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23208675 No.23208675 [Reply] [Original]

we need to talk edition
prev >>23201290

>> No.23208692

Coomer whore jezebel edition

>> No.23208700
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This is stupid, I'm going to another reality. See you guys later.

>> No.23208708

Sometimes I feel so disconnected from base, everyday pleasures that I think there's something very wrong with me. Everybody else is able to enjoy things like drugs, alcohol, sex, and other convivial activities. Why can't I shut my brain off long enough to enjoy stupid people shit?

>> No.23208716
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I arrived at midnight, a few weeks later, to a hospital southeast of Petersburg. An older nurse interviewed me for a short time before sitting me at a table in the vacant dayroom. I was immediately unsettled by the oppressive atmosphere, unidentifiable stains, fist-sized dents, cracks in the walls and floor-tiles, and constant mumbling— It was then that my anxiety became overwhelming; My body began trembling in such a dramatic fashion that it caught the attention of the two whispering technicians behind the desk.

The nurse returned at the request of the technicians, and all three attempted to calm me. I do not know why, but my mouth would not open— instead, I simply trembled violently in the chair. After several attempts to ask me what was wrong, they sent for a second nurse who arrived with a syringe of yellow fluid. I refused the medication— in response, they forced me into my room, where I fought back for several minutes. When I was finally subdued my body relaxed, and the nurse injected me with the medication. I quickly fell asleep under the effects of the drugs, weak and humiliated.

The following morning I was interviewed in bed by the psychiatrist Dr. S—. I spoke little, and after he left I drifted back to sleep— only to be awoken by an attractive woman of thirty-six who introduced herself as my counsellor, Ms. L—. I refused to answer and turned in my bed, hoping that she would leave. To my surprise, she walked all the way around and reintroduced herself— I turned again, only for her to reintroduce herself on the other side... For some reason I smiled at the absurdity, the first time I had genuinely done so in over a year. She smiled back.

She didn't pressure me for any answers; I suspect that she knew I didn't want to talk. Over the course of a few days I opened up to her by bits and pieces, and she learned of my love for reading. A week later and to my bewilderment, she had brought a book from an author I had mentioned. A pit formed in my stomach. The same feeling of mysterious pressure and anxiety that I experienced with the Christmas gift returned, though I accepted the gift.

I finished reading it before our next meeting. I noticed the sticker showed its purchase date: One week before she gave it to me. I cried myself to sleep.

Upon our meeting, I requested that she never purchase another book for me. By the next week, she had brought another. Though her kindness nauseated and terrified me, I slowly grew more comfortable with her. I never truly opened up— I spoke vaguely and never much about my childhood. At times I withdrew, afraid that she would reject me, or perhaps that she would think I was lying. She would always continue to gently pry, and if I didn't speak, she would simply arrive with another book and a kind smile. These small gestures may not have seemed much to her, but they gave me treasured, unexplainable feelings I cannot understand.

All of this was to be destroyed by

>> No.23208732

Stop hating women.

>> No.23208745

>freest of all things
>love and hate
Neither love nor hate are free at all. Each intrinsically involves another, at least, and most usually involves many others. No one has ever been free in love or hate.

>> No.23208746
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I now hate women even more after reading your post because you reminded me that gay retards defend them for free

>> No.23208751
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I unironically can't tell what the moral here is.

>> No.23208757

He's seeing his real self in the mirror after having turned himself into a disgraziato and destroying all chances he has to ascend in this lifetime (and burdening himself with future lifetimes of karmic self-damage to work off just to get back where he started).

>> No.23208760

Gay retards like legendary knights and great gentlemen, you mean? Like Theseus? Like the men who built civilization, you mean? Barbarian scum.

>> No.23208766 [DELETED] 

There isn't one. It's just dumbass tranny coomer shit which should not be posted on this board.

>> No.23208767

girl sex

>> No.23208768

It's just dumbass tranny coomer shit which should not be posted on this board.

>> No.23208783
File: 63 KB, 800x628, TATE_TATE_N05504_10-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a 140x200cm painting but if i do that it wont fit inside my house since it cannot go up the stairs. I could remove it from the stretcherbars but that will probably fuck up the painting. So frustrating.

>> No.23208784

The great, heroic struggles of my life:
>Not masturbating to porn everyday
>Walking straight, speaking loud, looking people in the eye when talking to them

>> No.23208794


>> No.23208800

it's funny how chuds are just porn addicts. You know democracy and women are safe when all they can do is jacking in a paper tissue hahahahha

>> No.23208809

Is this loss?

>> No.23208814

>60-70% of young men involuntarily single and frustrated
>no one buying into society or caring if it fails
>hatred of system for abandoning them
anon they're just as dangerous by simply doing nothing and checking out of the system

who do you think maintains your "democracy" (hedonistic post-liberal megalopolitan orgyporgy)? middle class men working jobs, formerly because it used to provide them with a good life and a family, which it doesn't anymore

>> No.23208818

just publish your novel already, instead of forcing it down my throat

>> No.23208822
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>"democracy" (hedonistic post-liberal megalopolitan orgyporgy)

>> No.23208826

but that's how theives steal paintings, it seems fine then

>> No.23208830
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>> No.23208844

The only way I'd let you talk is with my cock in your mouth

>> No.23208849

NTA but why? Every broad I ever dated was a massive whore. I'm 41 and never been married. Why wouldn't I hate women?

>> No.23208858

Fortuna's wheel is spinning upwards.

>> No.23208871

they damage them by doing this though

>> No.23208915

Old people are inconsiderate and rude. I hate going to the supermarket when it’s packed with them

>> No.23208931

Work is going well but that means my days are slow since there's not much going on.
I'm doing practically nothing and it's getting to the point where even I have a problem with it.

Oh well, done in 45 minutes.

>> No.23208935


>> No.23208939

What do you do for work?

>> No.23208943

Thieves mostly cut them (and a lot of large paintings come with a knife to cut them if there's a fire). Anon can just leave wide margins and stretch it to size where he wants the painting.

>> No.23208951

Supervisor for a construction company.
Specifically we're making a baggage belt system for the airport.
There were days where it was hectic, very hectic.
But now it's all smooth and all I do is sit here in my container office, go out on the site 6/7 times a day and talk to the people/walk around.
Most exciting thing today was buying a tool and driving to this company that had a boomlift to rent out (didn't work out, wasn't fit for where we wanted to use it).
I've been shitposting on 4chan and twitter for most of the time.

>> No.23208974
File: 224 KB, 395x409, 1710998087560109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try some Bambi Sleeps, it can't be that powerful right?

>> No.23208976

>I'm 41
If you're that old, on a literature board, yet still need to be told, you're beyond my help. But if every woman you've dated was a massive whore, you're the problem. You don't have enough wisdom, so you can't even identify a good woman.

>> No.23209024
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it's true

>> No.23209051

>every time a woman does something bad it's a man's fault
You are their slave, you perpetuate the dogma of their slave-religion

The oldhead is right

>> No.23209084

Today's wordle is decay

>> No.23209085

A happening and just when I'm about to get off from work.

>> No.23209094
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i fucking hate old people so much.. their brains are actively rotting and it always shows
>hmhmhm but muh respect

won't be me tho, gotta stay fit and take hrt

>captcha error 2x

>> No.23209099

>islamic terror attack in Russia

>> No.23209116

Confirmed Islamic?
If it's Ukranian it could get hairy

>> No.23209119

So far it looks like ISIS. Russia has been engaging with islamists recently

>> No.23209140

I dunno about you guys but I actually think service workers losing their jobs to automation is a good thing. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been thrown out of establishments for bring up FBI crime stats or inconvenient truths about the jews, and to be fair the fact they're working for pennies on the dime just makes the food taste so much better. slavery makes the food taste savory, as they say.

>> No.23209142

good thing HRT will make you as weak as they are so you can get your bones snapped and forced to take senior dick up your ass for the rest of your life.

>> No.23209146

All of those men were rapists.

>> No.23209152

Wordle is for boys. Connections is for men.

>> No.23209153

Real women are so lazy and low effort they have somehow managed to cure my transphobia. Now even males can be better women than real women. Let that sink in.

>> No.23209155

Rape is morally correct.

>> No.23209162
File: 153 KB, 320x272, ooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for spelling it out mr dubsman

>> No.23209164

>HRT will make you weak
>senior dick up your ass

>> No.23209166
File: 177 KB, 1293x1940, 20240322_192442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't hate women
Why do you guys hate women so much? I can't bring myself to hate them.

>> No.23209176

I just hate my mom and by projection all women

>> No.23209188

I read in 48 laws of power that what you can't get you must view with disdain, that way you take away all the power from the thing you can't have and you shouldn't seethe so much.
But I guess it doesn't work because these posts just read like fox and grapes shit.

>> No.23209195

Comes from mom constantly yelling at us to clean our rooms while we were trying to finish Kant's third critique

>> No.23209206

idk I figured people getting angry about women also get angry about a lot of things most people find cuddly

>> No.23209218

Old people use their age to get away with shit they couldnt if they were younger

>> No.23209219

And I would have too if not for it

>> No.23209225

I would hate cuddly things too if I were lawfully required to treat them as my moral, intellectual, and political equals

>> No.23209235

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.

>> No.23209240

>Anon would hate rabbits and chinchillas if they had rights
You're not allowed rights or to pet kittens or to talk about politics with leverets

>> No.23209241

Anyone here ever make a pretty drastic change in lifestyle and have it work out?

I’m currently an academic pursuing a PhD while I work part-time at the university but I’m having a sort of one-third life crisis and have gotten it into my head that I should drop out to go work farms and ranches while I backpack my way to Mexico. I’m just so tired of this lame inert boring life. I would buy a small farm for myself to drop out if I could afford it, but I can’t. So my options seem to be either doing this or leaning full-tilt into my career and boring ass life.

>> No.23209250

But farm life is the most boring shit imaginable. There's a reason the entire western world escaped from it over the course of the 20th century.

>> No.23209258

See? Beyond help. You'll keep telling yourself the problem is women to your grave. Plato was right.

>> No.23209262

Every knight and gentleman was a rapist? Shut the fuck up, Mohammed tranny. No one is buying that shit.

>> No.23209264

stop being mean to your grandparents zoom zoom

>> No.23209276
File: 153 KB, 1500x840, candle-lighting-skulls-bones-pile-on-Halloween-Skull-And-Bones-ss-Featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well lets see, six women I dated were massive whores incapable of introspection and accountability and the seventh one tried filling rape charges on me, constantly got in trouble in school for "harassment" because of my shitty social skills that were impaired by autism which not only got me sent to saturday school but my half-sister witnessed this being that she was only two or three years younger than me growing up and constantly got asked in school about my behavior and developed a complex over it and projected it on to me and my mother is a condescending negative nancy, so that whenever I improve in leap in bounds she picks up the one thing I have a deficit in and harps on it everytime she calls my apartment. but I'm the bad guy, apparently.

why do you think?

>> No.23209298


>> No.23209309

you know shes basically a prostitute

>> No.23209318

but enough about your mother

>> No.23209329

did you read today?

>> No.23209335

yeah. what about you?

>> No.23209339

You sound like a swell guy, a real winner

>> No.23209340

They say write what you know so I'm cooking up a short story about a guy who falls in love with a vtuber. Something about social isolation and the nature of parasocial relationships.

>> No.23209342

sarcasm aside, I feel that I am, regardless of the opinions of others.

>> No.23209348

>60-70% of young men involuntarily single
I don't believe you

The common factor here is you, yes

>> No.23209351

I feel like an outcast here as I get along much better with girls than men. Never had an issue with women. No, I’m not gay. Guys either get insecure around me, or gay. I won’t look a man in the eyes anymore as too many have gotten gay

>> No.23209352

only 20 pages

>> No.23209353

>why do all these fags want to fuck me so much???

>> No.23209355

you'd think but actually no. how am I fault for the actions of others? you a roastie or something?

>> No.23209357

I don't speak zoomer. I'm 41.

>> No.23209365

Isn't that like writing about cold when you've never experienced hot?

>> No.23209367

were it interesting?

>> No.23209368

I'm now gender X (unspecified) according to the state.
Feel free to use whatever pronouns you wish. The concept of preferred pronouns always struck me as imperialist.

>> No.23209369

I don't understand the theory of multiverses. In fact, there are two theories. The first one is the Universe destroying itself and recreating itself in a loop, thus creating seemingly infinite Universes every time on a scale impossible to understand by men, thus creating men with slightly different conditions every time. This one would make sense IF there was an actual explanation as to how the Universe just spontaneously contract and re-explode. It's not making sense in my head. Perhaps I lack the physics knowledge. The second is the theory that every man-made choice leads to a parallel Universe. This one is shit. Who developed that stupid theory? Why would man matter in the grand scheme? In my opinion there is only one Universe. We invent parallel selves because that helps us cope with our current condition : "Oh, here I am an outcast and I am retarded! But elsewhere I am a Chad," this is not reality. People need to change.

>> No.23209380
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>incapable of introspection and accountability

>> No.23209384

It's nice to have some shared interests :3

>> No.23209385

My flat smells of laundry detergent and my dealer is coming over. I saw two very cool rooks today. Further updates as events warrant.

>> No.23209396

If a rabbits vote were equal to mine then yeah I'd come to resent rabbits pretty quick

>> No.23209399

Listen to this guy >>23209250 farming is boring and it fucking sucks. If you think living in a university city and engaging with complex ideas all day, every day is boring and stifling you would kill yourself on a farm in Tijuana. It’s just a case of a but-what-if-my-life-was-awesome daydream that everyone has every now and again. The actual reality of backpacking and farming is that it sucks, just like everything else in life that people do for work. I knew a guy that got trench foot and pneumonia backpacking the Appalachian trail because it rained for a week and a half straight and his foot has yet to fully recover.

>> No.23209404

5 pages on anti-industrialism
5 pages on a gold digger and an old fart
5 pages on a leisure class cocktease
5 pages on anti-intellectualism

>> No.23209407

>t. never went backpacking
Literal retard.

>> No.23209409

>I'm now gender X (unspecified) according to the state.
Why? Enby, trans or some political statement?

>> No.23209418

Are hecking epic life experiences worth potentially dying or losing a limb? For me? No.

>> No.23209421

I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.23209425

You can go backpacking without dying. I get that the fantasy farm life is a larp, but outdoor hobbies are great. Don't be such a bug man.

>> No.23209426

You have to be retarded or completely careless to get trench foot while backpacking. Backpacking is ridiculously safe, even safer satistically than any major city.

>> No.23209427

Seneca's temperament and sense of autonomy combine beautifully here. His good nature is astonishing even in writing from so remote a time.

>> No.23209430

Nothing. I was just messing with you.

>> No.23209435
File: 147 KB, 640x906, 8d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because I didn't read Sprengler but I never understood this cycle. If it is meant to happen, why fight it?

>> No.23209436 [DELETED] 

This girl online is saying that I'm a good boy.

>> No.23209437

Look up the definition of "unspecified"

>> No.23209456

>hard times prompt invention
>Invention creates good times
>strongmen wreck it all.

>> No.23209457
File: 486 KB, 2000x2497, tavi-gevinson-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like too many russian women

>> No.23209472

That's funny. I'm catfishing some loser and he loves it when I call him a good boy

>> No.23209478

>t. dog

>> No.23209490

You'd think this is an insult but in actuality it just increases arousal

>> No.23209502

who's a good boy?

>> No.23209507
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>> No.23209511

are you castling

>> No.23209532

The entire sex-politics/feminism problem of the west has a simple solution; actually masculine driven unselfish men.
We're just whining at women for being silly whores but the truth is they will never submit to weak men. The onus is on men to see the problems of the world and find their power, and get to work. Men are total clowns now, just focused on finding the path of least resistance through life, finding a job they find enjoyable but more likely they'll settle for tolerable. You need to take responsibility and see that the only people capable of changing this world are white men, you still have that power, it's just brainwashing trying to tell you you don't.
Most of the time the women in a relationship is actually more competent at engaging with the world and society than men are. They're just vaguely attracted to your shape and mannerisms because you vaguely resemble the men of yore. But really you're a toy, not something they need, just an emotional support clown who boosts her self esteem.
But speaking from experience, if you actually commit yourself to exterior goals and use all your intelligence and power to pursue them then you are much more powerful than women. And when you're like this women suddenly start acting all feminine around you. You need to be able to offer something she can't get by herself, and something that most men can't either. And if your goal is noble and aimed towards the flourishing of your community, country, generation or what have you then they treat you like a prince.

Really it's this simple. All these problems will be fixed by masculine, competent, powerful, unselfish white men. The women just fall into their natural role. The problem will not be fixed from the other end.
If anyone's curious I can share what my goal is and how I came to it and why.

>> No.23209562 [DELETED] 

Shitposting keeps my brain occupied in a constant state of self-loathing while subverting my suicidal ideation. I need to stop so I can go ahead and die. I'm losing the will to shitpost anyway.

>> No.23209564

Don't kill yourself coward.

>> No.23209566

let me die
still wishing god had mercy on me
what did I even do
i can't believe this nightmate's real
there's no one

>> No.23209570

>powerful, unselfish white men
lmao, even

>> No.23209576

It was a dog vtuber

>> No.23209580

get the fuck outta here you ESL retard

>> No.23209583

Literally what. Are you saying that can't happen anymore, or it's never happened or what.

>> No.23209582

please dont send me to hell for suicide
let my soul be annihilated
please let me wake up back to normal
i would try, even if i still wanted to die
if i could get another chance

>> No.23209586

No just looking at animals being friends. I did see a chessboard painted on the street except that was separate to the rooks
True rabbitism has never been tried

>> No.23209601

Meeeeeee :3

>> No.23209609

You're not a boy.

>> No.23209613

just realized i'm posting in /r9k/

>> No.23209618


The western world “escaped” farm life because it became untenable and urbanization allowed the masses to make a living. Do you think Southern Italians that lost their farm work wanted to live in bunks in New York? No. They had little choice. It’s where the money was. Do you think Irish farmers wanted to go to Appalachia and work coal mines? No. It’s where the money was. It’s always about money, and now that we’re at a point where this sort of city cubicle life is just as economically untenable as small time farming, the question is why should it be preferred. If you really think it’s more boring than pointing and clicking in excel, you are just kidding yourself and must be very young.

People have a desperate need to participate in organic modes of life that allow them to see sunlight and make connections and change things with their hands and form intimate connections with people. If farm life slows them to do that and other lifestyles don’t, it’s totally natural to want to become a farmer.

You don’t even really believe it’s more exciting to be like a financial analyst or programmer, I bet. You’d have to be an undergraduate or younger to imagine it is.

>> No.23209622

nuhuh we thesaurus bash even when there's not a robot

>> No.23209624

So if a girl’s really into horses, what are the odds she’s fucked up or had some traumatic experience?

>> No.23209625

Why is half this thread tranny shit

Why don't mods delete this demoralization psyop garbage

>> No.23209627

Read Marnie

>> No.23209630

Mods are told that gookmoot wants traffic. This site caters to women, tranny, and liberal bashing. Ye olde 4chan is gone

>> No.23209631

He never calls you to fight it. He calls you to maximize the possibilities contained within your time, so the call for us is basically to make a Western imperium and make it the greatest empire history has ever known.

But it’s hard to square Spengler with what is happening before our eyes today. If it really was inevitable we should be living through times of Sullas and Mariuses and precursors to political greatness, but instead we have a total freak show.

I think if he wouldn’t reassess his ideas, he would despise what this civilization morphed into thus far.

>> No.23209632

You're going to have a lot of problems with what books say

>> No.23209634

>demoralization psyop
Do you really think Cia glow niggers sit on /wwoym/ threads to make coomer posts all day?

>> No.23209637

I mean, what would you do with a government job?

>> No.23209645

I have a government job, but this isn't what I get paid to do

>> No.23209660

There is no such thing as Success. Or, if you like to put it so, there is nothing that is not successful.

>> No.23209663

Semantics and tautology is a distraction from meaningful philosophy.

>> No.23209664

connections is either trivially easy or complete bullshit with incredibly tenuous links between words but also deliberately muddled such that you have the exact idea in mind, select three out of four correct options, but oops! the last one is wrong because it actually does fit the theme but isn't correct

>> No.23209667

Strands is for patricians.

>> No.23209683

What you replied to me is irrelevant to my quote taken from an essay about materialism.

>> No.23209695

---- Solaria ----
Urbane Explorer

Very Long Baseline Radio Interferometry
Seems kind of obvious in principle

Compared to anything one encounters in world alpha cities
Or in parks where the real exceeds the imagination.

>> No.23209698

>What you replied to me is irrelevant
No, it isn't.

>> No.23209714

In English, doc. Without the buzzwords this time.

>> No.23209715
File: 194 KB, 1440x1719, liliana-garcia-186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a job and might get DIY HRT in a month or two.

>> No.23209723

Fuck off to /lgbt/ you retarded troon

>> No.23209728

How is it relevant?

>> No.23209730

That's very easy with hints.

>> No.23209745

That's l like 90% of women

>> No.23209751

Yeah. That's why I play without hints.

Why do you think my attack on semantics and tautology can't be relevant to Chesterton's essay about materialism?

>> No.23209759

go back to your containment board, creep

>> No.23209760

Why don't you just say how it is? I don't see how it's relevant.

>> No.23209771

---- Solaria ----
Planetary Petite Trianon

I wish you too, such views of the Pleiades
And sumptuous backyards.

>> No.23209802

I thought I had. Semantics and tautology don't add real value to any philosophical undertaking. That measure of inquiry has about the same worth as saying, "you know, there really is no such thing as evil, because what I deem evil is different from what you deem evil. So, really, we're all evil." That kind of statement is logically valid but doesn't tell me anything about what evil is, how evil is viewed, where the intersection is between good and evil, or anything else that's philosophically interesting.

The Chesterton essay rails against a very specific phenomenon (self-help books advertised to the masses, basically) and deconstructs the meaning of "success" in order to do so. That's fine, and you can do that, but it doesn't get to the root of the problem—all it's done is establish that success looks different for everyone. In Chesterton's words, a donkey is a successful donkey and a billionaire is a successful billionaire. I don't see too many folks getting duped into buying How to Be a Donkey self-help books, but I do see a lot of folks struggling toward self-actualization.

>> No.23209812

This is intriguing to me. This is clearly part of a larger project of yours. Can you please tell me more?

>> No.23209825

it's just a doujin. also 'gyuru'? it's spelled 'gyaru'.

>> No.23209830

The 80 year mark is almost here. The tide has turned. The Jews have pissed away the enormous amount of goodwill which was granted to them after World War II by the country which welcomed them more than any other country in human history and are now back where they were when St. Paul called them "enemies of the entire human race" (I Thess 2: 14-5.). The Zionist regime must be removed from power in Israel, just as the Apartheid regime was removed from power in South Africa. All Israel-American dual citizens must be removed from public office. The United States needs to support an immediate ceasefire and halt all weapons shipments to Israel. All foreign aid to Israel must now be routed to the Palestinians as reparation for war crimes committed against them and must be used for the reconstruction of what Israel has destroyed.

>> No.23209849

That's irrelevant because it's not a philosophical treatise. He says it's bad philosophy in the essay.

>> No.23209851

>muh hecking brown people genociderino
why are 21st century antisemites so often cucks to people who hate them? it's just pure coal. just admit they're pushing mass immigration and wars and make them stop doing that, then send them all to israel and unapologetically pursue white interests as they pursue jewish interests. it's not hard, well in concept anyway, it's definitely easier than moralfagging over governments doing normal shit though which will get you nowhere in the long run.

>> No.23209855

But they make it so easy to

>> No.23209901
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Unironically this game had a bigger effect on me than all the books I have read.

>> No.23209932

That's most women.

>> No.23209951

Not so much a project but a prolonged impulse. I was born in 1963 in Milwaukee Wisconsin, to an upper middle class family. It's more or less a lyric series, since i can't write much of anything unless in a very good mood. I'm not particularly literary, though my favorites in the canon are Whitman, Stevens, Bishop, James, Hawthorne, Moore. Of all ancient writers I find Seneca the most lovable.

>> No.23209958

>same age as my mom
>spends all his time on 4chan
whats your deal? just lonely?

>> No.23209974

He's a loser homo who missed out on being a beatnik

>> No.23209978

It reads like a travel log from a character in an Ursula K. Le Guin story, but not a travel log written by Le Guin -- more like as written by Asimov.

Too bad, I want to read the entire thing.

>> No.23209980
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I can't read and masturbate to visual novels because I'm reading an actual novel and I just realized that I can't hold two stories in my mind at once because then the importance lessens. Damn you miniscule attention span!

>> No.23209984
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I wish all midwits could learn to shut up and just enjoy their ignorance is bliss life.
There's nothing more obnoxious than listening to someone try to explain something that you already understand better than them.

>> No.23209994

>just lonely?
That partly. As for 4chud, let's just say that even in the splendid isolation I live in now, i can't be bothered unless pretty lit up. Guess I'm pretty much just bored this time of year.

>> No.23209996

Check out these quads

>> No.23209998
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This "Bambi Sleep" shit has to be fucking fake. I am a cis het male and I'll do the 20 Days to Bambi Takeover challenge.

Shit is gonna be easy.

>> No.23209999

I wanted to try opening a business. Just something humble. No real intention to make tons of money. I wanted to live and work out of it.
Turns out it's such a horrible nightmare of taxes, zoning, certifications, laws. Its just not worth it unless you're insane. And in many places its not even legal to live there.
So much for land of the free.

>> No.23210008

I was interested in playing it recently, but I don't want to emulate it on RP3+ and an authentic ds cartridge is too expensive.

>> No.23210009

Asimov was born almost two generations before me. It wasn't till the mid 80s that I discovered how much fun he was to read, in certain circumstances and seasons.

>> No.23210021

I guess what I'm really after is whether all of the entries in the compendium take place in the same world, from the same point of view, etc., and what you can tell me about that perspective.

>> No.23210037
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you're a kid try this

>> No.23210046
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I still don't know why ragebaiting/twitter/reddit screencaps threads are not a board wide instant ban.

>> No.23210109

What do Swedes think about joining NATO?

>> No.23210114

All of the entries are true to my experience as I can make them. For instance it's actually the case that in 1971 my dad rode a passenger jet that, going west, made the sun stand sill on the western horizon, and that my paternal grandfather was born 5 years before Queen Victoria's death. I watched the evacuation of Saigon on television, the death of the Soviet Union, the insane rise of social media, etc.


>> No.23210134

not a fan of it personally but the sheeple applaud it because putler could apparently launch an invasion across the baltic any dang second now!!!!

>> No.23210149

Got fired. But now I have some time to read! Does anyone know any neat true crime style books like Silence of the Lambs? Or just really violent occultish books in general.

>> No.23210199

Another day, another Jewish terrorist attack

>> No.23210203

---- Solaria ----

In a heavy sedan roaring with heat
In a wintry corridor

I relaxed completely, and let my lenses see
With fresh exquisiteness.

>> No.23210229

i now own more books than i could ever read, yet lost the patience to read as much as i used to when i still rented from the library. oh what a world!

>> No.23210238

Sounds delusional. What possible economic interests could he have by invading Sweden?

>> No.23210242

I own over 2,000 kindle reads. But I do read quite a bit when I can.

>> No.23210244

People seem to enjoy getting a rise out of people, especially here. I think a lot of is social engineering and manufactured outrage.

>> No.23210247

Not a containment board issue. Getting tranny fatigue is understandable considering its shoved in everyone's face nowadays.

>> No.23210278

But /wwoym/ is my containment

>> No.23210384

My roommate is playing guitar while I sit in the room, gorging on pizza and cider. He isnt playing for me, just recording himself playing; both loud and bad. The strange part is, he's quite good at guitar, but goddamn if his pedal board doesnt addle his mind in some awful direction.

>> No.23210408

Remote work has been pretty terrible for me. I just want to work on something with purpose.

>> No.23210438

There are some people in my life who have been ruining my life for as long as I've been alive

>> No.23210444

You can keep your brain on while enjoying stupid people shit too
You can pull elaborate trolls or full on acts around normie people while drinking
Or just keep enjoying what you do

>> No.23210457

I'm so fucking tired of genuinely stupid people who seemingly don't want to think or listen.
Like, I'm not even close to a fucking tankie, and I can say the Holodomor wasn't a genocide because it fucking wasn't. That doesn't mean it isn't a grave crime, but it is a different crime than genocide. It just doesn't meet the definition; like if someone causes the death of another person through indifference or carelessness, rather than intent to actually end their life, that's manslaughter, not murder, and there's no documentation at all to suggest that Ukrainians as an ethnicity were targeted for extermination, and the fact famines also occurred in the rest of the USSR at the same time shows that it wasn't unique.
You can support a Ukrainian national identity and believe the Holodomor is not a genocide. But I get called a fucking tankie by idiots who just want to label certain things as genocide for modern political reasons, instead of whether or not they meet the actual definition of the crime.

The Advil's kicking in. Feels fucking good.

>> No.23210459

well, i've tried lads. doesnt look like its going up for me anytime soon.
when's it ok to just give up?

>> No.23210471

>doesnt look like its going up for me
Try viagra

>> No.23210481

I don't hate them either, I just rarely spend time with them and don't pursue them. I think there's something a little off about me because I seem to be far less interested in sex and relationships than my peers, though I still get lonely now and then.

>> No.23210484

i've been kegeling actually and it gets me rock fucking solid.

>> No.23210498

I'm only 19 years younger than he is. Theres more old heads here than you think.

>> No.23210501

thanks for the rec. i'm gonna add this to my rotation.

>> No.23210512

The beauty is in the simplicity and connection to nature. Its a different type of joy that is deep and soulful
Compared to eattimg hot dogs and watching the hardee brothers do swanton bombs and listening to T.a.t.u on the walkman while waiting for the bus and the cute girl you have a crush on sucks on a lollipop

>> No.23210515

one day when you're old and fed up with life you'll understand

>> No.23210520

I frequently do not care about my future because the idea of being alive at that point in time is ludicrous a cocktail melange of suicidal ideation and self-deprication is too potent to steer me to really caring where I end up when the trigger finger of ending reality is so comforting to stroke I have a sick fascination with wanting to be the one to end myself and torture myself it gives a measure of control to a lifestyle where depression robs social interactions and forces me into a state of inverted stagnation and I build walls to not bother people or for myself to not bother with them

>> No.23210535

Are you a time traveler from 2003?

>> No.23210544

I made like 3k off BTC & my investment portfolio is doing pretty well, but I find it hard to care
I appreciate the safety and security money provides, but money alone means nothing to me
I am not really very materialistic so there's nothing i really want to buy.

>> No.23210552

I didn't used to but they frequently seem to hate me for no reason
I don't know if it's just a vibe i give off but I've had so many bad experiences with women

>> No.23210553

memories of the past quite literally made me urgently suicidal. i have never had a reason to live.

>> No.23210558

Spanish speaking anons, quick question.
How would you say 'Don't lose yourself' in Spanish?
Google is saying 'No te pierdas,' but that seems wrong.

>> No.23210564

maybe this makes more sense instead
Dont forget yourself > no te olvides de ti mismo

>> No.23210568
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Waiting for my mum to come home with food; vaping, listening to Mayhem, texting my buddy, and fucking around on here in the meantime. In other news, I finished Dune and have made my way onto Dune Messiah. I'm really enjoying it so far (I'm reading on audio). It's got a hotter, less desolate feel, if that makes any sense. I didn't feel like the first book had any stakes cause I knew how it was going to end, but now I feel like Paul is actually surrounded by a busy metropolis filled with menace and actual, palpable threats, rather than a lonely Arakeen, which is the sense I got in book one.

>> No.23210571

Things are probably way worse off than everyone believes. The average dude probably watches incredibly fucked up porn constantly, the average woman probably has a body count 10 times higher than claimed, the average person probably has far fewer qualms about doing deeply immoral shit to get ahead than we all think, and we haven't even come close to the worst that it can get.
This isn't a reason to give up though.

>> No.23210572
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Is it bc of spring break that /lit/ has been extra bad lately or is this just the new norm?

>> No.23210576

Oh great. This is what this website needs. A documentary inviting more people to spam shitty threads and never say anything interesting. There was just a big threat about the decline of /lit/ too. Well in 2 weeks I hope you all welcome the new posters.

>> No.23210588

something something expect the worst but hope for the best

>> No.23210592

While I wouldn't say I hate them very much, I would explain myself so:
Let's get the generic shit out of the way first: My mother, although by all means a kind and caring woman, was over-protective and restrictive, along with being pretty old, which caused a generational disconnect which drove us further apart. I see many qualities of my mother in other women, which mildly pisses me off.
Second and much more importantly is the expectation that I must desire them; I must want get a GF, I must want to have sex, I require female companionship, social interaction, I just must, or otherwise I must be gay. The imposition of these expectations upon me is what angers me, I am inescapably manacled to them by way of their universality.

>> No.23210608

I get the same thing. Whatever they seem to want, I don't understand it.

>> No.23210616

Women bullied me in high school
A woman kicked me out of the house we were renting cause she seemed to think I was dangerous.
Woman are quick to judge people in the most superficial ways
Women often turn me down for jobs
What exactly is their problem with me? I have never done anything to a woman in my life

>> No.23210620

Women have a highly developed sixth sense

>> No.23210624

What is this sixth sense? A drive to bully male losers?

>> No.23210626

>But it’s hard to square Spengler with what is happening before our eyes today. If it really was inevitable we should be living through times of Sullas and Mariuses and precursors to political greatness, but instead we have a total freak show.

Caesarism is just beginning, don't worry, its coming. Trump can also be interpreted as a form of Faustian caesar, or maybe someone after trump, maybe Trump is closer to Marius than. We'll know when someone starts actually stacking bodies.
There are better ways to attack chesterton's point, desu.
Yes. Social animals are not very kind, in reality.

>> No.23210628

You don’t know what a sixth sense means?

>> No.23210631
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For what?

>> No.23210635

Serious overload of /r9k/ threads and post right now

>> No.23210637

Good rule of thumb for Caesarism: In spergler terms, any movement towards the use of force in politics is a movement toward Caesarism. The Governor of Texas using the local National Guard to protect his border is a form of caesarism.

>> No.23210642

Technically we're on an alien planet from the perspective of extraterrestrials. After thinking this I looked at my alien hands and windows for hours.

>> No.23210645

I feel like my quality as a person is steadily declining.

>> No.23210654

I'm leaving a ton of pages and notebooks for whomever heirs my things after my death. I will not marry nor father children, maybe my sister or one of my nephews might take an interest in my writings.

>> No.23210662

I've made the discovery that the girl I like has a digital footprint that she has failed to conceal. She had some unsavory interactions with men in the past and appears to have a porn addiction. Her personality when I talk with her is nothing like this. I'm not sure how to respond to this.

>> No.23210670

What kind of shit did she post?

>> No.23210680

>tfw digital footprint I failed to conceal is minor community poll on defunct internet community asking if the internet needed more people
How are zoomers putting porn addictions out there if they're trying to conceal anything?

>> No.23210720

Apollo is like the rich Chad in class who destroys everything he touches with his shitty opinions and shit life. It's a sad thing to see. He looks happy but is far from true happiness so Jesus had to bail him from Tartarus and now he sold his soul to the devil. He can't weave like I can, can't sing like I can, in fact everything you say is personal unless if your life is miserable which is to say people who listen to church music are in pain. Imagine having an angelic choir without the bittersweet sophistication to write it up. So you resort to intelligence stealing and face masking. Just one degree away from Michael the archangel. When you are born an angel I suppose that it's supposed to make you feel good inside but this is far from this case.

>> No.23210725

>No one has ever been free in love or hate.
I'm free to hate you.

>> No.23210732

I would also diagnose Apollo with narcissistic personality disorder just not on the kind where you are unaware of that. Indeed, it is far worse when something you like is in the hands of someone else. I'm sorry I own the keys of existence.

>> No.23210736

Nothing extraordinarily bad, but some very lewd flirting with guys. And some of the porn accounts she follows are solo women.

>> No.23210739

How do you live one day at a time? I spend my entire day disassociated. Worried about the future or thinking about the past. I know it's pointless, out of control, etc. But I don't know anything else. I am alone. And I'm dying every day.

>> No.23210749

reading for escapism, duh

>> No.23210752

It truly is a brilliant tactic to cause a societal problem with one hand and also claim to be the group who will solve it with the other. You really can't lose when you present yourself as both the issue and the solution, and not only from the perspective of one side, but from the perspective of the other end as well, reversed in roles.

>> No.23210757

whats a good book that covers the entire history of SEA? there's no /history/ thread in the catalog and I need a recommendation?

>> No.23210766

Then I guess people will always listen to Austrian painter man forever in this ring of beauty. You truly cannot take away what I find beautiful. Not once nor twice not three times. And I know that makes you seethe that I play doom eternal and have fun with it. :) As Trump once said, "Too bad!" Lol. In a world full of unkind people be kind. Yet here I am mimicking you. People like Chads deserve to be ridiculed by people like me. Who am I though? Schizoid personality disorder? That's so weird. May you never find the right path and burn with existence.

>> No.23210768

well it could either be two things, she's really good at satisfying her partners but on the other hand she has no ability to pair bond. good if you want casual sex or hookups but you should avoid a long term relationship with this broad.

>> No.23210772

didn't Otto Rank discuss this stuff in length?

>> No.23210819

I know for a fact she is a virgin

>> No.23210825

Im just an ugly person in a ugly body.

>> No.23210850


>> No.23210851

Sounds like an ultra-femcel, are you sure it's worth it?

>> No.23210869

She’s exceptionally beautiful and we have great chemistry. I’d be stupid to not at least put some effort. Although it is still odd to know she used to have a bunch of online beta orbiters.

>> No.23210887
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I feel completely ashamed by my pathetic desperation for love as a twenty-five year old man. I know, I know— you will believe that I am misguided. Well— perhaps I am, but not in the manner one might assume.

I have never felt loved in all my life. My childhood wasn't especially bad; I am not sure what, precisely, caused me to become this way. The manner by which I was raised? Or did I contract some disease of the mind that robbed from me every happy memory— memories that existed, but now are gone? I do not know. There is one moment that I can recall from my childhood; I suppose I was four or five at the time. I really remember little of it. It presents itself as a hazy vignette of an arcade whack-a-mole machine— I see myself in the third-person— and someone is lifting me up while my small hands grasp a hammer. The image fills me with, for some reason, deep sadness. There is that child, unaware of the pathetic creature that he will become, clumsily playing an innocent game. When I see it in my mind, there arises an urge to reach over and choke the life out of him. Was he destined to become this? Did he ever have a choice?

My other memories are sorted into two categories: The misunderstandable, and the indifferent. Of the indifferent are many instances of trivialities. Of the 'misunderstandable' are the sorts of things that one dislikes to describe in detail, by reason of their ability to be easily misunderstood. More specifically, I have strong reasons to believe that I was never abused in a shameful manner as a child. The memories associated with what could be misunderstood for that are peripheral... They don't make it seem as though I were anything that I am not, but if one is already suspicious of it, they may be lead by ways to convince themself that such a thing or similar things have passed. Etc. But in summary, aside from minor abuse in some inconsequential ways, I was never really abused and neither did I have a poor upbringing.

But to return to the point, I have never felt loved in all my life. In short I would be satisfied with experiencing the feeling of "love," or really "human connection," no matter if it were from a friend, from family, from God, or even from myself. Yet I have never experienced it. I don't expect you to understand... Humans never deal with this problem. It isn't that I've become lonely, or that I have had love which has been withdrawn. The feeling that I am describing is one of total annihilation of the human component. Even faith depends, to a great degree, on feeling the love of God... I have gone on too long. I suppose it's hard to believe, but I am in complete anguish; I am on the brink of trembling and falling over, so extreme is the feeling. Yet, I am "disconnected" even from my own feelings. You wouldn't understand.

It does not escape me how ridiculous an pathetic it is to be twenty-five years old and still broken in this way. I have gone on too long...

>> No.23210920

sounds like girls I met on AOL decades ago.

>> No.23210932

She looks like my friend from highschool. I could've dated her if I wasn't autistic. She literally went out of her way to hang out with me, but I'm antisocial so my destiny is to be alone forever.

>> No.23210949

My brother died of a drug overdose last year and my other brother seems on track to kill himself soon. Tired of the shit. Maybe my life will be better when they're both dead.

>> No.23211102

I have been watching this booktube girl's videos. Nearly everything she says is dumb, but the videos are very relaxing.

>> No.23211108

Why is he going to kill himself? Don't you want to help him?

>> No.23211126

Looking forward to starting my paediatrics placement. Hopefully their naive optimism will rub off on me and I'll be slightly less cynical and mopey all the time.
>I get teary when I watch videos on judging development milestones
What happened to me bros...

>> No.23211137

I was talking about OP

>> No.23211175

Imagine living in the far East, where even the idea of a public library is rare.

>> No.23211197

Hopefully so. I have secondhand cynicism just from having known people who've worked with kids or had to deal with social services as part of their job. Would be good for this to become your opportunity to be a light in the world. Sounds like it's especially difficult for people who actually want to do good & make a difference to cope with sometimes, hope it works out for you.

>> No.23211216

well she is a whore, but it's rude to say it out loud

>> No.23211221


>> No.23211246

I am currently studying to become a bugman slave to globohomo finance. A literal agent of evil. Recently I have been been having moral qualms about this, but I'm years in. What else can I do? Tens of thousands of dollars in debt. I need a larger income than my part time minimum wage job provides. Maybe I should become a teacher or something. I don't think I'd be a very good teacher, but at least it isn't an inherently evil job. That would require 2 more years of studying. It would only be like 15k extra for a masters. But will I even be able to get a job at the end? It doesn't seem like there much of a shortage in humanities teachers.

>> No.23211295

What makes people to say certain words at that situation? There billions of things that one could said but that exact wording was used. Why?

>> No.23211298

One sentence could change my whole life

>> No.23211308

My ex and I got to a point in our relationship were wed say the dumbest stupidest most cringe shit just to entertain ourselves

Samples of what we of had sent each other

Me to her:
>Did you know if you plug your asshole with a buttplug long enough, your ass will soon start craving being full and you'll soon start holding your shit in for sexual gratification?
>If i piss inside you during sex, can you use your vagina muscles to hold it in to go to the bathroom and piss on my behalf?
>If I put fresh food up your bum, will it still come out as poop?
>sfn kin .EXE qwe ptv kzq brn gye wao poi veb cev muz nar mat DSO xaz CSV aaa

Her to m:
>If i popped one of your balls, would the blood in your cum help my iron deficiency when I swallow?
>I love your baby juice so much that I'd be able to tell whether or not you came even a 1 drop in my morning iced coffee
>Could you please eat more fast food? Your man boobs are getting bigger and me suckling your boobs every night is really satisfying my lowkey lesbo tendencies


>> No.23211339

"Mom, Dad, I'm gay"

>> No.23211348
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Being ugly is the worst thing anyone can be. I can feel an ocean of hunger and resentment churn whenever I spy an attractive person. I'd gladly destroy the world just so I don't have to see them/myself.

>> No.23211363

resentment churn?

>> No.23211365

I think something changes when you fuck a conventionally attractive person. You see them vulnerable and kinda gain control over them for a bit and you see them as an actual person and realize that they're pathetic just like the rest of us

To this day, as someone who's been in a relationship for 5 years, the most important sexual relationship i had was where i had a FWB situation with a "professional" Instagram model who was a proper bitch with a personality i thoroughly hated but was kinky and became really needy in bed. when she approached me to become bf n gf after a couple months, i told her I had no interest in dating someone with no brains or future and stopped responding. Her outrage was glorious and gave me all the confidence i ever needed to navigate the sexual world

So anyway yeah maybe aim to seduce hot cunts, make them want you, and then fuck them over enough to put them in therapy

>> No.23211376

I don't want to hear advice from normal looking people like "just have sex with a model bro". You understand nothing of my reality.

>> No.23211379

I'm an ugly fat 29yo with a terrible hairline and thinning all over my crown. I was the same back then

It's a matter of social training and some important shit (hygiene, clothes, appropriate eye contact) and just being able to listen to people and also selecting the right women to talk to. I'm sure you can do it bro if you work hard in the right direction

>> No.23211382
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>normalfag humblebrag
>literally just have sex

>> No.23211403
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Question for anons in their mid 20's:

Does anyone else feel like 90%+ of life paths are boring? 30 year olds are mostly lame not because they're 30, but because they've resigned themselves to doing some boring wagie job, watching Netflix, playing the newest AAA game, and having no real ambition. All interesting adults have life paths that are unique, they're trying something new, there's a big chance of failure. And if it's unique, then there's no template to follow -- you have to figure out how to do it yourself. But while you're trying to do something unique, society pressures you into becoming normal, and by age 30 if you haven't figured out your path you're probably doomed to corporate hell.

Do you guys feel that pressure? Or have you resigned yourself to a boring future?

>> No.23211405


>> No.23211410

It is so bizarre to me anyone vindicates Rodgers when he is solely responsible for making viginity synonymous with being a mass shooter freak. Or maybe the zoomers are too young to remember that.

>> No.23211412

She's 5 ft tall....

>> No.23211424

Good luck, anon. Just don't bring it up unless you have a good way to make it slide.
Nietzche something something.
That sucks, I can't say I have any advice for it. Learn to cope, I guess. Resign yourself if you are able.
Boomer tier advice.
Also: To be known, horror.
Krillin height.

>> No.23211501

I strive for a boring, simple life where I marry a cute woman and have kids. No higher aspirations than that.

>> No.23211504

That's good for you. Not everyone is a Hobbit (no shade thrown at Hobbits).

>> No.23211519

I was a high school student. Had ambitions of studying at some college, become a sort of intellectual, writer.
Dropped out, worked in farms, worked in restaurants, lead the Oblomov lifestyle for half a year, went backpacking, finally I moved abroad now I work in construction and do myself busy with gardening at home, fishing and hunting.

>> No.23211541

I'm learning the ocarina. The first one I got was shit, and I managed to snag a good one for cheap. It's coming today. I can't wait.

>> No.23211564
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>> No.23211582
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Ordered a book from amazon
it said it would arrive on the 16th but now it only says 'sorry for the delay' and it still didnt arrive.

>> No.23211598

Me rn but I'm over 40 at this point

>> No.23211603

Curiously enough as soon as the bullets fly the panties drop, like clockwork.

>> No.23211618

I'm sorry, anon — that's really frustrating for you.

>> No.23211632
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It would be fine if there was tracking info at least.
But theres nothing.

>> No.23211634

How do you know the woman is 36? A woman of 30s would be better imo

>> No.23211640

Yeah, you end up feeling like they overpromised without really considering the situation. They played with your expectations of fast shipping to sell you on their services.

>> No.23211641

Being ill is much worse.

>> No.23211642
File: 65 KB, 448x599, Mishima1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a mildly successful dad who's published various books
>show him new drafts, ask him for advice on how to write better
>get the same response everytime
>"you need to read more, here have these books"
Hate this so much.

>> No.23211643

Why, because you expect there to be some secret shortcut to artistic success that your dad could provide?

>> No.23211645

He’s right anon, i try to write then I fail miserably, then i remind myself how little I have rid.

>> No.23211662

I'm hearing that you ask your dad for advice and he always makes the same suggestion to read more. What do others say when you ask for their input and advice on your writing?

>> No.23211664

Are you a chink chonk

>> No.23211667

He's probably right, and if he knows much, his book suggests are also relevant to what you need to learn.

>> No.23211669

She's pregnant

>> No.23211682

Your dad reminds me a bit of my mother. The advice I'd give is to stop seeking his approval and grow a backbone

>> No.23211691

That you think Trump is a sort of “Caesar” only affirms what I already said. This is a freak show. Trump is a businessman. No, calling him a businessman is an insult to businessmen. He is a hustler and a huckster. He has a perpetual fake tan and the skin tone of a tangerine. He’s a total buffoon and is bought and sold by the Israeli lobby and evangelicals. His politics are boomer politics taken to their extreme, a creation of of mass media 100%. I’m old enough to realize that while in some ways Trump is likable for what he symbolizes, he’s done more to ignoble and degenerate politics than any American President in history.

This whole thing is sick joke. Look at your candidates. Which one of them are even admirable men? None of them. For you to sit here and tell me these guys are Caesars is ridiculous.

>> No.23211692

You didn’t read the book. That’s not what he says.

>> No.23211696

Sounds like a more or less normal girl in 2024 to me and you should just respect her privacy unless you’re about to marry or something

>> No.23211742
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be cured of illness. There is also a period of your life before you became sick. Ugliness is far worse. It follows you from birth into the grave. If you are remembered (unlikely) it will be as an ugly person. To be ugly colors everything you ever do. Science can even approximate and quantify this effect as it gleefully notes successful people are taller, more attractive, and coincidentally happier. There does not exist a single moment of reality where you are anything but undesirable. Ugly is not your legacy, it is you. I'd gladly have terminal cancer and 6 months of normality than a lifetime of hideousness, a lifetime as a pariah in the most fundamental way tolerated by others only through transactional necessity, the whole of your person functionally equivalent to a bad smell in an elevator. Please don't speak of what you don't know.

>> No.23211748

My ambitions for my life and the reality of my life are a mile apart, and that’s the thing I struggle with more than anything else. I feel so trapped by my past. I don’t know how to get over this.

>> No.23211823

>having to pick between the same book but one edition cheap and ugly and the other is expensive but beautiful
What do you choose

>> No.23211913

>just be normal, non-neurodivergent bro

>> No.23212008

autism is a spectrum. If you can't at least realise that nobody wants to hug a guy who doesnt shower and kiss a guy who doesnt brush their teeth then you are a tard, not a sperg.

>> No.23212096

Just got this rejection letter for my short story to Narrative magazine

>Thank you very much for sending your work to Narrative. We are always grateful for the opportunity to review new material, and we have given [STORY NAME] close attention and careful consideration. We found many strengths to recommend your work and, overall, much to admire. We regret, however, that [STORY NAME] is not quite right for us. We encourage you to try us again soon, and we hope that you will. Sincerely, The Editors

I'm wondering what kind of rejection is this. Is this the "shit story that didn't even make it past the junior readers to they editors and they just said 'not quite right for us' just to be polite" rejection, or is it a "the story is based and quality that the main editors liked but genuinely could not find place for in their magazine for a myriad of subjective reasons" rejection?

>> No.23212097

You are utterly wasting your time with short story contests. Don't even bother unless you're a woman

>> No.23212102

The thing I have to watch out for is that even though she seems to have moved on from those behaviors there's a chance she's still doing it. Now I'm left wondering if I'm one of 100 other guys she talks to.

>> No.23212116

I'm central american, visibly brown, and have a muslim first name

>> No.23212179

this is the "good luck figuring out if they even read it before clicking automated response email" rejection letter, basically they either didn't even read it or didn't think the story would be good enough to milk

>> No.23212181

I don't have any issue like that and people say I look good. There's just nowhere to go to meet someone decent. No girl came along in my life so there's nothing I can do about it.

>> No.23212185

the cheaper one
t. poor

>> No.23212195

Never ever fret about rejections. Just keep moving.

>> No.23212200

>your brain is literally a mess
>just take shower xD

>> No.23212219

I seriously can't find whats supposed to make life worth living. Dating isn't an option and I don't like games or movies. I don't like doing nothing but there's nothing I want to do.

>> No.23212237

find god

>> No.23212244

you gotta be careful of certain sellers
a seller forgot about my book once. i emailed them a month after i placed the order and they finally shipped it out
another time i got sent a 1990s guide to the MIT campus instead of my book. absolutely baffling

>> No.23212247

As opposed to what? The problem being men? The game is rigged hard to get you funneled into BULLSHIT men sorting algorithms that are completely to the benefit of women, and all you can do is blame yourself? Every man is desperate, and there isn't a single woman in internet history that went, "I'm going to complain with sisters on the internet because no matter how much men I like on Tinder, I get no matches.". When will we stop giving power to these women and stand up for ourselves as men? We need to band together, STOP TALKING TO WOMEN, STOP using TINDER, STOP the POWER of WOMEN

>> No.23212254

>rejectionwiki dot com slash index dot php?title=Narrative
According to this, this was slightly higher tier- which probably means that it reached the editors who then read and decided against it. Tbh I'm totally fine with that. onward and upward bros

thanks legend, ygmi

>> No.23212271
File: 36 KB, 749x611, 86479336_3143437929018441_2619583571253264384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not hate women. But they are, by design, nature's shitcheckers and an inconvenience to men. They fall down when you need continuous progress, they are loud when you need stealth, they are active when you want to be a homebody and a homebody when you want to be active. It's zoology. Read anything about preselection in animals and you can apply it to men and women. There's little value in putting up with the game of peacock feathers if the reward is only more inconveniences rather than the classical lifestyles humans have lead for all of history.

>> No.23212300

My family has moved to another city, and I'm the only one left in this one where I grew up. Although, I studied elsewhere for many years and I don't have any friends here from when I grew up. I've lived here for 2 years, mainly working and saving as much money as possible.

City A: rains a lot, ~300k people living here. I'm mostly content with my life here even though I live a very boring life. I believe I could change that if I tried, but I have been reluctant to spend time doing that as I don't know whether I'll stay or not. I feel I belong in this city, and there's still more to explore for me.

City B: nicer weather, ~100k people living there. I have never spent any time in it and I don't know it or anyone there. Property is slightly cheaper there.

I don't have a girlfriend and I can find work anywhere. Which city should I move to and buy an apartment and sort of settle down in? I'm 27 years old at the moment.

I'm leaning to A, but I think it would disappoint my family, but at the same time I feel like I'm old and independent enough now to go against my family's wishes. I can also move closer to them at a later stage in life too.

>> No.23212302

I just don't want to get with a girl who slept around and no expects me to pay. I don't want to be a single dad. And I don't want to get with college girls. I don't think there are any good women in America

>> No.23212318

Between the two, A but it would be better if you moved to a city in the millions. You’ll simply have more opportunities to date and do something with your life.

The hard truth is that this a thoroughly urban civilization now. If you want to do anything it, you really ought to go to the city, the biggest city you can.

>> No.23212325

Why was cuckolding so common in medieval literature? From England to the Middle East they included stories of cuckolding.

>> No.23212327

because without a man or a system holding them back women revert to being sluts, a pious woman is an oxymoron that only happens in the times where a random woman sees the value it brings to them in the dating market to keep their pants on once in a while

>> No.23212332

i used to buy books from the uk and they'd arrive within days, usually faster than domestic orders. today it takes over a month for them to even register in customs, plus i have to pay a fee that is basically the same price as the book. brexit was a mistake

>> No.23212341

it just means infidelity,
nothing too wild, besides the horns (get it?)

>> No.23212350

because it's funny and top tier lit material

>> No.23212368

So is it really just impossible now to ditch your ID and birth certificate and just call yourself a new name somewhere else to build a life?
You won't be allowed to do anything

>> No.23212373

all according to keikaku

>> No.23212376

Holy SHIT Tolkein lived til 1972? What the FUCK I thought he died in the 1930s or something

>> No.23212380

you just have to testify to against a mob boss, glowies will handle the rest

>> No.23212398

One of the last things he saw was gross american hippies try to claim LOTR

>> No.23212406

This board has a major zoomer pseud problem. These kids have barely read anything and think they know what they’re talking about. Their whole worldview is made up of internet memes and shallow internet takes and they don’t even realize. They’re always cocky about it too.

>> No.23212409

It’s not impossible, but you can’t do it in Europe or North America and probably not in Japan either. You can do it elsewhere but not legally.

>> No.23212422

zoomer derangement syndrome

>> No.23212425

Personally, I’ve taken a hyper-practical approach to dating. I basically am looking for good genes first and foremost. If I’m inevitably going to get divorced, at least maybe I can get kids and specifically kids with good genes. Beyond that, I want a hot body to have sex with. I would place most importance on her being a good mother and wife, but I don’t think you can reasonably expect to get that today so I’ve given up on it. Sex and good genes is what I’m looking for. If the kids are healthy, I’ll do my best to raise them well.

>> No.23212426

So its hopeless basically.
Its not fair man.

>> No.23212431

Teenagers are pretentious? No way!

>> No.23212432

It’s not. These kids are insufferable. It’s not just that they don’t know anything. It’s that they’re extremely cocky about their not knowing anything. For some reason, they think having an internet meme worldview take makes them insightful or educated. They don’t actually think they have to read or acquire wisdom or experience or anything. They think they’ve just tapped into the objective truth because they inherited it from being on the internet, which is retarded.

>> No.23212443

Anyone who wants to praise our freedom or quality of life is fucking delusional or is the type of guy who never goes outside and just works IT or some shit

>> No.23212444

There’s a Japanese company that helps people disappear. Most of its clients are Japanese people that go abandon their lives to go live a new life in Korea China Taiwan or America. They help them change their names, look different, give them a background to tell people, that sort of thing. They’re legally the same person but live as a totally different person basically. There’s a documentary on YouTube about these companies.

>> No.23212447

we get it you're obsessed

>> No.23212450

I also want to start a business. I worry that I’m in a really bad location for starting this business though and I don’t really want to move so I don’t know what to do.

>> No.23212452

I know but that doesn't really help me.

>> No.23212458


>> No.23212461

You older folk take books too seriously and think there are stakes in debates of opinions on media. Its all just stuff you use to make time go by. I've never understood how you all can care so much about this and deny the life outside.

>> No.23212465

Pretty much the exact sort of reply a smartass kid would make

You’re just illustrating in real time what was already said about you

>> No.23212470

What are you talking about “denying life outside”? This isn’t even about taking books to seriously. You fucking kids will actually not read a book but talk about the book as if you did. It’s nuts.

>> No.23212478

I like that its always you making these posts but you pretend you're not obsessed.