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/lit/ - Literature

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23225620 No.23225620 [Reply] [Original]

springtime edition

Previous: >>23220421

>> No.23225631

I just got so pissed off at your image that my nose started bleeding and my head is pounding.

>> No.23225644

You're a faggot for not liking my image. Don't post in this thread again you goddamn queer.

>> No.23225657

There just was an earthquake here. I felt better after it ended. I'm calm now.

>> No.23225668 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with it? I'd rather have a nice landscape photograph for the OP image than a picture of a half-naked e-thot or a shitty meme or some AI-generated bullshit like half of the threads on this boards tend to use.

>> No.23225674

What's wrong with it? I'd rather have a nice landscape photograph for the OP image than a picture of a half-naked e-thot or a shitty meme or some AI-generated bullshit like half of the other threads on this board.

>> No.23225685


>> No.23225696

Spring has come and I immediately feel my general demeanour improve. I notice this in other people as well. A lot of old people have been chatting me up since last week, just because. I am even considering going out for a whole day to read in the forest/picnick with friends but where I live it's still rainy for the next month or so so I have to hold off. Can't say I am satisfied with my current reading progress though. I wish I had read more.

>> No.23225714

Everyone should go back to Africa. I don't just mean the immigrants, literally every single human on earth. Carve a channel around Africa and make every single human being move there. After a few generations, every single human being would be a retarded nigger, incapable of civilization. Nature would reconquer the rest of the world. In Africa, everyone would be a nigger and happy.

>> No.23225756

On my way home a nice man passing by fed the crows and gulls that fuck with my bad neighbours.

>> No.23225786

too bad, peanut butter.

>> No.23225812

My neighbor literally has 100 wild sparrows living in his backyard. I think they're nice.

>> No.23225826

I have a radio-controlled Fokker Triplane that I built from a kit, my father just told me that the wing was warped. I m now worried whether it will fly or not.

>> No.23225833

Bet you won't

>> No.23225836

I can't express myself I always sound too stuffy too fruity too affected and faggy and try hard can't be natural casual lovable. The thought of being naked with another human being terrifies me. the only woman that ever loved me fucked me in the dark.

>> No.23225842

Is that a euphemism for her giving it to you up the ass?

>> No.23225850

yea I'm thinking its the rope for you

>> No.23225853

I have a murmuration of starlings living in a hedge nearby but they don't come around the corner much because crows own my section of the street. One time one of them got stuck in my letterbox and was very confused, but mostly they just dive bomb in and out of the bushes and chatter.

>> No.23225854

Last week I finally sold my revolver - this is the 6th gun I sold and now I just have my USP, this one I think I will keep. I mean, I don't want to be left without a gun. I bought this USP back in 2019, it was not something I sat and thought about for long before doing, I used to be a big fan of Counter-Strike and one day I just thought that I should get something that I use in the game a lot - the counter-terrorist team's starting pistol - USP. It is by far the most accurate gun I've ever owned, last Sunday at the range I was able to shoot a 10-shot group from 25 meters that's about the size of a Zippo lighter. That felt very good.

>> No.23225867

A lot of anons ask about books that treat a certain subject the way they want to hear about it. They want literature that pounds in their prejudices.

Is it just cheek in tongue or are anons really not aware of this?

>> No.23225872

I'm pounding my prejudices into your mom rn

>> No.23225881
File: 55 KB, 713x725, 89FCDD37-5C8E-4206-841B-63715B81CB65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a thought about the question "What kind of music do you listen to?"

Its an innocent enough question and the asker might not even have an idea they're doing this. But I think the whole question is just a shit-test to confirm if you have any sense of self-identity or not.

The asker doesn't really give a fuck what kind of music you listen to. You could give any answer, it doesn't really matter as long as you're not blatantly lying because if the asker also likes that kind of music they might want to start talking about it. But if you give some boring shitty answer like

"Oh I listen to a little bit of everything." Now I know that you have no concrete identity because you can't even give me a definitive answer about something so meaningless as idle conversation.

Fucking hell man just tell me you listen to kanye or taylor swift or something so I can at least get SOME judge of your character

>> No.23225884

I'm tired of indulging my own mental illness. How do normal people live their lives? Somehow I memed myself into my own self destruction and I realise now it's the same delusional fallacy that most schizos have. I want to go back. Is externalising good?

>> No.23225885

You sound like a big winner in life with your angry response

>> No.23225889

Steak, jerked off 3 times (going for a 4th), read 50 pages and call it a day

>> No.23225898

He's making a common formulaic joke, anonkun. He's not mad or doing anything with your mother.

>> No.23225906
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I dont like this question.

>> No.23225907

One day a lucky lady will get the chance to worship your shriveled up, calloused death-gripped and overwork wiener.

>> No.23225908

We should abolish all kinds of monetary payments for work. Every kind of pay someone receives from his boss should be turned into a debt that you have to pay back to him. This way, only people who are able to produce surplus would be able to retain money. Not willing to fall in debt? Work for food and bed. People unable to deal with finance would live without money all their lives. What a utopia that would be.

>> No.23225909

What kind of music do you listen to anon?

>> No.23225910

i am a priori unfuckable

>> No.23225914

do some bodyweight squats, before you get stuck in your armchair

>> No.23225919

You notice it with plenty of questions.
Asking what someone wants to eat and they immediately revert to
>idk what do you want
Fucking idiot.
Do you not have any appetite for anything? I find that hard to believe.
A better explanation is that you somehow think that by saying what you want to eat you would have forced it upon me and now I'm pressured into going with it.
Guess what, this isn't how it goes. You say what you want, I say what I want and we can figure it out, we really can.

I used to be like this but my excuse was I was a teenager. After that I just answer questions. When I see grown ass men not being able to give an answer it's pathetic.
This is not me overreacting but you see certain people do this a lot. I stop asking them after a while and just do what I want.

>> No.23225931

Idk people who ask what kind of music do you listen to are rarely into music so they're probably the worst people to list your music tastes to

>> No.23225935

I don't want to be a nigger or have nigger children

>> No.23225941

It depends on how you define "rarely into music"

I mean you might not want to start listing off all your obscure weirdo sub-100k listens music

But its really just as simple as telling them something mainstream that you do actually like "yea I like metalica, Yea I like kanye, Yea I've been listening to a lot of 80s music"

>> No.23225943
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Classical music

>> No.23225945

I have noticed I can stave off the feeling of sleepiness if I open my window when arriving home from work. If I don't open them I WILL get sleepy and I WILL procrastinate on 4chan or other sites. I'm thinking more and more of buying natural light lamps so that I can have this energy shot whenever I want and do more stuff after work

>> No.23225952

No, what you should tell most of them is whether you want to date or have sex with them because what kind of music do you listen to is the same as
>Wanna get coffee
They are rarely into music. They are asking something else, and you will be disappointed if you like coffee or music and treat it as genuine

>> No.23225954

R&B, folk punk, nu metal, dream pop, trip hop, math rock, baroque pop, desert blues, gamelan, shoegaze, chiptune, acid jazz, nintendocore, witch house, electroswing, neofolk, vaporwave, baroque, classical, romantic, renaissance, medieval, impressionist, modernist, minimalist, neoclassical, serialism, glitch, musique concrete, circuit bending, free improvisation, microtonal, electroacoustic, plunderphonics, drone, ambient, noise

>> No.23225958

no new wave?

>> No.23225961

Nigga music is a generic conversation starter and a possibility of finding a way to connect. It doesn't have to be a question solely reserved for romantic interests lol. Last time I got asked that question was by a professor at school making idle talk with the class

>> No.23225962

Thinking about that time my ex gf pissed herself in public. I should have used that against her when that dumb bitch cheated on me.

>> No.23225966

How'd she cheat on you

>> No.23225968

Holy shit shut the fuck up

>> No.23225969

it's because it forces you to identify yourself to an other using an arbitrary category like music genres. the problem for most people is that they don't know themselves enough, or they know themselves too much.

>> No.23225972

>music genres define my identity
Are you 14?

>> No.23225977

Your extra example just proves it's inconsequential noises for people who aren't looking to actually find people to discuss music with. You can't fault others for giving a wishywashy answer to one of the most wishywashy questions that you admit people are just using as an icebreaker not a genuine inquiry. It's like being mad everyone answers
>How are you?
with non answers

>> No.23225983
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With cheap johns and lots of rubbers

>> No.23225984

By fucking and sucking other guys. How else? I still remember when I didn't see her for like 3 weeks and she came back really good at sucking dick. Before that 3 week period she was really bad at it.

>> No.23225986

My dad shoots those for getting in his bluebird feeders

>> No.23225991

sufi music, synthwave, trancecore, afrobeat, americana, avant-garde, balkan brass, bluegrass, blues, bossa nova, breakbeat, celtic, chamber pop, chicago house, cumbia, dancehall, darkwave, disco, doo-wop, dream pop, drum and bass, dub, dubstep, emo, experimental rock, flamenco, folk, funk, fusion, garage rock, gospel, grime, grindcore, hard bop, hardcore punk, heavy metal, hip hop, house, indie pop, industrial, j-pop, jazz, jungle, k-pop, krautrock, latin, mambo, merengue, metalcore, new age, new wave, opera, orchestral, popcorn, post-punk, power metal, progressive rock, psytrance, punk rock, reggae, reggaeton, rockabilly, salsa, samba, ska, soul, southern rock, space rock, surf rock, synthpop, techno, thrash metal, trop hip, tropical house, twee pop, uk garage, vallenato, vocal jazz, west coast jazz, yé-yé, zydeco, acousmatic, aggro-tech, anarcho-punk, arabesque, art punk, barbershop, big band, bollywood, bounce, breakcore, cabaret, calypso, penis, chanson, chillwave, country rock, crust punk, dark ambient, death metal, desert rock, digital hardcore, lolicore, doo-wop, drone metal, dungeon synth, electro-industrial, ethereal wave, folktronica, freak folk, future bass, child porn, garage punk, glitch hop, goregrind, gothic metal, happy hardcore, hardcore techno, hauntology, IDM, industrial metal, italo disco, juke, klezmer, lo-fi, madchester, mathcore, metalcore, fado, flamenco, irish folk, klezmer, mariachi, qawwali, samba, taarab, tango, traditional japanese music, noise pop, new jazz, new metal, oi!, p-funk, post-rock, orange, powerviolence, psybient, sadcore, schranz, skweee, space disco, steampunk, stoner rock, film score, radio drama, spoken word, dark ambient, hyperpop

>> No.23225998

Prog, punk/hardcore, metal (both extreme and traditional), industrial, folk, electronica/techno, classic rock, classical and baroque music, jazz

>> No.23226003

That joke hasn't been common for many years. Maybe they didn't tell a shut-in like you that tries to blend in.

>> No.23226004

With you apart from the CP and idm

>> No.23226006

Good taste

>> No.23226007

Sorry you missed the 90s are back this year, maybe download an app newer than snap

>> No.23226008

yeah but who did she suck & fuck, when, where, I must know

>> No.23226014

Oh and I like noise rock and alt/grunge too

>> No.23226017

My brother's drug dealer. A drummer in some shitty garage band she met in college. Who knows who else, she was a fucking whore

>> No.23226019

As a musician, I don't answer these sort of questions, revealing your power level to peeps causes nothing but trouble. Just respond vaguely with 'some weird stuff' and change the subject.

>> No.23226023

Is he able to move to Ohio and start a band with me? I play guitar

>> No.23226025

Not every musician is like you, though. I'm more than eager to show off my weird taste to anyone that listens.

>> No.23226040

I get that, I used to do that as well, but most folks don't really give a shit about weird crap you're listening to, they're just making small talk. I hate having to describe what my band sounds like, especially to non-music heads.

>> No.23226081

>thinks he's revealing his power level through music taste
what are you like 19 nigga. lmao. normies will just glaze over it and musicians depending on how assfucked they've been by the industry will also not care. anyone who cares about music taste is underage even in musician circles where we recognize that ideas and techniques are robust in normie, popular music, and listening to obscure shit is nothing but ego inflation.

>> No.23226090

What a sad and pathetic life I must lead. I fucking hate myself for not being able to be normal around people. Socially I'm placed in such a low position it's unbelievable. I'm not even baptized. A real pariah, nowhere accepted, everywhere despised, simply because of the way my parents have behaved. It's so unfair.

>> No.23226108

This is the even more boringer and shittier answer.

>> No.23226119
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>R&B, folk punk, nu metal, dream pop, trip hop, math rock, baroque pop, desert blues, gamelan, shoegaze, chiptune, acid jazz, nintendocore, witch house, electroswing, neofolk, vaporwave, baroque, classical, romantic, renaissance, medieval, impressionist, modernist, minimalist, neoclassical, serialism, glitch, musique concrete, circuit bending, free improvisation, microtonal, electroacoustic, plunderphonics, drone, ambient, noise, sufi music, synthwave, trancecore, afrobeat, americana, avant-garde, balkan brass, bluegrass, blues, bossa nova, breakbeat, celtic, chamber pop, chicago house, cumbia, dancehall, darkwave, disco, doo-wop, dream pop, drum and bass, dub, dubstep, emo, experimental rock, flamenco, folk, funk, fusion, garage rock, gospel, grime, grindcore, hard bop, hardcore punk, heavy metal, hip hop, house, indie pop, industrial, j-pop, jazz, jungle, k-pop, krautrock, latin, mambo, merengue, metalcore, new age, new wave, opera, orchestral, popcorn, post-punk, power metal, progressive rock, psytrance, punk rock, reggae, reggaeton, rockabilly, salsa, samba, ska, soul, southern rock, space rock, surf rock, synthpop, techno, thrash metal, trop hip, tropical house, twee pop, uk garage, vallenato, vocal jazz, west coast jazz, yé-yé, zydeco, acousmatic, aggro-tech, anarcho-punk, arabesque, art punk, barbershop, big band, bollywood, bounce, breakcore, cabaret, calypso, penis, chanson, chillwave, country rock, crust punk, dark ambient, death metal, desert rock, digital hardcore, lolicore, doo-wop, drone metal, dungeon synth, electro-industrial, ethereal wave, folktronica, freak folk, future bass, child porn, garage punk, glitch hop, goregrind, gothic metal, happy hardcore, hardcore techno, hauntology, IDM, industrial metal, italo disco, juke, klezmer, lo-fi, madchester, mathcore, metalcore, fado, flamenco, irish folk, klezmer, mariachi, qawwali, samba, taarab, tango, traditional japanese music, noise pop, new jazz, new metal, oi!, p-funk, post-rock, orange, powerviolence, psybient, sadcore, schranz, skweee, space disco, steampunk, stoner rock, film score, radio drama, spoken word, dark ambient, hyperpop, the list goes on...

>> No.23226120

I thought college would be fulfilling and fun because I love learning and I love teaching, but everyday is so monotonous and boring. I felt more fulfilled getting shot at in Ramadi during a sandstorm, even though I hated it. Why do I have a sense of wanting to go back to war when I have an overall good life here?

>> No.23226122

>Is it just cheek in tongue or are anons really not aware of it?
Only a few of the people that start such threads do it because they want a book. The overwhelming majority does it because they want to argue about a specific topic, the book is just a cover for them so that they don't get b& by the half a jannie that /lit/ has protecting it.
You WILL look like a fucking total sperg if you reveal your power level, you retarded fucking normalfag. Do you know just how many people I've had look at me weird when I told them that I listen exclusively to military marches? That awkward fucking silence would choke me everytime.

>> No.23226123

He does look like he listens to penis and cabaret tbf

>> No.23226132

i dont listen to music at all so i always struggle how to answer that question without sounding insane or being forced to keep up a lie forever

>> No.23226135

>Do you not have any appetite for anything?
>i stop asking them and just do what i want
>rest of your post
grow up

>> No.23226137

"Oh I don't really have a favorite artist/keep up with music but I like [insert popular song made between 1970-today]. What about you?"
Works for me.

>> No.23226139

It's like the drinking question where people say they occasionally drink even if they don't drink at all so they don't sound like a raging alcoholic or religious nut by saying they never drink. You just say
>I don't listen to that much stuff
instead of never at all, and boom, not a psychopath.

>> No.23226140

I wish I was smart enough to figure out how to buy stuff in a private sale but I have no clue.

>> No.23226143

>military marches
you're in a band and listen EXCLUSIVELY TO military marches!!!! shut up you sperg. you're lying. you have other normie influences you could easily give people but rather not. I've known artists my whole life, you're all the same.

>> No.23226151

Not even him, but I could listen to Meadowlands on repeat for days, even if it was the jokey Airplane version. Military marches are pretty fun overall

>> No.23226154

I'm not >>23226019
I have spent several years of my life listening exclusively to them, yes. And that was my first time properly interacting with music, hearing it as it is instead of in a movie or commercial. Autistic spergs with extremely high power levels do exist, and if you ever reveal that you are one then people will look at you really fucking weird.

>> No.23226168

>There are dogmatic thinkers on both sides of the chud / tranny divide. As a radical far centre extremist I choose the golden middle path so I only genocide some jews and only cut a part of my dick off, as disciplined reason demands.
Disgustingly based.

>> No.23226176

There are so many things normal people do that I don't and I'm too tired to lie or talk around it. Everyone and every stranger who has tried to connect with me just comes away thinking I'm a psycho or that I don't like them. I feel lonely.

>> No.23226185

you just described the average "music buff"

>> No.23226192

the point is this nigga can just say 1 or 2 things he's been influenced by that are appropriately normie depending on the audience. you aren't revealing shit and your immaculate taste isn't going to endanger you unless you lack the tact to know you're speaking to someone who can't distinguish a kick drum from a snare.

>> No.23226193

I watched “Everything Everywhere All at Once.” It was an anti-Nietzsche diatribe. I’ve never seen such pathetic filth in my life.

>> No.23226200

I wanna stop being so low energy. Bored all the time but i have no energy to do anything. Tried exercising, eating well, sleeping ect, hasnt helped. I think its over

>> No.23226202

Sometimes the most normie version of something is still on the social freak side

>> No.23226222

Dude I used to run in the noise/experimental/free jazz circles, people will absolutely give you the side eye if mention and/or show off that sort of shit.

>> No.23226232

Anti-Nietzsche in what way exactly?

>> No.23226263

Hedgehog's dilemma
Does my life have to
Always rely on Eva

It's so over anons

>> No.23226275

For me running is the biggest energy source, but maybe you could try meditation if exercising didn't help?

>> No.23226282

I think I just want to pass away. I'm pretty finished with this world. Things aren't getting better from here not even on a personal level. I'm a pretty redundant defective person. I was born for no reason at all. Nobody taught me anything or pointed me anywhere. I can't bring myself to like anything of my own volition. I cannot succeed in society. I cannot have friends and loved ones. I will not have children.
I should pass on already.

>> No.23226298

Many such cases!

>> No.23226415

I don't like this country and never have. I wish I could immigrate but thats impossible. Anywhere desirable has made it impossible to immigrate there. I hate America

>> No.23226452

Same, but:

>I was born for no reason at all

I feel the contrary, like an npc, I want the freedom you have.

>> No.23226553

We're living through a crisis of epistemology. The average normalfag has no model by which to determine whether something is true or false for himself, but rather allows mass media, popular celebrities, "vibes," and social consensus to tell him what is true and what is not. This is true regardless of political views; you can see it with blue-haired whackjobs throwing histrionic Twitter fits in support of child transgender surgery, but you can also see it on places like /pol/ or /x/ where something is taken as true simply because the wrong people (government officials, leftists, etc) have said that it is false. The compound effect of this inability to discern is that any sense of nuance is eroded in the public sphere; something must either be right or wrong, and if you're not with the Current Thing you're against it.

>> No.23226610

faggot, no input having bitch

>> No.23226627

>sister writes a short story for school, where her MC is literally the best
>mom tells me to read it because sister includes mom and of course, made her the best
Genuinely cringy. I can't even critique it because my sister's gonna get offended.
What's your favorite story family/friends made that were shit? All I do is write little poems about biking/wind/nature because those are all I give a shit about.
Another thing that's been bothering me
"anon what's your favorite manga?"
>List them out
"Obscure, obscure, obscure"
"Now anon, THIS is the valid top manga list"
>Lists out generic top anime
Not even a question of what those manga were about or why I liked them. I've been thinking about it because it's the quintessential normalfag moment. There's no curiosity, conversation of why it's the best, or even on why that resonated with me. He just said "your choice is dumb" solely because it's not famous enough for him to hear.
It's always been an element of culture that bothers me. That people not only have shallow appreciations for the hobbies, but are unable to have a discussion on it. It reminds me of the power level meme, and I hate how true it is, especially regarding to fucking anime.
>I've had look at me weird when I told them that I listen exclusively to military marches? That awkward fucking silence would choke me every time.
You have nothing but respect for me. They're great tunes.

>> No.23226638

Do you have any hobbies? What are they?

>> No.23226643

I play guitar and do calligraphy but I'm not good enough at either to let other people see or hear anything I make.

>> No.23226650

What kind of calligraphy?

>> No.23226656

Is there something I can do for you?

>> No.23226685

gimme a kiss bby

>> No.23226686

Yeah, you can hand over all your alcohol to me.

>> No.23226701

Yeah, yeah, I know but... I'm not getting a used goods wife.

>> No.23226704

Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.23226706

That's nice idgaf

>> No.23226708

Broad edge, I haven't regularly practiced in years but I can do passable Fraktur and Textura Quadrata as long as I have guidelines and no one is expecting extreme historical accuracy or uniformity. I tried my hand at pointed pen stuff but I was shit at it and didn't have the patience to learn.

>> No.23226713

Do you hate me?

>> No.23226714

Piano, music production and games.
Yes I have no life, how could you tell?

>> No.23226716

I've tried many hobbies, but none of them stuck.

>> No.23226717

Someone needs to make a new /history/ general need to know if someone read Charles R Morris' US economic history books and ask if they liked them.

>> No.23226721

Me but substitute guitar for piano and add writing

>> No.23226734

I like eastern calligraphy more because you get a lot more freedom for expressive strokes and less emphasis on uniformity and more on overall geist. But I also prefer brushwork in general.

>> No.23226749

I like Arabic calligraphy and the way the artists will use the fairly rigid forms of each letter in unique ways depending on the context (in architecture, as components of an illustration, or simply for the texture of the words on a page) but brush calligraphy the way the Japanese or Chinese do it never really clicked with me.

>> No.23226750

No. I don't know how to have hobbies.

>> No.23226781

Probably part of the problem with han character calligraphy is looking like the thing makes more sense when you can interpret the characters as ideograms. Arabic forms where the letters are still clear but make a design or image from their arrangement you get a clear image and clear letter forms, whether you understand the letter forms or not. But a lot of brush calligraphy is about form fitting meaning, so even if you understand the words themselves typed, they're generally not going to have been written with the kind of clarity of stroke that most western forms have.

>> No.23226786

Hmm, I see what you mean.

>> No.23226794

It's definitely more towards an interpretative art form than a consistent practice, so stuff like getting weaker from age is seen as a sentimental addition, or being blotchy from rage etc, which in most western forms are reasons to re-start the page and use some more tools for consistent end product.

>> No.23226818

I don't think I have the right mindset or upbringing to really get into that kind of thing. To me, calligraphy is more about what's one the page rather than who put it there, and expressing artistic vision through cooperation with a particular set of forms or principles is preferred. I don't mean to denigrate those who practice the more interpretive art you speak of, but it kinda goes over my head compared to a cleanly penned page of ornamental penmanship or a particularly well-done illuminated page.

>> No.23226824

I wish our alphabet was more aesthetic.

>> No.23226833

Which, the Latin? It's already plenty cool.

>> No.23226834

I’m on my phone when I should be stacking boxes in this truck. I’m also listening to war n peace audiobook (almost finished am at book 15

>> No.23226869

I haven't washed my panties in months.

>> No.23226879

Lying cunt. If I wear the same underwear for a week they radiate a brown heat wave and melt plastic around me. Women may be less gross than men in some ways but those panties would be 5:1 discharge by weight and stinking so bad people would smell it outdoors from a few feet away.

>> No.23226880

They do stink. I'm just a recluse.

>> No.23226882
File: 38 KB, 500x391, window-waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking of that time
we wrote to one another
with poems and verses
it were like some forces
that kept me breathing through
a heavy state of mind
all i can now say, thank you
youve been very kind.

(and i miss you)
(and good luck)

>> No.23226892

I get where you're coming from, they have very different ends and values. There's a kind of middle ground in some Buddhist practices where form takes over from meaning, but the idea of a happy accident doesn't really exist at all in western forms, so it's unsurprising a lot of the even looser ideograms look like mistakes from a western standpoint. Probably from an eastern viewpoint a lot of western calligraphy lacks all personality they would expect from a calligrapher, while removing that kind of personality is a large part of western tradition with a lot more group works.

>> No.23226896


>> No.23226899

Got a sister?

>> No.23226916

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.23226928

Do you ever feel that you’re not handsome enough to achieve what you want in life?

>> No.23226931
File: 2.28 MB, 800x448, 59uA04b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a gf and I wish I was a normal human being

>> No.23226932

I’m really depressed and feel hopeless. What do you do when you feel this way?

>> No.23226937

All the people who were teenagers when I was a child are now almost 40

>> No.23226940

Watching anime with a mate, drunken and at 4x speed, while listening to this big fat turd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmU9tUZvk98
I'll be honest, the anime is dogshit(hence why we're watching at 4x speed while listening to this) and this music makes it a lot better. I normally never listen to this sort of thing because it is what it is, but in cases like this it is an absolute masterpiece. Always makes me piss myself laughing.

>> No.23226953

Point of life is to find out what works for you and or how to cope with life
The irony is that usually it takes your whole life to figure it out
What’s the solution? Are you just saying that no one has their own original opinion and they just follow others? It’s sort of hard to “belong” to a group when you disagree with them and or the group simplifies its thinking in order to expand its reach

>> No.23226968
File: 1.67 MB, 1340x1808, Parlor dragonmaid3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to read books about maids with huge boobs. I'm guessing this means Light Novels but I don't know any about maids with huge boobs.

Every genre of entertainment, writing, TV, games, all of it should have maids with huge boobs and as much fanservice as humanly possible. The Japanese were way ahead of everyone on this one.

Why do something instead of nothing? Maids. Why get up in the morning? Maids. Why research advanced Mathematics and Computer Science? Maids.

Please tell me /lit/erature that has maids with huge boobs.

>> No.23226970

Yes but it's not only that. It's more like there are reasons why I'll never achieve what I want or why I don't deserve to be happy or why if I approached that girl right now she would reject me in a terrible way and so on bubbling up endlessly from this bottomless well in my head.

>> No.23226974

Me personally working on developing and maintaining “healthier” everyday habits and creating structure and routine before and after work. I used to drink after work and to go to work because I was trying to drown out my anxiety but I’ve come to just accept anxiety/tension in my life.
Not being hard on myself when I “mess up”. Finding habits that work for you is a process but it’s worth it. Sometimes just a shower and brushing my teeth makes me feel better and “refreshed” and “new” again.

>> No.23226976

fucking hell and here I thought breakcore was autismmax music. I was mistaken, also your neigbours must love you lol

>> No.23226978

You’re a dude which means you aren’t expected to be handsome just be a healthy weight.

>> No.23226992

I find a usually feel a little bit better if I get some sleep. When I’m sleep deprived, I think everything is hopeless.

>> No.23226999

Yeah I can sympathize. The big things for me are past and appearance.

I disagree.

>> No.23227003

1619 is the modern west's Aeneid
The American Revolution was our transition from the Roman Kingdom to Res Publica
The Civil War was our Samnite War
WW2 was our Punic War
Anne Frank is our Homer
The Post War period is our decadence phase
Now we'll be living under a Seesur
,,, the UUest es back,,,

>> No.23227037

I'm just mortally self-conscious when I'm in public. Every interaction I have with others has a constant bubbling of self-deprecation, comparing, imagining of terrible outcomes, and fixation on irrelevant details running in the background. If I talk to a girl there's a million little was-that-cringy-does-she-think-I'm-too-short-shouldn't-have-said-that flashes going through my head like trout in a stream. Even in situations that are barely considered social, like driving on a busy street, I get something like it.

>> No.23227078

> shower in the morning
> not clean at bedtime

> shower at night
> not fresh for the day

> shower in the morning and at night
> skin is too dry

>> No.23227112


>> No.23227136

They may be a Christian rock band but they have made some bangers.


>> No.23227138

Same. And it's not even limited to interactions; camera phones have intensified this feeling, even if I'm aware, somewhere, that nobody gives a fuck about me.

>> No.23227154

I miss you so much.

>> No.23227163

I enjoy breakcore and I'm autistic

>> No.23227191

Observation: I am happier after eating something tasty. I am miserable and depressed and agitated on an empty stomach

Hypothesis: thinkers and authors known for pessimistic and melancholic outlooks suffered from digestive problems or other issues that made enjoying eating difficult

I need to look into the diets and health issues of sad authors vs optimistic ones

>> No.23227214

You don't know me.

>> No.23227226

Get a cat

>> No.23227231

I'm a big guy

>> No.23227234

I'm 41

>> No.23227239

I want a cute daughter to spoil, and I want to see her smile and her responses to me.
On the other hand, I know for a fact that I am completely incapable of even giving myself a proper life, and that if I had a cute daughter then her life would be quite hard for the simple fact that her father is a fucking loser who can't even manage to get himself to eat properly, who is incompetent in many ways and also has a general hatred of life itself, as a consequence trying to distance himself from it. I have no doubt that I would try to treat her properly, and that I would straighten up because of the duty on my shoulders, but what does that matter? Even straightened up, I am not a proper man. I was born fundamentally wrong in spirit, was brough up broken, and spent many years putting my body through agony. My emotions, thoughts and body are all big fucking messes, and raising a daughter to be virtuous and always happy requires superhuman excellence from the parents. Not to mention that I am highly autistic about this particular subject and demand that my children live blissful lives without even a single bit of pain. Factor in also the simple fact that the outside world is filled with all sorts of scum, and my desires are destroyed, shattered completely, in that it is impossible for me to manage what I want. Even if I were superhuman and I had a daughter, some shit luck and some shithead from the outside would come and ruin everything. Consider also how and where that daughter would come from, she would pop out of a womb, not out of thin air because some man wished for her. No choice but to wait for the next life really, and hope that it'll be better.
For you.

>> No.23227242

I feel most of what I have achieved is due to being born handsome.

>> No.23227250
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>> No.23227253

Plot twist: anon reborn as own daughter after freak accident outside sperm bank

>> No.23227302

Writing a poem about my friend who killed himself. Coming in that territory is the fear of coming across as too flowery or too self-centered, but at the end of the day that's kind of what a lot of poetry has to be. The thing that makes the most sense to me that he's a murderer. For whatever reason he killed a good friend of mine. I forgive him but I miss the person he killed a whole lot


>> No.23227352

Anytime I see the name I think of this

>> No.23227354

Weird to think that you were a teenager when I was a toddler

>> No.23227413

How am I supposed to become a Faustian X Pious Mujahadin if I can't stop hearing the niggas downstairs going at it?

>> No.23227415


>> No.23227418

Just bee yourself.

>> No.23227420

Me too. I don't think we'd work out though.

>> No.23227425
File: 96 KB, 914x1091, somethingtoimpressetheanonswith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll have to give those filthy ingrate sodomites the classic Swedish-Somali viking pirate treatment

>> No.23227429

You've impressed me, alright.

>> No.23227433

Is it love if it’s in the rectum?

>> No.23227438

no that's poop

>> No.23227441

No, it doesn't count as putting a ring on it, I asked

>> No.23227442

I’ve finally gotten around to reading the Iliad and I love it. The Odyssey is next. Truly a perfect story.

>> No.23227454

It ain't love if it ain't.

>> No.23227471

Just remembered how a few years ago I would frequently choke myself in rage when I pull stupid shit. No idea how I managed to forget something like that.
And recently, about a year ago, I had an episode where I got upset over my incompetence and bit my left hand until blood came out. A dozen or so seconds later I realized how retarded my action was, and that invited such a strong self-hatred that I gave my face a few good punches. The mark on my hand remained for three weaks at the least, the one on my face for a week. The very next day after this I bit my hand again, but having learned my lesson I just barely managed to stop myself from punching myself again. I didn't care about the pain or whatever, just how sperging out even more about insignificant things would make me look even more pathetic. Looking back on these sorts of events, I probably do have some sort of problem with controlling my anger. Oh well!

>> No.23227514

How long did it take you to learn Greek?

>> No.23227532

Bout tree fiddy.

>> No.23227558

Are you autistic

>> No.23227559

I wish I had a wife who was a doctor/nurse, so I didn't have to go to worry about checkups.

>> No.23227563

Maybe. I wouldn't be surprised if I was one, though I've never gone to get checked and do not plan to do so.

>> No.23227640

List of things I pissed on because of a UTI making me have the bladder control of a 65 year old woman
>my clothes
>bed (several times)
>bathroom floor
>hallway floor before getting to bathroom

>knocked brand new $50 copy of the Enneads into the (clean) toilet while scrambling to unzip to piss in the sink because it was closer than the toilet

>> No.23227668

Are you okay?

>> No.23227671

No. I miss you

>> No.23227690

I finally got a girlfriend and she's helping me realize how deeply I misunderstood male and female relationship dynamics. I always thought I had to first build up my career, move out of my parents' house, have prior sexual experience, be outgoing, and be in top physical shape before I "deserved" a relationship. I thought this because most relationships look like this from the outside, and many of them actually are like this.

In fact, true love between mature partners does not require any extrinsic justification at all; it's not a matter of "deserve" at all, because everyone is in fact already deserving of love precisely as they are today. This girl fell in love with me before I changed any of those things about myself and it was because there is a connection between us that can't be found between anyone else. She did not need any justification to care for me. She did not create any excuses. She simply loves me. We both feel as if we had always known each other; it took no time at all for the relationship to get off the ground, it was an instant realization between us that we had just found The One.

This is the first time I have ever felt happy about being myself and I finally am starting to change these things about myself, and it doesn't feel like I have to do so to "earn" love from another human being. She is literally happy with any course of action I decide to take and solely wants me to be happy. This is what love is. This is what everyone here can experience. It just takes opening your horizon and changing your mentality and not settling for anyone whose interactions with you aren't immediately deep, harmonious and loving from the very first conversation.

>> No.23227691

>just be inherently worthy of love bro

>> No.23227694

You already are, it's not something you need to become. This is the mistake we all make when we're still immature.

>> No.23227699

Please don’t hate me anymore.

>> No.23227700

some are more lovable than others I'm sure you'll grant, and if we admit that then what do we do with the least lovable? normalfags and their fuzzy normalfags feelings, dreadful

>> No.23227702

Give me a reason.

>> No.23227706

>some are more lovable than others
No. Everyone is fully lovable as they already are. It's not relative. Relative properties are extrinsic and not related to love.

>> No.23227709

maybe to the dhammakaya or whatever, but not true for people. there's no law that says there's always someone out there for you disposed to unconditionally love you - if only you knew them

>> No.23227711

What do you mean?

>> No.23227716

You'll only not find this someone while you continue to think the way you do, because the thought is what prevents the connection from ever being established.

>> No.23227720

I did find someone and was told in excruciating detail how I'm not worthy of love. I wouldn't mind normalfags if they weren't such exhibitionists.

>> No.23227721

It's too late for me.

>> No.23227728

My mom is a fucking retard.

>> No.23227738

Ponder the aroma

>> No.23227743

No, it isn’t.

>> No.23227744

I wrote a screenplay that is a genuine masterpiece, and I’m not saying that to bullshit around and hype myself up. It objectively is the best screenplay of my generation. Now how can I pitch this shit to some A24 exec and direct it

>> No.23227771

It’s not too late.

>> No.23227775

All my interactions with everyone are immensely awkward and superficial. They can all tell there's something off about me and do not want to talk to me. This is a fundamental problem that needs to be fixed. No change in mindset will have any impact. You are just a normalfag blessed with normal social skills. From up there on top of your mountain and cannot fathom the experience of a crustacean on the seafloor.

>> No.23227785

Tell me what you want at your earliest convenience.

>> No.23227794

I’m debating whether to write a screenplay, play, or a novel. I feel like this decision will decide the course my life would take. Why did you decide on a screenplay?

>> No.23227795

I just want to talk.

>> No.23227801

As someone who actually works in Hollywood and rejects scripts all day, my advice to you is this: fuck Hollywood, go the independent film route. Find financers and directors and actors yourself. It's got a much better chamce than you ever making it in Nepotismland.

>> No.23227807

Spliffs and Benihana where we know one if the chefs? Or maybe pregame with some bag wine and go to a nice clay pot fish soup type chinese place and get fucked off some oolong tea

>> No.23227817


>> No.23227823

I am in a environment where most people have little to no idea about the things I'm interested in. I want a relationship where I can have someone to go to concerts with, talk about books, etc. Is this behavior something I should focus on teaching someone or should I instead find someone who already likes those things?

>> No.23227828 [DELETED] 

The screenplay is completely inexpensive. I chose a style of realism similar to movies from Ozu and Yang. If I had the resources, I could definitely make the movie locally in the city I live. But connections are all that matter and I probably just wasted my time. Though I still argue it’s an excellent work of art on paper

>> No.23227829

I really need you.

>> No.23227833

I'm unlovable
Proof:im a 30 year old virgin who can't get over the idea I need to get with a virgin girl no matter how hard I try to convince myself

>> No.23227834

>>23227801 #
The screenplay is completely inexpensive. I chose a style of realism similar to movies from Ozu and Yang. If I had the resources, I could definitely make the movie locally in the city I live. But connections are all that matter and I probably just wasted my time. Though I still argue it’s a monumental work of art on paper

1. There are elements of the story that require audio and visual elements for the themes to be communicated, cannot explore these themes as much with literature 2. No one reads today and a movie would reach more audiences.

>> No.23227836

Do you want me to die?

>> No.23227840

I'm so existentially lonely and all the changes I've made to my life to be more social and go out more has only made me feel worse and more alienated. I just get so tired of people so fast. And nobody knows what I'm talking about if I ever speak for an extended period. Talking feels so pointless. I don't care if girls are attracted to me. They only like the superficial parts. I just can't keep going anymore. I'm going to die a lonely virgin. I can't even express that to anyone around me. They just don't fucking get it

>> No.23227841

Of course not.

>> No.23227842 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 220x220, emoji-emoticon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious about prehistory life.

>> No.23227843

I would never want that. Please don’t even suggest such a thing.

>> No.23227851

Please just talk to me.

>> No.23227852
File: 525 KB, 1080x1077, only-bronz-age-kids-will-remember-v0-7zw9kgo166ta1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23227857

I've been at a four day business trip at Winnemucca, NV. After the tesla giga factory opened in Sparks we've been meeting with architects about building a Disney Park style concept based around the new Dune movies. Everyone is really excited about it we got a discount Cameo from Timothee and it meant a lot to the team to get Mua'dib's blessing! But boy am I ready to get back home, thinking about rewatching Succession from the beginning.

>> No.23227896

What do you want to say?

>> No.23227902

Things that I can’t say here.

>> No.23227956

what are some books for sick perverted freaks?

>> No.23227991
File: 372 KB, 1080x2397, 20240328_012938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting these disgusting, unhinged messages. I'm assuming it's just some schizo freaking out strangers, but I'm legit disturbed. Who would send strangers such things?

>> No.23228099

I wonder if people are less religious now because of desensitization to natural phenomena. I've seen so much crazy shit online, like volcanoes erupting, space, glaciers breaking — seeing any of that back in the day must have been so ridiculously profound. This also seems to have ruined the average person's connection to real nature. Virtue signalling about environmental conservation is one thing, but most modern people don't connect with nature on a spiritual level (spiritual as in stopping and genuinely absorbing the moment). Was this always the case or do people have too much stimuli to give a shit about simple stuff in nature like rivers and tall trees?

>> No.23228113

Are you willing to convert to some religion like Jehovah's Witnesses or the Church of Latter-day Saints? If not, you're not going to find a 30-year-old virgin. If you don't want to do those things, consider this: If you'd had the opportunity to lose your virginity in the past, would you have taken it? If so, can you truly be mad at someone else for having sex?

>> No.23228169


>> No.23228179

My life would be a whole lot better with some extra money.

>> No.23228188


>> No.23228191

I don't even know why the fuck I bother with this tech bullshit.
I'm not going to get married, raise a family, buy a sports card or a huge place and every interest I had in programming is long gone.
I should move to a rural area and become a baker or something else.

>> No.23228205

But then Africa would just change into a big modern multicultural shithole like the one we already live in, no?

>> No.23228509

I know that I'm going to get some flak for this, but I've come to the conclusion that swearing is acktually bad.
I say this as it's the first "purity barrier". Once it's been breached, other such barriers like sexual mores, obedience to your parents, etc are similarly corroded. I personally blame the boomers for destroying every cultural institution that stabilized society.

>> No.23228540

I don't know why you think I'm a normalfag. I've been browsing this site for 16 years. I didn't lose my virginity until I met this girl when I was 31. I'm just as awkward as any of you. I don't really have any friends and instead have a bookshelf of philosophy, anthropology, psychology, mythology, poetry, and religious studies, said books being more like friends to me than any person has ever been, and various hobbies that don't involve much human interaction at all (writing, game development, digital music composition). I was as hopeless as the average 4chan poster not that long ago.

I'm just here to spread the word that the fabled "loser gf" who actually understands us and cares about us is out there. Don't fall for black pill shit. It's wrong.

>> No.23228595

Parents keep hounding me for getting married. Thinking about marriage though is really scary for me, the idea of sharing everything about me with someone else for the rest of my life is something I dont know if I could do. That is, of course, if any girl is willing to tolerate me in the first place. I'm scared to get married but I dont want to die alone. Society should come up with a third option.

>> No.23228603
File: 859 KB, 3439x3704, series of euler diagrams describing kant's transcendental aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23228617

Is this like a resonance structure?

>> No.23228621

>resonance structure
Can you explain in your own words what this is?

>> No.23228628
File: 125 KB, 1600x900, 1667362861433750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents ask about marriage and kids
>I didnt even have my first kiss despite being in my 30s

>> No.23228640

>married and single life are my only options
Consider the priesthood, brother

>> No.23228665
File: 179 KB, 832x720, GJdMlH0XQAEBKoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last like 5 times I've been out I get hit on by women but every time I've fucked it up. I'm an attractive guy but I have zero rizz. I can't convert.

>> No.23228675

Real talk do you really need this many diagrams to understand Kant's aesthetic theory? I feel like purposiveness without purpose is pretty self explanatory.

>> No.23228683

>to understand
You can just read Schopenhauer on the sublime

>> No.23228691

I agree

>> No.23228695

The Fallout series is really interesting because it does play on some sense that the old world ended before we really left the Jazz Age. The atomic bombs, the subsequent fake utopia, the new age delusion and hippie rebellion, the vapid consumerism and professionalism, and then finally the rapid proliferation of the internet make for something that is far less identifiable than what preceded it.

>> No.23228697

So many beautiful memories. Drinking beer on a Hong Kong pier. The day after Trump's inaugaration. I bought a Chinese newspaper with his face on it. Drunk middle aged women hitting on you as you smoke chocolate cigarettes. Turned away from the whiskey bar.

>> No.23228703

I’m worried about you.

>> No.23228704

just be yourself

>> No.23228719
File: 236 KB, 669x517, The Mercy Seat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time is passing. Each strike of the clock reminds me of the approaching inevitability, the curtain fall. Death is certain, it is coming whether I like it or not. Nothing is going to stop it nor is there any escape.

>> No.23228722

Myself is retarded

>> No.23228752

So what do then?

>> No.23228786

doesn't matter

>> No.23228900

I am such a loser that it is not even funny. The one single thing that I managed to best others in something, is being a loser. There's no greater loser out there than me.

>> No.23228927

>He who despises himself esteems himself as a self-despiser

>> No.23228946

i wish more than anything that i had joined the marines when i was 20 like i had wanted. i would be out now with a marketable skill and a full ride through college and money in my savings. instead i have 10 grand in debt and a criminal record and herpes simplex ii

>> No.23228948

Do whatever you like anon. Do what liberates your heart. Live bravely and draw power from your heart.

>> No.23228965

There seems to be two irreconcilable narratives about romanticism. One is that romanticism was a revolt against the mechanistic and reductive worldview of the enlightenment, while the other is that romantics were firebrands against the old, reactionary order of Europe who welcomed the french revolution and wished to see similar revolutions in their homelands as well. But if they were more ardent jacobins than the jacobins themselves, then on what basis did they rediscover the middle ages and constantly vghpost about gothic cathedrals, medieval literature, and art? One can't praise jacobinism one minute then wax poetic about the preindustrial world and the wondrousness of Dante the next.

>> No.23229032

Can I talk to you?

>> No.23229035

A lot of the revolt against the modern world is that it made people too comfortable and mitigated risk. Futurism, gothic fashion and fascism are all going to come out of it decades later because it embraces fear and suffering and violent but ultimately meaningless death as forms of natural beauty.

>> No.23229040


>> No.23229041

Are there more books like this? Can anyone recommend any

>> No.23229042
File: 745 KB, 1400x700, crying tanjiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a really great book
>get mad I will never write anything this good, ever

>> No.23229043

the literary lifestyle, baybee!

>> No.23229049
File: 140 KB, 317x350, 1592565652125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents have started to ask when they'll get to become grandparents
>don't have the heart to tell them I've never so much as held hands with a girl

>> No.23229065


>> No.23229075


>> No.23229080

I thankfully have siblings. I will never have to suffer this fate.
I can be the (non-homosexual, non-female) childless freak of the family.

>> No.23229101

What do you need to talk about?

>> No.23229111
File: 123 KB, 600x400, 85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodmorning sirs


>> No.23229117

I also have siblings. My older brother gets asked the same thing, but I think he's better off in this regard since he's actually been on dates before even though he's a literal diagnosed autist.

>> No.23229133

>do you really need this many diagrams to understand Kant's aesthetic theory?
Not really. You only need one, in theory. The one on the top left corner.

>> No.23229141

>even though he's a literal diagnosed autist.
How? Is he a handsome guy?

>> No.23229146

My (half) siblings (Them being 20 to 15 years older than me nonwithstanding) have children, three of them. The others are respectively: Me, Gay, career woman, autistic femcel, and a toddler.

>> No.23229150

Is the femcel fat? If no, may I have her number?

>> No.23229151

Introduce me to your femcel sister

>> No.23229153

Why do you have so many weird age gaps in your family structure? Did your dad remarry and have a second family later in life?

>> No.23229162

Damn I'm the opposite. One of my brothers is dead and the other is batshit crazy and probably gay. I'm gonna have to carry the family name and it's not looking good since I've been an incel since 2016

>> No.23229167

I have no fucking idea, honestly. He's a PhD student in a fairly prestigious field but he's also like 5'4" and chubby. Not sure if he's had a long term relationship or not, we're not very close and I rarely hear about how he's doing, but he has had girls say yes before, enough to not really get bothered by rejection or failure.
Now that I think about it, all of my siblings are single. My two imoutos are both college students but one is extremely introverted and shy and the other, while admittedly extremely cute, doesn't seem super interested in dating right now (though I think she's also a dyke). I have a younger brother who hasn't finished high school and he also isn't seeing anyone, though again I think he's gay or something since he started putting pronouns and shit in his social media and seems to be trying to twinkmaxx even though he was blessed with a tall/wide frame.

>> No.23229172

This is so frustrating.

>> No.23229175

Lamenting my life again. It's not a bad life I guess but it's not what I always dreamed of. Oh well.

>> No.23229180

This is what my sister did, thank you for your service

>> No.23229181

She is close to fifty at this point and also stupid.
Father goes around, mostly. But one sibling is from my mom's side.
I have Nephews my own age.

>> No.23229190

Does anyone know how to deal with people who pretend insults are criticism because “it fits in the definition”? It’s fucking annoying. Like no calling someone an “ugly piece of shit” is not deep criticism.

>> No.23229192

bite them

>> No.23229193

Why are you doing this?

>> No.23229198

I would, but I don’t want to bite someone who hasn’t showered in a month

>> No.23229202

I had a dream last night that Bret Easton Ellis died. Drug-induced heart attack.

>> No.23229203

Shower them. Problem has been reduced to one already solved.

>> No.23229210

The worst part is you can’t argue back because it does

>> No.23229222

I got this job for two weeks where I just sit on my office and everyone else around is working while I don't do shit except sign some papers that people bring me. I feel like a lazy piece of shit but there's literally no tasks for me. I rad a book for 2 hours just now but I'm afraid I might get bad looks if I keep on reading, it's much better to browse 4chan, at least I make some typing sounds this way.

>> No.23229229

People who think appending "you idiot" to the end of your statement constitutes an ad hominem are beyond saving, they are trash

>> No.23229231

My brother has been saying for over a decade that he never asked to be born and wishes he wasn't. Instead of just trudging along with life or killing himself he decided that his whole life purpose is to make everyone hate life just as much as he does. He completely destroyed my family and totally upended my life. The irony is that I am life affirming by nature and have found beauty, purpose, and meaning in it all. Meanwhile he continues to exist, hating every moment, but now he is totally alone and suffering not just existential dread but also physical discomfort as he has wrecked his mind, body, opportunities, and is homeless.
There's a metaphor here. God always triumphs over evil and nihilism.

>> No.23229234

You're an idiot

>> No.23229236

I’m so tired of doing this.

>> No.23229238

Are there anymore books like this? Can anyone recommend something similar

>> No.23229240

There's this girl I've been dating but whenever I want to have a conversation about deeper things so I get to know her she just sarts kissing. Even if we've been kissing for a while and then start a conversation if I say something that I consider part of me, she leans in to kiss me more when I actually want her to say something about her. Now that I'm writing about it seems to me that she just wanted me to shut up. Though it was not the impression I got the times it has happened. She's kinda transformed before my eyes, from cold to tender, which is amazing to see.

>> No.23229242

Nice triples.
I'm in the same position although I do a bit more work than you. I have downtime and I just browse 4chan, read online articles and a few times a day leave the office (might not be an option for you though).
I used to feel guilty but I don't anymore since I did have periods where I was very busy. I'm mostly just bored now. I bait people into arguments because of it.

>> No.23229247

Books like what?

>> No.23229248

Hey do you mind shutting up for a second?

>> No.23229257


>> No.23229266

Convenience store v woman

>> No.23229268

that means yes you will shut up, you fucking retard.

>> No.23229272

Uh oh, you sound like my brother.

>> No.23229278

None of this is real.

>> No.23229279

I’ve been through seven exes, almost all of them cheated. Sister is sterile so I guess my brother will carry on the line

>> No.23229280

Damn that's crazy. How did you ruin your family's life out of sheer spite?

>> No.23229285

Priest, nice

>> No.23229290

I dont know if I've ruined it but Im too negative around other people.

>> No.23229300

Every relationship I ever had ended up failing in the end. One day the other person realized I was never really valuable or important to them and never spoke to me again. Everyone I know now will probably realize this too, eventually.

>> No.23229320

Adding to the sibling/child situation
>sister is mentally handicapped
>brother is dating a woman 14 years older than him (33-47)
>other brother knocked up an escort and has not seen his 2 year old daughter in 1.5 years.

I'm the youngest (29) and I will be the first to marry and the first to actually raise a child(she is already pregnant).
I would like to thank all dead beat kids because this just means I look better in comparison, when in any other age I'd be just average.

>> No.23229322

You told me that you would never do this, so I know it isn’t real.

>> No.23229332

I wish that it was.

>> No.23229334

I have a great remote job, but I’m at a dead end. I don’t know if I should give up remote work to advance my career or eschew a traditional career entirely and try to strike out on my own.

>> No.23229355

Man the situation in the west is such a big mess. Worst part is that this kind of thing really isn't all that uncommon anymore. What the hell went so wrong that an entire generation ended up like this?

>> No.23229367

I know, it's a disaster. I check out what the people were doing I went to elementary school with and it all seems to be sterile.
The men are either okay with being a shut in and playing video games for life or are out clubbing and fucking easy sluts.
The women either want a man but can't find one (you could say the standards are too high but the quality of men is shit) or are psy-opped into thinking work is the highpoint of life.

There's a big filter coming and the ones that pass it by having families will have the future.

>> No.23229371

What's her name.

>> No.23229377


>> No.23229391

What was the god damned bot sliding?

>> No.23229412

I can’t keep doing this it’s actually making me crazy

>> No.23229436

Explain Im slow

>> No.23229440

>family member trying to make plans with me
>I already plan to commit suicide shortly
i hate this life. they're all going to be saying "he seemed so happy," "why did he do it??"

>> No.23229453

I think it's very innocent to think this didn't happen before

>> No.23229463

I turned 29 last week. Feels so fucking weird. 28 did not have any feel. But I feel I'm now on the cut off where fucking up is no longer acceptable or forgivable. I just wish I had a steady job, or a steady form of income. I just get by job hopping here and there on medical licenses or vacations.

>> No.23229468

I think it's innocent to think it hasn't gotten much worse.
Sure when people had 6 kids 2 of them were incel/bums but the parents always had a few who made new families.
With me I'll be the only one, this was rare and has become more common.

>> No.23229470


I am feeling very envious of my brother. He truly pulled an SSS tier gacha and got an investment analyst internship at a globohomo bank, even though he doesn't study anything related to business or economics. Like, seriously, his grades aren't even that good either for whatever his real major is. He knows truly genuinely nothing about the field his internship is in but still somehow made it all work. I truly don't understand how it came so easy for him. He got his apartment with no issue and doesn't need to work. When I was at his point in life, I went thru so many fucking months of torture, living couch to couch, asking friends to pull strings, doing two parttime jobs for months before my visa ran out. I was on my own and had to figure everything out for myself. Even now, I'm just facing constant rejection and neglect in the job search process and it all just lucked out for him. It just feels so unfair. I just feel so angry

>inb4 an anon Yous me with just be happy for him
I know, I'd like that too, but I just can rationalize my way to a healthier way of looking at it. Can someone help me

>> No.23229480

Does anyone else feel like the times mini crossword is written by a retard?

>> No.23229493

It’s not supposed to be like this it’s not supposed to hurt like this it’s not supposed to be so difficult it’s not supposed to be so agonising it’s not supposed to make you crazy it’s not supposed to feel like this nothing is supposed to be like this but it never stops and I can’t

>> No.23229656

I’m not the one who was pretending to be retarded???? That wasn’t me

>> No.23229810


>> No.23229811

Is it really impossible for people to get over trauma without an outsider there to vindicate them? My friend needs me to dispel his blown out insecurities at every turn. How can I help him work it out on his own when his perception is so warped?

>> No.23229825

Long story short? A positive feedback loop of technology, capital, and progressive politics spiraling out of control for a few centuries.

>> No.23230054

God is good, all the time.