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23227866 No.23227866 [Reply] [Original]

Are Brandon's books based?

>> No.23227875

Who’s Brandon? Sanderson? Flowers?

>> No.23227877


>> No.23227878

Can I get the ISBN or at least name of publisher of that LOTR edition?

>> No.23227879

Based? Based on what?

>> No.23227880

neck yourself

>> No.23227882

Never mind I found it

>> No.23227885

>deeply reactionary person
>inadvertently includes at least one communist author on their bookshelf (in this case, Hemingway)
every time kek

>> No.23227888

Maybe but not a communist book

>> No.23227890

Not overtly, but Hemingway was highly focused on the struggles of the working class and that comes through abundantly in Old Man and the Sea.

>> No.23227904

way to tell on yourself lol

>heh, look how stupid this guy is! he enjoys media thats not explicitly from HIS side of le epic culture war. I, a true intellectual, only view information that will definitely confirm my biases

>> No.23227906

>Hemingway was highly focused on the struggles of the working class

so does Jesus, and like half of the shelf is christian theology

>> No.23227909

I used the word "inadvertently" for a reason dipshit. If the shelf was filled with a range of political and social authors that would be different. But, instead we have a bunch of tradcaths, ancient Greeks and Romans, and one lone 20th century communist who conservatives sometimes mistake for one of their own due to his hypermasculine image. It doesn't take a genius to see what happened here.

>> No.23227912

If they just exclude Can't Hurt Me

>> No.23227915

So as a leftist you never read conservatives, or anything remotely right-wing?

>> No.23227917

such fucking damage control holy shit
>trust me he INADVERTENTLY read the book and enjoyed it that means he is stupid unlike me!
this has to be one of the most pathetic things ive read on this board

>> No.23227919

On the contrary, I've read many of the books on Brandon's shelf.

>> No.23227920

>how dare this christian guy INADVERTENTLY enjoy this book brimming with christian symbolism
Way to out yourself as a pseud

>> No.23227922

When one book sticks out like a fucking sore thumb, any even remotely intelligent person wonders what happened.

>> No.23227923

So what’s the issue? It’s not like there’s the Commie Manifesto or White Fragility on those shelves.

>> No.23227925

it doesnt stick out at all though, are you fucking retarded? have you even read the book?

>> No.23227927

You think if this man had any idea that Hemingway was a fervent supporter of Castro and rubbed shoulders with the CPUSA on a virtually daily basis that he would still feel comfortable putting one of his books on his "Based Books" shelf? Delusional.

>> No.23227929

Take your meds. LOTR is the one that sticks out the most.

>> No.23227931

Castro was based. What’s the issue?

>> No.23227932

I agree, but I doubt Brandon does. That's my point.

>> No.23227933
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>well akctually in my head this imaginary scenario would totally play out like this...
have some fuckin dignity, holy shit

>> No.23227943

I had to google the meme to “get” it.

I saw people on social media posting “Brandon” or “Let’s go Brandon” and then the picture of some retarded child in MAGA attire but I never knew the backstory.

>> No.23227972
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>> No.23228004

Reactionary & communist =/= right & left.

>> No.23228018

Reassess your life.

>> No.23228034
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