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23219510 No.23219510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sad clown edition

previous >>23216208

>> No.23219526

Last year I scored 110 verbal iq on a professional test.
Since then I have lost my desire to read and my interest in literature as I simply dont see the point in reading with such a low verbal intelligence. Am I being silly? It's really getting me down.

>> No.23219599

don't repost threads

>> No.23219683

Ever get very hooked on a particular band/musician?
It's a great feeling, doesn't even have to be a new artist. For me it's Beach House right now.
Listened to them for 12+ years and now Once Twice Melody clicked. Going back through all their catalog

>> No.23219690

You could try other hobbies, like video games.

>> No.23219691

>Beach House
check bachelorette, predates their schtick

gem rec you won't even get on /mu/

>> No.23219706


>> No.23219728

I've given a few songs from their first album a try.
I'm not crazy about the vocals. Doesn't come close to Beach House tbqhwyfam
Or maybe their other albums are better.

Gave another song a listen and this just sucks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKnHMjQ-XcU

>> No.23219734

So you're crying about scoring above average ?

>> No.23219739

I wish there were a team I could join to create or do something I find meaningful. I am tired of endlessly working for things I don't find meaningful. I feel completely cut off from humanity and have no friends. I have a certain creative idea but would like a small team to achieve it.

>> No.23219746
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I finished writing my first novel. I'm afraid to try and go down the publishing route as I have no credentials, contacts, or accolades/publications. My life is such a mess of disappointments, disasters, and failure that I'm a generally demoralized person. Getting out of bed every day is a huge task, and I wouldn't know where to start. I also don't have the money to relentlessly advertise if I self published. Trouble is that I feel like my life will be even more of a waste if I don't do anything.

>> No.23219760
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>be me reading 4chan
>come across word neophyte
>need to look it up
>days later take IQ test
>word neophyte is on the test
>score 119 verbal IQ
>tfw reading 4chan literally increased my verbal IQ

>> No.23219761


>> No.23219766


>> No.23219770

Congrats anon. That's a big accomplishment. Hope the editing goes well

>> No.23219771

keep it up, sport

>> No.23219791

>Getting out of bed every day is a huge task
Start by investing, unironically, in a good multivitamin, and maybe some fish oil and mushroom blend for your coffee in the morning, you need to take them consistently for a month and a half before you notice a difference. By then you can work up with will to exercise, resistance training for the body will help the mind be calm.

>> No.23219820

>Gave another song a listen and this just sucks

best from this album is A Lifetime

>> No.23219831

Hither and thither his erection bobbed in lugubrious twilight.

>> No.23219835

pls post an original one once in a while if you can.
This is from a story some anon posted on the board a few days ago. It builds up.

>> No.23219864
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Sometimes I try to socialize with normies, thinking "Well at least it'll make me feel something!" because I'm bored.

But instead of any emotion, I just get this powerful sense of emptiness. Everyone is overtly self-absorbed, always talking past one another, people say things they don't really mean just to get attention, they smile but they don't mean it. Sometimes people will have a strong emotion they want to express but it always has to be in semi ironic and affected terms or else they'll get roasted. There is this weird, awkward undercurrent where no one is fully satisfied by the conversation, each person is constantly trying to pull things toward his own narcissistic end, because ego gratification is basically the only thing he can get from a conversation. Nobody is truly interested in anyone else involved, it's not friendship, it's bored and lonely people looking for stimulation.

I dunno how people can regularly do that shit. I participate in it a little and just feel ashamed.

>> No.23219883

Why are you making such bizarre typos?

>> No.23219884

There's different models of humanity. I realized this after reading about the physical type of Indians. This does not directly stem from the race or ethnicity of a society itself. Europeans might be white, but different humanity models are there prevalent. There is a Nordic model of humanity much like there is a Latin and a Hellenistic model of humanity. Someone does not have to be a Greek to adhere and to apply the Hellenistic model societally as the goal of life itself; most countries in the Balkan adhere religiously to the Hellenistic model of humanity even if they are not Greek. The Anglo-Saxons, as Germano-Gallic as they might be, adhere to the Hellenistic model of humanity, this is visible in the discrepancy of looks between the most Nordic looking Anglo-Saxon and the Nords of Scandinavia themselves. Even though they are racially more or less comparable, they show us different physical nuances because they follow two different models of humanity.
I can also give the example of the Afro-Americans. They might be very diverse, but they all follow the negro model of humanity, even the most bleached ones among them. The most bleached Afro-American seeks as much as the most dark-skinned Afro-American, to present himself in society as a glamorous example of the negro model of humanity to be followed.
Nevertheless, there are limits to the inclusiveness of humanity models that a society adheres to itself. A blonde, tall, pale skinned Anglo-Saxon might adhere to the Hellenistic model of humanity without a problem, but he cannot seek to adhere to the negro model of humanity, because he is too far away from this model of humanity to be accepted into it.
Thus, as metaphysical as all models of humanity might be, all of them have an idea of raciality attached to them.
The more the model of humanity you apply to master yourself resembles your actual ethnicity and race, the more successful you will be.
Generally, brown or green eyed Europeans should adhere to a Hellenistic or Latin model of humanity, while blue eyed Europeans should tend to either a Nordicist or Hellenistic model of humanity.

>> No.23219889

I just don't bother talking to people anymore unless we share similar interests or if this is a possibility for networking.

>> No.23219907

>the physical type of Indians
In contrast to the ethereal type, no doubt.

>> No.23219918

The sense of socializing and kind of security you're supposed to get from friends is now provided virtually. It started with the radio and evolved into sitcoms then social media and now AI. Nobody is immune, shit is fucked.

>> No.23219926

Same. I get the feeling I do it too. Even in this post— the second word I wrote was "I," and the most frequent word is "I," occurring three times.

>> No.23219934

Five times if you count the ones in quotations, of course.

>> No.23219938

>because I'm bored.
Also, you're a normie too.
Communicating with others due to "boredom" is the most normie thing. Kys.
Btw, 4chan subculture is normie now fyi. I'm on here to drive faggots like you to suicide.

>> No.23219951

Are you saying that there is no Indian model of humanity? Because there is. I'm not saying that there aren't nuances to it, and that some Indians refuse to adhere to it.
> “fair or medium complexioned, has a narrow waist, but wider hips and breasts, and has large eyes, full red lips, and long black hair…”

>> No.23219953
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Fucking obsessed with this sloot.

>> No.23219952
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>> No.23219956


>> No.23219978

This isn't a new thing. You can go read The Sun Also Rises, and the same exact form of empty, vapid socializing is a constant throughout the novel. Thing is it's hard to know what causes this or why it occurs. Interest groups like >>23219918 mentions are way less prone to it. IMO these groups are just a result of lonely people with no deep connections trying to gratify some primal need to feel recognized

>> No.23219979

I've figured out a crypto investment scheme that has a virtualpy guaranteed, but small and slow profit. I dunno maybe I should just get a job

>> No.23219989

The entire Internet is normie culture, so much so that "Internet culture" no longer exists. With seamless transitions between platforms, the Internet has become so wholly integrated within society that we're immersed in it as much as we are immersed in "television" culture and "going to work" culture. The nearest thing we have to Internet culture is perhaps darkweb culture given how exclusive and far removed it is from the usual milieu.

Calm down, man. I'm not contesting your thesis, I'm poking fun at the notion that there are "physical" Indians and otherwise.

That said, your manifesto stops short of being useful and describing what differences you're observing with these models. I would've liked to see more than thinly-veiled rational racism.

>> No.23219996
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Should I feel guilty going home early from my job? I feel extremely I’ll, runny nose cough/sneeze puffy face and mild fever. Like I’m actually sick I just feel guilty. It sucks cause as much as I want to use the time to read picrel but it’s always hard to when I’m sick

>> No.23220000

Why do you feel guilty when you leave early?

>> No.23220003

Also yeah I wrote this very shittily but I’m phoneposting and bout to drive home

>> No.23220005

> I would've liked to see more than thinly-veiled rational racism.
I have already pointed out above that racially identical groups can become physiologically different from adhering to two different models of humanity. This can even be seen in North Western European male Muslim converts; they become Middle Eastern looking physiologically as it gets.

>> No.23220006

I dunno like my manager is disappointed (I know stupid usually to consider but desu I gotta stay on their good side due to personal circumstances right now). And basically I’ve been sick a lot this past year. Idk why but there are multiple possible reasons for that. That’s pretty much the whole of it. I mean I work at a warehouse so it’s more work for my coworkers but I don’t really gaf about that, it won’t be that much and those fuckers leave me screwed sometimes

>> No.23220014
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What books would he enjoy?

>> No.23220018

He looks like he needs some Pynchon in his life

>> No.23220021

read it anyway its good and by god you'll need every free moment for it you can get

>> No.23220026

Friendship, in the conventional definition, is meaningless and retarded, especially in modernized context. What's better than friendship are collaborative projects, perhaps for a creative idea, that the team feels strongly in, teaching each other and growing in the process of bringing their idea to fruition. This also has the benefit of helping to increase profits, improving or increasing skillsets, and increase networking opportunities.

>> No.23220029

You're conflicted—on one hand, you want to own the autonomy of being able to dictate your own schedule, but on the other hand, you want to disappoint your supervisors and coworkers.

>> No.23220033

I think you tagged the wrong post.

>> No.23220047

I mean yeah I’m deff not finishing it tonight either way. Right now I’m halfway through book 11 though so I’m getting there :) goddamn did this book get great the second half. I liked the first but now I’m sad itlll eventually end. I’m already past the death of Prince Bolkonsky which was absolutely soul crushing partly by how incredibly beautifully it was written. I cant wait to see what happens to Mary, Pierre, nikolai

>> No.23220053

When I see a complete projected that I find interesting or somewhat meaningful, I feel despondent. I think, "Why couldn't I have been involved in such an interesting team, making such a product? Why do I have to be stuck doing *this*?" I get older and see I'm not achieving anything I'm proud of or reflects my imagination. I don't have to be the head of the team, necessarily, but I would like to be involved in the creation of something that I find beautiful.

Friends don't mean anything. I want a "real" child. Not a shit baby popped out by a woman. I mean a "real" child. A piece of artwork or product that I can call my child... Something that has my vision in it. Instead, I keep compromising and doing things I don't like to survive, and I'm not even sure if that's much of a great investment or not.

>> No.23220070

Peoples that become too mixed have a hard choice on what model of humanity they should follow - or, too many groups pursue too many different models of humanity at the same time. This is where the former states of Yugoslavia have fallen to - this is where most of the West is going to rather hastily. A state of ethnic anarchy, where no chief model of humanity manages to gain supremacy over the others.

>> No.23220077

I'll be honest. Not working, getting drunk everyday, fucking around with mates feels fucking great.

>> No.23220092

>still looks fat even with tight form fitting clothing
>tattoos and herpes sores
>stupid eyebrows
have some self respect anon

>> No.23220100

Chief triple dub has spoken.

>> No.23220150

it feels good until it doesn't

>> No.23220271
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I came back from 5 days in the mountains, walking up and down every day, 10-12 hours a day of walking sunrise to sunset breathing the purest Atlantic air blown to me from the surrounding seas of the peninsulas. AN incommunicable calm transfuses my body, all my lower body's muscles straining in endurance of one foot in front of the other second by second minute by minute for days and days, this being my only goal immediately and conceptually to take another step on and on, the simplicity of the purpose calms my spirit, my mind has so much time to think that it stops thinking at all, overwhelmed like a small buoyant object on a horizonless sea.

>> No.23220272

Why did the Swedenborg thread get deleted?

>> No.23220288
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This is profound, short, humorous, and inciteful among other adjectives. The soul of wit is brevity. Now I'm a better man for having read it. Thank you for your words. Really, I'm gracious.

>> No.23220290

i fucking hate feta cheese
the taste is amazing, the texture is great, it goes with a lot of things
but why the fuck does it expire 2 minutes after i open a new pack? why can i not just open a pack, enojy it, put it in the fridge, and then enjoy it the next day
i am picking out huge chunks of white dogshit, the whole meal has a stingy sour taste to it

>> No.23220312

There is one central conception of the book of Job, which literally makes it immortal, which will make it survive our modern time and our modern philosophies as it has survived many better times and many better philosophies. That is the conception that the universe, if it is to be admired, is to be admired for its strangeness and not for its rationality, for its splendid unreason and not for its reason. Job's friends attempt to comfort him with philosophical optimism, like the intellectuals of the eighteenth century. Job tries to comfort himself with philosophical pessimism like the intellectuals of the nineteenth century. But God comforts Job with indecipherable mystery, and for the first time Job is comforted. Eliphaz gives one answer, Job gives another answer, and the question still remains an open wound. God simply refuses to answer, and somehow the question is answered. Job flings at God one riddle, God flings back at Job a hundred riddles, and Job is at peace. He is comforted with conundrums. For the grand and enduring idea in the poem, as suggested above, is that if we are to be reconciled to this great cosmic experience it must be as something divinely strange and divinely violent, a quest, or a conspiracy, or some sacred joke. The last chapters of the colossal monologue of the Almighty are devoted in a style superficially queer enough to the detailed description of two monsters. Behemoth and Leviathan may, or may not be, the hippopotamus and the crocodile. But, whatever they are, they are evidently embodiments of the enormous absurdity of nature. They typify that cosmic trait which anyone may see in the Zoological Gardens, the folly of the Lord, which is wisdom. And in connection with one of them, God is made to utter a splendid satire upon the prim and orderly piety of the vulgar optimist. "Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? Wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?" That is the main message of the book of Job. Whatever this cosmic monster may be, a good animal or a bad animal, he is at least a wild animal and not a tame animal; it is a wild world and not a tame world.

>> No.23220318

Yeah a leviathan will always sell your merch

>> No.23220326

I'm too weak to have the future I desire. My life is an embarrassment.

>> No.23220332

Very cool. Guys, read this post and just do more like this instead of all the retarded coomer shit ok.

>> No.23220333

living the literary lifestyle

>> No.23220340

What's that one quote about Irish/Russian/whatever writers who are obligated to write well because they've been through tough shit? The faulty camera in my head is butchering the specifics, but that's the general shape of it.

>> No.23220342

fuck off and take your schizo desert jews with you

>> No.23220343


>> No.23220346
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In short,

>> No.23220354

It could be the Behan one on nationality?
>Other people have a nationality. The Irish and the Jews have a psychosis
There's a lot of general comparisons between Irish and Russian lit because they both blow up around the same time

>> No.23220361

Am I allowed to reference Sumerian myths? Just not the Bible right? Uz and Job is likely Sumerian not Jewish.

>> No.23220367

you have my permission