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2321052 No.2321052 [Reply] [Original]

Movies that are better than the book?

>> No.2321057


and the movie was mediocre

>> No.2321060

everything directed by kubrick except lolita

anything based on stephen king with maybe a couple exceptions

>> No.2321067

ITT: Retards who don't understand that books are books, and movies are movies - and saying dumb shit like "The book was better" makes you sound like a member of the Opera Book Club, at best.

>> No.2321098

I like Philip K. Dick, and I'm really sorry I'm going to offend his fans, but I thought Blade Runner was better than Do Androids....

>> No.2321101

American Psycho

>> No.2321115

Fight club.

>> No.2321119
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>> No.2321132
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Shouldn't offend anyone.

>> No.2321157

Holy shit.
I don't remember Blade Runner being that good. I guess I should rewatch.

>> No.2321169


>> No.2321172

I don't know how many people I've heard say that the future depicted in Blade Runner is a lot like now.

>> No.2321178

Maybe just a bit. Dick died before the premiere, but he was, however, shown the mattes and special effects made for the film and was supposedly mindblown that the film captured the look of the novel so well. Source is that Blade Runner documentary. Dangerous Days I think it was called.

>> No.2321187


>> No.2321188

The letter above is a response to a TV segment he saw that had a clip of the film and an interview with Harrison Ford.

>> No.2321189

u gay???

>> No.2321196

definitely fight club because the story and the rhytme do a better movie than a book

>> No.2321209

>anything based on stephen king

You mean those hundreds of direct-to-dvd productions? I guess you either hate Stephen King or you didn't watch most films based on his books.

>> No.2321212

Movies tell you what things are, books suggest it

>> No.2321213

that's based on a play

>> No.2321217


>> No.2321224

>The Shawshank Redemption
>Stand By Me
>The Shining

Few screenwriters ever write four different films that are among the best films out of Hollywood like that.

>> No.2321223
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>> No.2321234

>Room 1408
>The Lawnmower Ma
>Night Flier

>> No.2321240

I do kind of hate Stephen King, yes.

>> No.2321242
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>Frank Darabont; starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman
>Stanley Kubrick
>Rob Reiner
>Rob Reiner

>Few screenwriters ever write four different films that are among the best films out of Hollywood like that.
>Stephen King

>> No.2321249


The best King adaptations are Carrie, The Dead Zone (Cronenberg), and Christine. The Shining is also great. Don't care for those other ones

>> No.2321250

Good, that's what I wanted to know.

To say IT was better as a film than as a book is absolutely wrong though, no matter how much you hate King.

>> No.2321320
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>didn't care for the Shawshank Redemption

>> No.2321321


>Doesn't care for Misery
>Doesn't care for Stand By Me
>Doesn't care for the Shawshank Redemption

Damn ...

>> No.2322719

Shawshank is entertaining, but not a great movie. Stand By Me isn't interesting on any level at all. Haven't seen Misery

>> No.2322733
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Starship Troopers.

But that has more to do with my political views than the quality of the movie. Both movie and book were shit in that regard.

>> No.2322738

fuck you

that movie was garbage and the director didn't even read the book

>> No.2322744

godfather, raging bull, sleepers, let the right one in, schindler's list, psycho, naked lunch, wizard of oz, gone with the wind, forrest gump....

>> No.2322745


The movie is a satire of the book. They take opposite political stances. The book glorifies militaristic fascism. The movie is antiwar, and depicts how individual soldiers are brainwashed and used as expendable tools.

The book has Heinlein's shitty writing. The movie has cheesy and gratuitous action and sex scenes.

Like I said, both are shitty, but the movie wins on politics. It could have been classic with a few changes.

>> No.2322750

BattleField Earth

>> No.2322752

umm no. it is entertaining because it is so great.

>> No.2322753
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whoah, whoah, back up on Naked Lunch, that's fucking lichricha

>> No.2322754

gotta mention Die Hard, Children of Men, Goodfella, and Dune, too. I think Mary Poppins was books first as well.

The Prestige, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Jaws. OK I'm all out.

>> No.2322757
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>> No.2322760
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Hang on.
....did you just say Dune was a better movie than book?

>> No.2322762


He's just trolling. No one thinks the movie is better than the book.


>> No.2322767


If I'm going to sleep peacefully ever again, I have to believe so.

>> No.2322769

David Lynch's mother?