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23236414 No.23236414[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post books of unusually high quality and intelligence

>> No.23236429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23236433

This one is very interesting, I illegally got it from a torrent, you can't look at real vaginas anymore but without plastic surgeries and totally roasted ones. It's like watching an uncuck dick or something.

>> No.23236438


Why tf would someone publish this, let alone but it.

>> No.23236444

As a conversational coffee table book

>> No.23236445

Most guys are straight and like looking at girls' bodies

>> No.23236522

>without plastic surgeries
what do you mean by this? Do women get plastic surgery on their pussies? I've never heard of this (unless you are referring to sex-change operations)

>> No.23236524

it's art

>> No.23236544

nta but some do get lip surgery because their lips are too wide or something. it happens

>> No.23236555

Pretty much all women these days get plastic surgery but only the trashy negresses talk about it. It's probably a bigger industry than makeup. A girl can get anything they want for 5k in Miami or for 1k in mexico.

>> No.23236590

go outside sometimes

>> No.23236643

i like sticking my dick in vaginas but they objectively look gross and wonky most of the time. when i'm banging a chick, i'm not thinking about her roastbeef flaps lmao

>> No.23236685

>Pretty much all women these days get plastic surgery
legit you need to take meds

>> No.23236695

damn, women are more disgusting than i thought

>> No.23236707

Why do incels throw tantrums at even the mere idea someone else doesn't like the same aesthetics they like? And specifically when vaginas are mentioned they get even more defensive.

>> No.23236771


>> No.23236776

Vaginas are nice to look at, you're both just gay.

>> No.23236780

The same reason roasties and faggots reflexively cry "incel" when someone tells them they're not only unappealing but gross.

>> No.23236785

Anon, he's right. Obviously not all women do it, since not all of them can afford it. But tiktok, insta etc. scrambled zoomer brains and made them aspire to look like the cute 10/10 e-thots they see on social media. They're obsessed with skincare, anti-age products and yes, plastic surgery. Zoomers are vain as hell, even the males.

>> No.23236793

This shit's been going on for fucking decades, way before zoomers were even born.

>> No.23236797

nah there really has been an upsurge in cosmetic surgeries. look at all the people who are bogged before even leaving their 20s. it's so much more prominent, in hollywood for example, then it ever was even 20 years ago. then you have extreme examples like South Korea where it's truly normalized. yeah there's been a huge upsurge in Lookism during this generation; social media is the culprit

>> No.23236808

True, but zoomers are especially affected by it because they're constantly glued to the screen and bombarded with pictures and videos of incredibly attractive people. Sure, in the past there was Hollywood and magazines, but what we have now is far more influential. Zoomers are getting botox injections in their 20s and gen alpha girls are buying anti-age products in droves. Plastic surgery is becoming more and more normalized. We haven't reached Korean levels yet, but we're getting there.

>> No.23236812
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It is kinda a problem, acording to this BLACK LADYYYYY

>> No.23236854

Social media is definitely making it worse, but NYC mothers have been sending their teenage daughters to get butchered at least since the 90's and no doubt before then.

>> No.23236858

That's the ultimate midwit trash: a bunch of bad vintage porno pics packaged in a LOL I'M INTELLIGENT "book" that ultimately emanates the same unbearable self referencial nothingness of looking at a room of an art gallery filled with turds with a bunch of faggots and Jews calling it "art".

>> No.23236906

>tfw I say the most retarded disingenuous thing I can think of and it has other anons defending it
>when I debunk other retarded shit on the board it's met with more retardation and brainrot
damn I hope vocal minority, silent majority is a thing on this board, I hope this board actually isn't this retarded...
if you think over 50% of all women in the US have gotten plastic surgery then u need help

>> No.23236961

fwiw taschen books are generally high quality
I have a nice clothbound copy of Blake illustrations >>23236812

>> No.23236969

To be rebellious, ironic, and transgressive, a fag basically. That’s it.

>> No.23236992

nigga got me watching a 45 minute video about beef curtains on the literature board

>> No.23237027

It's things like this that make me wish governments still enforced moral codes on the population. Obscenity laws were a good thing.

>> No.23237028

>Obscenity laws were a good thing.
You mean the laws that banned Ulysses from the United States?

>> No.23237033

you're an idiot

>> No.23237076

>I cant get it therefore no one should

>> No.23237103

Yes exactly. Ulysses is a piece of shit and should never have been published. They were right to ban it. A world without modernist and post-modern literature would be a better place.

>> No.23237122
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very nice indeed

>> No.23237129

Damn this turned me into a celibate.

>> No.23237133

Man, I'll never get completely used to these things.

>> No.23237138
File: 140 KB, 735x979, IMG_1978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are anons here who have never seen (and never will) a vagina in person

I know you guys will rant about girls having cooties and being demons but that’s all a cope

You can’t lie to yourself, you need a woman’s love, and each day you get closer to the rope

>> No.23237140

Depends on the vag. They vary a lot.

>> No.23237146 [DELETED] 

I've lived, felt and seen what a "womans love" does to be people and it's worse.

>> No.23237147

I agree, anon. These other guys are cumbrained retards i think

>> No.23237149
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Being on antidepressants since I was a teen killed my libido, faggot. I transcended carnal lust, women are nothing to me.

>> No.23237150

I've lived, felt and seen what a "womans love" does to people and it's worse.

>> No.23237151

They get labiaplasty to undo the result of their promiscuity
They'd rather shell out thousands of dollars than to just not sleep around

>> No.23237165

Why did God make genitals so gross when we're meant to reproduce? Geiger was onto something.
It's not just hairy cunts either. Unshaved dicks look just as gross.

>> No.23237167

It's strange how you suddenly stop caring for romance when your brain turns off the mind control, it's an aritificial problem to have.
I hope you stopped taking antidepressanta though.

>> No.23237171

??? thought vags recovered, how often do you need to do it for there to be permanent changes

>> No.23237184

the insides recover, the roast beef stays the same

>> No.23237197

I've already felt a woman's love. Your mother might be the only woman to ever truly love you and even that's a 50/50 depending on how deep in the abusive BPD hole she really is.
I didn't grow up unloved so I don't have the need to make up for it. I have a girlfriend but I treat her like I do a pet, it's really hard to take her shit seriously and even harder to imagine she'll ever love anyone in a real way.

>> No.23237204

99% of men would be uncomfortable if there were a porno of their girl getting railed and creamed on the internet, but they're somehow cool with the fact that the exact same porn scene played out in real life, multiple times, just without a camera present.
Anyways. A womans previous sex partners will affect the dna of her offspring irregardless of the actual father, there have been a dozen studies on this.

>> No.23237295

It's the other way around. The outside stays the same, but the hole gets loose.
>it's really hard to take her shit seriously and even harder to imagine she'll ever love anyone in a real way
Why are you dating her? Sounds like a chore. Might as well go monk mode.

>> No.23237304


>> No.23237369

Thats a good thought provoked i will be sure to stack onto my questions that poke folks logics and reasons regarding sex
Also, can you reccomend any other cool facts or studies similar to that one you mentioned???

>> No.23237383


>> No.23237397

What killed my libido was listening to other people have sex. First it went to a friend, then to my brother. It just seemed pathetic and incredibly simian to me. I say as someone who has seen a lot of porn.

>> No.23237420

tl;dr - male microchimerism. if you cum in a bitch enough without actually inseminating her she will still carry your dna for decades. Any kids she goes on to have with other men have a very small chance to carry your characteristics.

>> No.23237505
File: 68 KB, 248x557, pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking retarded. Maybe you should read the book, because this is literally what's on the first page. Pussy is scary because it's dark and cavernous, and will sap your vital male energy if you're not careful. Pussy was worshiped before there was society. Society is the well-defined penis.

>> No.23237531

You are homosexual

>> No.23237533

Had to look after seeing some of these replies. Sure enough, I got an erection. Every day I thank God I'm not gay like some of you faggots, though I might die a virgin.

>> No.23237546

People like pussy for the feeling associated. Not the look.

>> No.23237859

>ITT: post books of unusually high quality and intelligence
Rene Guenon (pbuh) - collected works

>> No.23237913

>99% of men would be uncomfortable if there were a porno of their girl getting railed and creamed on the internet
sure. now imagine there's a video of your girl taking the nastiest, smelliest shit ever and it's all over the internet. everybody poops, but allowing it to be filmed demonstrates a fundamental lack of forethought and reveals self destructive tendencies. Two things that are good to avoid.

>> No.23237940

It's not that all pussies are disgusting, you're just prevented from seeing the beautiful ones lest you be tempted.

>> No.23238009

What type of pussy is your favorite?
I'm an innie-fag myself.

>> No.23238070

Small, smooth innies. Note that there isn't a single example of one in that entire book despite the fact that they do exist on adults. The closest thing is the very last one in the entire book, which they clearly threw in as a token example, but even that one is gaping. I'm not sure whether it's an example of body-positivity gone wrong (all bodies are beautiful! Except the beatiful ones, those ones are male oppression) or because of concerns about moral busybodies making spurious accusations, but either way the book is sorely lacking.

>> No.23238102

I used to think this until I had an ex with a lil bit of meat and it's nice to have something to chew on every now and again

>> No.23238129

What? This is literally a porn book. How long until tentacle hentai doujins get discussed here on /lit/?
Still hot

>> No.23238136


>> No.23238137

We need smut/slop /lit/ general. Should be fine so long as no pics.

>> No.23238178

I saw a lot of vaginas (12 twelve) and all of them are great but when they turn like 25 yo or had a lot of sex it turns into totally BEEFED. Nothing wrong with it, but it is objectively not nice.

>> No.23238188

Can't let /tg/ show us up.


>> No.23238577

No pizza