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File: 86 KB, 600x517, george-rr-martin-and-friends[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23231179 No.23231179 [Reply] [Original]

sothoryos edition
old: >>23214633

>> No.23231195
File: 193 KB, 570x764, Revolutionary_Joyce_Better_Contrast[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has gurm ever commented on any non-genre authors?
i wanna know what his thoughts on some of the /lit/ favorites like pynchon or dostoy would be, if he's even ever read them.

>> No.23231255

He likes William Faulkner

>> No.23231290 [DELETED] 
File: 3.46 MB, 2156x2812, IMG_8337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading this fat slob.

>> No.23231294

Bros why does GRRM write sex scenes like he is an incel?

>> No.23231304

He's 300 lbs and his dick probably hasn't worked in a quarter of a century, do you really need to ask?

>> No.23231346
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inb4 tolkienniggers shit up the thread again

>> No.23231363
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Who will disabuse her of these delusions?

>> No.23231414

Are all the martell retarded?

>> No.23231438


>> No.23231541

>Who will disabuse her of these delusions?
Do you want the rape written like in Stoner or like in Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.23231606
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>> No.23231607

He doesn't. Give us examples of clumsy sex he's written. There are plenty of sex scenes and discussions about sexual acts you can pick from, if you post the same two lines with the words "myrish swamp" and "fat pink mast" I swear to god I will reach through the screen and choke you.

>> No.23231609

Jon will, one the last remaining relatives she has who happens to also be a Stark.

>> No.23231647

>myrish swamp
>fat pink masy

>> No.23231696
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>> No.23231701

Why do daynes have valyrian features?

>> No.23231709

grrm deliberately keeps things about house Dayne a secret. It's hard to say why, but he's got some tricks up his sleeve for them. So for now just go with the logical explanation, either they came over from Essos with the features, or they married / fucked into them through Targaryens.

>> No.23231719

So does half of Lys. GRRM says that the Daynes have no Valyrian descent, though, so read into that what you will. https://web.archive.org/web/20001210110800/http://www.eventhorizon.com:80/sfzine/chats/transcripts/031899.html

>> No.23231742

Which histories have gurm taken as inspiration? Ingerland is obvious but there's also the ERE/Byzantium with the promised ruler prophecy.

>> No.23231827

you now remember even on the off chance twow comes out, grrm is going to waste even more time writing f&b 2 and the she wolves of winterfell instead of trying to complete ados

>> No.23231839

I kind of blame HBO desu. He's always loved working in television, talks about his early days of making tv shows like it was the best time of his life, and now HBO will basically let him do whatever the hell he wants.

>> No.23231939

kek they would not have shaken hands, Tolkien would've disliked GRRM the same way he disliked Dune

>> No.23231949

They were contemporaries, George being a brand new published author two years before Tolkien's death. He would have shaken his hand off the strength of him being a new writer and because George is a Tolkien nerd. Don't know why people keep making out like he hates Tolkien.

>> No.23231977

Yeah, Tolkien was kinda autistic. I don't think he would have liked Martin's work.

>> No.23231981

>Aemon's corpse has been inside a barrel of rum since 2005
George you son of a bitch, Sam's first chapter better be a goddamn funeral for him

>> No.23231992

Egg, I dreamed that I was old.

>> No.23232000

Who will rule each region (and Meereen) by the end of the series?

>> No.23232024

Of course they would. Tolkien was a gentleman.

>> No.23232062


>> No.23232241
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Just like Dance wasn't really Dance, Winds won't get to what was supposed to be Winds

>> No.23232347
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>my story ends with book six
The absolute state of this man.

>> No.23232355

Any new GRRM creepshots?

>> No.23232361

Who doesn't?
He's unironically the most influential author from the USA.

>> No.23232364

Happened off-screen after Barry told her about her crazy dad-

>> No.23232370

>she wolves of winterfell
Didn't he give up on Dunk and Egg and say he'll tell the stories through the tv show it's getting?

>> No.23232388
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>> No.23232390

May as well, there is 0% chances that Martin will completes ADoS.

>> No.23232437

twitter is also filled with these people.

>> No.23232453

Are you 12?

>> No.23232485

Fat pink masts jutting into myrish swamps until her cunt became the world while nuncle broke his fast on black bread, bacon burned black, and mulled wine while around him the planks of the ship groaned like a fat man taking a shit and in the privy the princess cursed as she shat but the more arbor gold she drank the more she shat until she was shitting brown water and nuncle smirked and bit into a lemoncake while grease dripped down his chin onto the nipples of his breastplate and the boiled leather of his jerkin for did she not know words are wind and winter is coming and a lannister always pays her debts and you know nothing jon snow and dark wings bring dark tidings and oh my sweet summer child this is nothing but a mummers farce and she could be fucking lancel and moonboy for all nuncle knows but where do whores go?

>> No.23232532

One of the best speeches in the series for sure. There's so many great turns of phrase and evocative images in it.
>smirking worm who wears a dragon's name
>all head and no heart
>clinking coins
>infest my city like roaches, and at night I feel them crawling over me
Amazing that this is the same guy who gave us the more she drank the more she shat

>> No.23232629

A lot of the writing in asoiaf is beautiful. Tell me what is so fascinating about this
>the more she drank the more she shat
that you feel the need to repeat it and ignore the countless other beautiful things he's written? You should just be honest and say that you've got a shit fetish and found the scene fascinating, like the debased monkey you are.

>> No.23232680

What was Dance supposed to be?

>> No.23232697

Stannis will die

>> No.23232875


The Norf will be ruled by cannibal Rickon
The Riverlands will be ruled by Chadmure Tully
The Vale of Arryn by the Falcon Knigth ser Sweetrobin the Strong
The Westerlands by Joy "Hill" Lannister
The Reach by Wyman Manderly
The Stormlands by Edric "Storm" Baratheon
Dorne by Trystane Martell
Mereen by the Good Masters, or Wise or Strong, I honestly don't remember which city had which.
The Iron Isles, I guess they matter, will be ruled by Theon Greyjoy, but he has no heir.
The Iron Throne belongs to the one True King: Brandon Stark (since we already know this to be true)

>> No.23232885
File: 949 KB, 1463x800, IzbgNQZb_181020152247lola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn t know
essentialy george suffers from a lot of authism. he wanted to do a 5 year timeskip to the fourth book which he planned to be adwd, but he decided to write affc instead
after he finished affc the publisher told him that it was too big to fit in one book. instead of releasing one book in two volumes he autisticaly decided to split it into the cool and boring characters
after finishing adwd it was also too long so he had to cut the four battles
so a dwd is now the cool characters of feast+a lot of filler for those characters making them boring(jon must have had died at the end of feast)+the first third of what was supposed to be dance
the second third of dance was supposed to be the four battles and the last third dragons dancing as the title sugests
actually he planned dance four times, my version is the second one

>> No.23232899

Sad. So Winds will have to cover what was supposed to the Dance, and Winds will have to be pushed entirely to the next book, meaning he'll need to write 8 books instead of 7

>> No.23232902

>split it into the cool and boring characters
I sincerely hope we share opinions on which are the cool and which are the boring

>> No.23232918

This is a Davos board

>> No.23232928 [DELETED] 

I hate women so much, it's unbelievable bros

>> No.23232938

>You really are a Star, Lady!

>> No.23232943

of course that by cool i mean Jon, Daenerys and Tyrion but feast was much better than dance, jaime, sansa, brienne, sam... actually do stuff instead of just staying home for 1 book
i unironically don t remember anything about jon and danny except that one died and the other shat her pants

>> No.23232944


>> No.23232957

The more she drank, the more she shat is a good paragraph.

>> No.23232986

Not doing the timeskip may be the biggest mistake in SFF history.

>> No.23233226


>> No.23233840

One cannot help but wonder if we'd be looking at a completed story right now if George was an architect instead of a gardener. And if the series would have been better or worse for it.

>> No.23234027

the plot would probably be more coherent and probably closer to finished, but i firmly believe that his "gardener" style is what gives his characters such depth. not sure if it would be worth losing out on what's arguably the best part of the books (the character work) just to get to the big war with the scary ice demons faster.

>> No.23234040
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He is currently working on WINDS OF WINTER as we speak.

>> No.23234161

As the thread expert on GRRM sex scenes, please explain what he meant by this:

>> No.23234174
File: 845 KB, 500x281, grrm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is currently working

>> No.23234212

Interesting to note that she compares her hair to Robert's.
Anyways, it's all the fault of the maids, they're shrinking Cercei's gowns.

>> No.23234414

>Constant complaints of duck being too greasy
I had some peking duck recently for the first time at a decent restaurant, and while it was greasy, it was not THAT greasy. What the fuck is George talking about here?

>> No.23234438

Maybe descendants of the Empire of the Dawn. House Dayne is like 10 thousand years old.

>> No.23234516

What exactly do you want to know? It's Cersei living out her male power fantasy. Cersei repeatedly thinks she's being held back by her gender and that she's being punished and having her life and authority challenged for be a woman, instead of realizing that she make mistakes and that she's not as smart as she thinks she is. Cersei is not well mentally, was in an abusive marriage, practiced incest, she killed her abusive husband, watched her son die and thinks her brother killed him, her father was killed by the same brother she thinks murdered her son, thinks her other children are in danger or being killed, she's an alcoholic and is paranoid in general. If you're upset that the sex scene wasn't sexy then you're an idiot because it wasn't supposed to be sexy.

>> No.23234621

Tolkien still respected Frank Herbert even if he didn’t like Dune. He wasn’t a rude cunt like you’re making him out to be.

>> No.23234637

Marco Polo, the Vikings, the Druids, Hadrians Wall, the Italian wars, the Catholic Church, the war of the roses, zoroastrianism, the golden age of piracy, the Bronze Age Middle East, the mongols, and the Neolithic farming revolution

>> No.23234666

Peking duck is marinated for a long time first

>> No.23234696

the books will never be finished. you might get a dream of spring. you will never get the winds of winter. I highly doubt he could finish it in 2 books anyways. what's the point of reading a story if you don't get the ending ?

>> No.23234714

>what's the point of reading a story if you don't get the ending ?
cause its a good story?

>> No.23234717

>what's the point of reading a story if you don't get the ending ?
the autistic theorycrafting is half the fun of asoiaf.

>> No.23234791

What's going to be Areo, Balon and Darkstar arc in Winds?

>> No.23234831
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>house animal analogy

>> No.23234833

According to Preston Jacobs:
>obara launches a coup which kills Balon
>Darkstar convinces Areo to surrender
>areo kills obara and surrenders to darkstar

>> No.23234850

That guy is the biggest schizo in youtube, I don't know what any of that even accomplish.

>> No.23234878
File: 56 KB, 750x414, smooch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clothes shrunken
>therefore rape
Where do you find a woman like this?

>> No.23234884

>melisandre is the wall's pov
>theon and asha are stannis' pov
>jaime or brienne may become stoneheart's pov
>sansa is the vale's pov
>cersei is king's landing's pov
>aeron is euron's pov
>sam is oldtown's pov
>ariadne is aegon's pov
>areo is dorne's pov
>tyrion, barristan and victarion are meereen and dany's pov
>davos and arya are doing their own thing
Who's going to be the pov of the Boltons?

>> No.23234902

Twain and Lovecraft are far more well known here

>> No.23234904

Whoever that mysterious dude walking around winterfell is. Either Mance or Theon.

>> No.23234925
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>you might get a dream of spring. you will never get the winds of winter

>> No.23234981

Anon, there won't be multiple Boltons. Stannis is going to kill Ramsay.

>> No.23235262

They descend from the same people as Valyrians - the ruling class of the Empire of the Dawn.

>> No.23235270

no he isn't lol
most people in my country have never even read faulkner, not even those who are really into literature
melville and hawthorne are far more popular

>> No.23235293

Based & GRR Martin pilled

>> No.23235358

Do you reread the books regularly? I don't even remember most of the plot at this point.

>> No.23235467

Planning my third reading of all the books associated with asoiaf. I started reading them in 2009. They were good the first time, beautiful the second time, and I'm excited to see what they are like this third time around.

>> No.23235482
File: 44 KB, 620x513, e4dd6e16-d96f-4ebf-a5c6-78fe01d49592-620x513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would they? Let's take a real life example, There's a lot of people with red hair in Ireland. There's also pockets of red haired Finnic peoples in Russia. They have the hair colors but they're obviously not of the same stock.

>> No.23235500

>he doesn't know Gurm is releasing a dream of spring and will just ignore winds of winter forever

>> No.23235519

>more well known
>most people
This is unrelated to what he said. Faulkner is influential. He's not popular. Authors like him.

>Who doesn't?
Most people, probably. I'd bet good money the average person would have a harder time finishing Absalom, Absalom! than they would Shakespeare's Henry VI plays.

>> No.23235528
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>> No.23235529

not really, you'd be hard-pressed to find non-english speaking authors who would name faulkner as one of their favorites
he loses his entire appeal in translation

>> No.23235553

>Aegon VI

>> No.23235561

>filtered by the language barrier

>> No.23235584

how are they filtered? if literature is your main interest then learning english is pretty low in your list of priorities
whenever i buy a book at the store from some literal who author i always check to see if it's also available english and it almost never is
you're way better off with french, german, russian, spanish, or even italian
italians actually translate a surprising amount of weird literal who authors, there's still a voracious readerbase in that country

>> No.23235604

Theon can't be a POV for Ramsay anymore.
Headcanon, Stannis is going to die in this book.

>> No.23235608

English was good enough for God when He wrote the Bible

>> No.23235618

supposed to be rhaenys though she's way too dark

>> No.23235625

Yeah Dornish are meant to be Hispanic, not niggers

>> No.23235633

If silver gold hair and purple eyes isn't a strictly valyrian trait then why was it part of the sales pitch for the doctrine of exceptionalism?

>> No.23235658

Their faces are way too perfect. These ae super models. People should look at actual photos and paintings of royalty, they are almost never attractive.

>> No.23235683

With the amount of incest among Targs, they should have some Hapsburg chins

>> No.23235748
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>> No.23235873

He's the most influential English-language writer of the 20th century for Spanish literature.

>> No.23235884

If war had never happened, who do you think Aegon would marry? His sister? His aunt? Someone else?

>> No.23235885
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, Tyrion-arrest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what the reader knows up until this point, how would you prove Tyrion's innocence?

>> No.23235930

Things are really stacked against him, so it's hard.
Specially since getting people to talk for him is nigh impossible with Cersei and others working against him, Sansa missing and various unrelated events working as evidence for him being the poisoner.

You'd have to provide an alternate story, a different poisoner, and it's very hard; who is the alternate suspect in such an event?

>> No.23235948

And to add to this, now that I'm remembering more about the event.
I would move the narrative towards "wine wasn't poisoned, pie was", interrogate cooks, servers, see if it was Tyrion's or Joffrey's pie that had the poison. I have no clue if they saved it or just dumped it.
If enough evidence is found about the pie and it being Tyrion's piece of pie, then present Tyrion as the true target and Joffrey as just a sad victim of someone else's plot.

But the fact that Tyrion was the cupbearer, dumped the wine, took the poisons from Pycelle, threatened Cersei and had motive to want to hurt his nephew, it's very damning.

>> No.23235957

>You'd have to provide an alternate story, a different poisoner, and it's very hard; who is the alternate suspect in such an event?
Lady Margery, perhaps. Formerly betrothed to Renly, would now seek another suitor to the crown; Joffrey was too unpredictable and thus might have preferred someone who was more easy to manipulate (like Tommen).

This would be my alternate theory.

>> No.23235985
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Imagine reading an 800-page volume of this slop.

>> No.23235988

>If war had never happened
Aerys and Rhaegar are too coocoo for that.

>> No.23235990


>> No.23235991
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I have. Several of them in fact.

>> No.23236050

i never knew george was catholic

>> No.23236060

Do the seven have any supernatural power like the old gods and red rahloo?

>> No.23236089

So you have to be drunk?
Makes sense now.

>> No.23236132

Mine would probably be Sansa.
She could have stolen the poisons Tyrion took from Pycelle.
She could have poisoned Joffrey while everyone was distracted.
She could have fled the court always intending to abandon Tyrion and blame him for it.

>> No.23236270

The seven are just different faces of the same god (The Other)

>> No.23236278

The Great Other that Mel wants to fight?

>> No.23236290

Yeah, or so the Red Priests say.

>> No.23236423

>he fell for murdercult propaganda

The Seven came to Planetos in Andalos and crowned Hugor of the Hill as the holy king of the Andals, and promised him a great kingdom in the west for his descendants. So with righteous fury they led a holy crusade against the heathen First Men and their trees.

>> No.23236506

Is there still anyone who still doubts that Dany is Azhor Ahai, Drogon is Lightbringer, and the first dragons were born to end the first Long Night?

>> No.23236519

The seven are made up gods unlike the fire god, the drowned god and the great other.

>> No.23236622

Azor Ahoi, if he/she turns out to be real, is the bad guy of the narrative. The first Davos chapter should have made you realize that.

>> No.23236644

So like Dany

>> No.23236681

Could be... Could also be Stannis... People have to realize that George isn't going to write a narrative where the person who commits human sacrifice is the hero.

>> No.23236823
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>> No.23237057

>the person who commits human sacrifice is the hero
Love vs duty is a big theme is the books. Jon killing Daenerys to save everyone is pretty much confirmed at this point and Dany doesn't even need to sacrifice anyone because she already has Lightbringer.

>> No.23237075

Besidea the targaryens looking like fas monkes is the hotd good?

>> No.23237084

It's got some good acting and it's entertaining.
For season 2 it seems they increased their budget, so they got better wigs.

>> No.23237177

I think im becoming a randy old man because the slavers bay harem fantasies are strong while doing this reread.

>> No.23237200

The degree to which someone has to fail developing even the most basic understanding of the story in order to think Dany was never meant to turn bad is mindblowing. How do people like this exist?

>> No.23237293
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>> No.23237385

>"More grrAVY!" he cried as he seized the scalding hot deep fried chicken thigh. His calloused mitts felt no heat, but his throat and loins were a conflagration.
>"Yo G-Daddy take it easy with mamma's chikin right there, it ain't for the faint of heart, y'know.." Laquesha said.
>"Do he LOOK like he got a faint heart?" Mbalenhle replied. They all laughed, which in George RR Martin's case meant a significant amount of chicken jettisoned across the table as he belched ferociously. His treasured concubines were used to such behavior, gracefully, considering that it's ceaseless, or at least they seemed to be, their sanity a thing clearly stretched as thin as GRUM was FAT. He was also rich. Biblically so. Given his book series, tv show, editing of collections of crap that wouldn't sell otherwise, other tv show, funko pops and other shrewd business endeavours, he could pay them enough to suffer through this. Although "this" is a rather obscene, unexplored territory.
>A cauldron of gravy arrived. Laquesha and Mbalenhle had to body slam his arms away from it to keep him from driving handfuls into his gullet. He was then force-fed collard greens and buttermilk by three other chocolate beautes, Alisha, Shani and Marea. Fools that they were they hoped to balance his diet. Technically, still, you could call it a diet. In the mount of food and bile refuse Grum managed to sneak into his mouth the bowlfull of mamma's signature "It aint hAt if it ain't Mamma's" hot sauce. It's deathtoll was in the dozens and George just gulped it down. By the time his Queenz realised what he'd done, he was already trembling. Percolating might better describe the spectacle. Unique in its grotesque appeal, the FAT on George's once human form was ondulating, jiggling, raging.
>He opened his mouth and everything came out. EVERY THING. A good dozen chickens, an incomprehensible liquid, cnidarian-like masses of flesh, parts of cutlery, blood and bile gushing out, as the shorties shrieked and wisely fled the scene.
>As George's cadaver settled like a deflated balloon, the last thing out of his horrific volume of being was a laminated final draft for ASoIaF's final, three actually, books. He kept eating them accidentally.
>Later, Laquesha's cousin checked the place out for stuff to steal, only to flee when confronted with a gut wrenching stench coming from Grum's rotting, fermenting, cursed FAAAAAT.

>> No.23237388

Is Melisandre retarded?

>> No.23237438

9/10. Can you describe the post mortem diarrhea a bit more please?

>> No.23237719

amazing literature

>> No.23237730 [DELETED] 

Peak nonfiction

>> No.23237791

>havent read a single book of his
>tried watching game of thrones when it was hyped up (it was dog shit).

>> No.23237885

That books are better but it really depends on what you didn't like about the show.

>> No.23237921

I cant remember since it was so long ago but i just didnt care about the conflict/characters. Jon snow was somewhat interesting but couldnt care less about the others.

>> No.23238113

In the books you have their thoughts so that makes them immediately more interestings. The show doesn't make them justice, specially later seasons.

>> No.23238239
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>> No.23238286

Wow Troon perception is just like Troon "memes"

>> No.23238383
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This was written stoned while falling asleep yesterday, so I'd rather leave it as is

pic related is an older one (yes yes I know the typos)

>> No.23238389
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and this was the second one

I call this genre shatire

>> No.23238445

>Why would they? Let's take a real life example,
ASOIAF genetics doesn't work like in real life THOUGH.

>> No.23238671

Holy based. Reminds me of the nightmare I had where I met gurm and he retaliated to my questions on the book by turning into a dune style sandworm mutant.

>> No.23238707

wtf does this mean? Any character who doesn't fit a narrow definition of man or woman is trans? Nigga please

>> No.23238746
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>read Dance at release when I was in elementary school
>now finished college and started working but the next book still isnt out
Give me your best copium regarding winds

>> No.23238752

Best I've seen: GRRM hasn't released Winds because he's working on Dream at the same time and they'll both come out together

>> No.23238879

George realized he can't finish the series in two books and is splitting Winds itself into two books. He'll announce the split once the first volume is ready to be published and will also announce the new Dunk and Egg novellas at the same time

>> No.23238904

Why would you read asoiaf in elementary school?

>> No.23238905

Do you think Martin is going to make Rhaegar a rapist in the books?

>> No.23238909

Because they're children's books like every fantasy novel ever written? Adult literature is stuff like Ford Escort repair manuals

>> No.23238911

I read it in 8th grade when I saw trailer for first season on hbo. I remember reading every book in like 1-2 days

>> No.23238922

I wanna know why he left 3 whole Kingsguard just for Lyanna and Jon while his other children got basically nothing.

>> No.23238926

meant for >>23238905

>> No.23238932

They were protected by the entire city army, in theory.

>> No.23238938

Well yeah, Herbert and Martin understand the inherent evils of monarchy while Tolkien was a chud who probably thought the only legitimate authority comes from God (ie divine right).

>> No.23238949

Because Rhaegar was a prophecy obsessed nutjob and was absolutely certain Jon was the Prince Who was Promised.

>> No.23238954
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Here's your promised prince bros.

>> No.23238968

I'm pretty sure Jon is going to be some form of a revived Other with consciousness. Whatever happens from here, who knows, but he won't be Jon but more depressed that's for sure.

>> No.23238973

In the Dany vision he seems to think Aegon is the promised prince.

>> No.23238978

I want Jon's parentage to remain a mystery, I legitimately prefer the "he's the son of a fisherman's daughter" narrative more than him being Rhaegar's son. It makes him feel like too much of a bastard

>> No.23238979

Yeah, but I think's supposed to show you that Rhaegar is wrong about a lot of things. He went from thinking he was the one, then Aegon, then Jon.

>> No.23239049

Poor Devan is going to get burned next book isn't he? I think Mel is going to play on his obsession with her in some fashion

>> No.23239078

It is probable but we don't know for sure. As far as we know he just wanted a third dragon head for Aegon.

>> No.23239105
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Interesting read.

>> No.23239308

The fact those three followed Rhaegar and abandoned Aerys leads me to believe they were involved in his coup plans.

Rhaegar was prophecy obsessed, had he been king he would probably die bathing in wildfire with a dragon egg or doing something dumb like that.
Rhaegar really abandoned his wife and kids for the chance of Lyanna giving him what he wanted.
And no matter how much he believed in his destiny and prophecy it all ended in the Trident when Bobby B smashed his chest in.

>> No.23239794

This is such a great theory, and very likely true. We always hear about the prince who was promised, but what if he was promised to the Others?

>> No.23239810

>the prince who was promised, but what if he was promised to the Others?
Reminds me of a theory I heard once that proposed the Night King and his bride were actually a marriage pact between the ancient Starks and the Others.

>> No.23239933

I feel the opposite, too much of Jon's character is wrapped up in his parentage and his feeling's toward his real, imagined and surrogate parents.
Regardless of whether he the child of Rhaegar and Lyanna or Ned and Ashara or Brandon and some random tavern wench, it just wouldn't be satisfying to never know.
FAegon on the other hand, I think is the perfect character to remain a mystery because the implications of his existence on Daenerys' arc is massive and I really want to see how she tackles being on opposing sides to him. It also reinforces Varys' whole "Power resides where people think it resides" idea. Although is that actually a show only quote, I don't remember?
>child sacrifice and demon waifus fall out of favour in Westeros at large
>historical revisionism kicks in at Winterfell and the Starks' part in the whole endeavour gets covered up
I can see it

>> No.23240277

if your favourite part of season 1 was jon snow you should probably stick harry potter and hunger games

>> No.23240524

Just started the books. I’m glad I watched the HBO show (otherwise I’m afraid I would be extremely lost by all the names already) although it takes away the fun because I know pretty much all the twists and turns this book is [presumably] going to throw at me. There have already been two distinct “sex” scenes (Ned & his wife, and Bran climbing a tower and seeing something he aught not to have) it’s not egregious—but it is weird reading about “warm seed” or whatever, and imagining the fat slob that is GRRM writing those words.
So far I think GRRM shines best when it comes to showcasing characters’ honor, loyalty, internal thoughts, etc. He’s mediocre at describing battles and violence and it comes across as… vanity? A bit?
Either way I think the book is comfy.

>> No.23240553

Will Dark Sister and Dawn ever be relevant again?

>> No.23240574

Were they ever though?

The general theory is that Darkstar will get his hands on Dawn and the sword will matter in some way, it's also a sword full of theories.
Dark Sister theories just extend to where it is, I think, since Bloodraven apparently took it with him to the Wall. If I was the king I'd ask him to leave it behind honestly.

>> No.23240623

>If I was the king I'd ask him to leave it behind honestly.
Yeah, I always thought that was weird that they let him take it to the Wall.

>> No.23240966

>I want Jon's parentage to remain a mystery, I legitimately prefer the "he's the son of a fisherman's daughter" narrative

I would hate it. R + L = J adds so much to the tragedy of and depth of Ned's character.

>> No.23241005


My own headcanon is that Dawn is based on both Mjolnir and Ebony blade from Marvel. It works in the way that it is kind of senitent but not in the way that Stormbringer is in deciding whoever is worthy of wiedling it will let it use, Darkstar will never get hold of Dawn because the blade won't deem him worthy enough to use in whatever plans he has for it. Ned only was able to wield and carry Dawn back to Starfall because the blade wanted to go home and that it sensed noble and good intentions within Eddard.

>> No.23241156

Even though GRRM has said there's no new POV characters I still think it'd be hella cool if we get a Rickon chapter or 2 in WoW. Unless it's all going to be Davos on his adventure to Skagos or unless Jon/Ghost wargs into Shaggydog/Rickon that would be insane but not impossible. Supposedly we're getting way more scenes set beyond the wall but I'm so curious about Skane and Skagos too I'd read anything about them.

>> No.23241180


I think Bran is going to be looking further north, maybe trying to learn more about what The Others are and what actually is The Heart of Winter. Makes sense being the only POV who is far north at the moment

>> No.23241822

George said Bran was the hardest POV the write because he's the youngest and has to put himself in the shoes of a little kid.... And Rickon is even younger. I honestly don't see it happening.
Maybe Bran is going to be the POV of the Boltons, but I'm hoping for Mance.

>> No.23241853
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>> No.23241939
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Post cool art.

>> No.23241942

I usually love Nasmith's art pieces for Tolkien, but this particular one looks bad imo.

>> No.23241986 [DELETED] 

>He’s mediocre at describing battles and violence
Well, he's admitted himself that the action scenes are his least favorite parts to write do that'd make sense

>> No.23242130
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>> No.23242207
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>> No.23242281

Neither of those scenes have sex iirc. Ned and Catelyn's scene is them laying in bed after the act. Bran only catches a glimpse of Jaimie and Cersei and he doesn't even really understand what he's seen.

>> No.23242293

>imagining the fat slob that is GRRM writing those words.
Now I realize that it's not that people think the sex in asoiaf is bad it's that they're angry that they got turned on by some gross, old, overweight nerd.

>> No.23242369
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Lads...what do we think of this?

>> No.23242384 [DELETED] 

Yeah it's a popular, almost solidified, theory that Dany was in Dorne as a child, instead of Braavos. Another connected theory that I favor, is that Dany is actually Rhaegar's and Lyanna's daughter, which is why she was in Dorne.

>> No.23242407

Yeah it's a popular, almost solidified, theory that Dany was in Dorne as a child, instead of Braavos. Another connected theory that I favor, is that Dany is actually Rhaegar's and Lyanna's daughter, or Rhaegar's and Ashara's Daughter, which is why she was in Dorne.

>> No.23242426
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Remember George wanted ASOIAF to be a three book series, so theres loads of weird foreshadowing that isn't addressed again since they're meant to be for the ending and instead the middle keeps growing and growing.
We have never seen a Greenman on the Isle of Faces either. GRRM wants to keep that underwraps so bad that even with all the history hes backflled there has never been ANY character to visit and record what goes on the Isle of faces.
Dany grow up on Braavos and was born in a storm, even thought she didn't because lemons were there and there was no big famous storm when she was born during the final months of Roberts rebellion.
R+L = D would be an interesting twist, but then who would be Jons parents? IF not Lyana why would Ned sacrfice his honour to keep the boys identitiy a secret and raise him as his own, is he Brandons bastard with that Dayne woman thus making him the heir not to th 7 kingdoms but to the much more important Sword of the Morning, the real lightbringer to fulfill his destny as the Prince who was promised to the Others as Azhor Ahai to be destroyed by Dany? (who dies in the process with all her dragons)

>> No.23242446

Martin is a sleazy liar.
Nothing will convince me that he doesn't get off to writing some of those scenes, specially the lesbian sex.

>> No.23242452

It was just a mistake, same with the 3 rangers theory, the scar changing place, the trans horse, acrobat Tyrion and Sandor kissing Sansa. The books are long, those kinds of mistakes are normal.

>> No.23242502

The Sandor bit is there to show that Sansa is an unreliable narrator and misremembers things, whether because she lies to herself and makes stuff up or she has a bad memory.

There was a storm though, that’s why Stannis couldn’t catch Viserys and Dany.

>> No.23242541

>umm AKSHUALLY everyone is secretly someone else's child

goofy ass fanbase

>> No.23242590

The only goofy here is you. There's only a handful of characters with questionable parentage in the main series. Don't bother commenting on shit you haven't read.

>> No.23242593

is Darkstar possibly the greatest character ever written?

>> No.23242601

Yeah bro Jaime and Cersei are TOTALLY sired by Aerys

>> No.23242641


I love the idea of Jon being tied to the Daynes and inheriting the title of Sword of the Mourning and it's my prefered outcome.

Daenerys being Rhaegar and Lyanna's child would be an interesting outcome but would this also mean that she and Aegon are twins? Maybe this could be the Star Wars twist GRRM was talking about years and years ago. Maybe Lyanna actually gave birth to twins and Rhaegar named his other son with her also Aegon because he was that sure it would be an Aegon who fulfilled everything but this still doesn't explain Ned coming home with Jon.

>> No.23242675

When you go down the rabbithole there's some really wacky theories about Jon, Dany and fAegon's parentage.
I seem to remember one that had Aegon as R+L, Septa Lemore as Ashara Dayne, and Jon was probably N+A. Though I don't remember if there was some switch made with Dany as a baby.

>> No.23242902
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Well, technically he does have Dayne blood running through his veins because a Targaryen and Dayne got married and had kids. Egg is her child

>> No.23242904

Egg's kids really got all the blood that theory-crafters love.
Dayne and Blackwood.

>> No.23243108
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>> No.23243176

>The Sandor bit is there to show that Sansa
Sandor also mentions kissing Sansa to Arya.

>> No.23243261

Bloodraven is such a troll with that bird.

>> No.23243330


Longclaw + Dawn= Lightbringer

I do think Ice being possibly reforged will have some massive signifiance and might even play a role but we probably won't even see Ice again until all the Stark kids are reunited one last time at Winterfell before going seperate ways again.

Jon goes beyond north to The Land of Always Winter after marrying a female Other
Sansa goes south after marrying Aegon Targaryen becoming the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms helping rebuild stuff following the war with the others/Daenerys invasion
Bran potentially acts as Sansa's hand might just stay in his tree cave or on the isle of faces

No idea what will happen with Arya or Rickon. I've thought for a while of Arya potentially stealing Sansa's face since both of their characters are a nod to Miramelle from M,T, & T and it would be a neat twist if Arya takes her sister's face only to spend the rest of her days living them out as "Sansa"


I've speculated for a while it's going to end with some sort of marriage pact between humans and Others like how the first pact between the Children and Humans was forged. Rather than an end the world type scenario like everyone thinks. Jon might be the prince who was promised to be wed to The Others, it would kind of make sense for his story if that's the reason why he goes further north beyond the wall.

>> No.23243372

Riddle me something, how do modern readers and fans of the show deal with Danerys and Drogo's first sexual encounter in the books. Just read it and it might be a 7 on the Stephen King scale, being that it specifically states Danerys was wet. I'm not criticizing it for it, I don't care, so do not call me a faggot.

>> No.23243389

Lightbringer is not a sword, how can a single sword defeat the Others?

>> No.23243413

He doesn't, he just says that she sang for him and that he should have raped her, never mentions a kiss.
And during the event itself, there's no kiss.

>The UnKiss is the nickname given by fans of A Song of Ice and Fire for a kiss remembered by Sansa Stark between her and Sandor Clegane, but which did not actually happen.
>When asked about this discrepancy George R. R. Martin said this will eventually mean something and that Sansa is an "unreliable narrator". This has led to much speculation by fans on what he means and intends.

>> No.23243590


It will be a marriage pact that ends the war. Martin's whole running theme is that old ways are coming back or at least making some sort of return whether it be magic or old traditions. I think Others/Children of the Forest can interbreed with humans or use them somehow and it may have been part of the deal after the war with the first men so a similar incident miht reappear with Jon being the one who decides to marry an Other to stop mass genocide from happening

>> No.23243742
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>Jon goes beyond north to The Land of Always Winter after marrying a female Other
Remember Jon is a warg who is dead, he'll be resurrected either as an fire wight by melisandre or an ice wight by the Others. But being a warg he'll be a special undead like the original nights watch brotherhood who were all resurrected greenseers/wargs like Coldhands as the frst generation of the nightswatch was the last heros companions who fought the dead by being undead themselves so not needing to rest, eat or be warm, useful for going very far north in the freezing cold.
Like Coldhands zombie jon will roam the deep north tending to Weirwoods after the Others are returned to it and the invaving greenseer hivemind that bloodraven and the other greenseers in the cave are connected to are kicked out by Bran who'll have it in his head as the godking from the Isle of faces. This is why D&D made Bran king of Westeros as a kndof nod to it since they bascially removed magic from the show. Also why they made him a blank emotionless thing after leaving the cave, thats what he'll be when the Others are returned to their weirwood net, the weirwoodtrees will have real faces again and be at peace and will speak instead of having fake carved faces screaming for blood and in pain
Sansa marrying FAegon and being an enemy of Dany would be cool, have a stark on the wrong side of a conflict, I don't thik she'll have a good end
Rickon will die, he'll be a savage warg warlord leading some Skargosi cannibals. Meant to show the real heritage of house stark back when they were savage first men warg kings. You don't rule the whole north being nice and honourable.
The Stark alliance with the Others will also come into play with Jon, he might be the books Night King maybe, the opposite of bran with the Others hivemind in his head so they can speak in a human language. Maybe not
Arya is a murderhobo assassian and powerful Warg second only to Bran the truly last greenseer (who will also be all of them via the hivemind), she'll probably die, D&D loved her they just sent her 'west' to avoid killing her, She'll probably kill cercei if FAgeon doesnt beat her to it.

>> No.23243863

Nah the Others are "the enemy that's is worth fighting" like the nazis in GRRM's eyes. I don't think they are all going to die like in the show but I'm 99% sure that the book is not going to end with a path with the devil out of fear to death. That's not the kind of morality Martin is going for with the books.

>> No.23244067

>"Much as I admire Tolkien, and I do admire Tolkien — he’s been a huge influence on me, and his Lord of the Rings is the mountain that leans over every other fantasy written since and shaped all of modern fantasy — there are things about it, the whole concept of the Dark Lord, and good guys battling bad guys, Good versus Evil, while brilliantly handled in Tolkien, in the hands of many Tolkien successors, it has become kind of a cartoon. We don’t need any more Dark Lords, we don’t need any more, ‘Here are the good guys, they’re in white, there are the bad guys, they’re in black. And also, they’re really ugly, the bad guys.

>It is certainly a genuine, legitimate topic as the core of fantasy, but I think the battle between Good and Evil is waged within the individual human hearts. We all have good in us and we all have evil in us, and we may do a wonderful good act on Tuesday and a horrible, selfish, bad act on Wednesday, and to me, that’s the great human drama of fiction. I believe in gray characters, as I’ve said before. We all have good and evil in us and there are very few pure paragons and there are very few orcs. A villain is a hero of the other side, as someone said once, and I think there’s a great deal of truth to that, and that’s the interesting thing. In the case of war, that kind of situation, so I think some of that is definitely what I’m aiming at." - GRRM

>> No.23244121
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Bakker mogs the Fatman in every way imaginable.

>> No.23244166

Everyone claims Tolkien didn't like Dune because of the moral ambiguity, when Dune doesn't even start with its hero narrative deconstruction until Messiah. Probably Tolkien's dislike stemmed more from Dune's constant use of allegory (which Tolkien was an opponent of), as well as Herbert's New Age philosophy and his tendency to beat readers over the heads with philosophical platitudes. Tolkien was someone with a love of language and story telling, and Dune's strengths are not its prose.

Despite his books' subject matter, Martin's prose tends to be much more romantic. I'd put him closer to Tolkien in style than Herbert. Not to mention that for all ASOIAF is cited for its moral greyness, there are a lot of explicitly heroic characters in the text like Ned, Jon, Brienne, or Davos. I don't know if Tolkien would have liked Martin's work, but I wouldn't be shocked if he did.

>> No.23244860

>fucked up the second series finale
>sales are shit
>stopped writing altogether
>No-God will never be written
Nah, Bakker doesn't mog shit.

>> No.23244956




>> No.23245064
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>> No.23245167

were the lannisters retconned into being andals? I thought lann the clever predated the andal invasion

>> No.23245538

"We Lannisters claim our descent from the Andal invaders and, through the female bloodline, Lann the Clever. According to the legend, Lann, using only his wits, won Casterly Rock from the noble house of Casterly during the Age of Heroes." - Tywin Lannister

>> No.23245569

>stopped writing altogether
Are you talking about Martin?

>> No.23245632

I think they made it so that when the Andals arrived the Lannisters married them and converted to their religion.
The other houses that claim to descend from Garth Greenhand must have done the same.

>> No.23245726

What are some "theories" than we can basically take for canon at this point?
>R + L = J
>Jon is going to possess Ghost then come back to life
>Daenerys will cause Cersei's fall, not Margaery
>Sansa will cause Littlefinger's fall
>Robert Strong is the mountain
>Sandor is the gravedigger and there won't be a Cleganebowl
>Cersei will blow up the sept with valyrian fire
>Aegon is a fake
>Alleras is Salleras and Pate is a Jaqen
>Varys is the perfumed seneschal
>Euron will destroy the wall
>Stoneheart is going to use Jaime to massacre the Freys in Riverrun during their wedding
>Wyman ate Frey pies
>Stannis is going to use a light to bait the Freys to the ice lake
>Tyrion is not going to kill Cersei
>Drogon is The Stallion who Mounts the World
>Dany will get one if not all khalasari

>> No.23245749

>Aegon is fake
Explain further, does Varys know about this?

>> No.23245767

Of course

>> No.23245770

You missed these:
>Euron wargs into the Dusky Woman
>fAegon Blackfyre
>High Sparrow = Howland Reed
>Gerion Lannister is the Shrouded Lord
>Everything Nimble Dick Crabb said is real
>Squishers built Asshai
>Squishers built the Seastone Chair
>Southron Ambitions
>Great Maester Conspiracy
>Jojen Paste

>> No.23245811

Picked up an old hard cover of "A Game of Thrones". Never read it. Just watched the show. Gonna pop this open and immerse myself.

>> No.23245818

>Brienne will discover shes related to Sir Duncan the Tall.
>Shes going to fulfill his promise and push Walder Frey down a well.

>> No.23245832

Funny how most artist desperately try to make Daenerys not look like a 13-15 years old girl.

>> No.23245833


>> No.23245862

So why did he lie to Kevan? Kevan was dying.

>> No.23245866 [DELETED] 

>how do modern readers and fans of the show deal with Danerys and Drogo's first sexual encounter in the books
They just call it le rape, even when Dany shows that's grown attached and Drogo is actually pretty gentle when all is said and done

>> No.23245880

>"Aegon? Dead. He’s dead.”
>“No. He is here”
He never calls him a Targaryen. It's more like GRRM doesn't want you to know yet. And there is no other alternative. Is that or Varys, the GC and George are massive retards.

>> No.23245890

The Night's King being a Stark may as well be canon. Don't know why else they would try that hard to erase his name from history.

>> No.23245915 [DELETED] 

So apparently there's rumor that George's latest blog post is a cryptic confirmation that he's finished Winds or at the very least is in its editing phase. Here are the things the post has:

>a blue rose, which could be a reference to Dany's dream of a blue rose on the Wall
>the tags have "writing" and "dreams", which some people imply could literally mean he's about to start A Dream of Spring
>the quote he posted has to do with dreams
>the last time he posted a post this cryptic was before they announced Dance with Dragons 6 months later

That's the copium right now and I hate myself for kinda buying it. George, you fat fuck, publish WoW already

>> No.23246064

People aren't as weird about it as the could be, I've seen other fandoms react in much worse ways. No one has tried to start up a campaign to out grrm as a pedophile, rapist, or misogynist, asoiaf readers seem to get it, but imo that's more of a credit to George's writing, the early books get criticized for being too dry and to the point but I think that's what may have saved him from other more damaging criticisms. He didn't try to romanticize Daenerys being sold. She's scared, and shaking, she cries, she initially protests against the marriage. For Drogo's part he's at least not a monster, he's gentle, takes it slow, engages in foreplay with her, taking the time to actually seduce her, and the last important bit is that he asks for consent, and Dany says yes. It's written out in lovely, plain, black and white, easy to understand English so there's no questions about what she was experiencing. And all of this is an obvious upgrade from being under the abusive thumb of Viserys. She starts to mature, she gains agency, people are now serving or deferring to her, she has power, and a husband that cares about her.

>> No.23246094

>female primogeniture
>lots of money
>live in a cave
>position won through underhandedness and trickery

>> No.23246141

Reddit doesn't like how GRRM "sexualizes" Dany. He definitely likes to put her in erotic situations, like there is no reason for her to spend to whole second book with a tit out. Now, I'm not in his mind and can't say if he gets off with that or not, nor do I care.

>> No.23246162

>there is no reason for her to spend to whole second book with a tit out.
Why is that a sexual situation for you? There are many cultures that exist now in modern history where it's perfectly acceptable and normal for women to be topless. Even within subsects of western culture there's no taboo against topless women, nudist colonies or beaches are good examples. Her having one breast out is in line with the culture she's trying to assimilate into as a conquering queen, it's never mentioned in a sexual way, and it's hardly mentioned at all, maybe twice.

>> No.23246232

Stop it with the mental gymnastic. You are trying to cover the sun with a finger. He definitely goes overboard with Dany's sex life, it's not an unpopular opinion. There are plenty of moments where she sexualizes her breasts, even from her own POV for some reason. You don't see Jon thinking about his dick at all, but every female character gets a description of their chest at some point, regarless of age. Is he trying to be artsy, represent female sexual liberation or is he just a creep? Pick your poison, I don't care either way.

Everyone is Westeros is a pedophile by modern standards and it makes sense because why wouldn't they? GRRM however is smart and none of the good guys have sex with underage girls.

>> No.23246248

>none of the good guys have sex with underage girls.
Robert Baratheon
Tyrion came pretty close too
Dany with her handmaids

>> No.23246251

He explores Jon's ex life and even the internal struggles of it. One of his most controversial lines in the entire book is a description of Sam's penis. Every woman does not have her breasts described. Is it not a fact that there are societies where it's normal and expected for women to be topless and it's not seen as sexual? Are women not allowed to think about their breasts at all? I've heard and had plenty of conversations where women talk about their own breasts, and other women's breasts, in both matter of fact or sexual manners. Why is it suddenly a problem if it's in your book of fiction instead of National Geographic? Isn't society supposed to be past this, have their not be arguments in court about women being able to expose their breasts without being thrown in prison for indecent exposure? It seems like people only want to project their own sexual hang ups onto other people instead of just taking a moment to reflect on it.

>> No.23246264

Robert is not a good guy
Yes and he didn't
Both underage
You're going off the deep end again. If you can't see the difference between how he describes Tyrion and Sam's dicks with how he describes female nipples or Jon's sexuality versus Daenerys... then you're delusional. Like I said, I don't know what he was trying to accomplish nor do I care. I read his books because they amuse me, not to form a moral opinion about a person I don't know. I don't care about his opinion on the subject, and I don't care abour your's either.

>> No.23246312

I'm perfectly on subject and I'm providing you with real world counterpoints. You just don't want to think about any of it and would rather call writers perverts because it makes you feel morally superior. Puritans should not be allowed into discussions about art.

>> No.23246324

George is a western man, with a western audience and with modern western values that are crealy reflected in the books. I'm not a puritan and I didn't call him a pervert. All you do is post words that I never wrote because you are not smart enough to formulate an argument, stupid retard.

>> No.23246336

Are you the same idiot who defends the poorly written sex scenes?

>> No.23246340

I hope you don't faint if you find out that your girlfriend or wife has a male gynecologists. Her health be damned of she shows her pussy to anyone else but her husband.

>> No.23246349

Every thread so far and no one has come back with any examples of poorly written sex scenes. And I keep seeing people label other scenes as sex scene and complaining about them, and these scenes have no sex. I wonder wtf people are even reading? Nudity =/= to sex.

>> No.23246363

Ok, so you're the same retard. I'm glad I didn't waste my time with you.

>> No.23246371

What cuckish shit are you even talking about now? I told you I don't care about your opinion, get over it and go suck George's fat pink mast.

>> No.23246373

Don't give a fuck. I'm having fun challenging people's odd interpretations.

>> No.23247135

Why are people so focused on the sex scenes? It only happens for a few passages at most at a time in books that are 800+ pages

>> No.23247308

No one can prove that Aegon isn't a fake.

>> No.23247389

>High Sparrow = Howland Reed
celever to hide that in a list of mostly 100% accurate things.
Howland is a mindbroken husk after warging into Ser Arthur Dayne to stop him killing Ned, Ned then killed Dayne while Howland was still inside him, so he died to in a way, this fucked up howland to be like a real schizophrenic.
>>Gerion Lannister is the Shrouded Lord
George really wanted a Tyrion conversation with the shrouded lord having a real family cvonnection could explain it, hus uncle wnet to Valyria with a small army of sailors and never returned by became a greyscale man with powers and socerey. Feel like the shrouded lord will never be bought up again

>> No.23247703

>>the more she drank the more she shat
As someone who has caught dysentery in a thirdie shithole, it's a very accurate paragraph.

>> No.23247714

People meme on it but its some great prose and brilliant bit of prose. People really don't get how many peoples died from dysentery in the medieval ages, even kings didn't escape shitting themselves to death
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew
In the context of the chapter where it appears it works so well I was totally captivated when I was reading it thinking about what was going to happen to Dany.

>> No.23247737

because they're disgusting. You can't write shit like "fat pink masts" and "myrish swamps" without being clowned on

>> No.23247787

A theory I have in mind is this.
>Jon is going to stop the Others not through violence, but by making a pact with a new Queen of Night, who has come to inhabit a body looking just like Ygritte.
>To preserve the peace, he becomes the Night's King and bids farewell to his family.
>Also, Lady Stonecrow is called that because she sqwuaks like a bird.

>> No.23247940

its stoneheart not stonecrow

>> No.23247946

you are not meant to grip and rip to a sex scene in ASOIAF retard, its not sexy because its not meant to be the fat pink mast shit fits perfectly with sam tarly and his low self esteem

>> No.23247950

give me winds or give me death

>> No.23247977

twow will come out no earlier than 2027 if at all

>> No.23248288

I wonder if Martin is going to keep Jon as a POV character after his resurrection. Melisandre is at wall as a POV character and Martin ditched Catelyn's POV chapters after her death and resurrection.

>> No.23248301

>like there is no reason for her to spend to whole second book with a tit out
She didn't spent the whole book
And Quarth is an weird society, far removed from the norms and morals even of other Free Cities, let alone Westeros
>There are plenty of moments where she sexualizes her breasts
And this is bad because?

>> No.23248355

Not being in his head when he finds out the truth of who he is wouldn't hit as hard.

>> No.23248432

Varys is a very cautious man. Remember, Varys and Kevan weren't alone there, there were also his little birds and they don't need to know everything. I think only Varys and Illyrio know the truth about Aegon and they intend to keep it that way. Even Aegon learning truth about himself would be dangerous.

>> No.23248505

It's really not that bad. I mean sure, obviously it's not great and it is awkward, and I get memeing about it, but people bring this up all the time like it completely destroys everything about how good the books are. lmao
Maybe my frame of reference is wrong, give me examples of what good written sex scenes are.

>> No.23248671

>And this is bad because?
Did I said it was?

>> No.23248838

whoever drew this has no idea how boobs work

>> No.23248990

My bad.

>> No.23249271

I know this is not what the series is about, but if by the end of ADoS there is not cathartic swordfight between Jon and some big bad guy like Euron I'll be a tad dissapointed.

>> No.23249286

yeah you're going to be disappointed, the whole reason George started writing asoiaf was to subvert fantasy tropes

>> No.23249305 [DELETED] 

Let's wait a see

>> No.23249341

>big bad guy
>like Euron

>> No.23249550

How the fuck would you expect this after seeing how Ned, Robb, and Jon went out thus far?

>> No.23249557

>Jon meets Danny.
>They're just kinda whatever about it.

>Mance blows the Horn, and it turns out to actually work and send the wall tumbling down.

>Jaime chokes Cersei to death with his Golden Hand.
>Sansa and Theon evicerate Ramsey.

>> No.23249568

Only one of those things have any chance of happening

>> No.23249689

Mance will never get his hands on the Horn of Winter, Sam has it at the Citadel.

>> No.23249802

The prince that was promised is lightbringer which will be Jaime and Cersei's next child.

>> No.23251539

Yknow I just realized that the Death Knight ability ability "Horn of Winter" Is a reference to the ASOIAF Horn.

>> No.23251562

Everyone already knows and expects this so the only way to subvert things further is to subvert our expectations for a subversion by doing the epic fantasy sword duel with a happy ending, the last thing ANYONE expects from asoiaf.

>> No.23251589

JonxVal >>>>>>>>>>>> JonxDany

>> No.23251937
File: 283 KB, 1280x1125, 1658896482021723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euron is the end game human villian of the series, the Others are the final inhuman/ nonhuman enemy. Euron is the anti-Bran a rapist, murderer, socerer willing to do anything for personal power. He'll never meet Jon probably but he will be the one to blow the horn of winter and destroy the wall, he'll probably stand atop of the Hightower as he does it as a Saruman/Sauron analog. He's Martins answer to Sauron and is far more evil than Sauron through his actions

>> No.23251943

I agree. Merely a candid description of dysentery.

>> No.23252029
File: 38 KB, 1075x216, adwd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this euron or..?

>> No.23252037

This is making me hard jonbros..

>> No.23252659
File: 96 KB, 673x1000, Grrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23253161



I think it's 40//60 whether or not Varys can accertain whether it's actually Aegon or not. For all we know someone could've been pulling the same ruse on him that he is doing on Jon Connington by keeping him in the dark just so the "lie" seems that extra little bit more believeable.

>> No.23253260

Why are the majority of asoiaf fans “omg Euron is the bloodstone emperor reborn omg he’s like a dark wizard or something- HE WILL SUMMON KRAKENS OMG” and just won’t shut the fuck up about it?

You represent everything I hate in a asoiaf fan.

>> No.23253300

>Why are the majority of asoiaf fans “omg Euron is the bloodstone emperor reborn omg he’s like a dark wizard or something- HE WILL SUMMON KRAKENS OMG” and just won’t shut the fuck up about it?
they watch too much AltShiftX and David Lightbringer

>> No.23253337

Because they read the books unlike you

>> No.23253394


> Adult literature is stuff like Ford Escort repair manuals


>> No.23253441

People who read the books properly as they’re supposed to be don’t come to such surreal conclusions you fucking faggot

At this point they’re just regurgitating diarrhea as a form of brainlet lubricant

David Lightbringer seriously needs to be raped

>> No.23253463

Chill bro, it's just pop literature, no one gives a shit.

>> No.23254360

Euron will turn into a kraken and then have a magical duel with tree Bran

>> No.23254380

I hope he wargs into a giant and weilds lightbringer.

>> No.23254422

I like the theory that Varys was putting on a show for the white raven in the room and that Varys is aware of the 125 year old tree wizard spying on everybody through his literal little birds.

>> No.23254706

I mean Euron is definitely going to play a significant role, too many characters completely unrelated to Westeros or the Ironborn have premonitions about him. What I believe, though, is that he's supposed to come into conflict with Bran in some big magic fight and this will give some great advantage against the Others to humanity or give them some method of surviving the apocalyptic winter that's supposed to hit. The idea that he's going to be the fantastic big bad with giant Krakens that will attack Oldtown is fucking stupid and goes against everything we've seen magic do throughout history.

>> No.23254771

>Howland is a mindbroken husk after warging into Ser Arthur Dayne to stop him killing Ned, Ned then killed Dayne while Howland was still inside him, so he died to in a way, this fucked up howland to be like a real schizophrenic.

Is this a written out theory? Haven't heard this one before. Always assumed Howland fought dirty with a net or similar while Arthur Dayne was distracted by Ned.

>> No.23254959

... I don't think, or at least I want to think, that Ramsey didn't emasculate Theon. That poor guy had it rough already. He doesnt need that.

>> No.23255353

What even was the wisdom behind the Starks keeping the Boltons around? They should've met with the same fate the Greystarks did.

>> No.23255357
File: 164 KB, 916x971, 20230824232154_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just 5 months ago GRRM said he hadnt increased the page count of winds in a year and he was "struggling" with it. ITS FUCKING OVER AND NEVER COMING OUT

>> No.23256063
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>> No.23256089

tbf krakens have been mentioned way too many times to NOT be included at this point. There are multiple references to them even in the TWoW spoiler chapters. https://thehawke.github.io/twow-excerpts/

>> No.23256097

Sometimes you need to keep a mad dog in your stable so you can unleash it when you need too. In the Starks Case, sometimes you need to befriend the local vampires.

>> No.23257174

So who's getting the Bolton and Frey lands once they are wiped out? I think Manderly might expand into the north again and claim whatever Roose owned but no idea when it comes to Riverrun guessthe Tullys will gain control of the twins?

>> No.23257191
File: 310 KB, 591x607, dunk and egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it's not exactly related to the books but here's your dunk and egg bro

>> No.23257219

Why are you so mad, Euron does weird magic shit in dance, he does MORE weird magic shit in the released WoW chapter. They'll be krackens (fantasy giant squid/Cephalopoda ) eating the dead ironborn and reachmen from the big naval battle thats about to happen outside Old Town. The battled labeled 'the Battle of Blood', the blood which will draw the krackens. Krackens won't be silly large just larger than our own and man eating.
Dunno about Euron being the bloodstone emperor reborn, but he is a dark wizard and warrior, like Sauron complete with his own magical black steel armour

>> No.23257242

>Krackens won't be silly large
They're big enough and strong enough to pull down an Ibbenese whaler which is supposed to be built to withstand leviathan attacks (biggest animal in the sea).

>> No.23257657

im pretty sure the loyal freys will get the twins, the rosby ones i think

>> No.23257662

attempting to dispel the theory makers over his last quote post by making this one obviously have nothing to di with winds

>> No.23257760
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>> No.23257938

I want to fill Val's fertile northern womb

>> No.23258042

"Arya bit into the apple greedily. Grease dribbled down her chin into her peach fuzz beach. 'Where do whores go?' she muttered and belched."

Better than Tolkien.

>> No.23258061

none of tolkiens characters compare, truly

>> No.23258129

>catelyn's favorite daughter getting SNOWED
she would die a second time of seethe

>> No.23258171
File: 288 KB, 1024x1379, 1712338096895569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is right 100%, could also be sincere with Dunk and Egg casting be revealed and that show going ahead, probably as near and dear to his heart as the main series was so knowing it won't be a mess like GoT S4-8 was must be a good feeling

>> No.23258383
File: 39 KB, 543x483, 1708735353042705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>melisandre is the wall's pov

>> No.23258414

it's up bros

>> No.23258760


>> No.23258794
File: 145 KB, 602x339, 1690682710820933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's jonrya

>> No.23258818

That sounds like a name someone would give their fanfic Targ OC

>> No.23258823
File: 524 KB, 753x1507, 1697770138822784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the plan