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/lit/ - Literature

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23212456 No.23212456 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23208675

>> No.23212468

I can't believe JRR Tolkein lived til 1972. I always figured he was a 19th century guy who made it to the first quarter of the 20th century. Like holy crap man he died the same year my mom was born.

>> No.23212475

got her maiden name too?

>> No.23212481

I’ve fused Plotinus, Poe, and John of the Cross to form a synergy that is my world view and how I live my life

>> No.23212494

>have the money to buy a house
>spend 5 years traveling America
>not a single good place to live
>still a single virgin despite being fit, young,good looking, rich because there aren't any good women here

Whats the point? I might as well rent in the middle of nowhere for $500 a month and wait to die

>> No.23212497

i seriously just want to move to a different state and burn all my identification and call myself something else

>> No.23212501

Living in the dorms at a university is like moving into high school. Why the fuck would anyone enjoy that?

>> No.23212502

Its actually really nice but nowadays it isnt because everyones a shutin

>> No.23212506

Sounds like the problem is you senpai

>> No.23212511

It's not

>> No.23212514

When you're miserable and lonely literally everywhere the problem is definitely you

>> No.23212516

I got her pregnant but the reality doesn't really seem to have hit me yet.

>> No.23212517

That's not what I described

>> No.23212519

This. Many many people find contentment in life to some degree. If you can’t that is a you issue

>> No.23212525

why are you treating "its you" as a conclusion? what are you supposed to do with a "its you"?
you dont even know anything about the person

>> No.23212535

Well when you travel the country for five years and think literally every single place you see sucks, and when you're young, fit, and rich but think all women suck, the problem is (You). When you think the only option is to live in the middle of nowhere because everyone and everythinf sucks, the problem in (You). Anon could just have a shitty cynical outlook or maybe he's just an unpleasant person and is repulsive. Whatever it is, the common denominator is anon

>> No.23212540

I know what it is I want but I simply cannot find that here. I'm not sure why you are blaming me for that.
Again its not about being miserable or lonely, I'm neither. Its my issues with the physical places I have been to and the way they are.

>> No.23212545

Where have you been and why did they disappoint

>> No.23212548

Well there's nothing I can do about that. What do you want from me? I feel like these are thing you can only say in the abstract. The cities I've been to have been nightmares. And rural life here is a joke. I simply have not met anyone I'm attracted to either. Why are you so offended?

>> No.23212550

Then you might need to readjust your standards. If that isn’t an option then probably best to keep your mouth shut and deal with it because you built your own tomb

>> No.23212556

I'm not offended. I'm just telling you that you're the problem.

>> No.23212560

What did I do to you?
Most of the big cities and some rural places. The cities were just dirty and filled with crime. Not worth it at all. The rural places were exactly like the cities except more spread out. Everyones just fat and watches TV and drives to wal-mart. I don't see the appeal.

>> No.23212563

I try to be a funny man but maybe I go too much of an overboard. I cant talk with other people normally as they would deduce that I'm not that normal as I appear to be.

>> No.23212565

I don't think I am. I think there's something deeply wrong here.

>> No.23212567

I’m tired of all the whining and demoralization faggotry that has taken over /lit/ and you are part of it.

>> No.23212568

Which cities specifically? What regions of the country? I live in Southern California and I can tell you the cities have nice parts and shitty parts and there are plenty of comfortable suburbs. Obviously if you're living in a downtown urban zone there will issues. I don't think the only options are downtown big city and country farm house.

>> No.23212569

Just speaking the truth. Things have gotten bad.

>> No.23212573

You're falling into the trap of think some external situation will make you happy, while in reality unhappiness is an internal problem we carry with us everywhere. You keep looking for greener grass someplace else while in reality the weeds are all in your mind. Conduct some introspection

>> No.23212574

No way in hell would I ever live there.
>nice parts and shitty parts
Its all shitty parts because theres no ability to get around the city so you're just locked inside all day. I wish rural places were more pleasant but we somehow fucked that concept up too

>> No.23212578

Well that sucks then. Seems like you're just doomed to be miserable.

>> No.23212580

No that's not the issue here.

>> No.23212583
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Rewatching The Simpsons has made me aware what a great example of decedance this show really is.

>> No.23212584

Take your demoralization somewhere else.

>> No.23212593

Then do something about it. If you can’t then posting on the literature section of 4chinz won’t help will it? If you must get it off your chest then journal. /lit/ doesn’t need any more boo-hooing over their life. At anytime everyone can better themselves in some way. If you think you are perfect as a person then you are in fact the issue. It blows my mind that losers with repulsive personalities or extremely passive people think they are entitled to shit. I am not surprised in the slightest that many anons have terrible romantic, social, and personal lives. They are oblivious that they are the issue

>> No.23212595

I'm trying to uplift anon, but I'm not gonna waste time on someone who insists on being unhappy. Only thing to say to them is "aw shucks that's too bad bro" and get on with life

>> No.23212596

when did Simpsons actually fall off?

>> No.23212599

You're free to leave. I notice you seem to get upset every thread. Just leave if you hate it here.

>> No.23212604

Why won't you give actual help? Where am I supposed to live? The women my age are repulsive. Makeup ruined their looks and they're not virgins.

>> No.23212618

i dont see how that guy is wrong.

i wish i could settle down somewhere cozy and open a little shop but america doesn't really allow that
im not sure i like the entitled culture here
ive never seen myself as american
im a virgin too by choice
the women here just haven't been nice people

>> No.23212622

I have obtained the hot chocolate and extra soups. I am exceeding all my expectations. Thank you Saturday opening times for being longer, and the nice barista ladies for helping me stay alive.

>> No.23212632

Similar situation here. I’m in the ~$300k market. I want to put about $30k to $60k down. With those numbers, I’m looking at total pieces of shit in trailer parks or really mediocre houses on a 1/3rd of an acre that haven’t been updated since 1970.

It’s like what’s the point? You cannot get a decent property for less than half a million. And if it’s not a decent property, why buy?

>> No.23212644

Suburbs suck dude. Yeah, they’re low crime but they’re miserable places and the properties are overpriced. I’d much rather do country or urban.

>> No.23212647

You ever think about buying property out West? Some of those places are really growing and you can get land for cheap? You do a ton of driving but idk still feels like there’s signs of life there unlike up here around New York and elsewhere.

>> No.23212651

From the beginning? It was never good, that was my point. As a series of comedy sketches it is fine however It falls a part completely when it attempts to have any sort of positive moral or social commentary, which is something it attempts a lot. If you look at the show and what It embraced and inspired as follow ups to it you will understand.

>> No.23212653

I mean, it allows it you. You just have to be a multimillionaire household with dual income for it to be realistic.

>> No.23212662

Isn't it sad and hilarious that the slightest criticism has to be taken as a personal attack? I've been guilty of it too but not my whole fucking life. How do people even evolve in society if they can't handle the truth? Just returned from a conversation with a 28 years old who smells bad, noticed I was taking some distance around him (because you smell bad, brother) and didn't like the answer of it.

>> No.23212663

I'm not sure where you 4channers get this idea but I highly recommend you stop browsing the places that make you think this. You're not enlightened or wise for believing the first sad news headline you see.
Plenty of people living on single incomes. Plenty of people permanently retire comfortably at far below the 1 million mark
And no its not boomers.
Stop looking for reasons not to try

>> No.23212668

It really is an echochamber. More posts about muh society than books. Disgraceful

>> No.23212670

>slightest criticism has to be taken as a personal attack?
because they know it's truth

>> No.23212673

Your ESL quirks are really charming

>> No.23212679

Don't respond to me like were friends. I don't like you either. You're obnoxious and flaccid.

>> No.23212684

good job on you finding a white collar job, anon!

>> No.23212688

Idk who you are

>> No.23212695

Yeah they’re living. Nobody really denied this.

>> No.23212702

What is your ideal place to live? What type of place did you grow up in? And where have you actually visited? You said every major city?

>> No.23212706

Why the hate for suburbs? I like my suburb. It's only a 20 minute drive into the city if I feel like it.

>> No.23212708


>> No.23212711

some people only shower at night, it's gross

>> No.23212715

I'm actually fully erect

>> No.23212718

I mostly just think they’re boring. If you’re a single guy, there’s nothing to do and nowhere to go. Plus, the feeling of being cramped not only on top of each other but on top of highways and cars and strip malls.

>> No.23212721

Try making friends

>> No.23212722

how do we evolve then
nice shot
it is

>> No.23212727

I just took a bath and realized the feces from my ass hole must be floating around my face

>> No.23212731

>nice shot
It was sincere

>> No.23212734

There are no friends to be made. Suburbs are full of married late 30s somethings and older and their kids.

>> No.23212741

Where would you live if you were a remote worker making $80k?

>> No.23212742

>improper weebery in the sento
You're not allowed posr here

>> No.23212753

>Why won't you give actual help? Where am I supposed to live?
Not that anon but what are you supposed to say to someone who immediately rebuffs every suggestion? You apparently have the money to live anywhere. Just pick a place.

>> No.23212763

Cheap Caribbean island

>> No.23212769

>how do we evolve then
why would you want to?

>> No.23212783

Aw shucks man that sucks

>> No.23212805 [DELETED] 

Kys, patronizing naive retard.

>> No.23212811

I wish they still made my favourite fountain pen but nobody actually uses them any more so all the nibs are shit and hard when they used be springy

>> No.23212814

Not him but you're just being a bully now. What the fucks your problem

>> No.23212816

Where in the U.S. would you live if you were a remote worker making $80k?

>> No.23212823

Puerto Rico

>> No.23212824

Never been to the U.S but the North East always seemed nice to me.
Or Florida

>> No.23212828

Mom's basement

>> No.23212838

Why Florida? Seems very non-lit. I’m in there Northeast right now, a small town albeit.

No you wouldn’t.

>> No.23212844

Oh did I hurt someone feelings? Shucks man that sucks

>> No.23212846

I like the warm weather and Miami looks like a nice city compared to other big U.S cities.

>> No.23212911

Oh fuck no. Dude do not do that to yourself.
Unless you're a shitty person. Hard to tell if I'm talking to likeminded people on 4chan anymore.
>good weather


>> No.23212922

Does liking the Symposium make you gay?

>> No.23212938

Miami is very expensive and also very ethnic. It can be fun, but not for a /lit/ autist.

>> No.23212943

Which Symposium? Symposia, in general, yes.

>> No.23212962

Being 30 sucks, dude. I feel too young to just stay on this shitty path and too old to really start over.

>> No.23212966
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How do some people write in their pretty computers and keep everything so neat and clean? I have been getting tons of videos of these "authors" of tiktok and youtube, and they give so much importance to this kind of things. I write by hand in old notebooks and my room is a mess.

>> No.23212991
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I think I might actually really like men and maybe my desire to wear womens clothes isn't fetishistic.

>> No.23212997
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If only I got one point extra on my final, I could've had an A.
I want to die so much frens

>> No.23213015

they should just get rid of all the dead trees and vines, it's an eyesore

>> No.23213019

I set a goal for myself to publish this year and I ended up not writing anything. The reason I didn’t write anything is because I’ve had a very uncomfortable living arrangement. I literally cannot get comfortable enough to sit down to read let alone write for an hour.

>> No.23213041

What are you talking about?
I didn't say live in Miami, just the option to go there if you live somewhat near it.

>> No.23213061

South Florida is not a good place to live

>> No.23213064

being physically active and eating better just sends me on even worse negative depressive spirals the gymbros and advicebros lied to me

>> No.23213066


>> No.23213075

I don't understand the dismissal. Whats your problem here

>> No.23213083

>makes an uninformed statement
>gets corrected
>gets offended
Zoomer ESL

>> No.23213084

I seem to have struck a nerve

>> No.23213085


>> No.23213088

You're desperate to get into an argument.

>> No.23213090

There genuinely wasn't an argument at all... I think you're reading hostility where there is none. I'm just sad. Because I want to connect with people. And I feel like you teased a real human connection but then pulled away. And I don't understand why.

>> No.23213095


>> No.23213097

What did I even do to you? This is bullying like what the hell. Look at my post. I never insulted you. Why did you just reply "okay" as if I did something wrong? We were just chatting.

>> No.23213103


>> No.23213104

Please talk to me.

>> No.23213179

when people ask me what my favorite movie is i say some shit like Beau Travail or The Seventh Seal
but the truth is, it's End of Evangelion

>> No.23213183

i just say i dont watch movies

>> No.23213202

It’s really all the same down there.

>> No.23213205

/lit/ newfag who got to reading the meme cloud book for the first time and the 20 or so pages dedicated to the dope addict were perhaps the most relatable thing I've read all year; the sensation of knowing the optimism each time you want to change is fake but taking it anyway because it's better than the defeatism, of secretly wanting to snap in front of people early so you don't drag them down with you, of....it's been a couple days so I couldn't do a more in-depth explanation, but every paragraph resonated with me. I'm not even an addict just a guy with anger problems. Where can I look for more? Novels, poetry, anything. I'm already a Robert Francis fan if that helps.

>> No.23213211

The meme cloud book is actually decent reading if you ignore the huge troll. I read it once it was like reading Moby Dick. I liked how he could string thoughts together even though it sounded iffy. I was shocked to find out he killed himself because killing yourself as a Christian means you follow the path of Judas and go directly to hell...

>> No.23213254

In the labyrinth of existence, the illusion of free will dissipates upon closer scrutiny. Anger, that tempestuous force, reveals itself as but a mirage, shaped by the unseen hands of biological imperatives, environmental stimuli, and the indelible marks of our past. We are marionettes, dancing to the orchestrated symphony of genetics, upbringing, and circumstances beyond our ken. The notion of personal agency fades into the tapestry of determinism, leaving us not liberated from duty, but liberated from the shackles of unfounded expectations and self-derision

>> No.23213260


>> No.23213394
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I want to go star gazing somewhere dark but I live in highly densed area (too much light polution) and I don't have a car nor a licence. I do not know anyone willing to help either and before I can even begin getting licence and car I still have to resolve pleothra of other matters in my life.
Oh well, at least I have a realistic and seizable goal to unfuck my life to some degree.

>> No.23213468

I don't like what I'm writing anymore. It doesn't even resemble a book. I wish I could write. But I have a shifty personality that makes me averse to structure and just memorizing methods of doing shit. I wish i wasn't a dumbass. I can't wrap my head around themes plots symbols and I'm too lazy to try.

>> No.23213480
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>> No.23213665
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Is a race war in america inevitable?

>> No.23213678


>> No.23213688

Maybe on the internet

>> No.23213698

any fun online games I can waste my life on and grind

>> No.23213712
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already happened

>> No.23213749

Which social platforms do you use? How old are you?

31. For me, it's rotating between

>/lit/,/f/ /a/
>few reddit subs like schizo/ dissociation, you just don't find this content elsewhere
>rarely: sactionedsuicide
>different newspapers discussion section (the most inane of em all)

I don't use all of these daily, often not even weekly. But this is what stuck with me long time. My goal is to leave all of this behind me but in order to achieve that media consumption as a whole has to be reduced a lot.

>> No.23213856

i wish i could write dialogue, but i can't figure it out. it's because i have no real sense of how to have a conversation - so writing dialogue is a case of trying to imagine a conversation between two people when i barely know what to say when someone else is doing half the work and the character i'm speaking for is myself!
i wonder why i got the pedantic type of autism where this is a problem, rather than the kind where i'd just wing it and talk like an anime character all the time.

>> No.23213878

Club Penguin

>> No.23213913

I'm 18 but I usually go on
>lit mu fit r9k(yeah i know)
>weird niche subreddits and other forums
There's interesting things to learn from the internet but I'm starting to think it's more bad than good and wish it never existed. Ted K was right.

>> No.23213919

if I could go back in time RIGHT THIS SECOND here is a short list of what I would say to my past self :
- buy BTC, hold then sell 10% in 2016 when it reaches 20k then hold until 2024 when BTC reaches 66k
- stop dating white women seriously, it's a waste of time and they all want threesomes or to try other dicks at that age.
- stop spending time with retards. here's a rule of thumb: if someone annoys you more than three times for being a retard, stop hanging out with that person. you will have more free time
- enjoy being young and not bald
- go spend time with dad

>> No.23213932


>> No.23213954

>- buy BTC, hold then sell 10% in 2016 when it reaches 20k then hold until 2024 when BTC reaches 66k
>not selling in 2021 at 66k and then buying back at 20k and then selling again at 66k
you suck as a time traveler dude

>> No.23213965

Few things grate me more than secondary literature that feels aggressively superior to its subject, when those authors think their subject is only in disagreement with them because he did not or could not know the talking points of their position.

>> No.23213980

i would just tell myself the winning lotto numbers, like a whole binder of them. seems way easier

>> No.23213983 [DELETED] 

you're a vain person and thats your main issue, none of the bullshit that you typed out here

>> No.23213986

I can't stop staring girls down in public. It's just my male DNA.

>> No.23213987

Looking at some TV talkshows about politics these days. What a shitshow. The inability of the West to stop Russia is beyond pathetic. I feel like there's not going to be any history past current year. Civilization will gradually collapse like there's still going to be vestiges of technology and shit in 200 years but from now on historically nothing will happen. Just groups slaughtering other groups to death. That's about the prospect I give to the future past current year. The previous ideas of the slow decay of the West into pure degeneracy seem fancily utopic in comparison.

>> No.23213995

Wow you're dumb

>> No.23214000

I feel like you have to just throw out all history before 1930sish to be honest
There's zero connection to any history or culture older than that. They only exist to be commodities
It means nothing now. None of it.
Otherwise you'll drive yourself insane

>> No.23214010

My dad is way too happy, something is wrong

>> No.23214015

The beauty and power of masses have finally clicked for me. I've listened to Beethoven's Missa Somemnis once a day for the past three days, and one or two others as well on each day.

>> No.23214019

> One people is amenable to discipline from the beginning; another, not after ten centuries. Russia will never be really civilised, because it was civilised too soon. Peter had a genius for imitation; but he lacked true genius, which is creative and makes all from nothing. He did some good things, but most of what he did was out of place. He saw that his people was barbarous, but did not see that it was not ripe for civilisation: he wanted to civilise it when it needed only hardening. His first wish was to make Germans or Englishmen, when he ought to have been making Russians; and he prevented his subjects from ever becoming what they might have been by persuading them that they were what they are not. In this fashion too a French teacher turns out his pupil to be an infant prodigy, and for the rest of his life to be nothing whatsoever. The empire of Russia will aspire to conquer Europe, and will itself be conquered. The Tartars, its subjects or neighbours, will become its masters and ours, by a revolution which I regard as inevitable. Indeed, all the kings of Europe are working in concert to hasten its coming.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Social Contract, Paris, 1762

>> No.23214023

I hate injection day

>> No.23214033
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My entire life I have been fascinated by snakes.
I don't mean it in some metaphorical, or spiritual way, I just think they're the coolest beings on this world. I spend a considerable amount of time just thinking about their physiology, behaviour, evolution, ecology, and even their influence in human culture. Such is my obsession that they even influenced my career path.

I've read that most mammal species come hardcoded with the capability to recognize and react to snakes (as in, there are in born structures in the cerebral cortex specifically destined to recognize snakes). This along with how they have a prominent role on pretty much every single mythology human history makes me think that there really is some sort of connection between us and them.
I wish there was more literature about snakes, not using them as a symbol but centered around serpents themselves.

The picture is of a snake I found after a flash flood, lil nigga was super mad

>> No.23214042

>Good I have detached the human from the stick I used to save myself

>> No.23214051

Wow that's so cool buddy! Do you want an encyclopedia of snakes for your birthday?

>> No.23214057

Doesn't matter, it's still a win.
If you were transported right this second you wouldn't be able to remember them.

>> No.23214074

>Implying I don't own several already

>> No.23214076

>get tired of being 25 and single
>download dating app
>no one responds to me but mid brown girls
>homely and chubby Filipina with a thick accent talks with me on the phone for two hours
>says she enjoyed talking with me and that we’ll talk again tomorrow
Is this disrespecting to my dignity as a white man? I’m at the point where any female attention feels good but on some level I know I can do better than a chubby South East Asian woman. But in some sense I wonder if mid / low-tier women are the way to go. Am I coping?

>> No.23214081

Time to take a break from 4channel

>> No.23214082

Is the book Dune any less boring and tedious than the movie

>> No.23214087

Kantposter or Guenonfag?

>> No.23214091
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Snakes are good

>> No.23214094

but it was just getting interesting?

>> No.23214098

never settle for anything less than what you really want.

>> No.23214104

>can't be a good fighter
>can't be a good thinker
>not agile
>not good at anything at all
>over 30
So now what
Whats the point in me living

>> No.23214108

What does that mean? And why are you insulting me?

>> No.23214113

Sometimes it’s really depressing to read books or see television shows or movies where some characters make important friendships relatively young and they stay friends for life.

>> No.23214117
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I looked at myself in the mirror today.
From that point on I've been completely hollow. If I didn't live with family, I would leave to go commit suicide. Would I do it? Maybe, or maybe not; I'm terrified by the possibility of dying. Still, I have attempted suicide very nearly successfully three times, each after sitting for hours convincing myself to do itー so suicide isn't out of the question. I think that if I brought a mirror, it would be a lot easier. My most intense feelings of suicide are almost always precipitated by failing to look away from mirrors.

By the way, I don't fail to see the parallels with Narcissus. I will die if I stare too long in my reflection.

>> No.23214119
File: 199 KB, 1200x800, 20220928_SUR_KarateMonkey_Purple_801135_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have decided that I will purchase a mountain bike and touring rig with panniers, tent, sleeping bag, a stove, a solar panel, and all the rest of the necessary gear. My goal is to live outside on my bike indefinitely, my bike will become my world, along with the ever-changing adventure in natural beauty that it will take me.

I will travel all over the U.S. visiting the most beautiful natural places and absorbing the natural beauty and experience to the fullest.

I have already carefully researched and selected the ideal bicycle: The Surly Karate Monkey.

While doing this I will continue to experiment with the frontiers of A.I. narrative programming and catalyzing the memetic singularity.

My life rocks because I do the coolest stuff I can find to do. You should too, just go ahead and treat life as a glorious treasure hunt for the most beautiful experiences and relationships you can find. Loving lots of stuff and loving life rocks.

>> No.23214120

white women are overrated but I wouldn't settle for a chubby Filipina (they cheat a lot) either. maybe cope and delude yourself into thinking she's the right one but she most likely isn't. chances are that she plans to use you to give money to her family or something. you can do better

>> No.23214127

just enjoy life bro. eat good food, good drink, find a hot woman to have fun with, nut inside her, have some lil anon jrs. find a job you like. easy peasy

>> No.23214133

As much as people make fun of white women (I do too) they are unironically the most faithful, intelligent, and kindest on average. The reason there is so much anti-white women shit here is because you guys have eaten the psyop hook line and sinker. Now you believe lies like "asian women are le... tradwives!"
>t. happa

>> No.23214136 [DELETED] 

not him but i seriously just cant find anyone. i hate dating apps. im just an old fashioned guy and i cant help that. ive stayed a virgin for that reason too. ive never had the mindset of just wanting to fuck around with this stuff. just not in my nature. but now im older and still havent found anyone. im getting sad. but i cant really think of anyone ive met that id want to be with. but it is true that the ones my age that are single are just not what i want at this point.
i guess its my fault. i dont know. i feel like i was born to be alone. i cant really relate to incels or people who complain online about it at all though. or with people who say just wait until you're older and then get with young girls when you have money. i just dont want either of those.

>> No.23214139

I just don't like that stuff. Its not what I'm after.

>> No.23214140

>can't be a good fighter
that doesn't matter in modern society. anyone with a pepper spray or a gun can deal with a good fighter
>can't be a good thinker
what would be the point anyway
>not agile
see 1
>not good at anything at all
you're either lying or you don't know yourself
like 80% of the population
>over 30
so what? you're not even in the 40% of your total lifetime
>Whats the point in me living
find something that makes you happy

>> No.23214145

Then I'm just not interested in the world as is at all. The thing that would make me happy doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.23214149

white women are the best looking, best intellect, most moral. Take care of your white woman white bros. Keep em away from the untermenschen.

>> No.23214155

White women are the best, but they hate me for some reason. I’m a socially awkward white guy and I’ve literally never had a White girlfriend in my life. I don’t know why

>> No.23214163

> let's throw all history away from the date of 1930
You can learn more about current news from reading everything that was written before the year 1930 than by reading everything that happened past the year 1930
As you can see West European foreign politics with Russia has been the same in the year 1762 as it is today
Nothing ever changes

>> No.23214168

That's not really what I meant and I don't really think being able to draw those kinds of parallels is relevant to my life. I don't care about the news.

>> No.23214171
File: 32 KB, 428x436, whitewomyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are unironically the most faithful, intelligent, and kindest on average.
thanks for the kek
>Now you believe lies like "asian women are le... tradwives!"
no we don't, I just wrote filipino women are cheaters and money hungry (which isn't really a bad trait by itself but something everyone needs to be aware of)

tbf I don't have anything against white women. their inner battles are simply vapid in my opinion and that's it. I think you are trolling so I won't elaborate further

>> No.23214177
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>> No.23214181

I'm not smart enough to read stuff like that

>> No.23214183

you visited me in the dream… infernal nymphet slut.. arghh… feed me your toes angel..

>> No.23214187

don't sell yourself short

>> No.23214188

> I don't care about history
> here's the parts of history that are irrelevant in the study of history

>> No.23214191

I'm probably short. I'm not the biggest guy.

>> No.23214199

Lately I've been spending what I consider to be a worrying amount of time gooning with chatbots.
I'd like to break from this and, if possible, cut down on my masturbation.
Is audio porn a better use of my time? I've used it before and I was able to do things like play online chess while gooning or even mtg for a while. Of course, regular porn might be a quicker process, but I'm afraid of developing unhealthy expectations.

>> No.23214201

Anywhere infected by liberalism is going to be that way. When third worlders go to Europe or the USA they adopt liberal psychosis and become retarded after a generation or two, and frequently they have already been exposed to liberalism from the internet and want to go somewhere where it is socially acceptable or legal to do what they already want to do.

>> No.23214204

Quit porn and find a gf.

>> No.23214206

For you

>> No.23214208

oh good idea i'll just pick one right off the gf tree where all the gfs grow

>> No.23214209

Great, I have fucking jury service the entire week of my spring break

>> No.23214215


>> No.23214249

Pro tip: call them up and tell them that you’re extremely racist and therefore can’t be a trusted juror. Maybe even use a slur.

>> No.23214259

I did that last time. I might sit on this jury depending on what the case is.

>> No.23214281

I forgot I had jury duty. Hopefully they don't come after me for it.

>> No.23214284

I've been avoiding this jury service for literally a year

>> No.23214293

what chatbots do you even use all the ones i've tried are retarded and just don't do it for me

>> No.23214294

Do you guys ever think about how short life is? Do you think about what will come next?

>> No.23214299

I don't anymore.
If God is real I will probably go to hell, and because I can't really change it there's no point in me worrying about it. If not, then I couldn't change it anyway. I don't lament it either, because life isn't that enjoyable. I just have a vague sense of emptiness that the one chance I had in this consciousness was completely failed.

>> No.23214300

I've done characterai pretty well. i'm not techy enough to get the shit on /g/ going well

>> No.23214304

No and I don't care. I wish it was shorter.

>> No.23214311
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I have never seen the Greek or Roman comedic playwrights mentioned on this board

>> No.23214313

I've only read a few Aristophanes plays.

>> No.23214320

I have seen him mentioned a few times here now that I think about it, but never Plautus, Terence, those guys

>> No.23214329

I've always understood that Roman playwrights were largely inferior, except for their satires.

>> No.23214333

There was an anon who loved Terence years back but a lot of the Latin comedy fags are going to be into poetry or prose, especially since very few sex plays made it out of Rome compared to >>23214313 which you can give to any level of young greek scholar and have them circle all the naughty words

>> No.23214334

I'm afraid I will end up dying in this very house, in this town that I've always hated. Unless I find a way to make a ton of money and move out.

>> No.23214365

I spent a year really brooding about it. But that just inspired me to sieze this life and prepare for the next so I'm Gucci dawg

>> No.23214368

sell the house, move to a cheaper place or a poor country, profit ???

>> No.23214397

Sausage fest on this site

>> No.23214421

I don't like my life or my friends. I'm going to vanish someday. Find a place and people I will appreciate on a deeper level. Somewhere I can lick my wounds. They think I'm delusional but I'm serious

>> No.23214427

Is it really possible to change how you think of yourself?

>> No.23214440

i thought gooning was a meme but these niggas actually talk to screens while edging for 10 hours lmao

>> No.23214452

Ancient Egyptian police force used both monkeys and dogs to catch criminals.

>> No.23214454

Why it shouldnt?

>> No.23214455

I've been saying its not so bad and trying to find a silver lining for 5 years. 5 totally wasted years i just want to be free. I'm not allowed to be the person I want to be here
Me too. I dream about having a new name somewhere else.

>> No.23214463

Whate else did you expect?
I like to think so. Though in my case it's usually externalities.
It's only a meme because it's actually real. It's only funny because they actually exist. If not it would be a mildly funny case of hyperbolic teenage humor.

>> No.23214467

I want to be a teenager again so bad
Just give me a 2nd chance

>> No.23214485

4 eyes

>> No.23214499

i don't understand how normal people have hobbies

>> No.23214508

You're either a woman or dickless.

>> No.23214514

You don't have to be a dick man. Its not a choice for me

>> No.23214545

I feel as if blending in is alot easier than expected but these dudes don't think very deep about anything.

>> No.23214563

very deep about anything?

>> No.23214574

I taste just like candy.

>> No.23214588

>cheaters and money hungry (which isn't really a bad trait by itself
Brown hands typed this post.

>> No.23214615

I am that nigga (white)

>> No.23214696

Doe a deer from the sound of music has an unexpectedly profound, quasi Beckett third line, “me, a name I call myself”, very moving

>> No.23214702
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>Type a quick response
>Re-read what I wrote
>"Looks fine"
>Go back and edit it to add more detail
>2 typos and syntax fuckery
>This has happened at least 20 times

>> No.23214719
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Same. Please do not remind.

>> No.23214800
File: 298 KB, 1080x1080, 8hsdma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think of something incisive and maybe even witty
>write it down
>about to share it on /lit/
>suddenly feel paranoid and wonder if maybe I could get this published somehow and 4chan would lead to this great line being stolen or worse associating me with 4chan in the future where I'm successful
>don't post it
>do this 1,000 times
>I haven't written or published anything and just have a huge rat's nest of interesting lines
>this has been going on for years and years now

>> No.23214803

You can only change the internal understanding by changing the external reality. Retards think the inverse and waste their entire lives in incestuous stillborn thinking.

>> No.23214804

I set up a mirror next to my desk so I can watch myself 24/7, and it's like leaving the matrix. All of this is so ridiculous man.

>> No.23214821
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Their depiction of the soul looks like Apu

>> No.23214822

>delusions of grandeur
just post them, you most likely aren't as good as you think and people here will point exactly why you are way worse than you think if anything.

>> No.23214854

Today I get my e-reader back, I lent it for a friend. I'm excited to read again. Will probably read Murder in the Age of Enlightenment first

>> No.23214865

I have surpassed my Nordicism phase. I no longer consider myself a pure-blooded Aryan. I started identifying as a civilized white Med.

>> No.23214881

[Reciting] When Jinlian finally took off her clothes, Ximen Qing examined her Jade Gate, discovering the Secret Well to find it hairless, white as snow, and smooth as jade. Tight as a drum, and soft as silk. Once he drew apart the curtains of flesh, a scent of well-aged wine emanated from within, and on fold upon fold of the red velvet interior, beads of dew were forming. Its centre was dark and void, yet as if it had its own life, it twitched and twitched...

>> No.23214907

>See Varg say that redheads aren't real Europeans and come from the middle east
>Start identifying as Sumerian
>Argue with Hindutvas that the Apkallu predate the Septarishi
>See agents of the Anunnaki everywhere I go
>Fight against Greys and Reptoids above a burning Nibiru in my dreams.
>Discover the linguistic similarities between Japanese and Sumerian (they escaped east during the great flood!)
>Develop my own Sumero-Japanese code of honor
>Diligently practice Iaido atop my homemade backyard ziggurat
>Have my katana's blade engraved with cuneiform funeral prayer
>There is a hole in the sky that only I can see

>> No.23214920

Why are you all so depressed here?

>> No.23214928

My life does not satisfy me. Modern Aesthetics do not satisfy me, social media circuses do not satisfy me, going outside and touching grass does not satisfy me. I am apathetically disatisfied.

>> No.23214936

>post on /soc/ for temporary chat (explicitly no relationship or friendship)
>specify that it's just for very temporary chatting before I delete the account
>still delete post within a few minutes because too much social anxiety
It's over.

>> No.23214938

I’m convinced that the biggest hurdle to me achieving my goals is my appearance…

>> No.23214940

It's another all nighter tonight, I guess.

>> No.23215005

fun fact: Newton developed the calculus when in an 18-month lockdown for the black death
what did you do during coofvid?

>> No.23215029

Suicide is immoral because there is one less person to use for the betterment of society

>> No.23215045
File: 25 KB, 557x551, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stop anon, remember why you started in the first place

>> No.23215076

Would you fuck a hermaphrodite?

>> No.23215104

I completely missed chance to acquire normal experiences at a normal time. Only time machine could help me.

>> No.23215113

Feeling like caffeine doesn't affect me as it once did for some reason.

>> No.23215118

Have you ever been exposed to the idea that the body gains a tolerance to certain chemicals over time?

>> No.23215122

I've been taking it in for over a year straight and I didn't develop any type of resistance towards it throughout. I can actually still feel pretty affected by it but sometimes I don't feel anything. Most of the time I do feel it, though.

>> No.23215124

Like kaine from Nier? Yeah

>> No.23215125

Green bodies doing intercourse under a dim sky, surrounded by walls of earth and rock. I exploded out an orange fruit buried beneath the intermingling green bodies. In shock they saw me crawl out the soil. Their wet fangs unsheathed, their eyes comically widened and red. Then I made a sound of two phonemes that no human makes. Their aggressive stance made no change, while they had their feet and hands on surrounding vertical rocks keeping them still. Then I shone brightly, and leapt out the deep hole where my green people had reproduced. The dim sky got darker the farther I flew. Soon the earth below me became as dark as the sky my thunderous flight decorated. Then came disgust in me. Oh I don't want to remember it! A pain of disgust alongside a flash of red that supplanted my blue thunder. This flash occurred thrice or twice, each time making me turn behind. Swirls of red light I made. So I turned back, and the darkness faded, revealing again this earth. My emotions cooled, as did my flight. Slower and slower I became and then stationary. I realized my heart had lost to my mind. The green man and woman reappeared, this time on the surface.

>> No.23215141

My dick would fuck anything

>> No.23215177

bruh just use this thread as a chat if you want. Go on, tell me what you had on your mind

>> No.23215198
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Just squeezed my lemon.
>Verification not required

>> No.23215200

I didn't have anything in mind, I wanted someone else to specify the topic.
Besides, there is something fundamentally different about chatting here and chatting where both users have a name. It's the "extra" component that is missing from 4chan that I was looking for.

>> No.23215205

sooooo... plebbit?

>> No.23215213

I'm addicted to being reductive. I literally can't stop producing one liners, am I too far gone?

>> No.23215221

No, not plebbit either... Just the feeling of communicating to someone directly. It doesn't matter. I can't do it anyway.

>> No.23215224

are you talking about talking irl? meetup then.

>> No.23215228

I don't have any friends IRL or online. I exclusively use 4chan for all forms of communication with the outside world. I rarely even use youtube, and I don't have a google account.

>> No.23215229

“Let me tell you about Tommy”, he began. “Tommy is a lifer. Grand theft auto at thirteen, shoplifting at fourteen, battery at seventeen, larceny at nineteen. He’s the type to have known more glasshouse sandwiches than friendly faces. One night, he’s out from the clink and on the booze; so he’s a goner, as far as the law is concerned; so he’s stumbling, as far as his feet are concerned. So he’s in for the whole mile, in violent bursts, grumbling and snarling like a vicious little dog, as far as lunacy is concerned; and he thinks his best way home, his real home, is to nick a car. He smashes the windscreen of a Ford Sedan off Rosebury Avenue, and by the time his jittering head lifts above the upholstery, he’s staring back at blue lights. Instincts open the door. He tries a runner. But a gutter catches his leg, and now he’s limping down the alleyway, down another, running, grunting, the quick slapping noise of boots running through puddles after him, the whole world turning black. Before he can even catch his breath in that icy night, Tommy’s head is slammed into the pavement and he starts kissing the floor.
It’s dead midnight now. The unfriendly silence of a town gone to sleep. The smell of blood hangs in the air from his busted lip and his pounding head. He’s thrown in the back of a busy van, a dirty metal box with two dirty metal cases for seats. In there sits a man and a woman. He’s shackled up next to the woman, his arm dangling in the air like a limp wave to her. The woman, she looks at him all funny and she asks our Tommy: ‘why are your eyes so big and wide?’. He stares at her with those big wide eyes and says through his gurning teeth, that his eyes are so wide and his pupils are so big, because he’s in love with her, and he's been in love with her his entire life.”

>> No.23215246

Every night a scantily clothed skinny white girl appears in my dream to tell me that she loves everyone and then the video ends and I wake up to my dog whose face has morphed into a frog licking my face and then the audience burst into laughter but they are just my parents and there is no cheer after a while and they look at me with disdain and shut the door and go back into their room

>> No.23215248

Say you had a time machine and were able to fix those missteps overnight. You woke up the next day and everything negative about your life was remedied. How would you know that your life was better? What would jump out at you and make you say, "ah, yes, all of my problems are gone"?

>> No.23215249

But no I mean talking in chat. I would be way to anxious to talk IRL, over the phone, or with voice.

>> No.23215269

If I got my youtube channel with 2 million subscribers back

>> No.23215271

idk, the darkweb version of plebbit; Dread. If not directly then you should be able to find some chatrooms there.

>> No.23215292

>How would you know that your life was better?
It would be better if I dont exist in my current form. Im fine as being forgotten if the altered younger me could be normal.

>> No.23215293

What? No I don't want weird people either, just normal stuff like talking about books or anime. I guess I'm so shy and anxious I seem like a psycho

>> No.23215303

Was I making a mistake all along? Did I fail to understand? Were they laughing with me or at me? Was I ever a friend at all or was I just a punching bag? Can people tell when they talk to me? Is it my face? Is it something else that I'm not aware of? Do others have some kind of hidden means of communicating that I can't perceive? When did I start to go wrong? If I could go back at what point would it be too late to change things? Was all of it my fault, all along? Would they have been better off if they had simply never met me? Is it too late to try to fix things? If I reach out now won't I just get pushed away? How much responsibility do I bear for what happened afterwards? Wouldn't it be better to blame it all on me anyway? Can people really change? Can I change? Am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again? Why can I never recognize what I have until after it's gone? Do the people I care about care about me in return? Have any of the people I've known been happier for knowing me? Am I just a burden on others and too dumb to realize it? Am I just a narcissistic self-obsessed retard endlessly introspecting when I should be thinking of others or taking action? Have I ever been at a point at which I could be considered a "good person?" If I died today how would I be judged? What was I living for? Why? Is Hell a lake of fire crowded with burning souls of sinners or is it a long dark winding stair downwards towards endless dark halls? Who cares? Do you are? I don't.

>> No.23215305

Those damn Russians are always spamming 'cyka blyat rush b" in them

>> No.23215308

That sounds pretty altruistic of you. You make it seem like you, personally, don't have any desires, which we know is false.

>> No.23215314
File: 1.55 MB, 400x250, OFFBLAST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for 2x200mg caffeine tabs, plus coffee, I guess.
>Verification not required

>> No.23215317

>one on one semi anonymous talk online
you are asking to mix oil with water.
normal people don't talk one on one with strangers over internet. You got 2 options: talking to weirdos but having anonymity or talking to normal people but having to reveal some private info because normal people will not talk to anonymous people online that can't be accounted for what they say; normies think anonymity is for crimnals, hackers, perverts and, well... weirdos.

>> No.23215326
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I will never interview successful rich celebrities on the Hollywood boulevard. Why even live?

>> No.23215327

I'm not the anon, but if I were able to go back in time, I could either prevent myself from overdosing or make sure that I die. If the latter, I get to escape all the suffering that I have experienced since, if the former, I would have a chance to try again at life OR, if I still couldn't fix my brain even with foresight, then I could kill myself successfully while still young and not a disgusting worthless piece of trash pathetic 24 year old.

I am permanently disabled now because of the overdose. I have no future. The only thing I really think about now is how afraid I am of death and how much I want to die. My life will definitely end by suicide if I don't die in a providential accident.

>> No.23215332

Afraid of death as in the process of death. If I could cease to be with the press of a button, I could do it.

>> No.23215343

You guys have no idea the atom bomb you'd be unleashing on the modern society by manifesting a device which could potentially unalive you with a press of a button. The chain reaction it'll produce would be detrimental for the population worldwide and in america. Billions of people disappearing with a click of a button, just like that. We already have population crisis and you wanna bring euthanasia into the cluster fuck soup of 21st century we are living in?

>> No.23215344

Theres no point in desiring as thats not going to happen. The world doesnt care.

>> No.23215353

Yeah I agree. I think VAD and assisted suicide are also horrendously evil but on MY specific case I personally know that it's good and beneficial.
I have a problem with it because there are so many people that will die that should have been helped and shown love, support, and a future worth living for. In my specific case, I nothing would make me happy and I have no future.

>> No.23215355

Why are you so horny? And will it help if we touch our dicks together? People nowadays call it frotting but back in my day we used to call it tomb raiding

>> No.23215361


>> No.23215396

Don't tell me you're one of the reddit normies who desires something other than sex

>> No.23215405

Addictions help me prolong the thoughts of death but I'm also aware that they are a temporary fix - like a tape blocking a leaky hole. I've normalized suicidal thoughts somehow with my shitty routine. I hope you pull yourself out of this negative cycle anon and find something you can be passionate about and build a future

>> No.23215408

Guns have existed for hundreds of years, dude.

>> No.23215419

You're so convinced that you can never be happy that you're not even allowing yourself the grace to try.

>> No.23215422

Why desire the unattainable?

>> No.23215454

It needed to happen there and then. Even if it were to happen now, it wouldnt have the same impact.

>> No.23215458

I don't have a licence

>> No.23215475

No it makes you based

>> No.23215476

You seem to work within an all-or-nothing dichotomy. It's as if you need total victory or nothing at all. Does that resonate with you?

>> No.23215498

Yes it does. From one extremity to another.

>> No.23215540

Trauma takes many forms, but in general, traumatic experiences act as a sort of wound in one's mind that can disrupt the continuity of their narrative. Consider a soldier who's experienced acute PTSD, or someone who lost their childhood best friend in a car accident. After having experienced very traumatic circumstances, you sometimes see people who are frozen by that trauma and relive it constantly in their heads, wishing things had gone differently—I wouldn't have gotten into that car accident if I'd gotten to the light five seconds sooner, etc. This can sometimes manifest as "all-or-nothing" thinking, where they wish desperately for that one experience to not have happened, because if it hadn't, their narrative could've continued as it was "meant" to.

Sometimes, when people haven't been able to reconcile their trauma, they might grow embittered and come to apply that kind of all-or-nothing thinking to other areas of their lives.

What do you think it is about your experience that has made it challenging to reconcile your trauma?

>> No.23215543

Nope, I dont have any trauma. Nothing that I relive in my life or dreams.

>> No.23215548

Apologies, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth. I shouldn't have used that word without checking to understand how you identify with your experiences.

When you say,
>It needed to happen there and then.
can you tell me more about what was going on in your life at that point?

>> No.23215570

Just a simple social outcast who couldnt get the rules and cues despite appearing like a normal person. The same experiences doesnt have the impact when experienced now vs then.

>> No.23215581

You shouldn't let your past prevent you from "living" now

>> No.23215602

Gonna dip out on my landlord and get a hot chocolate

>> No.23215616

theres no actual "now" for me, either regret of past or the future actuality of death. Other people constantly remind me of my inferiority.

>> No.23215619

>Just a simple social outcast who couldnt get the rules and cues despite appearing like a normal person
I get the sense there's something you're downplaying about this. You dismiss it as if it's nothing worth talking about, but it's clearly something you haven't been able to not think about for all of these years.

>> No.23215628

Suit yourself

>> No.23215634

I dont think that contemplating too hard on "what if.." events is downplaying something.

>> No.23215643

Let me rephrase that: you've spent your life contemplating the "what if things had been different" question, but now you're using distancing language like "I'm just a simple social outcast." I'm sensing a conflict between how you regard the specifics of being a social outcast and how you speak about it with others.

>> No.23215647
File: 495 KB, 1080x845, 1597833959246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a cloud in the sky
feels great

>> No.23215675

True. Im distancing myself from feeling those emotions again because it wont bring anything good. The feelings of regret, anger, sadness, unfairness regarding being social outcast are futile. Theres no point in digging there as they're simply reactions to that situation.

>> No.23215680


>> No.23215692

Here richly, with ridiculous display,
The Politician's corpse was laid away.
While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged
I wept: for I had longed to see him hanged.

>> No.23215753

It sounds like you have considered whether interrogating your past might bring some good, and you've determined that it won't and would be merely an unpleasant act of futility. It makes sense that dwelling on the past for its own sake wouldn't bring any benefit, but I might challenge the notion that doing so in a guided and intentional way is devoid of benefit. Sometimes what you find with folks who reject thinking about the past is a cycle of avoidance — I don't want to think about the past because it was painful, but my present life is difficult because of that pain, and I can't reconcile what's happened in the past because I'm so focused on the difficulty the pain has brought me. Engaging with the past productively can be one avenue toward breaking that cycle.

>> No.23215776

Depression and anxiety is coming back
I dont want to go on SSRIs again

>> No.23215800

Those past events (or rather lack of them) are forever sealed in the past, there's no redoing that. No second chance. Even if I manage to drain the emotions, they still generate the never ending amount for as long as I live. It also doesnt help that the lack of it is constantly reminded upon interacting or seeing people. I dont see any productive way of engaging with the past if theres no way of changing it.

>> No.23215805

why not

>> No.23215841

> I dont see any productive way of engaging with the past if theres no way of changing it.
I know it can feel like an all-or-nothing thing. What's been your experience in exploring productive ways of engaging with the past? (Speaking with a trained professional, etc.)

>> No.23215862

I'm currently in a therapy but it doesnt seem like I'm getting anywhere. More like circling around something. It doesnt help that I'm in my 30's and still cannot resolve my problems like somekind of young teen.

>> No.23215868

i cant take this anymore. living is awful. ill never have a good past or a future.

>> No.23215894

Do you mean that your experiences in therapy feel like you're talking around the subject without engaging with it directly?

>> No.23215896

It’s a problem for political conservatives and right wingers that North America has no Western political history which pre-dates the 18th century revolutions and which isn’t merely a colony. Americans are stuck drawing on a history that is either liberal or non-Western.

>> No.23215907

That too but mainly I'm obsessed about not feeling making any progress.

>> No.23215921

Implying the colonists didn't bring their heritage and culture with them

>> No.23215930

And the leftoids ideas predate the 18th Century?
Boil in shit nigger

>> No.23215943

That's interesting to me — I've been picking up the same fragments here during our exchange. What do you make of that?

> It doesnt help that I'm in my 30's and still cannot resolve my problems like somekind of young teen.
I wouldn't be so quick with this line of thinking. Pursuing therapy in itself is an ambitious step forward, and it's fallacy to assume that most teens possess that level of self-direction and capacity for growth. It's also not the case that many teens, even if they are in therapy, are ready to move forward. (I'm a clinical therapist who tends to gravitate toward cases like yours.)

>> No.23215955

The absolute state of women.

Either their cries about objectification or they make themself a sex object as good as they can.

Call me a B00mer, a c00mer or whatver, but I don't want it any other.
I like the pieces of female beauty in my life, even if I know I will never get any. Fuck off, unsure incels...

>> No.23215971
File: 375 KB, 1234x518, RCQwp6V7IwE3z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It’s a problem for political conservatives and right wingers that North America has no Western political history which pre-dates the 18th century revolutions and which isn’t merely a colony.
> Americans are stuck drawing on a history that is either liberal or non-Western.

I don't care much about the USA.
But I can say that Thetcher was right.

>> No.23215984

I guess it's interesting to talk with someone about it. I've heard that even putting problem into words is itself is a part of resolution.
>step forward
Sure, I dont deny that but it's like I've said that it's just too late for somethings. Even if I get somehow better, there's no redoing of the past, only trying to rebuild a miserable shack out of burned logs.
>towards cases like yours
Does it even get better at some point or it's just coping from my part till eventual death?

>> No.23216001

Pros and cons of marrying a brown girl as a white guy? I was hesitant about race-mixing, now I'm having second thoughts. Can someone give me a rundown?

>> No.23216016

I've read a book about psychotherapies by a author who was a critic. This main thesis was:
"If psychotherapy were a medicine, it would not be approved. The reason is that there are too few double-blind trials."

I see the good for some people who really needs recent help but in generall, I doubt the potential of a psychotherapy to improve the life.

I know, it's the false situation to say something and it's still better to go to a certificated therapiest than a sect or whatever.

Sometimes, it's just help to talk to a good friend.

The only therapy with proveable effect was behavioristic. So, you either get conditionated like a rat or you make something a good friend would do under better circumstances.

The suffering of young males is simply not on the radar of your current elites.

T. Morron who can't shoot up

>> No.23216025

Brown as in South Asian/Middle Eastern or brown as in Hispanic?

>> No.23216041

>Even if I get somehow better, there's no redoing of the past, only trying to rebuild a miserable shack out of burned logs.
A big part of my experience as a therapist has been the clients' realization that rebuilding a shack, as you say it, can be the first step toward renovating a home. Of course your first iteration isn't going to be a finished midcentury townhouse — it might feel more like a mobile home, and that's okay, because you've been emotionally homeless the past 15 years. You're learning how to self-actualize on an emotional level. Many people never achieve that.

>Does it even get better at some point or it's just coping from my part till eventual death?
My line of work wouldn't exist if it didn't help people, anon. You're just waiting for a switch to click in your head. Keep looking for that switch.

What's been your personal experience with therapy?

>Sometimes, it's just help to talk to a good friend.
The issue with this is that most people are very bad at listening because most people haven't received the necessary training to not interject with their opinions and advice. Most "good friends," even, are just waiting for their turn to speak. Processing emotional shit with a skilled professional is such a unique experience that I think it's worth pursuing for at least one episode in your life, even if you choose not to continue with it. That type of processing has been shown to have positive impacts on behavior, self-resilience, self-concept, and other measures of mental wellness, regardless of what that author might have suggested in his book.

>> No.23216048

Either of them, pakis if possible but they don't racemix as far as I'm concerned

>> No.23216050

>too few double-blind trials."
You can't do a blind trial of psychotherapy. You can however judge by outcomes, and the largest problem for western medicine is that schizophrenics get worst under western medicine. There's a secondary problem which is being obscured by other pharmacological ethical problems like the opiate crisis, which is the Prozac generation is likely to die younger with more debility from anxiety or depression diagnoses than if they'd not received treatment. Occasionally other branches of science or medicine discuss whether it's ethical to continue considering the provably worse outcomes, but nobody's actually going to admit liability for a disease burden larger than cancer. It's like trying to get British American Tobacco to admit they know it causes cancer.

>> No.23216053

It just feels like it's too late and especially when I had a solid chance to fixing myself by going to therapy when I was 16. It didnt last though.
so it's not a gradual progress but rather switch when everything just clicks?

>> No.23216054


>> No.23216071

>so it's not a gradual progress but rather switch when everything just clicks?
It's both, but the switch comes first. It's not a switch in the sense of, "I've flicked this lightswitch and now I can see everything, and my life is miraculously better." It's a switch in the sense of, "now I understand that I've been comparing myself to what I could've been had I avoided [X negative experience], and that kind of comparing has only brought me negative outcomes, but I find that life is worth living even if I can't approximate a perfect existence."

The fact that you're asking this is indicative of change talk, which I think is a positive sign for you.

>> No.23216079

Are you conflating psychiatry and psychotherapy?

>> No.23216111

No, you can do double blind trials of psychiatric drugs, and twin studies, but it's literally impossible to do a blind trial of psychotherapies because the patient is an active participant in therapy and it's even more impossible to do a double blind trial because the therapist is aware they're doing therapy.

>> No.23216112

Some part wants to change but a big part doesnt in a way of being overprotective from even bigger disappointment and regret, like being constantly unhappy than being happy and then plunging into such despair that I end up killing myself.

Which branch do you utilize in your therapeutic approach?

>> No.23216115

> What's been your personal experience with therapy?

I never was in treatment. Besides phyically.

> That type of processing has been shown to have positive impacts on behavior, self-resilience, self-concept, and other measures of mental wellness, regardless of what that author might have suggested in his book.

He or she addressed it.
But, as I said, he or she comes from a skeptical viewpoint. So, the book argued that most of the bettering in the situation of the patients are the effect of simply regress to the mean.
The therapy itself could be made by an actor and complitly nonsensical. And there could be some positive change found.

Learn to life with the mental problem, he warned, could just be learn how to describe it better in a clinical terminaly. What doesn't mean that the suffering will be any better.

The author highliegted the so called "worried well". They take recources from the healthcare system from people who need it more, in this case, places in therapy.

Unfortunately, the book was never published in English.

>> No.23216155

So we all know about the pros of Asian women, what about the pros of brown women?

>> No.23216179

The reason I ask is because the bulk of the example you provided had to do with medication and pharmacology which, while often coupled with psychotherapy, is distinct from talk therapy. That's why I asked.

I find it interesting that you've gravitated toward parts-talk without being prompted. Does your therapist operate from a psychodynamic lens? I think you'd be a good candidate for it. Psychoanalysis falls under the psychodynamic umbrella. The goal with psychoanalysis to bring unconscious conflicts to consciousness, with the purpose of enabling insight and emotional resolution, ultimately leading to symptom relief and personal growth. This is in contrast to behaviorist therapies like CBT and DBT, which focus more on the input and output of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. CBT/DBT can feel very routinized whereas psychodynamic is more organic.

A parts-work therapist might suggest that you've got two parts competing internally: a change-seeking and a protective part. The protective part wants to help you by resisting any change that might lead to greater disappointment and despair. This protective part fears a firefighter scenario that might arise from the change-seeking part creating a situation in which you'd experience acute distress from changing too much, too soon. The goal of parts-work therapy would be to help you negotiate with the protective part to lower its defenses and allow your change-seeking part to manifest.

It's a little uncanny how you seem to have hit the nail on the head. You might be further along than you think.

>> No.23216210

new >>23216208

>> No.23216211

>Does your therapist operate from a psychodynamic lens?
If I remember correctly he operates under psychodynamic psychoanalysis.
>protective part to lower its defenses and allow your change-seeking part to manifest
That seems to be true and in most areas there's a interchangeable mix between change and protection except one where there's a 100% protection. It's easier for me to see people as split objects either good or bad, otherwise they become too unpredictable.

>> No.23216214

> You can't do a blind trial of psychotherapy.

You can hire an actor who made some nonsense and compare this to real therapists, of cource.

> Occasionally other branches of science or medicine discuss whether it's ethical to continue considering the provably worse outcomes, but nobody's actually going to admit liability for a disease burden larger than cancer.

It's another issue but I'm a militant anti-smoker irl.

Don't you see a problem with a claim which can't empirical tested?

Do you mean pakistianie women?

Isn't it a sin in Islam to marry outside of the group and being a woman?

>> No.23216349

Of course they did but that’s not an American heritage. If Americans asserted that politically, they’d be asserting their role as a colony.

Leftists aren’t conservative dunbass they have no need or desire to draw on the past for a political future.

Philosophy is also a product of history. Britain is an irrelevant island now by the way and philosophically justifies denying its own history. So your reply is funny.

>> No.23216355

Also what does she think Christianity is non-philosophical? Does she think America isn’t also a product of history. This quote makes no fucking sense. You’re a pseud for thinking this is correct or profound. This is actually fucking retarded on second glance.

>> No.23216384

I think race is real and in so far as one or the other race tends to have traits unique to it, you lessen the likelihood of those traits of your own in your descendants if you race mix.

For some reason, everyone accepts the reality of breeding when it comes to horses, or dogs, or any other animal, but not people. Until proven otherwise, I will assume people function similarly. And this is the traditional view by the way. Good breeding has always been highly valued, even by the plebs in Rome and peasants in France. They just weren’t able to get the best of it. The denial of this is a uniquely modern delusion.

I think the worries about racism or cultural confusion or whatever else are secondary to this obvious fact. Maybe those are considerations too though. What if you had sons with a very short Japanese girl? They might be giants by Japanese standards but manlets by Western standards. You want your kids to succeed don’t you? Does that mean you’re willing to raose them in Japan and not the West. If they have black skin, will he they treated as if they were black? People will say this is racist but they are realities that must be considered.

>> No.23216397

As far as I can tell, there aren’t any. They’re just as entitled and degenerate as white women and have less desirable genes in general. A small minority of brown women are very attractive but it’s a very small minority. The same is true of Asians but Asians make better wives and mothers on average as far as I can tell.

I guess you can’t deny love, but I’m too jaded to allow a space for that. For me, dating and marriage are about pleasure and breeding.

>> No.23216589

>You can hire an actor who made some nonsense and compare this to real therapists, of cource.
You can't ethically do that.
>Don't you see a problem with a claim which can't empirical tested
Double blind are necessarily the best way of empirically testing anything. There's plenty of cases where they're not just unethical, but impractical. Saying you can't double blind something doesn't mean it can't be empirically tested, and if it did then we'd have never worked out navigation or time or a wealth of other things which can be directly empirically tested.

>> No.23216593

Double blinds *aren't*