themselves.

>> No.23246212

Excellent analysis.

There is no such thing as anyone being scared of trannies. We are disgusted by trannies.
Even trannies are disgusted of other trannies, since they rarely date each other.
Which is the toppest of keks, btw.

>> No.23246234

>And she's right!
Stick up for women more. Maybe they'll have sex with you.

>> No.23246237

>since they rarely date each other.
you just proved you have no idea what you're talking about. Trannies date other trannies most of the time. Touch grass.

>> No.23246240

Prison gay because they are so repulsive that no normal man or woman wants to date them

>> No.23246243

Because on the whole, modern men are miserable with their position in society, and "transwomen" are basically trying to hack their way into a higher social tier.
I don't blame them. I mean, I feel bad for them, because they have gone very wrong somewhere along the line, but I don't blame them.
And I'm not sticking my neck out for women, when so much of this is their fault. 100 fucking years of mean, spiteful, destructive feminism. This is what they get. Too bad.
>oh no I have to share my stupid fake football league with a person I hate and want to see enslaved or dead!
Too bad.

>> No.23246246
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again, you're clueless

>> No.23246257

Fantano is the Platonic form of every childless aging hipster yuppie who lives in a gentrified neighborhood, refers to themselves as a "good fucking person", has never met and would never talk to someone who listens to country, is intuitively revolted at the thought of consuming any culture from prior to 1960, but still (guiltily) jerks off exclusively to white girls.

>> No.23246268

No, she just hates predatory men.
Did you know that a 10 year old young 'questioning' male may walk into his mother's closet, try on her clothes, and masturbate while looking at himself in a mirror? There is no equivalent for females. None. There is a fundamental risk-taking and potential for malevolence that exists within all males. As long as this exists, females need protected spaces. EOS.

>> No.23246275

>b-b-but women feel unsafe )^:
>also men should still be drafted into wars, and suffer the brunt of poverty and homelessness, and not be given preferential treatment by anyone when they're in need of help (^;

I'm not helping women anymore.

>> No.23246293

>also men should still be drafted into wars
Male political and religious leaders make those decisions.

>and suffer the brunt of poverty and homelessness
More male leaders making these decisions.

>And not be given preferential treatment by anyone when they're in need of help
Male private equity owned healthcare networks make those decisions.

Don't be foolish.

>> No.23246298

Women aren't helping.

>> No.23246307

horseshit. if we were to magically have a 50/50 split of males/females in power you'd see a massive swing in positive healthcare for every demographic.

>> No.23246315

Bullshit. Women are very happy to hoard everything for themselves. They see men as pack mules at best, and potential rapists at worst. They don't want what's good for us. They want us kept at an arm's length.

>> No.23246338
File: 260 KB, 702x695, Screen-shot-2016-08-24-at-12.51.41-PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada has a woman in power and all she did was put the country in so much debt they'll never recover from it and import so many Indians that their culture and demographics will never recover either

>> No.23246342

My fucking ass, women can get bought out just as easily as men can.

>> No.23246344
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who the fuck do you think this is? Who really hoards the rewards for work he never did with his own two hands or mind? Literally a schmoe who lifts things up, stamps a price on them, then puts them down. A caveman with his rocks.

Did your mother keep your father at arm's length? Did she keep (you) at arm's length after she spent the first 3 years making sure you didn't drown in your own spit or dash your brains out falling down the stairs? I'm sorry if she was a sociopath; but that's only about 4% of the population. 76% of teachers are female. 85% of hospital workers are female. They are uncontestably more self-sacrificing than males in any era.

>> No.23246352

>76% of teachers are female
no wonder kids are cutting off their dicks at unprecedented rates

>> No.23246355

Every one of these men have wives who get to enjoy their money, while doing none of the work.

>> No.23246361

She successfuly lobbied anti-trans laws lol.
She actually does make real legal changes to support her cause, even if it's a wholly retarded one.
Identity politics only came into the fold after the bazillionaires felt a singe of real threat and class awarness during the occupy wallstreet bullshit.

I'm not a communist but i'm just saying its the people who have ALL of the power and are also fucking kids are the ones we should wage war on and not like random 0.01% of the populace perverts of whom 50% will rope either way

>> No.23246382

based Moldbuggian

he's drilled enough insight into my head that I can let RW politics go now. equanimity is necessary for wisdom

>> No.23246393

Nta and not on the topic of gender but from my experience most teachers are just really stupid narcissists.
Especilaly on the earlier tiers of education. The reason they go into it is so that they can be the one adult in a room of thirty.

Interacting with them outside of work is really funny because their ego is blown out of proportions by the virtue of interacting with kids all day. They talk to you the way a policeman would despite the fact that all they did last week was teach multiplication tables and made sure no one kicks the shit out of the weird kid.

>> No.23246412

So are multi-million dolar corporations. That's the XXI century for you.

>> No.23246416
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>he was a chud
>she was a lug
>can i make it any more obvious?
>he on sharty, she on fe'
>what more can i say?
>he wanted her
>shed never tell
>she secretely wanted him as well
>but all of his friends
>stuck up their nose
>"that bitch really glows"
>he was a chuddy boy, she said "i hate boys"
>he wasnt good enough for fe'
>she made the trannies ack, she even liked the jaks'
>she wasnt even a lesbian

>> No.23246431

She's always had the mentality of a kid, thats why she wrote childrens books. Same with chuds, they are mentally just not mature.

>> No.23246432
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Trudeau is a chud, all the leftists here hate him

>> No.23246436

Well, she was a single mother, so that's par for the course.

>> No.23246448

For sure. It's funny looking back on teachers you had, as an adult, and how many of them were strange dysfunctional weirdos, who were getting some satisfaction out of their position of relative authority over children.
As a kid, you just take it as a given that they're professional, respectable, right thinking people, but really, so many of them are just the absolute dregs of society.
Strange angry micro-dictators, and paedophiles, and people who failed at the real career they wanted.

>> No.23246456

Also just people who couldn't leave the school environment. Had an emotional need to be there. I think I had a few of those. "Manchildren", essentially.

>> No.23246457


>> No.23246461

I've jerked off to white woman the overwhelming majority of my life. Asians slip in ther sometimes. I've beat it to 1 black woman who was half white.

>> No.23246472

She had one (not even particularly principled) disagreement with the current orthodoxy, got cyberbullied over it, and became insanely obsessed with it as a result. This sometimes happens when you can talk with a million people at once any time you like

>> No.23246476

She's a TERF. She has one (1) based belief, and even then the foundation of that belief is due to misandrist leftism.

>> No.23246477

Sounds boring. No smoldering Latinas? No sultry middle eastern seductresses? No Polynesian ocean goddesses? You feel no ancestral urge to conquer American Indian pussy through manifest destiny?

>> No.23246486

Melon likes black women

>> No.23246489

I haven't kept up with Rowling Thought but last time I looked she didn't seem misandrist like some of those tumblr girlies, it was just gut feelings plus unexamined liberal feminism
Did this change?

>> No.23246491
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Mindbroken TERF screeching into the void
ugly ass motherfucker as well

>> No.23246495 [DELETED] 

that legislation is from conservative provincial leaders, Chudeau is a trans aslly

>> No.23246500

that legislation is from conservative provincial leaders, Chudeau is a trans ally

>> No.23246504

nah she looks good for an almost 60 year old white woman. She's a grandma. You want her to be 80% plastic and 20% flesh like Madonna?

>> No.23246511

looking back on my teachers, nearly every single one of them was a normal married person with kids, except for like two lesbians who were also exceedingly normal people compared to the severely mentally ill "lgbt community" of today.

>> No.23246517

Oh no! I non-POC advocating for their own in-group! How awful! How dare she?

>> No.23246525


She is a misandrist. The trans thing is just an extension of her resenting men.

>> No.23246550

what attack on feminism could be more effective? MtoF looks like an ai generated response to feminist over reach

>> No.23246559

I hate these /pol/ threads. /lit/ has become shit ever since its become politicized. Fuck off with this transphobia baiting

>> No.23246582

Go take your estrogen pills. This thread isn't for you, tranny chud

>> No.23246595

Woah we got a keyboard warrior over here

>> No.23247261

Chuds and trannies are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.23247301
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She's a hero

>> No.23247311
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>> No.23247313

Hey wait this is actually interesting, elaborate.
Actions can be emasculating but never "efeminating". Why isn't there an equivalence? Why do men do such degenerate things?
Is it literally just the sex drive?

>> No.23247338

Actually based.

What does it even mean to look like a man, to a person who is attacking a TERF? How could they even define what they mean by that insult?

>> No.23247341

>socialists are far right guise
is this the power of leftist brain rot?

>> No.23247345
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national SOCIALIST worker's party

>> No.23247346

Like, sincerely, Scoob. You can tell a biological woman that she "looks like a man" as an insult, which acknowledges the physiological reality of masculine morphology and juxtaposes it NEGATIVELY against the physiological reality of feminine morphology, for the purpose of insulting a biological female... but pointing out the reality of male biology as an unfair advantage in women's sports or in the case of biological men weaponizing their transgenderism in the legal system isn't okay... man, this is a pretzel.

>> No.23247357

>Just someone who doesn't want things to change?
That's the retard's definition.

>> No.23247371

I don't have anything to add in terms of the "emasculation/efemination" point you brought up, but getting creeped out because of men in women's clothing is rooted in very real trends. A large number of male serial killers and rapists have had histories of crossdressing and stealing women's clothing for sexual purposes.

>> No.23247378
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Transvestitism has a long storied history kiddo

>> No.23247404
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Well /lit/?

>> No.23247555

ur dumb.

>> No.23247601

>nooo she cant be left wing because she made a lot of money selling books!!1

>> No.23247635

She’s alright.

>> No.23247636

She really needs to get off social media for her own mental health. There is no winning. Even leftists like Mark Fisher couldn't handle it

>> No.23247650
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She's a lefty feminist.
She just hates trannies, which makes you literally satan to tranny worshippers.

>> No.23247656

Contrapoints made a good video on it. Its been a while so I forget what she said.

>> No.23247663


>> No.23247665

I liked the leaked video where he admitted he just an autogynophilia fetish.

>> No.23247670

I don't know, but thinking of her constant vigilance against the degenerate takeover of what being female means filled me with admiration and zeal - enough to workout extra hard this evening.
>Is this what it means to love a queen?

>> No.23247674

Trannies are Incels, just groomed and on chemicals + crossdress. They have the same sense of loser entitlement.

>> No.23247680

What makes Contrapoints an intellectual among transgenders? He seems respected in those circles.

>> No.23247686
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>> No.23247689

Valid. End male erasure.

>> No.23247691

It's a Destiny situation. Put him against anyone who knows what they're talking about and he loses a debate.

And Yet Destiny remains the smartest Youtuber who technically leans left despite all the spankings he's taken, just like how contra is still the smartest Tranny on Youtube despite all the logical fallacies/emotional arguments.

Also, notice Contrapoints initials. Very telling.

>> No.23247710

>threw her legacy down the drain just to try to get goodie points from a dying breed of transphobes

>> No.23247712

You watch destiny? lmao

>> No.23247715

ffs destiny isn't smart. he parrots a mashup of alex jones (insanity/conspiracy theory) and ben shapiro (bad-faith religious-based argument) with a little standard incel misogyny.

>> No.23247738

He's an incel misogynist? Seems more like a cuckold.

>> No.23247743

A: I am against transgenderism
B: Sophie Labelle has traced photos of real children to make fetish art.

>> No.23247748

>pedojacketing the group always slandered as groomers

>> No.23247752

>Calling a pedo a pedo is transphobic!

>> No.23247762
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>> No.23247777

Imagine what he will think when he realizes that essentially all of the western canon was written by sexist, racist, slavery approving, homophobic, transphobic, nationalists/fascists/monarchists.

>> No.23247779

A: Sophie Labelle doesn't speak for all transgenders. Sophie only speaks for transgenders who think children can consent to very damaging and irreversible hormone treatments when it would be far more sensible for someone suffering from gender dysphoria to wait until they become an informed adult they they can properly outweigh the pros and cons of going on hormone treatments and engage in very invasive, damaging, sometimes life destroying surgeries to masquerade as something they biologically are not.
B: I never said Sophie Labelle was a pedo. All I said is that there is irrefutable evidence that Sophie Labelle traced a photo of a real life child to make fetish art.

>> No.23247794


>> No.23247807

The fact is that everyone loves white men and wants to be with white men. Ask any woman of any race what their ideal man is, they will describe a Caucasian. Whites are responsible for everything great and terrible on this earth. Without whites, there would be nothing worth talking about (arguably a good thing. depending on who you ask).

Terfs are simply ugly people who try to destroy beauty in retaliation for being ugly. They have had their minds poisoned by the Jewish schools of thought. Those that can't create will destroy, the same way that they destroy language. Ironically they are like the very trannies they hate in this way. If a man can be a woman, language is no longer worth using because it has no meaning. Similarly, if everything is ugly, nothing can be.

You are also completely brain dead if you believe that these books became popular in an organic fashion.

>> No.23247833

They were all the progressives of their time

>> No.23247840

Lol, no.

>> No.23247843
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>"The queen of TERFs"
>Chuds hate the same group as TERFs
>Ergo "The queen of Chuds"

>> No.23247850

>Ask any woman of any race what their ideal man is
>Asking women

Women mostly care about feeling emotions and social status.

>Without whites, there would be nothing worth talking about

Sounds like self-aggrandizing /pol/ cope. For example:

>Asians are smarter
>Blacks are physically more adept
>Latinos are more passionate and lively

>> No.23247862
File: 11 KB, 480x360, As God intended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman here. My ideal man is Sonic the Hedgehog. Human men of all races are absolute inferior trash and I would happily have Sonics mutant half blue hedgehog, half human female babies regardless of how involved he is as a father.

>> No.23248092

Trannies are the final form of incels

>> No.23248097

very based. Trans kids should start hormones at the start of puberty

>> No.23248123 [DELETED] 

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA. Funny shit right here.

If women were to dissappear from power right this second, nothing would change. And if they were put 100% in power (which they kinda are by proxy through these faggot simp "men") watch how it all turns to dogshit

>> No.23248124 [DELETED] 

>76% of teachers are female.
That explains a lot, actually kek no wonder kids are growing up to be so retarded

>> No.23248127 [DELETED] 

This is true. There were some exceptions, though. I had about two REALLY good teachers, and even one of those sometimes got a little bit too crazy. The other sane one was and is still one of the nicest human beings I've ever known

>> No.23248130 [DELETED] 

She's pretty hot for 70, actually

>> No.23248131

Yes that was the point. He isn't smart, but he's the smartest leftist on Youtube. If he isn't who is? Big Joel? Vaush? LMFAO

>> No.23248132 [DELETED] 

Since when did /lit/ become fucking tumblr, jesus christ. All I see in threads are fags complaining about chuds. Get thicker skin, mongo

>> No.23248137 [DELETED] 

If you guys want to watch Destiny btfo you should watch his debates with Andrew Wilson. The only dude that has Destiny's number in terms of his sperging and gishgalloping. So satisfying to watch

>> No.23248158
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Right wingers on twitter are so willing to compromise that they read this "men bad" post and call it a win because she's dabbing on trannys.


>> No.23248160

She makes good content

>> No.23248218
File: 222 KB, 766x917, omegaverse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male roles are active and female roles are passive so there are practical obstacles to fantasizing about having masculinity imposed on you. It's just very hard to make it work.
Men may be hornier on average but female sexuality can get just as insane, you can't chalk it up to that. This is a very popular genre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omegaverse

>> No.23248314

The one where he argued to metokur that the US should send the glowies to fight the mexican cartel and solve the border problem was pretty funny too.

>> No.23248317

Do you realize the amount of life long self hatred and pain cis puberty does to trans kids? You are deliberately sabotaging their chances of happiness by denying gender affirming care.

>> No.23248320

Based, I'll fuck amy.

>> No.23248331

Because they chased her out for pointing out that someone who takes a voluntary, sterilizing surgery is different than a woman?

>> No.23248337
File: 84 KB, 932x867, 57852 ack angry bloodshot_eyes brown_skin brown_troonjak crying distorted glasses hanging open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble tranny transgender_flag variant_feraljak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you realize the amount of life long self hatred and pain cis puberty does to trans kids? You are deliberately sabotaging their chances of happiness by denying gender affirming care.

>> No.23248356

Just popping in to say fuck transphobes

>> No.23248362
File: 19 KB, 1014x570, 62272 ack rope tranny troon variant_npestajak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just popping in to say fuck transphobes

>> No.23248484

She's not shitting on men in that tweet. You got so triggered by one word that you ignore the rest of the statement.

>> No.23248489

why is everyone obsessed with this nerdy cuck?

>> No.23248566

The troon likely meant himself

>> No.23248575

I think Rowling is funny because I’ve seen her type so often in the real world. They’re basically radical conservatives, but their conservatism is subverted and distorted by the progressive status quo. People respond to power. They basically do whatever it tells them to do. You have millions of people who are actually arch-reactionaries but they don a progressive cloak in their daily lives because, believe it or not, it’s pretty easy to take genuine conservatism and make it look like liberal progressivism. She is just someone who let the mask slip and never put it back on. Most people will do anything to not let the mask slip, but they’re also not in the public eye. They just want to keep their job, keep their friends, be able to get a promotion, these sort of things. So they never reveal their true face and instead just sort of go along with the “yeah, yeah racism is bad” politics but beneath all that is the deep conviction that, for example, racism is bad precisely because blacks aren’t as smart or something.

>> No.23248651

Don't get that from her at all. She's been really consistent with her political and social opinions and actions through the last three decades or so. She's one of the few billionaires that backs up what she says.

>> No.23248668

the kind of woman who thinks trans is real also has a low bar for "sexual assault"

>> No.23248699

nah rape is super common in the military. It's probably one of the saddest aspects of it. Soldiers will give you all of that bullshit about their "brothers and sisters" and will still go through lengths to abuse or take advantage of them. iirc the Navy pretty much tells their soldiers that they are likely to be raped while at sea and there's not much they can do about it.

>> No.23248720

>A large number of male serial killers and rapists have had histories of crossdressing and stealing women's clothing for sexual purposes.
This is quite true but a lot of serial killers were dressed as girls by their mothers too. Why did those women do that?

>> No.23248756

She's basing her argument on the premise that beauty standards were created by men for the purpose of oppressing women. This is a common feminist cope used to blame their own undesirability on men.

>> No.23248777


>> No.23248789

Tbh women forgot their end of the bargain
Historically men took the brunt of the risk (drafts, violence, working harder) etc. and in return they were granted pussy to fuck and impregnate to continue their line.
Once you remove that incentive there's no reason to protect women except being a fucking simp

>> No.23248794

lmao, I love how leftists are trying to coopt Rowling
reminds me of jews calling anyone who doesn't support them brown

>> No.23248869

Fantano is retarded anyway and he's obviously not going to know any writers, philosophers, thinkers outside what's popular literally right now, if even but it's funny that even in his own field of music he will gush over Joy Divsion but fail to mention that Ian Curtis was a massive conservative lmao.

>> No.23248888

>I will fuck the good girl Amy
No, all chads like you prefer sluts like Rouge.
t. femcel

>> No.23248988

>I love how leftists are trying to coopt Rowling
Imagine being this delusional. Rowling coopts herself by being an open-borders supporting, pro-censorship, radical feminist. The only reason leftists hate her now is because she put 2 and 2 together and realized 'trans rights" would erode her privileges as a woman, which would not be in her self interest for obvious reasons. But make no mistake, she isn't redpilled. If you genuinely believe that she's "on your side" you're being played by her for her own benefit. The minute trannies become irrelevant is the minute she will go back to her former ways, leaving you in the dust to be forgotten as you cope and seethe about her disloyalty and disingenuousness like every other scorned beta cuck when their nice guy act doesn't work.

>> No.23249002

The military really is full of homo rapists, it's like prison.
A sawed off cock is right twice a day and all that.

>> No.23249021

>The minute trannies become irrelevant is the minute she will go back to her former ways, leaving you in the dust to be forgotten as you cope and seethe about her disloyalty and disingenuousness like every other scorned beta cuck when their nice guy act doesn't work.
NTA but this seems like incensed rambling and you're pouncing at ghosts. All the /lit/ chuds are aware that she's a turbofeminist SJW, no one is surprised to hear that. The joke is that it's funny how she got eaten alive by the same people she wanted to appeal to, and for a fairly lukewarm opinion on transgenders at that.

>> No.23249025

She is a '90 liberal. Not right wing in any sense. Today liberals are so deranged that of course any '90 liberal looks like Evola by comparison.

>> No.23249046

Because it’s actually a lot easier to argue against trannies from a left wing perspective than a right wing perspective

>Right wingers: There are clear gender roles between men and women in society. Socially, women need to act as providers and men need to act as protectors.
>Trannies: If so, why can’t feminine men who transition decide to fill these roles as well?
>Right wingers: They just can’t okay? Jesus says it’s not allowed

>TERFs: The only difference between men and women is biology. Gender roles should not exist in society. Also men are naturally a threat to women because of their biological aggressiveness and strength, so it is necessary for women to have their own spaces for protection.
>Trannies: Then how will I become a women? WHY ARE YOU INVALIDATING MY IDENTITY BIGOT

>> No.23249049

And a perfect example of du Pan maxim, the revolution always eats their own. There is always someone more revolutionary, and the old revolutionaries become the new reactionaries.

>> No.23249060

>The joke is that it's funny how she got eaten alive by the same people she wanted to appeal to, and for a fairly lukewarm opinion on transgenders at that.
I understand that. But there is a constituent of conservatives that unironically simp for her, and it is them that I'm responding to.

>> No.23249064

Is this nigga really gonna ignore the 3000 years of conservative, aristocratic art that was created before the modernist movement? I mean unless you consider the Pharaoh of Egypt stomping on his enemies to be left wing art somehow.

>> No.23249071
File: 137 KB, 823x1024, sip~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support people when they do things I like, and don't support them when they do things I don't like.

>> No.23249073

Very clearly talking about modern art here. Which is correct, but also ignoring that his precious left also creates shitty art. Modern art in general has been in a decline regardless political alignment.

>> No.23249080

>If so, why can’t feminine men who transition decide to fill these roles as well?
Because they don't have the means to reproduce.
>but muh infertile women
Still has a vagina and a couple can adopt.

>> No.23249081

All modern media is just taking old stuff chuds made that people liked, and remaking it gay and retarded.

>> No.23249086

>she "let the mask slip" by being a feminist from 20 years ago
She's literally just old. It's what happens to people.

>> No.23249094

I dunno, all the go to examples of that happening are pretty damn straight (nu-Star Wars, nu He-man, MCU). Still plenty retarded though.
Also stop eating up franchise slop.

>> No.23249097

I just became a trans rights activist

>> No.23249102

None of those are straight.

>> No.23249111

They're more asexual than they are straight

>> No.23249117

The last two Star Wars movies literally pandered to the Reylo crowd pretty damn hard. Despite the memes, the Teela show featuring He-Man is all about how she still wants Adam's dick while framing her woman outbursts as "girl power", and the last few MCU movies are either men being henpecked, or Wanda being hysterical because she lost her bf.

Like I said, still retarded, but certainly not gay.

>> No.23249130

You are gay.

>> No.23249144

This. How tf is being the only adult in a house with children ok, but being the only male in a "female space" abusive? Both have potential for abuse (arguably the former more so as the majority of domestic abuse occurs within the home), but we see people selectively being ok with one over the other.
If you really want to be consistent here there should be no legal basis for an individual to be left alone with other people over whom they have power, let alone to have sole custody of them.

>> No.23249147

Your mom is gay

>> No.23249712

this bored is so shit it isn't even funny

>> No.23249741

>How tf is being the only adult in a house with children ok, but being the only male in a "female space" abusive?
A woman doesn't always have the choice of being a single parent(same goes for men) because people sometimes irreparably break up, a male on the other hand makes a conscious choice to enter a woman only space such as a toilet(same goes for women entering mens toilets)

The former isn't always by choice, while the latter is.

>> No.23250712

JK made a shitty extended version of The Worst Witch where there's some message of "THE SECRET WHITE NATIONALIST WILL INFILTRATE THE GOVERNMENT AND SEND PEOPLE THEY DON'T LIKE TO CONCENTRATION CAMPS!" plus I'm sure the "Jew Goblins" are actually meant to be Irish (Leprechauns anyone?)

>> No.23250729
File: 202 KB, 665x1280, 1698296058773350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but he promised to lower the "temporary" migrant percentage of the population from 7% of Canada to 5% and giving life sentences for speech crimes will make us all safer...

>> No.23250733

>What does it even mean to look like a man, to a person who is attacking a TERF? How could they even define what they mean by that insult?
They can't even define what they mean by "woman," anon.

>> No.23251104

Sonic is White.

>> No.23251122

Go back

>> No.23251241

Bloom lost

>> No.23252053

>What does it even mean to look like a man, to a person who is attacking a TERF?
It means you're ugly

>> No.23252124

Didn't know they had already released you Christine.

>> No.23252158

Conservative doesn't mean retard nazi lol

>> No.23252186

She didn't change at all, her books have always been racist and classist to a degree that would be considered too overt even to Victorians.

>> No.23253060

Racist, how?

>> No.23253081

You don’t spend enough time around people like this. They’re practically Nazis in disguise. There’s a reason Harry Potter appears on the surface as basically conservative exaltation of Western aesthetics and fables. They secretly love this shit, but their mothering instinct makes them hide it until it’s forced to come out.

>> No.23253090
File: 247 KB, 1250x423, 5033760F-AAA3-429C-B03F-8305D6D0743B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She never flipped. She just refused to go along with the batshit noise that all it takes is plastic surgery and a dress to turn a man into a woman.

>> No.23253096

Makes sense. If you’re going to delve into madness, that’s the way to go. How many centuries of biological advancement does one have to ignore to establish a belief in racial and sexual equality, not to mention gender interchangeability?

>> No.23253125
File: 470 KB, 1026x1210, IMG_1595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It blows my mind that people think this perfectly sane, rational older lady is somehow female Hitler. Somehow.

We’re living in a time where hurt feelings is taking over basic logic.

>> No.23253137

For this post, you will be labeled a chud, an incel, a bigot, a ‘phobe, a hater, a terf supporter, a detractor of “the science”, etc, and so on and so on…

>> No.23253139
File: 256 KB, 2576x1440, Haku-sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things make no sense, and she is just honest enough with herself to admit this, and refuses to lie about it.

>> No.23253153
File: 140 KB, 916x524, success fragility.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. She's speaking for a lot of people, like in Scotland, that are simply afraid to speak: they are too vulnerable. But she isn't so vulnerable, by virtue of a combination of her position and of her refusal to be fragile. This happens more and more these days when you reveal your power level...

>> No.23253639
File: 1.13 MB, 1919x2560, 1609435923238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transterrorists hate her so much because they can't cancel her which is one of their favorite ways to ruin someone's life, she's simply too profitable so no one could really drop her, her work is too beloved and makes way too much money.

>> No.23253671

My Queen. Simple as.

>> No.23253675

>Did you know that a 10 year old young 'questioning' male may walk into his mother's closet, try on her clothes, and masturbate while looking at himself in a mirror?
stop diaryposting you colossal faggot

>> No.23253689

Transfolx are simply higher up in the social caste.

>> No.23253707
File: 149 KB, 900x719, world-war-i-troops-march-in-new-york-bettmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are uncontestably more self-sacrificing than males in any era.
Except you know, when it comes to sacrificing their life.

>> No.23253731

>dey cal demselfs socialisms so theyr are socialisms!!1!
>t. spastic that struggled in the Tard classes in high school

The "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is totally democratic, you guys! They said so!

>> No.23253742

>has never met and would never talk to someone who listens to country
the pandering swill that cuckservatives listen to isn't Country, you fucking retard.
those dumb fucking sheep paid out the ass for $1.29 iTunes downloads of the retard from stained whining about how he yells at his TV and beats his kids.

>> No.23253840

she's accusing troons of doing what feminists did

>> No.23253842

There's a certain fetishism of pre-war England there, that within a certain light, could be seen as questionable.
What is all of this nostalgia for boarding schools, and steam trains, and quaint little country villages, ultimately, if not a nostalgia for a time where England was more English, and the Empire was thriving, and the poor knew their place?

I don't think JK did that on purpose, by the way. I don't think she's smart enough to draw that connection.

>> No.23253907

>makes the black character part of the wizard nazi house
What did she mean by this?

>> No.23253948

Would you?

>> No.23253953

Beyond based holy shit

>> No.23255298

>shit on natural law
>dismiss your opponents as haters
>get old
>young people shout you down and call you hater
>become conservative
>take up knitting
The Liberal life cycle.

>> No.23255306

And the classist part? I think the class haters like slytherins & voldemort were always portrayed as the natural antagonists of the story.

>> No.23255309

lower class haters*

>> No.23255324

I don't understand how women can have any sympathy for troons. How is their whole charade not a personal insult to women in general, like Rachel Dolezal was to black people? Or do women have some different idea of trannies than that, something more palatable?

>> No.23255334

>I want to cut my dick off and take hormones because I wanna wear girls clothes
>I want to wear the clothes so bad I will make it my entire social and political and sexual identity
Can anyone actually explain the trans mindset, I do not get it at all

>> No.23255402 [DELETED] 

Trannies are the final form of incels

>> No.23255406

See >>23247674

>> No.23255411

She had written books for underage people and when the fanbase grew, they found out that Harry Potter is a book for underage and not for them.

>> No.23255436

Nice try.

>> No.23255452

>Trannies are groomed
No, he's right

>> No.23255457

groomed by who?

>> No.23255461

That doesn't answer why women fell into line with this shit, why they get ostracized if they don't.

>> No.23255468 [DELETED] 

>groomed by who?
By the power of the drougs.

>> No.23255472

>groomed by who?
By the power of the drugs.

>> No.23255499


>> No.23255506
File: 257 KB, 960x1280, R (4) (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job, potter.

>> No.23255585

Others in the cult, and faggots. All trannies do is try to convince others to become trannies. Lonely young people who are impressionable. They act like they're friends toward them, and slowly start putting these ideas down. Sexually frustrated lonely young men, especially with how women are put on pedestals, see an "easy way out" and get fed lies. They get told that they can be happy and people unironically believe that a surgery can create a real, working vagina. It's a very dark cult.

>> No.23255611

The only right wing criticism of HP that was allowed to be seen by the media was the bible-humpers burning HP books. And then they wondered why the newer generations rejected Christianity altogether.

>> No.23255672

My friend thinks that trannies are on the social grade, one step behind the women, this is the truth?

>> No.23256033

>There's a certain fetishism of pre-war England there, that within a certain light, could be seen as based.
>What is all of this nostalgia for boarding schools, and steam trains, and quaint little country villages, ultimately, if not a nostalgia for a time where England was more English, and the Empire was thriving, and the poos knew their place?
FTFY (except for the commas--you're bad at writing)

>> No.23256239

her arguments against transgenderism are from a gynocentric/anti-patriarchy perspective

so she's not even cuckservative

>> No.23256261

I know. My brain is broken, and I'm usually tired.

>> No.23256286

She didn't, everybody around her just moved more to the left.

>> No.23256779

If trannyism isnt objectively correct then they just ruined their lives for nothing, so of course they cope by grooming young people to be just like them.

>> No.23257086

Not to forget antisemitic.

>> No.23258603

>a surgery can create
A surgery that has a small possibility to kill you.

>> No.23258657

Every surgery has a possibility to kill you via complications. Not only is the troon surgery medically unnecessary, it has pretty good odds of killing you as a direct consequence of itself. Whether it's because of complications or regrets (and rude awakenings), it's simply mutilation and against everything doctors ought to stand for.

Same as the vax. Nobody has ever regretted not taking it. Same as faggots in general; they can't leave the life after having been misled or molested. Their only meaning is derived from sickness, bug chasing, grooming children. They outright admit this, but nobody seems to care. Truth is that faggots are still men. One has to be submissive. The younger the better for them, youth is inherently feminine. Children are unguarded against such corruption, and easily swayed. They were converted, so too should they continue the cycle. Abhorrent creatures.

>> No.23258770

>Every surgery has a possibility to kill you via complications
The surgery to be a trannies is an insult for those who have an illness related to health, being a trannies is unethical and I don't understand what is the necessity of being a trannie, is not freedom but is a heretic will.

>> No.23258775

>If trannyism isnt objectively correct
The truth is personal.

>> No.23258777

Left/right wasn't an applicable scale before the French Revolution and the last ten years have shown it doesn't make any sense in the current era anymore. Stop using it.

>> No.23258786

she's far left on everything except trans rights
polfags are just retarded

>> No.23258810

>she's far left on everything except trans rights
Trans right are of left because?

>> No.23258892

OP is a sad little man

Every celebrity who deviates from his [CURRENT YEAR] values must be persecuted

>> No.23258943

Look at this author getting a picture taken with her final book of her series. This will never happen to GRRM.

>> No.23258988

She's a normal human, maybe you've transformed into something every human simply can't get along with. Like a human that decides they're a serial killer.

>> No.23259176


>> No.23259219

I am fully on board with progressives castrating themselves and their children

>> No.23259236

Rowling Threads should be banned/pruned for being /pol/faggotry just like the Peterson threads.

>> No.23259241

How is she explicitly saying "men bad"? How can you think that she is implying that men are bad in this tweet without saying that all feminist rhetoric, the idea that women are subordinated to men in this society via whatever societal standards we have, also implies that men are bad?

>> No.23259249

>She's basing her argument on the premise that beauty standards were created by men for the purpose of oppressing women.
That is a pretty basic assumption of feminist theory. You'd have to say that all feminism is just the idea that men are bad in order to not sound like a hypocrite

>> No.23259316

How about this one?


>I am strongly against women's and girls' rights and protections being dismantled to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don't have exactly the same pattern of criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of speed and strength. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men's desire for validation.

The insinuation being MtF trannys can't be trusted because men are criminals and women are victims.

>> No.23259338

5 out of 6 of my primary school teachers were female. I have almost no memories of primary. Second year of highschool was my favourite teacher throughout all of school other than my highschool music teacher.
>Named Bruce
>Excursions were always in nature
>At one of the bush properties the school owned, it had around 1km dirt road leading up to it. Made every kid on the bus walk the distance but obviously let people stay on the bus if they have psychical disabilities. (Special school)

>> No.23259590

They weren't though. This retarded /pol/ meme just makes you look retarded. If you had actually read St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, Plato, etc. you'd know that trying to fit them into your stupid "OMG, it's totally me," Chud mold is as stupid as pretending they were modern identity focused leftists. Yet somehow this has become THE thing for retarded /pol/days to claim. "Erm, uh, actually, St. Bonaventure and St. Denis were like, totally Chuds! They would totally agree with modern conservatism, never mind Aristotle makes commercialist grasping an explicit vice. Based!"

>> No.23259604

you're annoying

>> No.23259681

I think women animise nature as a bad man who is doing stuff to them, because of their natural position of subservience to males.
Women on some level basically see men as gods. They may not realise they do, but they do. That's how they can come out with some utter nonsense like "men created beauty standards".
Men didn't create that. That's nature, and men are just as enmeshed in it all as women are.

>> No.23260357


Every woman is a republican when she sits down with her accountant. Especially when the woman in question is filthy stinking rich.

>> No.23260408

If anything it's hilarious she's dunking on a cuck admitting he's into dudes (the part of the tweet you cut out).

>> No.23260444

Because trannie anon thinks anyone who laughs at "her penis" is sexist.
>How could you possibly agree that a söycuck judging a "woman" based on "her" looks is sexist if you believe women aren't born with penises?? YOU'RE A CHUD THOUGH!!

>> No.23260461

>the type of men who want to get into women's washrooms are more likely to be men who rape/abuse women
Men are more likely to be violent and rape, troon.

>> No.23260606

She was edgy for saying dumbledor was gay but not a pedophile 15 years ago.
Now not embracing pedo will make you enemies.

>> No.23260644

I don't believe for a second Dumbledor is gay, btw. She was not thinking that when she wrote that character in the 90's. He's just the most generic old wizard, and that's the point.
Asexual maybe, but not gay.

>> No.23260706

>implies hermione was a nigger
>is a hardcore feminist
muh trannies tho

>> No.23260970

>How can you think that she is implying that men are bad in this tweet without saying that all feminist rhetoric, the idea that women are subordinated to men in this society via whatever societal standards we have, also implies that men are bad?

What makes you believe that he does not hold that opinion? All feminist talk about societal standards etc. is just women griping about men while trying to dress it up as something more respectable.

>> No.23260985

Lol thanks for the laugh

>> No.23261164

I don't care about her other politics but that entire thread is based.

>> No.23261166

chuds are still slytherin in her world view so no

>> No.23261175

> Destiny
> conspiracy theory
What? Destiny practically copies whatever mainstream Democrat consensus is on every single topic. The only time I've ever seen him deviate from that is the Rittenhouse case and normal Democrats were pretty split on that issue.

>> No.23262127
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Pikamee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been great at exposing how batshit insane and violent trannies get over trivial things like Harry Potter games.

>> No.23262167
File: 325 KB, 1280x1024, 1642966884826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't "flip," she's the most standard white woman out there. She wants people of different stripes to be able to find and enjoy their own happiness, but doesn't believe that the trans movement has much to do with this — and she's 100% right. Most trans people are men pretending to be women while continuing to fuck women, which is the real goal. It's an extremely deceptive and malevolent form of rebellion against feminism.

>> No.23262234

Yeah, it's based.

>> No.23262246

Trannies aren't based and most of them are rapists who should be in prison.

>> No.23262253

>all of the western canon
So all of the Marvel movies or something? LMAO!

>> No.23262259

She's pretty milktoast in opinions but the "arrest me lol I'm le misgenderent people" is undeniably based, so she gets my respect

>> No.23262379

Of course he wasn't, she just did it for the sjw brownie points. There's not a single thing indicating this anywhere, she just said so after the fact. He wouldn't have been so old if he was gay, not even magic can save you from HIV.

>> No.23262410

His gay lover was literal wizard Hitler and he didn't trust himself after that. He also enjoys knitting patterns and spending a lot of unsupervised time alone with teenage boys.

>> No.23262413

So they're based?

>> No.23262417

And Michael Gambon started mincing around on set around the 6th movie when she told him. And the script had to be changed. Eccentric old English man is just a polite way to say "gay".

>> No.23262421

It’s almost like ‘chud’ is a strawman so retards don’t have to engage with real information or something

>> No.23262426

Tyranny of any form originates in insecurity

>> No.23262428

Insecurity over trans people existing?

>> No.23262495

Insecurity over women existing. That's what trans shit is really about.

>> No.23262502

>You'd have to say that all feminism is just the idea that men are bad in order to not sound like a hypocrite
That I do.

>> No.23262592

Bet it was after she saw the 2010 tumblr

>> No.23262606

I always wonder were people hear this from? Every trans person I've known with surgery literally spend thousands just to get approved. Top or bottom surgery isn't covered by anyone but themselves

>> No.23262613

Menopause and fear.

>> No.23262615

Where** lol

>> No.23262816

didn't this pseud use to be a conservative himself? it's usually liberals becoming conservatives and not the other way around

>> No.23262836

You sound mad

>> No.23262841

Trannies are rapist scum who hate women, so her fear is understandable

>> No.23262842 [DELETED] 

No hes a liberal wearing a mask to appeal to conservatives when it suits him just like the majority of AIDS patients on this website.

>> No.23262851

I mean, even if they were the progressives of their time, that doesn't change the fact that they still were sexist, racist, slavery approving, homophobic, transphobic, yada yada, and antisemitic, especially antisemitic. So your point is moot

>> No.23263760

Cut your hedge Robert.

>> No.23263907

why do people never say anything about trans men competing against cis men in sports? also there have been numerous instances of cis women beating trans women in sports

>> No.23264465

Someone needs to get laid

>> No.23264473

I fucked some sense in to her several years ago, you're all welcome.

>> No.23264522

Children can be easily influence/lie to.
Gender transition, I'm talking about removing of organs can not be reverse and can create life long dependence on medication.
Is there a long term impact study on giving children hormone yet? I don't keep up with the latest new.

>> No.23264545

Trannies are. They are insecure of their current self so they maim it.

>> No.23265528

They ma'am it. But seriously, the insecurity never leaves them.

>> No.23265947

Plato would see all niggers as slaves and all women without any rights, barefoot and pregnant.

>> No.23266007

I mean, I am, to be honest, because healthy and intelligent people need to be having babies, to balance out the ever-growing mass of mongs.
And I think the trans stuff appeals to a certain kind of person, you have to be imaginative and thoughtful enough to think your way into grand fantasies, and you have to be neurotic, and someone who didn't have a very happy childhood, and was never "accepted as a man", all of which would point to someone who is more intelligent of the average.

The conspiracy theorist in me would say it's a mass culling of people who have been identified as potential dangers to the status-quo.

>> No.23266296

>is as stupid as pretending they were modern identity focused leftists.
You better be including class obsessed freaks in that "identity focused" bit

>> No.23266338

In between fondling all the boys' prostates I gather

>> No.23266972
File: 206 KB, 480x360, ntnon TROON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An ecological measure of rapid and automatic face-sex categorization
>Sex categorization is essential for mate choice and social interactions in many animal species. In humans, sex categorization is readily performed from the face. However, clear neural markers of face-sex categorization, i.e., common responses to widely variable individuals from one sex, have not been identified so far in humans. To isolate a direct signature of rapid and automatic face-sex categorization generalized across a wide range of variable exemplars, we recorded scalp electroencephalogram (EEG) from 32 participants (16 females) while they were exposed to variable natural face images from one sex alternating at a rapid rate of 6 Hz (i.e., 6 images per second). Images from the other sex were inserted every 6th stimulus (i.e., at a 1-Hz rate). A robust categorization response to both sex contrasts emerged at 1 Hz and harmonics in the EEG frequency spectrum over the occipito-temporal cortex of most participants. The response was larger for female faces presented among male faces than the reverse, suggesting that the two sex categories are not equally homogenous. This asymmetrical response pattern disappeared for upside-down faces, ruling out the contribution of low-level physical variability across images. Overall, these observations demonstrate that sex categorization occurs automatically after a single glance at natural face images and can be objectively isolated and quantified in the human brain within a few minutes.
Transsisters...did we just lose?

>> No.23267013
File: 212 KB, 1020x900, jk rowling summary 1712163938584295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dialectic which pushes the overton window left.

>> No.23267017
File: 33 KB, 1293x147, jk rowling Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 10-34-30 _v_ - What kind of starting character do you usually cho - Video Games - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23267216

horrid take

>> No.23268548


She agrees with the Left, and especially the Tony Blair-era Labour Party, on everything except the T in LGBT. She agrees with them on taxation, immigration, crime, and the LGB. But because left ideals are culturally dominant and constantly policed for deviation, everyone fixates on the 1% she doesn't agree with.

The Dursley family is the British equivalent of a family of chuds, and exemplify how she sees conservatives - small-minded, fearful, rejecting anything they can't understand.

>> No.23268611
File: 104 KB, 886x551, image_2024-04-08_205804591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.23268794

>Men fucking women aren't finding and enjoy their own happiness